Open-access Influence of physical rehabilitation on functional aspects in individuals submitted to total hip arthroplasty: a systematic review


Objective:  by performing a systematic review, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of physical rehabilitation on functionality, range of motion and musculoskeletal strength in patients submitted to total hip arthroplasty due to osteoarthritis.

Methods:  a systematic search for randomized and non-randomized controlled trials was conducted using the PubMed, Web of Science, PEDro, Cochrane, Clinical Trials and SciELO electronic databases, using the search strategies recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).

Results:  in general, protocols supervised by physiotherapists associated with performing active exercises of the hip periarticular muscles and knee extensors have provided effective functional prognosis. High intensity resistance exercises (dynamic and isometric) are more effective in improving functionality. Dynamic exercises with three to five sets of eight to twelve low and high intensity repetitions promoted more pronounced increases in muscle strength and range of motion than other therapeutic modalities.

Conclusions:  the techniques and protocols used for physical therapy treatment after THA are wide-ranging and their clinical efficacy is demonstrated in literature.

Keywords: Arthroplasty; Replacement; Hip; Osteoarthritis; Exercise; Aging


Objetivo:  Avaliar, por meio de revisão sistemática, a influência do tratamento fisioterapêutico sobre a funcionalidade, amplitude de movimento articular e força muscular em pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril devido à osteoartrite.

Métodos:  A busca sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados e não randomizados foi conduzida utilizando os bancos de dados eletrônicos PubMed, Web of Science, PEDro, Cochrane, Clinical Trials e SciELO, com base nas estratégias de pesquisa recomendadas pelos itens de relatórios preferenciais para análises sistemáticas e metanálises (PRISMA).

Resultados:  Em geral, protocolos supervisionados por fisioterapeutas associados à realização de exercícios ativos da musculatura periarticular do quadril e de extensores de joelho têm propiciado importante prognóstico físico e funcional. Exercícios resistidos (dinâmicos e isométricos) de alta intensidade são mais eficazes para a funcionalidade. Para a força muscular e Amplitude de movimento (ADM), exercícios dinâmicos com 3 a 5 séries de 8 a 12 repetições com baixa e alta intensidade promoveram ganhos mais expressivos em relação a outras modalidades terapêuticas.

Conclusões:  As técnicas e os protocolos utilizados pela fisioterapia para o tratamento da ATQ são variados e possuem importante eficácia clínica comprovada na literatura.

Palavras-chave: Artroplastia de Quadril; Osteoartrite; Exercício; Envelhecimento


Population aging is a phenomenon found in several countries1, hugely impacting the organization of health systems, as older adults are more likely to be affected by chronic diseases2.

In this scenario, osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the main causes of functional disability in older adults worldwide3. The condition is characterized by structural changes, ranging from mild to severe, of the cartilage in the synovial joints3, which occur due to biomechanical, sex, genetic, obesity, ageing, and metabolic factors4. Clinically, subjects with OA may experience pain, short-term stiffness, crackling, reduced joint function and deformities3.

Weight-bearing joints, such as the knee and hip, are often affected by OA3, and hip osteoarthritis is one of the most disabling forms of the disease4. Currently, surgical treatment is recommended for patients with OA who have not achieved satisfactory results with a more conservative treatment approach, and who present pain, loss of functionality, and the inability to perform activities of daily living5.

In this sense, OA represents the clinical condition for which total hip arthroplasty (THA) is most frequently recommended. Although it is a radical procedure, THA improves quality of life and provides an early return to activities of daily living5. Considering the clinical and functional repercussions of OA and THA, physiotherapy becomes extremely important for patients, as it aims to increase range of motion, minimize complications resulting from the surgical procedure, provide an early return to routine activities, and improve pain and functional deficits6,7.

Studies have shown that patients who participate in physical therapy treatment after THA exhibit a greater recovery of physical function and an earlier improvement in quality of life than those who do not6,8-18. Although physical therapy presents many therapeutic techniques for the post-surgical rehabilitation of these individuals, information on the efficacy of treatment protocols remains incipient.

Therefore, it is necessary to systematize the scientific evidence of adequate physiotherapy methods for the functional rehabilitation of patients undergoing THA. Based on the existing literature, the purpose of the present study is to describe the effects of physical rehabilitation on functionality, muscle strength, and range of motion in patients undergoing THA due to OA.


This study is a systematic review which applied the following inclusion criteria: randomized and non-randomized clinical trials that evaluated protocols with physical exercises and/or electrotherapy for the treatment of subjects (female and male) undergoing THA due to osteoarthritis, compared to other forms of intervention or to a control group, and which were published in scientific journals between January 1980 and December 2019. The exclusion criteria were: studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria, systematic reviews, case studies, case series, retrospective studies, observational studies, pilot studies and experimental animal model studies.

The systematic search for randomized and non-randomized controlled trials was performed using the PubMed, Web of Science, PEDro, Cochrane, Clinical Trials and SciELO electronic databases, based on the search strategies recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The search was also performed by screening the citations of the studies included in the review. The research used the following Medical Subject Headings Terms (MeSH) combined descriptors: Exercise, Hip and Arthroplasty; Physical Therapy, Hip and Arthroplasty; Physical Activity, Hip and Arthroplasty; Exercise Therapy, Hip and Arthroplasty.

The research was carried out in December of 2019. First, the titles and abstracts of all the articles identified with the search strategy were evaluated independently and in duplicate by two reviewers. All abstracts that did not provide enough information on the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for reading in their entirety. In the second step, the same reviewers evaluated the complete manuscripts, independently and in duplicate, to select those that complied with the eligibility criteria. Differences between reviewers were resolved by consensus among all the researchers involved.

The evaluators performed data extraction independently, using standardized forms, which included information on the authors, year of publication, participants (number of individuals, age and sex), study design, evaluation scale, duration of the study, and intervention results. In case of inconsistency, the original documents were retrieved and investigated together for consensual definition. The outcomes of interest were: muscular strength; range of motion (ROM); functionality.

The risk of bias in the evaluation and methodology was analyzed by the same independent reviewers and in duplicate, using the JADAD bias risk scale24. For each specific outcome, the quality of the evidence was based on five factors: 1-described as randomized, 2-described as double-blind, 3-description of sample losses, 4-appropriate randomization, and 5-appropriate masking. The JADAD scale results are divided into two levels of evidence that classify the study as low (score 0 to 2) or high quality (score 3 to 5)19.


A total of 5702 studies were found by electronic search; 5264 of which were excluded as neither pre-established eligibility nor inclusion criteria were matched. Therefore, 438 were selected for detailed analysis, beginning with the titles; 321 were excluded due to being duplicates. Thus, 117 abstracts were evaluated, 57 of which were selected for reading in their entirety. After the evaluation of the full text, 26 articles were excluded as they did not comply with the eligibility criteria. Thus, 31 studies were included in the systematic review. Subsequently, the studies cited by the 31 papers included in the review were analysed, with one study which had not been identified being included in the present review. Therefore, 32 studies made up this systematic review.

Figure 1 shows the steps of the selection process of the studies and the reasons for exclusion.

Figure 1
Flowchart of the search process, selection steps and reasons for exclusion of studies included in the systematic review. Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, 2019.

Table 1 shows the characteristics of the studies included in this review, exhibiting the following items: author, year of publication, study design, study subjects, division of groups, analyzed variables and results.

Table 1
Characteristics and results of randomized and nonrandomized clinical trials included in the systematic review. Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, 2019.

Risks of bias

Regarding the risk of bias in the studies included in this systematic review, 29 (90.62%) studies were submitted to randomization, only two studies (6.25%) were double-blind and 29 (90.62%) reported sample losses (Table 2).

Table 2
Jadad scale-based classification of risk of bias for the studies included in the systematic review. Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, 2019.

According to the JADAD score, only one study20 received a maximum score and two articles did not score the minimum21,22. The classifications of the other studies are described in Table 2.

Evaluated Outcomes

Regarding the outcomes, 23 articles evaluated functionality, 21 studies evaluated muscular strength, and eight analyzed range of motion.


The present study proposed to describe the effects of physiotherapy on functionality, muscle strength, and range of motion in patients submitted to THA, following OA. In general, high intensity resistance exercises (dynamic and isometric) are more effective in improving functionality. Concerning muscle strength and range of motion, dynamic exercises with 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, with low and high intensity, promoted more substantial gains than other therapeutic modalities.


There is evidence that patients submitted to THA can present persistent functional deficits, associated with biomechanical limitations and changes in gait kinematics, derived from the surgical procedure and/or pain23.

The results of three studies have shown that daily movement-based functional exercises can restore functionality in patients submitted to THA10,18,24-26. However, it should be reported that the functional exercises used by the cited authors were generally accompanied by cycling and walking10,24,25.

Regarding resistance exercises, it is stated in scientific literature that this intervention modality is effective for functional gain in healthy older adults27,28. In this context, previous studies revealed that low27 and moderate intensity28 resistance exercise improved functional performance in this population. In our findings, a low-scoring study on the JADAD scale showed that low intensity resistance exercise protocols promoted positive functionality results in patients submitted to THA18. However, two high quality studies, according to the JADAD scale, showed that low intensity resistance exercises did not modify functionality8,15. In addition, a study considered to be of high quality showed that exercises without external resistance are not effective in achieving significant gains in functionality29. Therefore, the potential of resistance exercise protocols is not fully established, considering the effects of different exercise loads on the functionality of patients with THA. For this reason, further studies are needed to elucidate the influence of resistance exercise on the functional recovery of THA.

Moreover, studies have documented that dynamic and isometric exercises, used as part of the physiotherapeutic treatment of THA, resulted in significant functional benefits7,8,11,14,17,29-33. When these exercises are accompanied by balance exercises, the functional outcomes are even more positive for these patients32,33. Therefore, resistance exercise can improve functionality as it enhances muscle strength, which is required to execute most activities of daily living, as strength is a predictor of functional capacity34.

The studies cited in the present review present inconclusive results about the efficacy of aquatic physiotherapy on the functionality of patients with THA. According to the studies by Husby et al.15 and Rahmann et al.35, which were considered to be high quality, compared the effects of water- and land-based exercises and observed that both therapies promoted increased functionality; however, they found no significant differences between the two therapeutic modalities. In the studies by Stockton et al.6 and Giaquinto et al.16, which were classified as low quality by the JADAD scale, hydrotherapy presented better results than land-based exercises for functionality. Furthermore, according to Liebs et al.25, hydrotherapy is effective for functionality, but only if performed after suture removal. Therefore, the positive scientific evidence for hydrotherapy is weak, due to the methodological quality of the identified studies. More studies should be performed to better clarify the role of hydrotherapy as a therapeutic method in THA.

Muscle strength

Classically, the chronic condition of osteoarthritis contributes to a decline in muscle strength. In addition, surgical procedures further increase this reduction36. Therefore, muscle strengthening should be part of rehabilitation goals after THA. The studies included in this review contributed to the prescription of muscle strengthening protocols after THA.

In relation to dynamic exercises, the prescription of a protocol with two sets of 10 repetitions is recommended to increase muscle strength in untrained individuals37. Among our findings, only eight studies showed the number of series and repetitions used in dynamic exercise protocols7,9,17,20,29,37-39.

For the quadriceps muscle, the prescription of 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions was found to enhance muscle strength for subjects undergoing total hip arthroplasty20,37,38. In the study by Umpierres et al.7, three sets with 12 repetitions improved the muscle strength of the extensors, abductors, adductors and rotators of the hips, and the knee flexors and extensors. Tsukagoshi et al. 30 observed that three sets of 15 repetitions resulted in increased knee extensor strength, as well as hip abductor, extensor and flexor strength. According to Sashika et al.9 and Jan et al.17, two sets of ten repetitions each increased hip abduction, flexion and extension muscle strength.These data show that protocols with 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions appear to be safe not only for healthy individuals, but also for patients with total hip arthroplasty.

It is also important to discuss the safe load to achieve significant gains in muscle strength. Load prescriptions of 60% to 70% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM) are indicated to increase muscle strength in healthy older adults40. This review shows significant results for strength improvement in patients submitted to THA with moderate to high intensity prescriptions, using 50%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85, 90% 1RM15,20,37-39,41. However, muscle strength was also increased when low intensity exercises (10%, 30% and 40% 1RM) were used13, 29,49,50.

Load prescription, whether low or high intensity, is very important. Five studies included in this review compared groups of patients submitted to THA who performed load exercises with groups without load. In these studies, the groups submitted to resistance exercises showed better muscle strength performance than the groups without load20,30,37,38,44.

Regarding the effectiveness of the isometric exercises, the results on the strength gains of subjects submitted to THA are unclear. In six studies, isometric exercise was used as the treatment protocol11,22,30,31,35,42. In three of these, the authors observed increased strength for the hip abductors, flexors and extensors, and for the knee extensors22,30,42. However, one of these studies received a low score on the JADAD scale22. Three studies considered to be of high quality did not detect an improvement in strength in the group that performed isometry against gravitational resistance only11,31,43.

Most of the included studies did not report the prescribed exercise in detail, making comparisons and conclusions on the type of prescription required to achieve a strength gain with isometric exercise difficult. There is evidence that isometric exercises produce strength gains when 6 repetitions held for 30 to 40 seconds are performed in healthy older adults45. In this review, quadriceps strength gain was achieved with prescriptions of three repetitions sustained for 20 seconds in patients undergoing THA30. Although isometric exercise is effective for achieving strength gain, more studies are needed to clarify the type of prescription appropriate for subjects with THA.

In turn, strength improvement due to hydrotherapy intervention is reported in literature, especially when associated with equipment that increases resistance. In addition, this modality that can be prescribed safely, in order to potentiate muscular conditioning and reduce the risk of exercise-associated injuries46. In this sense, three studies observed the effects of hydrotherapy on muscle strength in patients submitted to THA15,35,41. In general, hydrotherapy seems to present better strength improvement results than isometric exercises44. However, when compared to high-intensity exercises, hydrotherapy does not present significant strength improvement results, even if combined with exercises performed on land15,41. Regardless, hydrotherapy can be used in the early stages, when patients are unable to perform ground-based exercises, or are unable to fully or partially support their body mass47.

Another treatment technique reported in the studies was biphasic electrotherapy with a frequency of 40 Hz20,37,38 or 10 Hz8. The results showed that the use of electrotherapy alone does not increase the strength8,20,37,38. However, electrotherapy seems to increase the potential effects of resistance exercise on quadricep muscle strength8. These results are similar to those found by Hauger et al.48, in which neuromuscular electrostimulation combined with exercise further enhanced quadriceps strength in patients with another condition. Therefore, electrotherapy can be effective as a coadjutant to physiotherapeutic treatment, when combined with resistance exercise.

Regard the influence of the presence of the physiotherapist during exercise, one study concluded that patients who performed exercises with supervision exhibited more significant and positive results for the improvement of hip abduction strength, when compared to groups without supervision42. Considering this issue, Kuru et al.49 studied the effect of a supervised physiotherapy program on older adults with knee osteoarthritis. The sample was divided into two groups that performed the same protocol for 6-weeks; however, only one group under supervision. According to the results, strength gains were greater for the group that performed exercise with supervision. These results suggest that supervision affects the results of muscle strength gain and functionality, most probably because the professional controls speed of execution, rest intervals, load adjustment, and other important variables to make the performance more efficient and obtain better results.

Range of motion

In relation to hip range of motion, this review found that exercises performed in three sets, from eight to 12 repetitions, for the gluteal and thigh muscles, are effective to increase the range of motion (ROM) of the flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and internal and external rotation of this joint8,41. When a prescription with fewer sets and repetitions (two sets of ten repetitions) was performed, these positive results were not maintained9.

Isometric exercises, when combined with another exercise modality, were also effective for increasing the ROM of the hip flexion, extension, abduction, and internal and external rotation in patients submitted to THA21,31. In relation to the studies included in this review, isometric exercises were combined with unloaded active exercises, gait training21, stretching, and functional exercises31. Furthermore, the association between isometric exercises and myofascial release techniques promoted an even more satisfactory improvement in hip ROM21.

Most of the studies included in this review used resistance exercise to increase ROM. The study by Fatouros et al.40 reinforces these results, since these authors observed greater flexibility in older adults who performed resistance training with three sets, using 40% (low intensity), 60% (medium intensity) and 80% (high intensity) 1RM. The authors concluded that resistance training improves flexibility in older adults; however, better results are obtained using 60% 1RM (moderate intensity)40. In addition, when passive and active mobilization is added to the resistance exercise protocol, joint ROM seems to increase more rapidly50. The data also showed that the positive effect on ROM gain is greater when a physical therapist performs orientation exercise execution7,10.


In conclusion, the physiotherapy techniques and protocols used for THA rehabilitation are varied and have important proven clinical efficacy in literature. The analyzed clinical trials showed significant improvement in the experimental groups compared to the control groups for all the outcomes evaluated (functionality, muscle strength, ROM). In general, protocols with active exercises for the hip periarticular muscles and knee extensors, and which were supervised, provided a better functional prognosis. However, although most of the studies were rated as high quality by the JADAD scale, the results should be analyzed with caution, since several protocols with different combinations of therapies were observed.

Considering the importance of evidence-based practice in clinical decision making, it is suggested that randomized clinical trials are carried out, which specify the training methods (such as the type and speed of muscle contraction, and the frequency and intensity of the exercises), so that suitable, safe therapies may be prescribed for the post-surgical rehabilitation process of total hip arthroplasty.


We would like to thank to Ingrid Müller Costa for the English edition of this review.

  • Funding: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS / MEC – Brasil), e Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Código de Financiamento 001.


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  • 49 Kuru Çolak T, Kavlak B, Aydoğdu O, Sahin E, Açar G, Demirbukem I, et al. The effects of therapeutic exercises on pain, muscle strength, functional capacity, balance and hemodynamic parameters in knee osteoarthritis patients: a randomized controlled study of supervised versus home exercises. Rheumatol Int. 2017;37(3):399-407.
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Edited by

  • Edited by: Ana Carolina Lima Cavaletti

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Sept 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 Nov 2019
  • Accepted
    03 July 2020
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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