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Contact with natural areas influences Brazilian high school students’ ability to recognize native plant species


Limited experiential contact to natural environment can affect the knowledge of the local flora and, consequently, the intentions to conserve it. Therefore, this study aims to analyze whether high school students from Teresina (PI-Brazil) can identify more species of native than exotic plants and the factors that can affect this ability. 333 students from state public schools were interviewed through semi-structured questionnaires and with printed images of 20 species of plants found in the region. The data were analyzed using univariate non-parametric statistics. The results show that living in the countryside positively influenced the identification of local flora, but there was no significant difference in the number of identified plants between students who attended botany classes and those who did not. Two native plants (cashew-96.7% and pitomba-91.9%) and three exotic plants (mango-90.7%, guava-94.9% and acerola-82.0%) stood out among the most identified plant species. It was also found that, for two species of native plants very important for the State of Piauí, the caneleiro (0.6%) and the carnauba (26.7%), the identification rates were scarce. Thus, it is necessary to use Environmental Education and the teaching of Botany to prioritize native plant species, valuing local ecology and ensuring their protection.

Teaching botany; Plant unawareness; Environmental conservation; Local Plant Species; Teresina (PI)


Population growth, urban sprawl, and its economic practices are highlighted as the leading causes for changes in vegetation, bringing inevitable consequences to biodiversity (Proença et al. 2011Proença MS, Dal-Farra RA, Oslaj EU. 2011. Espécies nativas e exóticas: Comparando resultados obtidos no Ensino Médio e no Ensino Fundamental. In: Anais do VII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências, Campinas.). Authors such as Buczkowski and Richmond (2012)Buczkowski G, Richmond DS. 2012. The effect of urbanization on ant abundance and diversity: A temporal examination of factors affecting biodiversity. PLoS One 7: e41729. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041729
believe that the lack of “contact with natural environment” makes this situation more chaotic. Distancing from the natural environment occurs primarily due to the lifestyle of modern society, which has become an obstacle to practices aimed at natural environment protection. The lack of contact with the natural environment of young people is pointed out by Louv (2005)Louv R. 2005. Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature deficit disorder. 1st. edn. Chapel Hill, Algonquin Books., and the generalization of environment knowledge is demonstrated by Driessnack (2009)Driessnack M. 2009. Children and nature‐deficit disorder. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 14: 73-75. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6155.2009.00180.x
. Both of these aspects when added to the physical impacts of environment degradation, such as fragmentation of habitats, impact on the environment richness and abundance of fauna and flora, as well as the decrease and extinction of native species (Connor et al. 2002Connor EF, Hafernik J, Moore VL, Rickman JK. 2002. Insect conservation in an urban biodiversity hotspot: The San Francisco Bay area. Journal of Insect Conservation 6: 247-259.; Morini et al. 2007Morini MSC, Munhae CB, Leung R, Candiani DF, Voltolini JC. 2007. Comunidades de formigas (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica situados em áreas urbanizadas. Iheringia, Série Zoologia 97: 246-252. doi: 10.1590/S0073-47212007000300005
; Sanford et al. 2008Sanford MP, Manley PN, Murphy DD. 2008. Effects of urban development on ant communities: Implications for ecosystem services and management. Conservation Biology 23: 131-141. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01040.x
; Buczkowski & Richmond 2012Buczkowski G, Richmond DS. 2012. The effect of urbanization on ant abundance and diversity: A temporal examination of factors affecting biodiversity. PLoS One 7: e41729. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041729
; Lutinski et al. 2014Lutinski JA, Lutinski CJ, Lopes BC, Morais ABB. 2014. Estrutura da comunidade de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em quatro ambientes com diferentes níveis de perturbação antrópica. Ecología Austral 24: 229-237.) aggravate the process of disconnection with the natural environment.

In Brazil, the distance from natural environment may contribute to the little knowledge about native flora, which represents one of the world’s most exceptional biodiversity of flora. However, the distance from natural environment may contribute to the little knowledge about its native flora, especially for future generations. For example, studies suggest that Brazilians might frequently identify exotic plants because they are part of Brazilians’ daily life either as a nutrition source (fruits and vegetables) or as reforestation projects (Itii & Campos 2012Itii SHT, Campos RMAC. 2012. A arborização urbana com espécies nativas do cerrado no contexto do patrimônio histórico da cidade de Nerópolis. In: III Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão Ambiental, Goiânia.; Santos Junior 2013Santos Junior A. 2013. O efeito cultural sobre a interação homem-plantas comestíveis. Ambiente & Educação 18: 83-92.; Soares Filho 2017Soares Filho JRN. 2017. Análise qualitativa da arborização viária do Centro-Sul da cidade de Teresina -PI. Monografia, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí, Brasil.). Although Brazil has plant species with food potential, few are produced on a large scale and are hardly commercialized in supermarkets (Santos Junior 2013Santos Junior A. 2013. O efeito cultural sobre a interação homem-plantas comestíveis. Ambiente & Educação 18: 83-92.). Many plant species widely used as food in the country are considered naturalized exotic species, once their survival and reproduction occur naturally in the regions where they are now found (Richardson et al. 2008Richardson DM, Wilgen BW, Nuñez MA. 2008. Alien conifer invasions in South America: Short fuse burning? Biological Invasions 10: 573-577.), making it difficult to identify their origin.

