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Mothers' perceptions about the nutritional status of their overweight children: a systematic review Please cite this article as: Francescatto C, Santos NS, Coutinho VF, Costa RF. Mothers' perceptions about the nutritional status of their overweight children: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:332-43. ☆☆ ☆☆ Study conducted at the institution Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.



this systematic review aims to explore and describe the studies that have as a primary outcome the identification of mothers' perception of the nutritional status of their children.


the PubMed, Embase, LILACS, and SciELO databases were researched, regardless of language or publication date. The terms used for the search, with its variants, were: Nutritional Status, Perception, Mother, Maternal, Parents, Parental.


after screening of 167 articles, 41 were selected for full text reading, of which 17 were included in the review and involved the evaluation of the perception of mothers on the nutritional status of 57,700 children and adolescents. The methodological quality of the studies ranged from low to excellent. The proportion of mothers who inadequately perceived the nutritional status of their children was high, and was the most common underestimation for children with overweight or obesity.


despite the increasing prevalence of obesity in pediatric age, mothers have difficulty in properly perceiving the nutritional status of their children, which may compromise referral to treatment programs.

Nutritional status; Perception; Mother; Maternal; Parents; Parental


esta revisão sistemática tem por objetivo explorar e descrever os estudos que apresentam como desfecho primário a identificação da percepção das mães quanto ao estado nutricional de seus filhos.


foram utilizadas as bases de dados PubMed, Embase, LILACS e SciELO, sem distinção de idioma ou data de publicação. Os termos utilizados para a busca, com suas variações, foram: Nutritional Status, Perception, Mother, Maternal, Parents, Parental.


após triagem dos 167 artigos encontrados, restaram 41 artigos para leitura do texto completo, sendo incluídos 17 artigos, que envolveram a avaliação da percepção de mães sobre o estado nutricional de 57.700 crianças e adolescentes. A qualidade metodológica dos artigos variou de baixa a excelente. A proporção de mães que percebiam inadequadamente o estado nutricional dos filhos foi elevada, sendo mais comum a subestimativa para crianças com sobrepeso ou obesidade.


apesar do aumento da prevalência de obesidade em faixas pediátricas, as mães têm dificuldade de perceber adequadamente o estado nutricional de seus filhos, o que pode comprometer o encaminhamento para programas de tratamento.

Estado nutricional; Percepção; Mãe; Materno; Pais; Parental


Obesity is one of the most common non-communicable chronic diseases in childhood, with a tendency to extend into adulthood,11. Herman KM, Craig CL, Gauvin L, Katzmarzyk PT. Tracking of obesity and physical activity from childhood to adulthood: the Physical Activity Longitudinal Study. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2009;4:281-8. and 22. Cali AM, Caprio S. Obesity in children and adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93:S31-6. resulting in the early onset of other associated chronic diseases, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes, among other cardiometabolic risk factors.33. Raitakari OT, Juonala M, Viikari JS. Obesity in childhood and vascular changes in adulthood: insights into the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Int J Obes. 2005;29:S101-4. , 44. Nogueira PC, da Costa RF, Cunha JS, Silvestrini L, Fisberg M. High arterial pressure in school children in Santos - relationship to obesity. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2007;53:426-32. and 55. Ribeiro RC, Coutinho M, Bramorski MA, Giuliano IC, Pavan J. Association of the waist-to-height ratio with cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents: the Three Cities Heart Study. Int J Prevent Med. 2010;1:39-49.

A study conducted in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, demonstrated that obese adolescents from municipal schools had metabolic syndrome prevalence of 51.2% and insulin resistance of 80.1%, very close to the results of other studies performed in Brazil and in other countries.66. Costa RF, Santos NS, Goldraich NP, Barski TF, Andrade KS, Kruel LF. Metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents: a comparison of three different diagnostic criteria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2012;88:303-9.

The prevalence of excess weight has increased in all age groups in Brazil, similar to what has occurred worldwide. Data from the Family Budget Survey77. BRASIL. Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009: antropometria e estado nutricional de crianças adolescentes e adultos no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2010. has demonstrated that the proportion of obese children has quadrupled in the last 20 years, whereas it has tripled in adolescents during the same period. These findings do not differ significantly from trends observed in developed countries.88. de Onis M, Blossner M, Borghi E. Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;92:1257-64. and 99. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of obesity in the United States, 2009-2010. NCHS data brief. 2012;82:1-8.

Considering that the treatment programs for obesity in childhood and adolescence have not shown significant results,22. Cali AM, Caprio S. Obesity in children and adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93:S31-6. , 1010. Ball K, Crawford D, Owen N. Too fat to exercise? Obesity as a barrier to physical activity. Austr N Zealand J Public Health. 2000;24:331-3. and 1111. Salmon J, Owen N, Crawford D, Bauman A, Sallis JF. Physical activity and sedentary behavior: a population-based study of barriers, enjoyment, and preference. Health Psychol. 2003;22:178-88. the key point on the fight against this disease should be prevention, based on an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits.1212. Neira M, de Onis M. The Spanish strategy for nutrition, physical activity and the prevention of obesity. Br J Nutr. 2006;96:S8-11.

Several studies have demonstrated that obesity is a multifactorial disease, showing a strong association with family dynamics; thus, the success of prevention and treatment programs depends on the involvement of the family as a whole.1313. Epstein LH, Paluch RA, Roemmich JN, Beecher MD. Family-based obesity treatment, then and now: twenty-five years of pediatric obesity treatment. Health Psychol. 2007;26:381-91. , 1414. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Arslanian SA, Ewing LJ, Houck PR, Cheng Y, et al. Family-based treatment of severe pediatric obesity: randomized, controlled trial. Pediatr. 2009;124: 1060-8. and 1515. Kitzmann KM, Beech BM. Family-based interventions for pediatric obesity: methodological and conceptual challenges from family psychology. J Family Psychol. 2006;20:175-89. Hence, the first step is the acknowledgement by the parents of the nutritional status of their children, identifying excess weight as a health risk.1616. Boa-Sorte N, Neri LA, Leite ME, Brito SM, Meirelles AR, Luduvice FB, et al. Maternal perceptions and self-perception of the nutritional status of children and adolescents from private schools. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2007;83:349-56. and 1717. Etelson D, Brand DA, Patrick PA, Shirali A. Childhood obesity: do parents recognize this health risk? Obes Res. 2003;11: 1362-8.

Not many studies have assessed the mothers' perception of the nutritional status of their children, and most of them have demonstrated that there is a tendency for the mothers to underestimate the nutritional status of their children, not recognizing their obese children as such.

This fact deserves much attention, since if the parents, particularly the mother, do not recognize their obese children as such, they will not be concerned about referring them for treatment, nor will encourage them to change their lifestyle.1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200.

In this sense, this systematic review aimed to investigate and describe the studies that have as primary outcome the identification of mothers' perception regarding the nutritional status of their children.


For the literature review of the perception of mothers about the nutritional status of their children the PubMed, Embase, LILACS, and SciELO databases were researched, regardless of language or publication date. The terms used for the search and their variants were: Nutritional Status, Perception, Mother, Maternal, Parents, and Parental, as described in Fig. 1. The terms were adapted to the search engines in each database used.

Figure 1
Syntax of the terms used in each database.

The inclusion criteria for this review were: articles that investigated the perception of mothers on the nutritional status of their children; studies of children aged between 2 and 19 years where the outcome was the assessment of the difference between the actual nutritional status (classified by body mass index [BMI]) and nutritional status perceived by the mother.

The estimate of nutritional status by BMI can be performed with different cutoff points obtained in different studies; the criteria most often reported in the literature are those proposed by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF),1919. Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ. 2000;320:1240-3. by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),2020. Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Grummer-Strawn LM, Flegal KM, Guo SS, Wei R, et al. CDC growth charts: United States. Adv Data. 2000;8:1-27. and 2121. Ogden CL, Flegal KM. Changes in terminology for childhood overweight and obesity. Natl Health Stat Report. 2010;25: 1-5. and by the World Health Organization (WHO).2222. de Onis M, Onyango AW, Borghi E, Siyam A, Nishida C, Siekmann J. Development of a WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents. Bull World Health Organ. 2007;85: 660-7.

The percentile curves used by IOTF for children and adolescents aged 2 to 17 years define overweight as > the 85th percentile and obesity > the 95th percentile, identifying these points as similar to the cutoffs used for adults, which are 25 kg/m22. Cali AM, Caprio S. Obesity in children and adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93:S31-6. for overweight and 30 kg/m22. Cali AM, Caprio S. Obesity in children and adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93:S31-6. for obesity. The cutoffs used by the WHO for children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years define overweight as > the 85th percentile and obesity as > the 97th percentile. The CDC classification for children and adolescents aged from 2 to 19 years establishes overweight as > the 85th percentile and obesity as > the 95th percentile.

Some studies used specific cutoffs for the study population, which differ from the aforementioned criteria.2323. Baughcum AE, Chamberlin LA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal perceptions of overweight preschool children. Pediatr. 2000;106:1380-6. and 2424. Jeffery AN, Voss LD, Metcalf BS, Alba S, Wilkin TJ. Parents' awareness of overweight in themselves and their children: cross sectional study within a cohort (EarlyBird 21). BMJ. 2005;330:23-4.

For studies that assessed the perception of both parents, only the results related to the mother's perception were extracted.

Exclusion criteria were the presence, in the study samples, of diseases that affect nutritional status, such as eating disorders and genetic syndromes, as well as studies that were aimed at the perception of nutritional status in children with different types of cancer.

The search was performed by two reviewers, separately, who selected studies first by reading the titles, then by reading the abstracts, and then proceeded to read the full article. In addition to the articles selected from the databases, a review of the references of each selected article was performed, in order to find studies that were not retrieved in the main article databases. Article eligibility was independently assessed by two reviewers, and discrepancies were resolved jointly by all authors.

Considering that there is no article quality assessment tool for descriptive and cross-sectional studies, and in order to meet the purpose of this study, a tool adapted by Rietmeijer-Mentink et al.2525. Rietmeijer-Mentink M, Paulis WD, van Middelkoop M, Bindels PJ, van der Wouden JC. Difference between parental perception and actual weight status of children: a systematic review. Matern Child Nutr. 2013;9:3-22. was used in this review, which is based on the Cochrane criterion for the assessment of diagnostic studies (Table 1). Thus, the methodological quality of the articles that included a verbal description of the maternal perception regarding the nutritional status of their children was based on six items; the articles were categorized as low (zero to two positive items), moderate (three to four positive items), good (five positive items), and excellent quality (six positive items). The quality of the articles that used body image scales was based on seven items; the categorization was similar, except for the good (five to six positive items) and excellent quality (seven positive items) range.

Table 1
Results of the evaluation of the quality of the articles included in the review.


A search of the electronic databases resulted in 151 articles, from which 28 duplicates were discarded. Screening for titles and abstracts of the remaining 123 articles resulted in 31 articles to be read as full text. Moreover, after reading the references of these articles, 16 extra article abstracts were read, from which ten were selected to be read as full text. After applying the exclusion criteria, a total of 17 articles remained in this systematic review (Fig. 2).

Figure 2
Flowchart of the process of article screening and selection for inclusion in the review.

The assessment of methodological quality of the articles demonstrated that only one had low quality and two had excellent quality; six were classified as moderate quality and eight as good quality (Table 1).

The description of the articles, including the country of origin, objective, sample characteristics, diagnostic criterion used for the nutritional status, and main results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Characteristics of studies included in the review.

The studies were published between 2000 and 2013. The age of the children ranged from 2 to 19 years, and studies with children aged 2 to 6 years predominated. In total, 57,700 mother-child pairs were part of this review, of which 18,656 children were overweight or obese (32.3%). Obesity was detected in 6,666 children (11.6%). According to the mothers' perception, only 5,501 children were overweight or obese (9.53%).

In ten of the 17 articles included in the review, extracted data allowed for the calculations of sensitivity and specificity of mothers' perception about the nutritional status of their children (Table 3). The sensitivity ranged from 6.2% to 54.6%, indicating low capacity of mothers to perceive overweight in their children. Specificity was higher than 90.0% for nine of the ten studies, indicating good capacity of mothers to recognize the nutritional status of their children when they had normal weight.

Table 3
Sensitivity and specificity values of maternal perception, calculated based on data provided by the studies.


This systematic review aimed to explore and describe the studies that had as primary outcome the identification of mothers' perception about the nutritional status of their children. A total of 57,700 mother-child pairs were part of this review and overweight or obesity was present in 18,656 children (32.3%). As for obesity, it was detected in 6,666 children (11.6%). However, according to the perception of mothers, only 5,501 children were overweight or obese (9.53%).

Other review studies investigated the perception of the mother or of the parents about the nutritional status of their children,2626. Chuproski P. Mello DFd. Percepção materna do estado nutricional de seus filhos. Rev Nutr. 2009;22:929-36. , 2727. Tenório AS, Cobayashi F. Obesidade infantil na percepção dos pais. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2011;29:634-9. , 2828. Doolen J, Alpert PT, Miller SK. Parental disconnect between perceived and actual weight status of children: a metasynthesis of the current research. J Am Academy Nur Pract. 2009;21: 160-6. and 2929. Towns N, D'Auria J. Parental perceptions of their child's overweight: an integrative review of the literature. J Pediatr Nurs. 2009;24:115-30. but the approaches were different from those of the present study, making it difficult to establish a parallel with the present results.

Rietmeijer-Mentink et al.2525. Rietmeijer-Mentink M, Paulis WD, van Middelkoop M, Bindels PJ, van der Wouden JC. Difference between parental perception and actual weight status of children: a systematic review. Matern Child Nutr. 2013;9:3-22. conducted a comprehensive systematic review study with meta-analysis, which was the basis for this review, mainly regarding how to evaluate study quality. The aforementioned study included the assessment of 35,103 children and adolescents, of whom 11,530 were overweight (32.9%). This proportion was very similar to that found in the present review; however, in that study, 7,191 mothers (62.4%) believed their overweight children had normal weight, different from the proportion found in the present study (90.47%). This difference can be explained by the inclusion of recent studies that demonstrated high levels of underestimation of nutritional status.1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200. , 3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 3131. Guevara-Cruz M, Serralde-Zuniga AE, Frigolet Vazquez-Vela ME, Blancas Galicia L, Islas-Ortega L. Association between maternal perceptions and actual nutritional status for children in a study group in Mexico. Nutr Hospit. 2012;27:209-12. and 3232. Rosas LG, Harley KG, Guendelman S, Fernald LC, Mejia F, Eskenazi B. Maternal perception of child weight among Mexicans in California and Mexico. Matern Child Health J. 2010;14: 886-94.

As most studies that aim to identify the perceptions of parents about the nutritional status of their children are limited to the mother's perception, the present study assessed only the perception of the mother, but a study that addressed the perception of both parents was included, in which it was possible to separate the results related to the mother.3333. Carnell S, Edwards C, Croker H, Boniface D, Wardle J. Parental perceptions of overweight in 3-5 y olds. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005;29:353-5. Several studies could not be included in the present review, since the results of both parents were shown without distinction.3434. Rudolph H, Bluher S, Falkenberg C, Neef M, Korner A, Wurz J, et al. Perception of body weight status: a case control study of obese and lean children and adolescents and their parents. Obes Facts. 2010;3:83-91. , 3535. Wald ER, Ewing LJ, Cluss P, Goldstrohm S, Cipriani L, Colborn DK, et al. Parental perception of children's weight in a paediatric primary care setting. Child Care Health Develop. 2007;33:738-43. , 3636. Neumark-Sztainer D, Wall M, Story M, van den Berg P. Accurate parental classification of overweight adolescents' weight status: does it matter? Pediatr. 2008;121:e1495-502. , 3737. Myers S, Vargas Z. Parental perceptions of the preschool obese child. Pediatr Nurs. 2000;26:23-30. , 3838. Huang JS, Becerra K, Oda T, Walker E, Xu R, Donohue M, et al. Parental ability to discriminate the weight status of children: results of a survey. Pediatr. 2007;120:e112-9. , 3939. De La OA, Jordan KC, Ortiz K, Moyer-Mileur LJ, Stoddard G, Friedrichs M, et al. Do parents accurately perceive their child's weight status? J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:216-21. , 4040. Crawford D, Timperio A, Telford A, Salmon J. Parental concerns about childhood obesity and the strategies employed to prevent unhealthy weight gain in children. Publ Health Nutrit. 2006;9:889-95. and 4141. He M, Evans A. Are parents aware that their children are overweight or obese? Do they care? Can Family Physic. 2007;53: 1493-9.

In the majority of the included studies, the mothers' perception showed high agreement with the actual nutritional status of their children when they had normal weight; however, they tended to significantly underestimate the nutritional status of overweight children.1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200. , 2323. Baughcum AE, Chamberlin LA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal perceptions of overweight preschool children. Pediatr. 2000;106:1380-6. , 3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 3333. Carnell S, Edwards C, Croker H, Boniface D, Wardle J. Parental perceptions of overweight in 3-5 y olds. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005;29:353-5. , 4242. Boutelle K, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate? Obes Res. 2004;12:1754-7. , 4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. , 4444. de Hoog ML, Stronks K, van Eijsden M, Gemke RJ, Vrijkotte TG. Ethnic differences in maternal underestimation of offspring's weight: the ABCD study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012;36:53-60. , 4545. Hackie M, Bowles CL. Maternal perception of their overweight children. Publ Health Nurs (Boston, Mass). 2007;24:538-46. , 4646. Hirschler V, Gonzalez C, Talgham S, Jadzinsky M. Do mothers of overweight Argentinean preschool children perceive them as such? Pediatr Diab. 2006;7:201-4. , 4747. Lazzeri G, Casorelli A, Giallombardo D, Grasso A, Guidoni C, Menoni E, et al. Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children. J Prevent Med Hyg. 2006;47:16-21. , 4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. , 4949. Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdula MK. Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatr. 2003;111:1226-31. and 5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. In studies whose results were stratified for overweight and obesity, it was be observed that a higher proportion of underestimated perception of nutritional status occurs when children are obese.3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 4242. Boutelle K, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate? Obes Res. 2004;12:1754-7. , 4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. , 4747. Lazzeri G, Casorelli A, Giallombardo D, Grasso A, Guidoni C, Menoni E, et al. Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children. J Prevent Med Hyg. 2006;47:16-21. and 5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. Only two studies observed greater underestimation for overweight children; that by Manios et al.,4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. with Greek preschool children aged 2 to 5 years, and the study performed in the United States by Maynard et al.,4949. Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdula MK. Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatr. 2003;111:1226-31. for the age range from 2 to 11 years. However, the reading of these studies did not provide an explanation for this divergence.

It would appear that the mothers would have better perception of the nutritional status of overweight and particularly obese children, considering that, as extreme values, the clinical signs are more visually perceptible;5151. Giacomossi MC, Zanella T. Höfelmann. Percepção materna do estado nutricional de crianças de creches de cidade do sul do Brasil. Rev Nutr. 2011;24:689-702. however, this is not the case, suggesting that many other factors can be involved in the mother's ability to perceive the nutritional status of their children.

Most studies aimed to investigate the possible factors that lead mothers to incorrectly perceive the nutritional status of their children. In addition to the excess weight of the children themselves, the factors that have the greatest association with poor perception are low maternal education;1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200. , 2323. Baughcum AE, Chamberlin LA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal perceptions of overweight preschool children. Pediatr. 2000;106:1380-6. , 3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 4444. de Hoog ML, Stronks K, van Eijsden M, Gemke RJ, Vrijkotte TG. Ethnic differences in maternal underestimation of offspring's weight: the ABCD study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012;36:53-60. , 4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. and 5252. Genovesi S, Giussani M, Faini A, Vigorita F, Pieruzzi F, Strepparava MG, et al. Maternal perception of excess weight in children: a survey conducted by paediatricians in the province of Milan. Acta Paediatr. 2005;94:747-52. male children,4242. Boutelle K, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate? Obes Res. 2004;12:1754-7. , 4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. , 4949. Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdula MK. Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatr. 2003;111:1226-31. and 5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. children's age,1616. Boa-Sorte N, Neri LA, Leite ME, Brito SM, Meirelles AR, Luduvice FB, et al. Maternal perceptions and self-perception of the nutritional status of children and adolescents from private schools. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2007;83:349-56. , 4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. and 4949. Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdula MK. Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatr. 2003;111:1226-31. overweight mother,2323. Baughcum AE, Chamberlin LA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal perceptions of overweight preschool children. Pediatr. 2000;106:1380-6. , 4242. Boutelle K, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate? Obes Res. 2004;12:1754-7. and 4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. and ethnicity.4444. de Hoog ML, Stronks K, van Eijsden M, Gemke RJ, Vrijkotte TG. Ethnic differences in maternal underestimation of offspring's weight: the ABCD study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012;36:53-60. and 5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. Other factors appeared without repetition, such as the number of children4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. and the involvement of children in physical exercise programs.4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. In the first case, a larger number of children indicated greater chance of underestimation of nutritional status. In the second case, the participation of children in physical exercise programs increased the chance of the mother's underestimation of the nutritional status of children.

The area or environment also appears to influence how the mother sees her children. In the study of Binkin et al.,3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. who assessed the mothers' perception in regions of Italy with low, moderate, and high prevalence of obesity, there was an association with the region; the highest rates of nutritional status underestimation were observed in the region with the highest prevalence of obesity. Similarly, the study by Rosas et al.,3232. Rosas LG, Harley KG, Guendelman S, Fernald LC, Mejia F, Eskenazi B. Maternal perception of child weight among Mexicans in California and Mexico. Matern Child Health J. 2010;14: 886-94. which compared the perceptions of mothers in Mexico with mothers from a community of Mexican immigrants in California, demonstrated that only 10.0% of Californian mothers correctly classified their children as were overweight, while 82.0% of those who lived in Mexico correctly assessed the nutritional status of their children.

Given the increasing prevalence of obesity worldwide and in all age groups, it is possible that the mothers perceive overweight in their children and adolescents as a normal condition, especially when the whole family is obese, or when excess weight is something recurrent in the community in which they live.

There is no consensus among studies regarding the tool used to assess the mothers' perceptions. Among the articles included, three used silhouette scales, in which mothers chose the image they believe best represented the body of the children.1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200. , 3232. Rosas LG, Harley KG, Guendelman S, Fernald LC, Mejia F, Eskenazi B. Maternal perception of child weight among Mexicans in California and Mexico. Matern Child Health J. 2010;14: 886-94. and 4747. Lazzeri G, Casorelli A, Giallombardo D, Grasso A, Guidoni C, Menoni E, et al. Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children. J Prevent Med Hyg. 2006;47:16-21. The remaining studies used questionnaires in which mothers marked the alternative that best represented the nutritional status of their children, but the way used to represent the nutritional status also varied between these studies.

By simply assessing the results obtained with different tools, it was not possible to identify differences in the mothers' perception capacity using image scales or questionnaires. However, the study by Lazzeri et al.4747. Lazzeri G, Casorelli A, Giallombardo D, Grasso A, Guidoni C, Menoni E, et al. Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children. J Prevent Med Hyg. 2006;47:16-21. used two instruments to assess the mothers' perception, and observed that when the silhouette scale was used, 35.0% of the mothers underestimated the nutritional status of their overweight children and 53.0%, of their obese children; when using a questionnaire, the underestimation values increased to 59.0% and 87.0% for overweight and obesity, respectively.

Another point of divergence between studies that could influence the mothers' accuracy rate is the diagnostic criteria used for nutritional status, since the results obtained by different criteria may be different for the same child or adolescent, as well as studies conducted in different countries.5353. Gonzalez-Casanova I, Sarmiento OL, Gazmararian JA, Cunningham SA, Martorell R, Pratt M, et al. Comparing three body mass index classification systems to assess overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Rev Panam Salud Publ. 2013;33:349-55. , 5454. Kovalskys I, Rausch Herscovici C, De Gregorio MJ. Nutritional status of school-aged children of Buenos Aires Argentina: data using three references. J Public Health (Oxf). 2011;33: 403-11. , 5555. Pelegrini A, Silva DA, Gaya AC, Petroski EL. Comparison of three criteria for overweight and obesity classification in Brazilian adolescents. Nutr J. 2013;12:5. , 5656. Rito A, Wijnhoven TM, Rutter H, Carvalho MA, Paixao E, Ramos C, et al. Prevalence of obesity among Portuguese children (6-8 years old) using three definition criteria: COSI Portugal, 2008. Pediatr Obes. 2012;7:413-22. and 5757. Shields M, Tremblay MS. Canadian childhood obesity estimates based on WHO IOTF and CDC cut-points. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2010;5:265-73.

The most often used criteria for the assessment of nutritional status by BMI, stratified by age and gender, are those of the IOTF,1919. Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ. 2000;320:1240-3. CDC,2020. Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Grummer-Strawn LM, Flegal KM, Guo SS, Wei R, et al. CDC growth charts: United States. Adv Data. 2000;8:1-27. and 2121. Ogden CL, Flegal KM. Changes in terminology for childhood overweight and obesity. Natl Health Stat Report. 2010;25: 1-5. and WHO.2222. de Onis M, Onyango AW, Borghi E, Siyam A, Nishida C, Siekmann J. Development of a WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents. Bull World Health Organ. 2007;85: 660-7. In the present review, only one article used a different criterion, defining overweight for children as BMI > 90th percentile.2323. Baughcum AE, Chamberlin LA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal perceptions of overweight preschool children. Pediatr. 2000;106:1380-6. Also, only one article used the criteria of the WHO,4343. Bracho MF, Ramos HE. Maternal view of children nutritional status: Is it a risk factor for excess bad feeding? Rev Chil Pediatr. 2007;78:20-7. whereas the IOTF criteria appeared in six articles,3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. , 3333. Carnell S, Edwards C, Croker H, Boniface D, Wardle J. Parental perceptions of overweight in 3-5 y olds. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005;29:353-5. , 4444. de Hoog ML, Stronks K, van Eijsden M, Gemke RJ, Vrijkotte TG. Ethnic differences in maternal underestimation of offspring's weight: the ABCD study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012;36:53-60. , 4747. Lazzeri G, Casorelli A, Giallombardo D, Grasso A, Guidoni C, Menoni E, et al. Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children. J Prevent Med Hyg. 2006;47:16-21. , 5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. and 5252. Genovesi S, Giussani M, Faini A, Vigorita F, Pieruzzi F, Strepparava MG, et al. Maternal perception of excess weight in children: a survey conducted by paediatricians in the province of Milan. Acta Paediatr. 2005;94:747-52. and the CDC classification was used in nine.1616. Boa-Sorte N, Neri LA, Leite ME, Brito SM, Meirelles AR, Luduvice FB, et al. Maternal perceptions and self-perception of the nutritional status of children and adolescents from private schools. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2007;83:349-56. , 1818. Aparicio G, Cunha M, Duarte J, Pereira A, Bonito J, Albuquerque C. Nutritional status in preschool children: current trends of mother's body perception and concerns. Atencion Primaria. 2013;45:194-200. , 3131. Guevara-Cruz M, Serralde-Zuniga AE, Frigolet Vazquez-Vela ME, Blancas Galicia L, Islas-Ortega L. Association between maternal perceptions and actual nutritional status for children in a study group in Mexico. Nutr Hospit. 2012;27:209-12. , 3232. Rosas LG, Harley KG, Guendelman S, Fernald LC, Mejia F, Eskenazi B. Maternal perception of child weight among Mexicans in California and Mexico. Matern Child Health J. 2010;14: 886-94. , 4242. Boutelle K, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate? Obes Res. 2004;12:1754-7. , 4545. Hackie M, Bowles CL. Maternal perception of their overweight children. Publ Health Nurs (Boston, Mass). 2007;24:538-46. , 4646. Hirschler V, Gonzalez C, Talgham S, Jadzinsky M. Do mothers of overweight Argentinean preschool children perceive them as such? Pediatr Diab. 2006;7:201-4. , 4848. Manios Y, Kondaki K, Kourlaba G, Vasilopoulou E, Grammatikaki E. Maternal perceptions of their child's weight status: the GENESIS study. Publ Health Nutr. 2009;12:1099-105. and 4949. Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdula MK. Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatr. 2003;111:1226-31.

The observation of the results analyzed in this review does not allow for the identification of any trends in the mothers' perception depending on the diagnostic criteria used. No studies comparing the perception of mothers of the nutritional status of their children, determined by different diagnostic criteria were retrieved. However, the meta-analysis by Rietmeijer-Mentink et al.2525. Rietmeijer-Mentink M, Paulis WD, van Middelkoop M, Bindels PJ, van der Wouden JC. Difference between parental perception and actual weight status of children: a systematic review. Matern Child Nutr. 2013;9:3-22. demonstrated that the combination of data from different studies showed no statistically significant differences between the scores of sensitivity for different cutoff points used by the three criteria.

In this sense, in the present study, the sensitivity and specificity of maternal perception about the nutritional status of their children were calculated for all studies in which the available data made this analysis possible, totaling ten articles (Table 3). Regardless of the diagnostic criteria used, overall, the studies showed high sensitivity and low specificity, or low capacity of the mother to identify the excess weight in their children and good capacity to identify normal weight for those who had it.

It was observed that most studies concentrated the results and discussion on the underestimation of the nutritional status, as this appears to be the main problem regarding maternal perception. Moreover, most studies observed a low proportion of mothers who overestimate the nutritional status of their eutrophic or overweight children. However, in studies that included children with low weight, most mothers perceived their children as having normal weight.

In the study of Binkin et al.,3030. Binkin N, Spinelli A, Baglio G, Lamberti A. What is common becomes normal: the effect of obesity prevalence on maternal perception. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23: 410-6. for 37,590 children evaluated, only 3.2% of mothers overestimated their nutritional status; however, for the 344 children who were underweight, 43.2% of their mothers perceived them as having normal weight. In Brazil, the study by Molina et al.5050. Molina MCB, de Faria CP, Montero P, Cade NV. Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study. Cadern Saude Publ. 2009;25:2285-90. demonstrated that 2.7% of the mothers overestimated the nutritional status of their children, but when the data referred only to those with low weight, the proportion of underestimation was 26.0%.

In this context, the trend of mothers to overestimate the nutritional status of children with low weight also deserves attention and should be further investigated in studies on this subject.

Considering the quality of the studies reviewed and the results obtained, the present systematic review can contribute to the understanding of aspects related to the mothers' perception about the nutritional status of their children, as well serve as a basis for further studies in this area.


Most studies demonstrated that mothers scarcely perceive the nutritional status of their children, tending to underestimate it, especially in cases of overweight and obesity. This fact deserves attention, since if the excess weight is not noticed, the child or adolescent will not likely be referred to a treatment program, which may contribute to the increasing prevalence of overweight in pediatric populations.


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    Rito A, Wijnhoven TM, Rutter H, Carvalho MA, Paixao E, Ramos C, et al. Prevalence of obesity among Portuguese children (6-8 years old) using three definition criteria: COSI Portugal, 2008. Pediatr Obes. 2012;7:413-22.
  • 57
    Shields M, Tremblay MS. Canadian childhood obesity estimates based on WHO IOTF and CDC cut-points. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2010;5:265-73.
  • Please cite this article as: Francescatto C, Santos NS, Coutinho VF, Costa RF. Mothers' perceptions about the nutritional status of their overweight children: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:332-43.
  • ☆☆
    Study conducted at the institution Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Aug 2014


  • Received
    09 Dec 2013
  • Accepted
    22 Jan 2014
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil