Sementes de Schinus lentiscifolius March, provenientes de duas áreas de mineração do Rio Grande do Sul, foram submetidas a testes de exposição ao CuSO4, visando comprovar a tolerância ao cobre na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plántulas. Os testes demonstraram que os dois clones reagem diferentemente ao cobre, porém ambos apresentaram mecanismos de tolerância. Plántulas provenientes de sementes da área de maior concentração de cobre no solo (minas do Seival) apresentam sintomas de toxidez mais tardios do que plántulas provenientes de sementes da área de menor concentração deste íon (mina Sanga Negra).
tolerância a cobre; Schinus lentiscifolius; áreas de mineração
Seeds from Schinus lentiscifolius March collected in two mining areas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were submitted to CuSO4 exposure tests to confirm copper tolerance during germination .and plantule development. The results showed that the two distinct clones respond differently to copper, but both presented tolerance mechanisms. Plantules originated from seeds collected in the area with higher soil copper concentration (minas do Seival) presented toxicity symptoms later as compared to those plantules originated from seeds collected in the area with lower CU² + concentration (mina Sanga Negra).
Copper toleleance; Schinuslentiscifolius; mining areas
Tolerância ao cobre em ecótipos de Schinus lentiscifolius March (Anacardiaceae) de áreas de mineração no Rio Grande do Sul,* * Parte da tese de doutorado desenvolvida na Universidade de Ulm, República Federal da Alemanha. Brasil
Copper tolerance in ecotypes of Schinus lentiscifolius March (Anacardiaceae) in mining regions of Rio Grande do Sul
Maria Luiza Porto
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Departamento de Botânica e Centro de Ecologia do Instituto de Biociências. Avenida Paulo Gama s/n, 90049, Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil Pesquisadora 2A do CNPq. Processo nº 305062/76
Sementes de Schinus lentiscifolius March, provenientes de duas áreas de mineração do Rio Grande do Sul, foram submetidas a testes de exposição ao CuSO4, visando comprovar a tolerância ao cobre na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plántulas. Os testes demonstraram que os dois clones reagem diferentemente ao cobre, porém ambos apresentaram mecanismos de tolerância. Plántulas provenientes de sementes da área de maior concentração de cobre no solo (minas do Seival) apresentam sintomas de toxidez mais tardios do que plántulas provenientes de sementes da área de menor concentração deste íon (mina Sanga Negra).
Palavras-chave: tolerância a cobre, Schinus lentiscifolius, áreas de mineração.
Seeds from Schinus lentiscifolius March collected in two mining areas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were submitted to CuSO4 exposure tests to confirm copper tolerance during germination .and plantule development. The results showed that the two distinct clones respond differently to copper, but both presented tolerance mechanisms. Plantules originated from seeds collected in the area with higher soil copper concentration (minas do Seival) presented toxicity symptoms later as compared to those plantules originated from seeds collected in the area with lower CU2 + concentration (mina Sanga Negra).
Key Words: Copper toleleance, Schinuslentiscifolius, mining areas.
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Referências Bibliográficas
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KOTZ, L.M., KAISER, G., TSCHÖPEL, P. & TÖLG, G. 1972. Aufschluss biologischer Matrices für die Bestimmung sehr niedriger Spurenselmentgehalte bei begrenzter einwaage mit Salpetersäure unter Druck in einem Teflongefäss. Anal. Chem. 260: 207-209.
LEINZ, V. & PINAGEL, H. 1945. Estanho e tungstênio no Rio Grande do Sul. D.N.P.M., D.F.P.M., Bol. 70.
MILES, L.J. & PARKER, G.R. 1979. The effects of soil-added cadmium on several plant species. J. Environ. Qual. 8 (2): 229-232.
MUKHERJI, S. & DAS GUPTA B. 1972. Characterisation of Copper toxicity in lettuce seedlings. Physiol. Plant. 27: 1126-1929.
PORTO, M.L. 1981. Beitäge zur Schwermetallvegatition von Rio Grande do Sul Brasilien. Universidade de Ulm. Tese de doutorado.
PORTO, M.L. 1986. Vegetação metalófila e o desenvolvimento mineral. In: Anais do I Simpósio do Trópico Úmido, Belém, v. 2.
REHAB, F.I. & WALLACE, A. 1978. Excess trace metal effects in cotton: 6. Nickel and cadmium in yellow loam soil. Commun. Soil. Sci. Plant. Anal. 9 (8): 779-784.
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WAINWEIGHT, S.J. e WOOLHOUSE, H.W. 1977. Some physiological aspects of copper and zinc tolerance in Agrostis tenus Sibth: cell ellongation and membrane damage. J. Exp. Bot. 28 (5): 1029-1036.
Recebido em 28-01-89.
Aceito em 08-11-98.
Clique para ampliar
- ANTONOVICS, J., BRADSHAW, A.B. & TURNER, R.G. 1971. Heavy metal tolerance in plants. Adv. Ecol. Res. 7: 1-85.
- BAUMEISTER, W. & ERNST, W. 1978. Mineralstoffe und Pflanzenwachstum. Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer.
- BROOKS, R.R. 1972. Geobotony and bio geochemistry in mineral exploration. New York, Harper and Row.
- COUGHTREY, P.J. & MARTIN, M.H. 1978. Cadmium uptake and distribution in tolerante and non-tolerante populations of Holcus lanatus grown in solution culture. Oikos 30:555-560.
- COUGRTREY, P.J., MARTIN, M.H. & SHALES, S.W. 1978. Preliminary observations on cadmium tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. from soils artificially contaminated with heavy metals. Chemosphere 2: 193-198.
- ERNST, W. 1974. Schwermetallvegetation der Erde. jStuttgart, Gustav Fischer.
- ______ 1974. Physiology of heavy metal: resistance in plants. In: Symp. Proc. int. Conf. Heavy Metals Environ., Toronto 2 (1): 121-136.
- FOY, C.D., CHANEY, R.L. & WHITE. M.C. 1978. The physiology of metal toxicity in plants. Ann. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 29:511-566.
- GUPTA, B. & MUKHERJI, S. 1977. effects of toxic concentrations of copper and growth and metabolism of rice seedlings. Z. Pfl. Physiol. 82:95-106.
- HOGAN, G.D., COURTIN, G.M. & RAUSER, W.E. 1977a. The effects of soil factors on the distribution of Agrostis gigantea on a mine wate site. Can. J. Bot. 55: 1038-1042.
- HOGAN, G.D., COURTIN, G.M. & RAUSER, W.E. 1977b. Copper tolerance in clones of Agrostis gigantea from a mine waste site. Can. J. Bot. 55: 1043-1050.
- HORSCHRAFT, F.D.M. 1961. Vegetation. In: MENDELSON, F. The geology of the northern Rhodesian copperbelt. London.
- HOWARD-WILLIAMS, C. 1971. Morphological variation between isolated populations of Becium homblei (De Wild) Duvig. et Plancke growing on heavy metal soils. Vegetatio 23 (2-4-): 141-151.
- HUNTER, J.G. & VERGANO, O. 1953. Trace-elements toxities in oat plants. Ann. Appl. biol. 40: 461-777.
- KARATAGLIS, S.S. 1978. Studies on heavy metal tolerance in populations of Anthoxanthum odoratum. Ber. Deutsch Bot. Ges. 91: 205-216.
- KOTZ, L.M., KAISER, G., TSCHÖPEL, P. & TÖLG, G. 1972. Aufschluss biologischer Matrices für die Bestimmung sehr niedriger Spurenselmentgehalte bei begrenzter einwaage mit Salpetersäure unter Druck in einem Teflongefäss. Anal. Chem. 260: 207-209.
- LEINZ, V. & PINAGEL, H. 1945. Estanho e tungstênio no Rio Grande do Sul. D.N.P.M., D.F.P.M., Bol. 70.
- MILES, L.J. & PARKER, G.R. 1979. The effects of soil-added cadmium on several plant species. J. Environ. Qual. 8 (2): 229-232.
- MUKHERJI, S. & DAS GUPTA B. 1972. Characterisation of Copper toxicity in lettuce seedlings. Physiol. Plant. 27: 1126-1929.
- PORTO, M.L. 1981. Beitäge zur Schwermetallvegatition von Rio Grande do Sul Brasilien. Universidade de Ulm. Tese de doutorado.
- PORTO, M.L. 1986. Vegetação metalófila e o desenvolvimento mineral. In: Anais do I Simpósio do Trópico Úmido, Belém, v. 2.
- REHAB, F.I. & WALLACE, A. 1978. Excess trace metal effects in cotton: 6. Nickel and cadmium in yellow loam soil. Commun. Soil. Sci. Plant. Anal. 9 (8): 779-784.
- SCHARRER, K. & SCHROPP, W. 1936. Über die Wirkung des Bleis auf das das Pflanzenwachstum. Z. Pflanzenernahr. Dug. Bodenk. 43: 34-42.
- WAINWEIGHT, S.J. e WOOLHOUSE, H.W. 1977. Some physiological aspects of copper and zinc tolerance in Agrostis tenus Sibth: cell ellongation and membrane damage. J. Exp. Bot. 28 (5): 1029-1036.
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