In the article “First graduate of the Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice in Oncology in Chile”, with DOI number:, published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2023(Suppl 4):e76suppl401, in the second paragraph:
Where it read:
In 2021, I had the honor of participating in a REBEn editorial that sought to promote the APN implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean(2), and today we have the opportunity to share the graduation of the first oncology CNS (OCNS), which graduated in a master’s program developed in Chile with international support, including the main author of the ICN paper Madrean Schober, Susan Kelly-Weeder, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs at Boston College and Executive Director at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, all from the United States.
It reads:
In 2021, I had the honor of participating in a REBEn editorial that sought to promote the APN implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean(2), and today we have the opportunity to share the graduation of the first oncology CNS (OCNS), which graduated in a master’s program developed in Chile with international support, including the main author of the ICN paper Madrean Schober, Susan Kelly-Weeder, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs at Boston College and Deborah Anne Piehl, Executive Director at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, all from the United States.