The aim of this study is to present an updated view of the writings on the endophenotype model for bipolar disorder using analytical methodologies. A review and analysis of networks was performed through descriptors and keywords that characterize the composition of the endophenotype model as a model of health. Information was collected from between 1992 and 2014, and the main thematic areas covered in the articles were identified. We discuss the results and question their cohesion, emphasizing the need to strengthen and identify the points of connection between etiological factors and characteristics that make up the model of endophenotypes for bipolar disorder.
endophenotypes; bipolar disorders; health models; analysis qualitative
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una visión actualizada de los escritos del modelo endofenotipo para el trastorno bipolar, el uso de las metodologías analíticas. Se realizó una revisión de este tipo de literatura y un análisis de las redes a través de descriptores y palabras clave que caracterizan la composición del modelo endofenotipo como modelo de salud. El momento de la recolección de la información se produjo entre los años 1992-2014, la identificación de las principales áreas temáticas incluidas en los artículos. Se discuten los resultados para la consolidación del modelo de endofenotipos, cuestionando la cohesión y haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de fortalecer e identificar los puntos de conexión entre los factores etiológicos y características que conforman el modelo de endofenotipos para el trastorno bipolar.
endofenotipo; transtorno bipolar mood; modelo de salud; análisis analíticas
O objetivo do presente estudo é o de apresentar uma visão atualizada sobre a produção bibliográfica do modelo de endofenótipo para o transtorno bipolar, recorrendo às metodologias analíticas. Foi realizada para tal uma revisão da literatura e uma análise de redes por meio de descritores e palavras-chaves, que caracterizam a composição do modelo de endofenótipo como um modelo de saúde. O período de recolha das informações ocorreu entre os anos de 1992-2014, identificando nos principais artigos os âmbitos temáticos abordados. Discutem-se os resultados obtidos para a consolidação do modelo de endofenótipos, questionando a coesão e ressaltando a necessidade de reforçar e identificar os pontos de ligação entre os fatores etiológicos e as características que compõe o modelo de endofenótipos para o transtorno bipolar.
endofenótipos; transtorno bipolar; modelos de saúde; análise qualitativa
Bipolar Disorder (BD) is one of the most studied psychiatric disorders in mental health literature. Its nature involves various concepts of health areas, models of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. The model of the World Health Organization aggregates the biological, psychological, and social spheres in various aspects of research. The endophenotype model, a new psychiatric model, involves searching for biological and behavioral neuroscience for the origin patterns of psychiatric disorders.
The endophenotype model is a multi-causal model proposed in of 1973. The model emphasizes the genetic factors or genetic vulnerability as determinants of major environmental changes(11. Gottesman II, Shields J . Genetic Theorizing and schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry.1973; (122):15-30.). The concept has gained strength and direction since the 90s. The aim of this work is to present an updated view of the research on the endophenotypes of bipolar disorder using analytical methodologies with scientific literature. Through examining the etiology, signs, and symptoms, we sought to identify how academia aggregates the factors.
One of the most widely accepted theories explains that the causal models of bipolar disorder are based on the first modification by a triggering condition that occurs due to stress, which would disrupt the environment and neuronal circuitry(22. Goodwin FK, Jamison KR. Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression [monograph online]. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.). This change would be systematized and reach three major pathways (serotonergic, noradrenergic, and dopaminergic), and then affect the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Producing changes in circadian cycles and the functioning of neurons would result in the onset of bipolar disorder.
Genetic vulnerability and risk factors
The factor that best describes the etiology of mood disorders appears to be genetics.
The first association between patients and first-degree relatives showing a
correlation between symptomatology and genetic variables has been observed for over
a century(33. Barondes SH. Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania and
Depression [monograph online]. 1 st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2002.). Thus, it is assumed
that the risk of developing bipolar spectrum disorder could be 9%, and family
members would have a nearly 10-fold increased risk of developing the disease than
the general population(44. Smoller JW, Finn CT. Family, Twin, and Adoption Studies of
Bipolar Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics. [Internet]. 2003[cited
in2014 jan. 18]; 123C (1), 48–58 I Part C (Semin. Med. Genet) Avaliable from:
). As in
other psychiatric disorders known for their influences and genetic bases, the
inheritance pattern of bipolar disorder likely involves a complex interaction of
several genes. Researchers have proposed possible chromosomal differences on
chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, and the X chromosome
in people with bipolar disorder. Therefore, there are several candidate genes for
the development of pathology. It should be noted that the model is multifactorial,
with environmental and individual factors contributing to the onset of the disease.
The effects of each factor are small and cumulative, and since there are combined
effects, the factors could have some critical value, perhaps caused by signaling
cascades that make the disorder manifest(55. Gottesman II, Shields J. A polygenic theory of schizophrenia.
