Sôbre a adubação da batatinha em solo rico de materia orgânica
Effect of N, P, K, and lime on potatoes in soil high in organic matter
Dr. O. J. Boock; J. E. de Paiva Netto; E. S. Freire1
The effect of various treatments on potatoes was tested in pots with an acid soil high in organic matter. The average yield of tubers was only 63 grams in the untreated pots but reached 328 grams in those treated with limestone + NPK. For this increase contributed principally phosphorus and nitrogen; the effect of limestone was much smaller and that of potash was negligible. The nitrogenous fertilizers (potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate) acted better in the presence of limestone, indicating that, under the conditions of the test, the addition of limestone did not mobilize appreciable portion of the organic nitrogen content of the soil.
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Recebida para publicação em 14 de Novembro de 1961.
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02 Mar 2010 -
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