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Sandy beaches: state of the art of nematode ecology


In this review, we summarize existing knowledge of the ecology of sandy-beach nematodes, in relation to spatial distribution, food webs, pollution and climate change. We attempt to discuss spatial scale patterns (macro-, meso- and microscale) according to their degree of importance in structuring sandy-beach nematode assemblages. This review will provide a substantial background on current knowledge of sandy-beach nematodes, and can be used as a starting point to delineate further investigations in this field. Over decades, sandy beaches have been the scene of studies focusing on community and population ecology, both related to morphodynamic models. The combination of physical factors (e.g. grain size, tidal exposure) and biological interactions (e.g. trophic relationships) is responsible for the spatial distribution of nematodes. In other words, the physical factors are more important in structuring nematodes communities over large scale of distribution while biological interactions are largely important in finer-scale distributions. It has been accepted that biological interactions are assumed to be of minor importance because physical factors overshadow the biological interactions in sandy beach sediments; however, the most recent results from in-situ and ex-situ experimental investigations on behavior and biological factors on a microscale have shown promise for understanding the mechanisms underlying larger-scale patterns and processes. Besides nematodes are very promising organisms used to understand the effects of pollution and climate changes although these subjects are less studied in sandy beaches than distribution patterns.

Key words:
biodiversity; benthos; distribution patterns; food webs; climatic changes


Nessa revisão, reunimos o conhecimento existente sobre a ecologia dos nematódeos de praias arenosas, em relação à distribuição espacial, teias tróficas, poluição e mudanças climáticas. Tentamos discutir os padrões em escala especial (macro-, meso- e microescala) conforme o seu grau de importância na estruturação das associações de nematódeos em praia sarenosas. Esta revisão fornece uma base substancial sobre o conhecimento atual dos nematódeos de praias arenosas e poderá ser usada como um ponto de partida para futuras investigações nesse campo da Ciência. Por décadas, as praias arenosas têm sido objeto de estudos enfocando a ecologia de comunidade e populacional, ambas relacionadas aos modelos morfodinâmicos. A combinação dos fatores físicos (p. ex., tamanho do grão, nível de exposição às marés) e os fatores biológicos (p. ex., relações tróficas) é responsável pela distribuição espacial dos nematódeos. Em outras palavras, os fatores físicos são mais importantes na estruturação das comunidades de nematódeos em grandes escalas, enquanto que as interações biológicas são mais relevantes em escalas menores de distribuição. Tem sido aceito que as interações biológicas seriam de menor importância porque os fatores físicos ocultam as interações biológicas nos sedimentos de praias arenosas; no entanto, estudos experimentais mais recentes (in-situ e ex-situ) sobre o comportamento e os fatores biológicos (em microescala) têm mostrado resultados promissores para a compreensão dos mecanismos subjacentes aos processos e padrões em maior escala. Além disso, os nematódeos são organismos muito promissores para serem utilizados a fim de compreender os efeitos da poluição e das mudanças climáticas, ainda que esses dois tópicos sejam menos estudados em praias arenosas do que os padrões de distribuição.

biodiversidade; bentos; padrões de distribuição; teias tróficas; mudanças climáticas


Sandy beaches are dynamic ecosystems driven by prominent physical processes that shape the habitat for different functional and taxonomic groups. The term "sandy beach" can be used to describe a wide range of environments, from high-energy open-ocean beaches to sheltered estuarine sand flats (McLachlan 1983MCLACHLAN A. 1983. Sandy beach ecology - a review. In: McLachlan A, Anderasmus T (Eds), Sandy beaches as Ecosystems. Dr.W. Junk, p. 321-380.). Sandy beaches are, in general, dynamic environments occurring worldwide along ice-free coastlines, and located at the transition between the land and a waterbody such as oceans, seas or lakes. The beach sediment may be supplied by rivers or by the erosion of highlands adjacent to the coast, and the sea may also contribute to the sediment supply through input of biogenic structures (animal skeletons, coral and shell fragments) (adapted from McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.). Here, the term sandy beach was used in a narrower context, applying only for high-energy open-ocean or pocket beaches ranging from the reflective to the dissipative extremes.

The sediment is mainly composed of quartz and/or carbonate sands of terrestrial and marine origin, respectively. Small amounts of feldspar, basalt and heavy minerals can also contribute to the sediment composition. Important features to characterize sediments are the grain size, the sorting coefficient and the angularity; all of them influence the porosity of sediments. The combination of permeability and penetrability determines the volume of water percolation, its drainage, and the oxygen penetration in sandy-beach sediments (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.).

The sandy beach ecosystem can be divided horizontally into different zones consisting of the foredune, backshore, swash/shoreline, surf zone and nearshore (Defeo and McLachlan 2005DEFEO O, MCLACHLAN A. 2005. Patterns, processes and regulatory mechanisms in sandy beach macrofauna: a multi-scale analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1-20.); vertically, it is represented by the pelagic and benthic systems. Sandy-beach endobenthic communities were largely neglected by ecologists until Remane (1933REMANE A. 1933. Verteilung und Organisation der benthonischen Mikrofauna der Kieler Bucht Wiss Meer Abt Kiel 21: 161-221.) initiated the first survey in Germany, with a focus on the benthic community. Today, sandy beaches are still less studied than most other coastal systems (Defeo and McLachlan 2011DEFEO O, MCLACHLAN A. 2011. Coupling between macrofauna community structure and beach type: a deconstructive meta-analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 29-41. ), and most research on intertidal sandy beaches has been concentrated on macrofauna and on birds (see Cornelius et al. 2001CORNELIUS C, NAVARRETE SA and MARQUET P. 2001. Effects of human activity on the structure of coastal marine birds assemblages in Central Chile. Conserv Biol 15: 1394-1404., Defeo and McLachlan 2005DEFEO O, MCLACHLAN A. 2005. Patterns, processes and regulatory mechanisms in sandy beach macrofauna: a multi-scale analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1-20., for a review). The less-prominent sandy-beach meiofauna has received considerably less attention. For several years, meiofauna research on sandy beaches was dedicated to general surveys at higher taxonomic levels, and the first investigations focusing on the composition of sandy-beach nematode communities began only in the 1970s (Heip et al. 1985HEIP C, VINCX M and VRANKEN G. 1985. The ecology of Marine Nematodes. Oceanogr Mar Biol 23: 399-489.). More recent investigations have dealt with patterns of macro- (103m), meso- (m) and microscale (10-2m) distributions and are more often framed in a context of coastal zone management. The macroscale pattern consists of differences between beach types and latitudes, the mesoscale pattern refers to distribution and community structure alongshore and across shore transects and finally the microscale pattern is related to distance between millimeters and few meters (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.). These three patterns of distribution are used in the context of this review and we chose to focus on nematodes because they are the most dominant group of the meiofauna in soft sediments and are supposed to act as a link for the flux of energy since they can be the food source for macrofaunal organisms and fishes (Esteves and Genevois 2006ESTEVES AM, GENEVOIS V. 2006. Os nematódeos e sua importância nos ecossistemas marinhos. Floresta Ambient 13: 113-120.).

Although nematodes act as important nutritional resources for macroscopic organisms, the functional role of these organisms in sandy beach ecosystem is not well established since this environment is supposed to support three partially unconnected food-webs: a discrete food web consisting of interstitial organisms, a microbial loop and a macroscopic food web (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.). The relative importance of these three food webs is conceptually different among beach types; for instance, on cold-temperate sandy beaches, a diverse interstitial food web dominates on high wave energy while nematodes and the macroscopic food web are more important in dissipative shores (Menn 2002MENN I. 2002. Beach morphology and food web structure: comparison of an eroding and accreting sandy shore in the North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 56: 177-189.).

Beaches are squeezed between rising sea level on the marine side and expanding human population and development on the landward side (Schlacher et al. 2008SCHLACHER TA, SCHOEMAN D, DUGAN J, LASTRA M, JONES A, SCAPINI F and MCLACHLAN A. 2008. Sandy beach ecosystems: key features, sampling issues, management challenges and climate changes impacts. Mar Ecol 29(S): 70-89.). Therefore, this ecosystem faces numerous threats coming from both directions. Pollution, mining, disruption of sand transport and tourism development are threats mainly originated in the terrestrial side (Brown and McLachlan 2002BROWN AC, MCLACHLAN A. 2002. Sandy shores ecosystems and threats facing them: some predictions for the year 2025. Environ Conserv 29: 62-77.) while the vulnerability to the impacts of the climate change is more related to the processes occurring in the sea side, such as sea level increase, shore erosion, acidification and increase of sea water temperature (McGlone and Vuille 2012MCGLONE D, VUILLE M. 2012. The associations between El Niño-Southern Oscillation and tropical South American climate in a regional climate model. J Geophysic R 117: 1-15.).

The aim of this review is to summarize what is known for sandy-beach nematodes in terms of spatial distribution patterns, temporal variability, food webs, pollution, and climate change. We believe that this review will open a new niche for future researchers to fill gaps in the understanding of nematode ecology.


A bibliographic survey was done using Web of Science(r), SCOPUS and Google Scholar considering works published until early 2015. Solely papers published in scientific journals and those with an ecological purpose related to meiofauna and nematode community from the intertidal region of sandy beaches were selected. Taxonomical articles and those ecological related to subtidal sampling design were largely excluded from the analysis. The selected studies were classified according to 1) type of benthic association (meiofauna or nematode), 2) pattern of distribution (macro-, meso- and microscale), 3) any other ecological approach including temporal variation, pollution, coastal management, colonization, natural impact, recreational activity, climate change and food web, 4) number of sampled beaches (Table I).

Global overview of meiofauna and nematodes studies after 1970, with indication of the focus of the study and the number of beaches included. M: Meiofauna, N: Nematodes, CC: Climate change, Co: colonization, CM: Coastal management; DT: Patterns of Distribution, FW: Food webs P: pollution, TP: Temporal variation.


In order to provide an overview of world investigations for meiofauna and nematode sandy-beach ecology, we have summarized this information in a world map showing where the studies were conducted (Fig.1) followed by the adopted approach (Table I). Of the 87 meiofauna studies, approximately 50% deal with nematodes (Table I). Our discussion is based on the main topics included in the built table and it was subdivided in the following sections.

Figure 1
Global distribution of sandy beach meiofauna studies after 1970 (for studies before 70' see Heip et al. 1985HEIP C, VINCX M and VRANKEN G. 1985. The ecology of Marine Nematodes. Oceanogr Mar Biol 23: 399-489.). See Table I for authors and a detailed information of the studies.


Since the first scheme of horizontal faunal zonation was published by Mortensen (1921MORTENSEN T. 1921. Biologisk Studier over Sandstrandfaunen, saerlig ved de danske Kyster. Vidensk Medd Dan Nat Hist Foren 74: 23-56.), several attempts have been made to define well-demarcated zones in sandy-beach sediments, by using physical factors (Salvat 1964SALVAT B. 1964. Les conditions hydrodynamiques interstitielles des sediment meubles intertidaux et larepartition verticale de la jemmeendogee. Cr Hebd Acad Sci 259: 1576-1579., Pollock and Hummon 1971POLLOCK LW, HUMMON WD. 1971. Cyclic changes in interstitial water content, atmospheric exposure, and temperature in a marine beach. Limnol Oceanogr 16: 522-535., McLachlan 1980MCLACHLAN A. 1980. The Definition of Sandy Beaches in Relation to Exposure: A Simple Rating System. S Afr J Sci 76: 137-138.), macroinvertebrates (Dahl 1952DAHL E. 1952. Some aspects of the ecology and zonation of the fauna on sandy beaches. Oikos 4: 1-27., Salvat 1964SALVAT B. 1964. Les conditions hydrodynamiques interstitielles des sediment meubles intertidaux et larepartition verticale de la jemmeendogee. Cr Hebd Acad Sci 259: 1576-1579., 1967SALVAT B. 1967. La macrofaune carinologique endogue des sediments meubles intertidaux (Tanadaices, Isopodes et Amphipodes): ethologie, binomie et cycle biologique. Mem Mus Hist Nat 45: 1-275., McLachlan and Jaramillo 1995MCLACHLAN A, JARAMILLO E. 1995. Zonation of sandy beaches. Oceanogr Mar Biol 33: 305-335., Defeo and McLachlan 2005DEFEO O, MCLACHLAN A. 2005. Patterns, processes and regulatory mechanisms in sandy beach macrofauna: a multi-scale analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 1-20., for a recent review) or meiofauna (Blome 1983BLOME D. 1983. Okologie der Nematoda eines Sandstrandes der Nord see in sel Sylt. Mikrof Meeresb 88: 517-590., Rodriguez et al. 2001RODRIGUEZ JG, LÓPEZ J and JARAMILLO E. 2001. Community structure of the intertidal meiofauna along a gradient of morphodynamic sandy beach types in southern Chile. Rev Chil Hist Nat 74: 885-897., Gheskiere et al. 2004GHESKIERE T, HOSTE E, VANAVERBEKE J, VINCX M and DEGRAER S. 2004. Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium). J Sea Res 52: 211-226. , 2005GHESKIERE T, VINCX M, URBAN-MALINGA B, ROSSANO C, SCAPINI F and DEGRAER S. 2005a. Nematode from wave-dominated sandy beaches: diversity, zonation, patterns and testing iso-communities concept. Estuar Coast Shelf Si 62: 365-375.a, Kotwicki et al. 2005KOTWICKI L, SZYMELFENIG M, DE TROCH M, URBAN-MALINGA B and WESLAWSKI J. 2005b. Latitudinal biodiversity patterns of meiofauna from sandy littoral beaches. Biodivers Conserv 14: 461-474.a, Gingold et al. 2010GINGOLD R, MUNDO-OCAMPO M, HOLOVACHOV O and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2010. The role of habitat heterogeneity in structuring the community of intertidal free-living marine nematodes. Mar Biol 157: 1741-1753., Maria et al. 2013MARIA TF, PAIVA P, VANREUSEL A and ESTEVES AM. 2013c. The relationship between sandy beach nematodes and environmental characteristics in two Brazilian sandy beaches (Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro). An Acad Bras Cienc 85: 257-270.b, c).

The pattern of nematode distribution in sandy beaches is explained in detail in the following subsections. The variables are discussed below in relation to sandy-beach nematode communities.

Macroscale distribution of nematode communities

This topic has received relatively little attention. Two studies concerning the macroscale latitudinal distribution of sandy-beach nematodes and their diversity suggest that the present pattern follows the trend of increasing diversity toward the tropics (Nicholas and Trueman 2005NICHOLAS WL, TRUEMAN JWH. 2005. Biodiversity of marine nematodes in Australian sandy beaches from tropical and temperate regions. Biodivers Conserv 14: 823-839., Lee and Riveros 2012LEE MR, RIVEROS M. 2012. Latitudinal trends in the species richness of free-living marine nematode assemblages from exposed sandy beaches along the coast of Chile (18-42°S). Mar Ecol Evol Persp 33: 317-325.). Macroscale nematode studies exploring the full range of beach types have not yet been undertaken, but the limited information available shows that nematode diversity is highest in coarse-grained, intermediate sandy beaches (Gheskiere et al. 2005GHESKIERE T, VINCX M, URBAN-MALINGA B, ROSSANO C, SCAPINI F and DEGRAER S. 2005a. Nematode from wave-dominated sandy beaches: diversity, zonation, patterns and testing iso-communities concept. Estuar Coast Shelf Si 62: 365-375.a) or in sheltered conditions (Hourston et al. 2005HOURSTON M, WARWICK RM, VALESINI FJ and POTTER IC. 2005. To what extent are the characteristics of nematode assemblages in nearshore sediments on the west Australian coast related to habitat type, season and zone? Estuar Coast Shelf S 64: 601-612., Urban-Malinga et al. 2005URBAN-MALINGA B, WIKTOR J, JABLONSKA A and MOENS T. 2005. Intertidal meiofauna of a high-latitude glacial Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) with emphasis on the structure of free-living nematode communities. Polar Biol 28: 940-950.). It indicates that the a high diversity can be found in the full range of beach types, but the above mentioned references do not use the same methodological strategy what limited the interpretation of the results. A comprehensive understanding of the nematode diversity pattern among different beach types will be only possible when an equal sampling design would be adopted. For instance, the sampling design used to understand the distribution patterns of polychaetes in different beach types could be adopted (Di Domenico et al. 2008); in this study, it is indicated that reflective sandy beaches are more diverse than intermediate and dissipative ones.

Mesoscale distribution of nematode communities

Concerning the horizontal zonation in across-shore transect on a single beach, granulometry, organic input, temperature and salinity are the key factors governing the horizontal nematode distribution (Platt 1977PLATT HM. 1977. Vertical and horizontal distribution of free-living marine nematodes from Strangford Lough, Nothern Ireland. Cah Biol Mar 18: 261-273., Gheskiere et al. 2004GHESKIERE T, HOSTE E, VANAVERBEKE J, VINCX M and DEGRAER S. 2004. Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium). J Sea Res 52: 211-226. , Urban-Maligna et al. 2005URBAN-MALINGA B, WIKTOR J, JABLONSKA A and MOENS T. 2005. Intertidal meiofauna of a high-latitude glacial Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) with emphasis on the structure of free-living nematode communities. Polar Biol 28: 940-950., Moreno et al. 2006MORENO M, FERRERO TJ, GRANELLI V, MARIN V, ALBERTELLI G and FABIANO M. 2006. Across shore variability and trophodynamic features of meiofauna in a microtidal beach of the NW Mediterranean. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 66: 357-367., Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.), whereas biological interactions between macro- and meiofauna and/or among meiofauna organisms have only an indirect effect (Maria et al. 2011MARIA TF, ESTEVES AM, VANAVERBEKE J and VANREUSEL A. 2011b. The effect of the dominant polychaete Scolelepis squamataon nematode colonisation in sandy beach sediments: An experimental approach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 94: 272-280.b, 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126., 2013MARIA TF, ESTEVES AM, VANAVERBEKE J and VANREUSEL A. 2013a. Is nematode colonisation in the presence of Scolelepis in tropical sandy-beach sediment similar to the colonisation process in temperate sandy beaches? Braz J Biol 73: 19-28.a). High diversity is often found where there is an optimal balance of these variables, i.e., physical and chemical conditions are intermediate (Gheskiere et al. 2004GHESKIERE T, HOSTE E, VANAVERBEKE J, VINCX M and DEGRAER S. 2004. Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium). J Sea Res 52: 211-226. , Hourston et al. 2005HOURSTON M, WARWICK RM, VALESINI FJ and POTTER IC. 2005. To what extent are the characteristics of nematode assemblages in nearshore sediments on the west Australian coast related to habitat type, season and zone? Estuar Coast Shelf S 64: 601-612., Gingold et al. 2010GINGOLD R, MUNDO-OCAMPO M, HOLOVACHOV O and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2010. The role of habitat heterogeneity in structuring the community of intertidal free-living marine nematodes. Mar Biol 157: 1741-1753.). However, some, more heterogeneous beaches display intertidal sandbars intercalated by depressions, which retain water when tides recedes, across their wide intertidal zone (Masselink et al. 2006MASSELINK G, KROON A and DAVIDSON-ARNOTT RGD. 2006. Morphodynamics of intertidal bars in wave-dominated coastal settings - A review. Geomorphology 73: 33-49.); this habitat is therein called runnel and those beaches that bear it are so-called macrotidal ridge-and-runnel beach. On these beaches, for example De Panne Beach in Belgium, studied by Maria et al. (2013MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.b), the two microhabitats (runnels and sandbars) contain different nematode communities, which are reflected in dissimilar across-shore zonation. Three nematode associations (upper, middle and lower beach) are much more evident in the sandbars than in the runnels. These three biological zones on the sandbars were in accordance with the tidal zonation previously observed by Gheskiere et al. (2004)GHESKIERE T, HOSTE E, VANAVERBEKE J, VINCX M and DEGRAER S. 2004. Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium). J Sea Res 52: 211-226. in the same study are contradicting the previous knowledge that the horizontal nematode zonation may just persist for short intervals of time and under calm conditions (Nicholas and Hodda 1999NICHOLAS WL, HODDA M. 1999. The free-living nematodes of a temperate, high energy, sandy beach: faunal composition and variation over space and time. Hydrobiologia 394: 113-127.). The main difference between the two most recent studies is that the latter excluded the runnel microhabitat. The inclusion of the runnels by Maria et al. (2013MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.b) showed that the shift over three horizontal nematode communities found in the sandbar was interrupted by the runnel communities. These results contrast somewhat with the results of Gingold et al. (2010)GINGOLD R, MUNDO-OCAMPO M, HOLOVACHOV O and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2010. The role of habitat heterogeneity in structuring the community of intertidal free-living marine nematodes. Mar Biol 157: 1741-1753. for a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel beach in the Gulf of California, where both sandbars and runnels showed the same pattern of across-shore zonation. We can conclude that next to the horizontal mesoscale, the presence of runnels may influence the nematode zonation. Although both habitats (sandbars and runnels) are horizontally distributed over the sandy beach interface and did not show consistent differences in grain size or chlorophyll a content, they were not under the same horizontal gradient of air exposure during low tide.

Based on these results, it is not so much the combination of a physical characteristic that determines the nematode community structure, but rather the degree of variation of these physical factors that affect the nematode horizontal distribution in the intertidal zone.

Another uncommon way to analyze the mesoscale distribution of nematodes is to examine an along-shore transect in the intertidal zone. In this case, samples that are far from each other are more heterogeneous (Nicholas and Hodda 1999NICHOLAS WL, HODDA M. 1999. The free-living nematodes of a temperate, high energy, sandy beach: faunal composition and variation over space and time. Hydrobiologia 394: 113-127., Gingold et al. 2011GINGOLD R, IBARRA-OBANDO S and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2011. Spatial aggregation patterns of free-living marine nematodes in contrasting sandy beach micro-habitats. J Mar Biol Assoc UK 91: 615-622.); however, if the beach has different microhabitats along the across-shore transect, as in the case of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel beach, the degree of patchiness is more accentuated in the microhabitat with calmer conditions (Gingold et al. 2011GINGOLD R, IBARRA-OBANDO S and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2011. Spatial aggregation patterns of free-living marine nematodes in contrasting sandy beach micro-habitats. J Mar Biol Assoc UK 91: 615-622.).

Microscale distribution

In relation to microscale vertical distribution, desiccation and oxygen availability are considered to be ultimate factors controlling the vertical distribution of the meiofauna (McLachlan 1978MCLACHLAN A. 1978. A quantitative analysis of the meiofauna and the chemistry of the redox potential discontinuity zone in a sheltered sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 7: 275-290., Coull 1988COULL BC. 1988. Ecology of the marine meiofauna. In: Higgins RP and Thiel H (Eds), Introduction to the study of meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C., USA, p. 18-38., Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.). Oxygen is a significant limiting factor only in sheltered beaches. In this habitat, marine nematodes are restricted to the first centimeters of the sediment (McLachlan 1978MCLACHLAN A. 1978. A quantitative analysis of the meiofauna and the chemistry of the redox potential discontinuity zone in a sheltered sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 7: 275-290.), while in more exposed conditions, nematodes can be distributed more deeply (Urban-Malinga et al. 2004URBAN-MALINGA B, KOTWICKI L, GHESKIERE T, JANKOWSKA K, OPALIÑSKI K and MALINGA M. 2004. Composition and distribution of meiofauna, including nematode genera, in two contrasting Arctic beaches. Polar Biol 27: 447-457.). This phenomenon has led to the use of vertically undivided cores in meiofauna sandy-beach sampling, or the use of cores divided into large intervals of cm (i.e., larger than 1cm) (Blome 1983BLOME D. 1983. Okologie der Nematoda eines Sandstrandes der Nord see in sel Sylt. Mikrof Meeresb 88: 517-590., Sharma and Webster 1983SHARMA J, WEBSTER JM. 1983. The abundance and distribution of free-living nematodes from two Canadian Pacific beaches. Estuar Coast Shelf S 16: 217-227., Long and Ross 1999LONG SM, ROSS OBH. 1999. Vertical distribution of nematodes (Nematoda) and harpacticoid copepods (Copepoda: Harpacticoidea) in muddy and sandy bottom of intertidal zone at LokSawi, Sabah, Malaysia. Raffles B Zool 43: 349-363., Urban-Malinga et al. 2005URBAN-MALINGA B, WIKTOR J, JABLONSKA A and MOENS T. 2005. Intertidal meiofauna of a high-latitude glacial Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) with emphasis on the structure of free-living nematode communities. Polar Biol 28: 940-950.). Moreover, samples are usually taken during low tide. This is a sampling strategy initially adopted for the macrofauna to avoid contamination by tidal migrants. It is however, also known that nematodes can migrate downward (Boaden and Platt 1971BOADEN PJS, PLATT HM. 1971. Daily migration patterns in an intertidal meiobenthic community. Thalassia Jugosl 7: 1-12 ) or upward (McLachlan et al. 1977MCLACHLAN A, WINTER PED and BOTHA L. 1977. Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Sub-Littoral Meiofauna in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Mar Biol 40: 355-364., Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.) in the sediment column at high tide. Therefore, to better understand the vertical distribution of nematodes, a finer-scale sampling scheme should be adopted, using cores subdivided into thin layers of a few centimeters, when dealing with protected and dissipative sandy beaches. Joint et al. (1982JOINT IR, GEE JM and WARWICK RM. 1982. Determination of Fine-Scale Vertical Distribution of Microbes and Meiofauna in an Intertidal Sediment. Mar Biol 72: 157-164.) has already demonstrated that nematodes showed different vertical distribution patterns at mm scale in an intertidal sandflat.

The relationship between the vertical distribution of sandy-beach nematodes and the tidal cycle was demonstrated by Boaden and Platt (1971BOADEN PJS, PLATT HM. 1971. Daily migration patterns in an intertidal meiobenthic community. Thalassia Jugosl 7: 1-12 ) and McLachlan et al. (1977)MCLACHLAN A, WINTER PED and BOTHA L. 1977. Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Sub-Littoral Meiofauna in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Mar Biol 40: 355-364.. These two studies were rather contradictory. The former authors showed that nematodes move down in the sediment, escaping from the upper layers and thus avoiding being washed away by the turbulent conditions. McLachlan et al. (1977)MCLACHLAN A, WINTER PED and BOTHA L. 1977. Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Sub-Littoral Meiofauna in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Mar Biol 40: 355-364. demonstrated that meiofauna living above the depth of the permanent water table undergoes vertical movements coupled with the tidal cycle, i.e., move up during submersion and vice-versa. Since the depth fluctuation of the groundwater level is directly linked to the different tidal stages (Urish and McKenna 2004URISH DW, MCKENNA TE. 2004. Tidal effects on ground water discharge through a sandy marine beach. Ground Water 42: 971-982.), the upward movements of the meiofauna are closely linked to the tidal cycle. Indeed, the vertical distribution of many nematode species in the upper sediment layers of De Panne Beach during submersion was mainly explained by upward passive transport from deeper layers. Downward movements during emersion were explained by a combination of passive and active transport (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.). Passive transport could be attributed to the drop in the underground water level, while active migration would occur to avoid harsh conditions created by drying of surface layers (McLachlan et al. 1977MCLACHLAN A, WINTER PED and BOTHA L. 1977. Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Sub-Littoral Meiofauna in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Mar Biol 40: 355-364.).

Although the investigation of the importance of the tidal cycle for the vertical distribution of the nematodes by Maria et al. (2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.) was restricted to the upper five centimeters of the middle beach level, these results could be extrapolated to the other intertidal beach levels by combining the observations of the groundwater discharge in the beach sediments during the different tidal stages. The water table is very close to the sediment surface toward the low-water line during low tide. Therefore, here the vertical rise of the water table during the incoming tide would be more discrete than toward the high-water line. Consequently, upward passive transport of nematodes in the low intertidal beach would be less likely, so that nematodes would not dramatically modify their vertical distribution over the tidal cycle in this part of the beach. On the other hand, changes in the nematode vertical distribution over the tidal cycle would be more evident in the upper beach.

Biological interactions may also affect the vertical distribution of nematodes in the sediment, and may occur among different sizes of organisms. The role of biological interactions, such as competition and predation, in regulating macrofauna zonation remains little known (McLachlan and Jaramillo 1995MCLACHLAN A, JARAMILLO E. 1995. Zonation of sandy beaches. Oceanogr Mar Biol 33: 305-335.). From the point of view of the meiofauna, biological interactions were only suggested to be important for atidal beaches (Hulings and Gray 1976HULINGS NC, GRAY JS. 1976. Physical Factors Controlling Abundance of Meiofauna on Tidal and Atidal Beaches. Mar Biol 74: 77-83.), but Maria et al. (2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.) showed that the species-specific vertical distribution of nematodes over a tidal cycle is clearly driven by biological interactions. The importance of predation was evidenced by the predacious nematode Enoplolaimus litoralis. This species was recorded in the layers just above the deposit-feeder Daptonema normandicum, which inhabited the subsurface 2-5-cm layers during submersion (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.). The same pattern of predator-prey segregation was also observed in the coarsest sediments (<170µm and less than 5% silt) of a mudflat under high hydrodynamic stress, and was explained by food preferences (Steyaert et al. 2003STEYAERT M, VANAVERBEKE J, VANREUSEL A, BARRANGUET C, LUCAS C and VINCX M. 2003. The importance of fine-scale, vertical profiles in characterising nematode community structure. Estuar Coast Shelf S 58: 353-366.). During exposure in De Panne Beach, E. litoralis was no longer restricted to the 1-3-cm layers as during submersion, but was found deeper in the sediment. This change may be the consequence of active migration, since another thoracostomopsid nematode, Enoploides longispiculosus, has shown high motility to actively catch deeper-living prey when the surface sediment was not water-saturated and the groundwater level was lowered (Steyaert et al. 2001STEYAERT M, HERMAN PMJ, MOENS T, WIDDOWS J and VINCX M. 2001. Tidal migration of nematodes on an estuarine tidal flat (the Molenplaat, Schelde Estuary, SW Netherlands). Mar Ecol Progr S 224: 299-304.). This migration took place during ebb tide, and also coincided with a low abundance of suitable prey species within the upper 5cm.

The importance of competition in driving the vertical distribution of species is confirmed to some extent by the vertical segregation of nematode species in the sediment. Species with a more 13C-enriched diet, such as Sigmophoranema rufum, were abundant in the upper two centimeters of the sediment, whereas species belonging to epistrate (2A) and non-selective feeder (1B) groups that exploit a more 13C-depleted diet showed higher densities in the subsurface layers - 2 to 3 cm - (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.). The importance of food competition between S. rufum and 1B/2A nematodes was supported by the results of an enrichment experiment, since the diatom uptake of epistrate nematodes was highest when the same food sources (diatoms) were offered to the nematode community. This may indicate that 2A nematodes are better competitors (Maria et al. 2011MARIA TF, ESTEVES AM, VANAVERBEKE J and VANREUSEL A. 2011b. The effect of the dominant polychaete Scolelepis squamataon nematode colonisation in sandy beach sediments: An experimental approach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 94: 272-280.a).


Food webs in sandy beaches differ with the beach type, and particularly with the degree of coupling between the beach and the surf zone (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.). Two distinct ecosystems are recognized: (1) beaches with little or no surf zone (reflective beaches), which are dependent on food input from the sea; and (2) beaches with extensive surf zones (dissipative beaches), which have high primary production from the surf diatoms that shows a vertical migration from the sediment deep in the surf zone to the water (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.). This ecosystem may support three partially unconnected food webs: the interstitial food web, the microbial loop (which is restricted to the surfzone and has been little investigated), and the macroscopic food web (Heymans and McLachlan 1996HEYMANS JJ, MCLACHLAN A. 1996. Carbon budget and network analysis of a high energy beach/surf-zone ecosystemEstuar Coast Shelf S 43: 485-505.).

There are two studies that investigated the importance of nematodes in sandy beach food webs. Menn (2002MENN I. 2002. Beach morphology and food web structure: comparison of an eroding and accreting sandy shore in the North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 56: 177-189.) showed that a high wave energy beach has an impoverished food web due to a more diverse meiofauna while a less dynamic sandy beach showing a high dominance of nematodes in the meiofauna community can support a richer food web.

The second study assessed the integrative food web of the middle part of De Panne Beach by means of stable isotope analyses (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.). Vascular plants were not included as a possible food source, since they are important primary producers of the supralittoral zone of Belgian sandy beaches (Speybroeck et al. 2008SPEYBROECK J ET AL. 2008. The Belgian sandy beach ecosystem: a review. Mar Ecol 29: 171-185.) and were assumed to be of less importance for the middle beach of De Panne, where a concrete dike separates the dunes from the beach (Gheskiere et al. 2004GHESKIERE T, HOSTE E, VANAVERBEKE J, VINCX M and DEGRAER S. 2004. Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium). J Sea Res 52: 211-226. ). Most of the meiobenthic species (nematodes and copepods) utilize more carbon-enriched food sources than the macrofaunal organisms, indicating that there was no competition for food between these two classes of organisms. Phytoplankton and suspended detritus seem to be more important food sources for macrobenthic organisms on dissipative and reflective sandy beaches (Bergamino et al. 2011BERGAMINO L, LERCARI D and DEFEO O. 2011. Food web structure of sandy beaches: temporal and spatial variation using stable isotope analysis. Estuar Coast Shelf S 91: 536-543., Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.), while microphytobenthos (MPB) is utilized as a carbon source by nematodes, copepods, turbellarians and a few macrofaunal species, such as two species of the amphipod Bathyporeia (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, GINGOLD R, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2013b. Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium. Mar Ecol Evol Persp 34: 207-217.). Laboratory experiments also indicated a higher uptake of benthic diatoms by these organisms (Maria et al. 2011MARIA TF, ESTEVES AM, VANAVERBEKE J and VANREUSEL A. 2011b. The effect of the dominant polychaete Scolelepis squamataon nematode colonisation in sandy beach sediments: An experimental approach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 94: 272-280.a). Nonetheless, MPB is considered a limiting food source for sandy-beach organisms due to its low primary productivity, probably because of the strong hydrodynamic forces acting on the beach interface (McLachlan and Brown 2006MCLACHLAN A, BROWN A. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. Elsevier, USA, 373 p.); the preference for benthic over planktonic diatoms, as demonstrated by Maria et al. (2011MARIA TF, ESTEVES AM, VANAVERBEKE J and VANREUSEL A. 2011b. The effect of the dominant polychaete Scolelepis squamataon nematode colonisation in sandy beach sediments: An experimental approach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 94: 272-280.a), leads to us to speculate that the absence of a diatom biofilm in sandy beaches, a condition extremely common on tidal flats, can be attributed to the rapid consumption of diatoms by benthic sandy-beach organisms.

Although some field investigations and experimental approaches demonstrated that nematodes may serve as food source for large organisms, such as shrimps and fishes (see Coull 1990COULL BC. 1990. Are Members of the Meiofauna Food for Higher Trophic Levels? Trans Am Microsc Soc 109: 233-246., for a revision), there was no explicit trophic link between macrofaunal and nematode species evidenced by isotopes analysis (Maria et al. 2012MARIA TF, DE TROCH M, VANAVERBEKE J, ESTEVES AM and VANREUSEL A. 2012. The importance of biological interactions for the vertical distribution of nematodes in a temperate ultra-dissipative sandy beach. Estuar Coast Shelf S 97: 114-126.). It can be easily explained by the few numbers of species investigated in the study.


A large set of features, including ease of sampling, omnipresence, high diversity, short generation time, and absence of a planktonic stage, make nematodes an excellent tool to evaluate the ecological condition of different environments (Giere 2009GIERE O. 2009. Meiobenthology. The microscopic motile fauna of aquatic sediments, 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 527 p.); however, very few studies have dealt with nematodes at lower taxonomic resolution (e.g. Fricke et al. 1981FRICKE AH, HENNIG H and ORREN MJ. 1981. Relationship between oil pollution and psammolittoral meiofauna density of two South-african beaches. Mar Environ Res 5: 59-77., Gheskiere et al. 2005GHESKIERE T, VINCX M, WESLAWSKI JM, SCAPINI F and DEGRAER S. 2005b. Meiofauna as descriptor of tourism-induced changes at sandy beaches. Mar Environ Res 60: 245-265.b, Nanajkar and Ingole 2010NANAJKAR M, INGOLE B. 2010. Impact of sewage disposal on a nematode community of a tropical sandy beach. J Environ Biol 31: 816-826.). This may be related to the difficulty and tedium of species identification; therefore, pollution studies tend to use broader taxonomic categories and the two numerically dominant groups, nematodes and copepods, are the main focus of such studies.

As seen in Table I, the four pollution-related studies focusing on sandy-beach nematodes dealt with different subjects: oil, recreational activities, and sewage discharge. In terms of oil pollution, the nematode density was still similar to reference sites when the sediment of the polluted site was not mechanically removed (Fricke et al. 1981FRICKE AH, HENNIG H and ORREN MJ. 1981. Relationship between oil pollution and psammolittoral meiofauna density of two South-african beaches. Mar Environ Res 5: 59-77.). This finding contradicts the expected pattern of reduction in density at sites where an oil spill occurred (Wormald 1976WORMALD AP. 1976. Effects of a spill of marine diesel oil on meiofauna of a sandy beach at Picnic Bay, Hong Kong. Environ Pollut 11: 117-130., Giere 1979GIERE O. 1979. The impact of oil pollution on intertidal meiofauna. Field studies after the la Coruna-spill, May 1976. Cah Biol Mar 20: 231-251., Danovaro et al. 1995DANOVARO R, FABIANO M and VINCX M. 1995. Meiofauna Response to the Agip Abruzzo Oil Spill in Subtidal Sediments of the Ligurian Sea. Mar Pollut Bull 30: 133-145., Kang et al. 2014KANG T, MIN W, RHO HS, PARK H and KIM D. 2014. Differential responses of a benthic meiofaunal community to an artificial oil spill in the intertidal zone. J Mar Biol Assoc UK 94: 219-231.), but other field and experimental studies have indicated that nematodes are insensitive to oil pollution (Boucher 1980BOUCHER G. 1980. Impact of Amoco Cadiz oil spill on intertidal and subtidal meiofauna. Mar Pollut Bull 11: 95-101., Warwick et al. 1988WARWICK RM. 1988. The level of taxonomic discrimination required to detect pollution effects on marine benthic communities. Mar Pollut Bull 19: 259-268., respectively). On the other hand, a mechanical treatment of the oil-polluted sediment had more impact in the nematode density than the pollution by oil per se, and more individuals were found in the deeper layers (Fricke et al. 1981FRICKE AH, HENNIG H and ORREN MJ. 1981. Relationship between oil pollution and psammolittoral meiofauna density of two South-african beaches. Mar Environ Res 5: 59-77.).

There is little controversy around the time required for meiofauna recovery in areas subjected to oil spills. Fricke et al. (1981FRICKE AH, HENNIG H and ORREN MJ. 1981. Relationship between oil pollution and psammolittoral meiofauna density of two South-african beaches. Mar Environ Res 5: 59-77.) found that meiofauna had recovered six months after an oil spill on the coast of South Africa (SA), while this time period was not enough for meiofauna recovery in three beaches located on the coast of Galicia (GC) (Veiga et al. 2010VEIGA P, BESTEIRO C and RUBAL M. 2010b. The role of sediment type on the vertical distribution of meiofauna at two Galician rias (NW Iberian Peninsula). Cah Biol Mar 51: 249-263.a). The lack of a similar response here is probably related to the difference in the magnitude of the oil spill (31,000 tons in SA x 50,000 tons in GC), and the local hydrodynamics (exposed in SA and under intermediate conditions in GC). In situ experiments have shown that sandy-beach meiofauna can recover their density and community composition one month after an oil spill when very small quantities of oil are spilled (Kang et al. 2014KANG T, MIN W, RHO HS, PARK H and KIM D. 2014. Differential responses of a benthic meiofaunal community to an artificial oil spill in the intertidal zone. J Mar Biol Assoc UK 94: 219-231.).

The discharge of domestic sewage onto sandy beaches is a common problem in coastal areas, especially in developing countries, where a large part of the population may develop coastal areas in an unregulated manner. Nanajkar and Ingole (2010NANAJKAR M, INGOLE B. 2010. Impact of sewage disposal on a nematode community of a tropical sandy beach. J Environ Biol 31: 816-826.), studying the impact of chronic sewage discharge on a tropical sandy beach, observed that nematodes responded to the organic enrichment with an increase in density and dominance of one genus (Daptonema) in the areas closest to the sewage outflow. These authors believed that the non-selective deposit-feeding activity of Daptonema aided the bioremediation of the site.

From the point of view of beach management, this ecosystem has great socio-economic value as a recreational area and is therefore considered a key tourist destination during holiday periods. The recreational use of sandy beaches has a significant impact in terms of reduction of meio- and nematofauna diversity, which responds by shifting to a large number of species with small size, rapid growth and high rates of reproduction (r-strategists). Nevertheless, this reduction may only be associated with the upper beach, which can be mechanically cleaned daily (Gheskiere et al. 2005GHESKIERE T, VINCX M, WESLAWSKI JM, SCAPINI F and DEGRAER S. 2005b. Meiofauna as descriptor of tourism-induced changes at sandy beaches. Mar Environ Res 60: 245-265.b). On the other hand, in intense trampling activity in the intertidal area leads the meiofauna to migrate downward to layers deeper than 5cm (Moellman and Corbisier 2003MOELLMANN AM, CORBISIER TN. 2003. Does tourist flow affect the meiofauna of sandy beaches? Preliminary results. J Coast Res 35: 590-598.).


Concerns about global warming have dramatically increased and it is widely understood that sandy beaches will be drastically affected, especially by sea-level rise. To date, very few studies have dealt with this subject (e.g. Kont et al. 2003KONT A, JAAGUS J and AUNAP R. 2003. Climate change scenarios and the effect of sea-level rise for Estonia. Glob Planet Chang 36: 1-15., Lock et al. 2011LOCK K, MEES J, VINCX M and GOETHALS PLM. 2011. Did global warming and alien invasions affect surf zone hyperbenthic communities on sandy beaches in Belgium? Hydrobiologia 664: 173-181., Mead et al. 2013MEAD A ET AL. 2013. Human-mediated drivers of change - impacts on coastal ecosystems and marine biota of South Africa. Afr J Mar Sci 35: 403-425. ). In terms of nematodes, only the study of Gingold et al. (2013GINGOLD R, MOENS T and ROCHA-OLIVARES A. 2013. Assessing the Response of Nematode Communities to Climate Change-Driven Warming: A Microcosm Experiment. PLoS ONE 8: e66653.) has concentrated on this group in sandy-beach environments. Laboratory microcosm experiments have shown that high temperatures lead to loss of important predacious and omnivorous nematodes that are important for the top-down control of the community, consequently leading to a change in the food web.

Concerning sea-level rise, the nematode intertidal community will be immersed more often or will become permanently submersed; therefore, we can speculate that many intertidal species will be unable to withstand long periods submerged. This may eliminate many of these species and consequently reduce biodiversity in areas where the nematode biodiversity is presently very high. Besides, the rapid sea level rise will move beaches towards a more reflective morphodynamic state which is characterized by low meiofauna abundances (Yamanaka et al. 2010YAMANAKA T, RAFFAELLI D and WHITE PCL. 2010. Physical determinants of intertidal communities on dissipative beaches: Implications of sea-level rise. Estuar Coast Shelf S 88: 267-278.). In both cases, the reduction in nematode abundance may lead to a lost in ecosystem functioning. However, this topic requires further investigation.


Sandy beach ecosystems are one of the less studies coastal ecosystems; it can be easily exemplified by a simple search in the Web of Science which the number of studies in this environment correspond to 10% and 25% of those realized in estuaries and mangroves, respectively. The current state of knowledge shows us that over the decades, sandy beaches have been the scene of studies focusing on community and population ecology, both in relation to morphodynamic models. The combination of physical factors (e.g. grain size, tidal exposure and degree of drainage) and biological interactions (e.g. trophic relationships and competition) is responsible for the spatial distribution of nematodes. The degree of importance of these factors is related to the kind of distribution pattern analyzed; physical factors are more important in structuring nematodes communities over large scale of distribution (e.g. macro- and mesoscale) while biological interactions are largely important in finer-scale distributions.

Although nematodes are the dominant meiofauna group and are largely used as indicator of environmental conditions it is of primordial importance to understand the natural relationship between the environment and these organisms. Therefore, to understand better the ecological processes driving the sandy-beach nematode community is necessary to increase the efforts in understanding latitudinal and beach type patterns also taking into account the environmental heterogeneity.

In terms of energy, nematodes are considered an important link between micro- and macrofaunal organisms; however, isotopic studies showed that there is a clear separation between the interstitial and macrofaunal food webs at least for temperate sandy beaches.

Even though the nematode diversity is related to physical and biological interactions, it is also related to the degree of impact occurring in the environment; under disturbed conditions (i.e., organic pollution, oil pollution, beach cleaning or trampling) the diversity decreases and the density of some dominant species (especially deposit feeders) increases, the natural recovery depends on the amount and duration of the impact.

And last but not the least, the relationship between nematodes and climate change is a promising research area, which many aspects must still be evaluated for sandy-beach organisms, but a common believe is that the nematode density must decrease.

This review elucidates the current knowledge of sandy-beach nematodes and as this ecosystem is easily reached and occurs worldwide we should stimulate more and more studies that can provide a more comprehensive approach toward a better understanding of the physical and biological interactions among sandy-beach organisms. This is essential in order to understand the possible effects of key human pressures on the beach ecosystem.


Renata Alves and Alex Silva are acknowledged for their help with GIS Mapping Software and the map quality, respectively. The authors thank Jannet W. Reid, JWR Associates, for the critical review of the English. The data was obtained from the PhD thesis of the first author that was sponsored by Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad- VLIR-UOS. Additional funding was provided by the Special Research Fund of Ghent University (BOF-GOA 01GA1911W). André Esteves (CNPq 312143/2013-3) wishes to express his gratitude for the research fellowship granted by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Authors are also grateful to the two reviewers (Maickel Armenteiros and the anonymous one) by their comments.


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    10 Oct 2016
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