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Stakeholder management: evidence on the performance of publicly traded companies

Gestão de stakeholders: evidências no desempenho das empresas de capital aberto



This study consists of empirical evidence from stakeholder management in the performance indicators of publicly traded companies.


The methodological framework was quantitative, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used in order to make comparisons between groups (with/without stakeholdermanagement).


As a result, there is the empirical evidence of stakeholder management in the discussion of value creation and organizational performance.

Research implications:

This study advances in the empirical discussion of the relationship between stakeholders and the company in the orientation of value creation, since it provides statistical evidence that the stakeholder management has influence on the performance of companies.

Research limitations:

As a limitation, the study has the composition of the sectors, which can be expanded in future research, for all sectors of the BM&F Bovespa, including the 362 companies. A sample with several sectors can improve the inferences.

Practical implications:

The study improves the understanding that it is not the fact that it belongs to the index, as it is the case of ISE-GRI, that the company’s results point to a superior performance of those that do not belong, but the effective management of stakeholders for a positive result in the short and long term, as it was evidenced in this study.


It also demonstrates the empirical evidence of issues, until then dealt with in the theoretical field, but with no direct relationship with a set of companies, as well as supporting the idea that the creation of connections between companies and stakeholders open invisible opportunities for value creation.

Management for stakeholders; Performance; Publicly traded companies



O objetivo desta pesquisa é evidenciar, empiricamente, a gestão de stakeholders nos indicadores de desempenho das empresas de capital aberto.


A partir de um enquadramento metodológico quantitativo, foi utilizado o teste Mann-Whitney U para realizar as comparações entre os grupos (com/sem gestão de stakeholders).


Como resultado, tem-se a evidência estatística empírica da gestão de stakeholders na discussão da criação de valor e desempenho organizacional.

Implicações práticas:

O estudo melhora o entendimento de que não é o fato de pertencer ao índice, como é o caso do ISE-GRI, que os resultados da empresa apontam desempenho superior das que não pertencem, mas sim da gestão efetiva de stakeholders para um resultado positivo a curto e em longo prazo, como foi evidenciado neste estudo.


Como limitação o estudo tem a composição dos setores, que pode ser ampliado em pesquisas futuras, para todos os setores da BM&F Bovespa, incluindo as 362 empresas. Uma amostra com diversos setores pode melhorar as inferências.


O estudo demonstra evidências empíricas de questões, até então tratadas no campo teórico, mas sem relação direta com um conjunto de empresas, bem como ampara a ideia de que a criação de conexões entre empresa e stakeholders abrem oportunidades invisíveis para a criação de valor.

Gestão para os Stakeholders; Desempenho; Empresas de Capital Aberto


Researchers in strategic management seek to explain and predict organizational success ( Rumelt, Schendel, & Teece, 1991Rumelt, R., Schendel, D., & Teece, D. (1991). Strategic management and economics. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 5-29.). In the development of this field, the concept of stakeholders played an important role in this discussion ( Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.) and, recently, the theory of stakeholders (TS) resurfaced in the debate involving strategy and competitive advantage ( Harrison, Bosse, & Phillips, 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.). Attention to stakeholders is a strategic issue for the company ( Crilly & Sloan, 2012Crilly, D., & Sloan, P. (2012). Enterprise logic: Explaining corporate attention to stakeholder from the ‘inside-out’. Strategic Management Journal, 33(10), 1174-1193.). The task of executives is to manage and shape relations between groups in a way that creates value for all stakeholders and not just shareholders ( Hall, Millo, & Barman, 2015Hall, M., Millo, Y., & Barman, E. (2015). Who and what really counts? Stakeholder prioritization and accounting for social value. Journal of Management Studies, 52(7), 907-934.; Stocker, Arruda, Mascena, & Boaventura, 2020Stocker, F., Arruda, M., Mascena, K., & Boaventura, J. (2020). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: a classification model. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Early View,1-10.). The value is a central issue at TS ( Freeman, Harrison, Wicks, Pamar, & Colle, 2010Freeman, R., Harrison, J., Wicks, A., Pamar, B., & Colle, S. (2010). Stakeholder theory: The state of the art. Cambridge/UK: Cambridge University Press.). Some research has shown that attention has been focused on the theoretical discussion of value in the context of TS ( Cintra, Costa, Amâncio-Vieira, & Ribeiro, 2015Cintra, R., Costa, B., Amâncio-Vieira, S., & Ribeiro, H. (2015). Stakeholder theory e value creation: Revisão sistemática na publicação científica internacional, 1990-2014. In XXXIX Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-17.; Cintra, Cassol, & Costa, 2017Cintra, R., Cassol, A., & Costa, B. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da teoria dos stakeholders: O que dizem os estudos e para onde vamos? In VIII Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia, 1-8.; Cintra, Costa, Oliveira, & Cassol, 2017Cintra, R., Costa, B., Oliveira, A., & Cassol, A. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da TS: Análise das citações e cocitações na produção científica internacional 2000-2016. In XLI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-16.). Another aspect emphasizes issues related to the value created and distributed to stakeholders ( Barbosa, 2018Barbosa, R. (2018). Distribuição de valor: uma análise do que é importante para os stakeholders à luz das matrizes de materialidade. In XXI Seminários em Administração, 1-3., 2019Barbosa, R. (2019). Alinhamento da materialidade à distribuição de valor aos stakeholders e sua relação com o desempenho. 173 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/SP.; Sarturi, Seravalli, & Boaventura, 2015Sarturi, G., Seravalli, C., & Boaventura, J. (2015). Afinal, o que é distribuir valor para os stakeholders? Uma análise bibliográfica sobre o tema. Revista de Administração UFSM, 8(edição especial), 92-113.; Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.). TS has been providing evidence on the relationships between the stakeholder management and the corporate objectives ( Jones, Wicks, & Freeman, 2017Jones, T., Wicks, A., & Freeman, R. (2017). Stakeholder theory: The state of the art. The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics, 17-37.), i.e., it seeks to understand the cause and effect relationships between the organization and its stakeholders ( Mascena & Stocker, 2020Mascena, K., & Stocker, F. (2020). Gestão de stakeholders: Estado da arte e perspectivas. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 12(1), 01-30.). Research suggests the need to broaden the scope of the empirical analysis, which seeks to understand the relationship between the stakeholder treatment and the company’s performance ( Bosse, Phillips, & Harrison, 2009Bosse, D., Phillips, R., & Harrison, J. (2009). Stakeholders, reciprocity, and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal, 30(4), 447-456.; Bosse & Coughlan, 2016Bosse, D., & Coughlan, R. (2016). Stakeholder relationship bonds. Journal of Management Studies, 53(7), 1197-1222.; Faleye & Trahan, 2011Faleye, O., & Trahan, E. (2011). Labor-friendly corporate practices: Is what is good for employees good for shareholders? Journal of Business Ethics, 101(1), 1-27.). Whether focusing on the concept of value creation ( Garriga, 2014Garriga, E. (2014). Beyond stakeholder utility function: Stakeholder capability in the value creation process. Journal Business Ethics, 120(4), 489-507.; Mitchell, Buren, Greenwood, & Freeman, 2015Mitchell, R., Van Buren, H., Greenwood, M., & Freeman, R. (2015). Stakeholder inclusion and accounting for stakeholders. Journal of Management Studies, 52(7), 851-877.); value creation dynamics ( Garcia-Castro & Aguilera, 2015Garcia-Castro, R., & Aguilera, R. (2015). Incremental value creation and appropriation in a world with multiple stakeholders. Strategic Management Journal, 36(1), 137-147.); and potential sources of value creation ( Tantalo & Priem, 2016Tantalo, C., & Priem, R. (2016). Value creation through stakeholder synergy. Strategic Management Journal, 37(2), 314-329.). The adoption of a stakeholder management and the organizational performance is an issue that needs to be furthered ( Harrison & Bosse, 2013Harrison, J., & Bosse, D. (2013). How much is too much? The limits to generous treatment of stakeholders. Business Horizons, 56(3), 313-322.; Sarturi & Mascena, 2017Sarturi, G., & Mascena, K. (2017). Relação entre saliência de stakeholders e performance financeira. In XLI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 1.). Understanding the factors that determine performance shows a research agenda in this field ( Gomes, Osborne, & Guarnieri, 2020Gomes, R., Osborne, S., & Guarnieri, P. (2020). Stakeholder influence and local government performance: a systematic literature review. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 54(3) 448-467.). Studies on value have shown theoretical advances and points of consensus ( Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.). Although the literature advances ( Garcia-Castro & Aguilera, 2015Garcia-Castro, R., & Aguilera, R. (2015). Incremental value creation and appropriation in a world with multiple stakeholders. Strategic Management Journal, 36(1), 137-147.), challenges in future research are noted ( Cintra et al., 2015Cintra, R., Costa, B., Amâncio-Vieira, S., & Ribeiro, H. (2015). Stakeholder theory e value creation: Revisão sistemática na publicação científica internacional, 1990-2014. In XXXIX Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-17.; Cintra, Cassol, & Costa, 2017Cintra, R., Cassol, A., & Costa, B. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da teoria dos stakeholders: O que dizem os estudos e para onde vamos? In VIII Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia, 1-8.). One of these challenges is the expansion of quantitative research ( Cintra et al., 2015Cintra, R., Costa, B., Amâncio-Vieira, S., & Ribeiro, H. (2015). Stakeholder theory e value creation: Revisão sistemática na publicação científica internacional, 1990-2014. In XXXIX Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-17.), in view of the generalization of results, which are incipient ( Cintra, Cassol, & Costa, 2017Cintra, R., Cassol, A., & Costa, B. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da teoria dos stakeholders: O que dizem os estudos e para onde vamos? In VIII Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia, 1-8.; Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.). Challenges that line up the study are: need for empirical evidence of TS as capable of producing value ( Cintra et al., 2017Cintra, R., Costa, B., Oliveira, A., & Cassol, A. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da TS: Análise das citações e cocitações na produção científica internacional 2000-2016. In XLI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-16.), or superior performance ( Harrison, Bosse, & Phillips, 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.); return to the emphasis of TS on strategic benefits in management ( Cintra et al., 2017Cintra, R., Costa, B., Oliveira, A., & Cassol, A. (2017). A criação de valor no contexto da TS: Análise das citações e cocitações na produção científica internacional 2000-2016. In XLI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Administração, 1-16.); deepening of the empirical evidence on the adoption of stakeholder management and performance ( Harrison & Bosse, 2013Harrison, J., & Bosse, D. (2013). How much is too much? The limits to generous treatment of stakeholders. Business Horizons, 56(3), 313-322.; Sarturi & Mascena, 2017Sarturi, G., & Mascena, K. (2017). Relação entre saliência de stakeholders e performance financeira. In XLI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 1.); detailed analysis based on the companies’ annual reports ( Dumitru, Guse, Feleaga, Mangiuc, & Feldioreaunu, 2015Dumitru, M., Guse, R., Feleaga, L., Mangiuc, D., & Feldioreaunu, A. (2015). Marketing communications of value creation in sustainable organizations: The practice of integrated reports. Amfiteatru Economic, 17(40), 955-976.); and understanding of the empirical behavior of stakeholder service and company performance ( Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.). Based on these points, the research issue consists in analyzing: What is the impact of stakeholder management on the company’s performance? To make the survey operational, it compared companies that manage or not the stakeholders in relation to the result obtained in the performance indicators (net revenue, ROA, EBITDA and net debt). Therefore, it aims to analyze empirically the relationship between the adoption of a stakeholder management and performance. The research seeks to demonstrate evidence of issues addressed so far in the theoretical field, but with no direct relationship with a set of companies. The paper was organized in five parts. Besides the introduction, there is a review of management for stakeholders and organizational performance. In the third part, there are the methodological procedures. In the fourth part, there are the presentation and discussion of the results. Finally, there are the conclusion, limitation, and appointment of future research.


The stakeholder management guides simultaneous attention to stakeholders’ interests ( Donaldson & Preston, 1995Donaldson, T., & Preston, L. (1995). The stakeholder theory of the corporation: Concepts, evidence and implications. Academy of Management Review, 20(1), 65-91.). To do so, it is important to understand what their interests and motivations are and how they affect the business ( Maignan & Ferrell, 2004Maignan, I., & Ferrell, O. (2004). Corporate social responsibility and marketing: An integrative framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 3-19.). Freeman ( 1984Freeman, R. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Massachusetts: Sage.) highlights that the stakeholder management occurs when you know who your stakeholders are and consider their interests in organizational processes and develop skills in order to balance the interests of stakeholders aiming to achieve organizational objectives.

Because of this, the TS has gained prominence as a perspective for discussion about strategy and creation of competitive advantage ( Sarturi, Barakat, Mascena, & Fischmann, 2017Sarturi, G., Barakat, S., Mascena, K., & Fischmann, A. (2017). Fairness ou arms-lenght: Abordagens da gestão de stakeholders no setor bancário. Organizações e Sustentabilidade, 4(2), 3-29.) or performance ( Gomes, Osborne, & Guarnieri, 2020Gomes, R., Osborne, S., & Guarnieri, P. (2020). Stakeholder influence and local government performance: a systematic literature review. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 54(3) 448-467.). The survival of the company depends on its ability to create and distribute sufficient value in order to meet the different expectations of stakeholders and ensure that they continue doing business with the company ( Clarkson, 1995Clarkson, M. (1995). A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review, 20(1), 92-117.; Coff, 1999Coff, R. (1999). When competitive advantage does not lead to performance: The resource-based view and stakeholder bargaining power. Organization Science, 10(2), 119-133.; Sarturi, Seravalli, & Boaventura, 2015Sarturi, G., Seravalli, C., & Boaventura, J. (2015). Afinal, o que é distribuir valor para os stakeholders? Uma análise bibliográfica sobre o tema. Revista de Administração UFSM, 8(edição especial), 92-113.). The creation of corporate value is increasingly influenced by externalities that go beyond market logic ( Mio, 2020Mio, C. (2020). Relatórios integrados: O estado da arte dos relatórios corporativos. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 31(83), 207-211.).

Research in this area highlights that there is a connection between the capacity of the relationship with stakeholders to bring competitive advantage to the company ( Brito & Berardi, 2010Brito, R., & Berardi, P. (2010). Vantagem competitiva na gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos: Um metaestudo. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 50(2), 155- 169.; Jones, Harrison, & Felps, 2018Jones, T., Harrison, J., & Felps, W. (2018). How applying instrumental stakeholder theory can provide sustainable competitive advantage. Academy of Management Review, 43(3), 371-391.), and better performance ( Harrison, Bosse, & Phillips, 2009Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2009). Stakeholder theory and competitive advantage. Academy of Management Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA., 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.; Tantalo & Priem, 2016Tantalo, C., & Priem, R. (2016). Value creation through stakeholder synergy. Strategic Management Journal, 37(2), 314-329.). There is evidence of the importance and influence of stakeholders in the survival of the organization ( Schianoni, Moraes, Castro, & Santos, 2013Schianoni, P., Moraes, M., de , A., & Santos, J. (2013). Stakeholders: Principais abordagens. Revista de Ciências da Administração, 15(37), 187-197.). Stakeholders have distinct relationships with the business and their perceptions regarding the company’s performance need to be considered ( Macêdo & Cândido, 2011Macêdo, N., & Cândido, G. (2011). Identificação das percepções de responsabilidade social empresarial: Um estudo qualitativo a partir da aplicação do modelo conceitual tridimensional de performance social. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 5(1), 85- 108.).

The stakeholder management establishes that stakeholders, who are well treated, tend to retribute with positive attitudes and behaviors ( Harrison, Freeman, & Abreu, 2015Harrison, J., Freeman, R., & Abreu, M. (2015). Stakeholder theory as an ethical approach to effective management: Applying the theory to multiple contexts. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 17(55), 858-869.), which makes it a mechanism for achieving superior performance. Motivated by the intense competitiveness in the market, companies start to consider their relationship with their stakeholders in order to leverage relationships to obtain competitive advantage ( Brandão, Diógenes, & Abreu, 2017Brandão, I., Diógenes, A., & Abreu, M. (2017). Alocação de valor ao stakeholder funcionário e o efeito na competitividade e na produtividade do setor bancário. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 19(64), 161-179.).

Companies that meet the interests of stakeholders will be able to allocate more value to the organization in the long term ( Harrison & Wicks, 2013Harrison, J., & Wicks, A. (2013). Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(1), 97-124.) and will therefore perform better. There is a need for external agents (other stakeholders) to have closer and more friendly relationships, in order to make a correct management of stakeholders ( Macêdo & Cândido, 2011Macêdo, N., & Cândido, G. (2011). Identificação das percepções de responsabilidade social empresarial: Um estudo qualitativo a partir da aplicação do modelo conceitual tridimensional de performance social. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 5(1), 85- 108.). As the organization understands stakeholders as any group or individual that may affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives, the need for processes and techniques to enhance the management capacity increases ( Freeman, 1984Freeman, R. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Massachusetts: Sage.).

In this sense, it is believed that managers who relate to their stakeholders in a regime of mutual trust and cooperation will certainly achieve competitive advantage and superior performance ( Brandão, Diógenes, & Abreu, 2017Brandão, I., Diógenes, A., & Abreu, M. (2017). Alocação de valor ao stakeholder funcionário e o efeito na competitividade e na produtividade do setor bancário. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 19(64), 161-179.; Jones, 1995Jones, T. (1995). Instrumental stakeholder theory: A synthesis of ethics and economics. Academy of Management, 20(2), 404-437.). It is the nexus of contracts between the stakeholder and the company that sustain the relationship ( Jones, 1995Jones, T. (1995). Instrumental stakeholder theory: A synthesis of ethics and economics. Academy of Management, 20(2), 404-437.). Therefore, the company ceases to be the unit of analysis, while organizational interactions become generators of value and competitiveness ( Brito & Berardi, 2010Brito, R., & Berardi, P. (2010). Vantagem competitiva na gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos: Um metaestudo. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 50(2), 155- 169.).

It is observed that although there is theoretical evidence that the stakeholder management has a relationship with superior organizational performance and connection with organizational practice ( Freeman, Phillips, & Sisodia, 2020Freeman, R., Phillips, R., & Sisodia, R. (2020). Tensions in stakeholder theory. Business & Society, 59(2), 213-231.), the empirical evidence from quantitative analysis is initial ( Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.). The inclusion of the stakeholder management in the performance measurement model has not been widely tested, which reinforces the need for studies in this direction ( Mascena & Stocker, 2020Mascena, K., & Stocker, F. (2020). Gestão de stakeholders: Estado da arte e perspectivas. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 12(1), 01-30.). The hypothesis is that companies that have a stakeholder management will have a superior performance when compared to companies that do not have a stakeholder management.


Based on the premise that financial measures reflect only part of the performance, that they have limitations, especially related to the time factor and that non-financial events are often the ones that determine changes in financial status ( Vasconcelos, Yoshitake, & Nascimento, 2005Vasconcelos, Y., Yoshitake, M., & Nascimento, J. (2005). Fatores de prognóstico: Proposta de um modelo econométrico de avaliação de desempenho baseado em regressão logística. Revista de Administração da UNIMEP, 3(2), 1-23.), for the research, it uses the quantitative approach oriented to a 16-year time frame (2001-2016) and attributes the materiality matrix proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as the criterion for framing the company that has or not the management for the stakeholders (non-financial event), as well as the proxy evaluation that has the closest proximity to the stakeholder management ( Mascena & Stocker, 2020Mascena, K., & Stocker, F. (2020). Gestão de stakeholders: Estado da arte e perspectivas. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 12(1), 01-30.).

The study was focused on the investigation of publicly traded companies listed at BM&F Bovespa, given that the information is available on the Economaticaâ database, as well as public reports and information on the investor relations portal or on the BM&F Bovespa website itself ( Dutra, Pavinato, Carrer, Camargo, & Olea, 2021Dutra, C., Pavinato, C., Carrer, M., Camargo, M., & Olea, P. (2021). Innovation process in publicy traded companies of serra gaúcha. Revista de Adminsitração da UFSM, 14(2), 332- 348.; Guimarães, Rover, & Ferreira, 2018Guimarães, E., Rover, S., Ferreira, D. (2018). The participation in the índice de sustentabilidade empresarial (ISE): a parallel of the financial performance between banks participating and non-participanting in the portfolio. Enfoque: Reflexão Contábil, 37(1), 147- 164.; Souza, Brighenti, & Hein, 2016Souza, T., Brighenti, J., & Hein, N. (2016). Investimentos ambientais e desempenho econômico- financeiro das empresas brasileiras listadas no índice de sustentabilidade empresarial. Reuna, 21(2), 97-114.). There are 362 companies of several sectors listed in the class common shares, these with the right to vote in the assemblies. The initial proposal was to analyze companies directly linked to the tourism sector, but only two companies were listed (small sample for statistical analysis). It was opted to amplify for all the companies of the industrial goods sectors, non-cyclic and cyclic consumption, justified having in mind that in its majority, these companies provide activities that make tangent or improve the condition of making the tourist activity. The idea of having three sectors meets the requirement that the sector can influence the behavior of the companies and has an aspect of the control variable in the comparison between the groups. When rescuing the control variables in empirical studies that have investigated performance, the most used are sector and company size ( Boaventura, Silva, & Bandeira-de-Mello, 2012Boaventura, J., Silva, R., & Bandeira-de-Mello, R. (2012). Corporate financial performance and corporate social performance: Methodological development and the theoretical contribution of empirical studies. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 23(60), 232- 245.).

Materiality is among the three most innovative items within the reports ( Mio, 2020Mio, C. (2020). Relatórios integrados: O estado da arte dos relatórios corporativos. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 31(83), 207-211.) and as a proxy for the stakeholder management is aligned with recent research in the field and brings to light what really matters to stakeholders in resource allocation ( Barbosa, 2018Barbosa, R. (2018). Distribuição de valor: uma análise do que é importante para os stakeholders à luz das matrizes de materialidade. In XXI Seminários em Administração, 1-3., 2019Barbosa, R. (2019). Alinhamento da materialidade à distribuição de valor aos stakeholders e sua relação com o desempenho. 173 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/SP.), stakeholder engagement ( Stocker et al., 2020Stocker, F., Sarturi, G., & Barakat, S. Sinergia de stakeholders e desempenho de empresas de capital aberto. (2020). In XXIII Seminários em Administração, 1-17.), dialogue with stakeholders ( Campra, Esposito, & Lombardi, 2020Campra, M., Esposito, P., & Lombardi, R. (2020). The engagement of stakeholders in nonfinancial reporting: New information-pressure, stimuli, inertia, under short-termism in the banking industry. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1–9.; Hsu, Lee, & Chao, 2013Hsu, C., Lee, W., & Chao, W. (2013). Materiality analysis model in sustainability reporting: A case study at lite-on technology corporation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 57, 142– 151.; Torelli, Balluchi, & Furlotti, 2019Torelli, R., Balluchi, F., & Furlotti, K. (2019). The materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement: A content analysis of sustainability reports. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27, 470–484.). GRI is a multi-stakeholder organization that proposes a worldwide standard for producing management reports. By using these guidelines, organizations have the possibility to evaluate and compare their operations and practices through internationally accepted criteria. The form is formed by seven dimensions: general; nature of the product; corporate governance; economic-financial; social; environmental; and climate change ( Sousa & Zucco, 2016Sousa, F., & Zucco, A. (2016). Índice de sustentabilidade empresarial e geral de valor para os investidores. Revista Capital Científico, 14(1), 1-18.).

The final sample was composed of 152 companies divided into three sectors: 51 of industrial goods; 81 of cyclic consumption; and 20 of non-cyclic consumption ( Appendix A APPENDIX Appendix – Quantitate Research Basis Company Class Type Code Host Economic Sector Total Asset 2016 (k) Materiality Matrix Period Reports Reporting Time 1 Aco Altona ON Ação EALT3 BR Bens Industriais 244,566 2014-2016 3 2 Aliperti ON Ação APTI3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 425,034 3 All Norte ON Ação FRRN3B BR Bens Industriais 9,757,028 4 Alpargatas ON Ação ALPA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,782,052 5 Ambev ON Ação ABEV3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 83,841,418 Yes 2006-2016 11 6 Anima ON Ação ANIM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,387,852 7 Arezzo Co ON Ação ARZZ3 BR Consumo Cíclico 907,148 Yes 2011-2012 2 8 Azevedo ON Ação AZEV3 BR Bens Industriais 159,365 9 B2W Digital ON Ação BTOW3 BR Consumo Cíclico 10,241,349 Yes 2011-2016 6 10 Bahema ON Ação BAHI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 96,454 11 Bardella ON Ação BDLL3 BR Bens Industriais 902,838 12 Bic Monark ON Ação BMKS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 216,515 13 Biosev ON Ação BSEV3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 10,288,597 Yes 2011-2016 6 14 Bk Brasil ON Ação BKBR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,428,462 15 Bombril ON Ação BOBR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 711,114 Yes 2014-2015 2 16 BR Home ON Ação HCBR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 309,894 17 Brasilagro ON Ação AGRO3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 883,293 18 BRF ON Ação BRFS3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 42,944,936 Yes 2008-2016 9 19 Cambuci ON Ação CAMB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 224,018 20 CCR ON Ação CCRO3 BR Bens Industriais 24,555,847 Yes 2006-2016 11 21 Cedro ON Ação CEDO3 BR Consumo Cíclico 527,224 Yes 2010-2010 1 22 Cia Hering ON Ação HGTX3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,528,691 Yes 2013-2016 4 23 Cinesystem ON Ação CNSY3 BR Consumo Cíclico 105,466 24 Conc Rio Ter ON Ação CRTE3B BR Bens Industriais 256,635 25 Const A Lind ON Ação CALI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 46,246 26 Contax ON Ação CTAX3 BR Bens Industriais 2,142,656 27 Cosan Log ON Ação RLOG3 BR Bens Industriais 23,038,008 28 Coteminas ON Ação CTNM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,338,866 29 Cr2 ON Ação CRDE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 230,247 30 Csu Cardsyst ON Ação CARD3 BR Bens Industriais 354,459 31 Ctc ON Ação CTCA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 812,958 32 Cvc Brasil ON Ação CVCB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,328,429 33 Cyrela Realt ON Ação CYRE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 11,879,699 34 Direcional ON Ação DIRR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,089,767 35 Dohler ON Ação DOHL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 641,824 36 Dtcom-Direct ON Ação DTCY3 BR Bens Industriais 24,604 37 Dufry AG ON Ação DAGB33 BR Consumo Cíclico 31,758,230 38 Ecorodovias ON Ação ECOR3 BR Bens Industriais 6,603,407 Yes 2007-2016 10 39 Embraer ON Ação EMBR3 BR Bens Industriais 38,016,671 Yes 2009-2016 8 40 Encorpar ON Ação ECPR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 278,329 41 Estacio Part ON Ação ESTC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,141,152 42 Estrela ON Ação ESTR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 227,687 43 Eternit ON Ação ETER3 BR Bens Industriais 842,448 Yes 2008-2016 9 44 Even ON Ação EVEN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,018,723 Yes 2008-2016 9 45 Excelsior ON Ação BAUH3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 69,969 46 Eztec ON Ação EZTC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,516,165 47 Forja Taurus ON Ação FJTA3 BR Bens Industriais 893,057 Yes 2013-2014 2 48 Fras-Le ON Ação FRAS3 BR Bens Industriais 1,202,304 49 Gafisa ON Ação GFSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,210,089 Yes 2011-2011 1 50 Grazziotin ON Ação CGRA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 643,833,163 51 Grendene ON Ação GRND3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,253,820 52 Guararapes ON Ação GUAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,678,922 53 Haga ON Ação HAGA3 BR Bens Industriais 57,554,674 54 Helbor ON Ação HBOR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,359,180 55 Hercules ON Ação HETA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 8,424 56 Hoteis Othon ON Ação HOOT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 576,959 57 Imc ON Ação MEAL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,503,408 58 Ind Cataguas ON Ação CATA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 263,353 Yes 2011-2011 1 59 Inds Romi ON Ação ROMI3 BR Bens Industriais 1,084,120 Yes 2009-2013 5 60 Inepar ON Ação INEP3 BR Bens Industriais 2,285,555 61 Invepar ON Ação IVPR3B BR Bens Industriais 25,581,884 Yes 2009-2016 8 62 Iochp-Maxion ON Ação MYPK3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,057,115 63 JBS ON Ação JBSS3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 102,815,763 Yes 2012-2016 5 64 JHSF Part ON Ação JHSF3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,750,550 65 Joao Fortes ON Ação JFEN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,641,547 66 Josapar ON Ação JOPA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 1,667,337 67 JSL ON Ação JSLG3 BR Bens Industriais 8,868,383 Yes 2010-2016 7 68 Karsten ON Ação CTKA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 314,602 Yes 2006-2015 10 69 Kepler Weber ON Ação KEPL3 BR Bens Industriais 763,805 Yes 2012-2015 4 70 Kroton ON Ação KROT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 17,601,065 Yes 2014-2016 3 71 Le Lis Blanc ON Ação LLIS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,179,649 72 Localiza ON Ação RENT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,417,255 Yes 2016-2016 1 73 Locamerica ON Ação LCAM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,182,333 74 Log-In ON Ação LOGN3 BR Bens Industriais 1,857,719 75 Lojas Americ ON Ação LAME3 BR Consumo Cíclico 20,775,991 Yes 2013-2016 4 76 Lojas Marisa ON Ação AMAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,644,049 77 Lojas Renner ON Ação LREN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,475,212 Yes 2010-2016 7 78 M.Diasbranco ON Ação MDIA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 5,681,045 79 Maestroloc ON Ação MSRO3 BR Consumo Cíclico 121,582 80 Magaz Luiza ON Ação MGLU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,100,606 Yes 2012-2016 5 81 Marcopolo ON Ação POMO3 BR Bens Industriais 4,968,269 Yes 2012-2015 4 82 Marfrig ON Ação MRFG3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 20,258,803 Yes 2010-2016 7 83 Melhor SP ON Ação MSPA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,632,577 84 Mendes Jr ON Ação MEND3 BR Bens Industriais 959,574 Yes 2009-2013 5 85 Metal Leve ON Ação LEVE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,354,914 86 Metalfrio ON Ação FRIO3 BR Bens Industriais 1,098,571 87 Metisa ON Ação MTSA3 BR Bens Industriais 316,950,097 88 Mills ON Ação MILS3 BR Bens Industriais 1,510,747 89 Minasmaquinas ON Ação MMAQ3 BR Bens Industriais 154,5 90 Minerva ON Ação BEEF3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,959,148 Yes 2011-2016 6 91 Minupar ON Ação MNPR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 208,152 92 Movida ON Ação MOVI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,789,713 93 Mrs Logist ON Ação MRSA3B BR Bens Industriais 7,572,805 Yes 2013-2013 1 94 MRV ON Ação MRVE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 12,419,105 Yes 2011-2016 6 95 Multiplus ON Ação MPLU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,751,446 Yes 2014-2016 3 96 Mundial ON Ação MNDL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 952,144 Yes 2013-2016 4 97 Nadir Figuei ON Ação NAFG3 BR Consumo Cíclico 612,488 98 Natura ON Ação NATU3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,421,579 Yes 1999-2015 17 99 Nordon Met ON Ação NORD3 BR Bens Industriais 15,589 100 Oderich ON Ação ODER3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 395,425 101 P.Acucar-Cbd ON Ação PCAR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 45,217,000 102 PDG Realt ON Ação PDGR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,651,014 103 Pettenati ON Ação PTNT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 422,858,379 104 Plascar Part ON Ação PLAS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 581,418 105 Pomifrutas ON Ação FRTA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 92,735 106 Portobello ON Ação PTBL3 BR Bens Industriais 1,237,360 107 Priner ON Ação PRNR3 BR Bens Industriais 121,565 108 Prumo ON Ação PRML3 BR Bens Industriais 7,808,106 109 Randon Part ON Ação RAPT3 BR Bens Industriais 4,868,291 Yes 2008-2014 7 110 Recrusul ON Ação RCSL3 BR Bens Industriais 47,984 111 Riosulense ON Ação RSUL3 BR Bens Industriais 166,643 112 Rni ON Ação RDNI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,578,022 113 Rossi Resid ON Ação RSID3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,817,364 Yes 2009-2010 2 114 Rumo ON Ação RAIL3 BR Bens Industriais 23,031,314 Yes 2016-2016 1 115 Santanense ON Ação CTSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 435,999 116 Santos Brp ON Ação STBP3 BR Bens Industriais 1,893,843 Yes 2012-2016 5 117 Sao Martinho ON Ação SMTO3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,691,883 118 Saraiva Livr ON Ação SLED3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,333,877 119 Sauipe ON Ação PSEG3 BR Consumo Cíclico 365,705 120 Schulz ON Ação SHUL3 BR Bens Industriais 936,439 121 Ser Educa ON Ação SEER3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,018,564 122 SLC Agricola ON Ação SLCE3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 5,453,376 123 Smiles ON Ação SMLS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,098,198 Yes 2013-2013 1 124 Somos Educa ON Ação SEDU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,476,280 125 Sondotecnica ON Ação SOND3 BR Bens Industriais 79,011 126 Springs ON Ação SGPS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,629,673 127 SPturis ON Ação AHEB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 266,614 128 Stara ON Ação STTR3 BR Bens Industriais 576,311 129 Technos ON Ação TECN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 742,508 130 Tecnisa ON Ação TCSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,128,240 Yes 2008-2016 9 131 Tecnosolo ON Ação TCNO3 BR Bens Industriais 243,385 132 Tectoy ON Ação TOYB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 28,299 133 Tegma ON Ação TGMA3 BR Bens Industriais 828,122 134 Teka ON Ação TEKA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 949,582 135 Tenda ON Ação TEND3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,862149 136 Terra Santa ON Ação TESA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 2,102,087 137 Tex Renaux ON Ação TXRX3 BR Consumo Cíclico 183,946 138 Time For Fun ON Ação SHOW3 BR Consumo Cíclico 538,39 139 Trevisa ON Ação LUXM3 BR Bens Industriais 187,566 140 Trisul ON Ação TRIS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 871,065 141 Triunfo Part ON Ação TPIS3 BR Bens Industriais 4,974,355 Yes 2012-2016 5 142 Tupy ON Ação TUPY3 BR Bens Industriais 4,769,806 143 Unicasa ON Ação UCAS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 233,72 144 Valid ON Ação VLID3 BR Bens Industriais 2,074,697 Yes 2011-2012 2 145 Viavarejo ON Ação VVAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 17,527,000 Yes 2014-2016 3 146 Viver ON Ação VIVR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 984,399 147 Vulcabras ON Ação VULC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,078,668 148 Weg ON Ação WEGE3 BR Bens Industriais 13,509,331 Yes 2010-2016 7 149 Wetzel ON Ação MWET3 BR Bens Industriais 195,649 150 Whirlpool ON Ação WHRL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,569,138 Yes 2009-2016 8 151 Wilson Sons ON Ação WSON33 BR Bens Industriais 3,379,128 Yes 2007-2016 10 152 Wlm Ind Com ON Ação WLMM3 BR Bens Industriais 518,539 ). Once the companies were defined, it was proceeded to the identification of which had the GRI materiality matrix, as well as which years they were carried out. For that, documentary research was used, considering that it investigated which ones had the matrix and the documents that prove the facts. In an initial analysis, the group that had (49) and did not have (103) the GRI materiality matrix was compared. In the sequence, the same comparison was carried out for the three sectors (industrial goods, cyclic consumption, and non-cyclic consumption) in an isolated manner.

In order to make the comparison between the groups (with or without the matrix and sectors) the available values from 2001-2016 were used: net revenue; ROA; EBITDA; and net indebtedness. The use of these indicators is in the argument that: net revenue is important to start the managerial analysis of the company’s result, as well as reflection on profit and performance ( Sousa, Albuquerque, Rêgo, & Rodrigues, 2011Sousa, F., Albuquerque, L., Rêgo, T., & Rodrigues, M. (2011). Responsabilidade social empresarial: Uma análise sobre a correlação entre a variação do índice de sustentabilidade empresarial e o lucro das empresas socialmente responsáveis que compõem esse índice. Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Sustentabilidade, 1(1), 52-68.); ROA measures the company’s profit generation potential ( Matarazzo, 2007Matarazzo, D. (2007). Análise financeira de balanços: Abordagem básica e gerencial. São Paulo: Atlas.) and it is used in empirical research to measure performance ( Boaventura, Silva, & Bandeira-de-Mello, 2012Boaventura, J., Silva, R., & Bandeira-de-Mello, R. (2012). Corporate financial performance and corporate social performance: Methodological development and the theoretical contribution of empirical studies. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 23(60), 232- 245.; Sarturi, 2016Sarturi, G. (2016). Distribuição de valor para o stakeholder funcionário e desempenho organizacional. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/ SP.); Among the accounting indicators used to measure the effectiveness of the organizational performance, the EBITDA stands out, because it shows the generation of resources considering only the operational activities, it eliminates the effects of non-disbursable expenses such as depreciation, amortization and exhaustion, besides showing the capacity of investments, payments to creditors and distribution of dividends to shareholders ( Ritta, Jacomossi, Fabris, & Klann, 2017Ritta, C., Jacomossi, F., Fabris, T., & Klann, R. (2017). Um estudo sobre causalidade entre EBITDA e retorno das ações de empresas brasileiras (2008-2014). Enfoque: Referência Contábil, 36(2), 115-130.); and indebtedness may affect profit and restrict the behavior of managers ( Barnett & Salomon, 2012Barnett, M., & Salomon, R. (2012). Does it pay to be really good? Adressing the shape of the relationship between social and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal, 33(11), 1304-1320.; Drigo & Mendes Neto, 2017Drigo, M., & Mendes Neto, E. (2017). Estudo do comportamento do endividamento da empresa celulose Irani: Estudo temporal 2005-2015. Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade, 7(2), 141-155.) and is relevant for long-term analysis ( Souza, Brighenti, & Hein, 2016Souza, T., Brighenti, J., & Hein, N. (2016). Investimentos ambientais e desempenho econômico- financeiro das empresas brasileiras listadas no índice de sustentabilidade empresarial. Reuna, 21(2), 97-114.).

The information net revenue, ROA, EBITDA and net debt were collected from the Economatica® system. The system offers information about all the companies listed in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. The database consists of several years’ history of financial statements; daily share prices; earnings (dividends, splits, etc.); and name and participation of the main shareholders.

The following parameters were used to make the database: (a) t0 as the year of entry into the GRI and thus the first year of preparation of the materiality matrix; t_before composed of t-1 (1 year before the entry for those who have the matrix or the most recent year for those who do not have the matrix), t-2 (2 years before the entry for those who have the matrix or the second most recent year for those who do not have the matrix), t-3 (3 years before the entry for those who have the matrix or the third most recent year for those who do not have the matrix) and so on until t-16; t_after composed of t1 (1st year after the entry for those who have the matrix), t2 (2nd year after the entry for those who have the matrix) and so on until t15. For the companies that did not have the matrix, the average of the whole period was used to compose the t_after, in order to proceed with the comparison of performances. In total there were 1,886 observations of net revenue, 1,908 of ROA, 1,781 of EBITDA and 1,915 of net debt.

In order to verify if the two groups (with and without the matrix) had significant differences in relation to the indicators, the Mann-Whitney U test was used. The value of U (statistic used in the test) is obtained by the number of times that a score in the group with n2 cases precedes a score in the group with n1 cases in the group ordered incrementally. The Mann-Whitney U test is a non-parametric alternative to the t-Student test, from which it is possible to compare the distribution functions of a variable in two samples, being indicated where there are heterogeneous variances, and reduced sample ( Field, 2013Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. London: Sage Publications.; Marôco, 2011Marôco, J. (2011). Análise estatística com a utilização do SPSS. Lisboa: Pero Pinheiro.). Unlike the t-test, which tests the equality of means, the Mann-Whitney U test tests the distribution parameters. The U values calculated by the test evaluate the degree of data interlacing of the two groups after sorting. The greater separation of the data together indicates that the samples are distinct, rejecting the hypothesis of equality of the groups. For the tests, a significance level of 0.05 (p. <0.05) was adopted.


In order to demonstrate the quantitative evidence, it was decided to make comparisons between groups and sectors. For the comparison, the information was used to construct three periods t_before (average from t-1 to t-16), t0 (year of entry in GRI) and t_after (average from t1 to t15). The comparison is based on the premise that the companies that carried out the matrix demonstrated guidance to the stakeholders, attending the management of stakeholders, even if in a partial way, considering that the process of consultation and discussion is oriented to the interests of the stakeholders, as they appear in the reports. The hypothesis is oriented so that the companies that have the stakeholder management will have superior performance in net revenue, ROA, EBITDA and lower indebtedness, independent of the sector in which it operates. In order to begin the quantitative evidence, the Mann-Whitney test was performed to compare the groups with the net revenue in the three periods (Figure 1).

Figure 1 -
Mann-Whitney U test between groups, sectors and net revenue in the three periods

Source: Research results

From Figure 1, it is possible to affirm that there are significant differences at the level of at least 0.05 in the final sample for the group that carries out the materiality matrix as to the comparison of the performance in the net revenue, being superior for the group that carries out in the three periods: t_before (U = 1481.0; p = 0.000); t0 (U = 1136.5; p = 0.000); and t_after (U = 682.0; p = 0.000). It can be noted that the groups show significant differences, and the group that has the matrix tends to perform better than the group that does not have it.

By segmenting the comparison of the groups within the sector itself (cyclic consumption, non-cyclic consumption, and industrial goods) you can see that only the industrial goods sector at t_before showed no significant difference at the level of 0.05. The rest of the periods and other sectors showed significant differences at the level of 0.05. The Cyclic Consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 417.0; p = 0.042); t0 (U = 290.0; p = 0.000); and t_after (U = 143.0; p = 0.000). The Non-cyclic consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 11.0; p = 0.019); t0 (U = 18.0; p = 0.043); and t_after (U = 8.0; p = 0.002). The industrial goods sector showed the values: t_before (U = 199.0; p = 0.056); t0 (U = 133.0; p = 0.001); and t_after (U = 100.0; p = 0.000).

It was possible to identify that the sector has interference in the performance behavior, because while in the final sample the performance of those who had the matrix grows and those who do not have it reduces. In this context, having management for stakeholders presents favorable results in terms of direct improvement in net revenue. On the verification by sector, the behavior wasn’t uniform and neither there is a defined trend, considering that on the cyclic consumption was mirrored on the final sample, the non-cyclic consumption had growth of the group which doesn’t have the matrix at t0 and industrial goods had growth at t_after too. It was possible to identify better performance for net income in all sectors of those who have the matrix, in other words, of those who have the stakeholder management. To have a stakeholder management reflects on the performance of net revenue in the short and long term. The second indicator to be tested was the ROA in the periods and with the groups (Figure 2).

Figure 2 -
Mann-Whitney U test between groups, sectors and ROA in the three periods

From Figure 2, it is possible to affirm that there are significant differences at the level of 0.05 in the final sample for the group that performs the materiality matrix as to the comparison of the ROA at t_before (U = 1591.0; p = 0.002) and t0 (U = 1554.0; p = 0.001). It is noted, in the final sample, that the groups show differences, while at t_after the group with the matrix shows superior performance, but there is no significant difference at the level of 0.05.

It is worth pointing out that, in the course of time, from the second year on, the group that performs the materiality matrix has a superior performance, but has no significant difference. This finding has already been highlighted by Garcia-Castro, Arino, and Canela ( 2011Garcia-Castro, R., Arino, M., & Canela, M. (2011). Over the long-run? Short-run impact and long-run consequences of stakeholder management. Business & Society, 50(3), 428- 455.), in an empirical discussion of the impact of the stakeholder management in the short and long term for shareholders, report negative effects in the short term, while finding positive effects in the long term.

It is possible to infer that having a stakeholder management causes a fairer ROA in the long term, that is, after the management is effective, the company’s shares are channeled in returns beyond the shareholders, considering that the average rank of the test for the ROA was reduced in relation to previous periods for companies that have the materiality matrix, but even so it remains superior in relation to companies that do not have the matrix formalized.

By segmenting the comparison of groups within sectors you can see that the cyclic consumption did not show significant difference at the level of 0.05 at t_before and t_after, industrial goods at t_after and non-cyclic consumption in the three periods (t_before, t0 and t_after). The cyclic consumption showed significant difference at the level of 0.05 for t0 and industrial goods at t_before and t0. The cyclic consumption sector showed significant difference at the level of 0.05 for t_before and t_after. The cyclic consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 456; p = 0.074); t0 (U = 414.0; p = 0.025); and t_after (U = 350.0; p = 0.115). The non-cyclic consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 33.0; p = 0.779); t0 (U = 26.0; p = 0.349); and t_after (U = 44.0; p = 0.758). The industrial goods sector showed the values: t_before (U = 167.0; p = 0.011); t0 (U = 162.0; p = 0.008); and t_after (U = 229.0; p = 0.300).

It was possible to identify that there is no uniform behavior and no defined trend. It identified better performance for ROA in all sectors of those who have the materiality matrix, i.e., those who have the management of stakeholders. A reduction in the average ROA rank at t_after, which may indicate a fairer value creation and distribution relationship for other stakeholders, being beyond the exclusive interests of shareholders. It is possible to infer that having a stakeholder management causes a higher positive impact on the ROA in the short and fairer in the long term. The third indicator to be tested was EBITDA in the periods and groups (Figure 3).

Figure 3 -
Mann-Whitney U test groups, sectors and EBITDA in the three periods

From Figure 3 it is possible to affirm that there are significant differences at the level of 0.05 in the final sample for the group that carries out the materiality matrix as to the comparison of the EBITDA, being superior for the group that carries out in the three periods: t_before (U = 1206.0; p = 0.000); t0 (U = 976.0; p = 0.000); and t_after (U = 819.0; p = 0.000). It can be seen in the final sample that the groups show important differences, while the group that has the matrix tends to improve the EBITDA performance, the group that does not have the matrix tends to get worse. It is possible to infer that having a stakeholder management causes a positive impact on EBITDA. In other words, the stakeholder management has an influence on the generation of resources, as well as on the improvement of investment capacity, payments to creditors and distribution of dividends to shareholders.

By segmenting the comparison of the groups inside the own sector, you can verify that only the non-cyclic consumption sector at t_before did not show significant difference at 0.05 level. The rest of the periods and other sectors showed significant differences at the level of 0.05. The cyclic consumption sector showed the values: t_ before (U = 322.0; p = 0.005); t0 (U = 329.0; p = 0.001); and t_after (U = 154.0; p = 0.000). The non-cyclical consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 21.0; p = 0.160); t0 (U = 9.0; p = 0.011); and t_after (U = 16.0; p = 0.014). The industrial goods sector showed the values: t_before (U = 135.0; p = 0.001); t0 (U = 95.0; p = 0.000); and t_after (U = 123.0; p = 0.001).

It was possible to identify that the sector has interference on the behavior of the EBITDA performance, because while in the final sample the performance of those who had the matrix grows and those who do not have the matrix reduces, when looking at the sector, the behavior was not uniform, and there is not a defined trend, since in the cyclic consumption was mirrored in the final sample, the non-cyclic consumption of industrial goods there was growth of the group that does not have the matrix at t0, but did not have identical behavior at t_after. It was possible to identify better performance for the EBITDA in all sectors of those who have the management of stakeholders (with the materiality matrix). It is possible to infer that maintaining a relationship with stakeholders has a positive and superior impact on EBITDA at t0 and t_after, which reinforces the superior performance of companies that manage stakeholders. The last indicator to be tested was net debt in the periods and groups (Figure 4). It is worth noting that the companies with the best performance are those with the lowest debt levels ( Mendes & Santos, 2018Mendes, G., & Santos, D. (2018). Estrutura de capital, dinâmica da indústria e desempenho financeiro: A construção de um modelo de análise das firmas no Brasil. Organizações em Contexto, 14(27), 271-303.).

Figure 4 -
Mann-Whitney U test groups, sectors and net debt in the three periods

From Figure 4, it is possible to affirm that there are significant differences at the level of 0.05 in the final sample for the group that carries out the materiality matrix as to the comparison of net indebtedness, being superior for the group that carries out in the three periods: t_before (U = 1830.0; p = 0.042); t0 (U = 1735.0; p = 0.009); and t_after (U = 1338.0; p = 0.000). It can be seen in the final sample that the groups show important differences, while the group that has the matrix tends to improve the performance of the net indebtedness, the group that does not perform tends to get worse. It is possible to infer that the stakeholder management causes a positive impact on indebtedness. In other words, the results confirmed that the indebtedness restricts the behavior of managers towards stakeholders and, therefore, it is feasible that companies that have the matrix tend to have a favorable performance in relation to indebtedness.

By segmenting the comparison of the groups within the sector itself, you can see that the cyclic consumption sector did not show a significant difference at the level of 0.05 for any of the three periods, while in the industrial goods sector it was only at t_before. The rest of the periods and sectors showed significant differences at the level of 0.05. The cyclic consumption showed the values: t_before (U = 531.0; p = 0.443); t0 (U = 600.0; p = 0.746); and t_after (U = 435.0; p = 0.483). The non-cyclic consumption sector showed the values: t_before (U = 13.0; p = 0.031); t0 (U = 8.0; p = 0.009); and t_after (U = 20.0; p = 0.031). The industrial goods sector showed the values: t_before (U = 244.0; p = 0.313); t0 (U = 196.0; p = 0.049); and t_after (U = 130.0; p = 0.002).

It was possible to identify that the sector has interference in the behavior of the debt performance, because while in the final sample the performance of those who had the matrix grows and those who do not have the matrix decreases, when looking at the sector, the behavior was not uniform and there is not a defined trend. It identified better performance for indebtedness in all sectors of those who have the management of stakeholders (with the matrix). The materiality matrix relates to the performance and importance of managing primary stakeholder groups to obtain results ( Barbosa, 2019Barbosa, R. (2019). Alinhamento da materialidade à distribuição de valor aos stakeholders e sua relação com o desempenho. 173 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/SP.) and that the inclusion of stakeholders in the management process brings competitive advantages to organizations ( Stocker & Mascena, 2019Stocker, F., & Mascena, K. (2019). Orientação e gestão para stakeholders no processo de decisão organizacional. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 10(1), 167-191.). It inferred that maintaining a relationship with stakeholders has a positive impact on net indebtedness, but that for some sectors the difference is not significant. This finding may be associated with the idea that indebtedness is influenced by exogenous and endogenous variables ( Mendes & Santos, 2018Mendes, G., & Santos, D. (2018). Estrutura de capital, dinâmica da indústria e desempenho financeiro: A construção de um modelo de análise das firmas no Brasil. Organizações em Contexto, 14(27), 271-303.).

Finally, it was possible to infer that the stakeholder management has a positive impact on net revenue, EBITDA, ROA and net indebtedness (here, inverted thinking in relation to other indicators, because the lower the indebtedness, the better the result), being superior in companies that have the materiality matrix. Even if in some cases there is no significant difference at the level of 0.05, there is statistical evidence that shows that the values of the group with the materiality matrix (stakeholder management) are higher than the values of the group without the matrix. These results suggest that the materiality matrix can be a useful and positive tool for companies that intend to strengthen their relationship with stakeholders. It also showed that the sector can influence differences between groups, but always with higher values for the group that has the materiality matrix, i.e., that has the stakeholder management orientation.

The idea that stakeholder management can be correlated with the organization’s performance was evidenced in the study and, therefore, the study brings new empirical inclinations to the field of stakeholder theory. In other words, as evidenced by Stocker, Sarturi and Barakat ( 2020, p. :12Stocker, F., Sarturi, G., & Barakat, S. Sinergia de stakeholders e desempenho de empresas de capital aberto. (2020). In XXIII Seminários em Administração, 1-17.): “an important premise of the stakeholder literature refers to the expectation that companies that manage their stakeholders superiorly also present superior financial performance”, as evidenced by empirically in this research.


From the results of this study, it was possible to understand, quantitatively, that there is a relationship of improvement in the organizational performance of companies that have the stakeholder management. In other words, it brings empirical evidence that stakeholder management unlocks and enhances value creation ( Harrison, Bosse, & Phillips, 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.), as well as being positively related to the company’s performance ( Bridoux & Stoelhorst, 2014Bridoux, F., & Stoelhorst, J. (2014). Microfoundations for stakeholder theory: Managing stakeholders with heterogeneous motives. Strategic Management Journal, 35(1), 107- 125.; Harrison, Bosse, & Phillips, 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.), in view of the best results and significant statistical relationship.

The study contributes with empirical evidence of the stakeholder management in the context of value creation, because although previous studies have investigated the relationship of indicators in the context of sustainable actions or social responsibility, the insertion of the stakeholder management variable to understand value creation is unprecedented. It empirically supports the idea that the creation of connections between companies and stakeholders open invisible opportunities for value creation ( Camilleri, 2012Camilleri, M. (2012). Creating shared value through strategic corporate social responsibility in Tourism. Thesis for Doctor of Philosophy Degree. University of Edinburgh.), as well as contributing with evidence of the existence of a direct relationship between the stakeholder management and the superior organizational performance, given the highlight of Bridoux and Stoelhorst ( 2014Bridoux, F., & Stoelhorst, J. (2014). Microfoundations for stakeholder theory: Managing stakeholders with heterogeneous motives. Strategic Management Journal, 35(1), 107- 125.), Harrison, Bosse, and Phillips ( 2010Harrison, J., Bosse, D., & Phillips, R. (2010). Management for stakeholders, stakeholder utility functions, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31(1), 58- 74.) and Harrison and Bosse ( 2013Harrison, J., & Bosse, D. (2013). How much is too much? The limits to generous treatment of stakeholders. Business Horizons, 56(3), 313-322.).

The study improves the understanding that it is not the fact that it belongs to the index, as it is the case of ISE-GRI ( Maia, Carvalho, Klotzle, Pinto, & Motta, 2017Maia, V., Carvalho, F., Klotzle, M., Pinto, A., & Motta, L. (2017). Fazer parte do índice de sustentabilidade empresarial implica em maior rentabilidade? Revista de Finanças Aplicadas, 8(1), 01-22.), that the company’s results point to a superior performance of those that do not belong, but the effective management of stakeholders for a positive result in the short and long term, as it was evidenced in this study. The implications of this study lead to important insights into the use of the materiality matrix, contained in sustainability reports or integrated reports, as a step towards integral stakeholder management, with the emphasis on the fact that primary stakeholders have a greater influence on the organization’s processes and actions than secondary stakeholders.

As a limitation, the study has the composition of the sectors, which can be expanded in future research, for all sectors of the BM&F Bovespa, including the 362 companies. A sample with several sectors can improve the inferences. It is suggested to perform other statistical tests, such as regression, including other characteristics such as size, GRI entry time, materiality matrix execution time, and other characteristics, which could also include other control variables (company size, GRI time, materiality matrix execution time, and others). An alternative way of future research would be to try to relate the stakeholder management beyond the materiality matrix, in order to complement the results of this study and to highlight whether or not the behavior of the field resembles the results of this study. Therefore, strategies and stakeholder groups are not similar and should not be understood as a single block.


– Renato Fabiano Cintra

Institution: Permanent Professor of the Professional Master’s Degree in Public Administration (PROFIAP) at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD).

Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Doutor em Administração na Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Administrador e Professor Permanente do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública (PROFIAP) na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD). Professor de Administração na Faculdade de Educação, Tecnologia e Administração de Caarapó (FETAC).


E-mail: ou

  1. – Ivano Ribeiro

Institution: Professor at the Center for Applied Social Sciences and in the Strategy and Competitiveness line of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Administration at the State University of West Paraná (PPGAdm).

Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil

Doutor em Administração na Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE).

Orcid: E-mail:

– Helder de Lima Fava

Institution: State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil

Mestre em Administração Pública pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD). Membro da equipe de desenvolvimento de software da Universidade Estadual

de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS).

Orcid: E-mail:

– Benny Kramer Costa

Institution: Doctor in Administration from the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Strategy and Competitiveness Research Group and Strategy and Innovation Management Research Group in Creative Activities.

São Paulo, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor no Programa de Pós- graduação em Administração da Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Grupo de Pesquisa de Estratégia e Competitividade e Grupo de Pesquisa de Gestão Estratégia e Inovação em Atividades Criativas.

Orcid: E-mail:


Appendix – Quantitate Research Basis

Company Class Type Code Host Economic Sector Total Asset 2016 (k) Materiality Matrix Period Reports Reporting Time
1 Aco Altona ON Ação EALT3 BR Bens Industriais 244,566 2014-2016 3
2 Aliperti ON Ação APTI3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 425,034
3 All Norte ON Ação FRRN3B BR Bens Industriais 9,757,028
4 Alpargatas ON Ação ALPA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,782,052
5 Ambev ON Ação ABEV3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 83,841,418 Yes 2006-2016 11
6 Anima ON Ação ANIM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,387,852
7 Arezzo Co ON Ação ARZZ3 BR Consumo Cíclico 907,148 Yes 2011-2012 2
8 Azevedo ON Ação AZEV3 BR Bens Industriais 159,365
9 B2W Digital ON Ação BTOW3 BR Consumo Cíclico 10,241,349 Yes 2011-2016 6
10 Bahema ON Ação BAHI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 96,454
11 Bardella ON Ação BDLL3 BR Bens Industriais 902,838
12 Bic Monark ON Ação BMKS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 216,515
13 Biosev ON Ação BSEV3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 10,288,597 Yes 2011-2016 6
14 Bk Brasil ON Ação BKBR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,428,462
15 Bombril ON Ação BOBR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 711,114 Yes 2014-2015 2
16 BR Home ON Ação HCBR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 309,894
17 Brasilagro ON Ação AGRO3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 883,293
18 BRF ON Ação BRFS3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 42,944,936 Yes 2008-2016 9
19 Cambuci ON Ação CAMB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 224,018
20 CCR ON Ação CCRO3 BR Bens Industriais 24,555,847 Yes 2006-2016 11
21 Cedro ON Ação CEDO3 BR Consumo Cíclico 527,224 Yes 2010-2010 1
22 Cia Hering ON Ação HGTX3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,528,691 Yes 2013-2016 4
23 Cinesystem ON Ação CNSY3 BR Consumo Cíclico 105,466
24 Conc Rio Ter ON Ação CRTE3B BR Bens Industriais 256,635
25 Const A Lind ON Ação CALI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 46,246
26 Contax ON Ação CTAX3 BR Bens Industriais 2,142,656
27 Cosan Log ON Ação RLOG3 BR Bens Industriais 23,038,008
28 Coteminas ON Ação CTNM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,338,866
29 Cr2 ON Ação CRDE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 230,247
30 Csu Cardsyst ON Ação CARD3 BR Bens Industriais 354,459
31 Ctc ON Ação CTCA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 812,958
32 Cvc Brasil ON Ação CVCB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,328,429
33 Cyrela Realt ON Ação CYRE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 11,879,699
34 Direcional ON Ação DIRR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,089,767
35 Dohler ON Ação DOHL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 641,824
36 Dtcom-Direct ON Ação DTCY3 BR Bens Industriais 24,604
37 Dufry AG ON Ação DAGB33 BR Consumo Cíclico 31,758,230
38 Ecorodovias ON Ação ECOR3 BR Bens Industriais 6,603,407 Yes 2007-2016 10
39 Embraer ON Ação EMBR3 BR Bens Industriais 38,016,671 Yes 2009-2016 8
40 Encorpar ON Ação ECPR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 278,329
41 Estacio Part ON Ação ESTC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,141,152
42 Estrela ON Ação ESTR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 227,687
43 Eternit ON Ação ETER3 BR Bens Industriais 842,448 Yes 2008-2016 9
44 Even ON Ação EVEN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,018,723 Yes 2008-2016 9
45 Excelsior ON Ação BAUH3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 69,969
46 Eztec ON Ação EZTC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,516,165
47 Forja Taurus ON Ação FJTA3 BR Bens Industriais 893,057 Yes 2013-2014 2
48 Fras-Le ON Ação FRAS3 BR Bens Industriais 1,202,304
49 Gafisa ON Ação GFSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,210,089 Yes 2011-2011 1
50 Grazziotin ON Ação CGRA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 643,833,163
51 Grendene ON Ação GRND3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,253,820
52 Guararapes ON Ação GUAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,678,922
53 Haga ON Ação HAGA3 BR Bens Industriais 57,554,674
54 Helbor ON Ação HBOR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 5,359,180
55 Hercules ON Ação HETA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 8,424
56 Hoteis Othon ON Ação HOOT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 576,959
57 Imc ON Ação MEAL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,503,408
58 Ind Cataguas ON Ação CATA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 263,353 Yes 2011-2011 1
59 Inds Romi ON Ação ROMI3 BR Bens Industriais 1,084,120 Yes 2009-2013 5
60 Inepar ON Ação INEP3 BR Bens Industriais 2,285,555
61 Invepar ON Ação IVPR3B BR Bens Industriais 25,581,884 Yes 2009-2016 8
62 Iochp-Maxion ON Ação MYPK3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,057,115
63 JBS ON Ação JBSS3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 102,815,763 Yes 2012-2016 5
64 JHSF Part ON Ação JHSF3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,750,550
65 Joao Fortes ON Ação JFEN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,641,547
66 Josapar ON Ação JOPA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 1,667,337
67 JSL ON Ação JSLG3 BR Bens Industriais 8,868,383 Yes 2010-2016 7
68 Karsten ON Ação CTKA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 314,602 Yes 2006-2015 10
69 Kepler Weber ON Ação KEPL3 BR Bens Industriais 763,805 Yes 2012-2015 4
70 Kroton ON Ação KROT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 17,601,065 Yes 2014-2016 3
71 Le Lis Blanc ON Ação LLIS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,179,649
72 Localiza ON Ação RENT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 7,417,255 Yes 2016-2016 1
73 Locamerica ON Ação LCAM3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,182,333
74 Log-In ON Ação LOGN3 BR Bens Industriais 1,857,719
75 Lojas Americ ON Ação LAME3 BR Consumo Cíclico 20,775,991 Yes 2013-2016 4
76 Lojas Marisa ON Ação AMAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,644,049
77 Lojas Renner ON Ação LREN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,475,212 Yes 2010-2016 7
78 M.Diasbranco ON Ação MDIA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 5,681,045
79 Maestroloc ON Ação MSRO3 BR Consumo Cíclico 121,582
80 Magaz Luiza ON Ação MGLU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,100,606 Yes 2012-2016 5
81 Marcopolo ON Ação POMO3 BR Bens Industriais 4,968,269 Yes 2012-2015 4
82 Marfrig ON Ação MRFG3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 20,258,803 Yes 2010-2016 7
83 Melhor SP ON Ação MSPA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,632,577
84 Mendes Jr ON Ação MEND3 BR Bens Industriais 959,574 Yes 2009-2013 5
85 Metal Leve ON Ação LEVE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,354,914
86 Metalfrio ON Ação FRIO3 BR Bens Industriais 1,098,571
87 Metisa ON Ação MTSA3 BR Bens Industriais 316,950,097
88 Mills ON Ação MILS3 BR Bens Industriais 1,510,747
89 Minasmaquinas ON Ação MMAQ3 BR Bens Industriais 154,5
90 Minerva ON Ação BEEF3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,959,148 Yes 2011-2016 6
91 Minupar ON Ação MNPR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 208,152
92 Movida ON Ação MOVI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,789,713
93 Mrs Logist ON Ação MRSA3B BR Bens Industriais 7,572,805 Yes 2013-2013 1
94 MRV ON Ação MRVE3 BR Consumo Cíclico 12,419,105 Yes 2011-2016 6
95 Multiplus ON Ação MPLU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,751,446 Yes 2014-2016 3
96 Mundial ON Ação MNDL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 952,144 Yes 2013-2016 4
97 Nadir Figuei ON Ação NAFG3 BR Consumo Cíclico 612,488
98 Natura ON Ação NATU3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,421,579 Yes 1999-2015 17
99 Nordon Met ON Ação NORD3 BR Bens Industriais 15,589
100 Oderich ON Ação ODER3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 395,425
101 P.Acucar-Cbd ON Ação PCAR3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 45,217,000
102 PDG Realt ON Ação PDGR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,651,014
103 Pettenati ON Ação PTNT3 BR Consumo Cíclico 422,858,379
104 Plascar Part ON Ação PLAS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 581,418
105 Pomifrutas ON Ação FRTA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 92,735
106 Portobello ON Ação PTBL3 BR Bens Industriais 1,237,360
107 Priner ON Ação PRNR3 BR Bens Industriais 121,565
108 Prumo ON Ação PRML3 BR Bens Industriais 7,808,106
109 Randon Part ON Ação RAPT3 BR Bens Industriais 4,868,291 Yes 2008-2014 7
110 Recrusul ON Ação RCSL3 BR Bens Industriais 47,984
111 Riosulense ON Ação RSUL3 BR Bens Industriais 166,643
112 Rni ON Ação RDNI3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,578,022
113 Rossi Resid ON Ação RSID3 BR Consumo Cíclico 4,817,364 Yes 2009-2010 2
114 Rumo ON Ação RAIL3 BR Bens Industriais 23,031,314 Yes 2016-2016 1
115 Santanense ON Ação CTSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 435,999
116 Santos Brp ON Ação STBP3 BR Bens Industriais 1,893,843 Yes 2012-2016 5
117 Sao Martinho ON Ação SMTO3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 8,691,883
118 Saraiva Livr ON Ação SLED3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,333,877
119 Sauipe ON Ação PSEG3 BR Consumo Cíclico 365,705
120 Schulz ON Ação SHUL3 BR Bens Industriais 936,439
121 Ser Educa ON Ação SEER3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,018,564
122 SLC Agricola ON Ação SLCE3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 5,453,376
123 Smiles ON Ação SMLS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,098,198 Yes 2013-2013 1
124 Somos Educa ON Ação SEDU3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,476,280
125 Sondotecnica ON Ação SOND3 BR Bens Industriais 79,011
126 Springs ON Ação SGPS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 2,629,673
127 SPturis ON Ação AHEB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 266,614
128 Stara ON Ação STTR3 BR Bens Industriais 576,311
129 Technos ON Ação TECN3 BR Consumo Cíclico 742,508
130 Tecnisa ON Ação TCSA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 3,128,240 Yes 2008-2016 9
131 Tecnosolo ON Ação TCNO3 BR Bens Industriais 243,385
132 Tectoy ON Ação TOYB3 BR Consumo Cíclico 28,299
133 Tegma ON Ação TGMA3 BR Bens Industriais 828,122
134 Teka ON Ação TEKA3 BR Consumo Cíclico 949,582
135 Tenda ON Ação TEND3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,862149
136 Terra Santa ON Ação TESA3 BR Consumo não Cíclico 2,102,087
137 Tex Renaux ON Ação TXRX3 BR Consumo Cíclico 183,946
138 Time For Fun ON Ação SHOW3 BR Consumo Cíclico 538,39
139 Trevisa ON Ação LUXM3 BR Bens Industriais 187,566
140 Trisul ON Ação TRIS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 871,065
141 Triunfo Part ON Ação TPIS3 BR Bens Industriais 4,974,355 Yes 2012-2016 5
142 Tupy ON Ação TUPY3 BR Bens Industriais 4,769,806
143 Unicasa ON Ação UCAS3 BR Consumo Cíclico 233,72
144 Valid ON Ação VLID3 BR Bens Industriais 2,074,697 Yes 2011-2012 2
145 Viavarejo ON Ação VVAR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 17,527,000 Yes 2014-2016 3
146 Viver ON Ação VIVR3 BR Consumo Cíclico 984,399
147 Vulcabras ON Ação VULC3 BR Consumo Cíclico 1,078,668
148 Weg ON Ação WEGE3 BR Bens Industriais 13,509,331 Yes 2010-2016 7
149 Wetzel ON Ação MWET3 BR Bens Industriais 195,649
150 Whirlpool ON Ação WHRL3 BR Consumo Cíclico 6,569,138 Yes 2009-2016 8
151 Wilson Sons ON Ação WSON33 BR Bens Industriais 3,379,128 Yes 2007-2016 10
152 Wlm Ind Com ON Ação WLMM3 BR Bens Industriais 518,539


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Aug 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 May 2022
  • Accepted
    30 Mar 2023
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CCSH), Avenida Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 74C, Sala 4210 - Cidade Universitária, CEP: 97105-900, Tel: +55 (55) 3220-9242 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil