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Plans for the future: an analysis of the occupational perspective of professors for the retirement period



The present work was based on the Human Occupation Model, specifically in the volition subsystem to understand the retirement phase.


Based on the theories addressed, the objective was to know the occupational perspective for the retirement of the university professors of the Health Sciences Center (CCS) of Campus I of the Federal University of Paraíba.


This was an exploratory-descriptive study applied with 11 university professors from the CCS from a semi-structured interview conducted in April and May of 2017 and later analyzed according to the technique of Content Analysis of Bardin.


The study had its results and discussions based on the following categories: how teachers perceive themselves within the planning of retirement; the factors that contribute to the exit or permanence in the work; and what is the meaning of retirement individually.


Based on the results it is verified that the planning requires an adaptation of the individual due to the importance of the retirement phase and that by this factor it is necessary that there is an investment by the universities in projects of extension or research and even creation of groups in which planning for retirement is the issue at hand so that the factors that prevent them from experiencing this moment are reviewed and worked out so that gains can be perceived as more rewarding than losses.

Retirement; University Teachers; Occupational Therapy



O presente trabalho baseou-se no Modelo de Ocupação Humana, especificamente no subsistema da volição para compreender a fase da aposentadoria.


A partir das teorias abordadas objetivou-se conhecer a perspectiva ocupacional para a aposentadoria dos professores universitários do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) do Campus I da Universidade Federal da Paraíba.


Tratou-se de um estudo de natureza exploratório-descritiva aplicado com 11 professores universitários do CCS a partir de uma entrevista semiestruturada realizada em abril e maio de 2017 e posteriormente analisadas segundo a técnica da Análise de conteúdo de Bardin.


O estudo teve seus resultados e discussões baseados nas seguintes categorias: como os professores se percebem dentro do planejamento da aposentadoria; os fatores que contribuem para a saída ou permanência no trabalho e qual é o significado da aposentadoria individualmente.


A partir dos resultados verifica-se que o planejamento requer uma adaptação do indivíduo devido à importância da fase da aposentadoria e que, por esse fator, é necessário que haja um investimento por parte das universidades em projetos de extensão ou pesquisa, e até mesmo criação de grupos em que o planejamento para a aposentadoria seja o assunto em pauta para que os fatores que os impede de experienciar esse momento sejam revistos e trabalhados, para que ganhos possam ser percebidos como mais gratificantes que as perdas.

Aposentadoria; Professores Universitários; Terapia Ocupacional

1 Introduction

When the life stage of retirement is approach, different questions investigated have enabled to understand this object of study as a transition process, such as the application of instruments that measure future perspectives for retirement (FRANÇA; CARNEIRO, 2009FRANÇA, L. H. F. P.; CARNEIRO, V. L. Programas de preparação para a aposentadoria: um estudo com trabalhadores mais velhos em Resende (RJ). Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, n. 3, p. 429-448, 2009.
; BARBOSA; TRAESEL, 2013BARBOSA, T. M.; TRAESEL, E. S. Pré-aposentadoria: um desafio a ser enfrentado. Barbarói, Santa Cruz do Sul, n. 38, p. 215-234, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 6 nov. 2018.
; LEANDRO-FRANÇA; IGLESIAS; MURTA, 2014LEANDRO-FRANÇA, C.; IGLESIAS, F.; MURTA, S. G. Planejamento da aposentadoria: uma escala de mudança de comportamento. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional, São Paulo, v. 15, n. 1, p. 75-84, 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.
; RAFALSKI; ANDRADE, 2017RAFALSKI, J. C.; ANDRADE, A. L. Desenvolvimento da escala de Percepção de Futuro da Aposentadoria (EPFA) e correlatos psicossociais. Psico-USF, Bragança Paulista, v. 22, n. 1, p. 49-62, 2017.
), the implementation/evaluation of retirement preparation programs (VILELA; PAULIN, 2014VILELA, J. M.; PAULIN, G. S. T. Estou me aposentando, e agora? Contribuições da terapia ocupacional na reorganização do cotidiano. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar, São Carlos, v. 22, n. 3, p. 497-505, 2014.
; LEANDRO-FRANÇA; IGLESIAS; MURTA, 2018LEANDRO-FRANÇA, C.; IGLESIAS, F.; MURTA, S. G. Futuro e aposentadoria: evidencias de validade para uma medida de perspectiva temporal. Psicologia: Organização e Trabalho, Brasília, v. 18, n. 2, p. 390-395, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.
) and conceptions of work in old age (FREITAS; CAMPOS; GIL, 2017FREITAS, M. C.; CAMPOS, T. D.; GIL, C. A. Expectativas e concepções de trabalho na velhice em homens na meia-idade. Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia, Londrina, v. 8, n. 2, p. 43-64, 2017.

Currently, in addition to these topics of interest that go through the process of transition from work to retirement, in general, the Brazilian population has mobilized as a result of the Constitutional Amendment Proposal known as PEC 287/16, which proposes changes in the minimum age and the time of contribution of workers to retire, which directly impacts the present and future projects of those who are close to the retirement period.

In this context and under the theoretical basis of the Human Occupation Model, this study aimed to know the occupational perspective for the retirement of university professors of the Health Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraíba, identifying how these people perceive and prepare the transition between work activities and retirement.

