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Toxicity of commercial atrazine in rattus novergicus organs as a function of concentration: histopathological, ultrastructural and hematological evaluation


The effect of commercial Atrazine (ATR) on Rattus Novergicus organs was determined for a concentration of cATR of 1, 3, 13, 30, and 50 ppb. ATR was dissolved in drinking water. The rats were allowed to drink from it ad libitum for an uninterrupted period of 28 days as established by the Office of Environmental Protection protocol under the number EPA OPPTS 870.3050. In the 28 days of the test, data on the behavior of the medicated animals was recorded before the extraction of sample tissues (heart, liver, spleen, brain, and testicles) for histological analysis. A direct correlation of cATR and organ damage was found. The study showed that even for the smallest doses (1ppb), commercial ATR produced several lesions in the studied animals. The rats showed hepatic periacinar necrosis with acute coagulation, hepatocyte lipidosis, severe portal lymphocytic inflammation, coronary periarteritis, and lymphocytic meningoencephalitis for high concentrations. In the male reproductive system, testicular degeneration with mild acute tubular necrosis was observed.

Key words
Atrazine; microscope alterations; River la Villa; organ damage; herbicide; toxicity


Atrazine (ATR), 2-chloro-4- (ethylamine) -6- (isopropylamine) -1,3,5-triazine, is a herbicide widely used in agriculture. In plants, their main mode of action is the inhibition of photosynthesis. In animals, it behaves as an endocrine disruptor, inducing mammary tumors. Several other animals have shown that exposure to ATR alters the estrous cycle and plasma levels of sex hormones. For instance, in Iowa, the United States, a community accidentally exposed to ATR dissolved in drinking water was at increased risk of aging and other congenital disabilities (Danzo 1997DANZO BJ. 1997. Environmental xenobiotics may disrupt normal endocrine function by interfering with the binding of physiological ligands to steroid receptors and binding proteins. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 294-301.
). The same community was also exposed to 2.2 μg / L of ATR drinking water between 1984 and 1990. The exposure caused delayed uterine development, cardiac and urogenital defects, and in some cases, reduction of extremities and premature births (Munger et al. 1997MUNGER R, ISACSON P, HU S, BURNS T, HANSON J, LYNCH CF & HAUSLER WJ. 1997. Intrauterine growth retardation in Iowa communities with herbicide-contaminated drinking water supplies. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 308-314.
, Ross & Filipov 2006ROSS MK & FILIPOV NM. 2006. Determination of Atrazine and its metabolites in mouse urine and plasma by LC-MS analysis. Anal Biochem 351(2): 161-173.
). In a group of farmers in Ontario, Canada, exposed to ATR, there was no alteration in the sex ratio in the newborn children (Savitz et al. 1999SAVITZ D, CURTIS K, ARBUCKLE T & KACZOR D. 1999. Male pesticide exposure and pregnancy outcome - Reply. Am J Epidemiol 149(3): 291-291. Retrieved from, Stoker 2002STOKER T. 2002. Maternal exposure to atrazine during lactation suppresses suckling- induced prolactin release and results in prostatitis in the adult offspring. Toxicol Sci 52(1): 68-79.
). The data in animals suggest that the carcinogenicity of the ATR is specific according to the species, strain, and sex (Black et al. 2010BLACK BS ET AL. 2010. NIH Public Access. Aging 21(4): 1-20.
, Song et al. 2014SONG Y, JIA ZC, CHEN JY, HU JX & ZHANG LS. 2014. Toxic effects of atrazine on reproductive system of male rats. BES 27(4): 281-288.
). However, there are still controversies regarding the adverse effects of this herbicide on human and animal health. (Danzo 1997DANZO BJ. 1997. Environmental xenobiotics may disrupt normal endocrine function by interfering with the binding of physiological ligands to steroid receptors and binding proteins. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 294-301.
, Denoyelles et al. 1982DENOYELLES F, KETTLE WD & SINN DE. 1982. The responses of plankton communities in experimental ponds to Atrazine, the most heavily used pesticide in the United States. Ecology 63(5): 1285-1293.

There is little information on the toxicity of inhaled ATR. Only two human studies (no animal studies) have been performed to the best of our knowledge. These ecological studies examined reproductive and developmental toxicity endpoints in farmers using ATR (Curtis et al. 1999CURTIS K, SAVITZ D, WEINBERG C & ARBUCKLE, T. 1999. The Effect of Pesticide Exposure on Time to Pregnancy.Arbuckle Stable URL :
). In both studies, exposure to ATR was poorly characterized; no monitoring data was provided; and the direction probably involved inhalation, oral, and dermal. In couples of farmers exposed to ATR, Savitz reports an increase in delayed intrauterine growth (Savitz et al. 1999SAVITZ D, CURTIS K, ARBUCKLE T & KACZOR D. 1999. Male pesticide exposure and pregnancy outcome - Reply. Am J Epidemiol 149(3): 291-291. Retrieved from Van Leeuwen et al. indicate that exposure to ATR has been associated with an increased incidence of stomach cancer.

Unfortunately, these studies are inadequate for determining the Maximum Residual Limits (MRL) for this type of exposure. An MRL of 0.01 mg/kg/day has been recorded for oral exposure to ATR with acute duration (14 days or less) in humans. The report only documents the intentional ingestion of a sole human (Pommery et al. 1993POMMERY J, MATHIEU M, MATHIEU D & LHERMITTE M. 1993. Atrazine in plasma and tissue following atrazine-aminotriazole-ethylene glycol-formaldehyde poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 31(2): 323-331.
). As mentioned earlier, those can explain why ATR has not been classified as a carcinogenic compound for humans and is located in Group 3 of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Studies in animals for acute duration focus their evaluation on damage to the endocrine and reproductive system. Endocrine effects mainly included increased pituitary gland weight and alterations in reproductive hormone levels. An increase in pituitary weight was observed in rats receiving 120 mg/kg/day doses for seven consecutive days (Babić-Gojmerac et al. 1989BABIĆ-GOJMERAC T, KNIEWALD Z & KNIEWALD J. 1989. Testosterone metabolism in neuroendocrine organs in male rats under Atrazine and deethylatrazine influence. J Steroid Biochem 33(1): 141-146.
, Kniewald et al. 2000KNIEWALD J, JAKOMINIĆ M, TOMLJENOVIĆ A, ŠIMIĆ B, ROMAC P, VRANEŠIĆ D & KNIEWALD Z. 2000. Disorders of male rat reproductive tract under the influence of Atrazine. J Appl Toxicol 20(1): 61-68.<61::AID-JAT628>3.0.CO;2-3.
). ATR also affects the nervous system. In female progenitors of fisher rats, neurobehavioral effects were observed. Their offspring also showed a deficiency in nervous development and behavior (Shafer et al. 1999SHAFER TJ, WARD TR, MEACHAM CA & COOPER RL. 1999. Effects of the chlorotriazine herbicide, cyanazine, on GABA(A) receptors in cortical tissue from rat brain. Toxicology 142(1): 57-68.

The lowest level of observable adverse effect (LOAEL), identified in the acute toxicity database, is 5 mg/kg/day for maternal toxicity in rabbits that received doses of ATR on gestational days 7-19 (Infurna et al. 1988INFURNA R, LEVY B, MENG C, YAU E & TRAINA V. 1988. Teratological Evaluations of Atrazine Tehcnical, A Triazine Herbicide, in Rats and Rabbits. J Toxicol Environ Health 60(8): 27-30.). They experienced a decrease in body weight gain and food consumption. This study also identified a No Observed Adverse Effect Levels (NOAEL) of 1 mg/kg/day for maternal toxicity.

