Em Campinas, a Seca do mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é causada pelo fungo Ceratostomella fimbriata, associado a Hypothenemus plumeriae, broca semelhante à do café, O inseto abre furos nos tecidos sadios e pode levor ou não o patógeno. Quando o potógeno é levado às partes mais verdes, suculentas de mangueira, a murcha ocorre cerca de 10-15 dias após, e os tecidos recentemente mortos são colonizados por Hypothenemus plumeriae. A moléstia parece ser idêntica ao "Mal do Recife".
Mango-blight in Campinas is caused by Ceratostomella fimbriata. When green parts of branches of healthy mango plants were inoculated with cultures of the tungus, blight appeared after 10-15 days and the rotten tissues were colonized by Hypothenemus plumeriae, an insect closely related to the caffee-borer. The insect may or may not be a vector of the disease when opening galleries in healthy branches. The disease seems to be identical to the "mal do Recife" (4). Perithecia are produced in diseased tissues. Asei of the fungus are provided with a delicate, evanescent wall. There is no endogenous wall in the asci as claimed by Andrus and Harrer (2). Protoperithecia when crushed under a cover-slip in a drop of eosin show eosinophil asci with a clear cut wall, and four 2-septate ascospores.
DR. A. P. Viégas
Engenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Fitopatologia, Instituto Agronômico
Em Campinas, a Seca do mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) é causada pelo fungo Ceratostomella fimbriata, associado a Hypothenemus plumeriae, broca semelhante à do café, O inseto abre furos nos tecidos sadios e pode levor ou não o patógeno. Quando o potógeno é levado às partes mais verdes, suculentas de mangueira, a murcha ocorre cerca de 10-15 dias após, e os tecidos recentemente mortos são colonizados por Hypothenemus plumeriae. A moléstia parece ser idêntica ao "Mal do Recife".
Mango-blight in Campinas is caused by Ceratostomella fimbriata. When green parts of branches of healthy mango plants were inoculated with cultures of the tungus, blight appeared after 10-15 days and the rotten tissues were colonized by Hypothenemus plumeriae, an insect closely related to the caffee-borer. The insect may or may not be a vector of the disease when opening galleries in healthy branches. The disease seems to be identical to the "mal do Recife" (4). Perithecia are produced in diseased tissues. Asei of the fungus are provided with a delicate, evanescent wall. There is no endogenous wall in the asci as claimed by Andrus and Harrer (2). Protoperithecia when crushed under a cover-slip in a drop of eosin show eosinophil asci with a clear cut wall, and four 2-septate ascospores.
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Recebido para publicação em 7 de julho de 1959.
- 1. AINSWORTH, G. C. & BISBY, G. B. A dictionary of the fungi. Kew, Imperial mycological Institute, 1945. 431 p.
- 2. ANDRUS, C F. & HARTER, L. L. Morphology of reproduction in Ceratostomella fimbriata J. agric. Res. 46:1 059-1 078. 1933.
- 3. ___________ ___________ Organization of the unwalled ascus in two species of Ceratostomella J. agric. Res. 54:19-40. 1937.
- 4. BATISTA, A. C. Mal do Recife (grave doença da mangueira). Tese de concurso para a Cadeira de Fitopatologia e Microbiologia Agrícola, Escola Superior de Agricultura, Pernambuco, 1947. 109 p. (Resumo in Rev. appl. Mycol. 27:77-78. 1948.
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- 6. ELLIOTT, JOHN A. A cytological study of Ceratostomella fimbriata (E. & H.) Elliott. Phytopathology 15:417-422. 1913.
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- 9. GWYNNE-VAUGHAN, H. C. I. & BROADHEAD, Q. E. Contributions to the study of Ceratostomella fimbriata Ann. Bot. 50:747-758. 1936.
- 10. LUTTRELL, E. S. Taxonomy of the Pyrenotnycetes. University of Missouri, Columbia, 1951. 120 p. (Univ. of Missouri Studies N.° 3)
- 11. MITTMANN, G. Kulturversuche mit Einsporstaemmen und zylologische Untersuchungen in der Gattung Ceratostomella Jb. wiss. Bot. 77:185-219. 1932.
- 12. PETRAK, F. Verzeichnis der neuen Arren, Varietaeten, Formen, Nomen und wichtigsten Synonyme der Pilze 1932-1935. Just's Bot. Jahresbericht 63: 805-1056. 1944.
- 13. PONTIS VIDELLA, R. A canker disease of the coffee tree in Colombia and Venezuela. Phytopathology 41:178-183. 1951.
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- 15. WILSON, E. M. & LILLY, V. G. The utilization of oligosaccharides by some species of Ceratocystis. Mycologia 50:376-389. 1958.
Seca da mangueira
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