It was with great honor and pleasure that I have accepted the invitation to assume the position of editor-in-chief at RAUSP - Management Journal. For eight years, Professor Nicolau Reinhard has worked brilliantly for RAUSP, placing it as one of the most important management journals in Brazil. I would like to thank him for his invaluable contribution, for his commitment and for the challenge of continuing his work towards turning RAUSP into a journal with international scope. The entire editorial board and I are engaged to keep up with his work, such as to increase the visibility of our authors and to promote greater dialogues with international researchers.
In this issue, we are publishing eight articles, addressing the wide variety of subjects that are relevant to the most contemporaneous advances in management research. ThreeFour of them make use or suggest the use of advanced and sophisticated research methods, drawing attention to advances in methodological aspects. These papers are: "Role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction: Perceptions of the Brazilian controllers" by Marilu Nuñez Palomino and Fábio Frezatti. Through the technique of structural equations modeling, the authors discuss how conflict and ambiguity role affect the job satisfaction of Brazilian controllers.
"Effectiveness of business strategies in Brazilian textile industry", by Paulo César de Sousa Batista, João Veríssimo de Oliveira, Mário Gomes Augusto and Fátima Evaneide Barbosa de Almeida, in which the authors, through a conceptual framework and using a structural equation modeling, discuss how the interaction between focus strategy and marketing capabilities, and between cost leadership strategy and management capabilities, affect organizational performance in the Brazilian textiles companies.
"Normal science and its tools: Reviewing the effects of factor analysis in management", by Luciano Rossoni, Ricardo Engelbert and Ney Luiz Bellegard, where the authors address issues on statistics methods to investigate different methods of extraction, definition of factors and rotation of the exploratory factor analysis with meta-analysis of 23 studies, bringing implications for quantitative research.
"Earnings management in Brazilian financial institutions", by Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo, Hsia Hua Sheng and Ana Luiza Porto Gomes, where the authors analyze the loan loss provision in Brazilian financial institutions, showing that this is used as an earnings management mechanism to smooth the net income of these institutions.
In a more qualitative perspective, most articles in the current issue highlight behavioral aspects within organizations. Entrepreneurship, employee satisfaction, management capabilities and attitude are held in common between the previously mentioned papers and those below.
"Critical incidents among women entrepreneurs: Personal and professional issues", by Vania Maria Jorge Nassif, Tales Andreassi and Maria José Tonelli. The authors use the Critical Incident Technique to analyze the critical situations experienced by Brazilian women entrepreneurs and to understand how they have overcome such situations.
"In the corporate backstage, the taste of revenge: Misbehaviour and humor as form of resistance and subversion", by Cintia Rodrigues de Medeiros and Rafael Alcapadipani, where the authors discuss the relations between employees and clients. They focus on literature about misbehavior and humor and interviewed current and former employees of Brazilian fast-food restaurants and call centers.
"Workplace moral harassment and its consequences: A case study in a federal higher education institution", by Carmelita Angélica Guimarães, Vera L. Cançado and Reginaldo de Jesus Carvalho Lima. Through of the case study on a moral harassment in the Brazilian public institution, the authors show the consequences to the society.
In the "Aesthetics and commodity-labor: Analysis of the Lukacsian aesthetic properties in business magazines - the Exame magazine", Dimitri Augusto da Cunha Toledo, Oscar Lima and Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri, analyze Exame magazine, one of the most recognized business magazine in Brazil, under the light of the theoretical approach of Georg Lukács.
Finally, for the ThinkBox, our invited authors are Sanjeev Goyal and Julien Gagnon, from Cambridge University, with the article "Social networks and the firm".
On behalf of the Editorial Board, I wish you a pleasant reading, and I look forward to receiving your future contributions.
Profa. Dra. Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
Apr-Jun 2016