The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears at two planting densities. The experiment was carried out during the 2011/2012, 2012/2013, and 2013/2014 growing seasons, in one-year-old orchards (2011/2012) of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears, trained in a central-leader system and planted in two densities (2,000 and 4,000 trees per hectare). The assessed parameters were: production per hectare, production per tree, yield efficiency, number of fruit per tree, average fruit weight, trunk diameter increment, fruit firmness, and soluble solid contents. The cumulative yield of 'Rocha' is greater at the higher planting density, whereas the yield efficiency of 'Santa Maria' increases at the lower planting density, as the trees get more mature. Trunk diameter of 'Rocha' also increases at the lower planting density. However, fruit quality parameters in both cultivars are little affected by planting density.
Pyrus communis; fruit quality; spacing; yield.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho das pereiras 'Rocha' e 'Santa Maria' em duas densidades de plantio. O experimento foi realizado nos anos agrícolas 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014, em pomares de um ano de idade (2011/2012) de pereiras 'Rocha' e 'Santa Maria', conduzidos em líder central e plantados em duas densidades (2.000 e 4.000 plantas por hectare). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: produção por hectare, produção por planta, eficiência produtiva, número de frutas por planta, massa média de fruta, incremento de diâmetro de tronco, firmeza de polpa e teores de sólidos solúveis. A produção acumulada de 'Rocha' é maior na maior densidade de plantio, enquanto a eficiência produtiva de 'Santa Maria' aumenta na menor densidade de plantio, à medida que as plantas se tornam mais maduras. O diâmetro de tronco de 'Rocha' também aumenta na menor densidade de plantio. No entanto, os parâmetros de qualidade de fruta em ambas as cultivares são pouco afetados pela densidade de plantio.
Pyrus communis; qualidade de fruta; espaçamento; produtividade.
Pear (Pyrus communis L.) production is still incipient in Brazil, which
produces approximately 10% of the pears consumed in the domestic market. The lack of
adequate chilling, i.e., quantity and quality, during the dormancy period, the need for
adapted cultivars and rootstocks, and insufficient knowledge about orchard management
are the main responsible factors for this situation (Pasa et al., 2012PASA, M. da S.; FACHINELLO, J.C.; SCHMITZ, J.D.; SOUZA, A.L.K. de;
FRANCESCHI, É. de. Desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade de peras sobre
porta-enxertos de marmeleiro e Pyrus calleryana. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura,
v.34, p.873-880, 2012. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-29452012000300029.
). Among these problems, there is a greater lack of
information on the latter, regarding, for instance, planting density. According to Policarpo et al. (2006)POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
, increasing planting density
is a powerful tool to increase fruit yield and orchard efficiency.
Pear production in Brazil is characterized by low density orchards grafted mainly onto
vigorous rootstocks, such as P. calleryana, which have
low early production (Pasa et al., 2012PASA, M. da S.; FACHINELLO, J.C.; SCHMITZ, J.D.; SOUZA, A.L.K. de;
FRANCESCHI, É. de. Desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade de peras sobre
porta-enxertos de marmeleiro e Pyrus calleryana. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura,
v.34, p.873-880, 2012. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-29452012000300029.
). In
order to overcome this difficulty, more efficient and profitable systems, including
high-density planting, might be used. These orchards offer the advantages of early
production, sustained high yields of high-quality fruit, and lower labor costs (Hampson et al., 2002HAMPSON, C.R.; QUAMME, H.A.; BROWNLEE, R.T. Canopy growth, yield, and
fruit quality of 'Royal Gala' apple trees grown for eight years in five tree training
systems. HortScience, v.37, p.627-631, 2002.). If high early production
could be achieved, pears would be an attractive alternative fruit crop for fruit growers
(Robinson, 2011ROBINSON, T.L. High density pear production with Pyrus communis
rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.259-270, 2011.).
Planting density is usually increased by reducing in-row distances, since light
interception and mechanical operations limit the reduction of distances between rows
(Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
). Increasing density
up to 8,000 trees per hectare in pear orchards results in higher yields (Sansavini & Musacchi, 2002SANSAVINI, S.; MUSACCHI, S.European pear orchard design and HDP
management: a review. Acta Horticulturae, v.596, p.589-601, 2002.); this performance,
however, is also linked to a notable increase in planting and management costs (Sansavini et al., 2008SANSAVINI, S.; ANCARANI, V.; NERI, D. Overview of intensive pear
culture: planting density, rootstocks, orchard management, soil-water relations and
fruit quality. Acta Horticulturae, v.800, p.35-50, 2008.). According to Asín et al. (2005)ASÍN, L.; MONTSERRAT, R.; CARBÓ, J.; VILARDELL, P.; CARRERA, M.
Comparison of the yield, labour requirement and fruit quality of 'Conference' pears
under five intensive training systems in Spain. Acta Horticulturae, v.671, p.455-461,
2005. , the planting density of 2,667
trees per hectare seems to be the most suitable system for quickly entering production,
while maintaining an intermediate level of plantation costs and an appropriate level of
production efficiency. Sansavini et al. (2008)SANSAVINI, S.; ANCARANI, V.; NERI, D. Overview of intensive pear
culture: planting density, rootstocks, orchard management, soil-water relations and
fruit quality. Acta Horticulturae, v.800, p.35-50, 2008.
suggest that the proper high-density planting threshold is of 4,000 trees per hectare,
in which the density factor will depend on how practicable it may or may not be in a
given situation.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears at two planting densities.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted at the experimental field of Universidade Federal de Pelotas
located in the municipality of Capão do Leão, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
(31º52'00"S, 52º21'24"W, at 48 m of altitude), during the 2011/2012, 2012/2013, and
2013/2014 growing seasons. The soil of the experimental area is a Argissolo Amarelo
distrófico (Ultisol), according to the Brazilian soil classification system (Santos et al., 2013SANTOS, H.G. dos; JACOMINE, P.K.T.; ANJOS, L.H.C. dos; OLIVEIRA, V.A.
de. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 3.ed. rev. e ampl. Brasília:
Embrapa, 2013. ). The chilling hour accumulation
(<7.2ºC) in 2011, 2012, and 2013 was of 449, 413, and 464 hours, respectively (Embrapa, 2015EMBRAPA. Monitoramento do acúmulo de horas de frio na Região de Pelotas.
Disponível em: <http://www.cpact.embrapa.br/agromet/online/Horas_Frio.htm>.
Acesso em: 5 jan. 2015.
). The weather conditions during the
development of the experiment are described in Table
Plant material consisted of one-year-old 'Santa Maria' and 'Rocha' pear trees grafted
onto a low-vigor rootstock - 'Adams' (Cydonia oblonga Mill.). Those
cultivars were chosen because of their potentiality in Brazilian conditions, considering
their low chilling requirement (~500 hours). Trees were trained in a central-leader
system and supported by a three-wire frame at 0.5, 1.1, and 1.7 m from the ground. In
the field, trees were planted in two separate single rows, spaced at 5 m between rows
and at 0.5 or 1 m within the row, totalizing 4,000 and 2,000 trees per hectare,
respectively. Soil fertility was corrected at the beginning of the experiment based on
soil analysis. Cultural practices were similar for all treatments: fertilization based
on soil analysis; shoot bending; disease and pest control; weed control and drip
irrigation in the summer (Pasa et al., 2012PASA, M. da S.; FACHINELLO, J.C.; SCHMITZ, J.D.; SOUZA, A.L.K. de;
FRANCESCHI, É. de. Desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade de peras sobre
porta-enxertos de marmeleiro e Pyrus calleryana. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura,
v.34, p.873-880, 2012. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-29452012000300029.
Since orchard establishment, only light pruning was done, with water sprout removal
during the summer if necessary, but no pruning of fruiting branches. At the end of the
winter in 2011, 2012, and 2013, at the green tip stage, trees were treated with hydrogen
cyanamide (0.2%) and mineral oil (3%) to standardize budburst and flowering.
Trees were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates of ten
trees per cultivar-spacing combination. Trunk diameter was measured at 15 cm above the
graft union with a digital caliper, at the beginning of the trial and at the end of each
growing season, and expressed as trunk diameter increment in millimeters. On 1/20/2012,
1/29/2013, and 1/29/2014, eight of the ten trees were harvested (leaving one tree at
each end as a border) per replicate at commercial maturity, that is, at flesh firmness
of 60-70 N. Data on yield and fruit quality of 'Santa Maria' in 2012/2013 are not
presented, since there was no production in this growing season, probably due to the
lower chilling accumulation observed in the winter of 2012. The total number of fruit
per tree was counted and weighed (kg). From these data, the following parameters were
calculated: production per tree (kg); average fruit size (g); yield (Mg
ha-1); and yield efficiency (kg cm-2), calculated as the reason
between production per tree and trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). TCSA was determined
according to Pasa et al. (2012)PASA, M. da S.; FACHINELLO, J.C.; SCHMITZ, J.D.; SOUZA, A.L.K. de;
FRANCESCHI, É. de. Desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade de peras sobre
porta-enxertos de marmeleiro e Pyrus calleryana. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura,
v.34, p.873-880, 2012. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-29452012000300029.
At harvest, samples of 15 fruit per replicate were placed in regular-air cold storage (0±1°C; RH 85±5%) and analyzed after 30 days for determination of fruit quality parameters. In the first growing season (2011/2012), fruit firmness was measured right after fruit were taken out of cold storage, whereas, in the other growing seasons, it was measured after fruit were left for five days at room temperature (25°C) following cold storage. Fruit firmness was measured in Newton with a digital firmness tester, model 53205 (TR Di Turoni, Forli, Italy), using an 8 mm diameter probe. Sections of skin, 2 cm in diameter, were removed at the widest point of the fruit on opposite sides prior to the determination of fruit firmness. After fruit firmness measurements, a composite sample per replicate was juiced, and 0.5 mL of juice was pipetted onto a digital refractometer, model PR-32 (Atago Co., Tokyo, Japan) to determine soluble solids contents, expressed as ºBrix.
Data were analyzed for statistical significance, using the F test. The number of fruit was transformed to square root (n + 1). Duncan's test was performed to compare treatments when analysis of variance showed significant differences among means.
Results and Discussion
Production per hectare was greater in the higher planting density in the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 growing seasons for 'Rocha', but only in the 2011/2012 growing season for 'Santa Maria' (Table 2). The latter variety did not produce in 2012/2013, probably due to bud abortion, since chilling accumulation in 2012 (413 hours) was lower than in the other growing seasons (449 and 464 hours in 2011 and 2013, respectively) and winter temperatures were higher (Table 1). In fact, 'Rocha' was also negatively affected in this growing season, producing less than in the previous year, when it was supposed to produce more. Cumulative yield differed only for 'Rocha', and the highest value was observed with 4,000 trees per hectare (Table 2).
Production increases obtained with a higher planting density were also reported for
'Conference' (Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
'Bartlett', and 'Bosc' pears (Robinson, 2011ROBINSON, T.L. High density pear production with Pyrus communis
rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.259-270, 2011.) and
for 'Red Spur' apple (Pramanick et al., 2012PRAMANICK, K.K; KISHORE, D.K.; SINGH, R.; KUMAR, J. Performance of apple
(Malus x domestica Borkh) cv. Red Spur on a new apple rootstock in high density
planting. Scientia Horticulturae, v.133, p.37-39, 2012. DOI:
Increments in production per hectare are expected as planting density is increased,
because of the higher number of trees capable of producing fruits. This effect was also
observed by Musacchi et al. (2011)MUSACCHI, S.; SERRA, S.; ANCARINI, V.Comparison among pear training
systems and rootstocks for high density planting (HDP) of the cultivar 'Abbé Fétel'.
Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.251-258, 2011. for 'Abbé
Fétel' and in the present study for 'Rocha', in which cumulative production in the
higher density was approximately 40% greater than in the lower planting density. As for
'Santa Maria', since no production was observed in the 2012/2013 growing season, it is
not possible to conclude if the results would be similar, but yield increased in
2011/2012 in the higher planting density and there was no difference for yield between
the two planting densities in 2013/2014 or for cumulative production.
Yield efficiency of 'Rocha' did not differ between planting densities in any of the growing seasons, whereas for 'Santa Maria' it was greater only at the lower planting density in 2013/2014 (Table 2). Production per tree differed between planting densities in 2012/2013 for 'Rocha', which was more productive at the density of 4,000 trees per hectare, and in 2013/2014 for 'Santa Maria', at 2,000 trees per hectare (Table 3). Fruit number differed significantly only for 'Santa Maria' in the 2013/2014 growing season, when fruit number was greater at the lower planting density. Average fruit weight was higher in the lower planting density for both cultivars only in the 2011/2012 growing season.
The greater production per tree observed for 'Santa Maria' in 2013/2014 in the lower
planting density was probably due the higher number of fruits, since differences in
average fruit weight were nonsignificant. The increase in production per tree and in
yield efficiency with decreasing planting density - registered for 'Santa Maria' in the
2013/2014 growing season - was also reported for 'Red Spur' apple (Pramanick et al., 2012PRAMANICK, K.K; KISHORE, D.K.; SINGH, R.; KUMAR, J. Performance of apple
(Malus x domestica Borkh) cv. Red Spur on a new apple rootstock in high density
planting. Scientia Horticulturae, v.133, p.37-39, 2012. DOI:
), in which trees at the lowest planting
density showed the greatest production per tree. However, opposite behavior was found
for 'Forelle' pear (Plooy & Huyssteen, 2000PLOOY, P. du; HUYSSTEEN, P. van. Effect of BP1, BP3, and Quince A
rootstocks, at three planting densities, on precocity and fruit quality of 'Forelle'
pear (Pyrus communis L.). South African Journal of Plant and Soil, v.17, p.57-59,
2000. DOI: 10.1080/02571862.2000.10634867.
'Royal Gala' and 'McIntosh' apples (Hampson et al.,
2004HAMPSON, C.R.; QUAMME, H.A.; KAPPEL, F.; BROWNLEE, R.T.Varying density
with constant rectangularity: II. Effects on apple tree yield, fruit size, and fruit
color development in three training systems over ten years. HortScience, v.39,
p.507-511, 2004.). This indicates that pear tree behavior in high-density plantings is
genotype-dependent (Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
therefore, each cultivar has to be tested in order to find out the most suitable
planting density.
Reduction in fruit weight at higher planting densities, as observed for both cultivars
in the 2011/2012 growing season, also occurred in 'Conference' (Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
), 'Bartlett', and 'Bosc' (Robinson, 2011ROBINSON, T.L. High density pear production with Pyrus communis
rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.259-270, 2011.) pears, as well as in 'Red Spur'
apple (Pramanick et al., 2012PRAMANICK, K.K; KISHORE, D.K.; SINGH, R.; KUMAR, J. Performance of apple
(Malus x domestica Borkh) cv. Red Spur on a new apple rootstock in high density
planting. Scientia Horticulturae, v.133, p.37-39, 2012. DOI:
), but not in
'Forelle' pear (Plooy & Huyssteen, 2000PLOOY, P. du; HUYSSTEEN, P. van. Effect of BP1, BP3, and Quince A
rootstocks, at three planting densities, on precocity and fruit quality of 'Forelle'
pear (Pyrus communis L.). South African Journal of Plant and Soil, v.17, p.57-59,
2000. DOI: 10.1080/02571862.2000.10634867.
Musacchi et al. (2011)MUSACCHI, S.; SERRA, S.; ANCARINI, V.Comparison among pear training
systems and rootstocks for high density planting (HDP) of the cultivar 'Abbé Fétel'.
Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.251-258, 2011. found a positive
correlation between low planting densities and fruit weight increase. Reduction in fruit
weight has been related with a higher crop load of high-density plantings (Robinson, 2011ROBINSON, T.L. High density pear production with Pyrus communis
rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, v.909, p.259-270, 2011.); however, fruit number did not
differ among planting densities in the evaluated growing season, whereas fruit weight
was negatively affected by the higher planting density. Possibly, this effect was due to
less water availability on a per tree basis in the closer spacing (Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
), since irrigation was similar for both
planting densities.
There was an increase in production from 2012/2013 to 2013/2014, and from 2011/2012 to
2013/2014 for 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears, respectively, in both planting densities.
This result is probably related to the adopted pruning management, which consisted in
minimum pruning of the orchard since its establishment, i.e., only some water sprouts
were removed when necessary in the summer, while fruiting branches were not pruned. This
management was chosen because pear trees need 2-3 years to develop their main fruiting
structures, the spurs (Westwood, 1987WESTWOOD, M.N. Temperate-zone pomology: physiology and culture.
Portland: Timber Press, 1987. 428p.; Elkins et al., 2007 ELKINS, R.B.; VAN DEN ENDE, B.; BEUTEL, J. Vegetative growth and fruit
development. In: MITCHAM, E.; ELKINS, R. (Ed.). Pear production and handling manual.
Oakland: University of California, 2007. p.51-76.). In this case, the light
pruning of the trees in the first years allowed the development of these structures.
Excessive vegetative growth is negatively correlated with flowering spur formation
(Pasa et al., 2011PASA, M. da S.; FACHINELLO, J.C.; SCHMITZ, J.D.; SOUZA, A.L.K. de;
HERTER, F.G. Hábito de frutificação e produção de pereiras sobre diferentes
porta-enxertos. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v.46, p.998-1005, 2011. DOI:
), whereas the invigorating
effects of pruning are well-known for pear (Pasa &
Einhorn, 2014PASA, M.S.; EINHORN, T.C. Heading cuts and prohexadione-calcium affect
the growth and development of 'd'Anjou' pear shoots in a high-density orchard.
Scientia Horticulturae, v.168, p.267-271, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2014.02.003.
Differences in trunk diameter increment were observed in the 2011/2012 and 2013/2014
growing seasons, when 'Rocha' showed greater trunk diameter in the lower planting
density (Table 4). This effect was also observed
in 'Conference', 'Abbé Fétel', and 'Comice' pears (Musacchi et al., 2005MUSACCHI, S.; ANCARINI, V.; GAMBERINI, A.; GADDONI, M.; GRANDI, M.;
SANSAVINI, S. Response of training system, planting density and cultivar in pear.
Acta Horticulturae, v.671, p.463-469, 2005. ). A possible explanation is the suppression of tree
growth by the greater production area of 'Rocha' at the higher planting density,
considering fruit growth dominates over vegetative growth (Smith & Samach, 2013SMITH, H.M.; SAMACH, A. Constraints to obtaining consistent annual
yields in perennial tree crops. I: Heavy fruit load dominates over vegetative growth.
Plant Science, v.207, p.158-167, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2013.02.014.
). This result might also be an effect of
root growth suppression at the closer spacing, as reported for 'Williams' pear (Policarpo et al., 2006POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
). In this situation, trees
would have a disadvantage on the competition for soil resources, when compared with
trees at wider spacings. However, further studies are necessary to investigate the
effects of planting density on root-soil interaction.
Fruit quality parameters were influenced by planting density only in the 2011/2012
growing season (Table 4). Fruit from both
cultivars exhibited higher firmness at the higher planting density. A similar pattern
was observed for soluble solids of 'Rocha' pear fruit. On the contrary, fruit of 'Santa
Maria' showed a greater amount of soluble solids at the lower planting density. Policarpo et al. (2006)POLICARPO, M.; TALLUTO, G.; LO BIANCO, R. Vegetative and productive
responses of 'Conference' and 'Williams' pear trees planted at different in-row
spacings. Scientia Horticulturae, v.109, p.322-331, 2006. DOI:
found lower fruit firmness
of 'Conference' fruits as planting space was widened. A hypothesis for this result is
that fruits of trees at the closer spacing were more shaded, slowing down fruit
ripening. Garriz et al. (1997)GARRIZ, P.I.; ALVAREZ, H.L.; ALVAREZ, A.J. Influence of altered
irradiance on fruits and leaves of mature pear leaves. Biologia Plantarum, v.39,
p.229-234, 1997. DOI: 10.1023/A:1000344920479.
reported higher
firmness of shaded 'Bartlett' fruit. However, Plooy
& Huyssteen (2000)PLOOY, P. du; HUYSSTEEN, P. van. Effect of BP1, BP3, and Quince A
rootstocks, at three planting densities, on precocity and fruit quality of 'Forelle'
pear (Pyrus communis L.). South African Journal of Plant and Soil, v.17, p.57-59,
2000. DOI: 10.1080/02571862.2000.10634867.
did not find differences on fruit firmness and soluble
solids of 'Forelle' pear as affected by planting density. The higher soluble solids of
'Rocha' at the higher density may be attributed to the lower fruit weight, concentrating
the amount of sugars. However, 'Santa Maria' did not follow this pattern. Either way,
differences for both cultivars were nonsignificant and occurred in only one out of three
growing seasons.
Cumulative yield of 'Rocha' pear (Pyrus communis) is greater at the higher planting density, whereas the yield efficiency of 'Santa Maria' increases at the lower planting density, as the trees get more mature.
Increasing planting density reduces the trunk diameter of 'Rocha', but not of 'Santa Maria' pear.
Fruit weight and quality parameters in both cultivars are little affected by planting density.
To Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) and to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), for financial support.
- ASÍN, L.; MONTSERRAT, R.; CARBÓ, J.; VILARDELL, P.; CARRERA, M. Comparison of the yield, labour requirement and fruit quality of 'Conference' pears under five intensive training systems in Spain. Acta Horticulturae, v.671, p.455-461, 2005.
- ELKINS, R.B.; VAN DEN ENDE, B.; BEUTEL, J. Vegetative growth and fruit development. In: MITCHAM, E.; ELKINS, R. (Ed.). Pear production and handling manual. Oakland: University of California, 2007. p.51-76.
- EMBRAPA. Monitoramento do acúmulo de horas de frio na Região de Pelotas. Disponível em: <http://www.cpact.embrapa.br/agromet/online/Horas_Frio.htm>. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2015.
» http://www.cpact.embrapa.br/agromet/online/Horas_Frio.htm - ESTAÇÃO AGROCLIMATOLÓGICA DE PELOTAS (Capão do Leão) . Boletim Agroclimatológico. 2015. Disponível em: <http://www.cpact.embrapa.br/agromet/estacao/boletim.php>. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2015.
» http://www.cpact.embrapa.br/agromet/estacao/boletim.php - GARRIZ, P.I.; ALVAREZ, H.L.; ALVAREZ, A.J. Influence of altered irradiance on fruits and leaves of mature pear leaves. Biologia Plantarum, v.39, p.229-234, 1997. DOI: 10.1023/A:1000344920479.
» https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1000344920479. - HAMPSON, C.R.; QUAMME, H.A.; BROWNLEE, R.T. Canopy growth, yield, and fruit quality of 'Royal Gala' apple trees grown for eight years in five tree training systems. HortScience, v.37, p.627-631, 2002.
- HAMPSON, C.R.; QUAMME, H.A.; KAPPEL, F.; BROWNLEE, R.T.Varying density with constant rectangularity: II. Effects on apple tree yield, fruit size, and fruit color development in three training systems over ten years. HortScience, v.39, p.507-511, 2004.
- MUSACCHI, S.; ANCARINI, V.; GAMBERINI, A.; GADDONI, M.; GRANDI, M.; SANSAVINI, S. Response of training system, planting density and cultivar in pear. Acta Horticulturae, v.671, p.463-469, 2005.
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