In this paper the A. A. report the observations about the general anesthesia by chloral hydrate on the veterinary surgery. The observations were made on emasculation practices of horses, mules and hogs. It was possible to establish the following conclusions: 1) The choral hydrate presents low cost, it harmless, and is of easy application. 2) The more recommendable dosis for equine and swine were : 12-13 g per 100 k of body weight, in destilled water solution at 30 and 20%, respectively. 3) The anaethestic was injected by intravenous way with good results; in horses and mules the applications were made in the jugular; in swine, in the anterior vena cava, as was described by Carle and Dewhirst, because it was impracticable in the ear vein. 4) The dosis applied produced deep narcosis not lasting to long and with no danger to the animal's life. 5) In the case of fattening hogs, it must be made a discount of about 40% on the body weight, to calculate dosis to be employed. 6) The tables A and B show the results, that may be considered as good.
IMédico Veterinário Eng. Agrônomo
II5a. Cad. da E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz"
In this paper the A. A. report the observations about the general anesthesia by chloral hydrate on the veterinary surgery. The observations were made on emasculation practices of horses, mules and hogs. It was possible to establish the following conclusions:
1) The choral hydrate presents low cost, it harmless, and is of easy application.
2) The more recommendable dosis for equine and swine were : 12-13 g per 100 k of body weight, in destilled water solution at 30 and 20%, respectively.
3) The anaethestic was injected by intravenous way with good results; in horses and mules the applications were made in the jugular; in swine, in the anterior vena cava, as was described by Carle and Dewhirst, because it was impracticable in the ear vein.
4) The dosis applied produced deep narcosis not lasting to long and with no danger to the animal's life.
5) In the case of fattening hogs, it must be made a discount of about 40% on the body weight, to calculate dosis to be employed.
6) The tables A and B show the results, that may be considered as good.
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Referências bibliográficas
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- 2. MOLLEREAU, H., PORCHER, C. et NICOLAS, E. - Vade Mecum du Vétérinaire. Huitième Edition. Vigot Fréres, Editeurs. Paris. 1949.
- 3. ALFONSO, G. C. - Tratado de Operaciones en Veterinária. Segunda Edicion. Imprenta Biosca. Madrid. 1948.
- 4. COFFIN, D. L. - Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. College Offset Press. Philadelphia. 1944.
- 5. RODER, O. e BERGE, E. - Técnica Operatória Veterinária. Trad, de la Quinta Edición Alemana. Editorial Labor, S. A. Barcelona. 1947.
- 6. EGAISIA, C. S. - Enciclopédia de la Carne. Espasa-Calpe, S. A. Madrid. 1948.