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Revision and systematic placement of Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae)


Revision and systematic placement of Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae). In the present study, the genotype and single species Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891) is redescribed and the male terminalia fully illustrated. The species is known only from a single type specimen collected from the Caribbean subregion, which was examined for this study. A new systematic placement is proposed, with the genus being transferred from the Exoristini to Eryciini, both tribes of Exoristinae.

Eryciini; Exoristini; Prospalaea insularis; Tachinidae; taxonomy

Revisão e posicionamento sistemático de Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae). No presente estudo, o genótipo e única espécie Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891) é redescrita e a terminália ilustrada. A espécie é conhecida somente pelo material-tipo coletado da sub-região Caribenha, e que foi examinado aqui. Uma nova posição sistemática é proposta, com a transferência do gênero de Exoristini para Eryciini, sendo ambas tribos de Exoristinae.

Eryciini; Exoristini; Prospalaea insularis; Tachinidae; taxonomia

Revision and systematic placement of Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae)

Silvio Shigueo Nihei* * Address: Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alto Universitário, s/n, Caixa Postal 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brasil,


Revision and systematic placement of Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae). In the present study, the genotype and single species Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891) is redescribed and the male terminalia fully illustrated. The species is known only from a single type specimen collected from the Caribbean subregion, which was examined for this study. A new systematic placement is proposed, with the genus being transferred from the Exoristini to Eryciini, both tribes of Exoristinae.

Keywords: Eryciini, Exoristini, Prospalaea insularis, Tachinidae, taxonomy


Revisão e posicionamento sistemático de Prospalaea Aldrich (Diptera, Tachinidae). No presente estudo, o genótipo e única espécie Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891) é redescrita e a terminália ilustrada. A espécie é conhecida somente pelo material-tipo coletado da sub-região Caribenha, e que foi examinado aqui. Uma nova posição sistemática é proposta, com a transferência do gênero de Exoristini para Eryciini, sendo ambas tribos de Exoristinae.

Palavras-chave: Eryciini, Exoristini, Prospalaea insularis, Tachinidae, taxonomia


Prospalaea was described by Aldrich (1925) to include only Prosopaea insularis Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891 from St. Thomas, West Indies. By examining the male syntype of P. insularis deposited in the Naturhistorische Museum Wien, Aldrich observed that the species was very distinct from P. instabilis Rondani, 1861 (= Frontina nigricans Egger, 1861), the genotype of Prosopaea, and created the new genus Prospalaea for it. Aldrich (1925) did not mention the systematic placement of Prospalaea, although he pointed out that "It has the excessively large bristles extending up to the facial ridges of Phorocera tachinomoides and allies (...)". Townsend, in his Manual of Myiology, placed the genus within the Carceliini, first in his key to the genera of the tribe (1936:208), and then (1941:158) in his diagnosis of Prospalaea. Later, Guimarães (1971), in his Neotropical Catalogue, placed Prospalaea within the Exoristini.

Based on the examination of the type-material of Prospalaea insularis, the present study provides a diagnosis of Prospalaea, the redescription of P. insularis, and the illustration of the male terminalia. Finally, a discussion is presented to support the transfer of Prospalaea from Exoristini to Eryciini.

The examined material is deposited in the Naturhistorische Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria. Morphological terminology follows mainly McAlpine (1981) and Wood (1987).


Prospalaea Aldrich, 1925.

Prospalaea – Aldrich, 1925:111. Type-species: Prosopaea insularis Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891, by monotypy.

Generic distribution – Neotropical (1 species).

References – Aldrich, 1925:111 (genus description), Townsend, 1936:208 (key to Carceliini genera), Townsend, 1941:158 (genus diagnosis).

Diagnosis – Eye bare; no proclinate outer orbital seta in male; facial ridge with stout and erect setae almost reaching the level of aristal insertion; first flagellomere long and slender, 5X the length of pedicel; arista bare; prosternum setulose; proepisternum bare; katepisternals 5 (four setae horizontally aligned, and one below between the first and second setae); abdomen dark brown with irregular pattern of silver pruinosity; no discal setae on tergites 1+2 to 4; cerci elongated, not fused each other although well approached medially.

Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891)

(Figs. 1-6)

insularis Brauer & Bergenstamm, (1891:30) 1892:334 (Prosopaea). Syntype male (NMW) (see discussion below). Type-locality: West Indies, St. Thomas. Distribution: St. Thomas.

Prosopaea insularis Brauer & Bergenstamm, (1891:30) 1892:334 (male description) (= Tachina insularis Wiedemann).

Frontina insularis (Wiedemann) [sic]; Aldrich, 1905:463 (cat., comments "Perhaps a manuscript name of Wiedemann's").

Prospalaea insularis (Brauer & Bergenstamm); Aldrich, 1925:111 (generic description, male redescription), Townsend, 1936:208 (key to Carceliini genera), Townsend, 1941:158 (generic diagnosis), Guimarães, 1971:160 (cat.).


Male (Figs. 1-2) – Body length: 10.5 mm, wing length: 8 mm

Colouration – Frontal vitta dark brown; face, parafacial and fronto-orbital plate silver pruinose. Antenna dark brown but orange at the joints. Palpus yellow, the basal third brown; proboscis dark brown. Thorax dark brown with silver pruinosity; the scutum with the sides pale golden pruinose from humeral to postalar callus, and three silver pruinose stripes (alternated by dark brown stripes), two lateral on the dorsocentral rows and one median on the acrostichal rows. Wing hyaline; calypters white; halter brown, the knob dark brown. Legs dark brown with some silver pruinosity. Abdomen dark brown with an irregular pattern of silver pruinosity on tergites 3 and 4, and tergite 4 with a rather pale golden pruinosity.

Head – Eye bare, with at most very short and sparse setulae. Six pairs of frontal setae, with three of them below base of antenna. Two reclinate inner orbital setae. Fronto-orbital plate with fine setulae from vertex almost to lowermost frontal seta. Fronto-orbital plate slightly wider than parafacial. Facial ridge with stout and erect setae almost reaching the level of aristal insertion. Parafacial bare. First flagellomere 5X the length of pedicel, almost reaching the level of vibrissa, and slender, with the same width from base to apex; arista elongated and slender, about 1,3X the length of first flagellomere. Lower facial margin weakly projecting. Vibrissa strong, inserted about level with lower facial margin. Genal dilation covered with fine black setulae. Palpus filiform, weakly enlarged apically; labella developed, as long as prementum, which is shorter than palpus.

Thorax – Acrostichals 3+[?2] [postsutural acrostichals damaged by the pin; Aldrich (1925) mentioned the acrostichals as "3, 2 (?)"]. Dorsocentrals 3+4. Humerals 4, three aligned and one more anterior between the inner and median setae. Presutural intra-alars 3; two of them close to humeral callus, the anterior laterally and the posterior seta stronger, and the third seta weak and very close to the suture. Presutural supra-alars 2, one inner and more anterior, another outer and stronger. Notopleurals 2. Postsutural intra-alars 3; intra-postalar weak. Postsutural supra-alars 3, the anteriormost (prealar) strongly developed, more than 1/2 the length of the strongest supra-alar and stronger than the first postsutural intra-alar and dorsocentral. Six strong anepisternal setae. Katepimeron (barette) setulose. Scutellum with one basal, two lateral, one apical and one discal pairs of setae (thorax abraded, missing the apical, one right lateral and the discal setae). Wing: costal spine very weakly developed; base of R4+5 setulose dorsally and ventrally, with about 3 setulae. Legs: Fore tibia with an anterodorsal row of setae, the basal setae stronger; 2 posterior setae, the submedian stronger. Mid femur with 34 anterior setae on median third; 3 oblique preapical setae on posterior-posterodorsal surface; a posteroventral row of fine and long setae on basal 1/2. Mid tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, and one submedian ventral seta. Hind tibia with an anterodorsal row of short setae and one strong median seta; and with one anteroventral submedian and one weak posterodorsal median seta.

Abdomen – Syntergite 1+2 with a pair of median marginal setae (setae missing, indicated only by remaining sockets) and one weak lateral marginal pair. Tergite 3 with one median and one lateral marginal pair of setae (abdomen partially abraded dorsally at the middle, and missing the median setae of tergites 1+2 and 3). Tergite 4 with a marginal row of setae. Tergite 5 with discal and marginal rows. Terminalia (Figs. 4-6): Cerci elongated (Figs. 4-5), distally separated, tips close together at median third (Fig. 5). Surstylus elongate, lobe-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 4), shorter than cercus, and with setulae on outer surface. Pregonite keel-shaped and widely setulose on distal margin; postgonite round (Fig. 6). Intermedium moderately developed, short in length and rather flat and lobe-shaped (when viewed dorsally). Epiphallus absent (Fig. 6). Distiphallus with spinules on the anterior sclerotised plate (Fig. 6). Hypandrial arms freely developed (not fused to aedeagus posteriorly).

Female – Unknown.

Hosts – No records available.

Type material examined – Syntype male (NMW) labelled (Fig. 3): "St. Thomas"; "insularis / 2 89[?] / Coll. Winthem"; "Type / of / genus"; "Prosopaea / insularis Wied. / Type"; "Prospalaea / insularis / B.B."; "HO-LOTYPE / of Prosopaea / insularis B & B / examined 1982 / D.M. Wood"; "SYNTYPE / Prosopaea / insularis / examined 1999 / P. Sehnal". The terminalia are glued on the first label.


Type specimen status

The specimen was labelled (in 1982) as holotype by D.M. Wood (Canadian National Collection, Ottawa), however the number of specimens upon which the species was based was not clearly stated by Brauer & Bergenstamm (1891). More recently (1999), Peter Sehnal (NMW, curator) recognised and labelled it as syntype. According to the latest edition of ICZN (1999), there is no strict necessity to designate a lectotype in cases where a single type specimen remains and no further confusion about the name and its identity could arise. However, it should be noted here that D.M. Wood's statements were according to the 2nd edition of the Code published at 1964, whose version did not include this recent interpretation provided by the 4th edition. As it is not exactly clear whether Brauer & Bergenstamm (1891) examined a single type specimen or a type series, both alternatives might be possible: as holotype by D.M. Wood or as syntype by Peter Sehnal. Until more evidences are provided, I have treated it as syntype.

New systematic placement

Wood (1972) defined the Exoristini primarily on three characters, the setulose prosternum, fused male cerci, and the surstyli basally enlarged and apically reduced; and secondarily by the weak prealar (the first postsutural supra-alar seta at least shorter than the first postsutural dorsocentral), M vein with a fold beyond the bend, a small additional bristle between the second and third supra-alars, four humerals, among other features. Following this definition, Prospalaea clearly does not belong to the Exoristini. Apart from the setulose prosternum and four humerals, which are commonly present in other tachinids, no other typical Exoristini features are found in Prospalaea.

In a comprehensive study, Tschorsnig (1985) characterised the male terminalia within the Tachinidae and for the Exoristini he pointed out the male cerci solidly fused (called 'syncercus') and hooked towards the tip, and the surstyli broad basally and reduced in length. In Prospalaea, the male cerci are freely developed and not hooked, and the surstyli are distinctly elongated. In fact, the male terminalia conforms to the one characterised by Tschorsnig (1985) for members of the Eryciini. Moreover, in the key to Nearctic tachinids of Wood (1987), P. insularis runs to Lespesia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 (a member of the Eryciini). Based on the evidence presented here, Prospalaea is removed from the Exoristini and placed in the Eryciini.

Prospalaea can be distinguished from other South American Eryciini mainly by the katepisternal setae (5 in Prospalaea, whereas 2-4 in other Eryciini but usually 3). The male terminalia of Prospalaea resembles that of Lespesia, mainly in shape of cerci and surstyli but differing in the pregonite and postgonite conformations. One could consider these differences due to specific delimitations rather than to generic ones. However, I believe it is still premature to synonymize both genera, and that a phylogenetic analysis will provide a more reliable statement about the taxonomic status of Prospalaea.


Thanks to Peter Sehnal (NMW) for the loan of the type material. Comments provided by James O'Hara and one anonymous referee improved the manuscript. This study was undertaken during postdoctorate research at the Museu de Zoologia (São Paulo) funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, proc. n. 2004/13663-9). I am deeply grateful to Carlos Lamas (MZSP) for his friendship and healthy supervision.

Received: 18.10.2006

Accepted: 22.11.2006

  • Aldrich, J.M. 1905. A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies). Part of Volume XLVI, number 1444, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
  • Aldrich, J.M. 1925. Notes on some types of American Muscoid Diptera in the collection of the Vienna Natural History Museum (cont.). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 18:107-130.
  • Brauer, F. & Bergenstamm, J.E. von. 1891. Die Zweiflüger des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien. VI. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Muscaria Schizometopa (excluding Anthomyiidae). Pars II. Wien. [Also published in 1892 at Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien (Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Classe), 58:305-446].
  • Guimarães, J.H. 1971. 104. Family Tachinidae. In: A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.
  • ICZN. 1999. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ONLINE). 4th edition. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. Available at: <>. Access date: 10/October/2005.
  • McAlpine, J.F. 1981. Morphology and terminology adults. In: McAlpine, J.F.; Peterson, B.V.; Shewell, G.E.; Teskey, H.J.; Vockeroth, J.R. & Wood, D.M. (Coords.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Agriculture Canada Research Branch, Monograph 27, Ottawa, p.9-63.
  • Townsend, C.H.T. 1936. Manual of Myiology. Part IV. Charles Townsend & Filhos, Itaquaquecetuba.
  • Townsend, C.H.T. 1941. Manual of Myiology. Part XI. Charles Townsend & Filhos, Itaquaquecetuba.
  • Tschorsnig, H.P. 1985. Taxonomie forstlich wichtiger Parasiten: Untersuchungen zur Struktur des männlichen Postabdomens der Raupenfliegen (Diptera, Tachinidae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A, Biologie, 383:1-137.
  • Wood, D.M. 1972. A revision of the New World Exoristini (Diptera: Tachinidae) I. Phorocera subgenus Pseudotachinomyia. Canadian Entomologist, 104:471-503.
  • Wood, D.M. 1987. Tachinidae. In: McAlpine, J.F. (Ed.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2. Agriculture Canada Research Branch, Monograph 28, Ottawa, p.1193-1269.
  • *
    Address: Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alto Universitário, s/n, Caixa Postal 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brasil,
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      02 Feb 2007
    • Date of issue


    • Received
      18 Oct 2006
    • Accepted
      22 Nov 2006
    Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, 04263-000 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-8133 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil