The family Ancylidae is represented in South America by the genera: Gundlachia Pfeiffer, 1849, Ferrissia Walker, 1903, Burnupia Walker, 1912 and Laevapex Walker, 1903. The species are caracterized using the combination of shell features and radula by scanning electron microscope, shell muscle and mantle pigmentation. The conchometry is also presented, but it does not help to species identification. The distribution of G. crequi (Bavay, 1904), G. foncki (Philippi, 1866), G. philippiana (Biese, 1948), G. obliqua (Broderip & Sowerby, 1832), G. moricandi (Orbigny, 1837), G. concentrica (Orbigny, 1835), G. radiata (Guilding, 1828), G bakeri Pilsbry, 1913, G ticaga (Marcus & Marcus, 1962), F. gentilis Lanzer, 1991, B. ingae Lanzer, 1991, L. vazi Santos, 1989 and Laevapex sp. in the Neotropical region is based on the bibliography, examination of the material deposited in scientific institutions and in the author's collection.
Ancylidae; systematic; distribution; South America
Ancylidae; systematic; distribution; South America
Ancylidae (Gastropoda, Basommatophora) na América do Sul: sistemática e distribuição1 1 Parte da tese de doutorado, junto a Universidade do Saarland (Alemanha)
South American Ancylidae (Gastropoda, Basommatophora): systematic and distribution
Rosane Lanzer
Institut für Gewässerökologie und Planung. Keltenweg 39, 66125 Saarbrücken, Alemanha
The family Ancylidae is represented in South America by the genera: Gundlachia Pfeiffer, 1849, Ferrissia Walker, 1903, Burnupia Walker, 1912 and Laevapex Walker, 1903. The species are caracterized using the combination of shell features and radula by scanning electron microscope, shell muscle and mantle pigmentation. The conchometry is also presented, but it does not help to species identification. The distribution of G. crequi (Bavay, 1904), G. foncki (Philippi, 1866), G. philippiana (Biese, 1948), G. obliqua (Broderip & Sowerby, 1832), G. moricandi (Orbigny, 1837), G. concentrica (Orbigny, 1835), G. radiata (Guilding, 1828), G bakeri Pilsbry, 1913, G ticaga (Marcus & Marcus, 1962), F. gentilis Lanzer, 1991, B. ingae Lanzer, 1991, L. vazi Santos, 1989 and Laevapex sp. in the Neotropical region is based on the bibliography, examination of the material deposited in scientific institutions and in the author's collection.
Key words: Ancylidae, systematic, distribution, South America
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