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Prevalence of Oral Normal Variance in Healthy Elderly Patients: A Descriptive Study on Oral Pseudo-Lesions



The aging process in the elderly can change the condition of the oral cavity, regarding both clinical appearance and function. The oral mucosa becomes more susceptible to mechanical damage and irritant agents. Any changes in the oral mucosa, including normal variance, should be examined. This is especially true for the elderly, to improve oral health and prevent any abnormalities.


To describe the prevalence of oral normal variance in healthy elderly patients.


An observational descriptive study with a cross-sectional design with total sampling conducted from March to April 2020.


Among the 117 elderly patients who participated in this study, 58 were described as healthy without any comorbidities. From those subjects, there were 117 cases of normal variance in the oral mucosa. The three most prevalent issues were fissured tongue (93.1%), coated tongue (58.62%), and crenated tongue (27.59%).


Fissured tongue is a normal variance of the oral mucosa that is commonly found in healthy elderly patients.

elderly; fissured tongue; human & health; oral mucosa; pseudo lesion


The increase in the number of elderly in Indonesia is the result of increased life expectancy.11 Kusdhany LS, Sundjaja Y, Fardaniah S, Ismail RI. Oral health related quality of life in Indonesian middle-aged and elderly women. Med J Indones 2011;20(01):62–65 Health problems in the elderly can be influenced by psychological, social, and economic aspects. Additionally, the aging process causes several changes to the morphology and physiology of organs and organ systems, including those of the oral cavity.22 Cheruvathoor DD, Thomas V, Kumar NR, Jose M. High prevalence of oral mucosal lesions inelderly: Call for revolutionizing geriatric dental care strategies. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9(08): 4375–4380 Several studies have shown that prevalence of normal variance of oral mucosa in the elderly is higher than in adults and children.33 Pai A, Deverashetty A. Changing Trends in the Oral Mucosa of Geriatric Population - An Epidemiological Study. J Indian Acad Geriatr. 2017;13(01):10–17,44 Ali M, Joseph B, Sundaram D. Prevalence oforal mucosal lesions in patients of the Kuwait University Dental Center. Saudi Dent J 2013;25(03):111–118,55 Mahdani FY, Radithia D, Parmadiati AE, Ernawati DS. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in geriatric patients in Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital. Acta Med Philipp 2019;53(05):407–411 In India, the prevalence of changes in oral soft tissue conditions in the elderly is 89.4% higher than in other age groups.33 Pai A, Deverashetty A. Changing Trends in the Oral Mucosa of Geriatric Population - An Epidemiological Study. J Indian Acad Geriatr. 2017;13(01):10–17 In Kuwait, studies show that the highest prevalence of oral soft tissue lesions occur in elderly patients.44 Ali M, Joseph B, Sundaram D. Prevalence oforal mucosal lesions in patients of the Kuwait University Dental Center. Saudi Dent J 2013;25(03):111–118 Another research conducted in Surabaya, Indonesia, showed that the normal variances of the mucosa with higher prevalence in the elderly are coated tongue, fissured tongue and lingual varices.55 Mahdani FY, Radithia D, Parmadiati AE, Ernawati DS. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in geriatric patients in Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital. Acta Med Philipp 2019;53(05):407–411 These conditions can affect daily activities, including mastication, swallowing, and talking, as well as cause symptoms such as xerostomia, halitosis, or dysesthesia.66 Shinde SB, Sheikh NN, Sr A. Prevalence of tongue lesions in western population of Maharashtra. Int J Appl Dent Sci. 2017;3 (03):104–108

It is important to distinguish between normal aging processes and pathological conditions in the elderly population. Lack of knowledge about the changes in the oral cavity due to aging can lead to excessive or unnecessary oral management, so normal variance and pathological abnormalities of the oral cavity in the elderly need tobeproperly evaluated.77 Al-Maweri SA, Al-Jamaei AA, Al-Sufyani GA, Tarakji B, Shugaa-Addin B. Oral mucosal lesions in elderly dental patients in Sana’a, Yemen. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2015;5(Suppl 1): S12–S19 Until now, there is little data available in the literature that can describe the prevalence of oral normal variance in healthy elderly people, which means optimum service standards for the elderly do not yet exist. Oral health services must be regulated and improved for both the development of preventive efforts and better treatment of healthy elderly. Achieving such improvements require the involvement of other oral health professionals, such as dentists, as well as other health workers so that the realistic goal of ensuring the quality of life of the elderly can be achieved, and so we can reduce the cost of dental treatments for elderly patients. This research was conducted so that, in the future, it can be applied as a guide to improve the oral health of elderly patients, and provide optimum service standards for elderly patients.

Materials and Methods

Study Design

This descriptive observational study with cross-sectional design was conducted in elderly patients from March to April 2020.

Study Participants

All the participants of this study are elderly. Informed written consent forms were obtained from the patients who were willing to participate in the study. The inclusion criteriaof the samplein thisstudy were age over60 years old, cooperative, and healthy elderly. In this study, we defined healthy elderly patients as those without degenerative diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, or chronic kidney disease) that could be assessed for medical history and anamnesis.

Intraoral Examination

A screening examination, which included an intraoral clinical exam, was performed by an oral medicine specialist and studentsfrom the oral medicinespecialist program. Intraoral examination was done by using an intraoral mirror, and oral mucosa was screened for all soft tissue lesions. Normal variance of the mucosa or pseudo lesions considered as a form of soft tissue variation from its normal shape were diagnosed based on clinical examination. The normal variance, or pseudo lesions, of the mucosa were determined based on the della Vella et al. study of 2019, with modifications88 della Vella F, Lauritano D, Lajolo C, et al. The Pseudolesions of the Oral Mucosa: Differential Diagnosis and Related Systemic Conditions. Appl Sci (Basel) 2019;9(12):2412 (►Table 1).

Table 1
The pseudo lesions and their location

Data Presentation

The data obtained will be presented descriptively through percentages, and by using a prevalence rate analyzed using the Microsoft Excel 2020 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) software.


Subject Demographic

A total of 117 elderly patients participated in this study, but 59 elderly patients were excluded because of degenerative diseases. After the exclusion, our cohort comprised 58 healthy elderly patients, with the diagnosisofoneor more oral normal variances. The demographic data from those subjects can be found in ►Table 2. The majorityofthe subjects were inthe age range of 60 to 74 years, and almost all of them were women.

Table 2
Demographic data from healthy elderly participating in this study

Intraoral Examination

We identified seven normal variances of the oral mucosa: fissured tongue (93.1%), coated tongue (58.62%), crenated tongue (27.59%), lingual varices (15.52%), atrophic glossitis (3.44%), linea alba buccalis (1.72%), and hyperpigmented papilla of the tongue (1.72%). The clinical appearance of those oral normal variances can be found in ►Fig. 1. As previously described, the most common normal variance found in this study was fissured tongue (►Table 3).

Fig. 1
Clinical appearance of oral normal variance in healthy elderly. (A) fissured tongue and atrophic glossitis; (B) coated tongue; (C) crenated tongue; (D) lingual varices, and (E) linea alba buccalis.

Table 3
Prevalence of pseudo lesions in healthy elderly


According to the literature, the main oral health problems in the elderly are dry mouth and dental caries, which are associated with reduced salivary flow.99 Razak PA, Richard KMJ, Thankachan RP, Hafiz KAA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric oral health: a review article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(06):110–116 These problems canworsen the presence of normal varianceinthe oralcavity of the elderly. As mentioned before, oral soft tissue lesions can interfere with daily activities, including mastication, swallowing, and talking, as well as cause symptoms such as xerostomia, halitosis, or dysesthesia. Therefore, treatment is paramount to improve the health of the oral cavity of the elderly.66 Shinde SB, Sheikh NN, Sr A. Prevalence of tongue lesions in western population of Maharashtra. Int J Appl Dent Sci. 2017;3 (03):104–108

Aging affects the structure of the oral cavity, altering the teeth, periodontal tissue, mucosa, salivary glands, bone tissue, and taste buds.22 Cheruvathoor DD, Thomas V, Kumar NR, Jose M. High prevalence of oral mucosal lesions inelderly: Call for revolutionizing geriatric dental care strategies. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9(08): 4375–4380 The changes that occur include: Loss of elasticity and reduced vascularization in the oral mucosa, with a pale, thin, dry, and smooth aspect. The epithelium becomes more permeable, meaning it becomes more susceptible to various harmful substances, mechanical injuries, and irritant agents, as well as to microbes and fungi. Physical and immunological defense of the mucosa is impaired and the regenerative ability is reduced, making it more susceptible to injury.66 Shinde SB, Sheikh NN, Sr A. Prevalence of tongue lesions in western population of Maharashtra. Int J Appl Dent Sci. 2017;3 (03):104–108 The atrophy of the salivary gland’s cell walls, especially in the ducts, causes a decrease in the salivary flow and results on the oral mucosa becoming dry and loosing elasticity, as well as lip rupture and fissures on the tongue. The tongue loses filiform papillae, making it appear smooth, and often there is an increase in lingual varices on the ventral surface.1010 Lynge Pedersen AM, Nauntofte B, Smidt D, Torpet LA. Oral mucosal lesions in older people: relation to salivary secretion, systemic diseases and medications. Oral Dis 2015;21(06):721–729

Oral normal variance may occur with aging as a predisposing factor. It is important to identify general variations in the normal anatomy of the oral cavity and clinical findings that can be associated with systemic, psychological and behavioral conditions, especially in the elderly. Clinical findings of normal oral variance can assist clinicians in providing appropriate oral health services.1111 Madani FM, Kuperstein AS. Normal variations oforal anatomy and common oral soft tissue lesions: evaluation and management. Med Clin North Am 2014;98(06):1281–1298 In vulnerable age groups, such as the elderly, there is a lotofnormal varianceintheoral cavity, especially lesions on the tongue, which are indicators of specific needs for oral intervention.1010 Lynge Pedersen AM, Nauntofte B, Smidt D, Torpet LA. Oral mucosal lesions in older people: relation to salivary secretion, systemic diseases and medications. Oral Dis 2015;21(06):721–729

In this study, it was found that 93.1% of the healthy elderly patients had a fissured tongue, which was the largest prevalence. Some other studies also found that fissured tongue is common in the elderly. The city of Maharashtra, India, presented the highest prevalence of abnormalities, reporting 51.7% of cases of fissured tongue.1212 Kaminska-Pikiewicz K, Chalas R, Bachanek T. The condition oforal mucosa in the elderly (over 65 years) of Lublin. Curr Issues Pharm Med Sci 2017;30(01):39–42 In the Airlangga University Hospital, the prevalence of fissured tongue was 25.40%, which makes it fourth most common lesion.55 Mahdani FY, Radithia D, Parmadiati AE, Ernawati DS. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in geriatric patients in Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital. Acta Med Philipp 2019;53(05):407–411 In India, it was reported that fissured tongue was the second-largest type of lesion found, amounting to 20.1%.1313 Bhattacharya PT, Sinha R, Pal S. Prevalence and subjective knowledge of tongue lesions in an Indian population. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016;6(02):124–128. Doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2015.12.007[Internet]
Fissured tongue or lingua fissurata, plicated tongue, scrotal tongue, and groove tongue are lesions that are often found in the general population.1414 Järvinen J, Mikkonen JJW, Kullaa AM. Fissured tongue: a sign of tongue edema? Med Hypotheses 2014;82(06):709–712 The etiology has not yet been fully elucidated, but some argue that it is due to congenital factors; however, various other factors also play a role in the development of fissured tongue such as aging, hyposalivation, diabetes mellitus, candidiasis, and vitamin B deficiency.1212 Kaminska-Pikiewicz K, Chalas R, Bachanek T. The condition oforal mucosa in the elderly (over 65 years) of Lublin. Curr Issues Pharm Med Sci 2017;30(01):39–42 According to the study of Maloth et al., the statistical analysis shows that the prevalence of fissuredtongue increases significantly with age.1515 Maloth S, Padmashree S, Shilpa PS, Sultana N. The Prevalence of Fissured Tongue in 2050 Indian Patients : a Cross Sectional Study. Int J Dental Res Development 2015;5(04):5–14 With the high prevalence of fissured tongue in the elderly of Posyandu Lansia at the Public Health Center of Surabaya, it is essential to educate the elderly on good oral hygiene, specifically in relation with the tongue, to clean debris, and reduce the risk of microbial infection and halitosis.1616 Mangold AR, Torgerson RR, Rogers RS III. Diseases of the tongue. Clin Dermatol 2016;34(04):458–469 Fissured tongue usually does not cause pain, except in the cases of food debris collecting in the grooves, which can result in infections, inflammation, and irritation.88 della Vella F, Lauritano D, Lajolo C, et al. The Pseudolesions of the Oral Mucosa: Differential Diagnosis and Related Systemic Conditions. Appl Sci (Basel) 2019;9(12):2412 If these lesions cause pain due to infection, then the treatment aims to reduce inflammation and infection.1616 Mangold AR, Torgerson RR, Rogers RS III. Diseases of the tongue. Clin Dermatol 2016;34(04):458–469

Coatedtongue can occur duetotheaccumulationofdebris on the tongue.1111 Madani FM, Kuperstein AS. Normal variations oforal anatomy and common oral soft tissue lesions: evaluation and management. Med Clin North Am 2014;98(06):1281–1298 The high prevalence of coated tongue in the elderly is supported by the Omor et al. study, which proved statistically that the prevalence of coated tongue increases with age. The use of mouthwash and tongue brushing can improve tongue hygiene and reduce coated tongue.1717 Omor RA, Arabeyat MA, Hiasat AN, et al. Prevalence and Factors Related to Tongue Coating among a Sample of Jordanian Royal Medical Services Dental Outpatients Rana. J R Med Serv. 2015;22 (01):35–40

Crenated tongue can be caused by tongue pressure, such as the habit of pressing the tongue against the teeth, pushing the tongue, sucking the tongue, bruxism, macroglossia, and tongue thrusting.88 della Vella F, Lauritano D, Lajolo C, et al. The Pseudolesions of the Oral Mucosa: Differential Diagnosis and Related Systemic Conditions. Appl Sci (Basel) 2019;9(12):2412

Lingual varices are developmental anomalies in old age. The etiology of this lesion is not known with certainty. But according to other studies, lingual varices are related to age, smoking, and cardiovascular diseases.1616 Mangold AR, Torgerson RR, Rogers RS III. Diseases of the tongue. Clin Dermatol 2016;34(04):458–469 These lesions occur due to changes in the connective tissue or weakening of the venous wall, as a result of degeneration of elastic fibers associated with the aging process. These lesions do not require special treatment, except for aesthetic and personal reasons.1111 Madani FM, Kuperstein AS. Normal variations oforal anatomy and common oral soft tissue lesions: evaluation and management. Med Clin North Am 2014;98(06):1281–1298 Lingual varices are harmless lesions, can be diagnosed clinically, and do not require treatment. Surgical excision can be performed for varicose thrombosis, and for the aesthetic importance of lip varicosities.88 della Vella F, Lauritano D, Lajolo C, et al. The Pseudolesions of the Oral Mucosa: Differential Diagnosis and Related Systemic Conditions. Appl Sci (Basel) 2019;9(12):2412

Depapillated tongue, also known as atrophic glossitis, is characterized by loss of the tongue’s papilla. This can be related to the emergence of burning sensation in some patients. The tongue’s surface with loss of papillae is characterized by a red area on the dorsal surface of the tongue. Atrophic glossitis usually occurs in patients with nutritional deficiencies, xerostomia, lichenoid reaction, local trauma, candidiasis, and because of the aging process.1818 Patil S, Kaswan S, Rahman F, Doni B. Prevalence of tongue lesions in the Indian population. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(03):e128–e132 The oral mucosa in the elderly becomes thinner and smoother. The tongue undergoes clinical changes and is smoother because of the loss of the filiform papillae.99 Razak PA, Richard KMJ, Thankachan RP, Hafiz KAA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric oral health: a review article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(06):110–116,1919 Surboyo M, Ernawati D, ParmadiatiA. Glossitis mimicking median rhomboid glossitis induced by throat lozenges and refreshment candies. J Int Oral Health 2019;11(05):323–328

Linea alba buccalis is a hyperkeratosis lesion associated with recurrent pressure, frictional trauma, and other parafunctional habits from thebuccal surface of the tooth. There is no specific treatment for this lesion, as it arises because of friction trauma.1111 Madani FM, Kuperstein AS. Normal variations oforal anatomy and common oral soft tissue lesions: evaluation and management. Med Clin North Am 2014;98(06):1281–1298 Linea alba buccalis usually does not cause pain. Some patients experience fear, because they mistake it for cancer. The treatment of this lesion is accomplished by eliminating the irritant.2020 Kumar S, Kumar T, Rani V. Linea Alba Buccalis a Normal Anatomic Variation of Oral Cavity, Not an Oral Cancer, Awareness among Patients and Professionals: A Case Report. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2016;3(04):124–125 Prevalence analysis with various factors that can cause linea alba buccalis can help determine the treatment quickly and prevent the emergence of further complications.2121 Sharmila R. Prevalance of linea alba buccalis in Chennai population. J Pharm Sci Res. 2016;8(08):835–837

It is important for health practitioners, including dentists, to increase their treatment standards and provide better servicetothe elderly, suchas educationabout oral healthand how to manage and treat normal variances. The limitation of thisstudyis that weonlyuseda clinicaldiagnosis todiagnose the normal variance of oral mucosa. Some normal variances need different tests and exams to reach the final diagnosis.


The most prevalent oral normal variance identified in this study was fissured tongue. However, the results of the current study should be interpreted with caution, and conducting new studies regarding oral hygiene, smoking, and racial populations, with large random samples would be highly recommended. Future studies need a bigger sample to diagnose more normal variances of oral mucosa.

  • Funding
    Kementerian Riset Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. 4/AMD/E1/KP.PTNBH/2020


  • 1
    Kusdhany LS, Sundjaja Y, Fardaniah S, Ismail RI. Oral health related quality of life in Indonesian middle-aged and elderly women. Med J Indones 2011;20(01):62–65
  • 2
    Cheruvathoor DD, Thomas V, Kumar NR, Jose M. High prevalence of oral mucosal lesions inelderly: Call for revolutionizing geriatric dental care strategies. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9(08): 4375–4380
  • 3
    Pai A, Deverashetty A. Changing Trends in the Oral Mucosa of Geriatric Population - An Epidemiological Study. J Indian Acad Geriatr. 2017;13(01):10–17
  • 4
    Ali M, Joseph B, Sundaram D. Prevalence oforal mucosal lesions in patients of the Kuwait University Dental Center. Saudi Dent J 2013;25(03):111–118
  • 5
    Mahdani FY, Radithia D, Parmadiati AE, Ernawati DS. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in geriatric patients in Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital. Acta Med Philipp 2019;53(05):407–411
  • 6
    Shinde SB, Sheikh NN, Sr A. Prevalence of tongue lesions in western population of Maharashtra. Int J Appl Dent Sci. 2017;3 (03):104–108
  • 7
    Al-Maweri SA, Al-Jamaei AA, Al-Sufyani GA, Tarakji B, Shugaa-Addin B. Oral mucosal lesions in elderly dental patients in Sana’a, Yemen. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2015;5(Suppl 1): S12–S19
  • 8
    della Vella F, Lauritano D, Lajolo C, et al. The Pseudolesions of the Oral Mucosa: Differential Diagnosis and Related Systemic Conditions. Appl Sci (Basel) 2019;9(12):2412
  • 9
    Razak PA, Richard KMJ, Thankachan RP, Hafiz KAA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric oral health: a review article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(06):110–116
  • 10
    Lynge Pedersen AM, Nauntofte B, Smidt D, Torpet LA. Oral mucosal lesions in older people: relation to salivary secretion, systemic diseases and medications. Oral Dis 2015;21(06):721–729
  • 11
    Madani FM, Kuperstein AS. Normal variations oforal anatomy and common oral soft tissue lesions: evaluation and management. Med Clin North Am 2014;98(06):1281–1298
  • 12
    Kaminska-Pikiewicz K, Chalas R, Bachanek T. The condition oforal mucosa in the elderly (over 65 years) of Lublin. Curr Issues Pharm Med Sci 2017;30(01):39–42
  • 13
    Bhattacharya PT, Sinha R, Pal S. Prevalence and subjective knowledge of tongue lesions in an Indian population. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016;6(02):124–128. Doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2015.12.007[Internet]
  • 14
    Järvinen J, Mikkonen JJW, Kullaa AM. Fissured tongue: a sign of tongue edema? Med Hypotheses 2014;82(06):709–712
  • 15
    Maloth S, Padmashree S, Shilpa PS, Sultana N. The Prevalence of Fissured Tongue in 2050 Indian Patients : a Cross Sectional Study. Int J Dental Res Development 2015;5(04):5–14
  • 16
    Mangold AR, Torgerson RR, Rogers RS III. Diseases of the tongue. Clin Dermatol 2016;34(04):458–469
  • 17
    Omor RA, Arabeyat MA, Hiasat AN, et al. Prevalence and Factors Related to Tongue Coating among a Sample of Jordanian Royal Medical Services Dental Outpatients Rana. J R Med Serv. 2015;22 (01):35–40
  • 18
    Patil S, Kaswan S, Rahman F, Doni B. Prevalence of tongue lesions in the Indian population. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(03):e128–e132
  • 19
    Surboyo M, Ernawati D, ParmadiatiA. Glossitis mimicking median rhomboid glossitis induced by throat lozenges and refreshment candies. J Int Oral Health 2019;11(05):323–328
  • 20
    Kumar S, Kumar T, Rani V. Linea Alba Buccalis a Normal Anatomic Variation of Oral Cavity, Not an Oral Cancer, Awareness among Patients and Professionals: A Case Report. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2016;3(04):124–125
  • 21
    Sharmila R. Prevalance of linea alba buccalis in Chennai population. J Pharm Sci Res. 2016;8(08):835–837

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Jan 2023
  • Date of issue
    Oct-Dec 2022


  • Received
    15 May 2021
  • Accepted
    17 Oct 2021
  • Published
    20 Apr 2022
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