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Corporate education and governmental policies for Military Police are essential thematic axes for understanding the education of the public safety professionals. The increasing debate and the new studies regarding the training and formation of those professionals will help to understand the actual status of the public security in Brazil. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the training and formation of Public Security Professionalsin Pernambuco. As far as methodology choices, an analysys of the last ten years of the politics regarding the formation’s public policies was made in a bibliographic description, followed by a thorough data investigation of the insertion and the reflexes at society overall, culminating in the results obtained. In conclusion, its necessary a revaluation of the corporate education, mainly regarding the capacitation of Public Security Professionals, through consistent Public Policies, in order to formatereflective professionals and quality services to the society.

Corporate Education; Public Politics; Security; Professional Qualification


A educação corporativa e as políticas públicas são eixos temáticos essenciais para entender a formação do profissional de segurança pública. O avanço do debate e dos estudos acerca da política de formação oferecida aos profissionais de segurança ajuda a compreender o quadro atual da segurança pública. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar a política de formação dos profissionais de segurança de Pernambuco. Como metodologia buscou-se o levantamento, nos últimos dez anos, das políticas que envolvem a formação desses profissionais, de forma descritiva bibliográfica, seguida por uma investigação dos dados da atuação e dos reflexos na sociedade, culminando na apresentação dos resultados obtidos. Por fim, podemos concluir que é necessária uma reavaliação da política de formação no âmbito da Educação Corporativa Estadual, especificamente à formação e capacitação dos profissionais de segurança, através de políticas públicas consistentes para formar profissionais reflexivos e serviços de qualidade à Sociedade.

Educação Corporativa; Política Pública; Segurança; Formação Profissional


The main theme of this study is education of the military police and public policies with a look at the training and formation of the security professionals in the Secretariat of Social Defense of the State of Pernambuco, developed by the Integrated Academy of Social Defense (ACIDES, in Portuguese), the Military Police School of the Secretariat of Social Defense of the State of Pernambuco, with emphasis on the influences of the educational policies of Brazil and their ramifications for the formation of security professionals. First of all, bearing in mind that the subject is a very recent one in the academic scenario, we will seek to detect the educational and security policies adopted, by drawing a parallel in order to reach a better understanding of the variables involved.

It is moreover considered relevant to understand the influence of educational policies on the education of the military police in a more dynamic way, since analyzing the implementation of this practice in the training process is a prerequisite for the satisfactory performance of the students, who are being prepared for the exercise of their professional activity arising from a pedagogical context that seeks to align theory and practice as close to reality as possible. In military police education, students as the subjects of learning are influenced by different policy and social dimensions, which contribute to a model for training and formation that is closer to the everyday reality and professional activities to be developed. Perez (2010PEREZ, R.; ROBERTO, J Por que pesquisar implementação de políticas educacionais atualmente?. Educação & Sociedade, v. 31, n. 113, p. 1190, 2010.) emphasizes the impacts of these, thereby signaling a set of factors that may affect what results are achieved, as well as the macropolicy.

(...) not only the relation of the implementation to the macro-policy context - which can be identified as the external determination, but also in the dynamic relationships between the organizational structures, the different resources of support used, and the actors’ social, cultural and economic characteristics, which will certainly influence their behavior, since they are the agents of the implementation process (PEREZ, 2010PEREZ, R.; ROBERTO, J Por que pesquisar implementação de políticas educacionais atualmente?. Educação & Sociedade, v. 31, n. 113, p. 1190, 2010., p.1190).

Therefore, the formation and training of the State’s security professionals, throughout its history, have undergone important influences as a result of legislation and because society demands that they develop their professional activities, thus directly interfering in their performance. On other hand, the Education of the Military Police of the State of Pernambuco, regarding the formation and skills training of professional adults, under an andragogical perspective, needs to be investigated. Thus, the period between 2007 and 2017 is used as the timeframe, which was marked by the creation of ACIDES and its development over time.

In the specific case of the Government of the State of Pernambuco, great changes are perceived, driven by policies outlined by the Federal Government, which resulted in significant adjustments in the structure and ideology of how the teaching in the Institutions was thought out, as far as this plurality is considered.

From these brief considerations, we understand that a more in-depth research into the subject, by examining the literature and using my 15 years of experience of collaborating with the education of the military police, not only as a student and as a teacher, but also collaborating with the management at ACIDES, will guide us to a better understanding of the propositions.However, this paper will pay particular attention to the origin of the public policies by analyzing the education of the Military Police of the State of Pernambuco (ACIDES), how the institutions have been organized as they have been evolved and what the main influences caused by the educational policies in the state system for teaching public safety have been.

Therefore, we believe that this reflection can point to new directions in the education of the military police, based on analyzing the main reflections of the educational policies of these professionals, resulting in questions and concerns, new possibilities and challenges.



Teaching and Instruction in Brazilian Military Institutions have undergone several modifications with regard to their policy and normative aspects. Since the early decades of the 20thcentury, at the time of the national security scenario with the Military Government, where the famous Development Plans were established in the form of regulatory instruments, there was already military education in these schools. Moreover, nowadays, we can observe several aspects such as the growth of the military schools and the adoption of militarized education in public schools. Although it is not the focus of this research, these need further reflection, since constant changes in the legislation and the new conceptions that involve the formation of security professionalshave a direct impact on this model of education. By focusing on the Education of the Military Police, in the Integrated Academies that develop training actions and on discussions on training practices, this paper analyzes the influences of educational policies on all those who work to improve the formation of security professionals.

In the field of the military instruction, the General Inspectorate of the Military Police (IGPM, in Portuguese) became responsible for supervising the activities of the Military Police and the Fire Departments of the States by Decree-Law 317 of March 13, 1967, the purpose of which was to reorganize the military police and fire brigades of the States, Territories and Federal Districtand by Decree-Law 667 of July 2, 1969, which makes clear that it is the army which issues guidance on and supervises these instructions. Therefore, what can be seen is that there is a certain limitation and control of the instructions of the Military Police in their formative actions as forces which are auxiliary and subordinated to the Brazilian Army. Currently, IGMP is called the Terrestrial Operations Command (COTER, in Portuguese), and has the same institutional missions.

The term ‘military education’ first appeared in 1971. This was in the Law on Guidelines and Bases (LDB, in Portuguese) No. 5692/71, which recognized its existence. This Law left military establishments in charge of regulating their own education system by means of specific legislation in its article 68 (BRASIL, 1971BRASIL. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases nº 5.692, de 11 de agosto de 1971. Fixa Diretrizes e Bases para o ensino de 1° e 2º graus, e dá outras providências. Brasília, DF, 1971.). In 1983, based on this same instrument, Decree-Law No. 88.777, of September 30 (BRASIL, 1983BRASIL. Decreto nº. 88.777, de 30 de setembro de 1983. Dispõe sobre o Regulamento para as Polícias Militares e Corpos de Bombeiros Militares (R-200). Brasília, DF, 1983.), known as R-200, added a specific chapter with guidelines for teaching and instructing Brazil´s Military Police and the Military Fire Brigade, thus making it clear that the coordination and the control of their actions fell to the Armed Forces.

With the publication of the Constitution of 1988, the Military Police and the Fire Brigade began to be subordinated to the Executive Powers of the States of the Federation and teaching stopped being guided by the Army. This was when the Institutions began to define their directions. At that moment, the change of focus of the lines of the formative actions performed became evident. These now took place within a context of public security, and were guided by the demands of society and by the democratic ideals of the new Federal Constitution.

In this context, the 1996 LDB once again marked the separation of military teaching from the models presented to the civilian one, as we can see in Article 83, in the “General Provisions”, which sets out that “Military Education is regulated by a specific Law and the equivalence of studies is admitted according to the norms established by the educational systems “(BRASIL, 1996BRASIL. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases nº 9.394 de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, DF, 1996.). Thus, it is seen that the only military institution that followed this orientation in Professional Education was the Army, with its own teaching system, there being no record of police forces and fire brigades in Brazil that had followed the same line of thought.

However, only in the year 2000, more than ten years after the 1988 Constitution, against a background of increased crime and the public being dissatisfied with what was being done, after years of studies, a planned and organized action by the Federal Government occurred which was set out in a National Plan for Public Security Plan (PNSP, in Portuguese).With regard to education and training, efforts were made to “standardize the training of the state police” on specific issues, as well as to try to “promote integration between the civil and military police academies” (BRASIL, 2001BRASIL. Plano Nacional de Segurança Pública: o Brasil diz não à violência. Brasília: Ministério da Justiça, 2001.). In line with the publication of the first National Education Plan approved by Law No. M10.172, on January 9, 2001, which established goals, among which was a system for evaluating and standardizing educational actions at all levels of Brazilian education.

Thereafter, in 2003, the Federal Government implemented a Single Public Security System (SUSP, in Portuguese), thus initiating a new Public Security Policy, and from that moment on this consolidated the role of the National Secretariat for Public Security (SENASP, in Portuguese) which had been created in 1988 in order to implement the National Policy for Public Security Policy (PNSP in Portuguese). Thus, SENASP took shape as the body responsible for “promoting the qualification, standardization and integration of actions, carried out by the police institutions throughout the country” (BRASIL, 2003BRASIL. Matriz Curricular Nacional: Para Formação em Segurança Pública. Brasília: Ministério da Justiça, 2003., p.7), since the program understood the need for a “reformation of the police in order to make them efficient, respectful of Human Rights and peace-building institutions” (BRASIL, 2003BRASIL. Matriz Curricular Nacional: Para Formação em Segurança Pública. Brasília: Ministério da Justiça, 2003.. P.7). Among the actions, one of the goals of SENASP, in the area of giving value to human beings and professional training, was the creation of a Single Curricular Matrix for the training of police officers throughout Brazil (BRASIL, 2003, p.30). This was a historical landmark, since it has been registered as the first action that aimed at standardizing the training actions of the academies that form members of the military police.

It was against this national background that the Government of the State of Pernambuco by reformulating its organizational structure created the State Police Academy. The objective was to encourage taking actions that would integrate formation and skills training in the bodies that together represent the social defense activities of the State as laid down in the Complementary Law (LC, in Portuguese) No. 049/2003 (PERNAMBUCO, 2003). The nomenclature of the space for forming state security professionals was modified by LC 066/2005 to the Integrated Academy of Social Defense (ACIDES), thereby consolidating the integration of existing schools in the Military Police (the Centre for Forming and Improving the Skills of New Recruits - CFAP, in Portuguese and the Academy of the Military Police -APMP, in Portuguese) and the Fire Brigade (Center of Education and Training - CEI, in Portuguese) and the creation of the Teaching Campuses (Metropolitan Teaching Campus I and II, Teaching Campus Recife and Teaching Campus of the area known as the Zona da Mata). These were also regulated in 2005 by Decree 28.486, of October 17, 2005.

To consolidate the norms of military police education, the state government published State Decree No. 35.408, of August 9, 2010, which set out Education Program for the Military Police. ACIDES was integrated as one of the schools that form the Program and it was ACIDES that would coordinate the actions of forming and giving skills training to the state employees of the Secretariat of Social Defense (SDS, in Portuguese). The influence of the public norms for the “implementing public policies” with regard both to “professional development”, such as, for example, “the program” and to the aspect of teaching, show us that there was a positive concern, considering the perspective of the advances in the area of knowledge (PERNAMBUCO, 2010PERNAMBUCO Decreto Estadual nº 35.408, DE 09 DE AGOSTO DE 2010. Institui o Programa de Educação Corporativa, no âmbito do Poder Executivo Estadual, e dá outras providências. Disponível em:<Disponível em: > . Acesso em: 15 fev. 2017.
, p.1).


Corporate education in Brazil emerged in the 1990s as a “Training and Development strategy”, which at first concerned itself with developing skills of workers so that they could carry out their activities. Vargas and Abbad (2006VARGAS, M. R. M; ABBAD, G. Bases conceituais em treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação - TD&E. In: BORGES-ANDRADE, J. E; ABBAD, G. e outros (coord.). Treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação em organizações e trabalho: fundamentos para a gestão de pessoas. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2006. p. 137-158.) present advances in this concept, characterizing corporate education as any action focused on developing professional competences to achieve organizational goals, thus involving the organization at all levels.

Using definition and associating it with the ideas of Pilati, Porto & Vargas (2009PILATI, R., PORTO, J. B., & SILVINO, A. M. (2009). Educação corporativa e desempenho ocupacional: Há alguma relação? RAE eletrônica, 8(2), 0-0.) it is understood that a formation program at a high level of qualification is one of the actions of a set of actions coordinated by an organization to qualify its labor force. In this context, every Institution that seeks to improve the performance of its goals should begin with a program that gives value to the professional, and thus have education as a pillar and involve the whole economic community of teachers, students/ professionals and managers.

The transformations undergone by Military School education were centered on the crises of the paradigms experienced in education in Brazil and world-wide, highlighted by Paulo Freire in books such as Pedagogy of Hope (1992), Pedagogy of Autonomy (1996) and Politics and Education (1993) in which a strong investment is observed against the “teleological determinisms of history” led by “positivism” and “a significant part of the Marxisms” (SCOCUGLIA, 1999SCOCUGLIA, A. C. A História das Ideias de Paulo Freire e a atual crise de paradigmas. /Afonso Celso Scocuglia. João Pessoa: Ed. Universitária/UFPB, 1999(2ª edição). 205 p., p.11). In global terms what can be seen is that education has undergone great transformations, driven mainly by the crises that run through the current educational model, Imbernón (2000IMBERNÓN, F. (org.) A educação no século XXI. Porto Alegre: ARTMED, 2000. pag. 85., p.85) sought to summarize his thoughts on these changes in education and gave us something to reflect on:

(...) a social environment based on information and communications; the tendency for everything to be planned; a crisis situation in relation to what must be learned and/ or taught in a world where uncertainty and vertiginous change reign; the new role of the educator as the manager and mediator of learning.

In this context, the pedagogical practices used by teachers in adult education (Andragogy), especially those focused on the formation of professionals, are now being called into question. Above all, what is being discussed are the specificities of this stage of formal education. In the case of the State Government of Pernambuco, it is observed that attention is being paid to this type of formation, since the State adopted a policy for Military Police in 2010, with the publication of state Decree 35.408, of August 9, 2010, which instituted, within the scope of the State Executive Authority, the Military Police Education Program, the purpose of which is “to coordinate the management of knowledge in order to provide a coherent articulation with the individual and organizational competencies of each body and entity of the State Executive Authority, with a view to improving public management “(PERNAMBUCO, 2010PERNAMBUCO Decreto Estadual nº 35.408, DE 09 DE AGOSTO DE 2010. Institui o Programa de Educação Corporativa, no âmbito do Poder Executivo Estadual, e dá outras providências. Disponível em:<Disponível em: > . Acesso em: 15 fev. 2017.
, p.1).

However, what is observed in this context is a constantly evolving legislation, when establishing a Government Program dedicated to developing actions for this type of education. Yet, there are limitations in relation to the legal system, given that there are no guidelines with details of actions in Military Police education of the state in order to achieve the proposed objectives, such as knowledge management, and a guide is needed to guide the schools that are part of the program, and so too are initiatives that turn intentions into concrete ideas. Currently, in the search for knowledge managementaccording to Castro and Éboli (2013CASTRO, C. M.; EBOLI, M. P. Universidade Corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. RAE(Impresso), v. 53, p. 408-414, 2013), Corporate Universities, namely those that seek to achieve the objectives proposed by the Institutions and the formation of professionals for the labor market, have a dual mission. It is up to these Institutions besides developing the professional competences required by the Institutional functions, they should also fill the gaps in the educational system, which are related to an understanding of the worldas well as to basic knowledge so as to enter into academic matters in greater depth, thereby providing a permanent formation of the individual.

On seeking to set out on these new directions for Military Police education that targets the formation of public security professionals, the National Secretariat for Public Security (SENASP, in Portuguese), which is part of the Ministry of Justice (MJ), has published the updated version of the 2014 National Curriculum Matrix (MCN, in Portuguese), a product that has been under construction since 2003. It aims to trace a theoretical-methodological route that will guide the Formation Actions of Professionals in the Public Security and Civil Defense Areas. One of these norms is the formation of teachers, training, which should have the following pedagogic and didactic principles: “giving value to prior knowledge”, “universality”, “interdisciplinarity”, “transversality” and “reconstruction of knowledge”. It should also “disseminate model examples of democratic policies of public security and nourish the enriching dialogue between the various experiences “(BRASIL, 2014BRASIL. Professores do Ensino Profissional de acordo com Classificação Brasileiro de Ocupações - CBO. CBO - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. 2002. - Disponível em<Disponível em >. Acesso em: 08 out. 2014.
, p.39), thus portraying a new perspective for the entire academic community.

Based on this new vision, we affirm that Military Police education in Pernambuco should encourage transformation in educational environments, and be closely linked to the public policies developed in the scope of the state and federal governments, thereby investing in a betterformation of teachers who will carry out the formative actions and in technologies available in order to develop educational actions. The expectation is that doing so will lead to developing the skills of these professionals at all levels, and steer them towards fulfilling the Institution’s objectives and prompt changes in the lives of citizens, who will be directly benefited by a better quality of public security, as a result of training in formation for citizenship.


Before ACIDES, the Military Police education developed at the State Department of Social Defense (SDS, in Portuguese) in the State of Pernambuco was organized autonomously by the institutions that are part of the Secretariat, namely, the Military Police, the Military Fire Brigade and the Civil Police, in the respective schools. Each of these had practices and methods differentiated and peculiar to the nature of the activity which imposed by the functions. As has already been discussed above, the integration, carried out by standardizing curricula with a general formation for all posts, the creation of a unified register for all teachers, the formation sessions aimed at an integrated action in security actions with all the operations that make up the SDS, these were a path that the Federal Government boosted via SENASP and the Institutions set out in a new direction in Public Security.

The Integrated Academy as a formation and training center of its professionals has been developing formation and training actions designed for its own institution, within the scope of SDS, as well as for partner states with whom it constantly exchanges experiences and municipalities by means of forming municipal guards. Thus, “military instruction as a process of transmitting knowledge gives way to police education, focused on mediating knowledge, because it no longer takes into account the historical and social context of changes” (PEREIRA, 2013PEREIRA, B. C. Da instrução militar ao ensino policial: profissionalidade docente requerida para atuar como formador na Academia Integrada de Defesa Social. Recife: UFPE, 2013., p.). This is a topic that over the years has been giving rise to a new category of analysis to the studies that have been developed.

Thus, ACIDES, whose institutional vision and goal is to be a national reference in the formation of public security professionals, in terms of education and in the area of social defense, has adopted a new course in its search for recognition as an educational institution that produces and develops knowledge, by being included in the CNP and recognized in the Ministry of Education (MEC) by Resolution No. 33/2008-CES, of the State Council of Education of Pernambuco (CEE/ PE), and is accredited as a Higher Education Institution (HEI), which is in the renewal phase.This step is considered to be extremely important when constructing a solid and recognized public policy for the formation of police officers and firefighters in the state of Pernambuco, because with this recognition, the Academy will be able to develop undergraduate and postgraduate training courses that when linked to research and extension actions, will form more reflective professionals who will be able to produce ever more knowledge in favor of public safety and society.

One of the last publications, which was presented as a new perspective for State Militray Police Education and ACIDES, was State Decree No. 43.993 of December 29, 2016, as amended by State Decree 44.089 of February 6, 2017. It created “Internal Instruction in the face-to-face, distance and semi-presential modalities, within the scope of the State Executive Authority” (PERNAMBUCO, 2017, p.1), thus representing giving greater value to professionals who exercise the role of teaching by “pedagogical formation” and by “specific knowledge”with the new rules, and it also represents the development of the training actions, because there will be a greater need for teachers to seek academic training to participate in the program, since new criteria are established for the exercise of the instruction:

Carry out the activities of instructor are tutor and correspondent, public servants, serving public and military employees, who can prove: I - their technical capacity; II - specific knowledge in the field of training; [...] § 1 The proof of technical ability shall be issued by the certificate or declaration, issued by a Teaching Institution recognized by the Ministry of Education or by the State Education Council, in the knowledge area of skills training or in related areas. § 2 The proof of specific knowledge shall be given by: I -a diploma, or a certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education or by the State Education Council, in any area of knowledge. (PERNAMBUCO, 2016PERNAMBUCO. Decreto Estadual nº 43.993_2016, de 29 de dezembro de 2016 - Cria a instrutoria interna no âmbito do Poder Executivo Estadual e dá outras providências. Disponível em: <Disponível em: >. Acesso em:15 fev. 2017.
, p.5).

These new directives by the state government show some advances, among which is the possibility of developing other teaching modalities such as distance education, giving value to materials writers by giving recognition for the work developed, incentive to the formative actions developed by the State Military Police Schools and by implementing a new dynamic.This is evident when what is needed in Pernambuco is established (2016, p.11) as the “evaluation by those who have received skills of the performance of those who taught them” and of the Schools, in addition to which new attributions to the Program and the Military Police Schools need to be established, such as:

I - to propose the State Policy for Forming and Developing the Servant, which should then be forwarded for approval by the Administration Secretariat;

[...] III - to guide the Formation and Further Training Schools on how to draw up their Annual Activity Plans, and on having these approved.

IV - to analyze and approve programs, plans, projects and didactic materials related to the training actions promoted by the Formation and Further Training Schools and by the organs or entities of the direct and indirect administration of the Executive Authority;

[...] VI - to consolidate a report on the activity of Military School Education of the State Executive Authority, to be sent periodically to the Administration Secretariat; (PERNAMBUCO, 2016. pp. 11-12)

It is worth pointing out that these attributions demonstrate the need for better planning, monitoring and evaluation by all the subjects that are part of the program. They also demonstrate that there is a lack of a greater integration of the bodies that develop the direct interventions, carried out in forming and giving skills training to the servants,vis-à-vis the state Military Police education. Thus, in practice we observe well-developed programs, with excellent expectations, but as to concrete matters it is observed that there has been little development and incentive so that research and extension can contribute to a dignified and humanized formation that deal with the problems faced by society.

However, when we check the expectations of society regarding the state and the public policies developed in the area of social defense, it is seen that much has yet to be evolved as to the progress in research in relation to the formation of public agents, and how these actions are being developed to meet the current scenario and the economic, political and social crisis that has affected the country. All these matters are reflected in statistics. The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) released the figures on violence in Brazil and these prompt a reflection on public policies and especially on the educational policies that involve the training of security professionals and public agents, as the nation calls for transformative actions that really will change the reality that is presented below:

In 2015, Brazil registered 59.080 homicides. That means 28.9 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants. The numbers represent a change in the level in this indicator in relation to 2005, when 48.136 homicides occurred. The study analyzes the numbers and rates of homicide in the country between 2005 and 2015 and the details of the data by regions, by State and by municipality with more than 100 thousand inhabitants. Only 2% of the Brazilian municipalities (111) accounted for half of the homicide cases in the country in 2015, and 10% of the municipalities (557) accounted for 76.5% of all homicides. (IPEA, 2017).

From this perspective, the question is how to develop formative actions so that these professionals can tackle reducing these figures without being “contaminated” with the sad reality of Brazil. This all the more so when what is observed most is a discredit to corrupt politicians who should be defending the rights of society. Given this scenario, what needs to be done is to reflect on the numbers and facts that are truly alarming. This involves looking at the program content, the formation of teachers, pedagogical practices, as well as the ongoing programs, so that they truly represent the needs of society. According to Afonso (2001AFONSO, A. J. Reforma do Estado e Políticas Educacionais: entre a crise do Estado-Nação e a emergência da Regulação Supranacional. Educação & Sociedade, v. 22, n. 75, p. 15-32, 2001.), the crisis of the nation-state,that we are experiencing today is directly affecting public and educational policies. They no longer represent the broad autonomy the dominion of the State over decisions, and the role they play needs to be redefined, because they have been undergoing influences of new conditioners because of the current context and the process of globalization.

Given all this review process, state Military Police education and legislation regarding the organization of schools, curriculum matrices, and programs that involve training in social defense must undergo effective changes in the State in order to meet the demands of society. By it not falling to the influence of neo-liberal ideas, as Barroso (2005BARROSO, J. O Estado, a educação e a regulação das políticas públicas. Educação & Sociedade, v. 26, n. 92, p. 725-751, 2005.) reminds us, thus making the security system feel structural reforms, reducing investment and reducing state intervention, considering that it is an essential service and public in nature, and thus this leads to debates that challenge the services provided to create a “market encouragement.”In addition, this undoubtedly affects the formation of its public agents. In other words, it is necessary to invest more in infrastructure, but above all to re-evaluate content and the philosophy of formation, and to invest more in the formation of the teaching staff and giving them skills training, with investments in technology for teaching, and the possibility of a differentiated organization, besides reviewing legislation, which would permit formation that meets the wishes of society to be seen more clearly.

Such federal government programs seem to assume the role of defining a national curriculum proposal for all the formation courses of the security forces in Brazil. However, given the autonomy and the specificities of each Statethrough our federative system and region, the tone of the text of the MCN is much more one of suggestion and an attempt to convince than that of a directive atittude. With these diagnostics, it is intended to sensitize and guide the Academies that deal with this topic to possible adjustments in their proposals, given the current scenario of security in Brazil. It seems that the ability of the guidelines to induce new educational policies in the states will depend largely on broadening and revising government programs and on the available resources, so that the demands of the society can be met.


The National Curricular Guidelines, at the level of public security, are documents drawn up by the Ministry of Justice, via the National Secretariat of Public Security (SENASP, in Portuguese), the objective of which is to “guide the training actions used to form professionals in the area of Public Security, Military Police, Civil Police and the Military Fire Brigade”, thus bringing “a theoretical-methodological reference that guides the training activities that form professionals in the Public Security area regardless of the institution and of the level or the modality of the teaching that is expected to serve” (BRASIL, 2014BRASIL. Professores do Ensino Profissional de acordo com Classificação Brasileiro de Ocupações - CBO. CBO - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. 2002. - Disponível em<Disponível em >. Acesso em: 08 out. 2014.
, p.17). Therefore, these guidelines propose, besides other orientations, a National Curricular Matrix (NCM, in Portuguese), initially presented in 2003, the latest version of which was published in 2014.

The word “matrix” refers to the ideas of “creation” and “generation” that guide a conception of curriculum, (BRASIL, 2014, p.8). Put in a different way, this means proposing tools that will guide training practices and work situations, in the case of professionals in the area of Public Safety. Therefore, regardless of the level or modality of teaching that NCM is expected to reach, it has “articulating axes and thematic areas that guide a basic formation according to the profile of the professional that it is wished to educate”. The NCM was the resultfrom national and international meetings aimed at meeting the needs to form professionals who will be able to deal with different forms of violence, conflicts and criminality, thereby seeking to guarantee the quality of life and integrity of people, by using methodologies and techniques based on the principle of legality, proportionality and necessity (CORDEIRO, 2008), sp).

Initially presented in 2003 at a large national seminar on public security, which aimed to disseminate and stimulate formative actions within the Public Security Unified System (SUSP, in Portuguese), the matrix already had clear pedagogical guidelines for an integrated formation of state police officers, its guiding axes being targeted on human rights policies. It is noteworthy that the State of Pernambuco sought to be a pioneer in its formation actions, both with regard to aligning the subjects and also to integrating these in the classroom, where professionals from the area of security, military police, and civil defense, military firefighters, underwent formation training together in subjects that were part of the common axis.

Continuing the process of re-signification, the matrix underwent its first revision in 2005, when two other documents were added to the work carried out by SENASP: the pedagogical guidelines for the formation activities of public safety professionals - a set of guidelines for planning, monitoring and evaluating formation actions, and the curriculum framework - a common core composed of subjects that bring together conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents, thus seeking to ensure the unity of thought and action of professionals in the area of public safety. These modifications, in the same way as the 2003 parameters, were used to update the curriculum of the courses developed by ACIDES and to guide the pedagogical actions developed.

From 2005 to 2008, SENASP, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross, held regional seminars, called “Curriculum Matrix in Motion”, for the technical staff and teachers of public safety education institutions, Brasil (2014). In these seminars, in addition to analyzing the previous documents, the methodological didactic fundamentals, the subjects of the curriculum framework and the transversality of human rights were presented, as well as reflections on pedagogical practice, the intentional role of planning and carrying out of formation actions. These seminars resulted in 2009, in the publication of the MCN and in a new revision and alignment of the ACIDES Formation Courses, with two fields of knowledge being defined: first, one that was common to all bases of forming police and secondly, a specific one that was defined according to the activities to be performed by the professionals in line with the duties they would perform.

In the period from April to June 2010 SENASP carried out a new evaluation of the MCN, together with the managers, technicians and teachers of public safety teaching institutions throughout Brazil. The results presented on the evaluation were grouped in two dimensions: educational and strategic. The educational dimension brought together aspects related to pedagogical issues that need to be expanded and revised. The strategic dimension covered the challenges related to school management, and actions were proposed that aimed at forming and giving skills to the pedagogical teams that planned and developed the work in theFormation schools.

In 2012, by holding the Technical Meeting of the National Curricular Matrix (MCN), the object of the 2010 evaluation was presented to working groups, whose objective was to validate the work and contribute to the consolidation of the final version of 2014. The new version of the Matrix has been applied until the present day, where the thematic areas and the guiding axes were maintained. The following points were included in the original text:

• Professional skills extracted from the professional profile; • A new curricular framework (common core) that will guide the training and training curricula of the Civil and Military Police, as well as the curriculum developed specifically for the formation of and skills training of Military Firefighters; • “Recommended” classroom contact hours for the subjects. • Review of bibliographies to include suggestions for new titles; • Updating of SENASP’s pedagogical guidelines to assist in the implementation process (BRASIL, 2014BRASIL. Professores do Ensino Profissional de acordo com Classificação Brasileiro de Ocupações - CBO. CBO - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. 2002. - Disponível em<Disponível em >. Acesso em: 08 out. 2014.
, p.12).

However, we can consider that the debate held on these educational management tools, regarding the educational guidelines, in the scope of public safety, has been matched positively to the pedagogical actions of ACIDES and of the education of state military police. These have included the following: the reference in relation to the guiding axes; keeping the necessary specificities and to the curricular frameworks of the formation courses, which follow the principles and suggestions proposed; and the training of the professionals who carry out the teaching, and always provoking them to reflect; the development of formative actions in the area of public security, which proposes policy and pedagogical formation which seeks to see to it that the ethical principles of the “compatibility between human rights and efficiency” of public security agents are respected and that differences are understood and given value; and above all (delete? citizen) of the student body and teacher with the educational principles of “flexibility, diversification and transformation, comprehensiveness and capillarity, quality and permanent updating, articulation, continuity and regularity” (BRASIL, 2014BRASIL. Professores do Ensino Profissional de acordo com Classificação Brasileiro de Ocupações - CBO. CBO - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. 2002. - Disponível em<Disponível em >. Acesso em: 08 out. 2014.
, p.38).


The discussions about corporate education and public policies for the professional training of public safety professionals should constantly undergo resignification and be articulated with other public policies such as those that deal with health, education and economics, since the training of these professionals is constantly influenced by Government Programs and by the sectors that involve organized society. Thus, there is a great need to evaluate the social demands, the infrastructure necessary for the development of potentialities, skills and to go beyond the political strategies, given that public safety is a constitutional right and must be guaranteed by the public authorities.

In this context, it is worth noting that party political interest cannot be above the desires of society, bearing in mind that Constitution lays down that society should be protected by politicians as the “representatives of the Brazilian people”, insofar as they must guarantee “the exercise of social and individual rights, liberty, security, well-being, development, equality and justice ... “(BRASIL, 1988BRASIL. Constituição da República do Brasil (1988). Brasília,DF: Senado, 1997.). Thus, “borrowing from the past, understanding it, explaining it, in order to understand the present and plan the future” (RUSSEN, 2015RUSSEN, J. Teoria da história: uma teoria da história como ciência. Tradução de Estevão C. De Rezende Martins. Curitiba: Editora UFPR, 2015., p.11), requires an understanding of what has happened in the past and thus to propose transformations to guide our actions.

Also, reflection on the normative framework that involves security doctrines and policies, Corporate Education and Curricular Guidelines should be always present when constructing the strategic plans and future actions of managers and participants as they engage on constructing and implementing the new guidelines. It is evident that the norms and guidelines in a conceptual way need to be reformulated and updated given the new scenarios, that are both party political and social, and by so doing to seek what underpins the reality experienced. Thus, it is important to emphasize that there is an urgent demand for constructing pedagogical policy projects the schools where training and formation take place, physical structure, adequate equipment according to technological advances and professionals able to “do things differently” in the training and formation actions they use.

From this perspective, it is not enough to teach the art of teaching, it is important to transcend the limits of the didactic approach and transform the learner into a true public security professional, and vis-á-vis one’s awareness of policy to evaluate and weigh up learning the profession, the knowledge and the values that must be guaranteed to all; knowledge must be targeted on constructing a new meaning to the contents, without setting itself apart from the institutional duties and objectives, the basis of any formation that establishes the principles of corporate education as the doctrine.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is necessary to evaluate the public policies that involve the training and qualification of security professionals, by reassessing the norms and guidelines that guide the Corporate Education Program and especially the Integrated Academy of Social Defense (ACIDES), mainly with regard to the training and formation of public security and civil defense professionals from the States of the Federation. It is extremely important to reflect on drawing up formation and professional training programs that go beyond the demand of governments, and indeed seek to develop and transform public security agents, and to construct pedagogical policy projects in order to enhance this type of education, as they will make a significant contribution towards forming critical and reflective professionals who defend constitutional rights and seek to improve the services rendered to Society.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    5 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Jan-Dec 2019


  • Received
    14 June 2018
  • Accepted
    13 Apr 2019
Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Avenida Antonio Carlos, 6627., 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3409-5371 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil