Open-access Ferrugem do eucalipto


On surroundings of a branch of the C.N.E.P.A. situated at Km 47 of the Rio-S. Paulo road (Rio de Janeiro) it was reported a rust attacking young plants of Eucalyptus citriodora Hk. in seed-plot and in transplanting boxes. Teliospores not observed in that occasion, showed up later and were found to belong to Puccinia psidii Winter. This species was hitherto unknown to this host. The Uredo sp. found by Gonçalves in the State of Espírito Santo, in 1932, on Eucalyptus sp. was considered the first known Uredinales attacking the plant afore mentioned. Later, the same fungus was found on Eucalyptus in two districts in the state Pernambuco. After examining several herbarium material and consulted with the diagnoses of thirteen Puccinia species recorded upon Myrtacex, twelve from them were found to be morphologicaly identical to the rust on Eucalyptus. Specimen of Eucalyptus rust was sent to prof. G. C. Cummins, Purdue University, and he identified it as P. psidii Wint. His classification was confirmed also by Dr. F. Kern, of Pennsylvania State College, U.S.A. P. psidii is commonly found in several regions of Brazil upon Myrtacex. As a parasite of Eucalyptus it appears on leaves, petioles, and new stem tissues; the rust injuries seedlings making them improper for planting. The rust was not found on other species of cultivated eucalypti in the same site and climate conditions in which E. citriodora was found.

Ferrugem do eucalipto

J. Joffily(*)


On surroundings of a branch of the C.N.E.P.A. situated at Km 47 of the Rio-S. Paulo road (Rio de Janeiro) it was reported a rust attacking young plants of Eucalyptus citriodora Hk. in seed-plot and in transplanting boxes.

Teliospores not observed in that occasion, showed up later and were found to belong to Puccinia psidii Winter. This species was hitherto unknown to this host.

The Uredo sp. found by Gonçalves in the State of Espírito Santo, in 1932, on Eucalyptus sp. was considered the first known Uredinales attacking the plant afore mentioned. Later, the same fungus was found on Eucalyptus in two districts in the state Pernambuco.

After examining several herbarium material and consulted with the diagnoses of thirteen Puccinia species recorded upon Myrtacex, twelve from them were found to be morphologicaly identical to the rust on Eucalyptus.

Specimen of Eucalyptus rust was sent to prof. G. C. Cummins, Purdue University, and he identified it as P. psidii Wint. His classification was confirmed also by Dr. F. Kern, of Pennsylvania State College, U.S.A.

P. psidii is commonly found in several regions of Brazil upon Myrtacex. As a parasite of Eucalyptus it appears on leaves, petioles, and new stem tissues; the rust injuries seedlings making them improper for planting. The rust was not found on other species of cultivated eucalypti in the same site and climate conditions in which E. citriodora was found.

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Aos professores G. C. Cummins e F. D. Kern, que identificaram a espécie da Puccinia do eucalipto; a A. P. Viégas, pelas críticas do manuscrito ; a Verlande Silveira e S. Gonçalves da Silva, que nos forneceram exsicatas e facilitaram, respectivamente, consultas ao Herbarium Puttemans da Escola Nacional de Agronomia e coleção micológica da Secção de Fitopatologia do Instituto Biológico, deixamos consignados nossos melhores agradecimentos.


Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  Arthur, J. C. Em The plant rusts. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, London, pág. VI + 466, 1929.
  • 2.  Arthur, J. C. The taxonomic development of the Uredinales. Annales Mycologici 22 : 274-276. 1924.
  • 3.  Fromme, F. D. e S. A. Wingard. Varietal susceptibility of beans to rust. Jour. Agr. Res. 21 : 385-404. 1921.
  • 4.  Gonçalves da Silva, S. Lista preliminar das doenças das plantas do Estado do Espírito Santo. Bol. Min. Agr., pág. 1-12, 1929.
  • 5.  Rabenhorst, L. Fungi europeaei Cent. XXVI (Meissen 1881). Hedwigia 20 : 145-151. 1881.
  • 6.  Hennings, P. Beitrage zur Pilzflora Suedamerikas I. Hedwigia 35: 207-262. 1896.
  • 7. Hennings, P. Fungi S. Paulenses I a cl. Puttemans collecti. Hedwigia 41 : 104-118. 1902.
  • 8.  Holway, E. W. D. North American Uredineae. Annales Mycologici 3 : 20-24. 1905.
  • 9.  Jackson, H. S. The rusts of South America based on the Holway collections V. Mycologia 23 : 463-503. 1931.
  • 10.  Kern, F. D., H. W. Thurston e H. H. Whetzel. Annotated index of the rusts of Colombia. Mycologia 25 : 448-503. 1933.
  • 11.  McAlpine, D. Em The rusts of Australia. Government Printer, Melburne, pág. I-VI + 1-349. 1906.
  • 12.  Pickel, B. Lista das moléstias e dos fungos parasitários das plantas cultivadas em Pernambuco. Anais da Primeira Reunião de Fitopatologistas do Brasil. Rodriguesia, número especial, 207-212. 1936.
  • 13.  Puttemans, A. Uma ferrugem nova em planta australiana cultivada no Brasil. Bol. Mus. Nac, Rio de Janeiro 6 : 311-314. 1930.
  • 14.  Puttemans, A. Ligeira contribuição à fitopatologia brasileira. Publicação esparsa, L. Fernandes & Irmão, pág. 1-16, Rio de Janeiro. (Sem data).
  • 15.  Rangel, E. Nova moléstia do "Jamelão" (Syzygium jambolanum D. C). A Lavoura 16 : 124-125. 1912.
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  • 18.  Rangel, E. A propósito das Puccínias das mirtáceas no Brasil. Bol. Mus. Nac, Rio de Janeiro 7 : 211-213. 1931.
  • 19.  Rick, J. Fungi austro-americani Fac. V u. VI. Annales Mycologici 5 : 28-31. 1907.
  • 20.  Saccá, R. A. Melampsora Eucalypti Aver. O Fazendeiro 5 : 94. 1912.
  • 21.  Spegazzini, C. Mycetes argentinenses II. Annales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 8: 49-89. 1902.
  • 22.  Spegazzini, C. Fungi paraguayenses. Annales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 31 : 355-50. 1923.
  • 23.  Spegazzini, C. Uredineas argentinas. Rev. Arg. Bot. 1 : 93-145. 1925.
  • 24.  Sydow, P. e H. Sydow. Em Monographia Uredinearum I. Fratres Borntraeger Lipsiae, pág. 1-XXXV + 1-972, 1904.
  • 25.  Sydow, P. e H. Sydow. Em Monographia Uredinearum III. Fratres Borntraeger, Lipsiae, pág. 1-726. 1915.
  • 26.  Waters, C. W. The control of teliospore and urediniospore by experimental methods. Phytopath. 18 : 157-213. 1928.
  • 27.  Winter, G. Rabenhorstii Fungi europaei et extraeuropaei. Cent. XXXI et XXXII. Hedwigia 23 : 163-175, 1884.
  • (*
    ) Do Inst. Expt. Agr. — Rio de Janeiro. — Min. Agr.
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    • Publicação nesta coleção
      22 Jun 2010
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