Aims: This cross-sectional study investigated the predicting role of perfectionism on the perception of team cohesion among futsal athletes.
Methods: One hundred and forty of futsal athletes (24.8±4.9 years) were included who participated of a Brazilian Amateur Cup in 2017. The instruments were Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2 and Group Environment Questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted through the Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis (p < .05).
Results: The data showed the following significant correlations (p < .05): Group-Integration Task (GI-T) with Organization-Personal Standards (OPS) (r = .27) and Doubts About Action (DAA) (r = -.24); Group-Integration Social (GI-S) with OPS (r = .18); Individual Attraction to Group-Task (IA-T) with OPS (r = .25); Individual Attraction to the Group-Social (IA-S) with OPS (r = .17). Multiple regression showed that OPS showed a positive association with task cohesion dimensions (GI-T and IA-T), while DAA showed a negative association with both social (GI-S and IA-S) and task (GI-T) cohesion. Further, perceived parental pressure showed positive association with GI-S.
Conclusion: our findings show that perfectionistic striving could be a positive predictor of task cohesion, while perfectionistic concerns might predict negatively both social and task cohesion.
Keywords: perfectionistic; team cohesion; futsal; group environment; sport
Soccer and futsal are the most popular sports in Brazil1,2. These sports are characterized as invasion sport that has simultaneous participation of two teams in a common space and presents particularities that reveal the strong appeal to the physical, technical, tactical and psychological levels of the players3-5. Among the psychological attributes, athletes' personality has been pointed out as a predictive factor for positive behaviors, which may enhance individual and team performance6.
One of the personality traits that has received great attention from sport psychology researchers is perfectionism7,8. Perfectionism is characterized as a multidimensional trait related to the individual's desire to achieve a high standard of performance accompanied by a critical tendency towards their performance8-11. In this perspective, the conceptual model developed by Stoeber and Otto12 indicates the need to differentiate perfectionism into two major dimensions: perfectionistic concern and perfectionistic striving8,10,13.
On one hand, perfectionistic concerns (PC) correspond to high demand for concerns about mistakes, doubts about actions, socially prescribed criteria, and an excessive discrepancy between real performance and high standards14. It has been associated with the frustration of meeting basic psychological needs15, negative emotional responses14, motivation13,16,17; burnout18 and pre-competitive anxiety19. On the other hand, perfectionistic striving (PS) involves high standards of personal fulfillment for excellence that has been associated with the athlete's performance optimization, intrinsic motivation, team cohesion and emotions (self-confidence)17,20-22.
Although PC and PS have been considered to play a significant role in athletes' cognitive, affective and behavioral experiences in several researches8,10,13,23,24, few studies have tried to understand their effect on team processes, especially athletes' perceived team cohesion, which is known to be a key element to sports performance25-28.
According to the Carron, Widmeyer and Brawley29 conceptual framework, team cohesion is a group dynamic variable that assesses team's members who work toward a common goal and everyone's responsibility. The literature states that cohesion can be comprehended as a 2-axis concept, the subject and environment levels. Subject level refers to the team as a whole and how the team's member achieves their personal needs and goals and is a key factor for the team union. At the environment level, cohesion has been divided into task-related or social-related aspects26-28,30,31.
The literature demonstrates that perfectionism can be considered one of the key factors for a high level of team cohesion and performance32,33. Specifically, previous study reported an association between perfectionism and athletes' perception about team cohesion among Brazilian futsal players, demonstrating that athletes with greater perfectionistic striving perceived greater both social and task cohesion34. Another study investigated the effect of perfectionism traits on team cohesion among elite futsal athletes, showing that within the Brazilian futsal context, adaptive perfectionism seems to promote a positive impact on team cohesion2.
Although several studies point to the positive association between PS and team cohesion and the inverse association for PC2,34,35, researchers have pointed out the inconsistencies in these associations since perfectionism might be an individual characteristic that can enhance or prejudice cognitive, physical and motor performance14, 35. Thus, this study becomes relevant insofar as it can provide relevant information about the role of a personality trait (perfectionism) in the group process through team cohesion. The findings can be used by coaches and sports professionals to develop strategies for optimizing athletes' performance, goal setting and team work according to the their traits of PC and PS. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the predictive role of perfectionism traits on perception of team cohesion among Brazilian futsal athletes. The proposed hypothesis is that PS will predict positively both social and task cohesion, while PC will predict team cohesion negatively.
The participants of this cross-sectional study were 140 male futsal athletes, with a mean age of 24.8 ± 4.9 years, from 15 teams that participated in a Brazilian Amateur Cup in 2017. The competition is the main amateur futsal competition in the interior of the states of Pernambuco and Bahia, Brazil. Participants were selected through a non-probabilistic way and for convenience. The following inclusion criteria have been adopted: 1) be at least 18 years old; 2) be affiliated to the Cup. Exclusion criteria were not responding to all items of the questionnaires, however, none athlete was excluded from the study. Only the athletes who had the Consent Term signed were included in this study.
Perfectionism. To identify perfectionism traits was used the Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2 (SMPS-2)36, adapted and validated for the Brazilian context by Nascimento Junior et al.37. The instrument consists of 24 items answered on a Likert scale of five points (1 = completely disagree with 5 = completely agree). The results are grouped into four sub-scales: organization-personal standards (OPS), concern over mistakes (COM), perceived parental pressure (PPP) and doubts about action (DAA). The Cronbach's Alpha varied between α = 0.73 and α = 0.79, indicating strong internal reliability38.
Team cohesion. The Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ)29 was used to identify athletes' perception of team cohesion, as validated for the Brazilian context39. GEQ consists of 16 items, which are responded on a 9-point-Likert-type scale (1- strongly disagree to 9-strongly agree), divided into four dimensions: 1) Group-Integration Task (GI-T); 2) Group-Integration Social (GI-S); 3) Individual Attraction to Group-Task (IA-T); and 4) Individual Attraction to the Group-Social (IA-S). Cronbach's Alpha varied between α = 0.73 and α = 0.84, indicating strong reliability38.
The study is part of an institutional project approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (opinion 1.648.086). Initially, researchers contacted the competition organizer to request permission to carry out the data collection with the athletes of the participating teams of the competition. With this, teams' managers and head coaches were contacted in order to arrange dates for data collection during the beginning of the 2018 season at the teams' local training facility. It was decided to collect data in this period due to the beginning of the season the individual and team's performance not to influence too much the group environment. The questionnaire was applied individually in a private room. To avoid sources of bias in the data collection, a single evaluator applied the questionnaires. The evaluator explained how to answer the questionnaire before data collection.
Data analysis
Data analysis was conducted through descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson Correlation was used to investigate the relationship between team cohesion and perfectionism. Multiple Regression Analysis was used to determine whether the perfectionism might predict the perception of team cohesion. Four models were conducted using the backward method to enter the variables (removal criterion F = 0.10) to investigate the predictive role of perfectionism subscales on scores of team cohesion dimensions (dependent variable): IA-T (Model 1); GI-T (Model 2); IA-S (Model 3) and GI-S (Model 4). All independent variables were included together in the model in the same block. Data were screened to ensure that assumptions of normality, linearity, multicollinearity, and homogeneity of variance–covariance matrices were met40. Data showed normal distribution and variances were equal. There were no sufficiently strong correlations between variables that indicate problems with multicollinearity (Variance Inflation Factors < 5.0). All analysis was performed at SPSS v.22.0.
It is noted (Table 1) that the athletes showed high scores (mean) at both task and social cohesion dimensions. In addition, a higher score for the dimension of perfectionistic striving stands out, but also a high score for COM.
Descriptive values (minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) and data distribution of the variables.
Pearson correlation (Table 2) indicated the following significant correlations (p < 0.05): OPS with GI-T (r = .27), GI-S (r = .18), IA-T (r = .25) and IA-S (r = .17); DAA with GI-T (r = -.24). It is highlighted the positive association of perfectionistic striving with all dimensions of social and task cohesion, as well as a negative association of DAA with GI-T.
Correlation between team cohesion and perfectionism subscales among Brazilian futsal athletes.
Multiple Regression Analysis (Tables 3 and 4) was used to determine the predictive role of perfectionism on scores of team cohesion. Perfectionism subscales (R = .39; R2 = .13; F = 6.329) showed a shared variance of 13% with GI-T, however, only OPS and DAA were significant predictors of GI-T. The association of OPS (β = .33) with GI-T was positive, while DAA (β = -.27) showed a negative association. Regarding IA-T (Table 3), perfectionism subscales (R = .28; R2 = .05; F = 3.034) explained 5% of its variance, however, only OPS showed a significant and positive (β = .25) association with IA-T.
Multiple Regression Analysis using subscales of perfectionism as predictors of Task Cohesion.
Table 4 demonstrates the predicting role of perfectionism subscales on scores of social cohesion dimensions. Perfectionism subscales (R = .29; R2 = .05; F = 3.170) showed a shared variance of 5% with GI-S, however, only PPP and DAA were significant predictors of GI-S. The association of PPP (β = .23) with GI-S was positive, while DAA (β = -.21) showed a negative association. Regarding IAS (Table 4), perfectionism subscales (R = .25; R2 = .03; F = 2.299) explained 3% of its variance, however, only DAA showed a significant and negative (β = -.20) association with IA-S.
Multiple Regression Analysis using subscales of perfectionism as predictors of Social Cohesion.
The results of this investigation may provide new information for future studies involving perfectionism traits and team cohesion in sports. The main findings revealed the positive predictor role of PS and negative role of PC over task cohesion (Table 3), whereas, for social cohesion, there was a negative predictor role of the PC, specifically of doubts about actions, besides a positive association with parental pressure (Table 4).
Regarding the role of perfectionism in predicting the athletes' perception of team cohesion (Tables 3 and 4), it can be observed that PS (personal standards and organization) were positively associated with both task cohesion. This result confirms the hypotheses that high personal standards and the constant pursuit of excellence can be considered factors associated with greater effort, determination, and interest in performing tasks, as well as greater involvement with collective goals2,8,11. PS allows athletes to interact with the social context in pursuit of personal goals41, as athletes involve the needs for social integration and individual attraction for the group to achieve high personal standards42.
Recent studies have confirmed this hypothesis by demonstrating that PS is associated with greater social interaction as well as greater engagement with team goals2,13,20,43. Hill et al.13 demonstrated that PS corresponds to the skill to produce a performance of quality and that the quality level of the team is measured by joining these athletes' skills. That is, higher PS can be considered a predictor of higher levels of team cohesion and, consequently, higher will be the group results over the season11,43,44.
Regarding PC (Tables 3 and 4), DAA was a negative predictor on task (GI-T) and social (IA-S) cohesion. It seems that when athletes are not sure about the decision-making during practices and matches, the collective work can be harmed by this individual characteristic26,30 as well as the attraction of each athlete to develop social interactions with team members30. Recent studies have shown that PC can affect team performance through low levels of both social and task cohesion since it is very likely that PC bring the group an individualistic dynamic, making it difficult to develop social interaction and build team goals by directly affecting group cohesion22,41,45. These factors can also be aggravated by the association of high training routines, concerns about mistakes, and technical level disparity among team members8,10,12,44.
The literature demonstrates that PC is related to various negative psychic occurrences, such as fear of failure, stress, depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, and low personal satisfaction with life, school and family8,14,46,47. This scenario can hinder interaction in the social context since these athletes usually isolate themselves from the rest of the group, hindering the social context of the team14,41. Pineda-Espejel et al.14 argue this situation can occur because the fear of failure is a consequence of several perceptions of criticism from close social peers (friends, coaches, teammates, family) and some athletes tend to anticipate shame and humiliation after failure48,49.
Further, it was observed (Table 4) PPP revealed to be a positive predictor of social cohesion (GI-S), indicating that parental pressure seems to enhance athletes' involvement with social relationships with teammates. This result shows that the environment conceived outside the sport (e.g. family) may favor social cohesion in sport, increasing the perception of externally controlling pressures, such as concern over mistakes and pressure from coaches50. Diverging from our results, authors have suggested that PPP in athletes may be related to various psychic episodes, such as fear of failure, stress, depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, low personal satisfaction, with one's own life, and family8,47.
Therefore, one of the hypotheses of this research that the PS would positively predict social cohesion has not been confirmed (see Table 4). These results corroborate with literature that indicates level higher PS it is related to performance standards, organization, and discipline2,8,11. Thus, these athletes participated in the main competition of amateur futsal being able to link the perfectionism and the source of personal and interpersonal difficulties. These adversities included concerns, emotional reactions (e.g. anxiety), physical experiences (e.g. sleepless nights), and poorer relationships with family, friends, and teammates20,21.
Finally, it can be observed that the athletes presented high scores for both social and task cohesion dimensions, with a highlight for task cohesion (Table 1). Nascimento Júnior, Vieira, Souza and Vieira51 found similar results investigating team cohesion among futsal. Passos et al.52 pointed out that high-performance sports teams are, by their nature, more task-oriented, as is the case with this study. In this way, both social cohesion and the task are important factors for sports teams51.
Regarding perfectionism traits (Table 1), athletes showed high scores at PS (personal standards/organization) as well as in concerns over mistakes (PC). Athletes with high personal standards feel the need to succeed and are more intrinsically motivated to have better performance35. A high score at concern over mistakes might be related to the fact that athletes are participating in the most important competition in the context in which they are inserted, Thus, they are more afraid of making mistakes in the competition and not being able to perform well14,53. Pineda-Espejel et al.14 states this situation may be related to the fear of failure, which results in diverse perceptions of criticism from close social peers (parents, coach, teammates).
Despite the findings presented in this study, it is important to highlight some limitations. First, the sample consisted only of futsal athletes from a single Brazilian state, which makes it impossible to generalize the results with the national and international scenario. However, the athletes were participating in the region's main competition in the sport. Further, the study presented a cross-sectional design, assessing the athletes in just one moment of the season, which makes it impossible to analyze the cause and effect relationships between the variables. Thus, it is suggested that future research should also be conducted with athletes of other team sports, in order to compare groups, as well as the involvement of other variables and with longitudinal design to verify the possible variance of perfectionism and team cohesion over a season.
Evidence suggest that in high-performance futsal context, PS seems to be a positive predictor of athletes' perception of task cohesion, while PC might predict negatively both social and task cohesion, with exception of PPP, which seems to have a positive association with social cohesion. From a practical standpoint, it is important the psychological accompaniment of athletes to help them to develop their personality traits in a positive way (adaptive perfectionism), which are associated with better team cohesion. Further, the development of athletes' confidence is crucial, as DAA seems to negatively interfere with team cohesion.
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Publication Dates
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5 Nov 2019 -
17 Mar 2020