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On non-Kupka points of codimension one foliations on ℙ3


We study the singular set of a codimension one holomorphic foliation on ℙ 3 . We find a local normal form for these foliations near a codimension two component of the singular set that is not of Kupka type. We also determine the number of non-Kupka points immersed in a codimension two component of the singular set of a codimension one foliation on ℙ 3.

holomorphic foliations; Kupka sets; non-Kupka points

1 - Introduction

A regular codimension one holomorphic foliation on a complex manifold M, can be defined by a triple{(𝔘,fα,ψαβ)} where

  1. 𝔘={Uα} is an open cover of M.

  2. fα:Uα is a holomorphic submersion for each α.

  3. A family of biholomorphisms{ψαβ:fβ(Uαβ)fα(Uαβ)} such that

    ψ α β = ψ β α - 1 , f β | U α U β = ψ β α f α | U α U β and ψ α γ = ψ α β ψ β γ .

Sincedfα(x)=ψαβ(fβ(x))dfβ(x), the set F=αKer(dfα)TM is a subbundle. Also[ψαβ(fβ)]Hˇ1(𝔘,𝒪)define a line bundle N=TM/F. The family of 1–forms {dfα} glue to a global sectionωH0(M,Ω1(N)). We have

0 F T M { d f α } N 0 , 0 Θ { d f α } 𝒩 0 , [ , ]

where =𝒪(F),Θ=𝒪(TM)and𝒩=𝒪(N). We also obtain

n T M = d e t ( F ) N , Ω M n := K M = d e t ( ) 𝒩 , n = d i m ( M ) .

Definition 1.1. Let M be a compact complex manifold of dimension n.A singular codimension one holomorphic foliation on M, may be defined by one of the following ways:

  1. A pair =(S,), where SM is an analytic subset of codim(S)2, and is a regular codimension one holomorphic foliation on MS.

  2. A class of global sections [ω]H0(M,Ω1(L)), where LPic(M) such that

    1. the singular set Sω={pM|ωp=0} has codim(Sω)2.

    2. ωdω=0 in H0(M,Ω3(L2)).

    In this case, we denote by ω=(Sω,ω) the foliation represented by ω.

  3. An exact sequence of sheaves

    0 Θ 𝒩 0 , [ , ]

    where is a reflexive sheaf of rank rk()=n-1with torsion free quotient 𝒩𝒥SL, where 𝒥S is an ideal sheaf for some closed scheme S.

These three definitions are equivalents.

Remark 1.2. Let ωH0(M,Ω1(L)) be a section.

  1. The section ω may be defined by a family of 1-forms

    ω α Ω 1 ( U α ) , ω α = λ α β ω β in U α β = U α U β , L = [ λ α β ] H ˇ 1 ( 𝔘 , 𝒪 ) .

  2. The section ω is a morphism of sheaves Θ𝜔L. The kernel of ω is the tangent sheaf. The image of ω is a twisted ideal sheaf 𝒩=𝒥SωL. It is called the normal sheaf of .

  3. As in the non-singular case, the following equality of line bundles holds

    K M = Ω M n = d e t ( ) 𝒩 = K L - 1 , d e t ( N ) L

    where KM,K=det() are the canonical sheaf of M and respectively.

We denote by

( M , L ) = { [ ω ] H 0 ( M , Ω 1 ( L ) ) | codim ( S ω ) 2 , ω d ω = 0 } ( n , d ) = { [ ω ] H 0 ( n , Ω 1 ( d + 2 ) ) | codim ( S ω ) 2 , ω d ω = 0 } .

The number d0 is called the degree of the foliation represented by ω.

1-1 Statement of the results

In the sequel, M is a compact complex manifold with dim(M)3. We will use any of the above definitions for foliation. The singular set will be denoted by S. Observe that S decomposes as

S = k = 2 n S k where codim ( S k ) = k .

For a foliation on M represented by ω(M,L), the Kupka set (Kupka 1964r15 KUPKA I. 1964. Singularities of structurally stable Pfaffian forms. Proc Nat Acad of Sc USA 52: 1431-1432.; De Medeiros 1977r12 DE MEDEIROS A. 1977. Structural stability of integrable differential forms. Palis J and do Carmo M (Eds), Geometry and Topology, Springer LNM 597, p. 395-428.) is defined by

K ( ω ) = { p M | ω ( p ) = 0 , d ω ( p ) 0 } .

We recall that for points near K(ω) the foliation is biholomorphic to a product of a dimension one foliation in a transversal section by a regular foliation of codimension two (Kupka 1964r15 KUPKA I. 1964. Singularities of structurally stable Pfaffian forms. Proc Nat Acad of Sc USA 52: 1431-1432.) and in particular we have K(ω)S2.

In this note, we focus our attention on the set of non-Kupka points NK(ω) of ω. The first remark is

N K ( ω ) = { p M | ω ( p ) = 0 , d ω ( p ) = 0 } S 3 S n .

We analyze three cases, one in each section, the last two being the core of the work.

  1. S2=K(ω), then NK(ω)=S3Sn.

  2. There is an irreducible component ZS2 such that ZK(ω)=.

  3. For a foliation ω(3,d). Let ZS2 be a connected component such that ZZK(ω) is a finite set of points.

The first case has been considered in Brunella (2009r2 BRUNELLA M. 2009. Sur les Feuilletages de l’espace projectif ayant une composante de Kupka. Enseig Math (2) 55(3-4): 227-234.); Calvo-Andrade (1999r4 CALVO-ANDRADE O. 1999. Foliations with a Kupka Component on Algebraic Manifolds. Bull of the Brazilian Math Soc 30(2): 183-197., 2016r5 CALVO-ANDRADE O. 2016. Foliations with a radial Kupka set on projective spaces. Bull of the Brazilian Math Soc, 13 p. doi 10.1007/s00574-016-0158-6
); Calvo-Andrade andSoares (1994r6 CALVO-ANDRADE O, CERVEAU D, GIRALDO L AND LINS NETO A. 2004. Irreducible components of the space of foliations associated with the affine Lie algebra. Ergodic Theory and Dyn Sist 24: 987-1014.); Cerveau andLins Neto (1994r8 CERVEAU D AND MATTEI JF. 1982. Formes intégrables holomorphes singulières. Astérisque 97, Paris: Soc Math de France.). Let ω(n,d) be a foliation with K(ω)=S2 and connected, then ω has a meromorphic first integral. In the generic case, the leaves define a Lefschetz or a Branched Lefschetz Pencil. The non-Kupka points are isolated singularities NK(ω)=Sn. In this note, we present a new and short proof of this fact when the transversal type of K(ω) is radial.

In the second section, we study the case of a non-Kupka irreducible component of S2. These phenomenon arise naturally in the intersection of irreducible components of (M,L). The following result is a local normal form for ω near the singular set and is a consequence of a result of Loray (2006r16 LORAY F. 2006. A preparation theorem for codimension-one foliations. Ann of Math (2) 163(2): 709-722.).

Theorem 1. Let ωΩ1(n,0), n3, be a germ of integrable 1–form such that 𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑚(Sω)=2, 0Sω is a smooth point and dω=0 on Sω. If j01ω0, then or either

  1. there exists a coordinate system ( x 1 , , x n ) n such that

    j 0 1 ( ω ) = x 1 d x 2 + x 2 d x 1

    and ω is biholomorphic to the product of a dimension one foliation in a transversal section by a regular foliation of codimension two, or

  2. there exists a coordinate system ( x 1 , , x n ) n such that

    ω = x 1 d x 1 + g 1 ( x 2 ) ( 1 + x 1 g 2 ( x 2 ) ) d x 2 ,

    such that g 1 , g 2 𝒪 , 0 with g 1 ( 0 ) = g 2 ( 0 ) = 0 , or

  3. ω has a non-constant holomorphic first integral in a neighborhood of 0 n .

The alternatives are not exclusives. The following example was suggest by the referee and show that the case (3) of Theorem 1 cannot be avoid.

Example 1.3. Let ω be a germ of a 1-form at 03 defined by

ω = x d x + ( 1 + x f ) d f

where f(x,y,z)=y2z. We have

ω = x d x + 2 y z ( 1 + x y 2 z ) d y + y 2 ( 1 + x y 2 z ) d z .

The singular set ofω is {x=y=0} and {x=z=y2=0}, therefore the singular set has an embedding point {x=z=y2=0} and dω vanish along {x=y=0}. We will show that ω has a holomorphic first integral F in a neighborhood of 03. In fact, let t=f(x,y,z)=y2z and set φ:(3,0)(2,0) defined by

φ ( x , y , z ) = ( x , t ) .

Let η=xdx+(1+xt)dt be 1-form at 02, note that ω=φ*(η) and moreover η(0,0)0, this implies that η is non-singular at 02 and by Frobenius theorem η has a holomorphic first integral H(x,t) on (2,0). Defining H1(x,y,z):=H(x,f(x,y,z))=H(x,y2z), we get H1 is a holomorphic first integral for ω in a neighborhood of 03.

We apply Theorem 1 to a codimension one holomorphic foliation of the projective space with empty Kupka set.

About the third case, consider a foliation ω(3,d). Let Z be a connected component of S2. We count the number |ZNK(ω)| of non-Kupka points of ω in ZS2.

Theorem 2. Let ω(3,d) be a foliation andZS2 a connected component of S2. Suppose that Z is a local complete intersection and ZZK(ω) is a finite set of points, thendω|Z is a global section of KZ-1K|Z and the associated divisor Dω=pZordp(dω)p has degree

deg ( D ω ) = deg ( K ) - deg ( K Z ) .

Note that the section dω|Z vanishes exactly in the non-Kupka points of ω in Z then the above theorem determine the number |ZNK(ω)| (counted with multiplicity) of non-Kupka points of ω in Z.

2 - The singular set

Let ω(M,L) be a codimension one holomorphic foliation then singular set of ω may be written as

S = j = 2 n S j where codim ( S j ) = j .

The fact that K(ω)S2 implies that S3SnNK(ω). To continue we focus in the components of singular set of ω of dimension at least three.

2.1 - Singular set of codimension at least three

We recall the following result due to B. Malgrange.

Theorem 2.1.(Malgrange 1976r17 MALGRANGE B. 1976. Frobenius avec singularités. Codimension 1. IHES Publ Math 46: 163-173.)Let ω be a germ at 0n, n3 of an integrable 1–form singular at 0, if 𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑚(Sω)3, then there exist f𝒪n,0 and g𝒪n,0 such that

ω = g d f on a neighborhood of 0 n .

We have the following proposition.

Proposition 2.2. Let ω(M,L) be a foliation and let pSn an isolated singularity, then any germ of vector field tangent to the foliation vanishes at p.

Proof. Let ω=gdf,g𝒪p*,f𝒪p be a 1-form representing the foliation at p. Let 𝐗Θp be a vector field tangent to the foliation, i.e., ω(𝐗)=0.If 𝐗(p)0 there exists a coordinate system with z(p)=0 and 𝐗=/zn, then

0 = ω ( 𝐗 ) = g ( i = 1 n ( f / z i ) d z i ( / z n ) ) = g ( f / z n ) , therefore f / z n 0 ,

and f=f(z1,,zn-1), but this function does not have an isolated singularity.∎

Now, we begin our study of the irreducible components of codimension two of the singular set of ω. Note that, given a section ωH0(M,Ω1(L)), along the singular set, the equation ωα=λαβωβimplies dωα|S=(λαβdωβ)|S. Then

{ d ω α } H 0 ( S , ( Ω M 2 L ) | S ) . (4.1)

2.2 - The Kupka set

These singularities has bee extensively studied and the main properties have been established in (Kupka 1964r15 KUPKA I. 1964. Singularities of structurally stable Pfaffian forms. Proc Nat Acad of Sc USA 52: 1431-1432.; De Medeiros 1977r12 DE MEDEIROS A. 1977. Structural stability of integrable differential forms. Palis J and do Carmo M (Eds), Geometry and Topology, Springer LNM 597, p. 395-428.).

Definition 2.3. For ω(M,L). The Kupka set is

K ( ω ) = { p M | ω ( p ) = 0 , d ω ( p ) 0 } .

The following properties of Kupka sets, are well known (De Medeiros 1977r12 DE MEDEIROS A. 1977. Structural stability of integrable differential forms. Palis J and do Carmo M (Eds), Geometry and Topology, Springer LNM 597, p. 395-428.).

  1. K(ω) is smooth of codimension two.

  2. K(ω) has local product structure and the tangent sheaf is locally free near K(ω).

  3. K(ω) is subcanonically embedded and

    2 N K ( ω ) = L | K ( ω ) , K K ( ω ) = ( K M L ) | K ( ω ) = K | K ( ω ) .

Let ω(n,d) be a foliation with S2=K(ω).By Calvo-Andrade and Soares (1994r6 CALVO-ANDRADE O, CERVEAU D, GIRALDO L AND LINS NETO A. 2004. Irreducible components of the space of foliations associated with the affine Lie algebra. Ergodic Theory and Dyn Sist 24: 987-1014.), there exists a pair (V,σ), where V is a rank two holomorphic vector bundle and σH0(n,V), such that

0 𝒪 𝜎 V 𝒥 K ( d + 2 ) 0 with { σ = 0 } = K

and the total Chern class

c ( V ) = 1 + ( d + 2 ) 𝐡 + deg ( K ( ω ) ) 𝐡 2 H ( n , ) [ 𝐡 ] / 𝐡 n + 1 .

In 2009, Marco Brunella proved that following result, which in a certain sense say that the local transversal type of the singular set of foliation determines its behavior globally. Here we present a new proof of this fact. The techniques used in the proof could be of independent interest.

Proposition 2.4. Let ω(n,d) be a foliation with S2=K(ω), (connected if n=3) and of radial transversal type. Then K(ω) is a complete intersection and ω has a meromorphic first integral.

To prove Proposition 2.4, we require the following lemma. This result may be well known but for lack of a suitable reference we include the proof in an appendix.

Lemma 2.5. Let F be a rank two holomorphic vector bundle over 2 with c1(F)=0 and c2(F)=0. Then F𝒪𝒪, is holomorphically trivial.

Now, we prove Proposition 2.4.

Proof of Proposition 2.4. Let (V,σ) be the vector bundle with a section defining the Kupka set as scheme. The radial transversal type implies (Calvo-Andrade and Soares 1994r6 CALVO-ANDRADE O, CERVEAU D, GIRALDO L AND LINS NETO A. 2004. Irreducible components of the space of foliations associated with the affine Lie algebra. Ergodic Theory and Dyn Sist 24: 987-1014.)

c ( V ) = 1 + ( d + 2 ) 𝐡 + ( d + 2 ) 2 4 𝐡 2 = ( 1 + ( d + 2 ) 𝐡 2 ) 2 H ( n , ) [ 𝐡 ] / 𝐡 n + 1 .

The vector bundleE=V(-d+22), has c1(E)=0 and c2(E)=0. Letξ:2n be a linear embedding. By the preceding lemma we have

ξ E 𝒪 2 𝒪 2

and by the Horrocks’ criterion (Okonek et al. 1980r18 OKONEK CH, SCHNEIDER M AND SPINDLER H. 1980. Vector Bundles on Complex Projective spaces. Progress in Math Vol 3, Boston: Birkhauser, vii + 389 p.),

E 𝒪 n 𝒪 n

is trivial and hence V splits as 𝒪n(d+22)𝒪n(d+22) and K is a complete intersection. The existence of the meromorphic first integral follows from Theorem A of (Cerveau and Lins Neto 1994r8 CERVEAU D AND MATTEI JF. 1982. Formes intégrables holomorphes singulières. Astérisque 97, Paris: Soc Math de France.). ∎

If ω is such that K(ω)=S2 and connected, the set of non-Kupka points of ω is

N K ( ω ) = S 3 S n .

A generic rational map, that means, a Lefschetz or a Branched Lefschetz Pencilφ:n1, has only isolated singularities away its base locus. The singular set of the foliation defined by the fibers of φ is SnS2. The Kupka set corresponds away from its base locus and Sn=NK(ω) are the singularities as a map. Sn is empty if and only if the degree of the foliation is 0. The number(Sn) of isolated singularities counted with multiplicities can be calculated by (Cukierman et al. 2006r11 CUKIERMAN F, SOARES M AND VAINSENCHER I. 2006. Singularities of Logarithmic foliations. Compositio Math 142: 131-142.). If ωp is a germ of form that defines the foliation at pSn, we have

( S n ) = p S n μ ( ω p , p ) , μ ( ω , p ) = d i m 𝒪 p ( ω 1 , , ω n ) , ω p = i = 1 n ω i d z i .

We have that cn()=(Sn).

3 - Foliations with a non-Kupka component

It is well known that K(ω){pM|jp1ω0}, but the converse is not true. Our first result describes the singular points with this property.

3.1 - A normal form

Now, we analyze the situation when there is an irreducible non-Kupka component of S2.

Proof of Theorem 1. By hypotheses, dω(p)=0 for any pSω. Since

ω = ω 1 + , d ω = d ω 1 + = 0 ,

we get dω1(p)=0 for any pSω. Now, as ω10 and codim(Sω)=2, we have 1codim(Sω1)2. We distinguish two cases.

  1. codim(Sω1)=2: there is a coordinate system (x1,,xn)n such that

    ω 1 = x 1 d x 2 + x 2 d x 1 .

  2. codim(Sω1)=1: there is a coordinate system (x,ζ)×n-1 such thatx(p)=0 and ω1=xdx.

The first case is known, the foliation ω is equivalent in a neighborhood of 0n to a product of a dimension one foliation in a transversal section by a regular foliation of codimension two (Cerveau and Mattei 1982r10 CERVEAU D AND LINS NETO A. 1994. Codimension one Foliations in Cpn , n ≥ 3, with Kupka components. In: Lins A, Moussu R and Sad P (Eds), Complex Analytic Methods in Dynamical Systems. Camacho C, Astérisque 222, p. 93-133.).

In the second case, Loray’s preparation theorem (Loray 2006r16 LORAY F. 2006. A preparation theorem for codimension-one foliations. Ann of Math (2) 163(2): 709-722.), shows that there exists a coordinate system (x,ζ)×n-1, a germ f𝒪n-1,0 with f(0)=0, and germs g,h𝒪,0 such that the foliation is defined by the 1–form

ω = x d x + [ g ( f ( ζ ) ) + x h ( f ( ζ ) ) ] d f ( ζ ) . (5.1)

Since Sω1={x=0} and 0Sω is a smooth point, we can assume that Sω,p={x=ζ1=0}, where Sω,p is the germ of Sω at p=0. Therefore,

S ω , p = { x = ζ 1 = 0 } = { x = g ( f ( ζ ) ) = 0 } { x = f ζ 1 = = f ζ n - 1 = 0 } .

Hence, either g(0)=0 and ζ1|f, or g(0)0 and ζ1|fζj for all j=1,,n-1. In any case, we have ζ1|f and then f(ζ)=ζ1kψ(ζ), where ψ is a germ of holomorphic function in the variable ζ; k and ζ1 does not divide ψ. We have two possibilities:

1stcase.–ψ(0)0. In this case, we consider the biholomorphism

G ( x , ζ ) = ( x , ζ 1 ψ 1 / k ( ζ ) , ζ 2 , , ζ n ) = ( x , y , ζ 2 , , ζ n )

where ψ1/k is a branch of the kth root of ψ, we get fG-1(x,y,ζ2,,ζn)=yk and

G * ( ω ) = x d x + ( g ( y k ) + x h ( y k ) ) k y k - 1 d y = x d x + ( g 1 ( y ) + x h 1 ( y ) ) d y ,

where g1(y)=kyk-1g(yk), h1(y)=kyk-1h(yk). Therefore, ω~:=G*(ω) is equivalent to ω and moreover ω~ is given by

ω ~ = x d x + ( g 1 ( y ) + x h 1 ( y ) ) d y with S ω ~ = { x = g 1 ( y ) = 0 } . (5.2)

Since dω~=h1(y)dxdy is zero identically on {x=g1(y)=0},we get g1|h1, so that h1(y)=(g1(y))mH(y), for some m and such that H(y) does not divided g1(y). Using the above expression for h1 in (3.2), we have

ω ~ = x d x + g 1 ( y ) ( 1 + x ( g 1 ( y ) ) m - 1 H ( y ) ) d y = x d x + g 1 ( y ) ( 1 + x g 2 ( y ) ) d y ,

whereg2(y)=(g1(y))m-1H(y). Consider φ:(,0)×(n-1,0)(2,0) defined by φ(x,ζ)=(x,y), then

ω = φ ( x d x + g 1 ( y ) ( 1 + x g 2 ( y ) ) d y ) . (5.3)

2ndcase.–ψ(0)=0. We have Sω,p={x=ζ1=0} and

ω = x d x + ( g ( ζ 1 k ψ ) + x h ( ζ 1 k ψ ) ) d ( ζ 1 k ψ ) , (5.4)


ω = x d x + ( g ( ζ 1 k ψ ) + x h ( ζ 1 k ψ ) ) ζ 1 k - 1 ( k ψ d ζ 1 + ζ 1 d ψ ) . (5.5)

Note that g(0)0, otherwise {x=ζ1ψ(ζ)=0} would be contained in Sω,p, but it is contradiction because Sω,p={x=ζ1=0}{x=ζ1ψ(ζ)=0}. Furthermore k2, because otherwise ζ1|ψ.

Let φ:(,0)×(n-1,0)(2,0) be defined by

φ ( x , ζ ) = ( x , ζ 1 k ψ ( ζ ) ) = ( x , t ) ,

then from (3.4), we get that

ω = φ ( η ) ,

where η=xdx+(g(t)+xh(t))dt. Since η(0,0)=g(0)dt0, we deduce that η has a non-constant holomorphic first integral F𝒪2,0 such that dF(0,0)0. Therefore, F1(x,ζ)=F(x,ζ1kψ(ζ)) is a non-constant holomorphic first integral for ω in a neighborhood of 0n.∎

3.2 - Applications to foliations on n

In order to give some applications of Theorem 1, we need the Baum-Bott index associated to singularities of foliations of codimension one.

Let M be a complex manifold and let 𝒢ω=(S,𝒢) be a codimension one holomorphic foliation represented by ωH0(M,Ω1(L)). We have the exact sequence

0 𝒢 Θ M 𝜔 𝒩 𝒢 0 , 𝒩 𝒢 𝒥 S L .

Set M0=MS and take p0M0. Then in a neighborhood Uα of p0the foliation 𝒢 is induced by a holomorphic 1–form ωα and there exists a differentiable 1–form θα such that

d ω α = θ α ω α

Let Z be an irreducible component of S2. Take a generic point pZ,that is, p is a point where Z is smooth and disjoint from the other singular components. Pick Bp a ball centered at p sufficiently small, so thatS(Bp) is a sub-ball of Bp of codimension 2. Then the De Rhamclass can be integrated over an oriented 3-sphereLpBp* positively linked with S(Bp):

BB ( 𝒢 , Z ) = 1 ( 2 π i ) 2 L p θ d θ .

This complex number is the Baum-Bott residue of 𝒢 along Z.We have a particular case of the general Baum-Bott residues Theorem (Baum and Bott 1972r1 BAUM P AND BOTT R. 1972. Singularities of holomorphic foliations. J Differential Geometry 7: 279-342.), reproved by Brunella and Perrone (2011r3 BRUNELLA M AND PERRONE C. 2011. Exceptional singularities of codimension one holomorphic foliations. Publ Mathemàtique 55: 295-312.).

Theorem 3.1. Let 𝒢 be a codimension one holomorphic foliation on a complex manifold M. Then

c 1 ( L ) 2 = c 1 2 ( 𝒩 𝒢 ) = Z S 2 𝐵𝐵 ( 𝒢 , Z ) [ Z ] ,

where 𝒩𝒢=𝒥SL is the normal sheaf of 𝒢 on M and the sum is done over all irreducible components of S2.

In particular, if 𝒢 is a codimension one foliation on n of degree d, then the normal sheaf 𝒩𝒢=𝒥S(d+2) and the Baum-Bott Theorem looks as follows

Z S 2 BB ( 𝒢 , Z ) deg [ Z ] = ( d + 2 ) 2 .

Remark 3.2. If there exist a coordinates system (U,(x,y,z3,,zn)) around pZS2 such that x(p)=y(p)=0 and S(𝒢)U=ZU={x=y=0}. Moreover, if we assume that

ω | U = P ( x , y ) d y - Q ( x , y ) d x

is a holomorphic 1-form representing 𝒢|U. Then we can consider the 𝒞 (1,0)-form θ on UZ given by

θ = ( P x + Q y ) | P | 2 + | Q | 2 ( P ¯ d x + Q ¯ d y ) .

Sincedω=θω, we get

BB ( 𝒢 , Z ) = 1 ( 2 π i ) 2 L p θ d θ = Res 0 { Tr ( D 𝐗 ) d x d y P Q } , (5.6)

where Res0 denotes the Grothendieck residue, D𝐗 is the Jacobian of the holomorphic map 𝐗=(P,Q). It follows from Griffiths andHarris (1978r14 GRIFFITHS PH AND HARRIS J. 1978. Principles of Algebraic Geometry. In Pure & Appl Math, Wiley Interscience. ) that if D𝐗(p) is non-singular, then

BB ( 𝒢 , Z ) = Tr ( D 𝐗 ( p ) ) 2 det ( D 𝐗 ( p ) ) .

In the situation explained above, the tangent sheaf 𝒢(U) is locally free and generated by the holomorphic vector fields

𝒢 ( U ) = 𝐗 = P ( x , y ) x + Q ( x , y ) y , z 3 , , z n

and the vector field 𝐗 carries the information of the Baum–Bott residues.

The next result, in an application of Theorem 1

Theorem 3.3. Let ω(M,L) be a foliation and ZS2K(ω). Suppose that Z is smooth and jp1ω0 for all pZ, then 𝐵𝐵(ω,Z)=0.

Proof. We work in a small neighborhood U of pZM. According to Theorem 1 there exist a coordinate system (x,y,z3,,zn) at p such that ZU={x=y=0} and one has three cases. In the first case, ω is the product of a dimension one foliation in a section transversal to Z by a regular foliation of codimension two and jp1(ω)=xdy+ydx. In this case, it follows from (3.6) that BB(ω,Z)=0. In the second case

ω = x d x + g 1 ( y ) ( 1 + x g 2 ( y ) ) d y ,

where g1,g2𝒪,0 and it follows from Lemma 3.9 of Cerveau and Lins Neto (2013r9 CERVEAU D AND LINS NETO A. 2013. A structural theorem for codimension-one foliations on Pn , n ≥ 3, with application to degree three foliations. Ann Sc Norm Super Pisa Cl Sci (5) 12(1): 1-41.) that

BB ( ω , Z ) = Res t = 0 [ ( g 1 ( t ) g 2 ( t ) ) 2 d t g 1 ( t ) ] = Res t = 0 [ g 1 ( t ) ( g 2 ( t ) ) 2 ] .

Since g1(y)(g2(y))2 is holomorphic at y=0, we get BB(ω,Z)=0. In the third case ω has a holomorhic first integral in neighborhood of p and is known that BB(ω,Z)=0.

The Baum-Bott formula implies the following result.

Corollary 3.4. Let ω(n,d), n3, be a foliation with K(ω)=. Then there exists a smooth point pS2 such that jp1ω=0.

Proof. If for all smooth point pS2 one has jp1ω0, the above theorem shows thatBB(ω,Z)=0 for all irreducible components ZS2. By Baum–Bott’s theorem, we get

0 < ( d + 2 ) 2 = Z S 2 BB ( ω , Z ) deg [ Z ] = 0

which is a contradiction. Therefore there exists a smooth point pS2 such that jp1ω=0. ∎

In particular, if ω(n,d), n3, is a foliation with jp1ω0 for any pn, then its Kupka set is not empty.

4 - The number of non-Kupka points

Through this section, we consider codimension one foliations on 3, but some results remain valid to codimension one foliations on others manifolds of dimension three.

4.1 - Simple singularities

Let ω be a germ of 1–form at 03. We define the rotational of ω as the unique vector field 𝐗 such that

r o t ( ω ) = 𝐗 d ω = ı 𝐗 d x d y d z ,

moreover ω is integrable if and only if ω(rot(ω))=0.

Let ω be a germ of an integrable 1–form at 03. We say that 0 is a simple singularity of ω if ω(0)=0 and either dω(0)0 or dω has an isolated singularity at 0. In the second case, these kind of singularities, are classified as follows

  1. Logarithmic. The second jet j02(ω)0 and the linear part of 𝐗=rot(ω) at 0 has non zero eigenvalues.

  2. Degenerated. The rotational has a zero eigenvalue, the other two are non zero and necessarily satisfies the relation λ1+λ2=0.

  3. Nilpotent. The rotational vector field 𝐗, is nilpotent as a derivation.

The structure near simple singularity is known (Calvo-Andrade et al. 2004r7 CALVO-ANDRADE O AND SOARES M. 1994. Chern numbers of a Kupka component. Ann Inst Fourier 44: 1219-1236.). If pS is a simple singularity and dω(p)=0, then p is a singular point of S.

Theorem 4.1. Let ωΩ1(3,0), n3, be a germ of integrable 1-form such that ω has a simple singularity at 0 then the tangent sheaf =Ker(ω) is locally free at 0 and it is generated byrot(ω),𝐒, where 𝐒 has non zero linear part.

Proof.Let ω be a germ at 03 of an integrable 1–form and 0 a simple non-Kupka singularity. Then 03 is an isolated singularity of 𝐗=rot(ω). Consider the Koszul complex of the vector field 𝐗 at 0

𝕂 ( 𝐗 ) 0 : 0 Ω 3 , 0 3 ı 𝐗 Ω 3 , 0 2 ı 𝐗 Ω 3 , 0 1 ı 𝐗 𝒪 3 , 0 0

Since ω(𝐗)=0, then ωH1(𝕂(𝐗)0) that vanishes because 𝐗 has an isolated singularity at 0. Therefore, there exists θΩ3,02 such that ı𝐗θ=ω. The mapΘ3,0𝐙ı𝐙dxdydzΩ3,02is an isomorphism, hence

ω = ı 𝐗 θ , and θ = ı 𝐒 d x d y d z , implies ω = ı 𝐗 θ = ı 𝐗 ı 𝐒 d x d y d z

and then, the vector fields {𝐗,𝐒} generate the sheaf in a neighborhood of 0. ∎

Let ω(3,d) be a foliation and ZS2 be a connected component of S2. Assume that Z is a local complete intersection and has only simple singularities. We will calculate the number |NK(ω)Z| of non-Kupka points in Z.

Proof of Theorem 2. Let 𝒥 be the ideal sheaf of Z. Since Z is a local complete intersection, consider the exact sequence

0 𝒥 / 𝒥 2 Ω 1 𝒪 Z Ω Z 1 0

Taking 2 and twisting by L=K3-1KZ=KZ(4) we get

0 2 𝒥 / 𝒥 2 L Ω 3 2 | Z L

Since ZS, the singular set, we have seen before that

d ω | Z H 0 ( Z , 2 ( 𝒥 / 𝒥 2 ) L )

Now, from the equalities of sheaves

K Z - 1 K 3 2 ( 𝒥 / 𝒥 2 ) , and L K 3 - 1 K

we have

H 0 ( Z , 2 ( 𝒥 / 𝒥 2 ) L ) = H 0 ( Z , K Z - 1 K | Z ) ,

the non-Kupka points of ω in Z satisfies dω|Z=0, denoting

D ω = p Z o r d p ( d ω )

the associated divisor to dω|Z, one has

deg ( D ω ) = deg ( K ) - deg ( K Z ) ,

as claimed. ∎

Remark 4.2. The method of the proof works also in projective manifolds, and does not depends on the integrability condition.

4.2 - Examples

We apply Theorem 2 for some codimension one holomorphic foliations on 3 and determine the number of non-Kupka points.

Example 4.3 (Degree two logarithmic foliations). Recall that the canonical bundle of a degree two foliation of 3 is trivial. There are two irreducible components of logarithmic foliations in the space of foliations of 3 of degree two:(1,1,2) and (1,1,1,1). We analyze generic foliations on each component.

Component (1,1,2): let ω be a generic element of (1,1,2) and consider its singular scheme S=S2S3. By Theorem 3 of Cukierman et al. (2006r11 CUKIERMAN F, SOARES M AND VAINSENCHER I. 2006. Singularities of Logarithmic foliations. Compositio Math 142: 131-142.), we have (S3)=2. On the other hand, S2 has three irreducible components, two quadratics and a line, the arithmetic genus is pa(S2)=2. Note that Theorem 2, implies that the number |NK(ω)S2|, of non-Kupka points in S2 is

| N K ( ω ) S 2 | = d e g ( D ω ) = deg ( K ) - deg ( K S 2 ) = - χ ( S 2 ) = 2.

The non-Kupka points of the foliation ω are |NK(ω)|=(S3)+|NKS2|=4.

Component (1,1,1,1): let ω be a generic element of (1,1,1,1) then the tangent sheaf is 𝒪𝒪 and the singular scheme S=S2(Giraldo and Pan-Collantes 2010r13 GIRALDO L AND PAN-COLLANTES AJ.. 2010. On the singular scheme of codimension one holomorphic foliations in P3 . Int J Math 21(7): 843-858.), moreover consists of 6 lines given the edges of a tetrahedron, obtained by intersecting any two of the four invariant hyperplanes Hi. The arithmetic genus is pa(S2)=3, by Theorem 2, |NK(ω)|=|NK(ω)S2|=4, corresponding to the vertices of the tetrahedron where there are simple singularities of logarithmic type.

Example 4.4 (The exceptional component (3)). The leaves of a generic foliationω(3)(3,2), are the orbits of an action of 𝐀𝐟𝐟()×33 and its tangent sheaf is 𝒪𝒪 (see Calvo-Andrade et al. 2004r7 CALVO-ANDRADE O AND SOARES M. 1994. Chern numbers of a Kupka component. Ann Inst Fourier 44: 1219-1236.; Giraldo and Pan-Collantes 2010r13 GIRALDO L AND PAN-COLLANTES AJ.. 2010. On the singular scheme of codimension one holomorphic foliations in P3 . Int J Math 21(7): 843-858.). Its singular locus S=S2 has deg(S)=6 and three irreducible components: a line L, a conic C tangent to L at a point p, and a twisted cubic Γ with L as an inflection line at p. Then NK(ω)=LCΓ={p}S.

The arithmetic genus is pa(S)=3 and the canonical bundle of the foliation again is trivial, by Theorem 2, the number of non-Kupka points |NK(ω)|=4. Therefore the non-Kupka divisor NK(ω)S=4p.If ω represents the foliation at p, then μ(dω,p)=μ(rot(ω),p)=4.


The first author was partially supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP Nº 2014/23594-6), CONACYT 262121 and thanks the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), and Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica da UNICAMP for the hospitality during the elaboration of this work. The second author was partially supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES-DGU 247/11), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq 300351/2012-3 and PPM-00169-13). The third author was partially supported by Bolsista/CAPES and thanks the Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines (IMCA) for the hospitality. Finally, we would like to thank the referee by the suggestions, comments and improvements to the exposition.


We prove Lemma 2.5.

Proof.First, we see that h0(F)1. By Riemann–Roch–Hirzebruch, we have

χ ( F ) = h 0 ( F ) - h 1 ( F ) + h 2 ( F ) = [ c h ( F ) T d ( 2 ) ] 2 = 2 ,


h 0 ( F ) + h 2 ( F ) = [ c h ( F ) T d ( 2 ) ] 2 + h 1 ( F ) [ c h ( F ) T d ( 2 ) ] 2 = 2

By Serre duality (Griffiths and Harris 1978r14 GRIFFITHS PH AND HARRIS J. 1978. Principles of Algebraic Geometry. In Pure & Appl Math, Wiley Interscience. ; Okonek et al. 1980r18 OKONEK CH, SCHNEIDER M AND SPINDLER H. 1980. Vector Bundles on Complex Projective spaces. Progress in Math Vol 3, Boston: Birkhauser, vii + 389 p.), we get h2(F)=h0(F(-3)). Moreover h0(F)h0(F(-k)) for all k>0, hence h0(F)1.Let τH0(F) be a non zero section, consider the exact sequence

0 𝒪 τ F 𝒬 0 with 𝒬 = F / 𝒪 . (A.1)

The sheaf 𝒬 is torsion free, therefore 𝒬𝒥Σ for some Σ2. The sequence (A.1), is a free resolution of the sheaf 𝒬 with vector bundles with zero Chern classes. From the definition of Chern classes for coherent sheaves (Baum and Bott 1972r1 BAUM P AND BOTT R. 1972. Singularities of holomorphic foliations. J Differential Geometry 7: 279-342.), we get c(𝒬)=1, in particular deg(Σ)=c2(𝒬)=0, we conclude that Σ= and𝒬𝒪. Then F is an extension of holomorphic line bundles, hence it splits (Okonek et al. 1980r18 OKONEK CH, SCHNEIDER M AND SPINDLER H. 1980. Vector Bundles on Complex Projective spaces. Progress in Math Vol 3, Boston: Birkhauser, vii + 389 p., p. 15).∎


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Dec 2016


  • Received
    13 Jan 2016
  • Accepted
    15 Aug 2016
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