Nitrogênio mineral versus nitrogênio orgânico na adubação da batatinha
Organic versus inorganic nitrogen for potatoes
Dr. O. J. Boock; E. S. Freire1 1 Contratado pelo Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, para colaborar com técnicos do Instituto Agronômico. Sua colaboração no presente trabalho foi prestado na apresentação e interpretação dos resultados obtidos.
This paper reports the results of a pot test comparing Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate, cotton seed meal, and castor pomace as sources of nitrogen for potatoes. In discussing them, the authors show that the effect of the organic nitrogen may be overestimated by ignoring the contents of the other nutrients of the oil seed meals in the calculation of the treaments, as has been the case in most of the experiments conducted during World War II, when the cost of the nutrients in those meals was much lower than that in the corresponding inorganic fertilizers.
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Recebida para publicação em 30 de janeiro de 1962.
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02 Mar 2010 -
Data do Fascículo