Lixiviação de pendimethalin e napropamide em dois tipos de solos
L.H. Signori; R. Deuber
Instituto Agronômico. Caixa Postal 28 - 13.100 Campinas, SP
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1. Anderson, W.P.; Richards, A.B. & Whitworth, G.W. Leaching of trifluralin, benefin and nitralin in soil columns. Weeds 16: 165-169, 1968.
2. Eshel, Y. & Warren, G.F. Simplified methods for determining leaching and adsorption of herbicides in soils. Weeds 15: 115-118, 1967.
3. Menges, R.M. & Tamez, S. Movement and persistence of bensulide and trifluralin in irrigated soil. Weeds 22: 67-71, 1974.
4. Miller, W.W. & Gray, R.A. Behavior and persistence of 2-(α-naphtoxy)-N,N-propionamide. Meeting Weed Sci. Soc. America, 1972. Abstracts, 100.
5. Signori, L.H.; Deuber, R. & Forster, R. Lixiviação de trifluralin, atrazine e bromacil em três diferentes solos. Planta Daninha 1: 39-44, 1978.
Recebido para publicação em 15.1.1979.
- 1. Anderson, W.P.; Richards, A.B. & Whitworth, G.W. Leaching of trifluralin, benefin and nitralin in soil columns. Weeds 16: 165-169, 1968.
- 2. Eshel, Y. & Warren, G.F. Simplified methods for determining leaching and adsorption of herbicides in soils. Weeds 15: 115-118, 1967.
- 3. Menges, R.M. & Tamez, S. Movement and persistence of bensulide and trifluralin in irrigated soil. Weeds 22: 67-71, 1974.
- 5. Signori, L.H.; Deuber, R. & Forster, R. Lixiviação de trifluralin, atrazine e bromacil em três diferentes solos. Planta Daninha 1: 39-44, 1978.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
06 Jun 2013 -
Data do Fascículo
Jun 1979