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We report on the study of the spectroscopic properties in Ytterbium-Terbium (Yb3+-Tb3+) co-doped calcium lithium borate (CaLiBO) glasses, with the study’s focus being on the upconversion process. Intensity parameters Ωλ for CaLiBO:Tb3+ are determined by the Judd-Ofelt method to be Ω2 = 15.5 × 10-20 cm2, Ω4 = 1.90 × 10-20 cm2 and Ω6 = 3.69 × 10-20 cm2. We have also obtained electric-dipole (and magnetic-dipole) radiative transition probabilities, branching ratios, and lifetime for the Tb3+:5D4 and 5D3 levels. In addition, an evaluation of the upconversion processes by luminescence and time-resolved spectroscopy were carried out. The upconversion rise and decay times, energy transfer probability from Yb3+ to Tb3+ ions, and the efficiency of the processes that depopulate the Tb3+:5D4 level after resonantly pumping the Yb3+:2F5/2 level were estimated. Our results showed that a cooperative energy transfer (CET) from two Yb3+ ions to one Tb3+ ion is the origin of the Tb3+ upconversion luminescence in the visible region. While, CET followed of the cross relaxation or/and excited state absorption is responsible for the upconversion luminescence in the ultraviolet region.

Judd-Ofelt analysis; upconversion; CaLiBO glasses; rare earth ions; luminescence


The study of optical properties such as absorption, luminescence, and in particular, the energy transfer processes in lanthanide-ion-doped materials is fundamental. This is due to their potential applications in, for example, bio-sensing and bio-imaging,11 Escudero, A.; Becerro, A. I.; Carrillo-Carrión, C.; Núñez, N. O.; Zyuzin, M. V.; Laguna, M.; González-Mancebo, D.; Ocaña, M.; Parak, W. J.; Nanophotonics 2017, 6, 1568. photovoltaics,22 Yang, W.; Li, X.; Chi, D.; Zhang, H.; Liu, X.; Nanotechnology 2014, 25, 482001. and solid state lasers.33 Borrero-González, L. J.; Terra, I. A. A.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Farias, A. M.; Barboza, M. J.; Rohling, J. H.; Medina, A. N.; Baesso, M. L.; Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 2012, 107, 415. The downconversion (DC) and upconversion (UC) processes have been widely studied, starting with the first theoretical proposals by Dexter44 Dexter, D. L.; Phys. Rev. 1957, 108, 630. and Auzel,55 Auzel, F.; C. R. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. B 1966, 263, 819. respectively. The UC luminescence in Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped glasses was first observed by Livanova et al. in 1969.66 Livanova, L. D.; Saitkulo, I. G.; Stolov, A. L.; Soviet Physics - Solid State 1969, 11, 750. This ion-pair interaction between Yb3+ (donor) and Tb3+ (acceptor) is known to lead to a simultaneous energy conversion of two near-infrared (NIR) photons into one visible photon after pumping the Yb3+:2F5/2 level. The photon energy conversion has been explained in terms of a cooperative energy transfer (CET) process attributed to 2Yb3+:2F5/22F7/2; Tb3+:7F65D4.77 Ostermayer, F. W.; Van Uitert, L. G.; Phys. Rev. B 1970, 1, 4208.

8 Martín, I. R.; Yanes, A. C.; Méndez-Ramos, J.; Torres, M. E.; Rodríguez, V. D.; J. Appl. Phys. 2001, 89, 2520.
-99 Huang, L.; Yamashita, T.; Jose, R.; Arai, Y.; Suzuki, T.; Ohishi, Y.; Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 131116. This is also a non-resonant phonon-assisted process, confirmed by the study of the dependence of the Tb3+ UC visible luminescence with temperatures in the range of 10-300 K.1010 Salley, G. M.; Valiente, R.; Güdel, H. U.; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2002, 14, 5461.,1111 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Belançon, M. P.; Rohling, J. H.; Baesso, M. L.; Malta, O. L.; J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 083108. The Yb3+ ions are used as donors both due to the high absorption cross-section, and because the Yb3+:2F5/2 level acts as a population reservoir when pumping with 980 nm.1212 Terra, I. A. A.; de Camargo, A. S. S.; Terrile, M. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; J. Lumin. 2008, 128, 891. These characteristics are important in regard to the UC process.

