Inside of the parasitoses context in fish, the study was successful to us verified the lerniose was present in the north area of the State. It had reached the native fish in the basin of the river Tibagi. For the study, visits were made to the aquaculture and samples collected in the area of Sertanopolis on the river Tibagi. We verified that the lerniose was growing in the area and had already reached several species of native fish of the river Tibagi. This concein for ali the researchers of the area, as well as the producers of fish.
Lernaea cyprinacea; Tibagi; Paranapanema; river
Lernaea cyprinacea; Tibagi; Paranapanema; river
Dispersão de Lernaea cyprinacea (Linnaeus) (Crustácea, Copepoda) na região norte do estado do Paraná, Brasil
Dispersion of Lernaea cyprinacea (Linnaeus) (Crustácea, Copepoda) in the north arca of the Paraná State, Brasil
Mário Artur Gabrielli; Mário Luís Orsi
Departamento de Biologia Animal e Vegetal, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Caixa Postal 6001. 86051-990 Londrina, Paraná, Brasil
Inside of the parasitoses context in fish, the study was successful to us verified the lerniose was present in the north area of the State. It had reached the native fish in the basin of the river Tibagi. For the study, visits were made to the aquaculture and samples collected in the area of Sertanopolis on the river Tibagi. We verified that the lerniose was growing in the area and had already reached several species of native fish of the river Tibagi. This concein for ali the researchers of the area, as well as the producers of fish.
Key words:Lernaea cyprinacea, Tibagi, Paranapanema, river.
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AGRADECIMENTOS. Agradecemos o apoio da COROL em nome de Wellington Garcia e Ailton Demito e ao Técnico Edson Santana da Silva (UEL/BAV).
Recebido em 19.VIII.1999; aceito em 14.IV.2000.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
12 Maio 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
Jun 2000
19 Ago 1999 -
14 Abr 2000