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O ano turbulento que se encerra pode nos ensinar muito!

This year of 2016, which now comes to anend, has been particularly difficult and turbulent, especially for Brazilians. This sentence conveys certain optimism, as it assumes that such difficulties and turbulencehave ended. Beyond optimism, it expresses hope: may we learn from these setbacks, cultivate resistance and continue to trust in humankind, despite everything.

But what do Brazil’s political and economic crises have to do with scientific journals?

They have much to do with journals produced by public institutions. The University of São Paulo, to which our School of Nursing is affiliated, publisher of the USP Journal of School of Nursing (REEUSP), is partially financed by sales taxes, which are highly regressive. These taxesaffect the lowest-income population more harshly and therefore should be applied primarily in favor of those who most need it.

The knowledge generated by the nursing research disseminated by REEUSP contains this political sense or directionality. The goal of our research is to present solutions for our people’s health problems, especially within the scope of the Brazilian Unified Health System, by publishing advances that can be incorporated into nursing care.

The advances in knowledge generated by scientific research and by the best vehicles for nursing research dissemination depend especially on the dedication and quality of teaching at nursing schools.

If we observe the progress attained in nursing, whether in Brazil or abroad, the field is predominantly marked by ethics in caring for and managing human beings, solidarity for those who most suffer or who are the most vulnerable, and the incontestable defense of the idea that all human beings deserve nursing care!

We believe that these values cultivated by our profession can be extrapolated. For this reason, they must be taughtintentionally in nursing schools, in professional practice, and also when developing and publishing research.

Recently, the most important media outlets showed the results of a survey in the United Kingdom in which nurses ranked among the most trusted professionals. Congratulations to British nurses! They are incredibly well-known for their historic dedication to caring for thepopulation’s health, especially the most vulnerable, honoring the name of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing.

Congratulations to nurses all over the world! Congratulations to all those who work with healthcare and fight to instill ethics into the profession!

Merry Christmas to all! Happy Holidays! May 2017 bring more solidarity, compassion and humanity!

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    Nov-Dec 2016
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil