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Not just a taxonomist, but a naturalist! The foundations of “Froehlich’s Autonomous Stonefly Republic”


Prof. Dr. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich’s career is presented here using numbers and actions guided by a genuine way to study biodiversity, especially aquatic ecosystems. An extensive number of publications is accompanied by an investment in human resources training and establishing a vast network of collaborators and friendships. Dr. Peter Zwick mentioned the Southeast Region of Brazil as “Froehlich’s Autonomous Stonefly Republic”, to express the magnitude of Prof. Froehlich’s scientific production on Neotropical Plecoptera. In this special volume in honor of Prof. Froehlich, the numbers of his career support Zwick's affirmation. Thirty-nine students graduated in MSc and/or PhD courses, two books, and 20 book chapters were published, as well as 95 articles on geoplanids, onychophorans, cnidarians, mayflies, coleopterans, caddisflies, and especially stoneflies. Froehlich’s legacy includes different ways to observe nature, from taxonomy to ecology, from flatworms to stoneflies.

Aquatics insects; Biodiversity; Neotropics; Plecoptera; taxonomy

The first steps in Natural History

Born on June 10, 1927, in São Paulo, Brazil, Professor Dr. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich (CGF) took his initial steps in the realm of Natural History. In 1951, he earned his bachelor's degree in Natural History from the University of São Paulo (USP). The year 1954 marked a significant milestone in his academic journey when he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Morphology and Taxonomy of Geoplanidae,” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ernst Marcus (1893–1968) at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências, USP (as depicted in Fig. 1).

Figure 1
Prof. Dr. C. G. Froehlich’s professional career timeline, with some significant events highlighted in the photographs.

Professor CGF embarked on his teaching career in 1952, imparting knowledge in Zoology to undergraduate students pursuing the Natural History course, later renamed Biological Sciences in 1961, at USP. As a dedicated educator, he played an instrumental role in shaping the budding biologists of his era, many of whom went on to lay the foundation for Brazilian zoology and entomology. His influence as a teacher is vividly illustrated in Prof. Dr. Nelson Papavero’s biographical article: “Some teachers were important during my undergraduate years. One of them was Professor Claudio Froehlich, who is now at the FFCLRP [Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto]. We became friends early on. He has an incredible knowledge of zoology” (Klassa and Santos, 2014Klassa, B., Santos, C. M. D., 2014. The man who loved flies: a biographical profile of Nelson Papavero. Zootaxa 3793 (2), 201-221.

CGF's journey as a teacher commenced in 1952, and within just three years, he published his first article. During his initial phase as a researcher, he authored nine articles, providing detailed descriptions of 59 species of Geoplanidae (Platyhelminthes) (Froehlich, 1955aFroehlich, C. G., 1955a. Notas sobre geoplanas brasileiras. Pap. Avulsos Zool. 12 (7), 189-198., 1955bFroehlich, C. G., 1955b. Sobre morfologia e taxonomia das Geoplanidae. Zoologia 19, 195-279., 1956aFroehlich, C. G., 1956a. Turbellaria Terricola das regiões de Teresópolis e Ubatuba. Pap. Avulsos Zool. 12 (16), 313-343., 1956bFroehlich, C. G., 1956b. On The Biology of Land Planarians. Boll. Zool. 20, 263-272., 1957Froehlich, C. G., 1957. Planárias terrestres do Paraná. Dusenia 7 (4), 173-191., 1958Froehlich, C. G., 1958. On A Collection of Brazilian Land Planarians. Boll. Zool. 21, 93-121., 1960aFroehlich, C. G., 1960a. On Geoplanids from Brazil. Boll. Zool. 22, 210-265., 1967Froehlich, C. G., 1967. A contribution to the zoogeography of neotropical land planarians. Acta Zool. Lilloana 23, 153-162., 1972Froehlich, C. G., 1972. Land Planarians from the Amazonian Region. Pap. Avulsos Zool. 26 (2), 29-45.). This remarkable body of work accounted for nearly one-third of all Brazilian species (199 species) in the field (Lago-Barcia et al., 2023Lago-Barcia, D., Álvarez-Presas, M., Riutort, M., Oceguera-Figueroa, A., Carbayo, F., 2023. Phylogenetic relationships of the Geoplaninae land planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) assessed with a total evidence approach, with the description of a new species of Gigantea. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 184, 107750.
) (refer to Table 1).

Table 1
Taxa described by C. G. Froehlich which occur in Brazil, including land planarians, onychophorans, and aquatic insects (Source: CTFB).

Even today, CGF's legacy in geoplanids systematics and biology continues to shine brightly. Four decades after his last publication on geoplanids, during the XXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia in Salvador, Bahia state (2012), Professor CGF was pleasantly surprised by a group of enthusiastic students and researchers who sought him out to express their admiration for his contributions to the study of land planarians. With his characteristic humor, Prof. Claudio remarked to one of the authors, “After all these years, they must think I’m a ghost!”

Undoubtedly, his enduring passion for the study of planarians remains unwavering. On numerous occasions, he extended invitations to students, encouraging them to step out of the confines of their collection sites and embark on quests to discover geoplanids.

The foundation of “Froehlich’s Autonomous Stonefly Republic”

The “Froehlich’s Autonomous Stonefly Republic” was mentioned by Dr. Peter Zwick during the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Awardees 1998, International Association of Plecopterists (Fig. 2).

Figure 2
Awards received by Prof. Dr. C. G. Froehlich. A, Lifetime Achievement Award, offered by International Association of Plecopterologists, XII International Symposium on Plecoptera, Tucumán, Argentina (1998); B, Plate offered by students and colleagues for the outstanding contribution to Neotropical Aquatic Entomology, 3rd Symposium on Neotropical Aquatic Insects, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (2015).
Figure 3
The foundation of “Froehlich’s Autonomous Stonefly Republic”. A, Claudio G. Froehlich (CGF), his Ph.D. students Adolfo R. Calor (ARC) and Rodolfo Mariano (RM), and Dr. Eduardo Domínguez (ED) in a collection expedition at the Estação Biológica de Boracéia (EBB/USP), Salesópolis, São Paulo, Brazil, 2007; B, CGF in his classic undergraduate course “Aquatic Entomology” at the EBB/USP, 2005; CGF, his PhD students ARC and RM, and ED in a light trap collect, 2007; CGF and ED in Venerando river, in EBB, collecting stoneflies and mayflies.
Figure 4
The legacy of Prof. Dr. C. G. Froehlich is reflected in several new Brazilian research centers. M.Sc. students (in yellow) and Ph.D. students (in green) advised by him are represented by the initial letters of each name. São Paulo state is magnified. The list of the full name and their respective initials is provide at the Table 2.

The foundation of the republic started in 1960 when CGF published “On The Stonefly Fauna Of Western Lule Lappmark, Swedish Lappland” (Brinck and Froehlich, 1960aBrinck, P., Froehlich, C. G., 1960a. On The Stonefly Fauna of Western Lule Lappmark, Swedish Lappland. Kungl. Fys. Sallsk. Lund Forhandl. 30 (1), 1-19.), and “The Reproductive Organs Of The Plecopteron “Isoperla grammatica” (Poda, 1767)” (Brinck and Froehlich, 1960bBrinck, P., Froehlich, C. G., 1960b. The Reproductive Organs of the Plecopteron “Isoperla Grammatica” (Poda, 1767). Ent. Tidsskrift 81 (3-4), 53-62.). These two papers on European fauna were written during his post-doctoral period at Lund University, Sweden, with the coauthor and supervisor, Professor Dr. Per Simon Valdemar Brinck (1919–2013).

In the same year, CGF published his first article on Neotropical stoneflies as a single author, “Some Gripopterygids and Notonemourines (Plecoptera) From South America” (Froehlich, 1960bFroehlich, C. G., 1960b. Some Gripopterygids and Notonemourines (Plecoptera) From South America. Lunds Univ Arsskrift 56 (13), 1-24.). Ever since, he has published many works on ecology and taxonomy of aquatic insects, especially stoneflies (Froehlich, 1964aFroehlich, C. G., 1964a. Plecoptera. In: Vanzolini, P. (Ed.), História natural de organismos aquáticos do Brasil. FAPESP, São Paulo, pp. 143., 1969bFroehlich, C. G., 1969b. Studies on Brazilian Plecoptera 1. Some from the biological station at Paranapiacaba, state of São Paulo. Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna 6 (1), 17-39.
, 1981Froehlich, C. G., 1981. Plecoptera. Aquatic Biota of Tropical South America, Part 1. Arthropoda. San Diego State University, San Diego, pp. 86-88., 1984aFroehlich, C. G., 1984a. Brazilian Plecoptera 2. Species of the of serrana-group of Kempnyia (Plecoptera). Aquat. Insects 6 (3), 137-147.
, 1984bFroehlich, C. G., 1984b. Brazilian Plecoptera 3. Macrogynoplax veneranda sp. n. (Perlidae: Acroneuriinae). Ann. Limnol. 20 (1-2), 39-41.
, 1984cFroehlich, C. G., 1984c. Brazilian Plecoptera 4. Nymphs of perlid genera from south-eastern Brazil. Ann. Limnol. 20 (1-2), 43-47.
, 1988Froehlich, C. G., 1988. Brazilian Plecoptera 5. Old and new species of (Perlidae). Aquat. Insects 10 (3), 153-170.
, 1990aFroehlich, C. G., 1990a. Brazilian Plecoptera 6. from Campos do Jordão, State of São Paulo (Gripopterygidae). Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 25 (4), 235-247.
, 1990bFroehlich, C. G., 1990b. Size variation in Kempnyia (Plecoptera: Perlidae). In: Campbell, I. (Ed.), Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology, 1st ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 353-357., 1991Froehlich, C. G., 1991. Flight periods of Kempnyia and Macrogynoplax (Plecoptera: Perlidae). In: Alba-Tercedor, J., Sanchez-Ortega, A. (Eds.), Southeastern Brazil: Overview and Strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, 1st ed. The Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville, pp. 353-357., 1993Froehlich, C. G., 1993. Brazilian Plecoptera 7. Old and new species of (Gripopterygidae). Aquat. Insects 15 (1), 21-38.
, 1994Froehlich, C. G., 1994. Brazilian Plecoptera 8. On Paragripopteryx (Gripopterygidae). Aquat. Insects 16 (4), 227-239.
, 1996Froehlich, C. G., 1996. Two New Species of Kempnyia from Southern Brazil (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 69, 117-120., 1998Froehlich, C. G., 1998. Seven New Species of Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from Brazil, with a Revision of the Genus. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 33 (1), 19-36.
, 1999Froehlich, C. G., 1999. Biometric notes on Tupiperla Froehlich (Plecoptera, Gripopterygidae). Rev. Bras. Zool. 16 (2, Suppl. 2), 181-183.
, 1999aFroehlich, C. G., 1999a. Insetos Plecópteros. In: Ismael, D., Valenti, C., Matsumura-Tundisi, T., Rocha, O. (Eds.), Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo. Vol. 4. FAPESP, São Paulo, pp. 159-160., 2000Froehlich, C. G., 2000. Biological observations on Tupiperla (Plecoptera: gripopterygidae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 60 (3), 447-450.
, 2001aFroehlich, C. G., 2001a. Guaranyperla, a new genus in the Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera). In: Domínguez, E. (Ed.), Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, 1st ed. Kluwer/Plenum, New York, pp. 379-383., 2002aFroehlich, C. G., 2002a. Anacroneuria mainly from southern Brazil and northeastern Argentina (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 115 (1), 75-107., 2002bFroehlich, C. G., 2002b. Two new species of Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from the missions area of Argentina and Paraguay. Aquat. Insects 24 (1), 37-40.
, 2003Froehlich, C. G., 2003. Stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Brazilian Amazonia with the description of three new species and a key to Macrogynoplax. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 38 (2), 129-134.
, 2004Froehlich, C. G., 2004. Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Boraceia Biological Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. Aquat. Insects 26 (1), 53-63.
, 2007Froehlich, C. G., 2007. Three new species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Zootaxa 1461 (1), 15-24.
, 2008Froehlich, C. G., 2008. Old species of Neotropical Plecoptera. In: Hauer, F., Stanford, J., Newell, R. (Eds.), International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies, 1st ed. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 125-132., 2009aFroehlich, C. G., 2009a. Plecoptera. In: Fonseca, C., Magalhães, C., Rafael, J., Franklin, E. (Eds.), A fauna de artrópodes da Reserva Florestal Ducke: estado atual do conhecimento taxonômico e biológico. Editora INPA, Manaus, pp. 1-307., 2009bFroehlich, C. G., 2009b. Plecoptera. In: Domínguez, E., Fernández, H. (Eds.), Macroinvertebrados bentónicos sudamericanos, 1ª ed. Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, pp. 145-165., 2010aFroehlich, C. G., 2010a. Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera. Iliesia 6, 118-205., 2010bFroehlich, C. G., 2010b. Anacroneuria (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from the Mantiqueira Mountains, São Paulo State, Brazil. Zootaxa 2365 (1), 55-68.
, 2011aFroehlich, C. G., 2011a. Kempnyia (Plecoptera) from the Mantiqueira Mountains of Brazil. Zootaxa 2999 (1), 20-32.
, 2011bFroehlich, C. G., 2011b. Notes on Kempnyia, with the description of three new species (Plecoptera: perlidae). Illiesia 7, 133-141., 2011cFroehlich, C. G., 2011c. Checklist dos Plecoptera (Insecta) do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Biota Neotrop. 11 (Suppl. 1), 1-6.
, 2012Froehlich, C. G., 2012. Plecoptera. In: Rafael, J., Melo, G., Carvalho, C., Casari, S., Constantino, R. (Eds.), Insetos do Brasil, 1ª ed. Holos Editora, Ribeirão Preto, 796 pp., 2015Froehlich, C. G., 2015. Taxonomic notes on Guaranyperla (Plecoptera: gripopterygidae). Illiesia 11, 175-178., 2016Froehlich, C. G., 2016. Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from southwestern Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with the description of Tupiperla amorimi n. sp. Zootaxa 4103 (2), 174-176.
; Dorvillé and Froehlich, 1999Dorvillé, L. F. M., Froehlich, C. G., 1999. Additional characters to distinguish the nymphs of the perlid genera from southeastern Brazil (Insecta, Plecoptera). Aquat. Insects 21 (4), 281-284.
; Froehlich and Oliveira, 1997Froehlich, C. G., Oliveira, L. G., 1997. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Nymphs from Riffles in Low-Order Streams in Southeastern Brazil. In: Landolt, P., Sartori, M. (Eds.), Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera - Biology-Ecology-Systematics, 1st ed. MTL - Mauron + Tinguely & Lachat SA, Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 180-185., Ribeiro-Ferreira and Froehlich, 1999Ribeiro-Ferreira, A. C., Froehlich, C. G., 1999. New Species of Macrogynoplax Enderlein, 1909 from North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquat. Insects 21 (2), 133-140.
, 2001Ribeiro-Ferreira, A. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2001. Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909 from Amazonas State, North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquat. Insects 23 (3), 187-192.
; Bispo and Froehlich, 2004aBispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2004a. Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Intervales State Park, São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, with Descriptions of New Species. Aquat. Insects 26 (2), 97-113.
, 2004bBispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2004b. The first records of Kempnyia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Central Brazil, with descriptions of new species. Zootaxa 530 (1), 1-7.
, 2007Bispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2007. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) from northern Goiás State, central Brazil: new record of Kempnyia oliveirai (Perlidae) and a new species of Tupiperla (Gripopterygidae). Aquat. Insects 29 (3-4), 213-217.
, 2008Bispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2008. Description of the larva and redescription of the adult of Kempnyia neotropica Jacobsen and Bianchi (Plecoptera: Perlidae) with biological notes. Aquat. Insects 30 (1), 61-67.
; Bispo et al., 2005Bispo, P. C., Neves, C. O., Froehlich, C. G., 2005. Two new species of Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Mato Grosso State, western Brazil. Zootaxa 795 (1), 1-6.
; Ribeiro and Froehlich, 2007Ribeiro, V. R., Froehlich, C. G., 2007. Two new species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from southern Brazil. Zootaxa 1624 (1), 53-57.
; Righi-Cavallaro and Froehlich, 2013Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., 2013. The nymph of Anacroneuria payagua Froehlich (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa 3635 (5), 579-582.
; Righi-Cavallaro et al., 2013Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., Lecci, L. S., 2013. New species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from northeast Brazil. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 48 (2), 125-134.
, 2014Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., Cavallaro, M. R., 2014. Feeding Habits of Plecoptera Nymphs from the Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 8, 226-232.).

The “Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera” published in Illiesia (Froehlich, 2010aFroehlich, C. G., 2010a. Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera. Iliesia 6, 118-205.) and the book “Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera)” (Stark et al., 2009Stark, B. P., Froehlich, C. G., Zuniga, M. C., 2009. Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. Pensoft, Moscou, 154 pp. (South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera), 5).) constitute fundamental references to any researcher working on Neotropical stoneflies.

Professor CGF was not the first South American researcher dedicated to aquatic insects, especially stoneflies, however, he was the first South American-born researcher to study aquatic insects. This led Zwick (1999)Zwick, P., 1999. Laudationes and presentations of the lifetime achievement award to Dr Claudio Froehlich. Perla. 17, 9-13. to declare that “a large part of the South American Subcontinent is now well studied, by a resident South American student”. Prof. Claudio has always been dedicated to research on Plecoptera, and participating in almost all International Symposium on Plecoptera held around the world. Always taking knowledge of Brazil's Plecoptera to the world (Figs. 5-7).

Figure 5
A, Prof. Claudio Froehlich at the Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo (MZUSP) in 1969, São Paulo, Brazil; B, CGF at the 4th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Abisko, Swedish Lapland, 1968; C, CGF and Marlene Sofia Arcifa Froehlich at the XIII International Symposium on Plecoptera, Tafí de Valle, Tucumán, Argentina, August 1998; D, CGF and Oliver Flint, both were honored at the III Symposium on Neotropical Aquatic Insects, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, 2015; E, CGF in a collection expedition at the Estação Biológica de Boracéia (EBB/USP), Salesópolis, São Paulo, Brazil, 2006.
Figure 6
A, The 6th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Schlitz, Germany 1977.; B, The 7th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Nara, Japan 1980.
Figure 7
A, 9th International Conference on Ephemeroptera & 13th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Tafí de Valle, Tucumán 16–21 August 1998; B, 15th International Conference on Ephemeroptera & 19 International Symposium on Plecoptera, Aracruz, Brazil 3–8 June 2018.

Professor CGF also dedicated his time to advisory activities. Presently, at least five active researchers are dedicated to stoneflies in Brazil (Dr. Pitágoras C. Bispo, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Assis, São Paulo state; Dr. Lucas Silveira Lecci, Universidade de Cuiabá, Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso state; Dr. Karina O. Righi-Cavallaro, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state; Dr. Lucas Henrique de Almeida, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Assis, São Paulo state), and Argentina (Dr. Tácio Duarte, Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica, Esquel, Chubut province), all of them belonging to CGF’s direct lineage (Fig. 2). In Brazil, two other researchers have received CGF’s contributions by collaboration in papers or evaluation committees (Dra. Fernanda Avelino-Capistrano, Centro Universitário São José, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state; Dr José Moacir Ferreira Ribeiro, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará state).

The legacy of Prof. CGF is clearly expressed in the Brazilian stonefly taxonomy (Table 1). Considering the current knowledge about the Brazilian stoneflies, 200 stonefly species have been described until now, 83 (ca. 42%) of them described by CGF (65 species described exclusively by him (35%), and the other 18 in collaborations). If we consider only the taxonomy of Brazilian stoneflies after 1969, the year of his first valid species description (Paragripopteryx angaFroehlich, 1969bFroehlich, C. G., 1969b. Studies on Brazilian Plecoptera 1. Some from the biological station at Paranapiacaba, state of São Paulo. Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna 6 (1), 17-39.
), the contribution of Prof. CGF can be better scaled. Excluding the 68 stonefly species described before 1964, the 83 species described by CGF represent circa 63% of the total (132 species). Considering the CGF’s impact in the second and third levels (species described by his academic descendants), the contribution is above 90%, with only 12 species described by other authors.

Not just a taxonomist, but a naturalist who integrated systematics and ecology

CGF´s exemplary and productive scientific career did not stop on the geoplanids and stoneflies (Fig. 1), as he also studied onychophorans (Froehlich, 1963aFroehlich, C. G., 1963a. Ocorrência de Forma Polipoide de Craspedacusta sowerby Lank. (Limnomedusae). An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 35 (3), 421-422., 1968Froehlich, C. G., 1968. On some Brazilian Onychophores. Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna 5 (3), 160-171.
) and cnidarians (Froehlich, 1963bFroehlich, C. G., 1963b. A Peripatus from Barbados. Boll. Zool. (24), 325-333.). Froehlich (1968)Froehlich, C. G., 1968. On some Brazilian Onychophores. Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna 5 (3), 160-171.
proposed the first revisionary paper on Brazilian Onychophora, which included comments on three described species, Epiperipatus edwardsii (Blanchard, 1847), Macroperipatus acacioi (Marcus & Marcus, 1955), Peripatus (Peripatus) evelinae Marcus, 1937 (a new combination and a lectotype designation), and the description of a new species, Peripatus (Epiperipatus) tucupi, based on two female specimens from the state of Pará (Sampaio-Costa et al., 2009Sampaio-Costa, C., Chagas-Junior, A., Baptista, R. L. C., 2009. Brazilian species of Onychophora with notes on their taxonomy and distribution. Zoologia 26 (3), 553-561.
). This species was reallocated to Epiperipatus tucupi by Peck (1975).

Froehlich (1963b)Froehlich, C. G., 1963b. A Peripatus from Barbados. Boll. Zool. (24), 325-333. is his single contribution on cnidarians. CGF recorded the occurrence of the polyp stage of Craspedacusta sowerbii (peach blossom jellyfish), a species of freshwater hydrozoan jellyfish native to the Yangtze basin in China that has been introduced on every continent except for Antarctica.

Among aquatic insects, Prof. CGF also dedicated to the study of mayflies (Froehlich, 1963cFroehlich, C. G., 1963c. The feeding apparatus of the Nymph of “Arthroplea congener” Bengtsson (Ephemeroptera). Opusc. Entomol. 29 (3), 188-208., 1964bFroehlich, C. G., 1964b. Ephemeroptera. In: Vanzolini, P. (Ed.), História natural de organismos aquáticos do Brasil. FAPESP, São Paulo, pp. 145-146., 1969aFroehlich, C. G., 1969a. Caenis cuniana sp. n., a Parthenogenetic Mayfly. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 6 (2), 103-108.; Ferreira and Froehlich, 1992Ferreira, M. J. N., Froehlich, C. G., 1992. Estudo da Fauna de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) do Córrego do Pedregulho (Pedregulho, SP, Brasil) com aspectos da biologia de Thraulodes Schlingeri Traver & Edmnds, 1967. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 36 (3), 541-548.; Polegatto and Froehlich, 2001Polegatto, C. M., Froehlich, C. G., 2001. Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus of the nymph of Farrodes sp. (Ephemeroptera: leptophlebiidae). Acta Zool. 82 (2), 165-175.
, 2003Polegatto, C. M., Froehlich, C. G., 2003. Feeding strategies in Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae), with considerations on scraping and filtering. In: Gaino, E. (Ed.), Research Update on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Università di Perugia, Perugia, pp. 55-61., 2009Polegatto, C. M., Froehlich, C. G., 2009. Perissophlebiodes flinti Savage (Ephemeroptera; Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae): novo registro, distribuição e comentários sobre sua identificação. Biota Neotrop. 9 (1), 257-258.
; Lopes et al., 2003Lopes, M. J. N., Froehlich, C. G., Dominguez, E., 2003. Description of the larva of Thraulodes schlingeri (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). Iheringia Ser. Zool. 93 (2), 197-200.
; Siegloch et al., 2006Siegloch, A. E., Polegatto, C. M., Froehlich, C. G., 2006. Segesta riograndensis, a new genus and species of an Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) mayfly from southern Brazil. Zootaxa 1299 (1), 35-43.
, 2012Siegloch, A. E., Froehlich, C. G., Spies, M. R., 2012. Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 56 (4), 473-480.
; Mariano and Froehlich, 2007Mariano, R., Froehlich, C. G., 2007. Description of the nymph of Ulmeritoides uruguayensis (Traver) (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Zootaxa 1642 (1), 61-64.
; Mariano et al., 2011Mariano, R., Flowers, R. W., Froehlich, C. G., 2011. Four new species, a new synonymy and new record for Thraulodes Ulmer 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). Ann. Limnol. 4, 1-7.; Dias et al., 2007Dias, L. G., Salles, F. F., Polegatto, C. M., Silva, R. M. L., Froehlich, C. G., 2007. Novos registros de Ephemerelloidea (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) para o Estado de São Paulo. Biota Neotropica 7 (3), bn00307032007.), coleopterans (Segura et al., 2013Segura, M. O., Passos, M. I. S., Fonseca-Gessner, A. A., Froehlich, C. G., 2013. Elmidae Curtis, 1830 (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Byrrhoidea) of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa 3731, 1-57.
), caddisflies (Oliveira and Froehlich, 1996Oliveira, L. G., Froehlich, C. G., 1996. Natural history of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera, Insecta) in a ‘cerrado’ stream from northeastern São Paulo, Brazil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 13 (3), 755-762.
; Crisci-Bispo et al., 2004Crisci-Bispo, V. L., Bispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2004. Triplectides larvae in empty cases of Nectopsyche (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) at Parque Estadual Intervales, São Paulo State, Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 48 (1), 133-134.
; Calor and Froehlich, 2008Calor, A. R., Froehlich, C. G., 2008. Description of the immature stages of Notalina morsei Holzenthal, 1986 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) and an updated key to larvae of Neotropical Leptoceridae genera. Zootaxa 1779 (1), 45-54.
; Calor et al., 2016Calor, A. R., Holzenthal, R. W., Froehlich, C. G., 2016. Phylogeny and revision of the Neotropical genus Grumichella Müller (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including nine new species and a key. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 176 (1), 137-169.
; Spies and Froehlich, 2009Spies, M. R., Froehlich, C. G., 2009. Inventory of caddisflies (Trichoptera: Insecta) of the Campos do Jordão State Park, São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotrop. 9 (4), 211-218.
; Quinteiro et al., 2011Quinteiro, F. B., Calor, A. R., Froehlich, C. G., 2011. A new species of Phylloicus Müller, 1880 (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), from southeastern Brazil, including descriptions of larval and pupal stages. Zootaxa 2748 (1), 38-46.
) and dipterans (Pinho & Froehlich, 2011Pinho, L. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2011. Three new Neotropical species of Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte, 1996 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae). In: Contemporary Chironomid Studies - International Symposium on Chironomidae, 17, 2009, Tianjin, China. Proceedings. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, pp. 144-153.).

CGF was the first Brazilian researcher to publish a new mayfly species, Caenis cuniana Froehlich, 1969 (Caenidae). It was described based on a parthenogenetic species (Fig. 3) from Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Salesópolis, São Paulo state.

During the decades of 1970s and 1980s, CGF divided his attention between studying aquatic insects and limnology, especially the ecology of reservoirs in São Paulo state (Froehlich et al., 1978Froehlich, C. G., Arcifa, M. S., Carvalho, M. A. J., 1978. Temperature and oxygen stratification in Americana Reservoir, State of São Paulo, Brazil. SIL Proc. 20, 1710-1719.; Arcifa et al., 1981aArcifa, M. S., Carvalho, M. A. J., Gianesella-Galvão, S. M. F., Shimizu, G. Y., Castro, R. M. C. E., Froehlich, C. G., 1981a. Limnology of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil. SIL Proc. 21 (2), 1048-1053., 1981bArcifa, M. S., Froehlich, C. G., Gianesella-Galvão, S. M. F., 1981b. Circulation patterns and their influence on physico-chemical and biological conditions in eight reservoirs in southern Brazil. SIL Proc. 21 (2), 1054-1059.; Froehlich and Arcifa, 1984Froehlich, C. G., Arcifa, M. S., 1984. An oligomictic man-made lake in southeastern Brazil. SIL Proc. 22, 1620-1624., 1986Froehlich, C. G., Arcifa, M. S. C. G., 1986. Padrões de circulação vertical em dez reservatórios do Estado de São Paulo. Cienc. Cult. 38 (4), 684-693.). Later, GCF scientific contributions were directed to stream ecology, under the main objectives of BIOTA-FAPESP projects (Oliveira and Froehlich, 1998aOliveira, L. G., Froehlich, C. G., 1998a. Diversity and Community Structure of Aquatic Insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) in a Mountain Stream in Southeastern Brazil. Acta Limnol. Bras. 9, 139-148., 1998bOliveira, L. G., Froehlich, C. G., 1998b. The Trichoptera (Insecta) fauna of a “cerrado” stream in southeastern Brazil. Naturalia 22, 183-197.; Melo and Froehlich, 2001aMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2001a. Evaluation of methods for estimating macroinvertebrate species richness using individual stones in tropical streams. Freshw. Biol. 46 (1), 711-721.
, 2001bMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2001b. Macroinvertebrates in Neotropical Streams: Richness Patterns along a Catchment and Assemblage Structure between 2 Seasons. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 20 (1), 1-16.
, 2004aMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2004a. Substrate stability in streams: effects of stream size, particle size, and rainfall on frequency of movement and burial of particles. Acta Limnol. Bras. 16 (4), 381-390., 2004bMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2004b. Colonization by Macroinvertebrates of Experimentally Disturbed Stones in Three Tropical Streams Differing in Size. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 89 (3), 317-325.
, 2022Melo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2022. An attractor domain model of seasonal and inter-annual biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrate communities. Freshw. Biol. 67 (8), 1370-1379.
; Bispo and Froehlich, 2004aBispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2004a. Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Intervales State Park, São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, with Descriptions of New Species. Aquat. Insects 26 (2), 97-113.
; Bispo et al., 2002aBispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., Oliveira, L. G., 2002a. Stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna of streams in a mountainous area of Central Brazil: abiotic factors and nymph density. Rev. Bras. Zool. 19 (Suppl. 1), 325-334.
, 2002bBispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., Oliveira, L. G., 2002b. Spatial distribution of Plecoptera nymphs in streams of a mountainous area of Central Brazil. Braz. J. Biol. 62 (3), 409-417.
; Spies et al., 2006Spies, M. R., Froehlich, C. G., Kotzian, C. B., 2006. Composition and diversity of Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae communities in the middle section of the Jacuí river and some tributaries, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Iheringia Ser. Zool. 96 (4), 389-398.
; Crisci-Bispo et al., 2007aCrisci-Bispo, V. L., Bispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2007a. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblages in two Atlantic Rainforest streams, Southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 24 (2), 312-318., 2007bCrisci-Bispo, V. L., Bispo, P. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2007b. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblages in litter in a mountain stream of the Atlantic Rainforest from Southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 24 (3), 545-551.
; Siegloch et al., 2008Siegloch, A. E., Froehlich, C. G., Kotzian, C. B., 2008. Composition and diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) nymph communities in the middle section of the Jacuí River and some tributaries, southern Brazil. Iheringia Ser. Zool. 98 (4), 425-432.
; Roque et al., 2008Roque, F. O., Lecci, L. S., Siqueira, T., Froehlich, C. G., 2008. Using environmental and spatial filters to explain stonefly occurrences in Southeastern Brazilian streams: implications for biomonitoring. Acta Limnol. Bras. 20, 35-44.; Corbi et al., 2010Corbi, J. J., Froehlich, C. G., Trivinho-Strixino, S., Santos, A., 2010. Bioaccumulation of metals in aquatic insects of streams located in areas with sugar cane cultivation. Quim. Nova 33 (3), 644-648.
, 2011aCorbi, J. J., Froehlich, C. G., Trivinho-Strixino, S., Santos, A., 2011a. Evaluating the use of predatory insects as bioindicators of metals contamination due to sugarcane cultivation in Neotropical streams. Environ. Monit. Assess. 177 (1-4), 545-554.
, 2011bCorbi, J. J., Santos, F. A., Zerlim, R., Santos, A., Froehlich, C. G., Trivinho-Strixino, S., 2011b. Assessment of chromium contamination in the Monte Alegre stream: a case study. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 54 (3), 613-620.
; Suriano et al., 2011Suriano, M. T., Gessner, A. A. F., Roque, F. O., Froehlich, C. G., 2011. Choice of macroinvertebrate metrics to evaluate stream conditions in Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Environ. Monit. Assess. 175 (1-4), 87-101.
) (Table 1). Two of the articles (Melo and Froehlich, 2001aMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2001a. Evaluation of methods for estimating macroinvertebrate species richness using individual stones in tropical streams. Freshw. Biol. 46 (1), 711-721.
, 2001bMelo, A. S., Froehlich, C. G., 2001b. Macroinvertebrates in Neotropical Streams: Richness Patterns along a Catchment and Assemblage Structure between 2 Seasons. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 20 (1), 1-16.
) of this period have been the most cited of CGF’s career, with 150 and 115 citations until now (public profile of Scholar Google).

BIOTA period and the Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto

In 1985, CGF retired and moved out to Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo state, where he started a new cycle at Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, USP, teaching at the Graduate Entomology Program and participating in the training of several students, mainly on aquatic insects. During this period, he coordinated two of the most critical projects on the aquatic biodiversity of Brazil, the BIOTA projects granted by FAPESP named “Survey and Biology of Freshwater Crustacea, Insecta and Mollusca from São Paulo state” (1999–2003) and “Survey and Biology of Aquatic Insecta and Oligochaeta from lotic systems in the State of São Paulo” (2005–2009). With these projects, CGF was able to build roots in the interior of the State of São Paulo, providing resources to build a laboratory specialized in aquatic insects, that trained researchers in systematics and ecology.

During the BIOTA period, CGF experienced the most productive time of his career in different aspects (Fig. 3), with 58 articles (61% of his total), 53 new species described (~45% of total), and 22 graduate students (nine M.Sc., and 13 Ph.D. students), almost 50% of the total.

Prof. Dr. Claudio Froehlich and his own way of mentorship

In parallel to scientific publications, CGF invested a lot of his time forming the next generation of Brazilian researchers (Fig. 4), directly through formal advising of students or indirectly by collaboration on papers or examining committees.

Prof. CGF has also had a proficuous career as an advisor, shown in his high Descendancy index (Di = number of academic descendents, direct and indirect), which is 3,056 sensu Acacia Platform ( Considering the Di, CGF’s first generation presents outstanding researchers, which evidences the success of his mentoring approach (e.g., Dr. Ivan Sazima, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Di = 1,350; Dr. Aristides Pereira Rocha, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, USP, Di = 441; Dr. Hitoshi Nomura, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, USP, Di = 432; and Dr. José Henrique Guimarães (Museu de Zoologia, USP, Di = 286).

The direct CGF’s academic descendency is 41, counting M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, most of them working (or retired) at Brazilian public universities (26, around 70%). Another five of them work at Brazilian private universities, three in research institutes (Instituto Butantan and Instituto de Pesca, both in São Paulo state), and three are in the private sector as teachers or environmental consultants. Considering the 31 former students working (or retired) at Brazilian universities, we can observe the breadth of Prof. CGF’s legacy (Fig. 4). Research centers have been established at universities in all Brazilian regions (four in the Central-western region, one in the Northern region, two in the Northeastern region, four in the Southern region, and 21 in the Southeastern region). Some of these research centers focus on the systematics of aquatic insects, others on ecological studies, but most are developing integrative research with systematics, biogeography, and ecology (Table 2).

Table 2
The list of the researchers with their respective initials names, the region with their institutions and the number of indirect descendants of CGF. The color of the initial names means: in yellow M.Sc. students and in green Ph.D. students advised by CGF Brazilian regions: CW=Central-west; S=South; SE=Southeast; N=North; NE Northeast.

CGF also contributed to academic management as the first coordinator (1970–1972) of the Graduate Program in Zoology of the Institute of Biosciences, USP, which was the single Zoology Ph.D. program in Brazil for a long time. Later, in Ribeirão Preto, CGF contributed to the Graduate Program in Entomology, USP, as a member of its deliberative committee, and member of the several evaluation committees of Ph.D. theses and M.Sc. dissertations.

Homages to Prof. Claudio Froehlich in zoological nomenclature

Prof. CGF had an enormous number of species named after him, another clear indication of his importance in Brazilian zoology. These homages comprise 35 species in 21 families of seven insect orders (three Coleoptera: two Elmidae, and one Torridincolidae; six Diptera, all Chironomidae; six Ephemeroptera: one Leptohyphidae, four Leptophlebiidae and one Polymitarcyidae; one Mecoptera, Bittacidae; one Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae; five Plecoptera: two Perlidae, and three Gripopterygidae; fifteen Trichoptera: five Leptoceridae, two Hydroptilidae, Two Polycentropodidae and one each of the families Atriplectididae, Calamoceratidae, Hydrobiosidae, Hydropsychidae, Glossosomatidae and Philopotamidae). In addition, CGF has been honored with three insect genera names: Claudioperla Illies, 1963 (Plecoptera, Gripopterygidae), Claudiella Reichardt & Vanin, 1976 (Coleoptera, Torridincolidae), and Claudiotendipes Andersen, Mendes & Pinho, 2017 (Diptera, Chironomidae). Two other species were described in CGF’s honor, one in Crustacea (Copepoda, Parastenocariidae) and one in Platyhelminthes (Tricladida, Geoplanidae). All taxa names are presented below.




Hexacylloepus froehlichi Polizei, Barclay & Bispo, 2020 (Polizei et al., 2020Polizei, T. T. S., Barclay, M. V. L., Bispo, P. C., 2020. Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 rises again; 18 new species of a neglected genus (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae). Zootaxa 4819 (1), 22.

Macrelmis froehlichi Barbosa, Fernandes & Oliveira, 2013Barbosa, F. F., Fernandes, A. S., Oliveira, L. G., 2013. Three new species of Macrelmis Motschulsky, 1859 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae) from the Brazilian Cerrado Biome with updated key for the Macrelmis of Brazil. Zootaxa 3736 (2), 128-142.


Claudiella Reichardt & Vanin, 1976Reichardt, H., Vanin, S. A., 1976. Two new Torridincolidae from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Coleoptera, Myxophaga). Stud. Ent. 19 (1-4), 211-218.



Axarus froehlichi Andersen & Mendes, 2002Andersen, T., Mendes, H. F., 2002. New species and records of the Axarus “rogersi-group” from South and Central America (Diptera, Chironomidae). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 48, 79-84.

Claudiotendipes Andersen, Mendes & Pinho, 2017Andersen, T., Mendes, H. F., Pinho, L. C., 2017. Two new Neotropical Chironominae genera (Diptera: Chironomidae). Chironomus 30 (30), 26-54.

Claudiotendipes froehlichi Andersen, Mendes & Pinho, 2017

Claudiotendipes gilbertoi Pinho & Fusari, 2023Pinho, L. C., Fusari, L. M., 2023. New species of Claudiotendipes Andersen, Mendes & Pinho and Tapajos Trivinho-Strixino, Silva & Oliveira from Brazil (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 67 (spe), e20230067.

Oukuriella froehlichi Fusari, Bellodi & Lamas, 2014Fusari, B., Bellodi, C. F., Lamas, C., 2014. A new species of sponge-dwelling Oukuriella (Chironomidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa 3764 (4), 419-421.

Tapajos froehlichi Pinho & Fusari, 2023



Loricyphes froehlichi Molineri & Mariano, 2015Molineri, C., Mariano, R., 2015. Description of Loricyphes froehlichi, a new genus and species of Leptohyphidae (Ephemeroptera) from São Paulo, Brazil. Ann. Limnol. 51 (4), 323-328.


Askola froehlichi Peters, 1969Peters, W. L., 1969. Askola froehlichi, a new genus and species from southern Brazil (Leptophlebiidae: Ephemeroptera). Fla. Entomol. 52 (4), 253-258.

Hermanella froehlichi Ferreira & Domínguez, 1992Ferreira, M. J. N., Domínguez, E., 1992. A new species of Hermanella (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Southeastern Brazil. Aquat. Insects 14 (3), 179-182.

Miroculis (Ommaetheus) froehlichiSavage & Peters, 1983Savage, H. M., Peters, W. L., 1983. Systematics of Miroculis and related genera from northern South America (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 108, 491-600.

Paramaka froehlichi Lima & Salles, 2023 (Lima et al., 2023Lima, M., Brasil, L. S., Juen, L., Rivera-Pérez, J. M., Dias-Silva, K., Salles, F. F., 2023. Hermanella complex on Northern Brazil (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae): new species and stage descriptions. Rev. Bras. Entomol. In press 67(spe):e20230063.)


Campsurus froehlichi Cruz, Molineri & Hamada, 2022Cruz, P. V., Molineri, C., Hamada, N., 2022. Two new species and new records of Campsurus Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae) in Amazon. Zootaxa 5100 (3), 435-444.



Bittacus froehlichi (Collucci & Amorim, 2000Collucci, E., Amorim, D. S., 2000. Three new species of Thyridates Navás, 1908 (Mecoptera, Bittacidae) from Brazil, with new combinations and some comments about phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Contrib. Avulsas sobre Hist. Nat. Brasil, Sér. Zool. 21, 1-8.)



Tyttholeon froehlichi Tavares, Marquez & Contreras, 2023 (Tavares et al., 2023Tavares, L. G. M., Marquez-López, Y., Machado, R. J. P., Martins, C. C., Contreras-Ramos, A., 2023. Antlions of formerly recognized tribe Gnopholeontini (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Brachynemurini) from Peninsula of Baja California, with a new species of Tyttholeon Adams. Rev. Bras. Entomol. In press 67(Spe):e20230044.)



Claudioperla Illies, 1963Illies, J., 1963. Revision der südamerikanischen Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 36, 145–248.

Tupiperla claudius Varella & Pinto, 2024Varella, R. C., Pinto, A. P., 2024. In honor to Claudio Gilberto Froehlich’s career: Tupiperla claudius sp. nov. (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae), a new stonefly from Pico do Marumbi State Park, Paraná State, southern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol.

Tupiperla froehlichi Bispo & Lecci, 2011Bispo, P. C., Lecci, L., 2011. Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera) from Paranapiacaba mountains, southeastern Brazil. Ann. Limnol. 47 (4), 373-385.


Anacroneuria froehlichi Miguel, Almeida & Bispo, 2022 (Miguel et al., 2022Miguel, M., Almeida, L. H., Novaes, M. C., Bispo, P., 2022. Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Central Brazil: new species, new geographic records, and taxonomic notes. Zootaxa 5162 (5), 487-506.

Enderleina froehlichi Ribeiro-Ferreira, 1995Ribeiro-Ferreira, A. C., 1995. Nova espécie de Enderleina Jewett do norte do Brasil (Plecoptera - Perlidae). Acta Amazon. 25 (1-2), 145-147.



Neoatriplectides froehlichi Holzenthal, 1997Holzenthal, R. W., 1997. The caddisfly (Trichoptera) family Atriplectididae in the Neotropical region. In: Holzenthal, R.W., Flint Junior, O.S., (Eds.), 8th International Symposium on Trichoptera, 1997. Proceedings. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Biological Survey, pp. 157-165.


Phylloicus froehlichi Miranda & Calor, 2024


Atopsyche froehlichi Gomes & Calor, 2024


Smicridea (Rhyacophylax) froehlichi Almeida & Flint, 2002 (Almeida and Flint Junior, 2002)


Alisotrichia froehlichi Alves, Takiya & Santos, 2023Alves, A. A., Takiya, D. M., Santos, A. P. M., 2023. Five new species of Alisotrichia Flint, 1964 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae: Leucotrichiinae) from Northeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 67 (spe), e20230073.

Ochrotrichia froehlichi Desidério, Moreno & Hamada, 2023


Mortoniella froehlichi Blahnik & Holzenthal, 2011Blahnik, R. J., Holzenthal, R. W., 2011. Revision of the austral South American species of Mortoniella (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae). Zootaxa 2851 (1), 1-75.


Nectopsyche froehlichi Assunção & Quinteiro, 2023Assunção, O., Quinteiro, F., 2023. Two new species and new records of the genus Nectopsyche Müller, 1879 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from Pará state, Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 67 (spe), e20230049.

Neoathripsodes froehlichi Dias & Calor, 2024

Notalina claudiofroehlichi Desidério & Calor, 2024

Notalina (Neonotalina) froehlichi Calor & Holzenthal, 2006 (Calor et al., 2006Calor, A. R., Holzenthal, R. W., Amorim, D. S., 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of Notalina (Neonotalina) Holzenthal (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), with the description of two new species from southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 1131 (1), 33-48.

Oecetis froehlichi Quinteiro & Calor, 2015Quinteiro, F. B., Calor, A. R., 2015. A review of the Genus Oecetis (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) in the Northeastern Region of Brazil with the description of 5 new species. PLoS One 10 (6), e0127357.


Chimarra (Curgia) froehlichi Flint, 1998 (Flint Junior, 1998)


Polycentropus claudioi Queiroz, Vilarino & Calor, 2024

Polycentropus froehlichi Hamilton & Holzenthal, 2011Hamilton, S. W., Holzenthal, R. W., 2011. Twenty-four new species of Polycentropus (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from Brazil. ZooKeys 76, 1-53.




Choeradoplana claudioi Lago-Barcia & Carbayo, 2021 (Lago-Barcia et al., 2021Lago-Barcia, D., Silva, M. S., Carbayo, F., 2021. Revision and description of six species of Choeradoplana (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida), with an emendation to the genus. ZooKeys 1016, 1-48.




Forficatocaris claudii Noodt, 1972Noodt, W., 1972. Brasilianische Grundwasser-Crustacea, 1. Studien an den Gattungen Parastenocaris Kessler und Forficatocaris Jakobi aus der Serra do Mar von Sao Paulo (Copepoda Harpacticoida). Crustaceana 23 (1), 76-99.

Awards for CGF’s contribution to zoology and aquatic entomology (Fig. 2)

2015 – Plaque offered by Biology Department, FFCLRP, USP, for his great contribution to the formation of new biologists and researchers as well as to Brazilian zoological research, 3rd Symposium on Neotropical Aquatic Insects, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, Brazil.

2012 – Plaque offered by students and colleagues for the outstanding contribution to Neotropical Aquatic Entomology, 1st Symposium on Neotropical Aquatic Insects, XXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, Salvador, Bahia state, Brazil.

2010 – Plaque offered on occasion of 40 years of Zoology Graduate Program, Biosciences Institute, USP, São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil.

2010 – Book “Ciência, História e Arte”, Nelsita Trimer (Org.), Edusp-FAPESP, offered as honor and recognition, Biosciences Institute, USP, São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil.

2007 – Book “Goya”, R. Hughes, offered on the occasion of his 80th birthday for relevant services to the Biology Department de Biologia, FFCLRP, USP, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, Brazil.

1998 – Plaque “Lifetime Achievement Award” offered by International Association of Plecopterologists, XII International Symposium on Plecoptera, Tucumán, Argentina.

List of publications of Prof. Dr. C. G. Froehlich

All 95 papers, two books, and 20 book chapters published are presented chronologically in the following sections (Fig. 8).

Figure 8
Number of species and articles authored by Prof. Dr. C. G. Froehlich. A, accumulative curves of the number of publications (red) and species (blue). B, number of publications (red) and species (blue) in periods of five years.
Figure 9
CGH on his 90th birthday, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, 2017 (photograph by Augusto Froehlich).

Published articles

  1. Froehlich, C.G., 1955a. Notas sobre geoplanas brasileiras. Pap. Avulsos Zoologia 12 (7), 189–198.

  2. Froehlich, C.G., 1955b. Sobre morfologia e taxonomia das Geoplanidae. Zoologia 19, 195–279.

  3. Froehlich, C.G., 1956a. Turbellaria Terricola das regiões de Teresópolis e Ubatuba. Pap. Avulsos Zoologia 12 (16), 313–343.

  4. Froehlich, C.G., 1956b. On The Biology of Land Planarians. Bol. Zoologia 20, 263–272.

  5. Froehlich, C.G., 1957. Planárias terrestres do Paraná. Dusenia 7 (4), 173–191.

  6. Froehlich, C.G., 1958. On A Collection of Brazilian Land Planarians. Bol. Zoologia 21, 93–121.

  7. Froehlich, C.G., 1960a. On Geoplanids from Brazil. Bol. Zoologia 22, 210–265.

  8. Froehlich, C.G., 1960b. Some Gripopterygids and Notonemourines (Plecoptera) From South America. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift 56 (13), 0–24.

  9. Brinck, P. and Froehlich, C.G., 1960a. On The Stonefly Fauna of Western Lule Lappmark, Swedish Lappland. Kungl. Fys. Sallsk., Lund Forhandl. 30 (1), 1–19.

  10. Brinck, P. and Froehlich, C.G., 1960b. The Reproductive Organs of the Plecopteron “Isoperla Grammatica” (Poda, 1767). Ent. Tidsskrift 81 (3–4), 53–62.

  11. Froehlich, C.G., 1963a. Ocorrência de Forma Polipoide de Craspedacusta sowerby Lank. (Limnomedusae). Anais da Academia Brasileira De Ciências 35 (3), 421–422.

  12. Froehlich, C.G., 1963b. A Peripatus from Barbados. Bol. Zoologia (24), 325–333.

  13. Froehlich, C.G., 1963c. The Feeding Apparatus of the Nymph of “Arthroplea congener” Bengtsson (Ephemeroptera). Opuscula Entomologica 29 (3), 188–208.

  14. Froehlich, C.G., 1967. A Contribution to the Zoogeography of Neotropical Land Planarians. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 23, 153–162.

  15. Froehlich, C.G., 1968. On some Brazilian Onychophores. Beitrage zur Neotropischen Fauna 5 (3), 160–171.

  16. Froehlich, C.G., 1969a. Caeniscuniana sp. n., a Parthenogenetic Mayfly. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 6 (2), 103–108.

  17. Froehlich, C.G., 1969b. Studies on Brazilian Plecoptera 1. Some from the biological station at Paranapiacaba, state of São Paulo. Beitrage zur Neotropischen Fauna 6 (1), 17–39.

  18. Froehlich, C.G., 1972. Land Planarians from the Amazonian Region. Pap. Avulsos Zoologia 26 (2), 29–45.

  19. Froehlich, C.G., Arcifa, M.S and Carvalho, M.A.J., 1978. Temperature and oxygen stratification in Americana Reservoir, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie / Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical 20, pp. 1710–1719.

  20. Arcifa, M.S., Froehlich, C.G. and Gianesella-Galvão, S.M.F., 1981. Circulation patterns and their influence on physico-chemical and biological conditions in eight reservoirs in southern Brazil. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie / Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical 21, pp. 1054–1059.

  21. Arcifa, M.S., Carvalho, M.A.J., Gianesella-Galvão, S.M.F., Shimizu, G.Y., Castro, R.M.C.E. and Froehlich, C.G., 1981. Limnology of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie / Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical 21, pp. 1048–1053.

  22. Froehlich, C.G., 1984a. Brazilian Plecoptera 2. Species of the of serrana-group of Kempnyia (Plecoptera). Aquatic Insects 6 (3), 137–147.

  23. Froehlich, C.G., 1984b. Brazilian Plecoptera 3. Macrogynoplax veneranda sp. n. (Perlidae: Acroneuriinae). Annales de Limnologie 20 (1–2), 39–41.

  24. Froehlich, C.G., 1984c. Brazilian Plecoptera 4. Nymphs of perlid genera from south-eastern Brazil. Annales de Limnologie 20 (1–2), 43–47.

  25. Froehlich, C.G. and Arcifa, M.S., 1984. An oligomictic man-made lake in southeastern Brazil. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie / Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical 22, 1620–1624.

  26. Froehlich, C.G., and Arcifa, M.S.C.G., 1986. Padrões de Circulação Vertical Em Dez Reservatórios do Estado de São Paulo. Ciência & Cultura 38 (4), 684–693.

  27. Froehlich, C.G., 1988. Brazilian Plecoptera 5. Old and new species of (Perlidae). Aquatic Insects10 (3), 153–170.

  28. Froehlich, C.G., 1990. Brazilian Plecoptera 6. from Campos do Jordão, State of São Paulo (Gripopterygidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 25 (4), 235–247.

  29. Ferreira, M.J.N. and Froehlich, C.G., 1992. Estudo da Fauna de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) do Córrego do Pedregulho (Pedregulho, SP, Brasil) com aspectos da biologia de Thraulodes Schlingeri Traver & Edmnds, 1967. Rev. Bras. Entomologia 36 (3), 541–548.

  30. Froehlich, C.G., 1993. Brazilian Plecoptera 7. Old and new species of (Gripopterygidae). Aquatic Insects 15 (1), 21–38.

  31. Froehlich, C.G., 1994. Brazilian Plecoptera 8. On Paragripopteryx (Gripopterygidae). Aquatic Insects 16 (4), 227–239.

  32. Froehlich, C.G., 1996. Two New Species of Kempnyia from Southern Brazil (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 69, 117–120.

  33. Oliveira, L.G. and Froehlich, C.G., 1996. Natural history of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera, Insecta) in a 'cerrado' stream from northeastern São Paulo, Brazil. Rev. Landa 13 (3), 755–762.

  34. Dorvillé, L.F.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 1997. Kempnyia tijucana sp. n. from southeastern Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae). Aquatic Insects 19 (3), 177–181.

  35. Froehlich, C.G., 1998. Seven New Species of Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from Brazil, with a Revision of the Genus. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 33, 19–36.

  36. Oliveira, L.G. and Froehlich, C.G., 1998a. Diversity and Community Structure of Aquatic Insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) in a Mountain Stream in Southeastern Brazil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 9, 139–148.

  37. Oliveira, L.G. and Froehlich, C.G., 1998b. The Trichoptera (Insecta) fauna of a “cerrado” stream in southeastern Brazil. Naturalia 22, 183–197.

  38. Froehlich, C.G., 1999. Biometric notes on Tupiperla Froehlich (Plecoptera, Gripopterygidae). Rev. Landa 16 (2), 181–183.

  39. Dorvillé, L.F.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 1999. Additional characters to distinguish the nymphs of the perlid genera from southeastern Brazil (Insecta, Plecoptera). Aquatic Insects 21, 281–284.

  40. Ribeiro-Ferreira, A.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 1999. New Species of Macrogynoplax Enderlein, 1909 from North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquatic Insects 21, 133–140.

  41. Froehlich, C.G., 2000. Biological observations on Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 60 (3), 447–450.

  42. Melo, A.S. and Froehlich, C.G., 2001a. Evaluation of methods for estimating macroinvertebrate species richness using individual stones in tropical streams. Freshwater Biology 46 (1), 711–721.

  43. Melo, A.S. and Froehlich, C.G., 2001b. Macroinvertebrates in Neotropical Streams: Richness Patterns along a Catchment and Assemblage Structure between 2 Seasons. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20 (1) 1–16.

  44. Polegatto, C.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 2001. Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus of the nymph of Farrodes sp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Acta Zoologica 82 (2), 165–175.

  45. Ribeiro-Ferreira, A.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2001. Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909 from Amazonas State, North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquatic Insects 23 (3), 187–192.

  46. Bispo, P.C, Froehlich, C.G. and Oliveira, L.G., 2002a. Stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna of streams in a mountainous area of Central Brazil: abiotic factors and nymph density. Rev. Landa 19, 325–334.

  47. Bispo, P.C, Froehlich, C.G. and Oliveira, L.G., 2002b. Spatial distribution of Plecoptera nymphs in streams of a mountainous area of Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 62 (3), 409–417.

  48. Bispo, P.C, Froehlich, C.G. and Oliveira, L.G., 2002c. Stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna in a mountainous area of Central Brazil: composition and adult phenology. Rev. Landa 19 (1), 317–323.

  49. Froehlich, C.G., 2002a. Anacroneuria mainly from southern Brazil and northeastern Argentina (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 115 (1), 75–107.

  50. Froehlich, C.G., 2002b. Two New Species of Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from the Missions Area of Argentina and Paraguay. Aquatic Insects 24 (1), 37–40.

  51. Froehlich, C.G., 2003. Stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Brazilian Amazonia with the description of three new species and a key to Macrogynoplax. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 38 (2), 129–134.

  52. Lopes, M.J.N., Froehlich, C.G. and Dominguez, E., 2003. Description of the larva of Thraulodes schlingeri (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). Iheringia. Série Zoologia 93 (2), 197–200.

  53. Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2004a. Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Intervales State Park, São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, with Descriptions of New Species. Aquatic Insects 26 (2), 97–113.

  54. Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2004b. The first records of Kempnyia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Central Brazil, with descriptions of new species. Zootaxa 530, 1–7.

  55. Crisci-Bispo, V.L., Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2004. Triplectides larvae in empty cases of Nectopsyche (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) at Parque Estadual Intervales, São Paulo State, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 48 (1), 133–134.

  56. Froehlich, C.G., 2004. Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Boraceia Biological Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. Aquatic Insects 26 (1), 53–63.

  57. Melo, A.S. & Froehlich, C.G., 2004a. Substrate stability in streams: effects of stream size, particle size, and rainfall on frequency of movement and burial of particles. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 16 (4), 381–390.

  58. Melo, A.S. and Froehlich, C.G., 2004b. Colonization by Macroinvertebrates of Experimentally Disturbed Stones in Three Tropical Streams Differing in Size. International Review of Hydrobiology 89 (3), 317–325.

  59. Bispo, P.C., Neves, C.O. and Froehlich, C.G., 2005. Two new species of Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Mato Grosso State, western Brazil. Zootaxa 795, 1–6.

  60. Siegloch, A.E., Polegatto, C.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 2006. Segesta riograndensis, a new genus and species of an Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) mayfly from southern Brazil. Zootaxa 1299, 35–43.

  61. Spies, M.R., Froehlich, C.G. and Kotzian, C.B., 2006. Composition and diversity of Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae communities in the middle section of the Jacuí river and some tributaries, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 96, 389–398.

  62. Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2007. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) from northern Goiás State, central Brazil: new record of Kempnyia oliveirai (Perlidae) and a new species of Tupiperla (Gripopterygidae). Aquatic Insects 29 (3/4), 213–217.

  63. Crisci-Bispo, V.L., Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2007a. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblages in two Atlantic Rainforest streams, Southeastern Brazil. Rev. Landa 24, 312–318.

  64. Crisci-Bispo, V.L., Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2007b. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblages in litter in a mountain stream of the Atlantic Rainforest from Southeastern Brazil. Rev. Landa 24, 545–551.

  65. Dias, L.G., Salles, F.F., Polegatto, C.M., Silva, R.M.L., and Froehlich, C.G., 2007. Novos registros de Ephemerelloidea (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) para o Estado de São Paulo. Biota Neotropica 7, p. +bn00307032007.

  66. Froehlich, C.G., 2007. Three new species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Zootaxa (Online), 1461, p. 15–24, 2007.

  67. Mariano, R. and Froehlich, C.G., 2007. Description of the nymph of Ulmeritoides uruguayensis (Traver) (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Zootaxa 1642, 61–64.

  68. Ribeiro, V.R. and Froehlich, C.G., 2007. Two new species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from southern Brazil. Zootaxa 1624, 53–57.

  69. Bispo, P.C. and Froehlich, C.G., 2008. Description of the larva and redescription of the adult of Kempnyia neotropica Jacobsen and Bianchi (Plecoptera: Perlidae) with biological notes. Aquatic Insects 30, 61–67.

  70. Calor, A.R. and Froehlich, C.G. 2008. Description of the immature stages of Notalina morsei Holzenthal, 1986 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) and an updated key to larvae of Neotropical Leptoceridae genera. Zootaxa 1779, 45–54.

  71. Roque, F.O., Lecci, L.S., Siqueira, T. and Froehlich, C.G., 2008. Using environmental and spatial filters to explain stonefly occurrences in Southeastern Brazilian streams: implications for biomonitoring. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 20, 35–44.

  72. Siegloch, A.E., Froehlich, C.G. and Kotzian, C.B., 2008. Composition and diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) nymph communities in the middle section of the Jacuí River and some tributaries, southern Brazil. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 98, 425–432.

  73. Spies, M.R., Froehlich, C.G., 2009. Inventory of caddisflies (Trichoptera: Insecta) of the Campos do Jordão State Park, São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 9, 211–218.

  74. Polegatto, C.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 2009. Perissophlebiodes flinti Savage (Ephemeroptera; Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae): novo registro, distribuição e comentários sobre sua identificação. Biota Neotropica 9, 257–258.

  75. Froehlich, C.G., 2010a. Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera. Iliesia 6, 118–205.

  76. Froehlich, C.G., 2010b. Anacroneuria (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from the Mantiqueira Mountains, São Paulo State, Brazil. Zootaxa 2365, 55–68.

  77. Corbi, J.J., Froehlich, C.G., Trivinho-Strixino, S. and Santos, A., 2010. Bioaccumulation of metals in aquatic insects of streams located in areas with sugar cane cultivation. Química Nova 33, 644–648.

  78. Corbi, J.J., Froehlich, C.G., Trivinho-Strixino, S. and Santos, A., 2011. Evaluating the use of predatory insects as bioindicators of metals contamination due to sugarcane cultivation in Neotropical streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 177, 545–554.

  79. Corbi, J.J., Santos, F.A., Zerlim, R., Santos, A., Froehlich, C.G. and Trivinho-Strixino, S., 2011. Assessment of chromium contamination in the Monte Alegre stream: a case study. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 54, 613–620.

  80. Froehlich, C.G., 2011a. Kempnyia (Plecoptera) from the Mantiqueira Mountains of Brazil. Zootaxa 2999, 20–32.

  81. Froehlich, C.G., 2011b. Notes on Kempnyia, with the description of three new species (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Illiesia 7, 133–141.

  82. Froehlich, C.G., 2011c. Checklist dos Plecoptera (Insecta) do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 11, 1–6.

  83. Mariano, R., Flowers, R.W. and Froehlich, C.G., 2011. Four new species, a new synonymy and new record for Thraulodes Ulmer 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). Annales de Limnologie 4, 1–7.

  84. Quinteiro, F.B., Calor, A.R. and Froehlich, C.G., 2011. A new species of Phylloicus Müller, 1880 (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), from southeastern Brazil, including descriptions of larval and pupal stages. Zootaxa 2748, 38–46.

  85. Lecci, L.S. and Froehlich, C.G., 2011. Taxonomic revision of Gripopteryx (Pictet, 1841) (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae). Zootaxa 2792, 1–21.

  86. Pinho, L.C. & Froehlich, C.G. 2011. Three new Neotropical species of Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte, 1996 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae). In: Wang, X. & Liu, W., eds, Contemporary Chironomid Studies. – Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Chironomidae. (July 69, 2009 Nankai University, China). Tianjin: Nankai University Press, pp.144–153.

  87. Suriano, M.T., Gessner, A.A.F., Roque, F.O. and Froehlich, C.G., 2011. Choice of macroinvertebrate metrics to evaluate stream conditions in Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 175, 87–101.

  88. Siegloch, A.E, Froehlich, C.G. and Spies, M.R., 2012. Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomologia 56, 473–480.

  89. Righi-Cavallaro, K.O. and Froehlich, C.G., 2013. The nymph of Anacroneuria payagua Froehlich (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa 3635, 579–582.

  90. Righi-Cavallaro, KO., Froehlich, C.G. and Lecci, L.S., 2013. New species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from northeast Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 48, 125–134.

  91. Segura, M.O, Passos, M.I.S., Fonseca-Gessner, A.A. and Froehlich, C.G., 2013. Elmidae Curtis, 1830 (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Byrrhoidea) of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa 3731, 1–57

  92. Righi-Cavallaro, K.O., Froehlich, C.G. and Cavallaro, M.R., 2014. Feeding Habits of Plecoptera Nymphs from the Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8, 226–232.

  93. Froehlich, C.G., 2015. Taxonomic notes on Guaranyperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae). Illiesia 11, 175–178.

  94. Froehlich, C.G., 2016. Tupiperla (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) from southwestern Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with the description of Tupiperla amorimi n. sp. Zootaxa 4103, 174–176.

  95. Calor, A.R., Holzenthal, R.W. and Froehlich, C.G., 2016. Phylogeny and revision of the Neotropical genus Grumichella Müller (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including nine new species and a key. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176, 137–169.

  96. Melo, A.S. and Froehlich, C.G., 2022. An attractor domain model of seasonal and inter-annual biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrate communities. Freshwater Biology 67, 1370–1379.


  1. Guimarães, M., Gualda, R., Vasconcelos-Sobrinho, J., Froehlich, C.G., Almeida, J.M., Carvalho, L., Ferri, M.G., Krasilchik, M. and Vieira, R., 1977. Educação Ambiental. Brasília: MINTER- SEMA, 38p.

  2. Stark B.P., Froehlich C.G. and Zuniga M.C. 2009. Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. Volume 5. South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera). Sofia-Moscou: Pensoft, vol. 1, 154p .

Book chapters

  1. Froehlich, C.G., 1964a. Plecoptera. História Natural de Organismos Aquáticos do Brasil. São Paulo: FAPESP, pp. 143–143.

  2. Froehlich, C.G., 1964b. Ephemeroptera. História Natural de Organismos Aquáticos do Brasil. São Paulo: FAPESP, pp. 145–146.

  3. Froehlich, C.G., 1964c. Oligochaeta Límnicos. História Natural de Organismos Aquáticos do Brasil. São Paulo: FAPESP, pp. 131–132.

  4. Froehlich, C.G., 1964d. Turbellaria Límnicos. História Natural de Organismos Aquáticos do Brasil. São Paulo: FAPESP, pp. 99–100.

  5. Froehlich, C.G., 1964e. Bryozoa Límnicos. História Natural de Organismos Aquáticos do Brasil. São Paulo: FAPESP, pp. 287–288.

  6. Froehlich, C.G., 1974. Oncopod. Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. 13. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp. 568–570.

  7. Froehlich, C.G., 1981. Plecoptera. Aquatic Biota of Tropical South America, Part 1. Arthropoda. San Diego: San Diego State University, pp. 86–88.

  8. Froehlich, C.G., 1990. Size Variation in Kempnyia (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology. 1 ed. Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 353–357.

  9. Froehlich, C.G., 1991. Flight Periods of Kempnyia And Macrogynoplax (Plecoptera: Perlidae). In: Southeastern Brazil. Overview and Strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. 1 ed. Gainesville, Florida: The Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., pp. 353–357.

  10. Froehlich, C.G. and Oliveira, L.G., 1997. Ephemeroptera And Plecoptera Nymphs From Riffles In Low-Order Streams In Southeastern Brazil. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Biology-Ecology-Systematics. 1 ed. Fribourg, Suiça: MTL - Mauron + Tinguely & Lachat SA, pp. 180–185.

  11. Froehlich, C.G., 1999a. Insetos Plecópteros. In: Ismael, D., Valenti, C., Matsumura-Tundisi, T. and Rocha, O. (Orgs.). Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo: FAPESP, vol. 4, pp. 159–160.

  12. Froehlich, C.G., 1999b. Outros Insetos. In: Ismael, D., Valenti, C., Matsumura-Tundisi, T. and Rocha, O. (Orgs.). Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo: FAPESP, vol. 4, pp. 163–168.

  13. Dorvillé, L.F.M. and Froehlich, C. G. 2001. Description of the nymph of Kempnya tijucana Dorvillé and Froehlich (Plecoptera, Perlidae) with notes on its development and biology. In: Domínguez, E.. (Org.). Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. 1 ed. New York: Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 385–392.

  14. Froehlich, C.G., 2001a. Guaranyperla, a new genus in the Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera). In: Domínguez, E. (Org.). Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. 1 ed. New York: Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 379–383.

  15. Froehlich, C.G., 2001b. Insetos Aquáticos. In: Leonel, C. (Org.). Intervales. Fundação para a Conservação e a Produção Florestal do Estado de São Paulo. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente, pp. 181–187.

  16. Polegatto, C.M. and Froehlich, C.G., 2003. Feeding strategies in Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae), with considerations on scraping and filtering. In: Gaino, E. (Org.). Research Update on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Perugia: Università di Perugia, pp. 55–61.

  17. Froehlich, C.G., 2008. Old species of Neotropical Plecoptera. In: Hauer, F.R., Stanford, J.A. and Newell, R.L. (Orgs.). International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies. 1ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 125–132.

  18. Froehlich, C.G., 2009a. Plecoptera. In: Fonseca; C.R.V., Magalhães, C., Rafael, J.A. and Franklin, E. (Orgs.). A Fauna de Artrópodes da Reserva Florestal Ducke. Estado Atual do Conhecimento Taxonômico e Biológico. Manaus: Editora INPA, pp. 1–307.

  19. Froehlich, C.G., 2009b. Capítulo 5. Plecoptera. In: Domínguez, E. and Fernández, H.R. (Org.). Macroinvertebrados bentónicos sudamericanos. 1ed. Tucumán: Fundación Miguel Lillo, pp. 145–165.

  20. Froehlich, C.G., 2012. Plecoptera. In: Rafael, J.A., Melo, G.A.R., Carvalho, C.J.B., Casari, S.A. and Constantino, R. (Orgs.). Insetos do Brasil. 1ed.Ribeirão Preto: Holos Editora, pp. 1–796.

Final considerations

CGF’s publications include several land planarian species, one velvet worm, and more than a hundred aquatic insect species, as well as some articles on the limnology of reservoirs or ecological studies.

This article presents a synthesis of the CGF’s legacy, either in scientific articles or human resources training. The multiplying factor of CGF’s advisorship can be observed in the several new research centers distributed in Brazil that continue to follow in his footsteps in the study of Brazilian aquatic ecosystems. Prof. CGF provided a solid, scientific, and ethical basis to the next generation of researchers on Brazilian aquatic entomology, and this short article is a summary of his bestowal and also the result of our pure gratitude.

More than an adviser…

Information Compilation

Synthesizing a magnificent academic career built by our great advisor was a very difficult task. Thus, we assume responsibility for any misinterpretation or errors. All information was mainly extracted from the Lattes Platform, Acacia Platform, “Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil” website (, and Stark et al. (2009)Stark, B. P., Froehlich, C. G., Zuniga, M. C., 2009. Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. Pensoft, Moscou, 154 pp. (South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera), 5).. All data was sewn with our memories from lab and field work under the supervision of Prof. Claudio. Other publications were cited occasionally. All CGF’s publications were presented, as well as all taxa names dedicated to him.


The authors sincerely thank the mentor and friendship of Prof. Dr. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich. The exemplary scientific practice will always be our compass. We also thank Dr. Tácio Duarte (Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica, Argentina) for some data from his stonefly data basis. We are grateful to Dr. Dalton Amorim (USP) for encouraging us to organize the 3rd Symposium on Neotropical Aquatic Insects in 2015 in honor of Prof. Claudio, which had the presence of several researchers and/or friends from Brazil and abroad (Argentina, Colombia, USA). We also thank a lot to Augusto Froehlich for the pictures of the 90th birthday of Prof. Claudio as well as Sidnei Mateus and Janice Peters for other Claudio’s pictures.


  • Almeida, G. L., Flint Junior, O. S., 2002. Five new species of Smicridea McLachlan (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from Brazil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 19 (3), 767-775.
  • Alves, A. A., Takiya, D. M., Santos, A. P. M., 2023. Five new species of Alisotrichia Flint, 1964 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae: Leucotrichiinae) from Northeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 67 (spe), e20230073.
  • Andersen, T., Mendes, H. F., 2002. New species and records of the Axarusrogersi-group” from South and Central America (Diptera, Chironomidae). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 48, 79-84.
  • Andersen, T., Mendes, H. F., Pinho, L. C., 2017. Two new Neotropical Chironominae genera (Diptera: Chironomidae). Chironomus 30 (30), 26-54.
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  • Ribeiro-Ferreira, A. C., Froehlich, C. G., 1999. New Species of Macrogynoplax Enderlein, 1909 from North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquat. Insects 21 (2), 133-140.
  • Ribeiro-Ferreira, A. C., Froehlich, C. G., 2001. Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909 from Amazonas State, North Brazil (Plecoptera, Perlidae, Acroneuriinae). Aquat. Insects 23 (3), 187-192.
  • Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., 2013. The nymph of Anacroneuria payagua Froehlich (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa 3635 (5), 579-582.
  • Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., Lecci, L. S., 2013. New species of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from northeast Brazil. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 48 (2), 125-134.
  • Righi-Cavallaro, K. O., Froehlich, C. G., Cavallaro, M. R., 2014. Feeding Habits of Plecoptera Nymphs from the Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 8, 226-232.
  • Roque, F. O., Lecci, L. S., Siqueira, T., Froehlich, C. G., 2008. Using environmental and spatial filters to explain stonefly occurrences in Southeastern Brazilian streams: implications for biomonitoring. Acta Limnol. Bras. 20, 35-44.
  • Sampaio-Costa, C., Chagas-Junior, A., Baptista, R. L. C., 2009. Brazilian species of Onychophora with notes on their taxonomy and distribution. Zoologia 26 (3), 553-561.
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  • Segura, M. O., Passos, M. I. S., Fonseca-Gessner, A. A., Froehlich, C. G., 2013. Elmidae Curtis, 1830 (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Byrrhoidea) of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa 3731, 1-57.
  • Siegloch, A. E., Polegatto, C. M., Froehlich, C. G., 2006. Segesta riograndensis, a new genus and species of an Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) mayfly from southern Brazil. Zootaxa 1299 (1), 35-43.
  • Siegloch, A. E., Froehlich, C. G., Kotzian, C. B., 2008. Composition and diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) nymph communities in the middle section of the Jacuí River and some tributaries, southern Brazil. Iheringia Ser. Zool. 98 (4), 425-432.
  • Siegloch, A. E., Froehlich, C. G., Spies, M. R., 2012. Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 56 (4), 473-480.
  • Spies, M. R., Froehlich, C. G., Kotzian, C. B., 2006. Composition and diversity of Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae communities in the middle section of the Jacuí river and some tributaries, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Iheringia Ser. Zool. 96 (4), 389-398.
  • Spies, M. R., Froehlich, C. G., 2009. Inventory of caddisflies (Trichoptera: Insecta) of the Campos do Jordão State Park, São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotrop. 9 (4), 211-218.
  • Stark, B. P., Froehlich, C. G., Zuniga, M. C., 2009. Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. Pensoft, Moscou, 154 pp. (South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera), 5).
  • Suriano, M. T., Gessner, A. A. F., Roque, F. O., Froehlich, C. G., 2011. Choice of macroinvertebrate metrics to evaluate stream conditions in Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Environ. Monit. Assess. 175 (1-4), 87-101.
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Edited by

Associate Editor: Fabio Quinteiro

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 Aug 2023
  • Accepted
    13 Nov 2023
Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil