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Hábito alimentar e osteologia da boca do peixe-rei, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) na Lagoa Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Feeding habits and mouth osteology of silverside, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) in the Mirim Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Gut contents of 304 individuals of the silverside Odontesthes humensis de Buen, 1953 were analyzed using frequency of occurrence (FO%) and gravimetric (P%) methods. A total of 207 individuals (68.1%) had some food itens in the gut, while 97 individuals (31.9%) had empty guts. The silverside Odontesthes humensis has presented a benthic carnivorous diet, preying mainly on molluscs and arthropods. The molluscs Heleobia sp. (FO = 61.35%) and Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (FO = 57.97%) were the most frequent itens, followed by Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1811) (FO = 17.39%). Among the arthropods, the coleoptera insects (FO= 18.84%) were dominant followed by, insect larvae (FO = 6.76%), the crustacean Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 (FO = 1.93%) and isopods (FO = 1.45%). Vegetal remains, organic matter and digested fish were grouped due to low frequency (FO = 9.13%) being considered occasional. Juvenile fed mainly on insect larvae and moluscs, while the adults preferred molluscs and coleoptera. On the description of its feeding apparatus the importance of a protrusible upper jaw was observed, being important on the capture of prey in inaccessible places. A protrusible mouth and the format of the pharingean plates, are important morphological characters that assist on the capture and handling of prey. The molariform shaped pharingean teeth help break hard food items, as shells and carapaces.

Atherinopsielae; Odontesthes; osteology; feeding habits

Atherinopsielae; Odontesthes; osteology; feeding habits

Hábito alimentar e osteologia da boca do peixe-rei, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) na Lagoa Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Feeding habits and mouth osteology of silverside, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) in the Mirim Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Fábio Lameiro Rodrigues; Marlise de Azevedo Bemvenuti

Laboratório de Ictiologia, Departamento de Oceanografia, Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Caixa Postal 474, Rio Grande, 96201-900 Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. E-mail:;


Gut contents of 304 individuals of the silverside Odontesthes humensis de Buen, 1953 were analyzed using frequency of occurrence (FO%) and gravimetric (P%) methods. A total of 207 individuals (68.1%) had some food itens in the gut, while 97 individuals (31.9%) had empty guts. The silverside Odontesthes humensis has presented a benthic carnivorous diet, preying mainly on molluscs and arthropods. The molluscs Heleobia sp. (FO = 61.35%) and Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (FO = 57.97%) were the most frequent itens, followed by Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1811) (FO = 17.39%). Among the arthropods, the coleoptera insects (FO= 18.84%) were dominant followed by, insect larvae (FO = 6.76%), the crustacean Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 (FO = 1.93%) and isopods (FO = 1.45%). Vegetal remains, organic matter and digested fish were grouped due to low frequency (FO = 9.13%) being considered occasional. Juvenile fed mainly on insect larvae and moluscs, while the adults preferred molluscs and coleoptera. On the description of its feeding apparatus the importance of a protrusible upper jaw was observed, being important on the capture of prey in inaccessible places. A protrusible mouth and the format of the pharingean plates, are important morphological characters that assist on the capture and handling of prey. The molariform shaped pharingean teeth help break hard food items, as shells and carapaces.

Key words: Atherinopsielae, Odontesthes, osteology, feeding habits

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AGRADECIMENTOS. Os autores desejam expressar seus agradecimentos a todos que de alguma forma ajudaram no desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Em especial ao Sr. Valdecir Peres, pelo auxilio nas coletas dos peixes adultos, ao técnico Nilton Araújo de Abreu, do Laboratório de Ecologia Bentônica (FURG), pelo auxílio nas coletas dos peixes juvenis (permissão IBAMA 059/97, para MAB) e ao oceanólogo MSc André Gonçalves pelas incansáveis discussões, críticas e sugestões ao texto. Este trabalho faz parte da monografia de conclusão do Curso de Oceanologia da FURG do primeiro autor, o qual agradece ao CNPq a Bolsa de Iniciação Cientítica recebida ao longo do projeto.

Recebido em 19.X.2000; aceito em 24.VII.2001.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    08 Maio 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
    Set 2001


  • Recebido
    19 Out 2000
  • Aceito
    24 Jul 2001
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil