Two species of Lepeophtheirus Nordmann, 1832 parasitic on the ariid fish Netuma barba Lacépède, 1803, and the bothiid fish Paralichthys sp. from the coastal zone of the State of Rio de Janeiro, are redescribed and illustrated: L. bagri Dana, 1852, and L. monacanthus Heller, 1865. New junior synonyms for these species are proposed: L. marginatus syn.n., L. christianensis syn.n. and L. platensis syn.n. of L. bagri and L. unispinosus syn.n. of L. monacanthus.
Copepoda; Caligidae; Lepeophtheirus bagri; Lepeophtheirus monacanthus; Ariidae; Bothiidae; Netuma barba; Paralichthys; Brazil
Redescriptions of two species of Lepeophtheirus (Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida, Caligidae) parasitic on teleost marine fishes from the coastal zone of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
José Luis LuqueI,II; Anderson D. CezarI,III
ICurso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Parasitologia Veterinária, Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Caixa Postal 74508, 23851-970 Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
IIE-mail: jlluque@ufrrj.br
Two species of Lepeophtheirus Nordmann, 1832 parasitic on the ariid fish Netuma barba Lacépède, 1803, and the bothiid fish Paralichthys sp. from the coastal zone of the State of Rio de Janeiro, are redescribed and illustrated: L. bagri Dana, 1852, and L. monacanthus Heller, 1865. New junior synonyms for these species are proposed: L. marginatus syn.n., L. christianensis syn.n. and L. platensis syn.n. of L. bagri and L. unispinosus syn.n. of L. monacanthus.
Key words: Copepoda, Caligidae, Lepeophtheirus bagri, Lepeophtheirus monacanthus, Ariidae, Bothiidae, Netuma barba, Paralichthys, Brazil
Full text available only in PDF format.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Thanks are due to Dr. Paulo S. Young, Curator of the Coleção de Crustacea do Museu Nacional, UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, for making available for examination the caligid specimens deposited in that Collection. We thank Dr. Geoffrey Boxshall (The Natural History Museum, London) for reviewing and commenting on early draft of the manuscript. Ms. Janice C. Walker and Mr. Chad Walter, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., loaned the type specimens of
L. marginatus, L. christianensis,
L. unispinosus,
and voucher specimens of
L. monacanthus.
Dr. Kunihiko Izawa, Mie Prefectural University, Japan, loaned the type specimens of
L. orbicularis.
Dr. Héctor S. Osorio (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Montevideo, Uruguay) provided information about the lack of deposite of type specimens of
L. platensis.
We are also grateful to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and to the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) for their support.
Recebido em 16.XII.1999; aceito em 20.XII.2000.
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
30 Apr 2009 -
Date of issue
Dec 2000
16 Dec 1999 -
20 Dec 2000