Other effects were observed in rats and pigs after oral exposure with intermediate duration. Pigs presented degeneration of the myocardial fibers and chronic interstitial hepatitis at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (Ćurić et al. 1999ĆURIĆ S, GOJMERAC T & ŽURIĆ M. 1999. Morphological changes in the organs of gilts induced with low-dose Atrazine. Veterinarski Arhiv 69(3): 1-10.), as well as lymphoid depletion of lymph nodes and spleen with a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (Ćurić et al. 1999ĆURIĆ S, GOJMERAC T & ŽURIĆ M. 1999. Morphological changes in the organs of gilts induced with low-dose Atrazine. Veterinarski Arhiv 69(3): 1-10.). Lymphopenia was also observed in rats being dosed with 15.4 mg/kg/day (Vial et al. 1996VIAL T, NICOLAS B & DESCOTES J. 1996. Clinical immunotoxicity of pesticides. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A 48(3): 215-229.
), and a decrease in body weight gain at 2.7 mg/kg/day (Cantemir et al. 1997CANTEMIR C, COZMEI C, SCUTARU B, NICOARA S & CARASEVICI E. 1997. Protein expression in peripheral lymphocytes from Atrazine chronically intoxicated rats. Toxicol Lett 93(2-3): 87-94.
, Cooper et al. 1996COOPER RL, STOKER TE, PARRISH B & TYREY LEE. 1996. Effect of Atrazine on Ovarian Function in the Rat. Reprod Toxicol 10(4)., Goldman et al. 1999GOLDMAN JM, STOKER TE & COOPER RL. 1999. Neuroendocrine and reproductive effects of contemporary-use pesticides. Toxicol Ind Health 15(1-2): 26-36.). When exposed to 6.9 mg/kg/day of ATR, 18-month-old rats increased estrous time (Wetzel et al. 1994WETZEL LT, LUEMPERT LG, BRECKENRIDGE CB, TISDEL MO, STEVENS JT, THAKUR AK & ELDRIDGE JC. 1994. Chronic effects of atrazine on estrus and mammary tumor formation in female sprague-dawley and fischer 344 rats. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A 43(2): 169-182.
). In addition to the endocrine/reproductive effects, a decrease in body weight was observed in rats exposed to 25 mg/kg/day and higher doses (Greim et al. 2015GREIM H, SALTMIRAS D, MOSTERT V & STRUPP C. 2015. Evaluation of carcinogenic potential of the herbicide glyphosate, drawing on tumor incidence data from fourteen chronic/carcinogenicity rodent studies. Crit Rev Toxicol 45(3): 185-208.
, Pintér et al. 1990PINTÉR A, CSÍK M, TÖRÖK G, SURJÁN A, KELECSÉNYI Z & KOCSIS Z. 1990. Cytogenetic effect of the thiocarbamate herbicides butylate, molinate and vernolate in the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test. MRGTEM 242(4): 279-283.
). Acute ingestion of ATR (100 mg/kg/day) also produced subtle changes in the neurological functions of rats (Pommery et al. 1993POMMERY J, MATHIEU M, MATHIEU D & LHERMITTE M. 1993. Atrazine in plasma and tissue following atrazine-aminotriazole-ethylene glycol-formaldehyde poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 31(2): 323-331.
). No behavioral changes have been observed in rats fed up to 75 mg/kg/day ATR.

Two human studies with chronic exposure to ATR (Munger et al. 1997MUNGER R, ISACSON P, HU S, BURNS T, HANSON J, LYNCH CF & HAUSLER WJ. 1997. Intrauterine growth retardation in Iowa communities with herbicide-contaminated drinking water supplies. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 308-314.
) described liver damage when exposed to high levels of triazine in drinking water. These studies have limited utility for risk assessment since the concentrations of ATR were not quantified, and the subjects were part of a population exposed to other chemicals in the drinking water.

The association between drinking water contaminated with ATR (average concentration was 162.74 ng / L) and the increased risk of cancer was determined in Ontario, Canada (Van Leeuwen et al. 1999VAN LEEUWEN JA, WALTNER-TOEWS D, ABERNATHY T, SMIT B & SHOUKRI M. 1999. Associations between stomach cancer incidence and drinking water contamination with atrazine and nitrate in Ontario (Canada) agroecosystems, 1987-1991. Int J Epidemiol 28(5): 836-840.
). There is a positive correlation with stomach cancer, with an increased risk of 0.6 cases for men and 1.0 cases for women per 100,000 people per year. Furthermore, a study in Kentucky reported an association between breast cancer and water contaminated with ATR (Kettles et al. 1997KETTLES MA, BROWNING SR, PRINCE TS & HORSTMAN SW. 1997. Triazine herbicide exposure and breast cancer incidence: An ecologic study of Kentucky counties. Environ Health Perspect 105(11): 1222-1227.
). Only a few epidemiological and environmental exposure studies have been carried out on this herbicide in humans.

The present study is motivated by several reports from La Estrella de Panamá, a local newspaper in Panamá (Dixon 2014DIXON N. 2014. MINSA: El río la Villa registra sus niveles más altos de Atrazina, Diario la Estrella de Panamá, 2014.
), evidencing the uncontrolled use of herbicides in the sugar cane fields in La Villa River (Province of Los Santos, Panamá). La Villa River is the primary source of drinking water for the community. Back then, the Ministry of Health determined that the water in the river had a cATR =13 µg L-1, which is a factor of ten above the healthy reference levels established by the World Health Organization (2 µg L-1) (WHO guidelines for drinking- water quality. 2006WHO. 2006. Guidelines for drinking- water quality. World Health Organization. First addendum to third edition. Volume 1. Recommendations.

The objective of this study is 1. Determine the histological modifications in animal organs subjected to the dose of cATR =1, 3, 5, 13, 30, and 50 µg L-1; 2. Assess the blood chemistry of the animals 3. Determine if ATR affects the behavior of the animals. 4. Determine whether the ATR concentration found in La Villa River is a potential health risk.


Ethical statement

The study was carried out according to the procedure stated in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. The protocol was approved by the Committee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Department of Veterinary Sciences, June 2018 via an acceptance letter. (Guid. Care Use Lab. Anim., 2011)


Commercial liquid Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamine-s-triazine) of a 50%w/w quality was purchased from a local store (Grupo MELO, RUC 650-529-126088-77, Panamá) and transported to Venezuela to be administered to the rats. Via spectroscopy, we found that the substance had other molecules (e.g., metabolites, surfactants), namely: 2-butyl (C4H6), 2-Pentenenitrile (C5H7N), 3,3’-Oxydianiline (C12H12N2O), Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (C17H34O2), Tridecanoic acid(C14H28O2), Hexadecanoic acid (C17H34O2), n-Decanoic acid(C10H20O2), alpha.-D-Glucopyranoside (C12H22O11), beta.-D-Glucopyranoside (C13H24O6), Methyl 4,6-ethylidene (C9H16O6), n-Hexadecanoic acid (C16H32O2, 7-Octadecenoic acid (C19H36O2), 2-Ethoxypyridine N-oxide (C7H9NO2), 2,5-Dimethoxy-p-cymene (C12H18O2), phosphonochloridothioic acid, 1-piperidinyl-, s-methyl ester (C6H13ClNOPS), N,N’-Dimethyl-decane-1,10-diamine (C12H28N2), 1,11-Undecanediamine (C11H26N2), Diethyl benzamidomalonate (C14H17NO5), Diethyl benzamidomalonate (C14H17NO5), Trimethylsilyl 4-methoxy-2-(2-oxo-2-((trimethylsilyl)oxy)ethoxy)benzoate (C16H26O6Si2), Tetradecamethylheptasiloxane (C14H44O6Si7), 3,5’-Dimethyl-4’-nitro-1’H-1,3’-bipyrazole (C8H9N5O2), 1,2-Dimethyl cyclopropene ( C5H8), Nortriptyline (C19H21N), 6-Methyltricosane (C24H50), among others (Riera & Molino 2016RIERA J & MOLINO J. 2016. Commercial Atrazine Spectroscopy. Mendeley Database.

Congo red stain, Trichrome of Gomoril stain, and Nissl stain were used as markers for the tissues. Ether was employed to suffocate the rats (sacrifice by anesthesia suffocation).

Standard LATI pelleted food and water were given ad libitum to the rats.


Wistar Albina (Rattus Norvegicus) of both sexes weighing 203.4 ± 5.146g, obtained from the Animal Unit of the Universidad Central de Venezuela Bioterium in Maracay, Venezuela, were employed for the study. Following randomization, the 60 animals were placed in their cages.


To analyze the chemical composition of commercial ATR, an HP 5973 Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer System and an HP - Agilent 6890 FID TCD gas chromatographer, was employed. A Sout Voyage Mass balance was used to record the weight of the animals and a Beurer infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of the rats. A Nikon Labophot 2 fluorescence and phase contrast trinocular microscope was employed.


All 60 rats were randomly divided into separate cages and went through 5 days of acclimatization before starting the trial. Food was provided ad libitum; the condition was artificial lighting and ventilation; the bed was made of rice husk to avoid damaging the legs (it was changed when wet). The temperature of the trial was set at 30°C, and the relative humidity was 65%. The rats were frequently monitored. The test was performed at the Universidad Central de Venezuela Bioterium located in Maracay, Venezuela.

Five trials were performed, each comprised of 10 rats (5 males and five females). Each rat was placed in independent cages and fed with 50g of food concentrate for rodents, and all pens had bottles of 300mL of water. Each group was administered with different concentrations of Atrazine in water, cATR =1, 3, 5, 13, 30, and 50 µg L-1 for 28 days as established by the Office of Environmental Protection (EPA OPPTS 870.3050). The sixth group was a control group fed with 50g of food concentrate for rodents and a bottle of 300mL of water without ATR. Body weights were recorded throughout the trial.

During the administration period, the animals were frequently observed to find signs of toxicity or changes in behavior. After 28 days, they were sacrificed via suffocation (ether anesthesia) as established in the American Veterinary Medical Association. Then a necropsy was performed on the animals. Those animals that died before 28 days were also analyzed.

Samples of testis, liver, spleen, heart, pancreas, and brain were taken, freed of adhering fat, washed free from blood traces, and preserved in 10% formalin. Subsequently, a histopathological examination was performed. We analyzed the lesions to determine the tissue’s inflammatory infiltrate, macrophages, edema, angiogenesis, collagen deposition, fibrosis, hemorrhage, and hemosiderin.

Each rat had a different name; the five names employed was Head, Foreleg, Back, Hind Leg, and Tail (those were the part of the bodies where the animal was tagged).

Furthermore, the animals did not show signs of fatigue or sneeze during the manipulation. If they had an injury and were sacrificed, such damage would be evident in the installation of bacterial or viral diseases since the lung is already sensitized.

The data was analyzed using a Statistical Analysis Package, SSPS by IBM. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine whether the collected data had normal blood chemistry distribution.



Table I summarizes the weight evolution for a group of female and male animals administered with different concentrations of cATR . For a concentration of 1 µg L-1, the necropsy showed no evidence of organic lesions correlated to intoxication with ATR. Notice that, in some cases, the rat’s weight is not shown because the rat died during the experiment. Immediately a necropsy was performed, and there was no evidence of death by ATR intoxication nor organic lesions. No correlation between the weight and cATR was found

Table I
Animals weight for both sexes.

During the experiments, the rats never showed any symptoms of intoxication due to Atrazine, regardless of the concentration. The rats’ behavior was normal, they were not aggressive towards the lab technicians nor against other rats. Self-mutilation, nor photophobia, or intolerance to noise was observed. Furthermore, the statistical analysis revealed that the animals did not lose weight, which is a clear indication of the effect of cATR on the rat’s metabolism.

Hematological analysis

The blood chemistry of the animals was analyzed against the standard blood chemistry data for Rattus Novergicus by comparison of the means. As cATR increases, the concentration of the enzymes in the blood increases as well, which indicates liver damage even for cATR as low as 1 µgL-1. This implies that for the present study, there is no safe cATR . Table II shows the reference values compared to those rats in which water had cATR =1, 3, 5, 13, 30, and 50 µg L-1.

Table II
Hematology and blood chemistry.

A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test analysis was performed. The results from the test can be found in Table III.

Table III
Kolmogorov -Smirnoff Test.

From this analysis, it was concluded the distribution is normal. Figure 1 shows the amount of hemoglobin, triglyceride, Cholesterol, glycemia, uric acid, and TGP in rats as a function of cATR .

Figure 1
The effect of cATR on several blood chemistry indicators.

Further study comparing hemoglobin levels as a function of ATR dosages in water shows that increasing cATR reduces the level of hemoglobin, which indicates a spinal cord depletion.

A similar tendency can be observed for cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Notice that a cATR < 13 µg L-1 in water will not modify the resistance and metabolism of total lipids.

When studying means of blood glucose levels and urea in animals (with 8 hours of fasting before sacrificing them), it was found that even with a cATR = 1 µg L-1, the behavior of insulin metabolism at the liver level is altered. Likewise, it also modifies the value of protein metabolism (the amount of urea changed).

Histopathological analysis

A complete histopathological examination of the organs and tissues, preserved in 10% formalin, was performed. All macroscopic and microscopic lesions were examined.

a. 1 µg L-1

The rats at the epicardium level showed mild congestion (Figure 2-b). In the case of the spleen, adequate follicular lymphoid reactivity was observed (Figure 2-c). Figure 2 (a-f) summarizes the results for the given concentration. At this concentration, the animals did not show nervous or erratic symptomology.

Figure 2
a. Liver with hepatocytes without lesions, b. mild congestion in epicardium c. Perivascular mononuclear focuses. d-e. Kidneys without alterations. f. Conserved architecture.

b. 3 µg L-1

Lesions were observed in the renal glomeruli, turgidity was found as well. Figure 3(a-c) In the distal renal tubules, there was hydropic degeneration. (Figure 3c).

Figure 3
a. Mild fat degeneration of hepatocytes. b. Distal renal tubules with hydropic degeneration c. Mild fat degeneration of hepatocytes.

c. 13 µg L-1

At the central nervous system level, lesions are not yet evident for the cells; in the case of the lungs, the alveoli are preserved. However, the spleen presented follicular lymphoid depletion. The liver showed fatty degeneration. There was damage at the level of the centrilobular vein. At the kidneys, a dramatic decrease in the periglomerular space was observed. The renal tubules showed degeneration of the hydropic type; the renal glomeruli were swollen, the bowman’s capsule presented atypical adhesion, the glomerular ball was plethoric. The distal contoured tubule showed mild hydropic degeneration. In the case of the testicles, there was a marked decrease in the germinal epithelium. There was no presence of sperm.

d. 30 µg L-1

At the level of the distal tubules, there is a marked hydropic degeneration, the behavior of naked cells, which have lost the brush border, are now aggravated by the presence of hemorrhage at the level of the renal pelvis, regarding the integrity of the bowman’s capsule is presented with abnormal adhesions. At the same time, the glomerular ball appears plethoric. At the level of the distal contoured tubule, the same degeneration of a hydropic type occurs. Finally, at the level of the testicular tissue, there was a dramatic decrease in the germinal epithelium, and the absence of sperm, despite being young animals.

e. 50 µg L-1

The rats present fatty degeneration in the liver, subcapsular hemorrhage, considerable damage at the renal level (hemorrhagic renal glomeruli), decrease in periglomerular space, significant damage in the distal contoured tubules, hydropic degeneration, and hemorrhage at the level of the renal pelvis. At the testicles, germinal epithelial necrosis is also evident. Figure 4(a-e) shows the results. It is worth mentioning that the rats drank a little less water at this concentration than the rest. It is possible that at this concentration, the water changed its taste.

Figure 4
The decrease in periglomerular space. a. Renal tissue hemorrhagic glomeruli, decreased periglomerular space, distal tubules with hydropic degeneration, naked, b. hemorrhage in the renal pelvis. c-e. Testicular tissue necrosis of the germinal epithelium (magnification of 10x, 50x, 100x immersion respectively).


In all chronic toxicity tests carried out for 28 consecutive days in white rats Wistar strains with an average weight of 203.4 ± 5.146 gr, females and males, it is concluded that none of the applied doses is safe. Even in the smallest administered dose, which was 1 µg L-1, it generated biochemical changes of the animals under study compared to the typical values from the control group.

There are significant changes in blood chemistry in triglyceride levels, cholesterol, and glycemia, which indicates that the product directly impacts the liver and its functions.

No clinical symptoms were observed during the trial. The organs had no atypical lesions, friable liver, cystic lesions in the kidneys, or erosive lesions of the intestinal mucosa. Nonetheless, even at cATR of 1 µg L-1, the micrographs showed mild to moderate coronary periarteritis. As for the spleen, a mild to moderate lymphodepletion was observed. At the level of the testicular tissue, moderate acute testicular degeneration was evidenced, renal tubule degeneration at a mild level is also evident, and the rest of the organs do not present significant lesions. When doing comparative studies with the control group animals, they do not show these lesions in the organs, which indicates that these were not pre-existing conditions typical of a genetic line (degenerating or is in the process of degeneration).

From those above, it can be understood that a cATR =13 µg L-1, the concentration found in the Rio La Villa (La Villa River) on 28 January 2015, represents a potential health risk for the population. Rats that drank from cATR=13 µg L-1 water showed acinar and periacinar hepatic necrosis. Acute coagulation accompanied by hepatocyte lipidosis was observed as well. Severe lymphocytic portal inflammation was also observed, as well as moderate coronary periarteritis. Mild to moderate lymphocytic encephalitis was also observed. In the case of the male reproductive system, testicular degeneration with moderate acute tubular necrosis was found at this dose. As for the other organs, there were no significant microscopic lesions. In general, as cATR increases, physical health decreases.

It is essential to mention that none of the animals presented unexpected changes in behavior during daily activities (bed change, tail manipulation, weekly weighing, attacks against operators), which indicates that the used concentrations of Atrazine did not change the behavior. Similarly, no cases of cannibalism nor self-mutilation, nor alteration or erratic behavior in animal groups, were observed. The histopathological studies of nerve tissue showed no damage to the central nervous system’s tissues or associated structures.


We give a special thanks to Professor Elena Briceño and Professor Jacqueline Colina from Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela, Department of Veterinary Sciences, for their support and care for the animals. The Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SNI) at SENACYT supports research activities by JM and EM. JM was supported by SENACYT, Panamá: Grant APY19-009, and the Grant MINBUZA-2020.926889 from the Department of European Integration, Netherlands.


  • BABIĆ-GOJMERAC T, KNIEWALD Z & KNIEWALD J. 1989. Testosterone metabolism in neuroendocrine organs in male rats under Atrazine and deethylatrazine influence. J Steroid Biochem 33(1): 141-146.
  • BLACK BS ET AL. 2010. NIH Public Access. Aging 21(4): 1-20.
  • CANTEMIR C, COZMEI C, SCUTARU B, NICOARA S & CARASEVICI E. 1997. Protein expression in peripheral lymphocytes from Atrazine chronically intoxicated rats. Toxicol Lett 93(2-3): 87-94.
  • COOPER RL, STOKER TE, PARRISH B & TYREY LEE. 1996. Effect of Atrazine on Ovarian Function in the Rat. Reprod Toxicol 10(4).
  • ĆURIĆ S, GOJMERAC T & ŽURIĆ M. 1999. Morphological changes in the organs of gilts induced with low-dose Atrazine. Veterinarski Arhiv 69(3): 1-10.
  • CURTIS K, SAVITZ D, WEINBERG C & ARBUCKLE, T. 1999. The Effect of Pesticide Exposure on Time to Pregnancy.Arbuckle Stable URL :
  • DANZO BJ. 1997. Environmental xenobiotics may disrupt normal endocrine function by interfering with the binding of physiological ligands to steroid receptors and binding proteins. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 294-301.
  • DENOYELLES F, KETTLE WD & SINN DE. 1982. The responses of plankton communities in experimental ponds to Atrazine, the most heavily used pesticide in the United States. Ecology 63(5): 1285-1293.
  • DIXON N. 2014. MINSA: El río la Villa registra sus niveles más altos de Atrazina, Diario la Estrella de Panamá, 2014.
  • GOLDMAN JM, STOKER TE & COOPER RL. 1999. Neuroendocrine and reproductive effects of contemporary-use pesticides. Toxicol Ind Health 15(1-2): 26-36.
  • GREIM H, SALTMIRAS D, MOSTERT V & STRUPP C. 2015. Evaluation of carcinogenic potential of the herbicide glyphosate, drawing on tumor incidence data from fourteen chronic/carcinogenicity rodent studies. Crit Rev Toxicol 45(3): 185-208.
  • INFURNA R, LEVY B, MENG C, YAU E & TRAINA V. 1988. Teratological Evaluations of Atrazine Tehcnical, A Triazine Herbicide, in Rats and Rabbits. J Toxicol Environ Health 60(8): 27-30.
  • KETTLES MA, BROWNING SR, PRINCE TS & HORSTMAN SW. 1997. Triazine herbicide exposure and breast cancer incidence: An ecologic study of Kentucky counties. Environ Health Perspect 105(11): 1222-1227.
  • KNIEWALD J, JAKOMINIĆ M, TOMLJENOVIĆ A, ŠIMIĆ B, ROMAC P, VRANEŠIĆ D & KNIEWALD Z. 2000. Disorders of male rat reproductive tract under the influence of Atrazine. J Appl Toxicol 20(1): 61-68.<61::AID-JAT628>3.0.CO;2-3.
  • MUNGER R, ISACSON P, HU S, BURNS T, HANSON J, LYNCH CF & HAUSLER WJ. 1997. Intrauterine growth retardation in Iowa communities with herbicide-contaminated drinking water supplies. Environ Health Perspect 105(3): 308-314.
  • PINTÉR A, CSÍK M, TÖRÖK G, SURJÁN A, KELECSÉNYI Z & KOCSIS Z. 1990. Cytogenetic effect of the thiocarbamate herbicides butylate, molinate and vernolate in the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test. MRGTEM 242(4): 279-283.
  • POMMERY J, MATHIEU M, MATHIEU D & LHERMITTE M. 1993. Atrazine in plasma and tissue following atrazine-aminotriazole-ethylene glycol-formaldehyde poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 31(2): 323-331.
  • RIERA J & MOLINO J. 2016. Commercial Atrazine Spectroscopy. Mendeley Database.
  • ROSS MK & FILIPOV NM. 2006. Determination of Atrazine and its metabolites in mouse urine and plasma by LC-MS analysis. Anal Biochem 351(2): 161-173.
  • SAVITZ D, CURTIS K, ARBUCKLE T & KACZOR D. 1999. Male pesticide exposure and pregnancy outcome - Reply. Am J Epidemiol 149(3): 291-291. Retrieved from
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Mar 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 July 2020
  • Accepted
    20 Sept 2020
Academia Brasileira de Ciências Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29, 3º andar, 20030-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3907-8100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil