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Fibroblasts at the curtain call: from ensemble to principal dancers in immunometabolism and inflammaging


Inflammation is a necessary step in response to injuries, being vital in restoring homeostasis and facilitating tissue healing. Among the cells that play a crucial role in inflammatory responses, stromal cells, including fibroblasts, have an undeniable significance in fine-tuning the magnitude of mediators that directly affect hyper-inflammatory responses and tissue destruction. Fibroblasts, the dominant cells in the gingival connective tissue, are a very heterogeneous population of cells, and more recently they have been receiving well deserved attention as central players and often the ‘principal dancers’ of many pathological processes ranging from inflammation and fibrosis to altered immunity and cancer. The goal of the current investigation is to dive into the exact role of the stromal fibroblast and the responsible mechanistic factors involved in both regulation and dysregulation of the inflammatory responses. This article reviews the most recent literature on how fibroblasts, in their different activation states or subtypes, play a crucial role in contributing to inflammatory outcomes. We will focus on recent findings on inflammatory diseases. We will also provide connections regarding the stromal-immune relationship, which supports the idea of fibroblast coming out from the ‘ensemble’ of cell types to the protagonist role in immunometabolism and inflammaging. Additionally, we discuss the current advances in variation of fibroblast nomenclature and division into clusters with their own suggested function and particularities in gene expression. Here, we provide a perspective for the periodontal implications, discussing the fibroblast role in the infection-driven and inflammatory mediated diseases such as periodontitis.

Fibroblasts; Stromal cells; Inflammation; Aging; Metabolism

Periodontitis: an age-related, infection-driven, and immune-mediated inflammatory disorder

Ageing and age-related diseases share basic mechanistic pathways that ultimately converge to inflammation.11 - Franceschi C, Garagnani P, Parini P, Giuliani C, Santoro A. Inflammaging: a new immune-metabolic viewpoint for age-related diseases. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2018;14(10):576-90. doi: 10.1038/s41574-018-0059-4
Inflammation has been described as one of the evolutionarily conserved pillars of ageing that are shared by age-related diseases, including metabolic diseases. Inflammaging (or inflammageing) is the term that characterizes the long-term result of chronic physiological stimulation of the innate immune system, which can become degenerative during ageing due to elevated levels of inflammatory markers22 - Ferrucci L, Fabbri E. Inflammageing: chronic inflammation in ageing, cardiovascular disease, and frailty. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2018;15(9):505-22. doi: 10.1038/s41569-018-0064-2
—a period of life largely unpredicted by evolution.11 - Franceschi C, Garagnani P, Parini P, Giuliani C, Santoro A. Inflammaging: a new immune-metabolic viewpoint for age-related diseases. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2018;14(10):576-90. doi: 10.1038/s41574-018-0059-4
Inflammation is usually referred as a response to infection or injury, and chronic inflammation is commonly associated with age-related diseases33 - Okin D, Medzhitov R. Evolution of inflammatory diseases. Curr Biol. 2012;22(17):R733-40. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.07.029
such as metabolic dyslipidemia, obesity,44 - Stolarczyk E. Adipose tissue inflammation in obesity: a metabolic or immune response? Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017;37:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2017.08.006
cardiovascular,55 - Carrizales-Sepulveda EF, Ordaz-Farias A, Vera-Pineda R, Flores-Ramirez R. Periodontal disease, systemic inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Heart Lung Circ. 2018;27(11):1327-34. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2018.05.102
kidney,66 - Ren Q, Guo F, Tao S, Huang R, Ma L, Fu P. Flavonoid fisetin alleviates kidney inflammation and apoptosis via inhibiting Src-mediated NF-kappaB p65 and MAPK signaling pathways in septic AKI mice. Biomed Pharmacother. 2020;122:109772. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109772
and brain77 - Yin F, Sancheti H, Patil I, Cadenas E. Energy metabolism and inflammation in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Free Radic Biol Med. 2016;100:108-22. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2016.04.200

The inflammatory behavior behind some conditions is a normal response, carrying mostly a protective and beneficial role to the body. However, the inflammatory response can become detrimental and exaggerated, especially when it results in tissue destruction, which is directly proportional to the extended duration. Such descriptive scenario is common in patients with many forms of periodontitis, characterized by alveolar bone loss because of untreated gingivitis. A significant body of literature have shown inflammatory responses, such as those found in periodontitis, can be sustained and driven by keystone pathogens, which surprisingly are “inflammo-philic” (= as if attracted to inflammation) as previously described.88 - Hajishengallis G. The inflammophilic character of the periodontitis-associated microbiota. Mol Oral Microbiol. 2014;29(6):248-57. doi: 10.1111/omi.12065
Porphyromonas gingivalis is a relevant example of keystone pathogen,99 - Hajishengallis G, Darveau RP, Curtis MA. The keystone-pathogen hypothesis. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2012;10(10):717-25. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2873
which has evolved many strategies to subvert the immune system and successfully thrive in the host while maintaining the disease state.1010 - Popadiak K, Potempa J, Riesbeck K, Blom AM. Biphasic effect of gingipains from Porphyromonas gingivalis on the human complement system. J Immunol. 2007;178(11):7242-50. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.178.11.7242

11 - Coats SR, Pham TT, Bainbridge BW, Reife RA, Darveau RP. MD-2 mediates the ability of tetra-acylated and penta-acylated lipopolysaccharides to antagonize Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide at the TLR4 signaling complex. J Immunol. 2005;175(7):4490-8. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.175.7.4490

12 - Potempa J, Pike RN. Corruption of innate immunity by bacterial proteases. J Innate Immun. 2009;1(2):70-87. doi: 10.1159/000181144
-1313 - Wang M, Shakhatreh MA, James D, Liang S, Nishiyama S, Yoshimura F, et al. Fimbrial proteins of Porphyromonas gingivalis mediate in vivo virulence and exploit TLR2 and complement receptor 3 to persist in macrophages. J Immunol. 2007;179(4):2349-58. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.179.4.2349
Therefore, periodontitis can be considered an infection-driven and immune mediated inflammatory disorder (IMID).

