Ensaio de porta-enxertos para a variedade de uva para vinho seyve villard 52761 1 Trabalho conduzido, no período de 1959 a 1963, pelo engenheiro agrônomo Júlio Seabra Inglez de Sousa.
Rootstocks for the wine grape seyve villard 5276
Hélio José Scaranari2 2 Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq. ; Fernando Picarelli Martins; Toshio Igue2 2 Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
In the present paper an experiment carried out to evaluate the behavior of the wine grape Seyve Villard 5276 grafted on different rootstocks in reported.
Seyve Villard 5276 scions grafted on four known rootstocks namely Rupestris du Lot, Ripária x Rupestris 101-14, Ripária-Rupestris-Cordifolia 106-8 (Traviú) and Ripária Gloire had the yield controlled during 10 years. Rooted cuttings of the Seyve Villard 5276 were used as testers in order to evaluate the advantage of the different grafting combinations.
The plants were prunned according to the unilateral horizontal cordon system, with six two-bund spurs.
The best yield was obtained fofr the combination using Ripária-Rupestris-Cordifolia 106-8 (Traviú) as rootstock. Non-grafted plants had significantly lower yield than those grafted on Ripária-Rupestris-Cordifolia 106-8 (Traviú) and Ripária Gloire.
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Recebida para publicação em 26 de janeiro de 1975.
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16 Mar 2009 -
Data do Fascículo