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A new species of Adoxoplatys Breddin (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae) from Argentina


The genus Adoxoplatys is distributed from Panama to Argentina. The eight included species are known from a few specimens. In this contribution, a new species from Misiones Province, Argentina, Adoxoplatys singularissp. nov., is described and illustrated; and a key to identify the species of the genus is provided.

Adoxoplatys singularis; Misiones Province; New species; Ochlerini


The Neotropical tribe Ochlerini was proposed by Rolston (1981)Rolston, L.H., 1981. Ochlerini, a new tribe in Discocephalinae (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 89, 40-42. to include 23 genera with a shallowly excavated superior surface of third tarsal segment of the hind legs of the females (Rolston, 1981Rolston, L.H., 1981. Ochlerini, a new tribe in Discocephalinae (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 89, 40-42.). The tribe currently comprises 33 genera and 124 species (Garbelotto et al., 2013Garbelotto, T.A., Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2013. Cladistics and revision of Alitocoris with considerations on the phylogeny of the Herrichella clade (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae, Ochlerini). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 168, 452-472., 2014Garbelotto, T.A., Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2014. Xynocoris, new genus of Ochlerini from Central and South America (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). Zootaxa 3869, 281-305.; Cervantes-Peredo and Ortega-León, 2014Cervantes-Peredo, L., Ortega-León, G., 2014. Description of a new species of Neoadoxoplatys and immature stages of Neoadoxoplatys saileri Kormilev (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) associated with bamboo. Neotrop. Entomol. 43, 236-244.; Simões and Campos, 2014Simões, F.L., Campos, L.A., 2014. Taxonomic notes on Ochlerus: revisiting Herrich-Schäffer's species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae: Ochlerini). Zootaxa 3774, 496-500.), and its monophyly was recently recovered by Campos and Grazia (2006)Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2006. Análise cladística e biogeografia de Ochlerini (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae). Iheringia (Zool.) 96, 147-163., supported by the flattened superior surface of third tarsal segment of hind legs in females; a character state shared by AdoxoplatysBreddin, 1903Breddin, G., 1903. Beiträge zur Hemipteren-fauna der Anden. Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl., 366-383., NeoadoxoplatysKormilev, 1956Kormilev, N.A., 1956. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales V (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 4, 1-7. and PseudadoxoplatysRolston, 1992Rolston, L.H., 1992. Key and diagnoses for the genera of Ochlerini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 100, 1-41., the most basal genera in the tribe; the rest of the genera included have an excavated third tarsal segment.

Adoxoplatys is characterized by the depressed body; the four-segmented antennae; the juga surpassing the tylus (except in A. gallardoi Kormilev); the rostrum arising well before an imaginary plane bisecting the head at the anterior limit of eyes, and with the second segment of rostrum with well defined intercalary segment at base; the scutellum width at distal end of frena nearly one-half of its basal width; the coria extending well past apex of scutellum; at least anterior femora armed with two irregular rows of small tubercles on ventral surface, and with the medial tubercle at base of abdominal venter broad, flat, apposed by a sulcate metasternum (Breddin, 1903Breddin, G., 1903. Beiträge zur Hemipteren-fauna der Anden. Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl., 366-383.; Kormilev, 1949Kormilev, N.A., 1949. Dos especies nuevas del género Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903) de Bolivia (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Notas Mus. Plata 14, 313-324.; Rolston, 1992Rolston, L.H., 1992. Key and diagnoses for the genera of Ochlerini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 100, 1-41.).

The genus was described by Breddin (1903)Breddin, G., 1903. Beiträge zur Hemipteren-fauna der Anden. Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl., 366-383., to include two new species, A. comis and A. minax, both from Peru and Bolivia. Kormilev (1949Kormilev, N.A., 1949. Dos especies nuevas del género Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903) de Bolivia (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Notas Mus. Plata 14, 313-324., 1950)Kormilev, N.A., 1950. Notes on neotropical Pentatomidae, with description of one new genus and two new species (Hemiptera). Rev. Bras. Biol. 10, 339-346. redescribed the genus and described three new species: A. bridarollii and A. willineri from Bolivia, and A. giaii from Misiones, Argentina. Later, this author described A. panamensis from Panama, A. brasiliensis from Brazil, and A gallardoi from Misiones, Argentina (Kormilev, 1951Kormilev, N.A., 1951. Sobre los géneros Vulsirea Spinola (1837), Ramosiana Kormilev (1950) y Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903), con la descripción de tres especies nuevas (Hemipt. Pentat.). Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 15, 83-95.). Finally, Kormilev (1955)Kormilev, N.A., 1955. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales II (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 1, 1-16. redescribed the Breddin species, and provided a key to separate all the species included in the genus. Although Adoxoplatys has a wide distribution, the eight included species are known from only a few specimens (Kormilev, 1951Kormilev, N.A., 1951. Sobre los géneros Vulsirea Spinola (1837), Ramosiana Kormilev (1950) y Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903), con la descripción de tres especies nuevas (Hemipt. Pentat.). Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 15, 83-95., 1955Kormilev, N.A., 1955. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales II (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 1, 1-16.; Rolston, 1992Rolston, L.H., 1992. Key and diagnoses for the genera of Ochlerini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 100, 1-41.), and nothing is known about the biology of this seldom collected group of true bugs.

In this contribution, a new species of Adoxoplatys, based on one female from Misiones, Argentina, is described and illustrated. Moreover, a key to identify the species of the genus is provided.

Material and methods

The studied material was collected at light in the Iguazú National Park Misiones, Argentina, and is deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (MLP). Type specimens of additional Adoxoplatys species deposited in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Buenos Aires, Argentina (MACN) were studied. Color images were captured using a digital camera (Micrometrics 391CU, 3.2 m, Accu-Scope, Commack, NY, USA) mounted to a Nikon SMZ1000 stereomicroscope. Multiple focal planes were merged using Micrometrics SE Premium 4 software. The measurements are given in mm.


Adoxoplatys singularis Dellapé & Dellapé sp. nov.

(Figs. 13).

Figs. 1–7
(1–3) Adoxoplatys singularissp. nov. (1) Dorsal view. (2) Head and pronotum, lateral view. (3) Female genital plates. (4–5) Adoxoplatys giaii. (4) Female genital plates. (5) Dorsal view. (6) Adoxoplatys willineri, dorsal view. (7) Adoxoplatys gallardoi, dorsal view. Scale: 1 mm.


Total length 13.1. Body elongate, oval and depressed. Dorsal coloration ochraceous with piceous coarse punctation (Fig. 1). Head length 2, width 2.1. Jugae long, pointed anteriorly and distinctly exceeding the apex of clypeus, dorsal surface concave with lateral margins raised; eyes carmine-red, oval, interocular distance 1.3; ocelli pale-red, interocellar distance 0.7, distance between the ocelli two times the distance from ocellus to eye. Head with punctures forming a curved line extending from base of head to base of jugae, and surrounding the ocellus. Head with scarce erect setae, more evident on jugae, antenniferous tubercles and margin of bucculae. Antenniferous tubercles stout, with lateral and ventral short piceous projections; insertions of antennae visible from above; length of antennal segments: 0.9; 1.7; 1.4; 1.9. First segment widened toward apex, exceeding apex of jugae; second and third cylindrical, fourth fusiform; antennae pale brown, first segment darker distally; setose, two basal segments with blackish brown setigerous tubercles. Rostrum reaching the metasternum. Rostral segments length: 0.7; 0.3 + 1.3; 1.2; 1.2. Bucculae rounded, covering most of rostral segment I in lateral view (Fig. 2). Pronotal length (at midline) 2.3, width 5, sub-trapezoidal; anterior angles flat and produced forward into a long tooth reaching the middle of eyes (Fig. 2), lateral margins reflected and conspicuously notched on anterior half, posterior margin adjacent to scutellum straight with an apparent longitudinal medial pale brown line that extends on scutellum. Pronotum with abundant dark coarse and shallow small punctures; almost glabrous with very short setae emerging from dark punctures. Scutellar length 4.6, width (at base) 3.1, long and flat, with apex slightly acute. Scutellum with abundant dark coarse punctures, and shallow small punctures restricted to basal half; glabrous. Hemelytra surpassing abdomen, glabrous; membrane testaceous, with simple veins. Pleura ochraceous, coarsely punctated; acetabular area and metapleura with less evident punctures; spout peritreme ochraceous and elongate, located anteriorly to the ostiole. Legs ochraceous, femora and tibiae with blackish brown setigerous tubercles, larger (toothlike) on apical ventral half of femora (anterior legs missing). Tibiae with longer and abundant setae distally. Abdominal width 5.2. Protuberance of the third abdominal segment stout, obtuse, directed forwardly at middle, not reaching the hind border of metasternum; abdominal sternites brown, anterior margin of segments III to VII dark brown, paler dorsally, segment VII and genital segments irregularly pigmented dark brown; spiracles concolor, located slightly before the middle of each segment. Abdomen with semierect setae.

Genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 subtriangular, longer than wide, disc uniformly convex; posterior margins subrectilinear, posterolateral angles obtuse. Laterotergites 8 triangular, longer than wide; posterior margins subrectilinear; spiracles placed posterior to posterolateral angle of gonocoxites 8. Gonocoxites 9 exposed, triangular.

Laterotergites 9 elongate and rounded apically, with the lateral basal region depressed; mesial margins not juxtaposed; apices not surpassing the band connecting laterotergites 8. Segment X visible (Fig. 3).

Type material

Holotype female, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú National Park, Macuco Trail, 25°40′40.8″S 54°26′55.9″W, 29-X-2012, light trap (MLP).


The specific name singularis means “alone”, in reference to the unique specimen found of this species.


Among the nine species of Adoxoplatys, four species presented an elongate, subparallel sided body: A. brasiliensis, A. giaii, A. willineri and A. singularis. These species can be separated by the morphology of the anterior pronotal angles; in A. brasiliensis the anterior pronotal angles are anteriorly directed and sickle shaped, in A. willineri (Fig. 6) the anterior pronotal angles are small and directed laterally; and in A. giaii and A. singularis the anterior pronotal angles are produced forward, but in A. giaii it is straight and placed well alongside the eyes (Fig. 5), while in A. singularis it is triangular, shorter and remote from the eyes. These two species also differs in the shape of the posterior margins of the gonocoxites 8, in A. singularis are subrectilinear while in A. giaii are slightly concave (Fig. 4).

A. singularis is the third species of the genus Adoxoplatys known from Argentina, A. giaii and A. gallardoi are also known from Misiones Province, and presumably also inhabitants of the Paranaense forest. A. gallardoi has an oval shortest body and the jugae are as long as the clypeus (Fig. 7).

Key to the species of Adoxoplatys (modified from Kormilev, 1955Kormilev, N.A., 1955. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales II (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 1, 1-16.)

Key to the species of Adoxoplatys (modified from Kormilev, 1955Kormilev, N.A., 1955. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales II (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 1, 1-16.)

Additional examined material

A. bridarollii: Paratype male, Bolivia, Yungas, Chaparé, I-1949, Padre Dr. A. Bridarolli (S.J.) leg. (MACN); A. gallardoi: Holotype female, Argentina, Misiones, Puerto Bemberg, II-1951, J.M.A. Gallardo leg. (MACN); A. giaii: Holotype female, Argentina, Misiones, Río Urugua-í (not Río Uruguay), 3-IX-1949, A. Giai leg. (MACN); A. willineri: Paratype female, Bolivia, Yungas, Chaparé, I-1949, Padre G. Williner leg. (MACN).


We thank to María C. Melo (Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina) who kindly reviewed the manuscript and offered comments for its improvement. This study was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina, and the grant PIP 0249.


  • Breddin, G., 1903. Beiträge zur Hemipteren-fauna der Anden. Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl., 366-383.
  • Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2006. Análise cladística e biogeografia de Ochlerini (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae). Iheringia (Zool.) 96, 147-163.
  • Cervantes-Peredo, L., Ortega-León, G., 2014. Description of a new species of Neoadoxoplatys and immature stages of Neoadoxoplatys saileri Kormilev (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) associated with bamboo. Neotrop. Entomol. 43, 236-244.
  • Garbelotto, T.A., Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2013. Cladistics and revision of Alitocoris with considerations on the phylogeny of the Herrichella clade (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae, Ochlerini). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 168, 452-472.
  • Garbelotto, T.A., Campos, L.A., Grazia, J., 2014. Xynocoris, new genus of Ochlerini from Central and South America (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). Zootaxa 3869, 281-305.
  • Kormilev, N.A., 1949. Dos especies nuevas del género Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903) de Bolivia (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Notas Mus. Plata 14, 313-324.
  • Kormilev, N.A., 1950. Notes on neotropical Pentatomidae, with description of one new genus and two new species (Hemiptera). Rev. Bras. Biol. 10, 339-346.
  • Kormilev, N.A., 1951. Sobre los géneros Vulsirea Spinola (1837), Ramosiana Kormilev (1950) y Adoxoplatys Breddin (1903), con la descripción de tres especies nuevas (Hemipt. Pentat.). Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 15, 83-95.
  • Kormilev, N.A., 1955. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales II (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 1, 1-16.
  • Kormilev, N.A., 1956. Notas sobre Pentatomoidea Neotropicales V (Hemiptera). Acta Sci. Inst. Investig. San Miguel 4, 1-7.
  • Rolston, L.H., 1981. Ochlerini, a new tribe in Discocephalinae (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 89, 40-42.
  • Rolston, L.H., 1992. Key and diagnoses for the genera of Ochlerini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 100, 1-41.
  • Simões, F.L., Campos, L.A., 2014. Taxonomic notes on Ochlerus: revisiting Herrich-Schäffer's species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae: Ochlerini). Zootaxa 3774, 496-500.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2016


  • Received
    14 Sept 2015
  • Accepted
    06 Nov 2015
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