The diffusion of exotic species in the daily lives of populations, the growing urbanization, and the distance from green areas may reflect the little knowledge children and young people have of native species and their local environment. These factors can affect the understanding of the importance of environmental conservation and the feeling of belonging to the environment in which they live. According to Proença et al. (2017)Proença MS, Dal-Farra RA, Oslaj EU. 2017. Espécies nativas e exóticas no ensino de ciências: Uma avaliação do conhecimento dos estudantes do ensino fundamental. Contexto & Educação 32: 213-247. doi: 10.21527/2179-1309.2017.103.213-247
, the recognition of the local environment enables relevant parameters, such as the local culture, to be included in educational strategies making students understand the social and educational importance of native species.

Thereby, this devaluation of local plant species is reflected in the school context. Youngsters can define global warming, the forest, and the impact of Amazon's deforestation. However, they do not know how plants grow in their backyards (Driessnack 2009Driessnack M. 2009. Children and nature‐deficit disorder. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 14: 73-75. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6155.2009.00180.x
), which suggests the lack of connection with the place where they live. Research applied to Brazilian Primary School students demonstrated that exotic plant species are mentioned among the native plant species (Silveira & Farias 2009Silveira AP, Farias CC. 2009. Estudo etnobotânico da educação básica. POIÉSIS 2: 14-31. doi: 10.19177/prppge.v2e3200914-31
; Miyazawa et al. 2015Miyazawa G, Manzato BL, Manzato CL, Escanhoela CZ, Pedro IC. 2015. Conhecimento de alunos do ensino fundamental sobre animais e plantas brasileiros. In: Atas do X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, promovido por Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, Águas de Lindóia.; Proença et al. 2017Proença MS, Dal-Farra RA, Oslaj EU. 2017. Espécies nativas e exóticas no ensino de ciências: Uma avaliação do conhecimento dos estudantes do ensino fundamental. Contexto & Educação 32: 213-247. doi: 10.21527/2179-1309.2017.103.213-247
; Agrizzi et al. 2020Agrizzi AP, Teixeira MC, Salustiano IV et al. 2020. Projeto Saberes da Mata Atlântica: Percepção ambiental e científica de estudantes do entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (MG). Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental 15: 277-296.). This happens, mainly, due to the low quantity of native flora examples in Brazilian textbooks (Sales & Landim 2009Sales AB, Landim MF. 2009. Análise da abordagem da flora nativa em livros didáticos de biologia usados em escolas de Aracaju - SE. Experiências em Ensino de Ciências 4: 17-29.; Marinho et al. 2015Marinho LC, Setúval FAR, Azevedo CO. 2015. Botânica geral de angiospermas no ensino médio: Uma análise comparativa entre livros didáticos. Investigações em Ensino de Ciências 20: 237-258.; Purificação & Lopes 2018Purificação WR, Lopes CGR. 2018. Abordagem da flora e fauna nativas em livros didáticos de ciências do ensino fundamental. Teresina, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI. 12 Dec. 2018.
), media (television broadcasts, cartoons, TV series), Botany classes (Towata et al. 2010Towata N, Ursi S, Santos DYAC. 2010. Análise da percepção de licenciandos sobre o “Ensino de Botânica na Educação Básica”. Revista da SBenBio 3: 1603-1612.) or a utilitarian vision of natural environment for example (Bitencourt et al. 2011Bitencourt IM, Macedo GEL, Souza ML, Santos MC, Sousa GP, Oliveira DBG. 2011. As plantas na percepção de estudantes do ensino fundamental no município de Jequié BA. Anais VII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, Campinas. p. 1-13.). Besides, this fact is probably consistent with both urbanization and substitution of the native by exotic species and can be a consequence of the native diversity’s undervalue.

Silveira and Farias (2009)Silveira AP, Farias CC. 2009. Estudo etnobotânico da educação básica. POIÉSIS 2: 14-31. doi: 10.19177/prppge.v2e3200914-31
report that students have good prior knowledge about plants, especially exotic ones. Some factors may be related to this conclusion. One of them is how Botany courses are understood locally. Mostly, Botany courses in high schools are understood as something superfluous and students are not incentivized. Further, they are decontextualized from students' reality (Salatino & Buckeridge 2016Salatino A, Buckeridge M. 2016. Mas de que te serve saber botânica? Estudos Avançados 30: 87. doi: 10.1590/S0103-40142016.30870011
). Due to this situation, students, mainly high school students, have an insufficient understanding of biodiversity (García & Hernández 2004García FG, Hernández ISA. 2004. Conocimientos y concepciones sobre biodiversidad en alumnos de educación secundaria. Granada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.).

According to the National Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education (PCN - Resolution CBE/CNE nº 03/1998), students should learn Botany with an evolutionary-ecological approach. This approach is the geological history of life (Brasil 2000Brasil. 2000. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: Ensino médio. Brasília, Ministério da Educação.), which is a very specific context. The combination of this curriculum specificity with the socio-environmental problems seen in the country (Arrais & Bizerril 2020Arrais AAM, Bizerril MXA. 2020. A educação ambiental crítica e o pensamento Freireano: Tecendo possibilidades de enfrentamento e resistência frente ao retrocesso estabelecido no contexto brasileiro. Revista Eletrônica do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental 37: 145-165.) affects teaching and Environmental Education (EE), once teachers focus on these environmental problems and not on subsidizing Botany courses in public schools. Botany classes should be a tool for understanding environmental problems and identifying that plants form the main ecosystems' components (Vilas Boas 2015Vilas Boas TJR. 2015. Ensino de Botânica: Um guia didático como contribuição à formação da concepção ambiental para Licenciados de Ciências Biológicas. MSc Thesis, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas, Brasil.).

Thus, obtaining information about the plant species known by young students and the affecting factors of this knowledge is essential to guide methodologies in teaching Botany. Although researchers have investigated the study of Botany in the school environment (see Bitencourt et al. 2011Bitencourt IM, Macedo GEL, Souza ML, Santos MC, Sousa GP, Oliveira DBG. 2011. As plantas na percepção de estudantes do ensino fundamental no município de Jequié BA. Anais VII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, Campinas. p. 1-13.; Silva & Ghilardi-Lopes 2014Silva JN, Ghilardi-Lopes NP. 2014. Botânica no Ensino Fundamental: Diagnósticos de dificuldades no ensino e da percepção e representação da biodiversidade vegetal por estudantes. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias 13: 115-136.; Agrizzi et al. 2020Agrizzi AP, Teixeira MC, Salustiano IV et al. 2020. Projeto Saberes da Mata Atlântica: Percepção ambiental e científica de estudantes do entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (MG). Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental 15: 277-296.), little is known about how the contact with natural environment and television programs dedicated to Botany, for example, can influence Brazilian students’ capacity to recognize species. Moreover, different European and North American authors suggest that the species’ identification (referred here as recognition), of either flora or fauna, is a viable teaching strategy, considering that students tend to identify a plant or animal (from visual stimuli) rather than mention their name spontaneously (Palmberg et al. 2015Palmberg I, Berg I, Jeronen E et al. 2015. Nordic-Baltic student teachers’ identification of and interest in plant and animal species: The importance of species identification and biodiversity for sustainable development. Journal of Science Teacher Education 26: 549-571. ; Rosalino et al. 2017Rosalino LM, Gheler-Costa C, Santos G, Gonçalves MT, Fonseca C, Leal AI. 2017. Conservation priorities for elementary school students: Neotropical and European perspectives. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2675-2697. ; Aruguete et al. 2019Aruguete MS, Gillen MM, McCutcheon LE, Bernstein MJ. 2019. Disconnection from nature and the admiration of celebrities. Applied Environmental Education & Communication 19: 317-327. ; Hooykaas et al. 2019Hooykaas MJ, Schilthuizen M, Aten C, Hemelaar EM, Albers CJ, Smeets I. 2019. Identification skills in biodiversity professionals and laypeople: A gap in species literacy. Biological Conservation 238: 108202. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108202
). This recognition contributes to the respect for the local fauna and flora, which increases the identity with native landscapes and biodiversity, and consequently, the concern to conserve them (Bizerril 2004Bizerril MXA. 2004. Children's perceptions of Brazilian Cerrado landscapes and biodiversity. The Journal of Environmental Education 35: 47-58. doi: 10.3200/JOEE.35.4.47-58

Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the ability of high school students in the city of Teresina (PI), Brazil, to recognize native plant species, the part of the plant that they use to recognize, and the factors that can influence the recognition of plant species. The main factors considered as variables were conviviality with rural areas and agricultural practices, botany classes and means of information by television programs on botanical issues, and if students can differentiate native and exotic plant species, beyond its purposes. Accordingly, this research’s hypotheses tested were the following: (a) there are significant differences between the recognition of exotic and native species; (b) factors such as living in or contact with rural areas, Botany classes, TV programs, and knowing how to conceptualize exotic and native species influence the recognition of plants by students. The research area chosen is the municipality of Teresina, Piauí, northeastern Brazil, due to the high urbanization and the existence of high schools distributed in different areas, which serve students not only from urban areas but also rural areas.

Materials and methods

Target region and students

The research took place in Teresina (05°5'20" S and 42°48'07" W), Piauí State capital, in the Northeast of Brazil. The city has 814.230 inhabitants (IBGE 2010IBGE ‒ Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. 2010. Panorama cidades. 1 Jun. 2020.
), of which 94,3% live in urban areas (Pnud 2013Pnud. 2013. Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano no Brasil - Perfil de Teresina, PI, 2013. 1 Jun. 2020.
). The city has a tropical savanna climate, with a six-month dry season, with an average annual temperature of 26 °C and precipitation in between 1300 mm and 1600 mm (Alvares et al. 2013Alvares CA, Stape JL, Sentelhas PC, Gonçalves JDM, Sparovek G. 2013. Köppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 22: 711-728. ). The natural vegetation consists of mixed secondary deciduous tropical forest, babassu palms, and cerrado (Brazilian savanna) (Cepro 2010Cepro. 2010. Fundação Centro de Pesquisas Econômicas e Sociais. Perfil do município de Teresina. 2 May 2018.

Data collected refer to answers given by High School students of the Public-School System of the State of Piauí (Brazil). The total number of schools was surveyed based on data obtained from the website Qedu (, which include schools across the country based on the 2016 School Census, besides the documents made available by Secretary of Education and Culture of the State of Piauí (SEDUC). Teresina has a substantial number of schools in relation to other municipalities in the State, totaling 106 high schools (Qedu 2016Qedu. 2016. Lista completa de escolas, cidades e estados. 5 Feb. 2018.
). In this research, students from 13 schools were included, which were chosen randomly by sortition and classified by city zones: Center, Southeast, South, Northeast, and North (classification proposed by SEDUC) (Fig. 1). Two schools were drawn in each zone, and for those zones that had few students in the classes, another school was drawn (Center, North, and Northeast). With this classification, it was possible to identify central areas of the city (for example, Center-North, Southeast) that concentrate the essential educational and health services. Further, they often attract the rural population of the municipality (Cruz et al. 2016Cruz ICS, Espindola GM, Carneiro ELNC. 2016. Três décadas de expansão urbana e concentração populacional em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Espacios 37: 24. ; Lima et al. 2017Lima MSA, Gomes WGR, Façanha AC. 2017. A relação entre as áreas urbana e rural em cidades contemporâneas: Estudo em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Revista Espacios 38: 24.).

Figure 1
Distribution of public high schools in the city of Teresina, Piauí, which participated in this research.

A total of 333 third grade students participated in this study. Students from this grade level were preferably selected because it is the concluding level of the secondary school in Brazil, according to the National Educational Guidelines and Framework Law (nº 9,393/1996 - LDB) and the National Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education (PCN - Resolution CBE/CNE nº 03/1998). This legal determination makes it conceivable to investigate the acquired knowledge about biodiversity in this formal educational level (Brasil 2013Brasil. 2013. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais da Educação Básica. Brasília, Ministério da Educação. Secretária de Educação Básica. Diretoria de Currículos e Educação Integral.).

Also, as the research involves the collection of data based on the interview of people the rule imposed by Resolution nº 466/12 of the National Research Ethics Committee was followed. This work is linked to the project registered at Plataforma Brazil, approved under protocol nº 2.763.982 by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). For participants over the age of 18, the Free and Informed Consent Form for Qualitative Studies was issued in two copies, one being filed by the student and the other by the researcher. For cases of respondents under the age of 18, parents were given a Consent Form, also drawn up in two copies, authorizing the participation of their sons and daughters in the study.

Data collection and analysis

For data collection, semi-structured questionnaires were used. The questions addressed aspects such as age and gender, along with the variables: (a) conviviality with less urbanized areas (rural area); (b) if they attended botany classes; (c) TV programs that address botanical issues (forests and other ecosystems, gardening, cooking, camping); (d) knowledge of the concepts of native and exotic plant species. The variable (a) concerns the fact that both urban and rural students attend the schools, where the researchers applied the questionnaires (they move/travel in search of employment, education, and health) (Lima et al. 2017Lima MSA, Gomes WGR, Façanha AC. 2017. A relação entre as áreas urbana e rural em cidades contemporâneas: Estudo em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Revista Espacios 38: 24.). Concerning conviviality in less urbanized areas, the questionnaire presented three options: 1. Do you live in the countryside? 2. Do you frequently travel to the countryside? and 3. Have you ever been engaged in or are you engaged in any agricultural activity? These three questions were grouped into a single variable (conviviality with rural area).

Variables (b) and (d) were chosen because this research is based on the premise that in Botany (Science and Biology) subjects students experience content that favors the recognition of plant biodiversity, as well as concepts, threats, and effects of human activity on this biodiversity (as is the case with the introduction of species).

In order to obtain the information about the species recognition, it was adopted 20 questions related to the identification of plants in printed images and their uses (Supplementary Data Supplementary Data Semi-structured questionnaire applied to high school students in Teresina - Piauí. ). The presentation order of the printed images was carried out randomly and did not present any identification regarding the name of the species (scientific or common names) and its origin (native or exotic). It was considered that students knew the plant when they correctly refer to the species' common name.

For the 20 questions that referred to the identification of plant species, visual stimulus (printed images) were used. They showed high-resolution photographs (≥ 3 Megapixel) of native plant species, belonging to the study region, and naturalized exotic plant species (Supplementary Data Supplementary Data Semi-structured questionnaire applied to high school students in Teresina - Piauí. ). The species were selected based on the following criteria: native - to be known locally and to have importance in the daily lives of local populations; exotic - having significant commercialization and being well-portrayed in teaching materials and the media (TV programs). The researchers obtained the images used in the research from their private resources, from specific educational materials related to the research area (Lorenzi 2008Lorenzi H. 2008. Árvores brasileiras: Manual de identificação e cultivo de plantas arbóreas do Brasil. 5th. edn. Nova Odessa, Plantarum.; 2009Lorenzi H. 2009. Árvores brasileiras: Manual de identificação e cultivo de plantas arbóreas nativas do Brasil. 1st. edn. Nova Odessa, Plantarum . ), and from databases (e.g., Flickr ©, Google ™ Images ©) with a public license for non-commercial use. From the 20 plant species that were selected and displayed on the planks, 12 were native, and 8 were exotic (Table 1).

Table 1
Presentation order of planks with images of native and exotic plant species used in the research with students from Teresina - Piauí.

The research used definitions by the National Environment Council (CONAMA) to analyze answers regarding concepts of native and exotic plant species. CONAMA’s definition states that a native species “presents its natural populations within the limits of its geographic distribution participating in ecosystems where it presents its levels of interaction and demographic controls” and that an exotic species is “any species outside its natural area of geographic distribution” (Brasil 2011Brasil. 2011. Resolução CONAMA no 429, de 28 de fevereiro de 2011. Dispõe sobre a metodologia de recuperação das áreas de preservação permanente -APPs. 16 May 2018.
, p. 76). The classification as native or exotic plant species was confirmed using data from the website Plants of Brazil 2020 - Algae, Fungi, and Plants ( and the document provided by CNIP - Northeastern Center of Information on Plants (

The results were tabulated and analyzed using non-parametric univariate statistics (Mann-Whitney U test), as it has an independent distribution. The letter “U” represents the test value. The statistic differences are represented by the value of the mean rank and p, being significant when p ≤ 0.05. In accordance with each variable (a, b, and c), the analyzes were made comparing groups of answers and their relations with plant species. For example: conviviality or not with rural areas or practicing agricultural activities influences the ability of recognition more plant species. All analyzes were performed using software R version 3.5.1. The level of significance adopted was 5% (p ≤ 0.05) in all cases.


Within the students who took part in the research, 47.1% were male and 52.9% female, with ages varying from 15 to 25 (average age was 17.5). Among the students, 57.6%, mentioned conviviality with rural areas, 84.9% took Botany classes, 66.1% do not watch TV programs about botanical topics. Over 60% of students correctly reported the concepts of native and exotic plant species. These and other data are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2
Socioeconomic profile of interviewed students.

The total number of plant species recognized by the young students showed significant differences. They recognized more native plants (Mann-Whitney U test = 49777; mean ranknative = 175.26; mean rankexotic = 158.24; p = 0.0184). Of the 20 species showed, five were better identified, with a percentage higher than 80%, being: cashew (Anacardium occidentale), guava (Psidium guajava), pitomba (Talisia esculenta), mango (Mangifera indica) and acerola (Malpighia emarginata), two native and three exotic plant species (Fig. 2). The plant species that were lesser recognized showed percentages < 2%. They are oiti (Moquilea tomentosa), caneleiro (Cenostigma macrophyllum), flamboyant (Delonix regia), bouganville, or três-marias (Bougainville spectabilis), aroeira (Astronium urundeuva) and angico (Anadenanthera colubrina). In this list, five are native plant species, and only one is exotic (Fig. 2).

Figure 2
Percentage of identification of native (N) and exotic (E) plant species by Grade 3 students from Teresina - PI.

It should be noted that the five plant species with the highest percentage of identification are fruit trees, and of all the suggested parts (whole plant, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed), the fruit was the plant part that helped most in the process of recognition (Table 3). Students could point out the plant species whose primary utility is food, and in this case, these species were the most easily identified by them (Table 4).

Table 3
Percentage of plant parts from known species that helped the correct identification by Grade 3 students from Teresina - PI.

Table 4
Percentage of the uses of the five plant species most easily identified by Grade 3 students in Teresina - PI.

Among the variables analyzed in this study, the results demonstrate that the students who have conviviality with rural areas tend to recognize more plant species (Table 5). Additionally, these students have wider recognition of native species and can recognize more exotic plants than those who do not have contact with such areas (Table 5), showing that the experience of life in the field positively influences students' ability to identify plant species. However, by comparison, the number of native and exotic plants known by students who have no contact with rural areas did not show significant differences (Mann-Whitney U test = 9190, p > 0.05).

Table 5
Variables that influenced the recognition of general, native and exotic plant species, with p < 0.05.

When analyzing whether there is a difference regarding the ability of identification of plants by students who had taken Botany classes and the ones who have not, the research found that this variable did not influence, as there were no meaningful differences in the analyzes performed. Comparisons between the students who had and students who had not had Botany classes as well as differences between the recognition of exotic and native plants were not significant, that is, p > 0.05 in all cases. But watching or not watching TV programs regarding botanical topics influenced the recognition of native and exotic species (Table 5). The results demonstrate that students who do not watch any television material about plant species know more native and exotic plants than students who watch. As for the total number of recognized plant species, students who do not watch any specific TV program on botanical issues ended up identifying a higher number of plants than those who watch some specific TV program on botanical issues (Table 5).

Regarding the influence of the correct concept of native species on plant recognition, the results indicate one difference: students who got the concept of native plants right could identify more native plant species than exotic ones (Table 5). Thus, no significant differences were found in the total number of plants recognized by students and for exotic and native plants recognized by students who did not get the concept right, with p > 0.05 in all cases. Students who correctly answered the proposed concept for exotic plants could identify more native than exotic plants (Table 5). Similarly, students who correctly answered the proposed concept recognized more native species than those who didn't, as well as recognizing more plants in general (Table 5).


In this study, the students' contact with the natural environment may have contribuited them to identify a significantly greater number of flora species. Zhang et al. (2014)Zhang W, Goodale E, Chen J. 2014. How contact with nature affects children’s biophilia, biophobia and conservation attitude in China. Biological Conservation 177: 109-116. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.06.011
suggest that contact with less urbanized areas increased the biophilia and decreased the biophobia of urban and rural children in different cities in China, providing more interest in conserving animal and plant species. Similarly, Sampaio et al. (2018)Sampaio MB, La Fuente MF, Albuquerque UP, Souto AS, Schiel N. 2018. Contact with urban forests greatly enhances children’s knowledge of faunal diversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 30: 56-61. found that Brazilian children who have contact with a forest or proximity to a natural area, even in urban areas, had more knowledge about local biodiversity.

The plant species best known by students are those that are close to them and which their fruits are consumed in their diet, in accordance with authors, reinforcing the importance of direct experience to acquire knowledge about plants and animals (Campos et al. 2012Campos CM, Greco S, Ciarlante JJ et al. 2012. Students' familiarity and initial contact with species in the Monte desert (Mendoza, Argentina). Journal of Arid Environments 82: 98-105.; Patrick et al. 2013Patrick P, Byrne J, Tinnucliffe SD et al. 2013. Students (ages 6, 10, and 15years) in six countries knowledge of animals. Nordic Studies in Science Education 9: 18-32.; Agrizzi et al. 2020Agrizzi AP, Teixeira MC, Salustiano IV et al. 2020. Projeto Saberes da Mata Atlântica: Percepção ambiental e científica de estudantes do entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (MG). Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental 15: 277-296.). For example, cashew (A. occidentale), pitomba (T. esculenta), guava (P. guajava), mango (M. indica), and acerola (M. emarginata), which were the most recognized, likely because the students have personal experience with them, either through their inclusion in the diet (such as fresh fruits, nuts, pseudo fruits, juices, pulps, sweets, beverages, jellies, among others) (Vieira & Gusmão 2006Vieira FA, Gusmão E. 2006. Uso de giberelinas na emergência de plântulas de Talisia esculenta (A. St. Hil.) Radlk. Revista Científica Eletrônica de Engenharia Florestal 4: 1-10.; Sebrae Nacional 2016Sebrae Nacional. 2016. O cultivo e o mercado da goiaba.,d3aa9e665b182410VgnVCM100000b272010aRCRD. 13 Dec. 2018.
; Serrano & Pessoa 2016Serrano LAL, Pessoa PFAP. 2016. Aspectos econômicos da cultura do cajueiro. 12 Dec. 2018.
), through backyard cultivation, or the reforestation of public roads (Moraes et al. 2016aMoraes LA, Almeida FMN, Araújo MFV. 2016a. Arborização do canteiro central da Avenida Frei Serafim, Teresina-PI: Análise quali-quantitativa. Revista Equador 5: 78-98.; bMoraes LA, Araújo MFV, Machado RRB. 2016b. Arborização da Igreja São José do Operário, Teresina - PI. Revista Equador 5: 62-77.; Prefeitura Municipal de Teresina 2017Prefeitura Municipal de Teresina. 2017. Teresina Mais Verde já distribuiu mais de 450 mil mudas na capital. 29 Nov. 2018.
). Direct experience, characterized by physical engagement with natural environments and interactions with non-human species, constitutes one of the three categories of nature encounters that profoundly influence children's development. Kellert (2002)Kellert SR. 2002. Experiencing nature: Affective, cognitive, and evaluative development in children. In: Kahn PH, Kellert SR. (eds.). Children and nature: Psychological, sociocultural, and evolutionary investigations. Cambridge, MIT Press. p. 117-151. emphasize the significance of children's direct engagement with diverse natural systems during their formative years, alongside indirect and symbolic/vicarious experiences, in fostering their overall maturation.

Some native species from Northeastern Brazil, such as oiti (M. tomentosa), caneleiro (C. macrophyllum), angico (A. colubrina), and aroeira (A. urundeuva), were not recognized by the students in this study. This supports the hypothesis that students are more likely to recognize plant species that they are familiar with, i.e., those that are part of their diet. Even though they are part of the central public roads (Machado et al. 2006Machado RRB, Meunier IMJ, Silva JAA, Castro AAJF. 2006. Árvores Nativas para a Arborização de Teresina, Piauí. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana 1: 10-18. doi: 10.5380/revsbau.v1i1.66226
; Moraes et al. 2016aMoraes LA, Almeida FMN, Araújo MFV. 2016a. Arborização do canteiro central da Avenida Frei Serafim, Teresina-PI: Análise quali-quantitativa. Revista Equador 5: 78-98.), the students were unable to notice them in these environments. Accordingly, we highlight the use of visual aids (such as the printed images used here) to help develop the ability to recognize floristic species in the environment minimizing “plant unawareness” (Ursi & Salatino 2022Ursi S, Salatino A. 2022. É tempo de superar termos capacitistas no ensino de biologia: “impercepção botânica” como alternativa para “cegueira botânica”. Boletim de Botânica 39: 1-4. doi: 10.11606/issn.2316-9052.v39p1-4
; formerly "plant blindness" sensu Wanders & Schussler 1998Wanders JH, Schussler EE. 1998. Plants or animals: Which do elementary and middle students prefer to study. Unpublished manuscript. Louisiana, Louisiana State University.) in schools and the daily lives of students. This approach is especially important for native plants of cultural significance, such as the C. macrophyllum (plant species symbol of municipality of Teresina, according to the Municipal Decree nº 2.407, of 13th of August 1993 - Soares 2001Soares NS. 2001. Leis básicas do município de Teresina: Coletânea. 3rd. edn. - Teresina. ).

In this context, the contact with plant species can contribute to the knowledge of the local flora, as students are more likely to identify species that are efficiently present in their daily lives, especially as food, which is commonly represented by exotic plant species. Thus, it is imperative that the population, especially the youngest, get to know native plant species to protect them (Scherer et al. 2015Scherer HJ, Essi L, Pinheiro DL. 2015. O conhecimento da Biodiversidade: Um estudo de caso com estudantes de graduação de uma universidade brasileira. Monografias Ambientais 14: 49-58. doi: 10.5902/2236130818904
). Engagement in the field of conservation is of great value, especially in urban areas where perceptions, values, and personal participation in the protection of biodiversity are necessary (Borg et al. 2014Borg C, Gericke N, Hoglund HO, Bergman E. 2014. Subject-and experience-bound differences in teachers’ conceptual understanding of sustainable development. Environmental Education Research 20: 526-551. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2013.833584
). Therefore, this study highlights the importance of schools to encourage the contact of children and adolescents with native forests, which can contribute to more excellent knowledge of native flora and greater connectedness to natural environments, besides assisting in the learning process of the school content on Biology. Educational strategies can be used to improve this contact, such as theoretical-practical classes (Melo 2010Melo JFR. 2010. Desenvolvimento de atividades práticas experimentais no ensino de biologia - um estudo de caso. MSc Thesis, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil. ) and field classes, which can stimulate feelings and emotions in students, which help in the process of understanding phenomena and learning, as well as in the development of affection for ecosystems (Seniciato & Cavassan 2004Seniciato T, Cavassan O. 2004. Aulas de campo em ambientes naturais e aprendizagem em Ciências - Um estudo com alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Ciência & Educação 10: 133-147. doi: 10.1590/S1516-73132004000100010
), and pro-ecological behaviors to protect them.

Students who reported having attended botany classes did not identify more plants than those who did not attend. This can be attributed to various factors, such as neglect of these contents and the lack of attention given to plant species, as reported by Scherer et al. (2015)Scherer HJ, Essi L, Pinheiro DL. 2015. O conhecimento da Biodiversidade: Um estudo de caso com estudantes de graduação de uma universidade brasileira. Monografias Ambientais 14: 49-58. doi: 10.5902/2236130818904
. However, this situation is not only present in Brazil, as studies conducted in European countries also report difficulties in teaching Botany (Palmberg et al. 2015Palmberg I, Berg I, Jeronen E et al. 2015. Nordic-Baltic student teachers’ identification of and interest in plant and animal species: The importance of species identification and biodiversity for sustainable development. Journal of Science Teacher Education 26: 549-571. ; Kubiatko et al. 2021Kubiatko M, Fančovičová J, Prokop P. 2021. Factual knowledge of students about plants is associated with attitudes and interest in botany. International Journal of Science Education 43: 1426-1440. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1917790
). It appears to be a vicious cycle where many teachers lack sufficient training in Botany, leading to a lack of stimulus and motivation for students to learn the content. As a result, students become disengaged and lose interest in the topic (Salatino & Buckeridge 2016Salatino A, Buckeridge M. 2016. Mas de que te serve saber botânica? Estudos Avançados 30: 87. doi: 10.1590/S0103-40142016.30870011

Fonseca and Ramos (2018)Fonseca LR, Ramos P. 2018. Ensino de botânica na licenciatura em ciências biológicas de uma universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro: Contribuições dos professores do ensino superior. Revista Ensaio 20: e11387. also emphasize that the lack of botanical contextualization is present in teachers' training during University education. The authors indicate that undergraduate courses are focused on the absorption of trivial content and research. Further, more current themes are overvalued (such as genetics and ecology), and with little concern about how Botany will be taught and applied to the daily life of elementary and high school students. According to Figueiredo et al. (2012)Figueiredo JA, Coutinho FA, Amaral FC. 2012. O ensino de botânica em uma abordagem ciência, tecnologia e sociedade. In: Anais II Seminário Hispano Brasileiro. p. 488-498., educational programs and pedagogical practices used in Botany teaching reflect what happens in University education, creating a disconnect in the exchange of information between teacher and student.

Sales and Landim (2009)Sales AB, Landim MF. 2009. Análise da abordagem da flora nativa em livros didáticos de biologia usados em escolas de Aracaju - SE. Experiências em Ensino de Ciências 4: 17-29. believe that teachers should emphasize the local biodiversity in their classes. Unfortunately, in Brazil, there is often a tendency to undervalue the teaching of local biological diversity, so the richness of regional species is not used to try to explain biodiversity (John 2006John L. 2006. Biodiversidade também é uma questão de educação. In: Bensusan N, Barros AC, Bulhões B, Arantes A (org.). Biodiversidade: Para comer, vestir ou passar no cabelo? São Paulo, Peirópolis. p. 397-406.). Schroeder (2013)Schroeder E. 2013. Educação cientifica para a conservação da biodiversidade. In: Severgnani L, Schroeder E (org.). Biodiversidade Catarinense: Características, potencialidades, ameaças. Blumenau, Edifurb. p. 12-29. also mentions that, often, the scientific contents taught in schools is often disconnected from students' daily lives. A related issue is the biology textbook, which is frequently the only source of access to biological knowledge, mainly in public schools due to the low purchasing power of students and the precarious working conditions of teachers (Megid-Neto & Fracalanza 2003Megid-Neto J, Fracalanza H. 2003. O livro didático de ciências: Problemas e soluções. Ciência e Educação 9: 147-157. doi: 10.1590/S1516-73132003000200001
; Delizoicov et al. 2009Delizoicov D, Angotti JA, Pernambuco MM. 2009. Ensino de Ciências: Fundamentos e métodos. São Paulo, Cortez.; Bonotto & Semprebone 2010Bonotto DMB, Semprebone A. 2010. Educação ambiental e educação em valores em livros didáticos de ciências naturais. Ciência e Educação 16: 131-148. doi: 10.1590/S1516-73132010000100008
), besides poor public schools’ infrastructures like the lack of complete and useful libraries with computers and organized book collections. In our specific area of study, Purificação and Lopes (2018)Purificação WR, Lopes CGR. 2018. Abordagem da flora e fauna nativas em livros didáticos de ciências do ensino fundamental. Teresina, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI. 12 Dec. 2018.
found that Science textbooks used in the 7th year of elementary school give little attention to specimens of native flora, both in terms of the images/illustrations and the text. We emphasize that this biological knowledge is essential not only as educational content but also for the formation of students as citizens who are aware of the reality around them (Silva & Cavassan 2005Silva PGP, Cavassan O. 2005. A influência da imagem estrangeira para o estudo da botânica no ensino fundamental. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências 5: 5-16.; Sales & Landim 2009Sales AB, Landim MF. 2009. Análise da abordagem da flora nativa em livros didáticos de biologia usados em escolas de Aracaju - SE. Experiências em Ensino de Ciências 4: 17-29.; Proença et al. 2017Proença MS, Dal-Farra RA, Oslaj EU. 2017. Espécies nativas e exóticas no ensino de ciências: Uma avaliação do conhecimento dos estudantes do ensino fundamental. Contexto & Educação 32: 213-247. doi: 10.21527/2179-1309.2017.103.213-247

The findings on watching television programs contradict those of García and Hernández (2004)García FG, Hernández ISA. 2004. Conocimientos y concepciones sobre biodiversidad en alumnos de educación secundaria. Granada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. and Scherer et al. (2015)Scherer HJ, Essi L, Pinheiro DL. 2015. O conhecimento da Biodiversidade: Um estudo de caso com estudantes de graduação de uma universidade brasileira. Monografias Ambientais 14: 49-58. doi: 10.5902/2236130818904
, who reported higher knowledge of exotic plant and animal species that are widely featured in such media. Possibly because both native and exotic species used for recognition are not circulating in the programs watched by students, since Cavassan et al. (2006, p. 7)Cavassan O, Silva PGP, Seneciato T. 2006. O ensino de ciências, a biodiversidade e o cerrado. In: Araújo ESNN, Caluzi JJ, Caldeira AMA. (org.). Divulgação científica e ensino de Ciências: Estudos e experiências. São Paulo, Escrituras. p. 190-219. emphasize that “most television programs, including films, cartoons, and documentaries watched by children are produced in the Northern Hemisphere”. Moreover, only 33,1% of students reported watching TV programs focused on botanical topics. Thereby, television programs did not contribute significantly to the students' ability to identify Brazilian biodiversity, which reinforces the importance of the school in fulfilling this role.

Therefore, schools play an essential role in the acquisition of scientific concepts related to both exotic and native species. There is evidence that Brazilian teachers do not effectively approach these concepts with high school students, despite their presence in Botany content (Muller & Delazeri 2017Muller ES, Delazeri F. 2017. Compreensão de estudantes do Ensino Fundamental sobre animais nativos e exóticos. Revista Acta Ambiental Catarinense 14: 22-38. ; Santos & Oliveira 2017Santos TDJ, Oliveira GCS. 2017. O conhecimento de estudantes sobre biodiversidade com ênfase em conservação e extinção das espécies, Pará, Brasil. Instrumento: Revista de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação 19: 13-21. ; Melo et al. 2021Melo EPC, Simião-Ferreira J, Melo HPC et al. 2021. Biological invasions in brazilian environmental science courses: Do we need new approaches? Neotropical Biology and Conservation 16: 221-238. ). Due to so many difficulties, teachers must seek and develop their materials and methodologies to adapt to this gap support them. Further studies are needed to emphasize the importance of native flora, raising awareness and appreciation (Carvalho 2019Carvalho PS. 2019. Estudo da flora nativa didática no ensino de Botânica no município de Esperantina - PI. MSc Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Biologia, Brasil. ).

It is fundamental to discuss about Environmental Education and the conservation of plant species. They are responsible for providing food to herbivorous animals and boosting the entire food chain (Leme et al. 2016Leme FM, Carlos HCV, Borges DB, Freitas GP, Kochanovski FJ. 2016. Ensino de Botânica e Educação Ambiental: Modelos didáticos e oficinas pedagógicas. Educação Ambiental em Ação 83: 54.). Therefore, the consciousness of biodiversity protection is essential and it can be stimulated through knowledge of local species. Understanding the factors that affect knowledge can help to supporting Environmental Education actions more effectively. Moreover, the creation and application of Environmental Education programs contribute to students’ knowledge about native and exotic species, emphasizing their contact with natural environment and seeking to value regional biodiversity (Scherer et al. 2015Scherer HJ, Essi L, Pinheiro DL. 2015. O conhecimento da Biodiversidade: Um estudo de caso com estudantes de graduação de uma universidade brasileira. Monografias Ambientais 14: 49-58. doi: 10.5902/2236130818904
). The understanding of local fauna and flora can be utilized to foster an emotional connection with them, consequently promoting pro-environmental behaviors (Bizerril 2004Bizerril MXA. 2004. Children's perceptions of Brazilian Cerrado landscapes and biodiversity. The Journal of Environmental Education 35: 47-58. doi: 10.3200/JOEE.35.4.47-58

When analyzing the variables mentioned above in this article, this study highlights the importance of contact with natural areas for the recognition of native species, which should be encouraged in schools through fieldwork classes or outdoor practices that stimulate contact with natural environment, especially for students living in urbanized areas. The few contacts with natural environment have been occurring in the face of the intensification of the urbanization process, and also from a teaching that is decontextualized from the environment around them, and this can result in severe consequences for the conservation of the natural environment in the long term. Schools play a fundamental role in providing students with opportunities to contact with natural environments and learn about native diversity. This can be achieved not only through fieldwork but also by incorporating materials such as books, science texts, booklets, documentaries, and films that promote an appreciation of the local flora and fauna.

Lastly, this study indicates that there is a deficiency regarding the teaching of Biology in the municipality. To improve the situation, schools should develop approaches that provide methodological teaching strategies to support teachers in Botany classes. The use of native species can help students connect with the natural world and contextualize their learning to the local reality. This approach can promote recognition of native plant species and drive transformative processes for environmental conservation. It is important to believe that the school environment can effectively disseminate the importance of conserving native species and work with relevant agencies and society in general to achieve this goal.


We appreciate the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for granted scholarship, which helped the development of this research, and the Secretary of Education and Culture of the State of Piauí (SEDUC) for the authorization to apply the questionnaires in public schools.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 July 2021
  • Accepted
    11 July 2023
Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil