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Estudo das variações da relação peso total/comprimento total em função do ciclo reprodutivo e comportamento, de Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) da costa do Brasil entre 23ºS e 28ºS

Reproductive cycle and behaviour of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) on the Brazilian coast (23ºS - 28ºS): influence on the length-weight relationship


This paper analyses some aspects on the length/weight relation ship of Sardinella brasiliensis and its variations as a function of their reproductive cycle and displacements along the Brazilian coast between 23ºS and 28ºS. The area surveyed was divided into five sub-areas, each one covering one degree of latitude. The relationship and its variations between shoals were studied for each sub-area at different seasons and for the sub-areas at the same season. The absence of a variation pattern for the length/weight relationship has shown to be the result of seasonal changes in the physiological aspects of fish (as a function of their reproductive cycle) as well as result of behaviour of individuals in two main areas: 23ºS-25ºS and 26ºS-28ºS, which are spawning areas, spawning occuring during spring and summer at the first and only during spring at the latter. After spawning the young (from both areas) more at different times to a common trophic area where they find suitable conditions (25ºS26ºS), returning to their original sub-areas at different occasions, following their first sexual maturation. Although spawning takes place at different times and sites, with the convergence of young to a common nursery, mixing might occur. Further studies on meristics and body proportions are being developed regarding the existence of different populations.

Estudo das variações da relação peso total/comprimento total em função do ciclo reprodutivo e comportamento, de Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) da costa do Brasil entre 23ºS e 28ºS* * Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Biociencias da Universidade de São Paulo.

Reproductive cycle and behaviour of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) on the Brazilian coast (23ºS - 28ºS): influence on the length-weight relationship

Carmen Lucia del Bianco Rossi-Wongtschowski** ** Bolsista da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo


This paper analyses some aspects on the length/weight relation ship of Sardinella brasiliensis and its variations as a function of their reproductive cycle and displacements along the Brazilian coast between 23ºS and 28ºS. The area surveyed was divided into five sub-areas, each one covering one degree of latitude. The relationship and its variations between shoals were studied for each sub-area at different seasons and for the sub-areas at the same season. The absence of a variation pattern for the length/weight relationship has shown to be the result of seasonal changes in the physiological aspects of fish (as a function of their reproductive cycle) as well as result of behaviour of individuals in two main areas: 23ºS-25ºS and 26ºS-28ºS, which are spawning areas, spawning occuring during spring and summer at the first and only during spring at the latter. After spawning the young (from both areas) more at different times to a common trophic area where they find suitable conditions (25ºS26ºS), returning to their original sub-areas at different occasions, following their first sexual maturation. Although spawning takes place at different times and sites, with the convergence of young to a common nursery, mixing might occur. Further studies on meristics and body proportions are being developed regarding the existence of different populations.

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Agradeço aos Drs. Anna Emília A. de M. Vazzoler e Paulo Emílio Vanzolini pela orientação, incentivo e dedicação constantes durante todo este trabalho.

Ao Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo pelo auxílio financeiro nas viagens de coleta, franquia de suas instalações, laboratórios, bases de pesquisa e colaboração de seu pessoal técnico.

À Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) pela bolsa concedida.

À Oscar Barbosa e Wilson Ribas pela colaboração na coleta de amostras e nos trabalhos de laboratório.

Aos Drs. Gelso Vazzoler, Noriyoshi Yamaguti e Yasunobo Matsuura pelas sugestões e discussões durante a elaboração deste trabalho.

Ao Serviço de Extensão da Pesca de Santa Catarina (ACARPESC), ao Sr. Maurilio Dal Grande Borges, DD. Delegado da SUDEPE em Itajaí, à Diretoria da INTERPESCA de Itajaí, aos funcionários da Base de Pesquisas Oceanográficas da SUDEPE em Paranaguá, pelo esforço na coleta de amostras e gentileza na acolhida.

À Alfredo Martins Paiva Filho pela elaboração da programação e execução de parte da análise estatística dos dados, efetuada no Computador B-3.500 do Centro de Computação Eletrônica da Universidade de São Paulo.

À Srta. Lucy Teixeira pelo auxílio na padronização das citações bibliográficas.


(Recebido em 29/julho/1975)

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  • *
    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Biociencias da Universidade de São Paulo.
  • **
    Bolsista da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      11 Jun 2012
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    • Recebido
      29 Jul 1975
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