Eight geographical areas, considered as representative of the different natural environments still existing in the state of Paraná, in Southern Brazil, were selected for the collection of insects. This data is part of the "Survey of the Entomological Fauna in Paraná State" (henceforth profaupar). These areas were continually sampled using a Malaise trap (Townes' 1972 model) throughout a single year (52 weeks) from August, 1986, until July 1987. The Coleoptera obtained has been sorted at family level and analyzed. The highest family variety and abundance were observed at Jundiaí do Sul and Ponta Grossa, and the greatest eveness at Jundiaí do Sul and Telêmaco Borba. A study ou phytophagous/non phytophagous families relations made possible a first approach about the vegetation condition in the sites. The following methods were used to analyse the data: Ecological Indices (Alpha Diversity) and Clustering and Ordination Analysis (Beta Diversity).
Coleoptera; Alpha Diversity; Beta Diversity; Trophic relations; Paraná
Coleoptera; Alpha Diversity; Beta Diversity; Trophic relations; Paraná
Famílias de Coleoptera capturadas com armadilha malaise em oito localidades do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Diversidades alfa e beta1
Families of Coleoptera captured with malaise trap in eight sites of Paraná State, Brazil. Alpha and Beta Diversities
Renato C. MarinoniI; Renato R.C. DutraII
IDepartamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Bolsista do CNPq
IIEscola Técnica, Universidade Federal do Paraná 81520-260 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Eight geographical areas, considered as representative of the different natural environments still existing in the state of Paraná, in Southern Brazil, were selected for the collection of insects. This data is part of the "Survey of the Entomological Fauna in Paraná State" (henceforth profaupar). These areas were continually sampled using a Malaise trap (Townes' 1972 model) throughout a single year (52 weeks) from August, 1986, until July 1987. The Coleoptera obtained has been sorted at family level and analyzed. The highest family variety and abundance were observed at Jundiaí do Sul and Ponta Grossa, and the greatest eveness at Jundiaí do Sul and Telêmaco Borba. A study ou phytophagous/non phytophagous families relations made possible a first approach about the vegetation condition in the sites. The following methods were used to analyse the data: Ecological Indices (Alpha Diversity) and Clustering and Ordination Analysis (Beta Diversity).
Key words: Coleoptera, Alpha Diversity, Beta Diversity. Trophic relations, Paraná
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AGRADECIMENTOS. Reiteramos os nossos agradecimentos a todos aqueles que já tiveram seus nomes citados em trabalhos anteriores sobre o PROFAUPAR, acrescemos os de J.H.Pedrosa-Macedo e G.H.Rosado-Neto, e estendemos os agradecimentos aos revisores anônimos por sugestões e correções apresentadas.
Recebido em 25.VII.1996; aceito em 10.IX.1997.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
10 Jul 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
Set 1997
10 Set 1997 -
25 Jul 1996