Bionomic characteristics of Sarconesia chloroüaster (Wiedemann, 1830) were obtained, rearing it with an artificial diet and a conlrolled temperature chamber set at 27±lºC, 70± 10% RH and 12 hours photophase. The duration of the wholeevolutive cycle ofS. cholorogaster was about 19.61 days. The incubation period was the shortest (14.30 hours), the pupal one (pre-pupal and pupal together) was the longest (9.57 days), followed by the larval period that had about 9.44 days. A life table for immature stages was done in order to obtain a survival curve. The average of the adults longevity was about 25.28 days. There is no statistical difference between the duration of male and female longevity. The duration of the periods of pre-posture and posture were almost the saine (8.41 and 10.96 days respectively), but the period of pos-posture was the shortest (5.15 days). The life tables for adults, males and females were also done and the survival curves were obtained. The results were similar for both sexes. Through the life table of fértil ity the number of generations of S. chlorogaster was estimated to be 9.81 generations/year. The females had a high fertility under the laboratory conditions used.
Diptera; Calliphoridae; Sarconesia chlorogaster; bionomies; artificial diet
Diptera; Calliphoridae; Sarconesia chlorogaster; bionomies; artificial diet
Ciclo de vida de Sarconesia chlorogaster (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Toxotarsinae), criada sob condições de laboratório em dieta artificial1
Life cycle of Sarconesia chlorogaster (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Toxotarsinae), reared under laboratory conditions on artificial diet
Sionei Ricardo Bonatto
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Bolsista do CNPq. E-mail:
Bionomic characteristics of Sarconesia chloroüaster (Wiedemann, 1830) were obtained, rearing it with an artificial diet and a conlrolled temperature chamber set at 27±lºC, 70± 10% RH and 12 hours photophase. The duration of the wholeevolutive cycle ofS. cholorogaster was about 19.61 days. The incubation period was the shortest (14.30 hours), the pupal one (pre-pupal and pupal together) was the longest (9.57 days), followed by the larval period that had about 9.44 days. A life table for immature stages was done in order to obtain a survival curve. The average of the adults longevity was about 25.28 days. There is no statistical difference between the duration of male and female longevity. The duration of the periods of pre-posture and posture were almost the saine (8.41 and 10.96 days respectively), but the period of pos-posture was the shortest (5.15 days). The life tables for adults, males and females were also done and the survival curves were obtained. The results were similar for both sexes. Through the life table of fértil ity the number of generations of S. chlorogaster was estimated to be 9.81 generations/year. The females had a high fertility under the laboratory conditions used.
Key words: Diptera, Calliphoridae, Sarconesia chlorogaster, bionomies, artificial diet
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AGRADECIMENTOS. Ao Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) pela concessão da Bolsa de Mestrado. Ao Prof. Dr. Cláudio José Barros de Carvalho (Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade Federal do Paraná - DZUP/UFPR) pela orientação, sugestões, críticas e bibliografia concedida. Aos professores Dr. Renato Contin Marinoni e Dra. Luciane Marinoni (ambos do DZUP/UFPR), pelas sugestões e críticas na elaboração e delineamento do experimento e pelo empréstimo de bibliografia e equipamento. Aos professores Dr. Ângelo Pires do Prado (Departamento de Parasitologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas), Dr. Zundir José Buzzi e MSc. Marcelo José Aranha (ambos do DZUP/UFPR) pelas discussões e críticas dos dados de biologia. Ao Pesquisador Dr. Edilson de Oliveira (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Colombo, Paraná) pelas sugestões e críticas na parte estatística deste trabalho.
Recebido em 08.V.1996; aceito em 05.X.1996.
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