Among the various existing options, calcium lithium borate (CaLiBO) glasses are promising hosts for examining the effects of chemical environments on the optical properties of the lanthanides ions, due to their high transparency, low melting point, and high thermal stability.1313 Tripathi, G.; Rai, V. K.; Rai, S. B.; Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 2006, 84, 459. Another important characteristic of these glasses is their acceptance for a large concentration of lanthanides ions. Some authors have studied the energy transfer process in Dy3+-Ho3+, Tb3+-Er3+, Sm3+-Eu3+, Tb3+-Ho3+, Dy3+-Nd3+, Eu3+-Pr3+, and Eu3+-Ho3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses.1313 Tripathi, G.; Rai, V. K.; Rai, S. B.; Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 2006, 84, 459.

14 Tripathi, H. B.; Kandpal, H. C.; Agarwal, A. K.; Phys. Status Solidi A 1979, 52, 697.

15 Joshi, J. C.; Joshi, B. C.; Pandey, N. C.; Belwal, R.; Joshi, J.; J. Solid State Chem. 1977, 22, 439.

16 Joshi, J. C.; Pandey, N. C.; Joshi, B. C.; BelWal, R.; Joshi, J.; J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1978, 27, 173.

17 Joshi, J. C.; Joshi, B. C.; Pandey, N. C.; Pandey, B. C.; Joshi, J.; J. Solid State Chem. 1978, 26, 179.

18 Tripathi, H. B.; Agarwal, A. K.; Kandpal, H. C.; Belwal, R.; Solid State Commun. 1978, 28, 807.
-1919 Tripathi, H. B.; Kandpal, H. C.; Agarwal, A. K.; Belwal, R.; Chem. Phys. Lett. 1978, 57, 50. We have studied the DC process in Tb3+-Yb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses.2020 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Figueredo, T. R.; Almeida, J. M. P.; Hernandes, A. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Malta, O. L.; J. Lumin. 2012, 132, 1678. However, to the best of our knowledge, the UC process in Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses has not yet been investigated. Moreover, a scarce spectroscopic analysis in Tb3+ doped CaLiBO glass is reported2121 Yamashita, T.; Ohishi, Y.; J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2008, 354, 1883.

22 Hoshina, T.; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (1962-1981) 1967, 6, 1203.
-2323 Colak, S.; Zwicker, W. K.; J. Appl. Phys. 1983, 54, 2156. and a few works reports on the determination of energy transfer probabilities from Yb3+ to Tb3+. The novelty of this work is the unequivocal determination of these values through the study of the UC luminescence kinetics. Therefore, CaLiBO glass was selected as the host material for the analysis of the UC processes in the Yb3+-Tb3+ system, prioritizing the studies of the influence of the variation of dopant concentrations on the system’s optical properties.

A set of Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses with Yb3+ concentration from (0 to 7)% mol and with Tb3+ concentration fixed at 0.5% mol were studied. The spectroscopic characteristics of the glasses were investigated by absorption, luminescence and time-resolved spectroscopy measurements. The upconversion rise and decay times, energy transfer probability from Yb3+ to Tb3+ ions, and the efficiency of the processes that depopulate the Tb3+:5D4 level after pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level using a 5-ns pulsed laser as the excitation source were estimated.


Synthesis of glasses

A CaLiBO glass matrix (30CaO + 10Li2O + 60B2O3) (% mol) was prepared by the conventional melt-quenching method using high-purity CaCO3, Li2CO3, and B2O3; this glass was then doped with Tb4O7 and Yb2O3, at approximately 1200 ºC for 1 h. The set of CaLiBO glasses doped with Tb4O7 and Yb2O3 were prepared with the following compositions: 99.5x%CaLiBO+0.5%Tb4O7+xYb2O3, with x = 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, and 7 (% mol). The glasses were cut and polished into a plate shape with the following dimensions: 3 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm.

Optical characterization

Ground state absorption spectra for both sets of samples were obtained using a Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer in the 250-2500 nm spectral range. The visible Stokes luminescence spectra were obtained using a He-Cd laser (Kimmon/IK5652R-G) at 325 nm as the excitation source. The luminescent signal was dispersed by a monochromator (0.3 m, Thermo Jarrel Ash/82497), detected by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) (Hamamatsu/R928), and amplified by a lock-in amplifier. The UC luminescence spectra were obtained using an InGaAs index-guided strained-layer diode laser (Coherent, 980 nm excitation wavelength) as the excitation source, and the same laser was employed for the excitation power dependent measurements. Tb3+:5D47F5 UC luminescence kinetic response measurements were performed using an optical parametrical oscillator (OPO) (Surelite SLOP/Continumm) pumped by the third harmonic (355 nm) of a Nd-YAG laser (Surelite SLII-10/Continumm, 10 Hz, 5 ns) to generate excitation at a wavelength of 980 nm. The signal was dispersed by the same single monochromator (0.3 m) and the Tb3+:5D47F5 UC luminescence decay curves were recorded using the PMT and a digital oscilloscope (TekTronix/TDS380) to estimate the Tb3+:5D47F5 UC luminescence rise and decay times. All spectroscopic measurements were obtained at room temperature.


Absorption spectra and Judd-Ofelt analysis

Figure 1 presents the absorption spectrum of 1.0Yb+2.0Tb codoped CaLiBO glass in the 250-1500 nm range. This spectrum is also representative for all the samples. The spectrum presents the typical Tb3+ bands in regards to line shapes and wavelengths. The electronic levels of Tb3+, excited by transitions from 7F6 ground state are indicated, as well as the 2F7/22F5/2 transition of Yb3+ at 980 nm. The absorption coefficient in the NIR referring to the 2F7/22F5/2 transition of Yb3+ (980 nm) as a function of the nominal Yb3+ concentration had a linear dependence, and it is an indication of the successful incorporation of Yb3+ ions, for the prepared glass samples (not shown here).

Figure 1
Room temperature representative ground state absorption spectrum of 1.0Yb+2.0Tb co-doped glass sample. The transitions from ground states 7F6 and 2F7/2 are indicated

In order to analyze the radiative properties of the Tb3+ ions, such as the total radiative transition rate between ions, luminescence branching ratios and radiative lifetimes, the well-established Judd-Ofelt (JO)2424 Ofelt, G. S.; J. Chem. Phys. 1962, 37, 511.,2525 Judd, B. R.; Phys. Rev. 1962, 127, 750. theory was applied. The Ωλ intensity parameters (λ = 2, 4, 6) are extracted by the experimental and calculated oscillator strengths for each ground state absorption transition.

The experimental oscillator strength is obtained from the absorption spectrum according to the following equation (1):

(1) F exp = mc π e 2 N α v d v

The oscillator strength calculated contains the reduce matrix element of the given transition, and the Ωλ parameters, and is given by the equation (2):

(2) F cal = 8 π 2 m 3 h v 2 J + 1 n 2 + 2 2 9 n λ = 2 , 4 , 6 Ω λ aJ U λ b J 2 + n 3 2 mc 2 aJ L + 2 S b J 2

In these equations, m is the electron mass, c is the speed of light, e is the electron charge, N is the number of doping ions per cm3, ∫α(ν) is the area of the absorption band, n is the refractive index, h is the Planck constant, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, ν is the transition frequency, and J is the ground state quantum number. The first term in parentheses of equation (2) accounts for the electric dipole contributions, where 〈aJ||U λ||bJ’〉 are the reduced matrix elements of the tensor operator Uλ of rank λ, corresponding to transitions from 〈aJ| to |bJ’〉 to states. The matrix elements do not depend on the chemical environment and can be found in the literature.2626 Carnall, W. T.; Fields, P. R.; Rajnak, K.; J. Chem. Phys. 1968, 49, 4447. The second term corresponds to the magnetic dipole contributions, with L + 2S being the magnetic dipole operator.

Once the intensity parameters are determined, they can be used to calculate the total radiative transition rate between two levels, a and b, which can be obtained through the following expression:

(3) A aJ ; b J = 64 π 4 E 3 3 2 J + 1 h n 2 + 2 2 9 n e 2 λ = 2 , 4 , 6 Ω λ aJ U λ b J 2 + n 3 e 2 mc 2 aJ L + 2 S b J 2

In which is the average transition energy in cm-1 and J is the total angular momentum of the emitting level. The luminescence branching ratios and the radiative lifetime are given by:

(4) β aJ ; b J = A aJ ; b J J A aJ ; b J


(5) τ rad = 1 S , L , J A aJ ; b J ,


The absorption spectrum obtained for a sample with 2.0Tb was used to obtain the Ωλ intensities parameters, where λ = 2, 4, 6 for the CaLiBO glass doped with Tb3+ ions.

Table 1 presents the experimental and calculated oscillator strengths for the J → J´ absorption transitions from the ground 7F6 state to the excited levels, obtained using equations 1 and 2. The root-mean square (RMS) error for oscillator strengths was 1.8%. We determined the intensity parameters Ωλ for CaLiBO:Tb3+: Ω2= 15.5 x 10-20 cm2, Ω4 = 1.90 x 10-20 cm2 and Ω6 = 3.69 x 10-20 cm2.

Table 1
Absorption transition of Tb3+ ion, wavelength (λ), and experimental and calculated oscillator strength (Fexp and Fcal)

The radiative transition rates considering the electric and magnetic dipole contributions, branching ratios and radiative lifetimes of the 5D4 and 5D3 levels are given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.

Table 2
Transitions of Tb3+:5D4 emitter level, emission wavelength (λemission), radiative transitions probabilities by electric dipole (Ade), radiative transitions probabilities by magnetic dipole (Adm), branching ratios (β) and radiative lifetime (τrad)
Table 3
Transitions of Tb3+:5D3 emitter level, emission wavelength (λemission), radiative transitions probabilities by electric dipole (Ade), radiative transitions probabilities by magnetic dipole (Adm), branching ratios (β) and radiative lifetime (τrad)


The visible Stokes luminescence spectra were obtained after direct excitation into the 5D1 energy level of Tb3+ ions at 325 nm. Figure 2 shows the corresponding spectrum for the 1.0Yb+0.5Tb codoped glass. Regarding the line shape and wavelength positions, this spectrum is representative for the glasses with different Yb3+ doping concentrations. As observed, a dominant green emission band with a peak centered at approximately 544 nm was identified and assigned to the Tb3+:5D47F5 emitter level. The Tb3+:5D47F6,4,3 emitter levels were also identified with peak emission bands centered at 488, 586 and 622 nm, respectively.

Figure 2
Visible Stokes luminescence spectrum of the 1.0Yb+0.5Tb co-doped CaLiBO glass under λExc=325 nm excitation

The visible Stokes luminescence is reduced by a factor of 2 with an increase in the concentration of Yb3+ ions from (0.1 to 2.5) %mol, and NIR luminescence in the 950-1100 nm range from Yb3+ ions is enhanced nearly 17 times (not shown here). This result is explained by the DC process from Tb3+ to Yb3+, as discussed in our previous article.2020 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Figueredo, T. R.; Almeida, J. M. P.; Hernandes, A. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Malta, O. L.; J. Lumin. 2012, 132, 1678. In that work, for the 0.0Yb+0.5Tb single-doped glass, after excitation at 488 nm and monitoring the Tb3+:5D4 level at 544 nm, decay time was significantly higher, 2.38 ms than the Tb3+:5D4 level radiative lifetime, 1.87 ms obtained in this work using Judd-Ofelt calculations (see Table 2). This difference in times could be explained in terms of an energy migration between Tb3+ ions, which induces a lengthening on the 5D4 emitter level.

Upconversion emission studies

An analysis of the UC luminescence for the Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses with excitation at 980 nm was performed. Figure 3 shows a simplified energy level diagram of the Yb3+ and Tb3+ ions with the relevant optical transitions. The UC through cooperative energy transfer (CET), the Yb3+-Tb3+ cross-relaxation (CR) and (ESA) excited state absorption processes are indicated by dotted lines. The non-radiative relaxation processes, excitation and emission transitions are indicated by dashed, dashed-dotted and solid lines, respectively.

Figure 3
Energy level diagrams of Yb3+ and Tb3+ ions. The UC through cooperative energy transfer (CET), Yb3+-Tb3+ cross-relaxation (CR), and excited state absorption (ESA) processes are indicated by dotted lines. The non-radiative relaxation processes, excitation and emission transitions are indicated by dashed, dashed-dotted and solid lines, respectively

The UC luminescence spectrum of the 1.0Yb+0.5Tb co-doped sample is presented in Figure 4 (a). The position and shape of the emission bands are consistent with those obtained upon direct excitation at 325 nm of the Tb3+:5D1 level (Figure 3). A quadratic dependence on the excitation power at lexc=980 nm was observed in a log-log plot (not shown here) for the UC emission bands associated with the Tb3+:5D47FJ, J = 3, 4, 5, and 6 emitter levels. This indicates that the absorption of two NIR photons results in the emission of one visible photon, as shown in Figure 3. Is important to mention that the CET process is not resonant. This process is mediated by phonons (thermal energy) to bridge the electronic energy gap between the Tb3+:5D4 level and two times the lowest crystal field level of Yb3+:2F5/2.1010 Salley, G. M.; Valiente, R.; Güdel, H. U.; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2002, 14, 5461.,1111 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Belançon, M. P.; Rohling, J. H.; Baesso, M. L.; Malta, O. L.; J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 083108.

Figure 4
(a) Tb3+ UC luminescence spectrum in the visible region of the 1.0Yb+0.5Tb co-doped CaLiBO glass upon excitation at λExc=980 nm. The inset presents the dependence of the peak intensity with Yb3+ doping concentration of the emission band centered at 544 nm (Tb3+:5D47F5 emitter level) via the UC process. (b) UV-blue UC luminescence spectra for the samples xYb+0.5Tb with (x=0.5, 1.0, 7.0). The Tb3+:5D37FJ, J = 6, 5, 4, and 3 emitter levels are indicated, excitation at λExc=980 nm

The dependence of the peak intensity with Yb3+ concentration of the emission band centered at 544 nm (Tb3+:5D47F5 emitter level) via the UC process is shown in the inset of Figure 4 (a). In this inset, the Tb3+:5D47F5 UC luminescence increases nearly 68 times, with Yb3+ doping up to 2.5 %mol due to the increase in the number of Yb3+ activator ions; however, there is a quenching in the intensity for higher Yb3+ concentrations (> 2.5 %mol, indicating losses due to the Yb3+-Tb3+ CR processes (see Figure 3). This is even if the energy transfer probability from Yb3+ to Tb3+, extracted from time-resolved measurements, increases with Yb3+ concentration (as will be shown below). Figure 4 (b) shows the UC luminescence spectra of the xYb+0.5Tb co-doped samples in the UV-blue region (monitoring the 5D3 level). The Tb3+:5D37F3, 4, 5, 6 transitions are indicated, and an increase of the UC intensity can be observed. Moreover, the CR and ESA processes (see Figure 3) are confirmed by the curves of UC intensity versus pump power, monitoring the Tb3+:5D37F4 transition (not shown here). The emission around 440 nm presents a slope coefficient of 3, confirming the three-photon absorption mechanism that excites the Tb3+:5D3 level.

UC luminescence kinetic response of Tb3+

Time-resolved measurements enable the extraction of further information regarding the energy transfer process involved. We attempted to estimate the energy transfer probability from Yb3+ to Tb3+, and the efficiency of the processes that depopulate the Tb3+:5D4 level after resonantly pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level. The analysis of the temporal evolution of the luminescence, specifically the rising feature after a short pulse, is a well-known fingerprint of an energy transfer process that does not require light to proceed, and therefore continues after the laser pulse.1010 Salley, G. M.; Valiente, R.; Güdel, H. U.; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2002, 14, 5461. Thus, the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence kinetics was studied as a function of the Yb3+ doping concentration. These measurements enable a description of the Tb3+ UC processes.

Figure 5 shows the normalized Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence kinetics after pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level at 980 nm using a 5-ns pulsed laser as excitation source. The inset in Figure 5 shows the first millisecond following the laser pulse. It should be noted that the rise part of the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence transient rose slowly from zero intensity after the laser pulse. The rise part of the transient was strongly affected by the Yb3+ concentration. In addition, the decay part of the transient exhibited non-exponential behavior.

Figure 5
Kinetic response of Tb3+ UC luminescence for the samples xYb+0.5Tb with (x = 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 7.0) upon excitation at λExc = 980 nm, monitored at λObs = 544 nm (Tb3+:5D47F5 emitter level). The inset shows the responses at the first millisecond after the laser pulse

The results indicate that the origin of the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence is due to a CET process from two Yb3+ ions to one Tb3+ ion. Thus, in accordance with Salley et al.,2727 Salley, G. M.; Valiente, R.; Guedel, H. U.; J. Lumin. 2001, 94, 305. the transients can be fitted using the following equation (6):

(6) I t = A e t τ 1 e t τ 2

where τ1 and τ2 represent the decay and rise times of the transient, respectively. τ1 provides information about the radiative and non-radiative process in the acceptor ion and the inverse of τ2 (WET = 1/τ2) provides the energy transfer probability from the donor to the acceptor ion. Note that we have successfully employed equation (6) to estimate the energy transfer probability between Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions in our previous work.1111 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Belançon, M. P.; Rohling, J. H.; Baesso, M. L.; Malta, O. L.; J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 083108.

Therefore, τ1 decreases from 1.64 to 0.79 ms and WET increases from 6.7 × 103 s-1 to 45.5 × 103 s-1 with Yb3+ doping in the range of 0.1-7.0 %mol (see Table 4). In the work reported by Terra et al.,1111 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Belançon, M. P.; Rohling, J. H.; Baesso, M. L.; Malta, O. L.; J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 083108. the mechanisms involved in the UC process in Yb3++Tb3+ co-codoped aluminosilicate glasses were analyzed. In that work, the values reported for the UC luminescence rise times are in the range from 20 to 65 microseconds for the temperature range from 123 to 473 K. The inverse of those rise times results in values of probability of energy transfer in the range from 50 × 103 to 15.4 × 103 s-1, which are comparable to the values calculated in the present work. On the other hand, in the work reported by Salley et al.,2727 Salley, G. M.; Valiente, R.; Guedel, H. U.; J. Lumin. 2001, 94, 305. studying the UC process in a Yb3++ Tb3+ co-codoped SrCl2 crystal, they obtained an energy transfer probability value of the order of 6.9 × 103 s-1, measured at 100 K. It can be seen that the WET values of this work and those of Terra are greater than that reported by Salley and this is understandable, since it is known that rare earth ions agglomerates are usually formed in glasses and not in crystals, which facilitates the energy transfer from one ion to another.

Table 4
Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence decay time (τ1), rise time (τ2), energy transfer probability (WET = 1/τ2) and the efficiency of processes that depopulate the Tb3+:5D4 level (η) in Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses upon excitation at 980 nm as a function of the concentration of Yb3+.The luminescence decay time upon excitation at 488 nm is also shown for comparison2020 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Figueredo, T. R.; Almeida, J. M. P.; Hernandes, A. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Malta, O. L.; J. Lumin. 2012, 132, 1678.

The non-exponential behavior of the decay part of the transient and the decrease of τ1 with increasing Yb3+ concentration in this set of samples is due to the presence of non-radiative processes involved in the Tb3+:5D4 level. The most likely non-radiative process that depopulates the Tb3+:5D4 level after pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level is the Yb3+-Tb3+ CR (as depicted in Figure 3).

For comparison purposes, the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) decay times after excitation at 488 nm (extracted from our previous DC experiment)2020 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Figueredo, T. R.; Almeida, J. M. P.; Hernandes, A. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Malta, O. L.; J. Lumin. 2012, 132, 1678. are shown in Table 4. Note that these decay times are considerably higher than those estimated in the UC experiment analyzed here. These results indicate that the CR process is present after excitation at 980 nm.

The efficiency of the CR process (Figure 3) that depopulates the Tb3+:5D4 level after pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level could be calculated using the following equation (7):

(7) η = 1 τ xYb + Tb τ Tb

where τxYb+Tb is the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) UC luminescence decay time in the presence of Yb3+, and τTb = 2.38 ms is the Tb3+:5D47F5 (544 nm) luminescence decay time for the Tb3+ singly doped sample (0.5 %mol) after excitation at 488 nm (see Ref2020 Terra, I. A. A.; Borrero-González, L. J.; Figueredo, T. R.; Almeida, J. M. P.; Hernandes, A. C.; Nunes, L. A. O.; Malta, O. L.; J. Lumin. 2012, 132, 1678.). These values are summarized in Table 4, where η is observed to increase from 31% to 67% when the concentration of Yb3+ ions increases, indicating that the CR process is efficient.

We have observed that the Tb3+ UC luminescence slowly rises over time in our samples. The origin of the Tb3+ UC luminescence is due to a CET process in which two Yb3+ ions simultaneously transfer the energy to one Tb3+ ion (2Yb3+:2F5/2; Tb3+:7F6→2Yb3+:2F7/2; Tb3+:5D4), as depicted in Figure 3.


This paper presents a qualitative and quantitative perspective on the study of the spectroscopic properties of Yb3+-Tb3+ co-doped CaLiBO glasses, using absorption, luminescence and time-resolved measurements. Intensity parameters Ωλ for CaLiBO:Tb3+ glass have been determined by the Judd-Ofelt method to be Ω2 = 15,5 × 10-20 cm2, Ω4 = 1,90 × 10-20 cm2 and Ω6 = 3,69 × 10-20 cm2. These values were used to calculate spectroscopic properties, such as oscillator strengths, probabilities, and radiative lifetimes. The analyses covered herein showed that CaLiBO glass is a good host for high concentrations of Yb3+ and Tb3+ ions. The rise and decay times of the Tb3+:5D47F5 UC transient luminescence allowed for determination of the energy transfer probability and the efficiency of the processes that depopulate the Tb3+:5D4 level after resonantly pumping the Yb3+:7F5/2 level. The time-resolved measurements identified the origin of the Tb3+:5D47F5 UC luminescence as a cooperative energy transfer mechanism from two Yb3+ ions to one Tb3+ ion. The results suggest that Yb3+-Tb3+ codoped CaLiBO glasses are potential materials for applications in the form of optical converters.


The authors acknowledge financial support from the following Brazilian Agencies: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 May 2020
  • Date of issue
    Feb 2020


  • Received
    19 Aug 2019
  • Accepted
    22 Oct 2019
  • Published
    22 Jan 2020
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil