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The right to child education in/of the countryside: a study about research groups at CNPq 1 1 Responsible editor: Chantal Victória Medaets 2 2 References correction and bibliographic normalization services: Larissa Quachio Costa 3 3 English Version: Juliana Coetti Basso 4 4 Funding: Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqq


The text presents a mapping of the Research Groups that study Early Childhood Education in the Countryside and are registered in the database of the CNPq. The interest in the subject arose when it was found that the only national survey about Early Childhood Education in the Countryside and characterization of educational practices with children from 0 to 6 years of age living in rural areas in Brazil was completed in 2012. In this text, the methodology of bibliographic survey is used. The results show that there are few research groups focused on Early Childhood Education in the Countryside. There is a need for studies that prioritize brands, spaces, the experiences of a child who lives in rural areas and the training of teachers to Early Childhood Education of/in the Countryside.

Early Childhood Education; Countryside Education; Early Childhood Education in the Countryside; Training of Early Childhood Education Teachers; Organization of Pedagogical Work


O artigo apresenta um mapeamento dos Grupos de Pesquisa que estudam a Educação Infantil do Campo e encontram-se cadastrados no CNPq. O interesse pela temática surgiu ao se constatar que a única pesquisa nacional sobre a Educação Infantil do Campo e a caracterização das práticas educativas com crianças de 0 a 6 anos de idade residentes em área rural no Brasil foi finalizada em 2012. Neste texto, emprega-se a metodologia de levantamento bibliográfico. Os resultados mostram que são poucos os grupos de pesquisa voltados para a Educação Infantil do Campo. Há a necessidade de estudos que priorizem as marcas, os espaços, as vivências de uma criança habitante do campo e a formação de professores para a Educação Infantil do/no Campo.

Educação Infantil; Educação do Campo; Educação Infantil do/no Campo; Formação de Professores da Educação Infantil; Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico


El artículo presenta un mapeo de Grupos de Investigación que estudian Educación Infantil del Campo y están registrados en la base de datos del CNPq. El interés por el tema surgió cuando se constató que la única investigación nacional sobre Educación Infantil del Campo y prácticas educativas con niños de 0 a 6 años residentes en zonas rurales de Brasil se completó en 2012. En este texto se utiliza la metodología de levantamiento bibliográfico. Los resultados muestran que existen pocos grupos de investigación centrados en la Educación Infantil del Campo. Se necesitan estudios que prioricen tanto las marcas, los espacios y las experiencias de un niño que vive en el medio rural como la formación de docentes para la Educación Infantil en/del Campo.

Palabras clave
Educación Infantil; Educación Rural; Educación Infantil en campo; Formación de Docentes de Educación Infantil; Organización del Trabajo Pedagógico


This article aims to present a study about Research Groups registered in the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), which develop research related to Child Education in/of the countryside and teacher training in/of the countryside, identifying leaders and vice-leaders and their production regarding this field of study, considering the period from 2008 to 2019.

The interest in the subject arose from the analysis of the experiences observed in a study entitled “National Research Characterization of educational practices with children from 0 to 6 years of age residing in rural areas” (Brazil, 2012Brasil. Pesquisa Nacional: caracterização das práticas educativas com crianças de 0 a 6 anos residentes em área rural. (2012). Brasília, DF: MEC/UFRGS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 dez. 2021.
), completed in 2012. This study collected information about Child Education in/of the countryside in Brazil to present a guideline for the formulation of a national policy considering this stage of education, contemplating the children residing in the countryside.

The process of constituting the idea of a Child Education in the Countryside (EIC) involves the presence of researchers from Brazilian public universities, which have been participating in groups that present actions in a national scope, as much as the experience of the research group and the national research, thus, contributing to the introduction of this emerging area in universities, in which it is possible to perform experiences regarding Education, Research and Extension. (Leal & Oliveira, 2019Leal, F. de L. A.; Oliveira, M. das. G. (2019). A experiência de educação infantil do campo no contexto da Paraíba: a universidade como espaço de articulação. Perspectiva, Florianópolis, v. 37, n. 4, 790-804. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jan. 2022.
, p. 794).

It is understood that the concept of children as a social actor and the responsibility of providing education by the State demand the presence of policies that articulate children’s rights to policies of quality education, in which their right to coexist with other children, in spaces organized for this purpose, is considered, as well as the training of teachers, mainly considering their educational practices, that are important tools for children’s development.

Since the decade of 1980, when the process of fighting for Brazilian’s (re)democratization and the defense of basic rights, namely health and education, for all citizens since birth, intensified, Child Education (EI) has undergone expressive changes. As a result, the publication of the Federal Constitution (CF) in 1988 (Brazil, 1988Brasil. Constituição de 1988. (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 set. 2021.
) stated the right of young children to education. This constitutional right was a historical milestone that implemented the need of education by children and the responsibility of the government to ensure it.

As a result of public policies, especially in the educational field, in 1996 it was promulgated the National Education Bases and Guidelines Law – LDB, law number 9394 (Brazil, 1996Brasil. Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. (1996). Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 dez. 2021.
), considering the child education as the first stage of basic education, thus enabling the consolidation of children’s rights. According to Kranner (2006)Kramer, S. (2006). As crianças de 0 a 6 anos nas políticas educacionais no Brasil: educação infantil e/é fundamental. Educ. Soc., Campinas, v. 27, n. 96, 797-818. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2021.
, “the recognition of this right was consolidated by the Constitution of 1988, Statute of the Child and Adolescent, and the LDB, in 1996, and is explicit in the Curricular Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and in the National Education Plan” (Kranner, 2006Kramer, S. (2006). As crianças de 0 a 6 anos nas políticas educacionais no Brasil: educação infantil e/é fundamental. Educ. Soc., Campinas, v. 27, n. 96, 797-818. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2021.
, p.798).

However, the search for legal justification is not enough, as stated by Bobbio (2004, p.16)Bobbio, N. (2004). A era dos direitos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier., “the main problem related to human rights, today, is not justifying them, but protecting them”. The author considers that:

It is not about knowing which and how many are these rights, what are their nature or principles, if they are natural or historical, absolute, or relative; the importance consists in discovering the safest way to secure them, to avoid, despite solemn declarations, their violation. (p.17)

Both the CF, (1988), and the LDB (1996) are historical milestones that declared the need of children to have access to education. These milestones emphasize that the rights of children “[must] be not only announced or ideally admitted, but effectively protected, even from the State which violated them” (Bobbio, 2004Bobbio, N. (2004). A era dos direitos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier., p.19). Thus, considering these important legislations, we observe that different public policies, other regulations, guidelines, and programs have been implemented in Brazil, in order to ensure education for children from 0 to 6 years of age.

Although it is possible to observe this positiveness, as stated by Bobbio (2004, p.25)Bobbio, N. (2004). A era dos direitos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier., the acknowledgement and the visibility acquired by means of popular struggles are obscured by a State that does not comply with what is established by law. This fact creates gaps regarding the right to education, which can only be filled by means of the development of the whole society.

In the search for this socioeconomic development, however, in the end of the 1990s, the Brazilian economy changed exponentially, and the context of education changed as well. During the government of Fernando Collor (1990 - 1992), the country was still in process of (re)democratization and adhered to the “new world order” of neoliberalism, a new model that was present in the subsequent governments.

According to Peroni and Adrião (2005)Adrião, T.; Peroni, V. (org.). (2005). O público e privado na educação: interfaces entre Estado e sociedade. São Paulo: Xamã., neoliberalism may be comprehended as the exit policy for the capital crises, in a scenario where the role of the State considering the social policies changed, transferring the responsibility of implementing these policies to society, mainly the economic market, which was respected and considered efficient (Peroni & Adrião, 2005Peroni, V. M. V. (org). (2015). Diálogos sobre as redefinições no papel do Estado e nas fronteiras entre o público e o privado na educação. São Leopoldo: Oikos.). Peroni (2015, p.17)Peroni, V. M. V. (org). (2015). Diálogos sobre as redefinições no papel do Estado e nas fronteiras entre o público e o privado na educação. São Leopoldo: Oikos. declares that, in this context, State is considered by neoliberals as inefficient, bureaucratic, corrupt, and the cause of fiscal crises.

In this context of reorganization of the Brazilian State, subordinated to the neoliberal political and economic project, the urban areas increased, causing a substantial rural depopulation, converging central activities to the urban areas, as well as the number of schools. It was in this contradictory context, by means of the struggles of the organized civil society that Early Childhood Education earned its space and “[…] incorporated itself into the educational system, consolidating its educational identity, in order to overcome its populist and supporting role” (Barbosa & Fernandes, 2013Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, p.300).

Even though the cities presented a growth in their urban perimeter, the rural areas were still present, and the reality of their residents was still difficult; many of them had to commute to work in the cities’ centers or worked in the fields, but in both cases with not enough time to dedicate themselves to their children’s education.

With the growth of the cities, the number of schools in the urban areas increased, however, it was still restricted to the most favored classes, considering that the locomotion and attendance of the children resident in rural areas were unfeasible. In addition to that, “[…] when policies or actions were formulated considering the education in the countryside, these actions were based on the model of education applied in the cities” (Viero & Medeiros, 2018Viero, J.; Medeiros, L. M. (2018). Princípios e concepções da educação do campo. Santa Maria: UFSM, NTE., p. 13)

Considering the Child Education in/of the countryside (EIC), it is possible to observe that it is a stage in education whose approach has intensified significantly in debates since the ends of the year 1990, when resolutions about Countryside Education and Child Education in the Countryside were approved by the National Council of Education (CNE), “[…] characterized by the articulation of government actions, social and union groups and researchers and activists of the Countryside Education and Child Education fields” (Leal & Oliveira, 2019Leal, F. de L. A.; Oliveira, M. das. G. (2019). A experiência de educação infantil do campo no contexto da Paraíba: a universidade como espaço de articulação. Perspectiva, Florianópolis, v. 37, n. 4, 790-804. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jan. 2022.
, p. 792). Although this discussion has received attention by the national scope, this specific section of the educational field is still vulnerable, and it needs studies and scientific research, as “the policies of Child Education considering the countryside population need to promote actions in order to improve the social knowledge about its reality” (Barbosa et al., 2012Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, p. 319)

In this context, the EIC is considered a constitutional right and an emerging area which presents the necessity of being developed regarding the effectiveness of educational public policies to ensure quality education to children residing in countryside areas. The public service to the children and their needs must be ensured by educational policies and must prioritize the spaces, experiences and perceptions of a child who lives in the countryside, respecting the relation with nature, culture, community, people, and languages.

Considering this discussion, we present the hypothesis that the invisibility of these questions and, consequently, of the identity of the Child Education in/of the Countryside in the scope of the formal education system, has been deliberating the flexibilization of policies regarding countryside education, with reductions in the costs of maintenance and, therefore, contributing to the unreliability of its services.

In this study, the idea of Child Education in/of the Countryside considered is the one comprehended by the rural social movements. These movements consider man and woman as historical-social subjects that, with their praxis, produce reality, at the same time as they are produced by it, which enables the knowledge about reality itself.

This text is organized, in addition to this introduction, into two other sections. In the first section, we present the methodological option used in the research and the procedures applied in the database of the CNPq Research Groups to identify and analyze the groups and lines of work, the academic productions related to Child Education in/of the Countryside and the production related to the training of teachers in/of the countryside. In the second section, results and analysis of academic production, we present the studies about Countryside Education and how the Child Education in/of the Countryside is presented in these studies. After the discussions, we include the considerations of the research and, in conclusion, the final reflections.

Methodological trajectory of the research

In order to perform the mapping of the research groups registered at CNPq, we based this research on a critical and dialectical approach, situating the object in the amplest social, political and socioeconomic context. We observed the dynamics of relations and the contradictions in the Brazilian society, considering, according to Cury (1987)Cury, C. R. J. Educação e contradição: elementos metodológicos para uma teoria crítica do fenômeno educativo. (1987). São Paulo: Cortez; Autores Associados., its historicity in an effort to know the unique concrete reality in its entirety.

A complexity is implied, in which every phenomenon may only be understood as a defined moment in relation to itself and in relation to other phenomenon. This idea does not mean that it is necessary to know all the phenomenon, equal and indistinctly. It means that the referred phenomenon is only enlighten when referred to the essence, to that elements that define its own nature in its process of production. The totality is understandable through the parts and the relation amongst them.

(Cury, 1987Cury, C. R. J. Educação e contradição: elementos metodológicos para uma teoria crítica do fenômeno educativo. (1987). São Paulo: Cortez; Autores Associados., p.36).

In this research, we analyzed the theme of EIC in the context of reality in its unique manner of expression, considering the movement relevant to the mediation with the totality, by means of studying the results found in the database of CNPq, considering the Research Groups dedicated to the appreciation of academic productions about Child Education in/of the Countryside and training of teachers in/of the countryside for this stage of basic education that had been performed between 2008 and 2019. The period is justified by the duration of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb) – created in 2006 and regulated in 2007, by Law nº 11.494 (Brazil, 2007Brasil. Lei nº 11.494, de 20 de junho de 2007. (2007). Regulamenta o Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação - FUNDEB, de que trata o art. 60 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias; altera a Lei n o 10.195, de 14 de fevereiro de 2001; revoga dispositivos das Leis n os 9.424, de 24 de dezembro de 1996, 10.880, de 9 de junho de 2004, e 10.845, de 5 de março de 2004; e dá outras providências. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 nov. 2021.
)-, which has become permanent since the Constitutional Amendment nº 108, from 27 of August of 2020, and is regulated by Law nº14.113, from 25 of December of 2020, and included Child Education in the fund of financing education

As part of the procedure, it was considered a bibliographic search which, according to Vosgerau and Romanowski (2014, p. 6)Vosgerau, D. S. R.; Romanowski, J. P. (2014). Estudos de revisão: implicações conceituais e metodológicas. Rev. Diálogo Educ., Curitiba, v. 14, n. 41, 165-189., contemplate “[…] the elaboration of practices that may benefit the contextualization, problematization and an initial validation of the theoretical framework to be used in the proposed analysis”.

The Keywords “Early Childhood Education”, “Countryside Education”, “Early Childhood Education in the countryside”, “Training of Early Childhood teachers in the countryside” and “Organization of Pedagogical Work” were considered in order to locate the research groups considering the field of education. To select the groups that present a discussion regarding the EIC, the research lines and the content were analyzed.

The research groups are located in a directory organized by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), a database constituted by Brazilian researchers. The research groups were considered as a source of analysis and a possibility of knowing studies developed by researchers and validated by an official foster agency; identify the discussions, research and studies of the group as well as the tendencies of the research; and verify and select the research related to our object of study, the Child Education in/of the Countryside and the Training of Teachers in/on the Countryside.

On the website of the Research Groups Directory - CNPq5 5 Available at: , with the search engine (using the option of searching for “previous census” or “current base”), we utilized the option “current base” and period of search defined between 2008 and 2019. The website provides four options of choice: the search term by using keywords; options: search for “all words”, “any word” or “precise search”. In this research, we used “all words”, and the objective was to find as many groups as possible. It is also possible to utilize the option of searching by group, research line, researcher, student, technician, and foreign associate. In this case, we opted for the option by group. There is another option that may be used: apply the search in the fields, according to the name of the group, name of the research line, keywords of the research line, group repercussions, name of the leader, name of the researcher, name of the student, name of the technician, name of the foreign associate and/or the name of the partner institution. We considered the four first options listed above. Considering the situation with certified or not updated groups, we verified the two cases: however, for this text, we considered the certified groups. The “non-certified” groups indicate that their situation is unknown, it is not possible to know if the research continues or if they are still producing and discussing the work.

It was also possible to use the option “filter”. When we clicked on it, the “Filter for localization and time of activity of the group” appears. The filter used was the end date, 2019; as we filtered the start date, the search presented groups created in 2008 and our option was mapping the groups created between 2008 and 2019. Considering the filter for subject area and the application field, we considered the Human Sciences – Education and education, respectively. We did not consider the filter for academic background (all of them) and CNPq scholarship holder or professors.

It was considered the same selection criteria for each keyword. When we inserted the keywords, some research groups were selected by two of them. Therefore, we decided to use the result found by the first keyword. This situation is highlighted in the systematization part of the data. The search on the website occurred from September of 2019 to July of 2020 and, in total, we selected, according to Table 1, 22 research groups, as it follows:

Table 1
CNPq Research Groups by keywords

We aggregated to this research a data collection about research groups that were created between 1996 and 2007, in order to identify if there were groups/ studies on Child Education in/of the Countryside and Training of Teacher in this stage of basic education, considering the implementation of LDB 9394/96 until the approval of the Fundeb. In this new search, as it is possible to observe on Chart 1, nine research groups were found:

Chart 1
CNPq Research Groups (from 1996 to 2007)

From the nine research groups listed above, four were selected by the keyword “Early Childhood Education”; one, with “Countryside Education”; 3, with “Early Childhood Education in the Countryside”; and 1, with “Training of Early Childhood Education Teachers.”

According to Chart 1, the older selected group was created in the year of 2000, what demonstrates that the studies about Child Education are recent and, in relation to Child Education in the Countryside, still incipient in the Brazilian research scenario. According to Silva, Pasuch and Silva:

The worry with Early Childhood Education in the Countryside earns relevance when we consider that this theme has been only recently incorporated in Child Education processes on rural social movements, on government actions and on academic research.

(Silva et al., 2012Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J.; Silva, J. B. da. (2012). Educação Infantil do Campo. São Paulo: Cortez., p. 49)

In general, the discussion about EIC is emphasized with the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDB), when “kindergarten/ pre-school is consolidated as a right for mothers and the children of rural and urban workers” (Silva; Pasuch; Silva, 2012Silva, S. J. R. da. (2012). A formação dos professores do campo: um estudo na serra catarinense. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil., p. 47).

After the selection of the research groups, we analyzed the academic work of the groups’ leaders (leader and vice-leader), on the website of the Research Groups of CNPq and on Lattes6 6 The platform of DGP and Lattes are dynamic and constantly updated by researchers. Thus, the data considered for this research, as well as the results, are limited to the period of search here established. platform, aiming to identify the academic works and activities developed by them (research and extension), according to the subject area.

In the Directory of the Research Groups, we considered the names of the group leaders and on the filtration, we selected only the “name of the leader”, to find the research and articles published by these professionals. Subsequently we selected “visualize mirror of the researcher”. In this mirror, there is information about the leader, for example title, field of work, groups and research lines, oriented students, and index of academic production (articles, publication, books, and general information).

Results and discussions of the data presented

The studies regarding Early Childhood Education in/of the Countryside, as considered by Table 1, are not very substantial among the research groups. From the 962 groups selected, only 22 were related to the main theme suggested. Thus, “this differentiated treatment provided for the urban and the rural, in the level of public policy, may permeate the academic production as well” (Barbosa et al., 2012Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, p. 293).

It was possible to observe that the CNPq Research Groups working with Early Childhood Education are increasing and the LDB, 1996, which confirms the right to education for children, consolidates this progress, as stated in the beginning of this text. The data collection performed in the directory presents 277 research groups. It is important to highlight that, according to Campos (2012)Campos, R. F. (2012). "Política pequena" para as crianças pequenas? Experiências e desafios no atendimento das crianças de 0 a 3 anos na América Latina. Revista Brasileira de Educação, v. 17, n. 49, 81-105., the understanding of Child Education is the result of many different variables, for example the comprehension of childhood characteristics in a neurobiological level, socioeconomic conditions, socialization, among others.

The research groups present several studies regarding Child Education: alphabetization, mathematics in Child Education, arts, teaching of sciences, curriculum, public educational policies, and children’s development. Barbosa et al. (2012)Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
state about this diversity of studies: [...] if the production is considerable, it is not yet known the place the knowledge derived from institutions located in rural areas occupies in it” (Barbosa, et al., 2012Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, p. 293).

The survey shows that, with the detailed analysis of the 277 research groups, many of them do not direct the studies to Early Childhood Education in/of the Countryside, because they are emphasizing the urban areas. From this groups, it was possible to identify three with research aiming the EIC.

Considering the keyword “Countryside Education”; according to Caldart (2009, p.36)Caldart, R. S. (2009). Educação do campo: notas para uma análise de percurso. Trab. Educ. Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7 n. 1, 35-64., “discussing about Countryside Education today, and intending to be faithful to its objectives, demands to analyze the totality, in perspective, with a methodology, about how to interpretate it”. It is a complex category, because even though the country presents a rural origin, it suffers to maintain this essence and to offer a quality education in a context that overvalues the urban education and neglects the Countryside Education.

As we observe the results of 500 research groups, we notice that there is a considerable diversity on the topics related to Countryside Education and, also, to other extensive topics, as environmental aspects. We identified that the groups study topics related to the agricultural system, agribusiness, livestock, and pesticides, as well as themes related to the Education of Young and Adults in the Countryside, alphabetization in the countryside and mathematics, presenting a consolidation of these fields. Regarding the Early Childhood Education in/of the Countryside, only five groups were selected, what confirms the idea that only a few groups emphasize this stage of education.

Another important aspect of the research was the difference between Countryside Education and Rural Education. In our studies, we consider rural education as the one related to principles of the capitalist-agrarian paradigm, result of a system that aims profit, and its priority is not the residents of the rural areas, but the monetarization of actions conducted in the name of the countryside. The Countryside Education, as described by Caldart (2009)Caldart, R. S. (2009). Educação do campo: notas para uma análise de percurso. Trab. Educ. Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7 n. 1, 35-64., does not reduce itself to a set of words, as it is more than a definition. It is the result of struggles and social movements in favor of the countryside workers, it is “[…] a real combat movement to the current ‘state of things’” (Caldart, 2009Caldart, R. S. (2009). Educação do campo: notas para uma análise de percurso. Trab. Educ. Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7 n. 1, 35-64., p.40).

When we included the keyword “Early Childhood Education in the Countryside”, we justified our analysis considering the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education – DCNEI (Brazil, 2010bBrasil. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil. (2010b). Brasília, DF: MEC, SEB.), which highlights the characteristics of children resident in rural areas, and states that they must be respected. In addition, as we utilized the Child Education “in” and “of”, a reference to Caldart (2009)Caldart, R. S. (2009). Educação do campo: notas para uma análise de percurso. Trab. Educ. Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7 n. 1, 35-64. was made, as according to his considerations about Countryside Education, the expression “Education in and of the Countryside” must be prioritized, aiming to respect it, in order to be noticed not as submissive to the needs of urban areas, but as a tool for people that are agents of their own history.

In its origin, the “of” present in Education of the Countryside is related to protagonism: it is of the workers, education of the countryside, of the workers, pedagogy of the oppressed… A ‘of’ those that are not given, but that needs to be built through the process of education of collective subjects, subjects that struggle to be part of the social dynamic, to constitute themselves as political subjects, capable of influencing the society’s political agenda.

(Caldart, 2009Caldart, R. S. (2009). Educação do campo: notas para uma análise de percurso. Trab. Educ. Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7 n. 1, 35-64., p. 41).

Through this comprehension, we located the research groups at the CNPq directory and identified 21 of them. We selected five groups that study Child Education in/ of the Countryside and that converge to the purposes of our object of study. The other groups studied about psychology or arts, which differ them from our objective. According to Silva, Pasuch and Silva (2012)Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J.; Silva, J. B. da. (2012). Educação Infantil do Campo. São Paulo: Cortez., “[...] issues related to the specificities of children resident in the countryside and the traditional people, their manners of life, routine and time, the relation with natural environment are often ignored by the productions, as well as ignored by public policies” (Silva; Pasuch; Silva, 2012Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J.; Silva, J. B. da. (2012). Educação Infantil do Campo. São Paulo: Cortez., p. 35).

Considering the keyword “Training of Early Childhood Education Teacher”, in accordance with what is demonstrated by Table 1, we aimed to identify groups that study the initial and continuing training of teachers for Early Childhood in/of the Countryside. We identified 120 research groups. After analyzing the groups, we selected five of them, because, despite other groups presented their research about teachers of the countryside, these were related to countryside professionals working in High Schools, Elementary Schools, and in the teaching of agribusiness.

The choice of five groups may be related to the number of teaching functions7 7 The choice for “teaching functions”, factor related to the exercise of teaching activity, is independent from the individual who executes it, as a single teacher may execute many different functions as an education professional. Considering Rosemberg and Artes (2012, p. 61), this choice is made because the focus is the children and not the professional and, in the research, it is important to know if there are qualified teachers in the classes of Child Education. with higher education in the countryside. According to Silva (2012, p. 68)Silva, S. J. R. da. (2012). A formação dos professores do campo: um estudo na serra catarinense. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil., in 2005, from a total of 327.176 teaching functions in countryside schools, 66,7% did not have college education; in 2010, from 339.245 teaching functions in countryside schools, 56,2% did not have college education. There was as an improve in these percentages between 2005 and 2010 in relation to the training of these teachers, however more than half of them, who are working in the countryside’s schools, still do not have college education.

When considering Child Education, 699.361 teaching functions were compiled in 2010: 76,7% practiced by teachers and 23,2%, by assistants. From this total, 92,5% working in rural areas; 56,5% with secondary level teaching training completed, 26,7 % with a complete graduation course.

When the authors consult the data about teachers’ functions in Child Education by level of education and regions, they observe that the Central-West, Southeast and South regions, present more professionals with college education: 52,2%, 48,8% and 58,6%, respectively; the Northeast and North regions present 20,5% and 14,5% with college education (Rosemberg, Artes, 2012Rosemberg, F.; Artes, A. (2012). O rural e o urbano na oferta de educação para crianças de até 6 anos. In BARBOSA, M. C. S. et al. (org.), Oferta e demanda da Educação Infantil no campo (pp. 13-69). Porto Alegre: Evangraf., p. 63-64). This data demonstrates that inequalities and precariousness are still present in the training of teachers that work in rural areas.

The issue related to teacher training in/of the countryside may not be solved easily, since, as consequence of a capitalist system, the priorities are centered in the urban areas, when compared to rural areas. In addition to that, considering some social events, as from the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, it became possible to observe the disassemble of educational public policies in the country, for example, the proposal of consolidating a standardized educational curriculum for basic education, by means of the Common Core National Curriculum – BNCC (Brazil, 2018Brasil. Base Nacional Comum Curricular. (2018). Brasília, DF: MEC. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 8 out. 2021.), and the standardization of the training courses for teachers by means of the Common National Base for Basic Education Teacher Training – BNC – Formation (Brazil, 2019Brasil. Resolução n. 2, de 20 de dezembro de 2019. (2019). Define as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Formação Inicial de Professores para a Educação Básica e institui a Base Nacional Comum para a Formação Inicial de Professores da Educação Básica (BNC-Formação). Brasília, DF: MEC.), mainly with the approval of the Constitutional Amendment of number 95, which institutes a new tax regime for the next 20 years, therefore valid until 2036, affecting the objective 15 of the National Education Plan (PNE).

Ensures, under a collaborative perspective with the Union, States, Federal District and the municipalities, observing the period of 1 year of this PNE, a national training policy for education professionals considering the items I, II and III present in the caption of article 61 of Law nº 9.394, from December 20th, ensuring that all basic education teachers have specific higher-level training, through a degree in the area of knowledge in which they work

(Brasil, 2015Brasil. Plano Nacional de Educação PNE 2014-2024: Linha de Base. (2015). Brasília, DF: Inep., p. 262).

It is ensured by legislation the formulation of public policies in the field of education, that encourage teacher training, specially to work in the countryside, in order to achieve the PNE goal; however, as stated by Rosemberg and Artes (2012, p.64)Rosemberg, F.; Artes, A. (2012). O rural e o urbano na oferta de educação para crianças de até 6 anos. In BARBOSA, M. C. S. et al. (org.), Oferta e demanda da Educação Infantil no campo (pp. 13-69). Porto Alegre: Evangraf., education still face “the notable distance between the legal, normative, ideal Brazil and the real Brazil, lived by the children from 0 to 6 years of age”. The defense of teacher training for the Early Childhood Education in/of the countryside is related to the necessity of considering the specificities in the organization of the pedagogical work for children resident in rural areas, and to the obligation the public authorities have to ensure this training.

According to Rosemberg and Artes (2012, p. 64)Rosemberg, F.; Artes, A. (2012). O rural e o urbano na oferta de educação para crianças de até 6 anos. In BARBOSA, M. C. S. et al. (org.), Oferta e demanda da Educação Infantil no campo (pp. 13-69). Porto Alegre: Evangraf., it is necessary to focus on goals of distributive justice on the material level. Silva (2012)Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J.; Silva, J. B. da. (2012). Educação Infantil do Campo. São Paulo: Cortez. states:

It is necessary to offer budget resources to the quantitative and qualitative services offered for the population that attend countryside schools. In contrast, there may be a monitoring with local and state administrators to ensure the correct execution of the regulations and principles established in accordance with the standards recommended for this educational perspective (p.88)

Based on this perspective, we inserted the keyword “Organization of Pedagogical Work” in the tab of the directory of research groups to identify groups that study the specificities of the pedagogical work in the Early Childhood Education in/of the Countryside. The result presented 44 entries of research groups, and, from this total, there are groups considering the alphabetization process, pedagogical practice for other stages of education, agroecology, and other topics. All the groups were analyzed, however only four groups were selected.

Considering the 962 research groups analyzed, we present, as it is possible to observe on Chart 2, the 22 selected groups, organized by name of the group, university, year of formation and keyword.

Chart 2
CNPq Research Groups selected from Keywords and year of formation

When analyzing the research groups, considering the five keywords mentioned, it is possible to affirm that, since 1996, according to Charts 1 and 2, the research groups with active studies regarding Countryside Education and Child Education has been expanding gradually and highlighting the need of studies about the necessity of ensuring the rights of the countryside population and of children. However, little is known about children resident in the countryside and the specificities of this childhood, in addition to that, the identity of the Child Education in/of the countryside is invisible for the scope of the formal educational system, what presents an impact on the flexibility of countryside education policies, with cost reduction and precariousness of offer.

With the compilation of data by means of the platform, it was possible to identify few studies about Child Education in/of the Countryside and the training of teachers in/of the countryside, even considering the Fundeb, which has boosted the formation of new research groups and studies aiming these themes, specially.

On Graphic 1, we present the 31 research groups selected in the period from 1996 to 2019, organized by region.

Graphic 1
CNPq Research Groups organized by regions

The data presented, organized by regions, demonstrate the allocation of the research groups in the country. According to Graphic 1, the region with more research groups is the Northeast region, with 55% or 17 groups; secondly, there is the Central-West region, with 16% or 5 research groups; South and Southeast regions, with 12,5% or 4 groups each; North, with 3% or 1 research group.

According to Barbosa et al (2012)Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, the Northeast and North regions present the highest number of multigrade8 8 It is important to mention that in the case of the same classroom presents Child and Elementary Education students, the more adequate possibility is to talk about “multi stages” classes. In addition to that, these classrooms correspond to a legal violation according to Art. 3º of Resolution nº2, from 28th of April of 2008: “under no circumstances children from different stages of education may study at the same classroom (Brazil, 2008, n.p.). schools in Brazil. Thus, despite region North is the second region with more multigrade schools, it presents only one research group related to Chil Education in/of the Countryside. It is important to observe that the non-location of more groups may happen because of the keywords used in this research, which may not have apprehended the potential of works developed by researchers of that region, as the use of different nomenclature to develop studies about children resident in the countryside is possible. It is important to emphasize that the keywords “Early Childhood Education in/of the Countryside” and “Early Childhood Education” were employed, considering the Brazilian legislation regarding the nomenclatures assigned to the stages of basic education.

Regarding the Northeast region, it was possible to identify more research groups, 55% in total. It is important to highlight that, in 2006, in accordance with Barbosa et al. (2012)Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
and mentioned on Table 2, 41.444 multigrade schools are present in this region, the highest number of this kind of schools in Brazil. In 2009, this number reduced for 26.460. In the North region, in 2006, 15.214 institutions were multigrade schools; in 2009, this number changed for 11.560. It is also necessary to indicate that the North and Northeast regions present the lower indexes in the level of education considering university degrees in the Functions of Teachers in Child Education: 14,5% and 20,5%, respectively.

Table 2
Number of multigrade schools in Brazil and regions (2006-2010)

As it is possible to observe, in 2008, the number of multigrade schools increased in all regions of the country. The Northeast region reached the highest number of these schools. However, in 2009, all regions presented a decrease in the number of multigrade schools, including the Northeast region, with a severe reduction, despite of still being the leader on the ranking. The other regions followed the increase and decrease in the number of multigrade schools, but the Central-West region, with 5 research groups identified, was the only region that presented little variation in its numbers. According to Barbosa et al. (2012)Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.
, the reduction in the number of multigrade schools in 2009,

[...] represents a tendency in expansion in the country and in every Brazilian region; in addition, the extinction of these schools has occurred without considering the impacts, without adequate planning, without substantial studies about the issue and without discussing it with the countryside communities, which are the main subjects affected by this process, according to the current educational legislation. (p. 239).

The considerations presented by the authors reflect the present time regarding the decrease in the number of multigrade schools in the countryside. By associating the number of schools with the CNPq research groups that develop studies about Child Education in/of the Countryside, we observe that the number of groups that study the issues regarding children resident in the Countryside is incipient, mainly in the North and Northeast regions.

The extinction of countryside schools and the identification of few research groups which study the Child Education in/of the Countryside reflect the invisibility of children resident in the rural areas and the negligence with specificities of the childhood in the countryside, it is also observable the lack or negligence of public policies regarding the right to education for children resident in the countryside.

Data about the leaders of the research groups

After executing the same steps, by means of the CNPq platform, for every leader and vice-leader of the 31 research groups selected between 1996 and 2019, it was possible to identify a total of 66 leaders and vice-leaders. The aim of this analysis was to identify which and how many are the academic productions regarding the topic of this research.

By means of the Lattes platform, the academic productions regarding Child Education in/of the Countryside and Training of teachers in/ of the Countryside (articles, works presented in events, research projects, extension, among others) were searched. It was possible to identify that some leaders did not publish articles, book chapters or work in events or congresses about Child Education in/ of the Countryside or Countryside Education and Training of teachers in/of the Countryside.

Considering the above, 25 leaders and vice-leaders were selected, 37,9% of their works discuss about Child Education in/of the Countryside and Child Education. All research groups were certified until 2019. The 25 leaders are inserted in 17 CNPq research groups, according to Chart 1,12 groups are from the Northeast region, 2, Central-West region and 3, Southeast region.

The 25 leaders and vice-leaders present productions distributed by topics related to Countryside Education, Child Education, and a few of them about Child Education in the Countryside, according to what was available on Lattes platform. We detected 303 productions in total: 55 articles, 50 research projects, 14 extension projects, 1 teaching project, 82 works published in national events, 26 books published and 75 chapters in published books. The amount of identified productions, 303 in total, still need to be carefully analyzed.

It is important to highlight that, from the amount of 303 productions found, 96 are written by a single author, what represents few productions left for the other researchers/ authors, as we consider the number of members integrating the research groups.

The results present that “we need to discuss and produce collectively, considering the accumulated experiences, the child education in the countryside which we desire for our riverside, quilombola, and resident in the rural areas and settlement children” (Silva; Pasuch, 2010Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J. (2010). Orientações curriculares para a educação infantil do campo. I SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL: CURRÍCULO EM MOVIMENTO – PERSPECTIVAS ATUAIS, 2010, Belo Horizonte. Anais [...]. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.); as by means of the academic productions and discussions, it is possible to highlight issues regarding the countryside and children residents in rural areas, emphasizing the importance of reporting and announcing the implementation of the right to education and the State responsibility of ensuring it.

Positioning the debate about Child Education in/of the Countryside is to insert it in the current public policies, emphasizing that “legal basis of Child Education in / of the Countryside has emerged just recently in the history of Brazilian Education” (Silva; Pasuch; Silva, 2012Silva, A. P. S. da; Pasuch, J.; Silva, J. B. da. (2012). Educação Infantil do Campo. São Paulo: Cortez., p. 57) by means of the National Council of Education, which establishes the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (Brazil, 2002Brasil. Resolução CNE/CEB 1, de 3 de abril de 2002. (2002). Institui Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação Básica nas Escolas do Campo. Brasília, DF: CNE/CEB. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jan. 2022.
), Complementary Guidelines, regulations and principles for the development of public policies for Child Education in the Countryside Service (Brazil, 2008Brasil. Resolução n. 2, de 28 de abril de 2008. (2008). Estabelece diretrizes complementares, normas e princípios para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de atendimento da Educação Básica do Campo. Brasília, DF: MEC. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2022.
), and Educational Policies in the Countryside and National Program of Education in Agrarian Reform (Brazil, 2010aBrasil. Decreto nº 7.352, de 4 de novembro de 2010. (2010a). Dispões sobre a Política Nacional de Educação do Campo e sobre o Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária. Brasília, DF: MEC. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2022.
). According to Leal (2016, p. 169)Leal, F. de L. A.; Oliveira, M. das. G. (2019). A experiência de educação infantil do campo no contexto da Paraíba: a universidade como espaço de articulação. Perspectiva, Florianópolis, v. 37, n. 4, 790-804. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jan. 2022.
, “the legal aspect indicates important progresses in the offer of child education in/of the countryside and must occur considering every child in school age”.

While the educational policies implemented for this stage of education represent an unquestionable advance, every day the institutions still face issues related to structural, organizational, and pedagogical challenges, which depends on educational policies in order to provide the improvement of theses functional aspects. Associated with these challenges, there is the crises started in the year of 2014, as mentioned, which has caused the disassemble of public policies in the area of education, as stated by Souza (2017, p.23): “[…] Considering the dispute and the results of the presidential elections occurred in that year, the most visible consequence was the deepening of the economic crises through an institutional and political crisis”. The economic crisis of this period caused:

[...] political measures of tax adjustments, decreasing the notion of State and increasing the market; the flexibilization of manpower, with retreat of worker’s democratic rights, which impacts from social security issues to general social policies, necessary to the effective practice of citizenship”.

(Souza, 2017, p. 20).

The result of these measures has been a retreat for public policies regarding Child Education, as well as the Countryside Education. As emphasized by Bobbio (2004, p. 25)Bobbio, N. (2004). A era dos direitos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier., the recognition acquired by means of social struggles faces a State that cannot fulfill what is ensured by law, and this fact causes the disassemble of educational public policies, and, consequently, the violation of educational rights.

This study presents the objective of emphasizing the importance of EIC, and highlights this topic of work to educational researchers, specially from the fields of Child Education and Countryside Education, so they may consider the social struggles of the countryside population regarding the defense of Child Education in/of the Countryside. According to Barbosa et al. (2012)Barbosa, M. C. S.; Fernandes, S. B. (2013). Educação Infantil e Educação no Campo: um encontro necessário para concretizar a justiça social com as crianças pequenas residentes em áreas rurais. Revista Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 21, n. esp., p. 299-315. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2021.

[...] the studies point the vulnerabilities that may be overcame by researchers from different fields. If the volume is larger than we imagined, before beginning our research, than the specific production that involves the themes of Child Education and Countryside Education is small. (p.193).

More than numbers, scientific research may demonstrate the specificities of particular social groups, for example the riverside children, quilombolas, children who live in settlements and the ones living in agrarian reform camps. The research may emphasize that, more than the right to education and social struggles, children need to be considered in their contexts and places where they live. We insist, as Rosemberg and Artes (2012, p. 64)Rosemberg, F.; Artes, A. (2012). O rural e o urbano na oferta de educação para crianças de até 6 anos. In BARBOSA, M. C. S. et al. (org.), Oferta e demanda da Educação Infantil no campo (pp. 13-69). Porto Alegre: Evangraf., on the importance of observing the children living in rural areas, mainly the babies.

Final Considerations

The last two decades were characterized by struggles, demands and, in a sense, accomplishments, from the moment that official documents emphasized an emerging visibility and a “sharp eye” into the specificities of countryside children.

However, we need to analyze the current context in order to avoid what happened in the years of 1970 and 1980, considering mainly the politics of UNESCO and UNICEF for developing countries, a fact reported by Rosemberg (2003, p. 1)Rosemberg, F. Educação infantil brasileira contemporânea. (2003). Disponível em: . Acesso em: 10 dez. 2018.
that: “[…] prioritizes a compensatory pre-school education, considering the “needs” of poor populations and supporting the idea of using community resources, aiming to spend few funds provided by State, for its expansion”.

As highlighted by Gonçalves (2013)Gonçalves, R. D. F. S. (2013). O estado da arte da infância e da educação infantil no campo: debates históricos, construções atuais. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil., the path between “said” and “done” is long and requires deep changes regarding the public policies of childcare and teacher training.

With the studies and analysis performed, it was possible to observe that there are few research groups reflecting about Child Education in/of the Countryside. The debates are scarce about Child Education and its relation to the countryside, what validates the necessity of studies prioritizing the stages, spaces, and experiences of the children resident in rural areas, considering their relation to nature, culture, community, people, and languages. This gap is confirmed by the few studies published about the training of teachers that work with this stage of basic education.

It is important to emphasize that the history of the creation of research groups that study about field of Child Education and Child Education in/of the countryside precedes the creation of the Directory of Research Groups (DGP) and, today, exceeds the registration limit. Finally, we value pioneers, as well as the non-institutionalized groups, that also contribute to the Brazilian scientific production in the area of Child Education.

  • 2
    References correction and bibliographic normalization services: Larissa Quachio Costa
  • 3
    English Version: Juliana Coetti Basso
  • 4
    Funding: Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqq
  • 5
  • 6
    The platform of DGP and Lattes are dynamic and constantly updated by researchers. Thus, the data considered for this research, as well as the results, are limited to the period of search here established.
  • 7
    The choice for “teaching functions”, factor related to the exercise of teaching activity, is independent from the individual who executes it, as a single teacher may execute many different functions as an education professional. Considering Rosemberg and Artes (2012, p. 61)Rosemberg, F.; Artes, A. (2012). O rural e o urbano na oferta de educação para crianças de até 6 anos. In BARBOSA, M. C. S. et al. (org.), Oferta e demanda da Educação Infantil no campo (pp. 13-69). Porto Alegre: Evangraf., this choice is made because the focus is the children and not the professional and, in the research, it is important to know if there are qualified teachers in the classes of Child Education.
  • 8
    It is important to mention that in the case of the same classroom presents Child and Elementary Education students, the more adequate possibility is to talk about “multi stages” classes. In addition to that, these classrooms correspond to a legal violation according to Art. 3º of Resolution nº2, from 28th of April of 2008: “under no circumstances children from different stages of education may study at the same classroom (Brazil, 2008Brasil. Resolução n. 2, de 28 de abril de 2008. (2008). Estabelece diretrizes complementares, normas e princípios para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de atendimento da Educação Básica do Campo. Brasília, DF: MEC. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2022.
    , n.p.).


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Responsible editor: Chantal Victória Medaets

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Apr 2022
  • Reviewed
    15 Sept 2022
  • Accepted
    20 June 2023
UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação Av Bertrand Russel, 801, 13083-865 - Campinas SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521-6707 - Campinas - SP - Brazil