Proc Natl Acad Sci, 1967; (58):199 –205. ,66. McGue M, Gottesman II, Rao DC. The transmission of bipolar
disorders under a multifactorial threshold model. Am J Hum Genet [Internet] .
1983 [Cited in 2014 feb.4]; 35(6):1161–1178. Avaliable from:
Stress in bipolar disorder
Stress is defined as an event that involves changes of any nature, whether good, bad,
drastic, or sudden. The endophenotype model considers etiological causes for the
bipolar spectrum, and stress would be the starting point for developing the
disease(77. Manji HK, Duman RS. Impairments of neuroplasticity and cellular
resilience in severe mood disorders: Implications for the development of novel
therapeutics. Psychopharmacol Bull. [Internet]. 2001 [cited in2014 mar 15];
35(2):45-49. Avaliable from:
). By examining
the psychosocial aspects such as the impact on quality of life, the time in which
the subject was exposed to a stressful environment, and the symptoms and
manifestations of the disease, one study recently revealed the association between
traumatic life events and the highest levels of basal cortisol(88. Mandelli L, Serretti A, Marino E. Interaction between serotonin
transporter gene, catechol-O-methyltransferase gene and stressful life events in
mood disorders. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.[Internet]. 2007 [cited in2014 mar
15]; 10(4): 437–447. Avaliable from:
Increasing evidence suggests that BD is accompanied by structural changes in the
brain that may be mediated by interactions between hypercortisol and glutamate
neurotoxicity. This mechanism is induced by stress and reduces neurotrophic factors
and neurogenesis(99. Nestler EJ, Barrot M, Di Leone RJ, Eisch AJ, Gold SJ, Monteggia
LM. Neurobiology of depression. Neuron [Internet]. 2002 [cited in2014 apr.
2014]; 34(1), 13–25. Avaliable from:
). It is assumed
that the environmental stress factors trigger the development cascade of BD.
Neuroscience of bipolar mood disorder
Analyses with images of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) led to preliminary
conclusions distinguishing two areas that change in the paralimbic system and the
prefrontal cortex, including the amygdala. The prefrontal areas are significant in
cognitive function, especially executive functions, which may explain behavioral and
neuropsychological changes(1010. Frangou S, Haldane M, Roddy M, Kumari V. Evidence for deficits
in tasks of ventral, but not dorsal, prefrontal executive function as an
endophenotypic marker for bipolar disorder. Biol. Psychiatry. [Internet]. 2005
[cited in2014 feb.28]; 58(10), 838–839. Avaliable from:
Another specific difference observed in subjects affected by BD could be described
by way of resonances, showing significant loss of asymmetry of the left/right
caudate nucleus and in the right anterior frontal region. Changes in the structure
of the cerebellum are still being investigated, including ventricular asymmetry. The
amygdala is one of many small structures deep inside the brain which are called
basal ganglia. These structures are implicated in automatic movements and behaviors
that are important in maintaining the sleep-wake cycle(1111. Öngür D, Drevets WC, Price JL. Glial reduction in the subgenual
prefrontal cortex in mood disorders. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. [Internet].1998
[cited in2014 mar. 10]; 95(22), 13290-13295 . Avaliable from:
Circadian rhythms
The changes in people with bipolar disorder can suggest specific errors in the
regulation of the sleep/waking. Many involve the body's internal clock, which
controls the phenomenon known as circadian rhythms. These are the regular rhythmic
changes of waking and sleeping, decreased activity levels, and the sensations of
hunger, thirst, and satisfaction. The chemical and biological clock that governs
these rhythms is located in a part of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic
nucleus gland. The rhythms are based on the standard light-dark cycles and are set
slowly in rhythm with the seasons. An important finding in the literature is that
people with bipolar disorder seem to have more difficulty in regulating this
system(1212. Benedetti F, Serretti A., Colombo C, Lorenzi C, Tubazio V,
Smeraldi E. A glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta promoter gene single nucleotide
polymorphism is associated with age at onset and response to total sleep
deprivation in bipolar depression. Neurosci Lett. [Internet] 2004. [cited in2014
mar.13]; 368(2), 123–126. Avaliable from:
The regulation of serotonin affects mood and appetite. In people with bipolar
disorder, serotonin and other neurotransmitters may be issued in disproportionate
amounts (serotonin hypothesis). Noradrenergic and dopaminergic hypotheses use the
interaction models in cascade, such that the variation of the serotonin would cause
a reduction in noradrenergic and dopaminergic activities. All these biochemical
mechanisms can be directly linked to BD(1313. Jones SJ, Hare DJ. Evershed K. Actigraphic assessment of
circadian activity and sleep patterns in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord.
[Internet] 2005. [cited in2014 mar.13]; 7(2), 176–186. Avaliable from:
Endophenotype of bipolar disorder
The first description of the endophenotype concept in psychiatric literature was
revisited 20 years later thanks to the development of laboratory
techniques(11. Gottesman II, Shields J . Genetic Theorizing and schizophrenia.
Br J Psychiatry.1973; (122):15-30.). The genome
project has made led to review of the endophenotype concept. Today, there is a whole
area called the biology of molecular genetics and molecular medicine, which studies
the expression of endophenotypes(1414. Hasler G, Drevets WC, Gould TD, Gottesman II, Manji KH. Toward
Constructing an Endophenotype Strategy for Bipolar Disorders. Biological
Psychiatry.[Internet] 2006. [cited in2014 mar.20]; 60(2), 93-105. Avaliable
from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16406007
Another reason with greater importance in psychiatry and BD is the gap in the causal
chain between genes and distal disease(1414. Hasler G, Drevets WC, Gould TD, Gottesman II, Manji KH. Toward
Constructing an Endophenotype Strategy for Bipolar Disorders. Biological
Psychiatry.[Internet] 2006. [cited in2014 mar.20]; 60(2), 93-105. Avaliable
from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16406007
) which casts doubt on the etiology. There are two
additional conditions necessary to meet the criteria of an endophenotype: (a) the
endophenotype should be an independent state and demonstrable in patients without
symptoms; and (b) endophenotypes should be more frequent in affected relatives than
in relatives of patients compared with the general population(1515. Gottesman II, Gould TD. The endophenotype concept in psychiatry:
etymology and strategic intentions. Am. J. Psychiatr. [Internet] 2003.[cited
in2014 mar.13]; 160 (4), 636–645. Avaliable from:
). The main difference between the concepts
of exophenotype and endophenotype is that the first gene expression could be seen
directly in the exophenotype. The endophenotype involves "internal phenotypes,"
which may not be visible to the naked eye (i.e. it relies on inferences). The
endophenotype concept originally arose in evolutionary biology in an article
published in 1966, which proposed that the differences in biochemical and
microscopic insects would be "internal phenotypes," which cannot be seen with the
naked eye, requiring the use of some instruments to be measured. With the objective
of defining the number of genes involved in endophenotype variations that determine
the whole phenomenon of a psychiatric disorder, one realizes the description of
elementary phenomena (versus behavioral macros found in the DSM-IV), which may not
be able to delimit the total number of genes involved in producing the disease
altogether(1515. Gottesman II, Gould TD. The endophenotype concept in psychiatry:
etymology and strategic intentions. Am. J. Psychiatr. [Internet] 2003.[cited
in2014 mar.13]; 160 (4), 636–645. Avaliable from:
The heuristic model for BD offers up various assessments to identify endophenotypes,
including possible measures of cognitive, neurophysiological, and neuroanatomical
changes, images of brain structures, and biochemical measures. This includes
environmental data in the model of the disease as possible causes of BD, in addition
to risk and protection factors(1515. Gottesman II, Gould TD. The endophenotype concept in psychiatry:
etymology and strategic intentions. Am. J. Psychiatr. [Internet] 2003.[cited
in2014 mar.13]; 160 (4), 636–645. Avaliable from:
Other neuroimaging studies with family members and patients have demonstrated brain
abnormalities in bipolar patients, including a reduced size of the prefrontal
cortex(1717. Glahn DG, Bearden DE, Niendam TA, Escamilla MA. The feasibility
of neuropsychological endophenotypes in the search for genes associated with
bipolar affective disorder. Bipolar Disord.[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014
mar.13]; 6 (3), 171–182. Avaliable from:
,1818. Hall H, Schulze K, Rijsdijk F, Kalidindi S, McDonald C, Bramon
E, Murray RM, Sham P Are auditory P300 and duration MMN heritable and putative
endophenotypes of psychotic bipolar disorder? A Maudsley bipolar twin and family
study. Psychol Med. [Internet] 2009.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 39 (8), 1–11. “In
Some authors have pointed out roles of brain structures such as the nucleus accumbens
and amygdala in the regulation of motivation in the sleep-wakefulness cycle, as well
as social behaviors in bipolar patients. The anatomy of the hippocampus appears to
be impaired in people affected by bipolar disorder(1919. Pezawas L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Drabant EM, Verchinski BA, Munoz
KE, Kolachana BS. 5-HTTLPR polymorphism impacts human cingulate-amygdala
interactions: A genetic susceptibility mechanism for depression. Nat Neurosci.
[Internet] 2005. [cited in2014 mar.13]; 8 (6), 828–834. Avaliable from:
). There is also a decrease in the volume of
the cingulate gyrus according to magnetic resonance imaging (IMR)(2020. Hirayasu Y, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, Kwon JS, Wible CG, Fischer
IA. Subgenual cingulate cortex volume in first-episode psychosis. Am J
Psychiatry. [Internet]. 1999.[cited in2014 mar.13];156 (7), 1091–1093. Avaliable
). A set of brain structures (such
as the medial temporal lobe, temporal cortex, and frontal cortex) was directly
involved in the pathological functioning, and other structures that are no less
important but have different functions (the hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate)
would also be modified. Although the reduction in the volume of the anterior
cingulate cortex and white matter changes in neuroimaging findings are more
consistent and specific in BD, others such as the increased volume of the right
lateral ventricle and changes in volume of the amygdala and hippocampus may also be
quantified as structural endophenotypes of bipolar disorder(2121. McDonald C, Bullmore ET, Sham PC, Chitnis X, Wickham H, Bramon
E. Association of genetic risks for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with
specific and generic brain structural endophenotypes. Archives of general
psychiatry.[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 61(10), 974-84. Avaliable
A review article(1414. Hasler G, Drevets WC, Gould TD, Gottesman II, Manji KH. Toward
Constructing an Endophenotype Strategy for Bipolar Disorders. Biological
Psychiatry.[Internet] 2006. [cited in2014 mar.20]; 60(2), 93-105. Avaliable
from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16406007
) discussed the
strategies and the advantages of using the endophenotype model. The model was
suggested to be a huge advantage in clinical psychiatry, since the approach would
bring possible answers to open questions in the long history of modern psychiatry,
particularly psychiatric disorders and bipolar. However, the article stated that
further investigation on all models and variables involved in the research of BD is
required. These include neuropsychological deficits, instability of circadian
rhythms, modulation of motivation, reward circuitry, neuropathological dimorphisms,
and response to symptoms. Given the relative scarcity of twin studies, few
prospective studies on families evaluating candidate genes for bipolar disorder have
been gradually developed with the aim of improving the theoretical model
endophenotype(2020. Hirayasu Y, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, Kwon JS, Wible CG, Fischer
IA. Subgenual cingulate cortex volume in first-episode psychosis. Am J
Psychiatry. [Internet]. 1999.[cited in2014 mar.13];156 (7), 1091–1093. Avaliable
Therefore, in the case of mental disorders, a new classification system based on
etiology and pathophysiology is necessary. A clearer definition of the endophenotype
of BD will probably facilitate the understanding of the underlying causal
By proposing a phenotypic variance, the endophenotype model that may correspond to
different data from the clinical sample identifies and takes into account the
aspects of heritability and heredity. Aspects of the personality may be associated
with BD, and variation in performance that is observed in patients with mood
disorders are useful genetic markers for endophenotypes(2222. Lara DR, Akiskal HS. Toward an integrative model of the spectrum
of mood, behavioral and personality disorders based on fear and anger traits:
Implications for neurobiology, genetics and psychopharmacological treatment.
Journal of Affective Disorders. [Internet] 2006.[cited in2014 mar.13];94(1-3),
89-103. Avaliable from:
,2323. Savitz JB, Ramesar, RS. Personality: is it a viable
endophenotype for genetic studies of bipolar affective disorder? Bipolar Disord.
[Internet] 2006.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 8(4), 322-37. Avaliable from:
An understanding of the genetic relationships between personality factors and
bipolar disorder should elucidate the way in which these traits can develop.
The model of personality that identifies the biological characteristics of the
subjects is the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI)(2424. Cloninger CR, Svrakic DM, Pryzbeck TR. A psychobiological model
of temperament and character. Arch Gen Psychiatry. [Internet]. 1993 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];50(12),975-990. Avaliable from:
). In this model, personality is a dynamic
interaction between two complementary elements: temperament, which is structured as
a constitutional component, and biological and hereditary character, which consists
of experiences acquired through learning and emotional experiences. Temperament is
described as the emotional valence of personality and relates to associative
learning, perceptual memory, visuo-spatial processing, and the formation of habits,
involving cortico-striatal projections and a structure-function relationship. The
second element is designated as the essence of personality and is related to
long-term memories. It involves the formation of concepts and is involved in the
cortico-diencephalic-limbico projections(2424. Cloninger CR, Svrakic DM, Pryzbeck TR. A psychobiological model
of temperament and character. Arch Gen Psychiatry. [Internet]. 1993 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];50(12),975-990. Avaliable from:
25. Savitz J, Van der Merwe L, Ramesar R. Hypomanic, cyclothymic and
hostile personality traits in bipolar spectrum illness: a family-based study.
Psychiatr Res. [Internet] 2008.[cited in2014 mar.13];42(11),920-929. Avaliable
-2626. Greenwood TA, Badnerb JA, Byerleyc W, Kecke PE, McElroye SL,
Remickg RA, Sadovnickh D, Kelsoea JR. Heritability and linkage analysis of
personality in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. [Internet]
2013.[cited in2014 mar.13];151(2), 748-755. Avaliable from:
). These
dimensions of temperament and character interact, form the individual and their
personality, and may indicate bipolar mood disorder(2727. Harley JA, Wells JE, Frampton CM, Joyce PR. Bipolar disorder and
the TCI: higher self-transcendence in bipolar disorder compared to major
depression. Depression Research and Treatment. [Internet] 2011.[cited in2014
mar.13]; (yr:2011 vol:2011), 529-638. Avaliable from:
,2828. Loftus ST, Garno JL, Jaeger J, Malhotra AK. Temperament and
character dimensions in bipolar I disorder: a comparison to healthy controls.
Journal of Psychiatric Research. [Internet] 2008.[cited in2014
mar.13];42(13),1131–1136. Avaliable from:
Thus, individuals with mood disorders seem to have personality traits that are
significantly different from the general population. The TCI demonstrates
psychometric features of good reliability, internal consistency, and stability over
time(2929. Cloninger CR, Przybeck TR, Svrakic DM, Wetzel RD. The
Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI): A Guide to its Development and Use,
Center for Psychobiology of Personality. Center of Psychobyology of personality,
Washington University: St. Louis, MO, 1993.,3030. Keller MC, Coventry WL, Heath AC, Martin NG. Widespread evidence
for non-additive genetic variation in Cloninger’s and Eysenck’s personality
dimensions using a twin plus sibling design. Behavior Genetics. [Internet]
2005.[cited in2014 mar.13];35(6), 707–721. Avaliable from:
Neuropsychology of bipolar disorder
Neuropsychology evaluates and ranks the relations between cognition and its different functions and processes in the brain structure(3131. Lezak MD, Howieson DB, Loring DW. Neuropsychological Assessment. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.). A review of the subject in order to differentiate the broader and specific cognitive processes indicates that the impairment of cognitive functions in BD is an endophenotype marker. Interest in investigating the cognitive functions of bipolar has been growing, especially in the last decade. This is due to the need to explain whether the cognitive impairments would be traces of the disease or if they occur due to a cognitive impairment, as a neurodegenerative process(3131. Lezak MD, Howieson DB, Loring DW. Neuropsychological Assessment. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.).
In three analyses of the endophenotype of bipolar disorder with patients, unaffected
first-degree relatives (fathers, mothers, brothers, twins, and children), and
control targets, the endophenotype markers were shown through neuropsychological
measures(1010. Frangou S, Haldane M, Roddy M, Kumari V. Evidence for deficits
in tasks of ventral, but not dorsal, prefrontal executive function as an
endophenotypic marker for bipolar disorder. Biol. Psychiatry. [Internet]. 2005
[cited in2014 feb.28]; 58(10), 838–839. Avaliable from:
,3333. Arts B, Jabben N, Krabbendam L, Van OSJ. Meta-analyses of
cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar patients and their first degree
relatives. Psychol Med. [Internet].2008.[cited in2014 mar.13];38 (6), 771-785.
Avaliable from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17922938
). However, a meta-analysis claims that these
findings should be interpreted with caution, as it is very likely that the confusion
of factors such as medication, chronicity, and affective symptoms below the
threshold are also contributing to the observed results(3434. Bora E, Yucel M, Pantelis C. Cognitive endophenotypes of bipolar
disorder: A meta-analysis of neuropsychological deficits in euthymic patients
and their first-degree relatives. Journal of Affective Disorders. [Internet]
2009.[cited in2014 mar.20];113(1), 1-20. Avaliable from:
The cognitive functions that are affected and have been proven as an endophenotype
for BD are sustained attention, verbal memory, and executive functions(3535. Martínez-Arán A, Vieta E, Colom F, Reinares M, Benabarre A,
Gastó C, Salamero M, Cognitive Dysfunctions. Bipolar Disorder: Evidence Of
Neuropsychological Disturbances. Psychother Psychosom. [Internet] 2010 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];69 (1), 2-18. Avaliable from:
). Studies suggest that some
cognitive decline can already be identified after the first episode of BD, which
worsens with the number of episodes of the illness(3535. Martínez-Arán A, Vieta E, Colom F, Reinares M, Benabarre A,
Gastó C, Salamero M, Cognitive Dysfunctions. Bipolar Disorder: Evidence Of
Neuropsychological Disturbances. Psychother Psychosom. [Internet] 2010 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];69 (1), 2-18. Avaliable from:
Heuristic Model of endophenotypes for bipolar mood disorder (adapted from Gotsman, 2003 and modified in Hasler, 2006)
Several authors argue that when crises of bipolar mood disorder are acute, beyond the
cognitive loss, there are implications for the quality of sleep and general
functionality health(3636. Kapczinski, F.; Andreazza, A. C.; Salvador, M. Mediadores do
déficit cognitivo e comorbidades clínicas no transtorno bipolar: análise de
marcadores periféricos de estresse oxidativo, dano ao DNA e apoptose. Porto
Alegre: UFRGS, 2008. Avaliable from:
Therefore, bipolar disorder is a degenerative process and is directly related to the
amount and severity of crises, demonstrating a decline in cognitive subjects with
bipolar disorder(3737. Zalla T. Executive dysfunctions as potential markers of familial
vulnerability to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Researc.
[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 21(3), 207-217. Avaliable from:
From results on the general intelligence factor of patients with BD, small changes
could be observed depending on the mood state(3131. Lezak MD, Howieson DB, Loring DW. Neuropsychological Assessment.
4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.). Surveys report that individuals in the manic phase have
greater difficulty in processing visuo-spatial information and verbal
fluency(3333. Arts B, Jabben N, Krabbendam L, Van OSJ. Meta-analyses of
cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar patients and their first degree
relatives. Psychol Med. [Internet].2008.[cited in2014 mar.13];38 (6), 771-785.
Avaliable from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17922938
). There is a
clear potential for losses due to the level of disorganization of behavior and
acceleration of mental activity, especially in the presence of psychotic
symptoms(3737. Zalla T. Executive dysfunctions as potential markers of familial
vulnerability to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Researc.
[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 21(3), 207-217. Avaliable from:
). Thus, manic
patients may also present greater difficulties in sustaining attention, recognizing
faces, and encoding information(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.).
It is known that during a depressive episode, patients show cognitive deficits in
multiple domains. Such deficits have been observed in memory, verbal and nonverbal
learning, selective attention and sustained attention, reaction time, and executive
functions(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.). Some
authors claim that deficits in executive functions are an endophenotype of
BD(3333. Arts B, Jabben N, Krabbendam L, Van OSJ. Meta-analyses of
cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar patients and their first degree
relatives. Psychol Med. [Internet].2008.[cited in2014 mar.13];38 (6), 771-785.
Avaliable from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17922938
). In this sense,
they would present both as a feature of clinical manifestations and a feature of
neurodevelopment, meaning that they would be present even before the emergence of
BD(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.). In the period of
euthymia, cognitive impairments are also observed in sustained attention(3737. Zalla T. Executive dysfunctions as potential markers of familial
vulnerability to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Researc.
[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 21(3), 207-217. Avaliable from:
), declarative memory(3535. Martínez-Arán A, Vieta E, Colom F, Reinares M, Benabarre A,
Gastó C, Salamero M, Cognitive Dysfunctions. Bipolar Disorder: Evidence Of
Neuropsychological Disturbances. Psychother Psychosom. [Internet] 2010 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];69 (1), 2-18. Avaliable from:
), verbal memory(3131. Lezak MD, Howieson DB, Loring DW. Neuropsychological Assessment.
4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.), the recognition of facial
expressions(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.), the
capacity for learning(3535. Martínez-Arán A, Vieta E, Colom F, Reinares M, Benabarre A,
Gastó C, Salamero M, Cognitive Dysfunctions. Bipolar Disorder: Evidence Of
Neuropsychological Disturbances. Psychother Psychosom. [Internet] 2010 .[cited
in2014 mar.13];69 (1), 2-18. Avaliable from:
difficulties in recovery(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.), and
the organization of information(1010. Frangou S, Haldane M, Roddy M, Kumari V. Evidence for deficits
in tasks of ventral, but not dorsal, prefrontal executive function as an
endophenotypic marker for bipolar disorder. Biol. Psychiatry. [Internet]. 2005
[cited in2014 feb.28]; 58(10), 838–839. Avaliable from:
). The scientific literature indicates significant differences
in several cognitive domains between bipolar patients and controls and unaffected
first-degree relatives. The most cited cognitive functions in meta-analysis include
the following functions: verbal fluency, problem solving, planning, and divided
attention(3737. Zalla T. Executive dysfunctions as potential markers of familial
vulnerability to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Researc.
[Internet] 2004.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 21(3), 207-217. Avaliable from:
Selection of databases and research documents
Unique articles in the PubMed/Medline databases were identified and selected by means of word association as follows: bipolar endophenotype(s). The access and retrieval of documents formed a profile of research on endophenotypes and bipolar disorder. Among the results of these 290 specific items with descriptors, we considered only those contained in the full text, with the number of articles being 275. The terms were extracted from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) thesaurus of PMC (Pub Med Central), and the synonyms and derivatives were considered to recover any grammatical variants as well as the terms of the semantic family that have the same root. Table 1 shows the full list of terms found.
The surveys were adapted to the idiomatic patterns and opportunities for information retrieval from databases. Only texts with the following documentary typology were used: original research articles, clinical notes, and reviews of literature in the period of 1992-2014. A manual review of documents was conducted concerning the titles, descriptors, keywords, and abstracts. Only empirical articles items were separated, resulting in 37 articles.
Selection of documents, standardization, and institutional collaboration networks
We believe that the references of selected articles were not used as a source, and since we only examined articles written in English, we removed seven articles in French with elements that characterize the endophenotype model. Likewise, a standardization process was performed by authors, year, criterion of researched sources, bibliographic database, and institutional data. We surveyed institutions, institutes research centers, or hospitals that operate independently, with their own resources, or autonomously with their political scientific, which depends on organizations, universities, ministries, or public agencies.
To characterize the thematic areas, we determined the frequency of occurrence of the descriptors and keywords identified in the documents dealing with bipolar disorder as an endophenotype model. Then, we separated the descriptors by the most constant themes within a larger group. For example, all the articles that had the words, genes, loci, heritability, and heredity were grouped under the subject of genetic polymorphism and genetic vulnerability. By approaching content and qualitative analysis, we have chosen the term polymorphism among others. Networks with the thematic relations between the terms were determined from the frequency of their joint appearance in the documents, as were representations which determine the greater or lesser density of the various thematic groups, and the interrelationship between them.
Network Diagramming
The analysis of the network of keywords, abstracts, and full texts showed relations between contents, which was done with the help of UCINET and Web endnote 6.1 software for the purpose of processing information. To form the network, we used the theory of graphs, in which each item represents a graph, and a set of articles on the same theme is a node (a group)(3838. Pirkola T, Tuulio-Henriksson A, Glahn AD, Kieseppä T, Haukka J, Kaprio J, Lönnqvist J, Cannon TD. Spatial Working Memory Function in Twins with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.Biological Psychiatry.[Internet] 2005.[cited in2014 mar.13];58(12),930-936. Avaliable from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16112657
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubm... ). The relations were divided according dichotomy (happens or not), non-oriented/oriented (→), strong-weak (thick arrows), and where they were cited. We illustrated the relationship between nodes termed weak when compared occur causality, explanation and effect point out as strong relations between arrays of nodes and the set of lines or adjacent space (Graph 1) The distance between nodes identifies localized themes.
In the end, we selected 37 articles with full text and empirical research that identified the model of endophenotypes in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). We formed a set in which nodes and lines arranged in pairs comprised a matrix. By positioning the articles and networks, instutitional collaboration and research themes were identified by the relationships within the endophenotype model. When researching each article that characterizes bipolar disorder endophenotypes, we verified the network described by Graph 1.
The analytic network indicates within research themes that the constructs and etiology of bipolar disorder seem to be more associated with psychological aspects (cognition and personality) than the related environmental aspects, such as stress, and that the biological mechanisms (neuroscience and genetics) complement the network. The current model of biopsychosocial health indicates that no factor alone explains psychiatric illness. In each network node is a blue square, and each digraph is associated by means of a component adjacent to the discussion in the article for the systematic analysis of the collected matrix. The thematic approaches addressed by different authors led to the qualitative analysis and network formation.
Key relationships between the content of articles that discuss the empirical endophenotype model
In performing the study, we characterized the state of the art on the development
of research on the model of endophenotypes as a model of health. It was possible
to identify the research groups and the main subjects studied within a proposed
group since 1973(1,5). This can be verified empirically in the current year
model(1515. Gottesman II, Gould TD. The endophenotype concept in psychiatry:
etymology and strategic intentions. Am. J. Psychiatr. [Internet] 2003.[cited
in2014 mar.13]; 160 (4), 636–645. Avaliable from:
The following points present the limitations of the study: a) The search for an
empirical research profile may be the reason for the non-appearance of relevant
articles. b) Although other types of research were on the databases, the
agglomeration of themes and models was ultimately limited to journals of
Medicine, Biology, and Psychology. Unveiling the contributions of the humanities
and social sciences and their epistemological bases on the psychiatric disorder
contribute little to the discussion in the empirical context. c) The items that
comprised the social network analysis on the subject were work published in
scientific journals, excluding other document types such as books and book
chapters, oral presentations, reports, dissertations, or doctoral theses. d)
Only articles in English were used due to a lack of indexing or to the low
impact factor of journals in French, Japanese, or Scandinavan(1616. Bora E, Yucel M, Pantelis C. Cognitive endophenotypes of bipolar
disorder: A meta-analysis of neuropsychological deficits in euthymic patients
and their first-degree relatives. Journal of Affective Disorder. [Internet]
2009.[cited in2014 mar.13]; 113(1), 1-20. Avaliable from:
). However, one can point out
that the methodology applied is the most appropriate in relation to the purpose
of the study, since it allows for the recovery of the works of an area of
knowledge characterized by a large dispersion among various journals and
disciplines(1111. Öngür D, Drevets WC, Price JL. Glial reduction in the subgenual
prefrontal cortex in mood disorders. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. [Internet].1998
[cited in2014 mar. 10]; 95(22), 13290-13295 . Avaliable from:
) in
order to minimize the non-retrieval of relevant documents. Therefore, it appears
that scientific articles are the most frequent document type, with bigger and
better impact. Thus, using only research journals gives validity to the approach
performed(3838. Pirkola T, Tuulio-Henriksson A, Glahn AD, Kieseppä T, Haukka J,
Kaprio J, Lönnqvist J, Cannon TD. Spatial Working Memory Function in Twins with
Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.Biological Psychiatry.[Internet] 2005.[cited
in2014 mar.13];58(12),930-936. Avaliable from:
). This
also verifies the character of qualitative research(3232. Kapczinski F, Quevedo J (editors). Transtorno Bipolar: teoria e
clínica. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2009.).
Compared with the analysis of institutional typologies that the funding models for healthcare will prioritize intervention continues as a form of research, i.e. the analysis of themes found dealing research through magazines are produced by organisms relevant administrative and clinical nature. Mostly, research points at generated devices of public and political services (consortia or collaborative networks for genetic mapping, observatories, and research partnerships) and health (hospitals, health centers, clinics linked to public, private hospitals or psychiatric services bound to universities and research centers), which comprise 70 percent of the institutions. Although there is an interrelationship between the signs and symptoms of the pathology of bipolar mood disorder (BD) is most common. When research resemble those disciplines stand out in this study Biology, Psychiatry, Genetics, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, though medical specialty magazines on the subject (such as Journal of Affective Disorders – Journal of Affective Disorders and bipolar disorder - Bipolar Disorders) most work on bipolar disorder and endophenotypes, the which tends to confirm the multidisciplinary character of the area, about the approach of endophenotypes models with empirical data is small compared to other models of qualitative or quantitative research, described here as an administrative medical and psychological character. On the other hand, international publications include a greater measure of character of basic research involving large workgroups, with a greater weight of collaborative research between different areas of knowledge and studies released by leading universities and research centers.
Based on observations found in the various themes, it becomes desirable to foster
the causal inter-relation among all types of research mentioned, favoring
communication between different levels(1212. Benedetti F, Serretti A., Colombo C, Lorenzi C, Tubazio V,
Smeraldi E. A glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta promoter gene single nucleotide
polymorphism is associated with age at onset and response to total sleep
deprivation in bipolar depression. Neurosci Lett. [Internet] 2004. [cited in2014
mar.13]; 368(2), 123–126. Avaliable from:
). The aim is to reduce the watertight increase the
level of relationship between the themes, since all types of research are
fundamental to the advancement of knowledge and professional practice.
Therefore, the use of social network analysis to highlight what is being
researched in psychiatric pathology shows the importance of these
inter-relationships, and we deduce that they are also works of interest and
usefulness to the scientific community.
Bipolar mood disorder (BD) has been studied by several researchers at different times and in different areas of knowledge. The search for common characteristics in people without the condition led us to the concept of endophenotype. The search for endophenotypes of BD arises from a number of etiological disease characteristics. When starting the theoretical literature review, we saw the dominance of nosographical characteristics, which are relevant. However, because it is such a complex process, the possible causes could be covert (genetic vulnerability, stressors, changes in the circadian cycle, changes in neurotransmitters, cognitive deficits), because there is no single intermediate phenotype.
In this context, it is important to consider the individual, the environment, and first-degree relatives. How might the implications of the study be questioned: What are the risks of a healthy person in an environment that causes them stress or trauma to develop a pathology. Are there changes or markers that could trigger the disease. Risk factors for the development of psychiatric disorders are still largely unknown. The influence of the endophenotype has been recognized, and studies are seeking potential biomarkers. The identification of such markers could shed light on the discussion about developing the disorder. In addition to compiling data for diagnostic manuals, risk factors could help predict and understand bipolar disorder and bring the concept.
Support for the study was provided the University of Goiás (UFG) and the University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). E DFBR (Deleted for Blind Review).
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
Dec 2014
30 Apr 2014 -
16 July 2014