Infection-driven and IMID have shown a rapid increase over the last few decades.1414 - Kuek A, Hazleman BL, Ostor AJ. Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) and biologic therapy: a medical revolution. Postgrad Med J. 2007;83(978):251-60. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2006.052688
Another example of IMID is Crohn’s disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory process of the digestive tract with the involvement of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) cytokine. TNF-α is a 157-amino acid pro-inflammatory cytokine, predominantly produced by monocytes, macrophages, and T-cells. It is involved in transcription of genes coding other inflammatory mediators and induction of matrix metalloproteinases.1515 - Reimund JM, Ratajczyk J, Sola B, Justum AM, Muller CD. Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) treatment strategies in Crohn’s disease. Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov. 2007;1(1):21-34. doi: 10.2174/187221307779815093
Intestinal mucosa samples from patients with CD showed high levels of TNF-α,1616 - Baert FJ, D’Haens GR, Peeters M, Hiele MI, Schaible TF, Shealy D, et al. Tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody (infliximab) therapy profoundly down-regulates the inflammation in Crohn’s ileocolitis. Gastroenterology. 1999;116(1):22-8. doi: 10.1016/s0016-5085(99)70224-6
indicating a dysregulation of this cytokine similar to dysregulations found in other IMID, such as rheumatoid arthritis, cutaneous inflammatory conditions, and connective tissue disorders.1717 - McInnes IB, Gravallese EM. Immune-mediated inflammatory disease therapeutics: past, present and future. Nat Rev Immunol. 2021;21(10):680-6. doi: 10.1038/s41577-021-00603-1

The physiological steady state is usually maintained by homeostatic mechanisms, which are tightly managed by the nervous and endocrine systems. This leaves the host immune system as the inflammatory control mechanism to eliminate noxious stimulus such as infection or tissue damage.33 - Okin D, Medzhitov R. Evolution of inflammatory diseases. Curr Biol. 2012;22(17):R733-40. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.07.029
Interestingly, in this case there is no “Which came first? – the chicken or the egg-story”. The selective flourishing of inflammophilic bacteria can perpetuate inflammatory tissue destruction by fueling a vicious cycle for disease progression, in which periodontal dysbiosis and inflammation reinforce and fuel each other.88 - Hajishengallis G. The inflammophilic character of the periodontitis-associated microbiota. Mol Oral Microbiol. 2014;29(6):248-57. doi: 10.1111/omi.12065
One of the main players in this dysbiotic game is the keystone pathogen P. gingivalis, which can frequently be detected at low levels in the “normal” periodontal microbiota of healthy individuals and has a community-wide impact, which involves host modulation and disease pathogenesis.99 - Hajishengallis G, Darveau RP, Curtis MA. The keystone-pathogen hypothesis. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2012;10(10):717-25. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2873
P. gingivalis and its virulence factors have been extensively studied in consortium with other species characterizing a polymicrobial synergy,1818 - El-Awady A, Sousa Rabelo M, Meghil MM, Rajendran M, Elashiry M, Stadler AF, et al. Polymicrobial synergy within oral biofilm promotes invasion of dendritic cells and survival of consortia members. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2019;5(1):11. doi: 10.1038/s41522-019-0084-7
which is directly associated to alveolar bone loss.1919 - Araujo LL, Lourenco TG, Colombo AP. Periodontal disease severity is associated to pathogenic consortia comprising putative and candidate periodontal pathogens. J Appl Oral Sci. 2023;31:e20220359. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2022-0359
In this aspect, many cell types are important to orchestrate tissue response and bridge the link to the overall systemic health, including antigen-presenting cells,2020 - El-Awady AR, Elashiry M, Morandini AC, Meghil MM, Cutler CW. Dendritic cells a critical link to alveolar bone loss and systemic disease risk in periodontitis: Immunotherapeutic implications. Periodontol 2000. 2022;89(1):41-50. doi: 10.1111/prd.12428
T cells,2121 - Chen Y, Du J, Liu Y, Luo Z, Guo L, Xu J, et al. gammadeltaT cells in oral tissue immune surveillance and pathology. Front Immunol. 2022;13:1050030. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1050030
,2222 - Nagao JI, Kishikawa S, Tanaka H, Toyonaga K, Narita Y, Negoro-Yasumatsu K, et al. Pathobiont-responsive Th17 cells in gut-mouth axis provoke inflammatory oral disease and are modulated by intestinal microbiome. Cell Rep. 2022;40(10):111314. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111314
and architectural stromal cells, which can assume an immune phenotype and function on demand.2323 - Krausgruber T, Fortelny N, Fife-Gernedl V, Senekowitsch M, Schuster LC, Lercher A, et al. Structural cells are key regulators of organ-specific immune responses. Nature. 2020;583(7815):296-302. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2424-4

The role of fibroblasts in inflammation

Fibroblasts have long been part of the ‘ensemble’ of cells, being the dominant group of cells mainly performing a structural role in the stroma. Their role is intimately linked to the extracellular matrix and, to a large extent, they are responsible for the synthesis of the fibrillar constituents of the stroma. In addition, they regulate the function of adjacent epithelial cells via bidirectional interaction and secretion of growth factors and cytokines.2424 - Malakpour-Permlid A, Buzzi I, Hegardt C, Johansson F, Oredsson S. Identification of extracellular matrix proteins secreted by human dermal fibroblasts cultured in 3D electrospun scaffolds. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):6655. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85742-0
Recently, they have been receiving deserved attention as “protagonists” of the cell-cell communication, orchestrating the stromal-immune cell relationships and controlling the abundance of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which directly affects the inflammatory microenvironment and tissue outcomes.

We and others have shown that fibroblasts play an active role in oral inflammation2525 - Azevedo FP, Morandini AC, Sipert CR, Dionisio TJ, Santos CF, Damante CA, et al. Palatal mucosa derived fibroblasts present an adaptive behavior regarding cytokine secretion when grafted onto the gingival margin. BMC Oral Health. 2014;14:21.doi:10.1186/1472-6831-14-21

26 - Sipert CR, Morandini AC, Dionisio TJ, Machado MA, Oliveira SH, Campanelli AP, et al. In vitro regulation of CCL3 and CXCL12 by bacterial by-products is dependent on site of origin of human oral fibroblasts. J Endod. 2014;40(1):95-100. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2013.09.031
-2727 - Morandini AC, Sipert CR, Ramos-Junior ES, Brozoski DT, Santos CF. Periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts participate in the production of TGF-beta, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-10. Braz Oral Res. 2011;25(2):157-62. doi: 10.1590/s1806-83242011000200010
and fibrosis.2828 - Fries KM, Blieden T, Looney RJ, Sempowski GD, Silvera MR, Willis RA, et al. Evidence of fibroblast heterogeneity and the role of fibroblast subpopulations in fibrosis. Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1994;72(3):283-92. doi: 10.1006/clin.1994.1144
Their inflammatory profile is typified by hypersecretion of cytokines, such as Interleukin (IL)-6, and inflammatory chemokines, such as CXCL8 and CXCL12 in a different manner depending on their site of origin.2929 - Morandini AC, Sipert CR, Gasparoto TH, Greghi SL, Passanezi E, Rezende ML, et al. Differential production of macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, stromal-derived factor-1, and IL-6 by human cultured periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts challenged with lipopolysaccharide from P. gingivalis. J Periodontol. 2010;81(2):310-7. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.090375
Cytokines are small proteins produced and released with the final aim of cell-cell communication. These signaling molecules are then responsible for the autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine activities and play an immunomodulation function. After binding to specific receptors on various types of cells, cytokines induce activation, proliferation, or migration of target cells. Additionally, there are several categories of cytokines, including interleukins and chemokines3030 - Feliciani C, Gupta AK, Sauder DN. Keratinocytes and cytokine/growth factors. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 1996;7(4):300-18. doi: 10.1177/10454411960070040101
with considerable redundancy. Numerous studies highlight the association of cytokine activity and fibroblast response in human periodontitis. Although fibroblasts decreased tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α secretion, they were shown to enhance the ability of macrophages to phagocytose bacteria.3131 - Tzach-Nahman R, Nashef R, Fleissig O, Palmon A, Shapira L, Wilensky A, et al. Oral fibroblasts modulate the macrophage response to bacterial challenge. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):11516. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11771-3
In the same study, gingival fibroblasts, which were called fibroblasts from peri-implantitis inflamed tissues, were at least as active as periodontal ligament fibroblasts in regulating macrophage responses to bacteria.3131 - Tzach-Nahman R, Nashef R, Fleissig O, Palmon A, Shapira L, Wilensky A, et al. Oral fibroblasts modulate the macrophage response to bacterial challenge. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):11516. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11771-3
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is recognized as a cytokine involved in macrophage and T-cell activation, cell growth, apoptosis, tumor angiogenesis, and carbohydrate metabolism. CD74 is the receptor with direct activity and recruitment occurs mainly via CXCR2 and CXCR4 signaling. Once in circulation, MIF and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were found to regulate the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8/CXCL8, Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), Nitric oxide, and products of arachidonic acid pathway.3232 - Ganganna A, Subappa A, Bhandari P. Serum migration inhibitory factor levels in periodontal health and disease, its correlation with clinical parameters. Indian J Dent Res. 2020;31(6):840-5. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_896_18

Additionally, fibroblast sensitivity toward periodontal pathogens reinforces the infection-driven and inflammatory-mediated character of periodontitis. Uncontrolled secretion of large number of cytokines during sepsis or infection is referred to as “cytokine storm” in chronic inflammatory conditions and, in this context, MIF can be described as a key player among other cytokines.3232 - Ganganna A, Subappa A, Bhandari P. Serum migration inhibitory factor levels in periodontal health and disease, its correlation with clinical parameters. Indian J Dent Res. 2020;31(6):840-5. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_896_18
The effects of MIF on fibroblast migration in wounded monolayers in vitro was previously investigated. Transient but not permanent exposure of primary mouse or human fibroblasts with MIF significantly promoted wound closure, a response that encompassed both a proliferative and a pro-migratory component.3333 - Dewor M, Steffens G, Krohn R, Weber C, Baron J, Bernhagen J. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) promotes fibroblast migration in scratch-wounded monolayers in vitro. FEBS Lett. 2007;581(24):4734-42. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2007.08.071
P. gingivalis was found to contribute to the development of periodontitis via MIF.3434 - Zhang D, Xu T, Xu Q, Dong Q, Luo Y, Gao L, et al. Expression profile of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in periodontitis. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;122:105003. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.105003
A study has compared the expression of MIF and CCL2/MCP-1 (Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), one of the most studied chemokines, as it takes part in immune surveillance and immune modulation. It was found that the level of MIF was elevated in the serum and in the gingival tissue of individuals with periodontitis compared with healthy subjects, similarly to the levels of CCL2/MCP-1.3434 - Zhang D, Xu T, Xu Q, Dong Q, Luo Y, Gao L, et al. Expression profile of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in periodontitis. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;122:105003. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.105003

Another key chemokine abundantly produced by stimulated fibroblasts is CXCL8 chemokine, which is a hallmark for neutrophilic attraction to the inflammatory site. Excessive expression of CXCL8 arrests the wound in the inflammatory phase, and is associated with nonhealing chronic inflammation in models of diabetic foot ulcer.3535 - Rai V, Moellmer R, Agrawal DK. The role of CXCL8 in chronic nonhealing diabetic foot ulcers and phenotypic changes in fibroblasts: a molecular perspective. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(2):1565-72. doi: 10.1007/s11033-022-07144-3
A recent report suggests that continued cytokine secretion in the wound mediates changes in fibroblast phenotype and causes arrest in the inflammatory phase without progressing to the resolution phase. Thus, limiting CXCL8 secretion would attenuate inflammation as well as decrease secretory fibroblast phenotype and enhance wound healing.3535 - Rai V, Moellmer R, Agrawal DK. The role of CXCL8 in chronic nonhealing diabetic foot ulcers and phenotypic changes in fibroblasts: a molecular perspective. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(2):1565-72. doi: 10.1007/s11033-022-07144-3
In our previous work with gingival fibroblasts in vitro, we showed that fibroblasts are hyper-activated with IL-1β stimulus, secreting large amounts of CXCL8, which can be controlled through activation of adenosine receptors.3636 - Ramos-Junior ES, Pedram M, Lee RE, Exstrom D, Yilmaz O, Coutinho-Silva R, et al. CD73-dependent adenosine dampens interleukin-1beta-induced CXCL8 production in gingival fibroblasts: association with heme oxygenase-1 and adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase. J Periodontol. 2020;91(2):253-62. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0137
Ongoing studies in our lab are focused on unveiling the mechanisms of suppression of hyper-inflammatory state of gingival fibroblasts and our preliminary data suggest mitochondrial metabolism is central to this plasticity (unpublished results).

Relatively limited research has been conducted on the interactions of stromal-immune cell participating in inflammation behind periodontitis when compared to other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA)3737 - Burman A, Haworth O, Bradfield P, Parsonage G, Filer A, Thomas AM, et al. The role of leukocyte-stromal interactions in chronic inflammatory joint disease. Joint Bone Spine. 2005;72(1):10-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2004.03.009
or cancer.3838 - Mun JY, Leem SH, Lee JH, Kim HS. Dual relationship between stromal cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. Front Immunol. 2022;13:864739. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.864739
Cancer-activated fibroblasts interact with myeloid cell-derived immune cells in the tumor microenvironment to enhance tumorigenesis and immune evasion.3838 - Mun JY, Leem SH, Lee JH, Kim HS. Dual relationship between stromal cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. Front Immunol. 2022;13:864739. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.864739
Notably, it has been suggested that each stromal cell developed in the tumor-specific microenvironment has a ‘dual’ pro-tumorigenic or anti-tumorigenic role depending on the interaction with immune cells,3838 - Mun JY, Leem SH, Lee JH, Kim HS. Dual relationship between stromal cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. Front Immunol. 2022;13:864739. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.864739
increasing the complexity of these interactions.

On the other hand, RA is notorious for alternating state of inflammation of non-active disease or between active and silent periods. A previous study explored the association of synovial fibroblasts (SF) and their metabolic reprogramming and inflammasome activation in vivo.3939 - Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, et al. The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts. Immunity. 2021;54(5):1002-21.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.03.003
In addition to fibroblasts direct relationship with macrophages in response to the inflamed joints, SF gradually acquired a more disease-promoting phenotype during arthritis, characterized by the production of inflammatory mediators3939 - Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, et al. The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts. Immunity. 2021;54(5):1002-21.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.03.003
such as the subset of the SF itself. This study found Thy1+CD34+ as SF subset, which interacts with vascular endothelial cells. This characterizes SF as a proliferative and invasive cell behavior, triggering tissue destruction and promoting leukocyte trafficking into joints.3939 - Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, et al. The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts. Immunity. 2021;54(5):1002-21.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.03.003
Interestingly, the same study demonstrated SF altered cellular metabolic pathways towards glycolysis. In this particular case, hexokinase 2 was suggested as a possible point of interest as intervention for the altered function state of SF.3939 - Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, et al. The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts. Immunity. 2021;54(5):1002-21.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.03.003
Therefore, it seems that the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory state or phenotype of the fibroblast as stromal cells can be highly influenced by their metabolic state, which started to be further investigated more recently.

The role of fibroblasts in Immunometabolism

Traditionally, immunology and metabolism have been considered distinct disciplines. However, a significant body of evidence regarding the intersection between immune response and the interference of metabolic signaling pathways on immune cells and stromal cells, such as fibroblasts, has brought upon a new term to the field, known as immunometabolism.4040 - O’Neill LA, Kishton RJ, Rathmell J. A guide to immunometabolism for immunologists. Nat Rev Immunol. 2016;16(9):553-65. doi: 10.1038/nri.2016.70
Recent research suggests the existence of interactions between the metabolic and immune systems controlling pathogenic mechanisms, which may underlie many of the downstream complications, especially in chronic inflammatory diseases. For example, obesity affects the immune system and promotes inflammation, which in return promotes a variety of chronic conditions and diseases.4141 - Palsson-McDermott EM, O’Neill LAJ. Targeting immunometabolism as an anti-inflammatory strategy. Cell Res. 2020;30(4):300-14. doi: 10.1038/s41422-020-0291-z
This supports leukocytes and lymphocytes behavior on several levels, which are controlled by internal metabolic processes. Additionally, immune cells use and respond to nutrients similarly to other cells. This applies to scenarios other than obesity. An example of this is the serine/threonine kinases AKT (AKT serine/threonine kinase), AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), and LKB1 (liver kinase B1). These are generally thought of as cellular nutrient sensors that help to maintain energy homeostasis by relaying signals that determine how cells respond to high or low levels of intracellular carbohydrate and amino acids.4040 - O’Neill LA, Kishton RJ, Rathmell J. A guide to immunometabolism for immunologists. Nat Rev Immunol. 2016;16(9):553-65. doi: 10.1038/nri.2016.70

In tumor microenvironment, metabolic flux—including deprivation of metabolic substrates, accumulation of metabolic waste, and metabolism activity in various types of cell—has crucial effects on the antitumor response.4242 - Li X, Wenes M, Romero P, Huang SC, Fendt SM, Ho PC. Navigating metabolic pathways to enhance antitumour immunity and immunotherapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2019;16(7):425-41. doi: 10.1038/s41571-019-0203-7
In a previous in vivo study, Chondroitin-6-Sulfate–targeted strategies decreased M2 macrophages and reprogrammed the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, leading to enhanced response to anti-programmed cell death protein (PD)-1 in colorectal cancer.4343 - Wu Q, Huang Q, Jiang Y, Sun F, Liang B, Wang J, et al. Remodeling chondroitin-6-Sulfate-mediated immune exclusion enhances Anti-PD-1 response in colorectal cancer with microsatellite stability. Cancer Immunol Res. 2022;10(2):182-99. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-21-0124
Additionally, glycogen lies at the nexus of diverse processes that promote malignancy, including proliferation, migration, invasion, and chemoresistance of cancer cells. Thus, approaches dedicated on targeting glycogen metabolism in cancer represent a promising, yet under-explored, therapeutic avenue. For example, in macrophages, acute inflammation causes glycogen mobilization as a feedstock for the pentose phosphate pathway and Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) production.4444 - Ma J, Wei K, Liu J, Tang K, Zhang H, Zhu L, et al. Glycogen metabolism regulates macrophage-mediated acute inflammatory responses. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):1769. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15636-8
Glycogen also drives the initial stages of dendritic cell activation via glycolytic reprogramming.4545 - Thwe PM, Pelgrom LR, Cooper R, Beauchamp S, Reisz JA, D’Alessandro A, et al. Cell-intrinsic glycogen metabolism supports early glycolytic reprogramming required for dendritic cell immune responses. Cell Metab. 2017;26(3):558-67 e5.doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2017.08.012
,4646 - Curtis KD, Smith PR, Despres HW, Snyder JP, Hogan TC, Rodriguez PD, et al. Glycogen metabolism supports early glycolytic reprogramming and activation in dendritic cells in response to both TLR and Syk-dependent CLR agonists. Cells. 2020;9(3). doi: 10.3390/cells9030715
These physiological processes are believed to contribute to cancer progression.

Similarly, there has been an increasing demand for studies on immunometabolism and periodontitis. A previous investigation explored the role of metabolic disturbance in immunoregulation of gingivitis targeting T helper 17 (Th17)/regulatory T cells (Treg). As a result, the percentages of CD4, IL17A, and Th17 cells significantly increased in the peripheral blood in the gingivitis group in comparison with the healthy group. Furthermore, the study identified 18 different metabolites, which were differentially expressed in plasma between the gingivitis and the healthy control groups. Notably, the levels of cholesterol, glycerol 1-octadecanoate, d-glucose, uric acid, cyclohexane acetic acid, 3-pyridine, tryptophan, and undecane 2,4-dimethyl were significantly up-regulated.4747 - Wang W, Wang X, Lu S, Lv H, Zhao T, Xie G, et al. Metabolic disturbance and Th17/Treg imbalance are associated with progression of gingivitis. Front Immunol. 2021;12:670178. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.670178

Stromal cells are the dominant cell type of connective tissues throughout the body and provide architecture for the support of functional cells in various systems. A study combining single cell RNA-sequencing and FACS in adult mice found visceral adipose tissue (VAT) as an endocrine organ that plays a key role in organismal homeostasis by integrating metabolic and immunological aspects.4848 - Hepler C, Shan B, Zhang Q, Henry GH, Shao M, Vishvanath L, et al. Identification of functionally distinct fibro-inflammatory and adipogenic stromal subpopulations in visceral adipose tissue of adult mice. Elife. 2018;7. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39636
Cell-cell interactions highlight the pivotal role of distinct subtypes of mesenchymal stromal populations as orchestrators of metabolic homeostasis,4848 - Hepler C, Shan B, Zhang Q, Henry GH, Shao M, Vishvanath L, et al. Identification of functionally distinct fibro-inflammatory and adipogenic stromal subpopulations in visceral adipose tissue of adult mice. Elife. 2018;7. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39636
namely adipogenic visceral adipocyte precursor cells and fibro-inflammatory progenitors. In healthy state, fat deposit participates in the storage and release of lipids as per physiological demand while maintaining a local anti-inflammatory environment, as reviewed elsewhere.4949 - Spallanzani RG. Visceral adipose tissue mesenchymal stromal cells in the intersection of immunology and metabolism. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2021;320(3):E512-E9. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00341.2020
Adipocytes play a role to sustain adequate lipid storage and immune regulation via crosstalk with specialized tissue-resident immunocytes, especially Tregs5050 - Kolodin D, van Panhuys N, Li C, Magnuson AM, Cipolletta D, Miller CM, et al. Antigen- and cytokine-driven accumulation of regulatory T cells in visceral adipose tissue of lean mice. Cell Metab. 2015;21(4):543-57. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2015.03.005
and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s)5151 - Dahlgren MW, Jones SW, Cautivo KM, Dubinin A, Ortiz-Carpena JF, Farhat S, et al. Adventitial stromal cells define group 2 innate lymphoid cell tissue niches. Immunity. 2019;50(3):707-22 e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.02.002
to prevent the development of local inflammation.

The versatility of fibroblasts as protagonists of inflammation and active players of inflammaging

Stromal cells have been predominantly focused on inflammatory diseases research. Evidence of different subsets of fibroblasts, which was unprecedented until very recently, have been revealed in different models. The article by Williams, et al.5252 - Williams DW, Greenwell-Wild T, Brenchley L, Dutzan N, Overmiller A, Sawaya AP, et al. Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal-neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity. Cell. 2021;184(15):4090-104 e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.05.013
(2021) defined five subsets of fibroblasts and referred to them as fibroblast clusters; however, only four subsets were interpreted as primarily different between healthy and periodontitis, namely: Fib1.1 (CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL13); Fib 1.2 (APCDD1, IGFBP2, MRPS6); Fib1.3 (APOD, GSN, CFD); and Fib1.4 (TIMP3, ASPN, COL11A1). This was arguably one of the most in-depth studies of fibroblast atlas of human oral mucosa in individuals with and without periodontitis, although with some limitations such as the small sample size and no insights regarding sex or age differences. In addition, phenotypic markers, such as Collagen type I, Decorin, among other common markers of fibroblasts, were applied to separate fibroblast population from epithelial, endothelial, immune, and other cell types. Although not exclusively expressed on fibroblasts, vimentin (VIM)5353 - Dulbecco R, Allen R, Okada S, Bowman M. Functional changes of intermediate filaments in fibroblastic cells revealed by a monoclonal antibody. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983;80(7):1915-8. doi: 10.1073/pnas.80.7.1915
and fibroblast specific protein 1 (FSP1, S100A4)5454 - Strutz F, Okada H, Lo CW, Danoff T, Carone RL, Tomaszewski JE, et al. Identification and characterization of a fibroblast marker: FSP1. J Cell Biol. 1995;130(2):393-405. doi: 10.1083/jcb.130.2.393
have served as useful markers to characterize fibroblasts by immunostaining approaches. We and others have characterized the fibroblastic phenotype in vitro by the expression FSP1.2626 - Sipert CR, Morandini AC, Dionisio TJ, Machado MA, Oliveira SH, Campanelli AP, et al. In vitro regulation of CCL3 and CXCL12 by bacterial by-products is dependent on site of origin of human oral fibroblasts. J Endod. 2014;40(1):95-100. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2013.09.031
,5454 - Strutz F, Okada H, Lo CW, Danoff T, Carone RL, Tomaszewski JE, et al. Identification and characterization of a fibroblast marker: FSP1. J Cell Biol. 1995;130(2):393-405. doi: 10.1083/jcb.130.2.393

55 - Morandini AC, Chaves Souza PP, Ramos-Junior ES, Brozoski DT, Sipert CR, Souza Costa CA, et al. Toll-like receptor 2 knockdown modulates interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 but not stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1/CXCL12) in human periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts. J Periodontol. 2013;84(4):535-44. doi: 10.1902/jop.2012.120177

56 - Matsumura T, Fujimoto T, Futakuchi A, Takihara Y, Watanabe-Kitamura F, Takahashi E, et al. TGF-beta-induced activation of conjunctival fibroblasts is modulated by FGF-2 and substratum stiffness. PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0242626. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242626
-5757 - Gabriele LG, Morandini AC, Dionisio TJ, Santos CF. Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Knockdown Impairs Interleukin-1beta-Induced Cytokines in Human Periodontal Fibroblasts. J Periodontol. 2017;88(1):e1-e11. doi: 10.1902/jop.2016.160354
Figure 1 summarizes the most common fibroblast markers, including more recent ones derived from single cell transcriptome studies.

Figure 1
Diagram representing the most common genes used as markers for human gingival fibroblasts. Created with Biorender

According to Williams, et al.5252 - Williams DW, Greenwell-Wild T, Brenchley L, Dutzan N, Overmiller A, Sawaya AP, et al. Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal-neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity. Cell. 2021;184(15):4090-104 e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.05.013
(2021) the clusters Fib1.2 and Fib1.3 represented the most differently expressed between health and periodontitis states, although not significantly. Figure 2 shows the main genes representing each fibroblast cluster regarding different gene-expression levels between healthy and periodontitis. The authors also identified five unique subsets of functionality. Fibroblast cluster 1 shows high expression of genes involved in active translation, with abundant expression of ribosomal proteins, whereas fibroblast cluster 2 displays a gene signature corresponding to the prototypic functions of the cell type, including collagen synthesis and tissue remodeling. Fibroblast clusters 3, 4, and 5 express gene signatures consistent with inflammatory responses, such as regulation of leukocyte proliferation, granulocyte migration, and complement activation, respectively. Some of these clusters have direct association with neutrophils and pro-inflammatory cytokines, therefore suggesting that periodontal tissue immunity depends on the strong stromal-neutrophilic interaction within these tissues.

Figure 2
Gene markers and signatures mostly associated with each fibroblast cluster according to Williams et al.52 Each fibroblast state was clustered and compared according to the percentage of positive cells in healthy and periodontitis conditions. Created with Biorender

A recent article applying rheumatoid arthritis in vivo model found distinct subsets of fibroblasts responsible for mediating either inflammation or tissue damage in rheumatoid arthritis. The experiments involved tampering with the fibroblast activation protein-α (FAPα). More specifically, FAPα+THY1- fibroblasts selectively mediate bone and cartilage damage with insignificant effect on inflammation, whereas transfer of FAPα+ THY1+ fibroblasts resulted in a more severe and persistent inflammatory arthritis with minimal effect on bone and cartilage.5858 - Croft AP, Campos J, Jansen K, Turner JD, Marshall J, Attar M, et al. Distinct fibroblast subsets drive inflammation and damage in arthritis. Nature. 2019;570(7760):246-51. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1263-7

Perhaps the involvement of different subsets present in arthritis should be cautiously interpreted when trying to apply to other diseases. A similar type of study was conducted in a model of the human eye-atopic dermatitis (AD). The in vitro study found that fibroblasts demonstrated a novel COL6A5+COL18A1+ subpopulation that was unique to lesional AD and expressed CCL2 and CCL19 chemokines. The method included single-cell RNA sequencing on skin biopsy specimen both lesional and nonlesional sample along with a control. Findings concluded AD lesions were characterized by expanded type 2/type 22 T cells and inflammatory DCs, and by a unique inflammatory fibroblast that may interact with immune cells to regulate lymphoid cell organization and type 2 inflammation.5959 - The J, Barroso HS, Mammone M, Viana M, Batista Melo CS, Mies M, et al. Aquaculture facilities promote populational stability throughout seasons and increase medusae size for the invasive jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda. Mar Environ Res. 2020;162:105161. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105161
Type 2 inflammatory response involves T helper cells, which release cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13. Type 2 immunity shows many host-protective functions, including maintenance of metabolic homeostasis, suppression of excessive type 1 inflammation, maintenance of barrier defense, and regulation of tissue regeneration, as previously published in a review6060 - Gieseck RL, 3rd, Wilson MS, Wynn TA. Type 2 immunity in tissue repair and fibrosis. Nat Rev Immunol. 2018;18(1):62-76. doi: 10.1038/nri.2017.90
. Nonetheless, excessive and chronic activation of the type 2 response can lead to allergic disease and reduction in pathogen defense.6060 - Gieseck RL, 3rd, Wilson MS, Wynn TA. Type 2 immunity in tissue repair and fibrosis. Nat Rev Immunol. 2018;18(1):62-76. doi: 10.1038/nri.2017.90

Recent studies6161 - Korsunsky I, Wei K, Pohin M, Kim EY, Barone F, Major T, et al. Cross-tissue, single-cell stromal atlas identifies shared pathological fibroblast phenotypes in four chronic inflammatory diseases. Med. 2022;3(7):481-518.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.medj.2022.05.002
,6262 - Nayar S, Pontarini E, Campos J, Berardicurti O, Smith CG, Asam S, et al. Immunofibroblasts regulate LTalpha3 expression in tertiary lymphoid structures in a pathway dependent on ICOS/ICOSL interaction. Commun Biol. 2022;5(1):413. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03344-6
have been consistently showing that the role of stromal cells, such as fibroblasts, is beyond being the most numerous resident cells functioning as a group, or an ‘ensemble’ in a particular extracellular matrix or tissue. The new perspective of fibroblasts as protagonists or, in our analogy, ‘principal dancers’ of inflammatory disorders6262 - Nayar S, Pontarini E, Campos J, Berardicurti O, Smith CG, Asam S, et al. Immunofibroblasts regulate LTalpha3 expression in tertiary lymphoid structures in a pathway dependent on ICOS/ICOSL interaction. Commun Biol. 2022;5(1):413. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03344-6
is sustained by the presence of the different subset populations from within the cell type with an important role revealed as shared pathological activation states across chronic inflammatory diseases.6161 - Korsunsky I, Wei K, Pohin M, Kim EY, Barone F, Major T, et al. Cross-tissue, single-cell stromal atlas identifies shared pathological fibroblast phenotypes in four chronic inflammatory diseases. Med. 2022;3(7):481-518.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.medj.2022.05.002
This begs the question: what are the roles of these different subsets and how can they change depending on environmental conditions? Further research is necessary to define and to identify these subsets, respecting the individuality of each tissue type. Future studies should provide further clues on the participation of these cells in different diseases of inflammaging, including periodontitis.

Recent data by Caetano, et al.6363 - Caetano AJ, Redhead Y, Karim F, Dhami P, Kannambath S, Nuamah R, et al. Spatially resolved transcriptomics reveals pro-inflammatory fibroblast involved in lymphocyte recruitment through CXCL8 and CXCL10. Elife. 2023;12:e81525. doi: 10.7554/eLife.81525
(2023) combining multi-omics techniques and fluorescence in situ hybridization suggest the emergence of a spatially restricted pathogenic fibroblast population, expressing CXCL8 and CXCL10, referred as fibroblast 5 (characterized by RAC2 and LCP1 markers). This spatially restricted population in the gingival lamina propria would be responsible for neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment at periodontal pocket sites, and, with angiogenic properties, it could be responsible for irregular chemokine gradients in the development of persistent inflammation characteristic of periodontitis. In a previous report, Caetano, et al.6464 - Caetano AJ, Yianni V, Volponi A, Booth V, D’Agostino EM, Sharpe P. Defining human mesenchymal and epithelial heterogeneity in response to oral inflammatory disease. Elife. 2021;10. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62810
(2021) compared scRNA-seq data from four individuals presenting progressive states from healthy, mild, and severely diseased. In addition to identifying five fibroblast-like populations (Fibroblast 1 through 5), one pericyte, and one myofibroblast population, the authors reported the genes IL1B, EDN1, TNF, and BMP2 as the main epithelial modulators driving an inflammatory response in stromal and perivascular cells. Based on their expression, the authors provided a platform of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in periodontitis, especially between epithelial IL1B and TNF and stromal target genes. 6464 - Caetano AJ, Yianni V, Volponi A, Booth V, D’Agostino EM, Sharpe P. Defining human mesenchymal and epithelial heterogeneity in response to oral inflammatory disease. Elife. 2021;10. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62810

Age-related changes affecting neutrophils, macrophages, and T cells seem to promote a pathogenic immune response and contribute to the increased prevalence of periodontitis in older adults.6565 - Clark D, Radaic A, Kapila Y. Cellular mechanisms of inflammaging and periodontal disease. Front Dent Med. 2022;3: 844865. doi: 10.3389/fdmed.2022.844865
Fibroblasts from aged donors (50–70 year old) showed a significant decrease in cell proliferation, migration, activation, and collagen remodeling when compared with young-donors’ (15–25 years old) derived primary fibroblasts.6666 - Caceres M, Oyarzun A, Smith PC. Defective wound-healing in aging gingival tissue. J Dent Res. 2014;93(7):691-7. doi: 10.1177/0022034514533126
In addition, evidence for functional specialization of human dermal fibroblasts identified partial loss of their cellular identity and expression of skin aging-associated secreted proteins as an important age-related change in human skin. Authors demonstrated substantial reduction in the interactions between dermal fibroblasts and undifferentiated keratinocytes at the dermal-epidermal junction.6767 - Sole-Boldo L, Raddatz G, Schutz S, Mallm JP, Rippe K, Lonsdorf AS, et al. Single-cell transcriptomes of the human skin reveal age-related loss of fibroblast priming. Commun Biol. 2020;3(1):188. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0922-4
Additionally, human dermal fibroblasts from donors of different ages were used as a model to study how single cell migration, biophysical, and morphological properties are altered by donor age.6868 - Sliogeryte K, Gavara N. Vimentin plays a crucial role in fibroblast ageing by regulating biophysical properties and cell migration. Cells. 2019;8(10):1164. doi: 10.3390/cells8101164
Authors demonstrated that donor aging resulted in reduction of cell motility and increased amounts of F-actin, tubulin, and dominantly vimentin.6868 - Sliogeryte K, Gavara N. Vimentin plays a crucial role in fibroblast ageing by regulating biophysical properties and cell migration. Cells. 2019;8(10):1164. doi: 10.3390/cells8101164

Fibroblast transcriptional states are conserved between mice and humans, including universal fibroblasts and activated phenotypes associated with pathogenicity in human cancer, fibrosis, arthritis, and inflammation.6969 - Buechler MB, Pradhan RN, Krishnamurty AT, Cox C, Calviello AK, Wang AW, et al. Cross-tissue organization of the fibroblast lineage. Nature. 2021;593(7860):575-9. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03549-5
This includes characterization of fibroblast in both healthy and disease states in different organs. Immunological properties of fibroblasts have been reported by findings that characterize fibroblasts as directors of leukocyte behavior such as promoting the secretion of type-I IFNs to sustain survival of differentiated T cells.7070 - Pilling D, Akbar AN, Girdlestone J, Orteu CH, Borthwick NJ, Amft N, et al. Interferon-beta mediates stromal cell rescue of T cells from apoptosis. Eur J Immunol. 1999;29(3):1041-50. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4141(199903)29:03<1041::AID-IMMU1041>3.0.CO;2-#
The evidence of site-specific stromal regulation, which was later defined as stromal address code within different tissues, was previously reviewed by Parsonage, et al. 7171 - Parsonage G, Filer AD, Haworth O, Nash GB, Rainger GE, Salmon M, et al. A stromal address code defined by fibroblasts. Trends Immunol. 2005;26(3):150-6. doi: 10.1016/

The increasingly appreciated heterogeneity of fibroblast identities and properties across different organs7272 - Muhl L, Genove G, Leptidis S, Liu J, He L, Mocci G, et al. Single-cell analysis uncovers fibroblast heterogeneity and criteria for fibroblast and mural cell identification and discrimination. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):3953. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17740-1
and within single tissues6363 - Caetano AJ, Redhead Y, Karim F, Dhami P, Kannambath S, Nuamah R, et al. Spatially resolved transcriptomics reveals pro-inflammatory fibroblast involved in lymphocyte recruitment through CXCL8 and CXCL10. Elife. 2023;12:e81525. doi: 10.7554/eLife.81525
has recently started to unravel, driven by advances in single-cell transcriptomic and proteomic methodologies. This heterogeneity commonly reflects their origin and relative location in the tissue microenvironment, as well as the nature of their interactions with neighbor cells. Therefore, there is indication that they have adapted to have tissue-specific functions and enough plasticity within the same tissue to behave according to the microenvironment demand and assume inflammation-associated identity.

Final considerations

Recent advances in single-cell technology approaches contributed to better understand the complexity of the previous considered ‘ensemble’ and architectural cells. The versatility of fibroblasts depending on the tissue microenvironment is intriguing and deserves more studies to unveil the exact role of different subsets or phenotypes in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Whether these are truly different populations or different states of activation of the cells, which may vary depending on the tissue type and biological ageing, remains unclear. Their protagonist role is fascinating and reveals the beauty of the stromal immunology as a rising star in the biological processes of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.


Work in ACM laboratory is supported by funds from Augusta University.


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  • Data availability statement
  • All data generated and analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

Edited by

Editor: Linda Wang
Associate Editor: Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    15 Feb 2023

  • 11 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    8 May 2023
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