This paper deals with the mineral composition fresh and dry matter production of different organs of 4, 5 old guava (Psidium guajava L.) growth on sandy soil (Savanna) without fertilizer. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter productior are present in table 2 (in Portuguese). The concentration of the elements are presented in table 3 (in Portuguese). Finally, the total amounts of elements absorbed by guava are given in the following table: Element Plant (grams) Fruits (grams) Nitrogen (N) 42,55 20,4 Phosphorus (P) 3,84 2,3 Potassium (K) 52,01 31,3 Calcium (Ca) 47,81 0,2 Magnesium (Mg) — 2,4
A composição química da goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.)* * Os autores agradecem a Fundação Rockefeller pelos auxílios recebidos
M. O. C. do Brasil Sobr; F. A. F. de Mello; H. P. Haag; J. Leme Jr.
E. S. A "Luiz de Queiroz"
This paper deals with the mineral composition fresh and dry matter production of different organs of 4, 5 old guava (Psidium guajava L.) growth on sandy soil (Savanna) without fertilizer.
The data obtained for fresh and dry matter productior are present in table 2 (in Portuguese).
The concentration of the elements are presented in table 3 (in Portuguese).
Finally, the total amounts of elements absorbed by guava are given in the following table:
Element Plant (grams) Fruits (grams)
Nitrogen (N) 42,55 20,4
Phosphorus (P) 3,84 2,3
Potassium (K) 52,01 31,3
Calcium (Ca) 47,81 0,2
Magnesium (Mg) 2,4
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Full text available only in PDF format.
Recebido para publicação em 10 6 1961.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
10 Set 2012 -
Data do Fascículo
10 Jun 1961