Understanding human beings as occupational beings, the perspective of Kielhofner, Burke and Igi (1991)KIELHOFNER, G.; BURKE, J. P.; IGI, C. H. Um modelo de ocupação humana, parte 4: avaliação e intervenção (modelo de tratamento, teoria). Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 2-3, p. 127-144, 1991. are adopted, pointing out that when people have idle time, individuals become ill because of the lack of a meaningful occupation, which can occur when starting the retirement. Ferrari (1991)FERRARI, M. A. C. Kielhofner e o modelo de ocupação humana. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 216-219, 1991. complements that from human occupation, the man explores, interacts, influences the environment and is influenced by it. Kielhofner (2008)KIELHOFNER, G. Model of human occupation: theory and application. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. also adds in the theory of the Human Occupation Model (MOHO) that man is an open system constantly mutating/adapting due to complex interactions and changes in and out of environments.

This MOHO theory is formed by three subsystems with different purposes: will, habituation and performance. In this work, the focus was only on the subsystem of the will that is the one that guides the choices of actions from the personal motivation, goals, and interests of each individual (FERRARI, 1991FERRARI, M. A. C. Kielhofner e o modelo de ocupação humana. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 216-219, 1991.). Motivation is one of the areas studying the factors that stimulate particular behaviors and how they are initiated and sustained throughout life. It is from the motivation that people decide to perform certain types of activities that apparently do not bring them material benefits but contribute to their personal well-being (GAZZANIGA; HEATHERTON, 2003GAZZANIGA, M. S.; HEATHERTON, T. F. Motivação. In: GAZZANIGA, M. S.; HEATHERTON, T. F. Ciência psicológica: mente, cérebro e comportamento. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2003. p. 279-310.).

There is not always an intrinsic motivation for the fulfillment of the demands that have to be made throughout the day, such as working, feeding, studying, sanitizing, sleeping, resting, etc. These habits are behaviors repeated daily and over time become routine, almost automatic and are used for specific demands such as survival, maintenance of life, productive activities that generate income, among others. However, in addition to basic occupational skills, individuals need to meet environmental expectations and balance their everyday occupations, such as work and rest periods (KIELHOFNER; BARRETT, 2010KIELHOFNER, G.; BARRETT, L. J. Teorias derivadas de perspectivas do comportamento ocupacional: uma visão geral do comportamento ocupacional. In: NIESTADT, M. E.; CREPEAU, E. B. Terapia ocupacional de Willard & Spackman. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2010. p. 488-490.).

Personal endowments, values, and interests are interrelated and fundamental to the choices of activities and occupations that individuals wish to perform at some point in their lives, and many of the chosen occupations will become a significant and permanent part of individuals' lives (KIELHOFNER; BARRETT, 2010KIELHOFNER, G.; BARRETT, L. J. Teorias derivadas de perspectivas do comportamento ocupacional: uma visão geral do comportamento ocupacional. In: NIESTADT, M. E.; CREPEAU, E. B. Terapia ocupacional de Willard & Spackman. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2010. p. 488-490.).

However, human motivation is important but it is not the only one that defines occupational choices, since the family (ALMEIDA; MAGALHÃES, 2011ALMEIDA, M. E. G. G.; MAGALHÃES, A. S. Escolha profissional na contemporaneidade: projeto individual e projeto familiar. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 2, p. 205-214, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 nov. 2018.
), social, cultural and economic context (SENNETT, 2005SENNETT, R. A corrosão do caráter: as consequências pessoais do trabalho no novo capitalismo. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2005.; BAUMAN, 2009BAUMAN, Z. A arte da vida. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2009.), as the possibilities of occupation defined in them, directly impact the choices and labor insertions of individuals.

Since work is the occupation that lasts longer in the daily life of the adult, and generally requires a great investment of the personal life, it is necessary that the person understands the necessity of a planning for the period after the retirement, since like in all transition process, mental and physical adaptation is necessary for the worker to be visualized as retired.

In Brazil, it is imperative to think about what form and for what activity (s) the place of the job will be filled, considering that generally, the retirement phase coincides with the aging process. According to data from the IBGE (INSTITUTO..., 2017INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA – IBGE. Em 2015, esperança de vida ao nascer era de 75,5 anos. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.
) the life expectancy changed to 75.5 years old varying more or less in the gender and depending on the city where the person lives. Also, the number of older people rose from 7 million in 1975 to 14 million in 2002 and it is expected to reach 32 million by 2020 (VERAS; OLIVEIRA, 2018VERAS, R. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. Envelhecer no Brasil: a construção de um modelo de cuidado. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 6, p. 1929-1936, 2018.

Netto (2016)NETTO, M. P. O estudo da velhice: histórico, definição do campo e termos básicos. In: FREITAS, E. V.; PY, L. Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2016. p. 3-13. reports the difficulties of establishing the beginning of the old age, although it is inherent in all living beings. This difficulty comes from the absence of a biological marker between adulthood and old age, so the mark of the transition from maturity to aging has been determined by socioeconomic and legal factors (SCHNEIDER; IRIGARAY, 2008SCHNEIDER, R. H.; IRIGARAY, T. Q. O envelhecimento na atualidade: aspectos cronológicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociais. Estudos de Psicologia, Campinas, v. 25, n. 4, p. 583-593, 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 1 nov. 2018.

During this transition from adulthood to old age, biological changes in mobility and physical performance change varying individually and depend on factors such as diet, physical activity, social life, previous work, and family. Uchôa (2003)UCHÔA, E. Contribuições da antropologia para uma abordagem das questões relativas à saúde do idoso. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 3, p. 849-853, 2003.
points out that changes in old age, from the physical to the psychological changes, can corroborate an imbalance in the elderly's life, and consequently the loss of autonomy, social and psychological life and the possibility of working.

Due to all these factors that are part of this transition process, some adults usually through participation in projects (FREITAS; CAMPOS; GIL, 2017FREITAS, M. C.; CAMPOS, T. D.; GIL, C. A. Expectativas e concepções de trabalho na velhice em homens na meia-idade. Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia, Londrina, v. 8, n. 2, p. 43-64, 2017.
; OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2018OLIVEIRA, C. S.; SILVA, J. M. S. Programa de preparação para aposentadoria - PPA vida ativa. DêCiência em Foco, Rio Branco, v. 2, n. 1, p. 157-169, 2018.). This planning is necessary since according to Rodrigues and Rauth (2006)RODRIGUES, N. C.; RAUTH, J. Os desafios do envelhecimento no Brasil. In: FREITAS, E. V. et al. Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006. p. 186-192. the retirement of the professional activity for the retirement requires physical and mental conditioning because, for some people, it means an exclusion of the productive world and the beginning of the uselessness.

Retirement is a social right to assure the basic needs, the maintenance of life and the safety of the elderly person, and it is characterized as a modern social invention, inaugurated in Germany in the same period of the implantation of the Social Welfare State (PACHECO; CARLOS, 2006PACHECO, J. L.; CARLOS, S. A. Relações do homem com o trabalho e processo de aposentadoria. In: FREITAS, E. V. et al. Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006. p. 1388-1393.).

In Brazil, there were several changes in the conception of retirement to become a right, and the legal landmark for this consecration was the 1988 Constitution that reversed a welfare policy in a course at the time, and defined parameters of law and citizenship, especially in the elderly population.

The guarantee of the rights of the elderly person in the Federal Constitution is expressed in several articles, concerning the irreducibility of retirement and pension wages, guarantee of child protection, gratuity in collective transportation [...] (VERAS; OLIVEIRA, 2018VERAS, R. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. Envelhecer no Brasil: a construção de um modelo de cuidado. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 6, p. 1929-1936, 2018.
, p. 1931).

Currently, in the context of the reformulation of social security rules, this achievement of the right to retirement is re-evaluated considering the increase in the life expectancy of the Brazilian population (LEANDRO-FRANÇA; IGLESIAS; MURTA, 2018LEANDRO-FRANÇA, C.; IGLESIAS, F.; MURTA, S. G. Futuro e aposentadoria: evidencias de validade para uma medida de perspectiva temporal. Psicologia: Organização e Trabalho, Brasília, v. 18, n. 2, p. 390-395, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.
) and the State's costs related to public social policies (HOLLAND; MÁLAGA, 2018HOLLAND, M.; MÁLAGA, T. Previdência social no Brasil: propostas para uma reforma de longo prazo. Brasília: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.
). As a consequence of this scenario, individuals who are close to the retirement period have shown concern and anxiety about their future.

In addition to the national scenario, there are other issues of individual decision-making about retirement. Rodrigues and Rauth (2006)RODRIGUES, N. C.; RAUTH, J. Os desafios do envelhecimento no Brasil. In: FREITAS, E. V. et al. Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006. p. 186-192. report that some individuals live the time of retirement as a time of freedom and opportunity for engagement in activities that were not possible during the work period, while others think of it as a social, meaningless and empty devaluation. Being on one side or the other of this perspective will depend on the perception of well-being and the working conditions that each person lived, whether it was repetitive and fatiguing tasks or professional achievement.

In this research perspective, the focus of this work is how professors perceive their transition from work to retirement considering the personal and social impact of this process, as well as the current political-economic context experienced in the country.

2 Method

An exploratory-descriptive study of a qualitative approach was developed at the Health Sciences Center (CCS) of João Pessoa campus I, at the Federal University of Paraíba. The research was done with a professor from each department of the CCS: Pharmaceutical Sciences; Clinical and Social Dentistry; Restorative Dentistry; PE; Clinical Nursing; Collective Health Nursing; Physiology and Pathology; Speech therapy; Occupational therapy; Physiotherapy; Nutrition and Morphology.

Although there are 12 departments, only 11 professors participated in the research, since none of the professors of the Morphology department, who fit the age group of the interviewees, accepted to participate due to lack of time. The inclusion criteria were participants from 50 to 59 years old, not retired in the position of professor and signed the Free Consent Form considering the ethical aspects pertinent to the research involving human beings, according to the Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council. This research was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the CCS/UFPB and approved on March 29, 2017, through opinion nº 1,988,226.

Considering the established age, professors who were in the pre-retirement phase were excluded, defined by Supplementary Law 152, dated December 3, 2015, as 75 years old (BRASIL, 2015BRASIL. Lei Complementar n° 152, de 3 de dezembro de 2015. Dispõe sobre a aposentadoria compulsória por idade, com proventos proporcionais, nos termos do inciso II do § 1º do art. 40 da Constituição Federal. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 3 dez. 2015. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.
) since researchers were interested only in interviewing participants who had the freedom to opt for retirement, not as mandatory.

The information on the age of each professor was provided by the departments in which they were registered. After identified within the sample, a professor from each department was randomly selected, being contacted to schedule the day, time and place that would be most comfortable for him. The professors who accepted were interviewed through a semi-structured collection instrument constructed according to the research objectives containing 16 open questions, as well as a socio-demographic questionnaire to build a sample profile containing questions regarding the initials of the name, age, religion, marital status, gender, time as a professor in this institution, and higher education.

A pilot interview with a UFPB professor of the same age group (50 to 59 years) was applied to calibrate the data collection instrument, and the CCM (Center of Medical Sciences) was another center of education.

The data collection was carried out during April and May 2017 and the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the Thematic and Structural Content Analysis method (BARDIN, 2011BARDIN, L. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70, 2011.). Initially, the content of the interview went through the floating analysis, which consists of a general evaluation of the material to be applied, followed by the vertical analysis, by grouping similar content into categories based on the answers of the questions elaborated.

The questions used with the professors dealt with the following aspects: routine occupations, average time spent in work activities and other daily activities, degree of professional satisfaction, achievements outside the work environment, perception about retirement and the activities they intend to develop in this period, desire to remain working even during retirement, factors that impact on the desire or disinterestedness to retire and, finally, the motivations to develop their present and future occupations.

In this paper, a cut of the data collected was done and the issues related to retirement and the process of preparing for it was prioritized. From the answers given, three categories of analysis were created: retirement planning, factors that influence leaving or staying at work and the meaning of retirement.

Professors were identified by the letter P (a generalization of professor) and Pa (a generalization of female professor) by a random number which guarantees the privacy of the interviewees.

3 Results and Discussion

In this topic, main perceptions of the professors around the central question of retirement, permeated by the discussions involving the project of social security reform, etiquette, the meanings of work and the factors that contribute to professors choosing to stay in it were shown.

Table 1 describes the professors interviewed regarding the age group, gender, higher education level and time as working at the Federal University of Paraíba.

Table 1
Profile of interviewees.

3.1 Retirement planning

Retirement is a process of adaptation to a new stage of life that goes through the transition between being employed and retired, and the post-retirement path characterized by a new phase of life developed in that period. Based on this concept, retirement is recognized by social and psychological science as a developmental transition, which needs to be planned along the course of life so there is a good adaptation (WANG; SHI, 2014WANG, M.; SHI, J. Psychological research on retirement. Annual Review of Psychology, Palo Alto, v. 65, n. 1, p. 209-233, 2014.

In the case of the participants of the research, the planning of the retirement and even the thought about this theme occurred mainly because of the Proposal of the Social Security Reform of 2016:

I want it, soon! [laughs] I'm already thinking about it, I think next month, who knows? [...] Actually, I did not even build this [retirement] no, I was not even thinking about it, but... because of the change in this country I started to think and seriously think (Pa6).

For me, 80... [laughs], honestly, for me, for my plans... I wanted to retire at 65... 68 years old... 70... but in the present situation, I think I'm going to retire well before (Pa3).

Until this morning... [laughs] ... I wanted to work for another three years... then like 62… 63... but, they are saying that I'm going to need more time... if I want to have integral retirement... something that for me was always important... [...] it was always in that bet that... that after retirement I could keep the pattern... it seems that changed that. .. so... what I actually think of doing is to reduce the workload still in the active... and... cut some activities... type hierarchize and really cut (P8).

As a professor, I'm nine years old now, so... before that government there, I do not know... maybe I'll die teaching (Pa9).

Due to this instability in the vote on the Social Security Reform Proposal (BRASIL, 2016BRASIL. PEC n° 287, de 1 de dezembro de 2016. Proposta da Reforma da Previdência. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 1 dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.
), professors began to feel fearful. This new proposal takes the freedom to choose to be retired in the desired period, from the age at which retirement is legally guaranteed. Currently, they are in compliance with the rules established in 1998, in which they can retire with full value. Women from 55 years old and with 30 years of contribution and men from 60 years old and 35 years of the contribution must have fulfilled minimum time of ten years of effective exercise in the public service and five years in the effective position in which retirement will be given (BRASIL, 1998BRASIL. Emenda Constitucional n° 20, de 15 de dezembro de 1998. Modifica o sistema de previdência social, estabelece normas de transição e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 15 dez. 1998. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.

The new proposal redirects voluntary retirement for 65 years and 25 years of contribution provided since they contributed twenty years of effective exercise in public office and five years in the function that will give the retirement. Also,

[...] by the new rule, the benefit is 51% plus one percentage point for each contribution year, based on the average contribution remuneration (BRASIL, 2016BRASIL. PEC n° 287, de 1 de dezembro de 2016. Proposta da Reforma da Previdência. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 1 dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.
, p. 8),

that is, it will take 49 years of contribution and the worker can receive the full benefit (100% of the value of the wage).

Men who are 50 years old or older and women who are 45 years old or older on the date of enactment of the Amendment may participate in the voluntary retirement transition rule if they meet the following requirements (BRASIL, 2016BRASIL. PEC n° 287, de 1 de dezembro de 2016. Proposta da Reforma da Previdência. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 1 dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.

Table 2 shows that it is possible for a male worker to retire at 60 years old by the transition rule if he has contributed at least 35 years of service. Another issue to be considered is whether, for example, a man has 25 years of contribution time, he will have to work for another 15 years (10 years he needs to complete the minimum service time together with the five years referring to 50% of the toll that is half the time it was missing) (BRASIL, 2016BRASIL. PEC n° 287, de 1 de dezembro de 2016. Proposta da Reforma da Previdência. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 1 dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.

Table 2
Retirement Transition Rule (Proposal).

Given these data, it is possible to understand why this factor of Constitutional Amendment Proposal number 287/2016 has changed the perspective of retirement for some of the professors interviewed. The insecurity of the expectation and the fear of making a decision and repenting in future in the political-economic perspectives of the present period place professors in a thin line between what they want and what in fact becomes necessary to retire.

Although other professors understand that retirement is a stage of life as well as the productive phase, they are reluctant to accept their closeness, so they cannot see their lives without the routine of teaching. Usually, these professors are those who have devoted most of their lives to the university and have developed few activities out of this environment.

[...] I had not thought about it in a while, and it's only now that I've been thinking... so I have no idea... I really did... I did not think I'd ever retire... even because I think I was not going to live that much [laughs]... so I thought I was going to die working... something like that... it was not something that was in my plan... (Pa1).

I think it's painful... I always... I cannot think much... to wake up in the morning and do not have anything to do... well... and do not have a routine... and do not have responsibility... and not having things that I need to take care... then I ... that's what I'm talking about, that now I start to think that I need to prepare... I need to think about other alternatives... I need to think... what I'm going to do (Pa1).

[...] I'm beginning to think, right, to see myself outside the university, outside these hours, right, that we have to do... How would it be, so, wake up one day and I do not have to, really, get ready to come to teach a lesson of such an hour, right, um, supervision of internship at some hour, some hour, how is that, right? To leave this, this conditioning already for so long because I have 8 years here in this institution, but there are 28 years of work [...] (Pa2).

[...] I did not want to before... my idea of retiring was a terror, today, I'm already thinking... I have to retire, I'm not going to spend my whole life in university... so yes… I'm trying to think that [...] (Pa3).

It is necessary to understand that “[...] work itself created the man” (ENGELS 1979ENGELS, F. Humanização do macaco pelo trabalho. In: ENGELS, F. Dialética da natureza. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra, 1979. p. 215-228., p. 215) to understand why it is difficult to get away from university life. This assertion places men and women as dependent on work, an activity that permeates the lives of adults and provides them with income as a means of satisfying their material and emotional needs. For Marx (1989)MARX, K. O capital: crítica da economia política. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand do Brasil, 1989., work is an activity in which all mental and physical energy is deposited for producing a good or a service, emphasizing the service as the product of the professor.

The extensive and intense demand of the profession, which the professors have dedicated years of fearful commitment to the retirement decision, which is always postponed, sometimes for fear of leaving all the professional achievements behind, or thinking that there is nothing else to do outside the university, generating a feeling of incompleteness.

There are professors who have no prospect of retiring in the short term, wanting to enjoy teaching for longer and understand that the time has not yet come to leave the university:

[...] the law says that at 75, I will have to go through compulsory, but, no, I would not like to do it at 75, I would like to have a little time to stay a little longer [...] all this has been a great mystery [...] (P5).

[...] It is ... I have time to retire... because it has the time I had of the university and I had of the State job, and I have already I the time to retire, but I chose not to do it now, right? ... I'll stay until ... until I can (P11).

[...] I do not think about retiring, I think I still have maybe ten years here, but it is a right for every worker and I think that when I retire I will be retired from work and not life [laughs]. Since I never did calculations and do not think, then I have no idea, but I cannot imagine here maybe with more than seventy years old working (Pa7).

One of the categories previously cited by Cynkin and Mazur (1990)CYNKIN, S.; MAZUR, A. R. O conceito de atividades de saúde: relação de atividade e saúde. In: CYNKIN, S.; MAZUR, A. R. Occupational therapy and activities health: toward health trough activities. Ann Arbor: Little, Brown, 1990. p. 25-34. is the time appropriate for a particular activity. Adults are expected to go through work during the productive age range that is between 15 and 64 years old. It is also due to this perspective that the interviewees feel still in the productive period and do not express the interest of a short-term retirement.

Not everyone sees retirement as a phase of life, but rather as the period of “having nothing to do”, being unproductive, being considered “old”, not useful for the labor market, do not feel valued to occupy this place.

Specifically, regarding the retirement, there is an ambivalence of feelings towards it, since at the same time that there is a possibility of enjoying free time, there is also marginalization of the retiree who is usually associated with an idea of uselessness. This is because, in a productive society, there is an extreme appreciation of the social antithesis of the retiree, who is the young person, represented socially by the ideal of beauty, health, and strength (OLIVEIRA; TORRES; ALBUQUERQUE, 2009OLIVEIRA, C.; TORRES, A. R. R.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. S. Análise do bem-estar psicossocial de aposentados de Goiânia. Psicologia em Estudo, Maringá, v. 14, n. 4, p. 749-757, 2009.

However, there are those who feel satisfied with the position (s) they have exercised and whose retirement is not seen as a loss, but as a natural process in the personal journey. Only one of the respondents (Pa 10) presented a conception of retirement associated with a planned life course.

At 61 years old... it's already good... [laughs] ... my choice was to be a university professor... as well as the university academically I attended all the academic ascents, I was a titular professor, I occupied several positions of relevance in the institution... and for me, that is already completed... that's what I wanted... that I planned and that is why I now close my academic life at this level (Pa10).

From the speech of the interviewee Pa10, it is possible to infer that this professor feels fulfilled through his trajectory, and, therefore, showing acceptance and tranquility to experience the retirement.

França and Soares (2009)FRANÇA, L. H. F. P.; SOARES, D. H. P. Preparação para a aposentadoria como parte da educação ao longo da vida. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, Rio de Janeiro, v. 29, n. 4, p. 738-751, 2009.
discuss the existence of retirement-related theories, one of them being The Theory of Life Course perspective, a theory that elucidates that a person's behavior is directly related to the life history and context in which the event occurs, so the meaning that retirement has for each person depends on how he experienced the work process and how he feels about it all and the macro and micro contexts involved:

[...] the micro context includes personological variables such as health, financial wealth, human capital and family, and psychological characteristics such as personality, attitudes and behavior patterns. However, the macro context translates government policies, labor market conditions as well as population structures and norms (FRANÇA; SOARES, 2009FRANÇA, L. H. F. P.; SOARES, D. H. P. Preparação para a aposentadoria como parte da educação ao longo da vida. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, Rio de Janeiro, v. 29, n. 4, p. 738-751, 2009.
, p. 741).

All of these micro and macro-context factors cited above corroborate how professors will see themselves through the retirement phase and they are directly related to the place that work occupies in the lives of these people and what they want it to occupy (gap) that will be left behind the work.

3.2 Factors that influence leaving or staying at work

There are professors who are close to retirement age and are realizing a transition in the job market that is the entry of newer and probably more up-to-date professionals. These professors are also feeling marginalized in the group they are part of.

Well, it is a little wear and tears even though it happened there with that personal relationship within the department, right, in the university. [...] within the department there is a new generation emerging with a way of working totally different from mine and it has even brought problems for the department, right. So, there is a very great conflict now of orientation of things that are happening within the department. [...] And the worst thing is that you get to have colleagues at work who were your former students, right. [...] So you start to realize that the generations are gaining a job market and you are still in it, right, so something is happening... the way [so-and-so] working was no longer meeting this new demand. So, is it not time to retire? (Pa4).

[...] I think we're suffering a bit of discrimination, and I think I've already begun to feel a bit of this, right? Well... with little things... some things like that, you know... so I think the institution will put you in another place, you know, so... I guess you start thinking like this, it's... I think it's time ... patience bursts... it is diminishing... so you know... to wait for the maturing time of some people [...] (Pa1).

[...] I do not want to go too far because I know that there is one, an age too, right, biologically... something else that we also have to respect, generation change, right, right or wrong, as much as I update myself, as much I am aware, right, in modernity there is a shock of generations that today has to have a sense of the moment of stopping (Pa2).

Cynkin and Mazur (1990)CYNKIN, S.; MAZUR, A. R. O conceito de atividades de saúde: relação de atividade e saúde. In: CYNKIN, S.; MAZUR, A. R. Occupational therapy and activities health: toward health trough activities. Ann Arbor: Little, Brown, 1990. p. 25-34. claim that we perform several activities during the day which are pleasurable, physiologically among other activities in several categories, however, these activities do not happen randomly in the daily life of the individual. The activities are governed and directed by the medium to which people are inserted, and by the sociocultural standards of the groups or subgroups. Every society has its beliefs and values that guide what is appropriate or not to do for each social and economic status, ethnic, by the difference of gender, age, among other categories that are selecting and adapting the groups to facilitate the control of the likes and desires which appear to be personal but are actually directive and pre-selected.

Some factors, such as an exchange of discipline, leaving an administrative position of the department and/or university, and even a decrease in academic production related to publications may arouse in the professor a feeling of non-belonging to the occupational role he has. From the signals previously constructed by the group as a system of own codes, the individual may feel coerced to react to the opinion of the group and feel led to reflect on the retirement process.

The question of aging permeates the speech of professors and can be perceived through the reports of beliefs regarding the prejudices in terms of age. Discrimination by age occurs when this type of belief generates attitudes that legitimize

[…] the use of chronological age to demarcate classes of people who are systematically denied resources and opportunities that others enjoy, and who suffer the consequences of this disparagement, ranging from sponsorship well-meant to unmistakable debasement (BYTHEWAY, 2005BYTHEWAY, B. Ageism and age categorization. The Journal of Social Issues, Washington, v. 61, n. 2, p. 361-374, 2005.
, p. 14).

Also, there is a type of social prejudice linked to aging which underlies most forms of age bias in which one sees an overestimation of youth by most Western societies parallel to the practice of transforming the aging process into an object of shame (GOLDANI, 2010GOLDANI, A. M. Desafios do “preconceito etário” no Brasil. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, v. 31, n. 111, p. 411-434, 2010. PMid:26401063.). The internalization of this prejudice, perceived in the speech of the Pa1, Pa2, and Pa4 becomes concrete when they reflect on the need to retire because of the age and the entry of younger people into their work circle.

For other professors interviewed, PEC 287/2016 on the Proposed Retirement Reform is the main influence factor for leaving the university.

Nowadays, it would be this PEC issue right now, this issue of this reform... this retirement reform, that is what is driving me to think about retiring, if it was not for that I had in mind to stay until the compulsory one, which was 70 years... the wage issue... right... these wage things that we're going to have... or that time we're going to have to sue to retire, so that's really what I am leading me to think about actually retiring (Pa3).

This change in legislation, right? (Pa6).

Well, firstly the legislation that will not allow me to stay here any longer than what is determined for people to work, but I believe that we should also think a little about our personalities, a bit about our health, especially about health, I think it's the right of people, especially those who have spent their entire lives contributing, if not positively, to the progress of that nation (P5).

The possible approval of the Retirement Reform has generated anguish in professors because they are being subtly influenced to opt for retirement in an earlier period than desired. There is a constant fear as to the integrality of the wage that for many will be lost due to the increase of the minimum time of service if PEC is approved (BRASIL, 2016BRASIL. PEC n° 287, de 1 de dezembro de 2016. Proposta da Reforma da Previdência. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 1 dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.

Another issue is the probable imbalance between professional exercise and leisure activities. The professors who mention this factor expresses “[...] having a little leisure I think it is the right of people, especially those who have spent their entire lives contributing, right, positively to the progress of this nation” (P5). This speech enables reflection on the lack of daily balance that is probably between the demands of teaching tasks and the activities of rest and leisure that will be postponed to the period of retirement. This type of work organization has direct effects on the quality of life, health and the process of the sickness of workers that end up causing suffering and damages to the health of individuals (LANCMAN, 2007LANCMAN, S. Psicodinâmica do trabalho. In: CAVALCANTI, A.; GALVÃO, C. Terapia ocupacional: fundamentação e prática. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2007. p. 271-277.).

Sacristán (1995)SACRISTÁN, J. G. Consciência e ação sobre a prática como libertação profissional dos professores. In: NÓVOA, A. (Org.). Profissão professor. Porto: Porto Editora, 1995. p. 63-92. wrote about teaching activity in the professors´ hyper-responsibility for pedagogical practice, putting it at the center of any positive or negative result of the school system. The professor not only needs to have scientific knowledge about the subjects of the classes, but also to develop the skills of information transmission, debates, and evaluations. In addition, Oliveira (2007)OLIVEIRA, D. A. Política educacional e a re-estruturação do trabalho docente: reflexões sobre o contexto latino-americano. Educação e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 28, n. 99, p. 355-375, 2007.
points out that the breadth of the professors´ role has been accompanied by greater collection on the success of students´ learning and new ways of measuring their performance.

The accumulation of tasks and skills to be developed to be a quality professor compromises more than the time contracted by regulation so the individual is able to handle his/her duties as a professor and does not have time for other activities. It is difficult for a professor with an exclusive dedication to spend all the time of his service without facing an administrative position, increasing his workload, which can lead to overload due to the accumulation of functions.

Dejours (1998)DEJOURS, C. A loucura do trabalho: estudo de psicopatologia do trabalho. São Paulo: Cortez, 1998. highlights that the demands of labor make the worker and labor relationships deprive the workers of their personalities and places them in the place of the slave of work which makes them believe in their dependence on satisfaction on what they produce, not on what they are.

For some professors, participants of this study, the factors that influence the permanence in the work are more seductive.

[...] When you retire, you become part of a circle of people that do not appeal to me... to be retired... I speak of the older people... who are unproductive... only waiting for death to come in quotes... I go as far as I can... if I retire at 70 what will I do in a sedentary condition? Not at all! (P11).

First the need... today we do not have the luxury of living without working... the economic need... secondly, I also, I feel in full activity, I like to work... so I'm at a still productive age... and the work I do is a job that gives me pleasure, which I like (Pa9).

So... because my work as a researcher, a professor member of the university community... he has a story today, I have several things that were built and are in the process... many activities that I do... and some already there are people doing with me... so... one thing that makes me think of the time to leave is how I'm going to organize the transition... because I do not want the cool things I did to end because I left... I would like people to assume... to continue... to share with others... that they will remain... I think that affects, you know? Like, if I had to leave now... is it over? Then I would not want to leave... I would want to try to build a continuity (P8).

Although these professors prefer to remain working, the factors that contribute are different from their perspectives. The first factor that contributes to the permanence is the perception of uselessness brought on by retirement, so being working reflects more liveliness. A study by Csikszentmihalyi (2002a)CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O trabalho como fluxo. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002a. p. 196-220. aimed at identifying the flow level of people in the context of work and in the context of leisure. He was considered a flowing person when the brand in the scale of challenges and colleges used exceeded the expected average of the week.

[...] in employment, people feel apt and instigated to something, and therefore, happier, stronger, creative and satisfied. During free time, people often feel that there is not much to do and that their faculties are not being used, so they tend to feel more sad, weak, bored, and unsatisfied (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 2002aCSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O trabalho como fluxo. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002a. p. 196-220., p. 216-217).

Therefore, for professors who do not take pleasure in the use of free time, the time of work enabled a perception of being more active, satisfied and useful, and the quality of work experiences are more significant from the conception that the meaning of an activity motivates and channels all the energies of the individual to reach the desired end (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 2002aCSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O trabalho como fluxo. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002a. p. 196-220., 2002bCSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O. A elaboração do significado. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002b. p. 286-307.).

The second factor is the financial need that, in the face of the economic and political crisis in the world has worried the homeowners, especially in Brazil. The daily discussion of the inconstancy of the release of funds for the country's various demands, including the payment of salaries for public servants, as well as their increase, has shaken the financial expenses of families, leading them to cut costs and the reduction of the standard of living they had.

The third factor is the difficulty of leaving the work that has begun for the next generation of professors, and for them to understand/recognize the contribution to the growth and appreciation of the courses of which they are part. The difficulty is also in understanding/accepting that the achievements will be maintained by others and may continue even though the idea's parent is no longer in the teaching staff.

In our culture, the professional role is one of the fundamental pillars of self-esteem, identity and a sense of usefulness. Although this close link between identity and occupation may be more true for individuals in university-level professions (“I am a lawyer... doctor... psychologist”), occupational characteristics are usually reflected in attitudes, values, and political positions, associated with factors such as social class and level of education (MAGALHÃES et al., 2004MAGALHÃES, M. O. et al. Padrões de ajustamento na aposentadoria. Aletheia, Canoas, n. 19, p. 57-68, 2004. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.
, p. 58).

Thus, the breakdown of work-related activities for many years as well as the loss of social and affective ties with co-workers can reduce workers' quality of life (MAGALHÃES et al., 2004MAGALHÃES, M. O. et al. Padrões de ajustamento na aposentadoria. Aletheia, Canoas, n. 19, p. 57-68, 2004. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 set. 2017.

3.3 Meaning of retirement

For many of the professors interviewed, there is a centrality of the role of work in their lives and the act of retiring is imbued with a sense of loss of social role, status and also social ties. Lancman (2007)LANCMAN, S. Psicodinâmica do trabalho. In: CAVALCANTI, A.; GALVÃO, C. Terapia ocupacional: fundamentação e prática. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2007. p. 271-277. reports that work is a promoter of the constitution of individual identity and, consequently, directly interfering in social insertions, in the formation of social networks, of affective and economic exchanges, which generates the feeling of social belonging so their loss implies commitment in all these areas. Thus, participants reported that:

Retirement for me is a terror [laughs] it means... stop working, I think it's my biggest... so... how do I say?... pain to retire... it is to stop working... I think I need to have an activity. Since my only activity is to be a professor... I do not have another activity outside, so... retirement is ... it's a very painful idea [...] (Pa3).

Retirement means what I do not want now so early... [laughs]... because I think it depreciates a little bit... let us down a little (P11).

Considering that the professors of this study are federal employees, the reason of their linking to such employment is not primarily due to the financial need, but due to the desire to occupy the position of a university professor. They feel satisfied with their profession and therefore, if they feel distant from the routine that they have striven to achieve, it brings with them a feeling of displeasure about the untying brought about by retirement.

For these workers, the occupation of work is directly related to their identity (FRANÇA; SOARES, 2009FRANÇA, L. H. F. P.; SOARES, D. H. P. Preparação para a aposentadoria como parte da educação ao longo da vida. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, Rio de Janeiro, v. 29, n. 4, p. 738-751, 2009.
) and to rebuild it based on another occupation creates discomfort.

Ironically, it is easier to enjoy work than free time, because, as the flow activities, work has implicit goals, 'feedback', rules and challenges that lead to involvement, concentration, and forgetfulness of yourself. On the other hand, free time is not structured and converting it into something that can be enjoyed requiring much more effort (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 2002aCSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O trabalho como fluxo. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002a. p. 196-220., p. 220).

For professors in this category, the challenges of work make them happier and more active allowing them to live with intensity and with a sense of usefulness. For other professors, retirement means having time to do enjoyable activities.

[...] retirement for me, at that moment, would be to leave those activities, these commitments, these obligations that I have routinely and now do what gives me real pleasure. Live, live better, do you understand?! Have a better quality of life! That when we get very involved with things, a lot of things every day and the professor especially, we take some work home, some days you go to sleep, I do not know what time, organizing things or correcting (Pa6).

[...] Retirement for me... is a planned thing. I do not go home, retirement to dedicate myself to other things I want to have done and I did not because of my current job, but I have absolutely no restlessness, no problem, my retirement will come by a personal decision (Pa10).

Retirement for me means a passage, right from working time to a time when you will enjoy a wage without necessarily being linked to a fixed working schedule, right, you can dedicate yourself to other types of work, right? not this institutional. I think that retirement is a time of change, passing, right, from one stage of our lives to another stage (Pa2).

[...] it is a right that after you... years and years of work of dedication, fulfillment of schedule, serving, serving the other, you have the right to... is ... have a time for you to live without you being able to count hours (Pa9).

Boy ... I've been thinking about it every day... it's a possibility to reorganize... time... life... the issue of work... because she... she... takes the weight off... In the sense that you have to do things you do not want because it is part of the context of your work, I think you can prioritize more activity than... that generate pleasure, which is your liking to do... I think is a possibility of greater choice [...] (P8).

Retirement for me is... a period of more freedom... right... at least to have freedom from some more formal obligations (Pa1).

In the statements of the professors grouped in this category, the perception that they have for the time that the work occupies in their day is noticed. This perception is so clear that most professors understand retirement as the moment to do what gives pleasure and that was not possible due to the obligations of the professor.

This broad view of new possibilities for a new phase of life is understood from the psychological model of well-being that is multidimensional and “[…] encompassing a set of dimensions considered nuclear in the development and expression of normality and well-being” (POCINHO et al., 2017POCINHO, R. et al. Bem-estar psicológico na reforma: a importância da preparação dos trabalhadores para a transição. Revista Lusófona de Educação, Lisboa, v. 37, n. 37, p. 11-25, 2017., p. 14). These nuclear dimensions are self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, mastery of the environment, personal growth, goals in life and autonomy.

In the work of Csikszentmihalyi (2002a)CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. O trabalho como fluxo. In: CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. Fluir: a psicologia da experiência óptima. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água Editores, 2002a. p. 196-220., workers would like to be doing pleasurable activities during the period of work even if they were satisfied, so in this study, it was identified that motivation was high in leisure periods even though work gives the quality of the experience.

4 Final Considerations

The aging of the population has brought a great economic challenge for the country. Thus, to reconfigure the rules of public welfare has been the strategy set by the current government to balance the revenue between collection and expenses, and in this scenario, retirement becomes for many, a period of insecurity and uncertainty.

The proposal of the PEC nº 287/2016 has changed the plans of the workers, especially the professors who feel challenged to make any kind of decision for the inconstancy of the governmental decisions and at the same time discouraged in opting for the retirement due to the loss of the wage as a consequence transition of the social security law. Therefore, the professor's devaluation has undermined the choice options, leaving him at the mercy of the option of applying for retirement before the approval of the proposal or waiting for the total contribution according to the new Constitutional Amendment.

During the interviews, some professors had not yet attempted to plan for retirement or even had never thought about it. Some of them had sketched the idea at the level of their own thinking, and the minority had actually devised something, that is, the collection questions became the possibility of individual reflections for the interviewees, a fact that can be considered as a positive point of the research.

The inconsistent answers that emerged before the questions elucidated the need to create projects in the university that absorb the professors' demands for their anguish and the teaching itself, besides encouraging the planning of the future retirement. Thus, it is visualized in a positive way given that the construction of this new phase is linked to experiences, values, and motivations intrinsic and extrinsic to the individual. The factors that prevent professors from experiencing this moment of retirement need to be reviewed and worked out so their gains are perceived as more rewarding than losses and, given the characteristics of the profession as a project that can be undertaken by the group of professors of the Department of Occupational Therapy.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 May 2019
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jun 2019


  • Received
    09 Feb 2018
  • Reviewed
    06 Oct 2018
  • Reviewed
    28 Nov 2018
  • Accepted
    06 Feb 2019
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional Rodovia Washington Luis, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP: , 13565-905, São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55-16-3361-8749 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil