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Centrorhynchus spp. (Acanthocephala) in South America: new anuran record and checklist of vertebrate hosts

Centrorhynchus spp. (Acanthocephala) na América do Sul: novo registro em anuro e checklist de hospedeiros vertebrados


The aim of this study was to record Centrorhynchus sp. associated with the exotic species Aquarana catesbeiana (bullfrog) in southern Brazil and to present a checklist of vertebrate hosts in South America. Twenty-nine adults and juveniles of A. catesbeiana were collected in Capão do Leão, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between October 2019 and December 2020. We found 275 specimens of Centrorhynchus sp. cystacanths in the stomach musculature and coelomic cavity of 55.1% of hosts (16). There was no significant differences in the prevalence and mean intensity of infection with cystacanths when compared males and females of A. catesbeiana. The prevalence was significantly higher in adults than in juveniles. The checklist presents 106 species of vertebrate hosts and 14 taxa of Centrorhynchus recorded in nine South American countries. Avian were the main definitive hosts of Centrorhynchus spp. and snakes Dipsadidae, anurans Hylidae and Leptodactylidae the main paratenic hosts in South America. This is the first record of Centrorhynchus cystacanths in A. catesbeiana in the South America. The study provides tools to help understand the parasitic relationships between species of Centrorhynchus and A. catesbeiana and other hosts in areas where bullfrog have been introduced.

Bullfrog; cystacanth; paratenic host; definitive host; invader; infection rates


O objetivo deste estudo foi registrar Centrorhynchus sp. associado à exótica A. catesbeiana, no extremo sul do Brasil, e apresentar uma checklist de hospedeiros vertebrados na América do Sul. Vinte e nove adultos e juvenis de A. catesbeiana foram coletados em Capão do Leão, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, entre outubro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020. Foram encontrados 275 cistacantos de Centrorhynchus sp. na musculatura do estômago e na cavidade celômica de 55,1% dos hospedeiros (16). Não houve diferença significativa na prevalência e intensidade média de infecção de cistacantos entre machos e fêmeas de A. catesbeiana. A prevalência foi significativamente maior em anuros adultos que em juvenis. O checklist apresentou 106 espécies de hospedeiros vertebrados e 14 taxa de Centrorhynchus registrados em nove países da América do Sul. Aves são os principais hospedeiros definitivos de Centrorhynchus spp., e serpentes Dipsadidae, anuros Hylidae e Leptodactylidae principais hospedeiros paratênicos no continente sul-americano. Este é o primeiro registro de cistacantos de Centrorhynchus em A. catesbeiana na América do Sul. O estudo fornece ferramentas para auxiliar na compreensão das interações parasitárias entre espécies de Centrorhynchus e A. catesbeiana e outros hospedeiros em áreas onde a rã-touro foi introduzida.

Rã-touro; cistacanto; hospedeiro paratênico; hospedeiro definitivo; invasora; índices de infecção


Centrorhynchus (Lühe, 1911) (Palaeacanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) comprises around 100 species, with records from various regions worldwide (Amin, 2013Amin OM. Classification of the Acanthocephala. Folia Parasitol (Praha) 2013; 60(4): 273-305. PMid:24261131.
; Smales et al., 2018Smales LR, Halajian A, Luus-Powell WJ, Tavakol S. Acanthocephalans, including the description of a new species of Mediorhynchus (Gigantorhynchidae) and a redescription of Centrorhynchus clitorideus (Centrorhynchidae) from vertebrate hosts from South Africa. Comp Parasitol 2018; 85(1): 95-106.
). Centrorhynchus species parasitize the intestines of birds and mammals, which are the definitive hosts (Lunaschi & Drago, 2010Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
). Transmission of these acanthocephalans occurs through the trophic web, since the infective forms (cysthacanths) develop in arthropods (intermediate hosts). Amphibians and reptiles can occasionally participate in the life cycle as paratenic hosts of cystacanths, serving as a trophic bridge between intermediate and definitive hosts (Petrochenko, 1971Petrochenko VI. Acanthocephala of domestic and wild animals. Academy os Sciences of the USSR. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations; 1971.; Amato et al., 2003Amato JF, Amato SB, Araújo PB, Quadros AF. First report of pigmentation dystrophy in terrestrial isopods, Atlantoscia floridana (van Name) (Isopoda, Oniscidea), induced by larval acanthocephalans. Rev Bras Zool 2003; 20(4): 711-716.

Bullfrog Aquarana catesbeiana (Shaw, 1802) (Anura: Ranidae) due its large size in adulthood native to the northeastern region of the United States and Canada and has been introduced to several countries as a species of commercial interest (Both et al., 2011Both C, Lingnau R, Santos-JR A, Madalozzo B, Lima LP, Grant T. Widespread occurrence of the american bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Anura: Ranidae), in Brazil. South Am J Herpetol 2011; 6(2): 127-134.
; Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.). In Brazil, this species was introduced in the 1930s and can be found mainly in the southern and southeastern regions (Silva, 2016Silva ET. A Rã-Touro Norte-Americana (Lithobates catesbeianus), uma espécie invasora no Brasil. Rev Ciênc 2016; 7(1): 33-48.). Occurrences of cystacanths of Centrorhynchus in A. catesbeiana have been recorded in Texas and North Carolina in the United States (Brandt, 1936Brandt BB. Parasites of Certain North Carolina Salientia. Ecol Monogr 1936; 6(4): 491-532.
; Hollis, 1972Hollis PD. A survey of parasites of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana Shaw, in central East Texas. Southwest Nat 1972; 17(2): 198-200.
) but there are no records for bullfrogs in South America.

The lack of knowledge about the diversity of helminths associated with the exotic A. catesbeiana in Brazil, highlights the importance of helminthological research, since the introduction of host species and parasites can cause imbalances in native ecosystems (Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.). The checklist provides a basis for studies on the interactions between Centrorhynchus species and their different hosts and life cycle. The aim of the present study was to record cysthacanths parasitizing A. catesbeiana in southern Brazil, and to provide a checklist of vertebrate hosts in South America.

Material and Methods

Host sampling, parasite collection and identification

Twenty-nine specimens of A. catesbeiana (9 males, 10 females and 10 juveniles of undetermined gender) were collected from artificial ponds located in Ichthyology Laboratory of the Department of Animal Science, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), in the municipality of Capão do Leão (31°48'13.1"S 52°25'00.8"W), state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, between October 2019 and December 2020. These hosts were collected using a fishing rod with a hook and bait and were euthanized in accordance with Resolution No. 1000 of the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (Brasil, 2012Brasil. Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária - CFMV. Resolução n° 1000: Dispõe sobre procedimentos e métodos de eutanásia em animais, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil [online], Brasília; 2012 [cited 2019 Oct 17]. Available from:

The bullfrog were packed in individual plastic bags and transported to the Laboratory. The hosts were refrigerated, measured for the total snout-vent length (SVL), weighted and necropsied. Five were necropsied and examined after refrigeration and the others (which had been frozen), after thawing. We examined host gender during necropsies, observing the gonads and considering external sexual dimorphism. Hosts stage of maturation (juveniles or adults) were defined according to Quiroga et al. (2015)Quiroga LB, Moreno MD, Cataldo AA, Aragón-Traverso JH, Pantano MV, Olivares JPS, et al. Diet composition of an invasive population of Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) from Argentina. J Nat Hist 2015; 49(27-28): 1703-1716.

We examined separetely all internal organs, and the cystacanths collected were remove from cysts and transferred to cold tap water to extrovert the proboscis. Subsequently fixed in AFA solution (92% 70°GL ethanol + 5% formalin + 3% acetic acid), preserved in 70ºGL ethanol and stained with hydrochloric carmine, clarified with creosote and mounted in Canada balsam (Amato & Amato, 2010Amato JFR, Amato SB. Técnicas gerais para a coleta e preparação de helmintos endoparasitos de aves. In: Von Matter S, Straube FC, Accordi I, Piacentini V, Cândido‐Jr JF, editors. Ornitologia e conservação: ciência aplicada, técnicas de pesquisa e levantamento. Rio de Janeiro: Technical Books Editora; 2010.p. 369‐393.).

The measurements of six specimens are in micrometers (unless when indicated) and are presented as range of values and mean in parenthesis. Photomicrographs were prepared using an Olympus BX 41 microscope with an attached camera and figures were created using Adobe Photoshop CS5. Representative specimens were deposited in the Helminth Collection of the Laboratory of Wild Animal Parasitology (LAPASIL) of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (CHLAPASIL 953-958) and in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC 39614-39615, 39948).

Prevalence (P%), mean intensity of infection (MII) and mean abundance (MA) were estimated as described by Bush et al. (1997)Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. J Parasitol 1997; 83(4): 575-583. PMid:9267395.
. The influence of host gender (males and females) and stage of maturation (juvenile and adults) in prevalence of cysthacanths were tested using Fisher's exact test (p ≤ 0.05) while the effect of those host factors in MII was analyzed by t-test (p≤ 0.05) using the Quantitative Parasitology software (QPweb) (Reiczigel et al., 2019Reiczigel J, Marozzi M, Fábián I, Rózsa L. Biostatistics for parasitologists – a primer to Quantitative Parasitology. Trends Parasitol 2019; 35(4): 277-281. PMid:30713051.

Checklist elaboration

The checklist used information compiled from Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Scielo. The databases used words such as: “Centrorhynchus and/or Acanthocephalans in South America”; “Centrorhynchus and/or Acanthocephalans in vertebrates of Brazil” (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana e Suriname); checklist of the Centrorhynchus and/or Acanthocephalans in South America”.

The vertebrate hosts were organized as definitive and paratenic hosts, and presented in alphabetical order within their respective families along with the Centrorhynchus taxon recorded. The classification and systematization of the hosts followed Costa et al. (2021)Costa HC, Guedes T, Bérnils RS. Répteis do Brasil e suas Unidades Federativas: Lista de espécies[online]. Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia; 2021 [cited 2023 Aug 22]. Available from:
, Pacheco et al. (2021)Pacheco JF, Silveira LF, Aleixo A, Agne CE, Bencke GA, Bravo GA, et al. Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee-second edition. Ornithol Res 2021; 29(2): 94-105.
, Abreu et al. (2021)Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, et al. Lista de Mamíferos do Brasil. Versão (2022-1). Switzerland: Zenodo; 2021. Data set., IUCN (2022)IUCN. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-2 [online]. 2022 [cited 2023 Aug 23]. Available from:
, Segalla et al. (2021)Segalla MV, Berneck B, Canedo C, Caramaschi U, Cruz CAG, Garcia PCA, et al. List of Brazilian amphibians. Herpetol Bras 2021; 10(1): 121-216.
, Frost (2023)Frost DR. Amphibian Species of the World 6.2, an Online Reference. New York: American Museum of Natural History; 2023.
, Remsen et al. (2023)Remsen JV, Areta JI, Bonaccorso E, Claramunt S, Del-Rio G, Jaramillo A, et al. A classification of the bird species of South America [online]. USA: Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University; 2023 [cited 2023 Aug 19]. Available from:
and Uetz et al. (2023)Uetz P, Freed P, Aguilar R, Reyes F, Hošek J, editors. The Reptile Database [online]. 2023 [cited 2023 Aug 19]. Available from:

Each record includes the name of the Centrorhynchus species, the authority and year. Host species are recorded in alphabetical order and, where possible, followed by the locality of the record in parenthesis, site of infection and life stage. The references are indicated in chronological order. The abbreviations for all localities cited in the work are:

  • Argentina - Pirané (PIR), Formosa Province (FOP), Villa la Angostura (VLA), La Rinconada (LAR), Bariloche City (BAC), Villa Mascardi (VIM), Mburucuyá (MBU), Ituzaingó (ITU), Corrientes (COR) and Chaco Province (CHP).

  • Brazil - Minas Gerais (MG), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Mato Grosso (MT), Paraíba (PB), Paraná (PR), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP), Pernambuco (PE), Amazonas (AM), Pará (PA) and Ceará (CE).

  • Chile - Valparaíso (VAL), Biobío region (BIO), Chillán, Ñuble region (CNR), Altos de Cantillana Natural Reserve (CAN), Isla Teja (IST) and Island of Chiloé (ISC).

  • Colombia - Meta (MET), Anchicaya Valle (ANV), Choco Province (CHP).

  • Paraguay - Itaipu (ITA), Santa Maria (STM), Arroyo Aguapey (ARA), Alto Paraguay Province (APP), Concepcion Province (COP), Presidente Hayes Province (PHP), Cordillera Province (CPR), Paraguari Province (PAP), Itapua Province (ITP), Transchaco (TR), Cerrito (CER) and Aquidaban (AQU).

  • Peru - San Martin (SMA) and Chulucanas (CHU).

  • Uruguay - Montevideu (MVD).

  • Venezuela- Venezuela (VEN).


Centrorhynchus cystacanths in Aquarana catesbeiana

Two hundred and seventy-five cystacanths of Centrorhynchus sp. were found in the stomach musculature (4 host) and celomic cavity (16 host) of the anurans. The overall prevalence was 55.1%, while the mean intensity and mean abundance of infection were 17.1 helminths/host and 9.4, respectively. There was no significant difference in the prevalence and mean intensity of cystacanth infection between males and females of A. catesbeiana (Table 1). However, the prevalence of helminths in adult bullfrogs was significantly higher than in juvenile (Table 2).

Table 1
Prevalence (P%), mean intensity of infection (MII), mean abundance (MA) and intensity of infection (INI) of Centrorhynchus sp. cystacanths parasitizing females and males of Aquarana catesbeiana (Anura: Ranidae) in southern Brazil.
Table 2
Prevalence (P%), mean intensity of infection (MII), mean abundance (MA) and intensity of infection (INI) of Centrorhynchus sp. cystacanths parasitizing adults and juveniles of Aquarana catesbeiana (Anura: Ranidae) in southern Brazil.

A taxonomic summary of results is provided below.

Family Centrorhynchidae Van Cleave, 1916

Genus Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911

Centrorhynchus sp.

Host: Aquarana catesbeiana (Shaw, 1802)

Developmental stage: Cystacanth

Site of infection: Stomach musculature and celomic cavity.

Prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity of infection: 55.1% (16/29), 9.4 and 17.1 helminths/host, respectively.

Locality: Capão do Leão, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Specimens deposited: 953-958 (CHLAPASIL); 39614-39615, 39948 (CHIOC).

Description (based in six specimens): Body elongated, filiform. Proboscis divided into three portions, first quadrangular, second inflated; third elongated and wider; and with a constriction at the insertion of the double-walled proboscis receptacle. Proboscis with 28 - 30 longitudinal rows of hooks, each row consisting of 21 -23 hooks. Body length 1.99 4.34 (3.28 millimeters); wider portion of body 460-750 (581). Cylindrical proboscis, 790-1,170 (1,021) in length; proboscis width: at anterior end 150 - 230 (206); at inflated portion 200 - 310 (258); at level of receptacle insertion 170 - 260 (225); and at base 270 - 370 (313). Length of apical hooks 43 - 60 (50); root length of apical hooks 33 - 45 (38). Length of basal spines 33- 43 (36). Proboscis receptacle double-walled 620 - 1050 (782) in length, and width 200 - 250 (225). Length of lemniscus 420 640 (530) (only three specimens measured) (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Cystacanths of Centrorhynchus sp. in Aquarana catesbeiana (Anura: Ranidae) in southern Brazil. A - General view (scale-bar: 300); B - Detail of proboscis, arrow = proboscis receptacle (Scale-bar: 300).

Centrorhynchus species in South America

We found 14 taxa of Centrorhynchus and 106 species of vertebrate hosts recorded in nine South American countries. The first records date back to the beginning of the 20th century, with a greater number of reports published from the 2000s (see checklist).

We list 28 species of birds in association with at least one Centrorhynchus species. Accipitridae and Strigidae have been reported as hosts for five taxa (Table 3), while Accipitridae (nine taxa) is the group with the greatest diversity of birds recorded in association with Centrorhynchus spp. (Figure 2). Mammals (eight species) have were recorded as hosts for five Centrorhynchus taxa (Table 3). Centrorhynchus tumidulus (Rudolphi, 1819) was found in different groups of definitive hosts (6 birds families and 1 mammal family) predominating in number of host species in South American countries (Figure 3 and Table 3).

Table 3
Records of bird and mammal hosts of Centrorhynchus (Lühe, 1911) species in South America.
Figure 2
A - Number of species reported as definitive hosts of Centrorhynchus spp. per host family. General Falconidae shape represent the avian and general Dasypodidae shape represent Mammal families; B - Number of species reported as paratenic hosts of Centrorhynchus spp. per host family in South America. General Tropiduridae shape represent the lizard families, snake shape represent snake families and Hylidae shape represent anuran families. Ranidae - record of the present study.
Figure 3
Species of Centorhynchus reported in definitive hosts by number of host families and number of host species.

The majority of Centrorhynchus species associated with definitive hosts were reported in Paraguay (seven taxa), Brazil (six taxa), Argentina (four taxa), Chile (two taxa), Colombia (two taxa), Uruguay (one taxon) and Venezuela (one taxon). No records of acanthocephalans from this group were found in other South American countries.

Considering the species of Centrorhynchus that use vertebrates as paratenic hosts, three taxa of Centrorhynchus were recorded in 21 species of reptiles and 49 species of amphibians in seven South American countries. Dipsadidae snakes and anurans belonging to Hylidae and Leptodactylidae were the main groups parasitized by cystacanths (Figure 2, Table 4). Cystacanths of C. tumidulus and Centrorhynchus sp. have been recorded in Brazil, the latter predominating in the majority of reports in this country, as well as in other South American countries (See checklist below).

Table 4
Records of paratenic hosts of Centrorhynchus (Lühe, 1911) species in South America.

Checklist of bird and mammal hosts of Centrorhynchus species in South America

Centrorhynchus albidus Meyer, 1932

Distribution: Paraguay

Host and locality report: Falconidae gen. sp. (locality not reported)

Site of infection: not reported

Stage: not reported

References: Golvan (1956)Golvan YJ. Le genre Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911 (Acanthocephala-Polymorphidae). Révision des espèces européennes et description d’une nouvelle espèce africaine parasite de rapace diurne. Bull Inst Fond Afr Noire 1956; 18(3): 732-785. in Lunaschi & Drago (2010)Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.

Centrorhynchus erraticus Chandler, 1925

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: Felis silvestris catus (MT)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Ramos et al. (2013)Ramos DGS, Scheremeta RGAC, Oliveira ACS, Sinkoc AL, Pacheco RC. Survey of helminth parasites of cats from the metropolitan area of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2013; 22(2): 201-206. PMid:23856737.

Centrorhynchus geranoaeti Smales, 2013

Distribution: Paraguay

Host and locality report: Geranoaetus melanoleucus (AQU)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult and juvenile

References: Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202.

Centrorhyunchus giganteus Travassos, 1919

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: Falconidae gen. sp. (SP), Heterospizias meridionalis (MG, MT), Leptodon cayanensis (SP) and Rupornis magnirostris (MT)

Site of infection: intestine and small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
, Machado (1940)Machado DA Fo. Pesquisas helmintológicas realizadas no estado de Mato Grosso-Acanthocephala. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1940; 35(3): 593-601.
and Pinto & Noronha (1972)Pinto RM, Noronha D. Contribuição ao conhecimento da fauna helmintológica do município de Alfenas, Estado de Minas Gerais. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1972; 70(3): 391-407.

Centrorhynchus guira Lunaschi & Drago, 2010

Distribution: Argentina and Paraguay

Host and locality report: Avian - Crotophaga ani (STM), Guira guira (PIR), Theristicus caudatus (PIR); mammal - Chrysocyon brachyurus (MBU, ITU)

Site of infection: intestine and small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Lunaschi & Drago (2010)Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
, González et al. (2013)González CA, Milano AMF, Lunaschi LI. New findings of helminths parasites of Chrysocyon brachyurus (Carnivora: Canidae) in Argentina. Neotrop Helminthol 2013; 7(2): 265-270.
, Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202. and Lunaschi et al. (2015)Lunaschi LI, Drago FB, Draghi R. Digeneans and acanthocephalans of birds from Formosa Province, Argentina. Helminthologia 2015; 52(1): 17-27.

Centrorhynchus millerae Smales, 2013

Distribution: Paraguay

Host and locality report: Megascops choliba (ARA)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202.

Centrorhynchus nahuelhuapensis Steinauer, Flores & Rauque, 2019

Distribution: Argentina

Host and locality report: Strix rufipes (VLA, LAR, BAC, VIM)

Site of infection: intestine

Stage: adult

References: Steinauer et al. (2019)Steinauer M, Flores V, Rauque C. Centrorhynchus nahuelhuapensis n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) from rufous-legged owl (Strix rufipes King) in Patagonia. J Helminthol 2019; 94: e42. PMid:30813971.

Centrorhynchus opimus Travassos, 1919

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: Megarynchus pitangua (RJ, PA), Pitangus sulphuratus (SP)

Site of infection: intestine

Stage: adult

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
and Vicente et al. (1983)Vicente JJ, Pinto RM, Noronha D. Skrjabinoclava tupacincai Freitas, Vicente & Ibañez, 1970 in Brazil and some other helminths from Tyrannidae birds. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1983; 78(1): 95-100.

Centrorhynchus pitangi Smales, 2013

Distribution: Paraguay

Host and locality report: Pitangus sulphuratus (ARA, COP)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult and juvenile

References: Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202.

Centrorhynchus polymorphus Travassos, 1925

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: Micrastur ruficollis (RJ)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
and Petrochenko (1971)Petrochenko VI. Acanthocephala of domestic and wild animals. Academy os Sciences of the USSR. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations; 1971.

Centrorynchus spinosus Kaiser, 1893

Distribution: Chile

Host and locality report: Avian - Bubo magellanicus (locality not reported); mammal - Lycalopex culpaeus (CAN)

Site of infection: Small intestine and gastrointestinal tract

Stage: adult and juvenile

References: Grandón-Ojeda et al. (2018)Grandón-Ojeda A, Valdebenito JO, Moreno L, Kinsella JM, Mironov S, Cicchino A, et al. Gastrointestinal and external parasitism in the Magellanic Horned Owl Bubo magellanicus (Strigiformes: Strigidae) in Chile. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2018; 27(2): 161-168. PMid:29924144.
and Oyarzún-Ruiz et al. (2020)Oyarzún-Ruiz P, Di Cataldo S, Cevidanes A, Millán J, González-Acuña D. Endoparasitic fauna of two South American foxes in Chile: lycalopex culpaeus and Lycalopex griseus. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2020; 29(3): e006220. PMid:33027424.

Centrorhynchus tumidulus Rudolphi, 1819

Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Venezuela

Host and locality report: Avian - Asio flammeus (RJ), Attila rufus (RJ), Batara cinerea (RJ), Coccyzus melacoryphus (locality not reported), Crotophaga ani (RJ, MT, VEN locality not reported), Crotophaga major (MT), Formicaridae gen. sp. (RJ), Guira guira (MT, MVD, ITA), Heterospizias meridionalis (MET), Megascops choliba (locality not reported), Pseudastur albicollis (locality not reported), Rupornis magnirostris (RJ, MT, RS, PB); mammals - Didelphidae gen. sp. (locality not reported)

Site of infection: intestine, large intestine and small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
, Cordero (1933)Cordero EH. Sur quelques acanthocéphales de L’Amerique Méridionale, I. Ann Parasitol Hum Comp 1933; 11(4): 271-279.
, Machado (1940)Machado DA Fo. Pesquisas helmintológicas realizadas no estado de Mato Grosso-Acanthocephala. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1940; 35(3): 593-601.
, Thatcher & Nickol (1972)Thatcher VE, Nickol BB. Some acanthocephalans from Panama and Colombia. Proc Helminthol Soc Wash 1972; 39(2): 245-248., Boero & Boehringer (1967)Boero JJ, Boehringer IK. El Parasitismo de nuestra fauna autóctona. Rev Fac C Vet 1967; 9(21): 147-160.: in Lunaschi & Drago (2010)Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
, Díaz Ungría & Gracia Rodrigo (1960)Díaz Ungría C, Gracia Rodrigo A. Nueva aportación al conocimiento de los acantocéfalos venezolanos. Rev Vet Venez 1960; 8(46): 279-283. in Lunaschi & Drago (2010)Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
, Melo et al. (2013)Melo CMF, Oliveira JB, Feitosa TF, Vilela VLR, Athayde ACR, Dantas AFM, et al. Parasites of Psittaciformes and Accipitriformes in Paraíba state, northeastern Brazil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2013; 22(2): 314-317. PMid:23856738.
, Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202. and Lignon et al. (2021)Lignon JS, Junior PS, Souza EC, Monteiro SG, Pinto DM. Achados parasitológicos em gavião-carijó (Rupornis magnirostris) (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) no pampa gaúcho-Uruguaiana, RS, Brasil. Sci Anim Health 2021; 9(1): 44-53.

Centrorhynchus viarius Smales, 2013

Distribution: Paraguay

Host and locality report: Heterospizias meridionalis (PHP), Rupornis magnirostris (PHP, CER), Parabuteo unicinctus (PHP), Urubitinga urubitinga (PHP)

Site of infection: small intestine

Stage: adult and juvenile

References: Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202.

Centrorhynchus sp.

Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay

Host and locality report: Avian - Athene cunicularia (FOP), Crotophaga ani (MT), Cerdocyon thous (RS), Geranoaetus polyosoma (VAL, BIO), Herpetotheres cachinnans (PHP), Leucopternis princeps (ANV), Parabuteo unicinctus (CNR), Vanellus chilensis (PR); mammals - Dasypus novemcinctus (RS), Didelphis albiventris (RS), Lycalopex gymnocercus (RS)

Site of infection: large and small intestine

Stage: adult

References: Machado (1940)Machado DA Fo. Pesquisas helmintológicas realizadas no estado de Mato Grosso-Acanthocephala. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1940; 35(3): 593-601.
, Thatcher & Nickol (1972)Thatcher VE, Nickol BB. Some acanthocephalans from Panama and Colombia. Proc Helminthol Soc Wash 1972; 39(2): 245-248., Müller (2005)Müller G. Diversidade e potencial zoonótico de parasitos de Didelphis albiventris Lund, 1841 [tese]. Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; 2005. in Ruas et al. (2008)Ruas JL, Müller G, Farias NAR, Gallina T, Lucas AS, Pappen GF, et al. Helmintos do cachorro do campo, Pseudalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) e do cachorro do mato, Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) no sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2008; 17(2): 87-92. PMid:18823576.
, Ruas et al. (2008)Ruas JL, Müller G, Farias NAR, Gallina T, Lucas AS, Pappen GF, et al. Helmintos do cachorro do campo, Pseudalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) e do cachorro do mato, Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) no sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2008; 17(2): 87-92. PMid:18823576.
, Gomes et al. (2012)Gomes SN, Pesenti TC, Müller G. Parasitism of Mathevotaenia sp. (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) and Centrorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) in Dasypus novemcinctus (Mammalia: Xenarthra) in Brazil. Neotrop Helminthol 2012; 6(2): 287-290.
, Drago et al. (2015)Drago FB, Lunaschi LI, Cabrera NE, Barbieri L. Helminth parasites of four species of strigiform birds from Central and Northeastern Argentina. Rev Arg Parasitol 2015; 4: 15-23., Silveira & Calegaro-Marques (2016)Silveira TS, Calegaro-Marques C. Helminth parasite diversity discloses age and sex differences in the foraging behaviour of southern lapwings (Vanellus chilensis). Austral Ecol 2016; 41(5): 549-558.
, Grandón-Ojeda et al. (2019)Grandón-Ojeda A, Cortés P, Moreno L, Kinsella JM, Cicchino A, Barrientos C, et al. Gastrointestinal and external parasites of the Variable hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) in Chile. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2019; 28(3): 376-382. PMid:31390433.
and Oyarzún-Ruiz et al. (2022)Oyarzún-Ruiz P, Cifuentes-Castro C, Varas F, Grandón-Ojeda A, Cicchino A, Mironov S, et al. Helminth and ectoparasitic faunas of the Harris’s hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae), in Chile: new data on host-parasite associations for Neotropical raptors. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2022; 31(3): e007522. PMid:36000608.

Checklist of paratenic hosts of Centrorhynchus species in South America

Centrorhynchus giganteus Travassos, 1919

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: Leptodactylus latrans (RJ)

Site of infection: peritoneum

Stage: cystacanth

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.

Centrorhynchus tumidulus Rudolphi, 1819

Distribution: Brazil

Host and locality report: amphibians - Leptodactylus latrans (RJ), Rhinella crucifer (locality not reported), Trachycephalus mesophaeus (RJ); snakes - Bothrops sp. (locality not reported), Chironius quadricarinatus (RJ), Palusophis bifossatus (RJ); lizards - Ameiva ameiva (locality not reported), Tropidurus torquatus (locality not reported), Tupinambis teguixin (locality not reported)

Site of infection: peritoneum

Stage: cystacanth

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
and Fabio (1982)Fabio SP. Helmintos de populações simpátricas de algumas espécies de anfíbios anuros da família Leptodactylidae. Arq Univ Fed Rural Rio de Janeiro 1982; 5: 69-83. in Campião et al. (2014)Campião KM, Morais DH, Dias OT, Aguiar A, Toledo G, Tavares LER, et al. Checklist of helminth parasites of amphibians from South America. Zootaxa 2014; 3843(1): 1-93. PMid:25082165.

Centrorhynchus sp.

Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru

Host and locality report: amphibians - Adenomera diptyx (FOP, COR), Adenomera marmorata (RJ), Aquarana catesbeiana (RS) (present study), Atelopus bomolochus (CHU), Boana albomarginata (PE), Boana albopunctata (PR), Boana pulchella (RS), Boana raniceps (CE), Dendropsophus branneri (PE), Dendropsophus decipiens (PE), Dendropsophus elegans (PE), Dendropsophus haddadi (PE), Dendropsophus microcephalus (AM), Dendropsophus minusculus (CE), Dendropsophus minutus (CE, PE), Dendropsophus nanus (PAP), Dendropsophus sanborni (ITP), Eupsophus calcaratus (ISC), Eupsophus roseus (IST), Leptodactylus bufonius (COR), Leptodactylus elenae (ITP), Leptodactylus latinasus (COR), Leptodactylus macrosternum (COR, APP), Leptodactylus mystacinus (RJ), Leptodactylus pustulatus (CE), Leptodactylus vastus (CE), Melanophryniscus klappenbachi (CHP), Phyllomedusa sauvagii (COP), Physalaemus albonotatus (COR), Physalaemus cuvieri (CE, ITP), Physalaemus nattereri (COP), Physalaemus signifer (RJ), Physalaemus soaresi (RJ), Pithecopus nordestinus (PE), Proceratophrys renalis (CE), Oophaga histrionica (CHP), Pseudopaludicola boliviana (COR), Rhinella dorbignyi (APP, RS, COR), Rhinella diptycha (CE), Rhinella granulosa (APP), Rhinella major (PA), Scinax auratus (PE), Scinax nasicus (PHP, COR), Scinax nebulosus (AM), Scinax x-signatus (PE), Trachycephalus typhonius (SP); snakes - Chironius scurrulus (SMA), Echinanthera undulata (SP), Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus (PHP), Erythrolamprus viridis (CE), Helicops leopardinus (COP), Imantodes cenchoa (locality not reported), Imantodes lentiferus (locality not reported), Leptophis ahaetulla (COP, COR), Lygophis lineatus (CPR), Paraphimophis rusticus (locality not reported), Philodryas olfersii (RS), Pseudablabes patagoniensis (PAP), Spilotes pullatus (SMA); lizards - Gonatodes concinnatus (locality not reported), Norops fuscoauratus (CE) and Tupinambis teguixin (APP)

Site of infection: celomic cavity, large and small intestine, body cavity, liver, serous of stomach, stomach, mesentery and gastrointestinal tissues.

Stage: cystacanth

References: Travassos (1926)Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
, Fabio (1982)Fabio SP. Helmintos de populações simpátricas de algumas espécies de anfíbios anuros da família Leptodactylidae. Arq Univ Fed Rural Rio de Janeiro 1982; 5: 69-83. in Campião et al. (2014)Campião KM, Morais DH, Dias OT, Aguiar A, Toledo G, Tavares LER, et al. Checklist of helminth parasites of amphibians from South America. Zootaxa 2014; 3843(1): 1-93. PMid:25082165.
, Vizcaíno (1993)Vizcaíno SI. Presencia del género Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911 (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) en la República Argentina. Neotropica 1993; 39: 77-78., Torres & Puga (1996)Torres P, Puga S. Ocurrence of cystacanths of Centrorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) in toads of the genus Eupsophus in Chile. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1996; 91(6): 717-719. PMid:9283651.
, Azevedo-Ramos et al. (1998)Azevedo-Ramos C, Santos MMQ, Oliveira VRL. Helminths of three Amazonian treefrogs: interspecific differences in prevalence and infection intensity of parasites. Cienc Cult 1998; 50: 361-363. in Campião et al. (2014)Campião KM, Morais DH, Dias OT, Aguiar A, Toledo G, Tavares LER, et al. Checklist of helminth parasites of amphibians from South America. Zootaxa 2014; 3843(1): 1-93. PMid:25082165.
, Puga & Torres (1999)Puga S, Torres P. Helminths parasites of Eupsophus roseus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from southern Chile. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1999; 94(6): 725-726. PMid:10585645.
, Goldberg & Bursey (2003)Goldberg SR, Bursey CR. Helminths of two anuran species, Atelopus spurrelli (Bufonidae) and Dendrobates histrionicus (Dendrobatidae), from Colombia, South America. Parasitol Int 2003; 52(3): 251-253. PMid:14550481.
, Iannacone (2003)Iannacone J. Helmintos parasitos de Atelopus bomolochus Peters 1973 (Anura: Bufonidae) de Piura, Peru. Gayana (Concepc) 2003; 67(1): 9-15.
, Duré et al. (2004)Duré MI, Schaefer EF, Hamann MI, Kehr AI. Consideraciones ecológicas sobre la dieta, la reproducción y el parasitismo de Pseudopaludicola boliviana (Anura, Leptodactylidae) de Corrientes, Argentina. Phyllomedusa 2004; 3(2): 121-131.
, González & Hamann (2006)González CE, Hamann MI. Helmintos parásitos de Leptodactylus bufonius Boulenger, 1894 (Anura: Leptodactylidae) de Corrientes, Argentina. Rev Esp Herpetol 2006; 20: 39-46., Hamann et al. (2006aHamann MI, González CE, Kehr A. Helminth community structure of the oven frog Leptodactylus latinasus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from Corrientes, Argentina. Acta Parasitol 2006a; 51(4): 294-299.
, bHamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE. Species affinity and infracommunity ordination of helminths of Leptodactylus chaquensis (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in two contrasting environments from northeastern Argentina. J Parasitol 2006b; 92(6): 1171-1179. PMid:17304791.
), Schaefer et al. (2006)Schaefer EF, Hamann MI, Kehr AI, Gonzalez CE, Duré MI. Trophic, reproductive and parasitological aspects of the ecology of Leptodactylus chaquensis (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Argentina. Herpetol J 2006; 16(4): 387-394.; Smales (2007aSmales LR. Acanthocephala in amphibians (Anura) and reptiles (Squamata) from Brazil and Paraguay with description of a new species. J Parasitol 2007a; 93(2): 392-398. PMid:17539424.
, bSmales LR. Acanthocephalans of Amphibians and Reptiles (Anura and Squamata) from Ecuador, with the description of Pandosentis napoensis n. sp (Neoechinorhynchidae) from Hyla fasciata. Zootaxa 2007b; 1445(1): 49-56.
), Zaracho & Lamas (2008)Zaracho V, Lamas M. Leptodactylus diptyx (Tropical bullfrog) Endoparasites. Herpetol Rev 2008; 39(4): 461., Hamann et al. (2009)Hamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE, Duré MI, Schaefer EF. Parasite and reproductive features of Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) from a South American subtropical area. INCI 2009; 34(3): 214-218., Lamas & Lunaschi (2009)Lamas MF, Lunaschi LI. Primer registro de Centrorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) en Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus (Colubridae) de Argentina. Cuad Herpetol 2009; 23(1): 45-49., Hamann et al. (2010)Hamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE. Helminth community structure of Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) from a South American subtropical area. Dis Aquat Organ 2010; 93(1): 71-82. PMid:21290898.
, Santos & Amato (2010)Santos VGT, Amato SB. Helminth fauna of Rhinella fernandezae (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Rio Grande do Sul coastland, Brazil: analysis of the parasite community. J Parasitol 2010; 96(4): 823-826. PMid:20476801.
, Hamann et al. (2012)Hamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE. Community structure of helminth parasites of Leptodactylus bufonius (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from northeastern Argentina. Zool Stud 2012; 51(8): 1454-1463., Silva & Müller (2012)Silva DS, Müller G. Primeiro registro de Opisthogonimus lecithonotus (Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae) em Philodryas olfersii (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) e primeiro registro de P. olfersii como hospedeiro paratênico de Centrorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae). The Biologist 2012; 10(2): 95., Zaracho et al. (2012)Zaracho VH, Acosta JL, Lamas MF. Diet and parasitism of Leptodactylus diptyx (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Northeastern Argentina. Rev Mex Biodivers 2012; 83(4): 1180-1186.
, Hamann et al. (2013)Hamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE. Helminth communities in the burrowing toad, Rhinella fernandezae, from Northeastern Argentina. Biologia (Bratisl) 2013; 68(6): 1155-1162.
; Smales (2013)Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202., Hamann et al. (2014)Hamann MI, Kehr AI, González CE. Helminth community structure in the Argentinean bufonid Melanophryniscus klappenbachi: importance of habitat use and season. Parasitol Res 2014; 113(10): 3639-3649. PMid:25030118.
, Graça et al. (2017)Graça RJ, Oda FH, Lima FS, Guerra V, Gambale PG, Takemoto RM. Metazoan endoparasites of 18 anuran species from the mesophytic semideciduous Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil. J Nat Hist 2017; 51(13-14): 705-729.
, Martins-Sobrinho et al. (2017)Martins-Sobrinho PM, Silva WGO, Santos EG, Moura GJB, Oliveira JB. Helminths of some tree frogs of the families Hylidae and Phyllomedusidae in an Atlantic rainforest fragment, Brazil. J Nat Hist 2017; 51(27-28): 1639-1648.
, Quirino et al. (2018)Quirino TF, Ferreira AJMG, Silva MC, Silva RJ, Morais DH, Ávila RW. New records of helminths in reptiles from five states of Brazil. Braz J Biol 2018; 78(4): 750-754. PMid:29489929.
, González et al. (2019)González CE, Schaefer EF, Santos AN, Melo FTV. Intraocular nematode and other parasites associated with Physalaemus albonotatus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Corrientes, Argentina. Phyllomedusa 2019; 18(1): 109-113.
, Dos Santos Mesquita et al. (2020)Dos Santos Mesquita JM, de Oliveira SS, Perez R, Ávila RW. Helminths associated with Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata, Dactyloidae) in highland marshes of the Brazilian semi-arid. J Helminthol 2020; 94: e153. PMid:32390581.
, Aguiar et al. (2021)Aguiar A, Morais DH, Silva LAF, Dos Anjos LA, Foster OC, Silva RJ. Biodiversity of anuran endoparasites from a transitional area between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes in Brazil: new records and remarks. Zootaxa 2021; 4948(1): zootaxa.4948.1.1. PMid:33757032.
in De Oliveira et al. (2022)De Oliveira CR, Mascarenhas W, Batista-Oliveira D, de Castro Araújo K, Ávila RW, Borges-Nojosa DM. Endoparasite community of anurans from an altitudinal rainforest enclave in a Brazilian semiarid area. J Helminthol 2022; 96: e62. PMid:35983730.
, Cuellar et al. (2022)Cuellar I, Sáez G, Cantú S, Sánchez L, Mendoza C, Conga DF, et al. A checklist of helminths associated with reptiles (Tetrapoda: Reptilia) from Peru. J Helminthol 2022; 96: e30. PMid:35465856.
, Silveira et al. (2022)Silveira EC, Mascarenhas CS, Huckembeck S, Müller G, Loebmann D. Parasitic helminths in Boana pulchella (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) (Anura: Hylidae) and their relation with host diet, body size, and habitat. Cuad Herpetol 2022; 36(2): 155-167., Coimbra et al. (2023)Coimbra MAA, Mascarenhas CS, Henzel ABD, Wolter JH, da Silva RRC, da Silveira FL, et al. Parasite-host relations and new reports of helminths for Rhinella dorbignyi (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) (Anura: Bufonidae) from Neotropical region. Parasitol Int 2023; 96: 102766. PMid:37244362.
, Prata et al. (2023)Prata DA, Chagas-de-Souza D, Coêlho TA, Viana LA, Corrêa LL, Kawashita-Ribeiro RA. Rhinella major (Anura: Bufonidade): a new paratenic host of Centrorhynchus sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae) in Brazilian Amazon. Ann Parasitol 2023; 69(2): 75-78. PMid:38164747. and present study.


Centrorhynchus spp. have been recorded as parasites of A. catesbeiana in the Americas only within the native range of distribution the bullfrog (Brandt, 1936Brandt BB. Parasites of Certain North Carolina Salientia. Ecol Monogr 1936; 6(4): 491-532.
; Hollis, 1972Hollis PD. A survey of parasites of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana Shaw, in central East Texas. Southwest Nat 1972; 17(2): 198-200.
). The rates of infection with Centrorhynchus cystacanths in A. catesbeiana in southern Brazil were higher than those observed by Hollis (1972)Hollis PD. A survey of parasites of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana Shaw, in central East Texas. Southwest Nat 1972; 17(2): 198-200.
(P % = 2.89; MII = 1) in the bullfrog's native range in Texas (USA). However, the prevalence was lower than that recorded by Brandt (1936)Brandt BB. Parasites of Certain North Carolina Salientia. Ecol Monogr 1936; 6(4): 491-532.
(P % = 81.8; MII = 13.90) in the eastern USA. The variations observed in infection rates may be associated with the characteristics of each location, where different factors (biotic and abiotic) may or may not favor transmission and infection rates in A. catesbeiana.

Anurans can become infected with Centrorhynchus cystacanths through ingestion of parasitized arthropods (intermediate hosts) and by the predation of other parasitized anuran species (paratenic or transport hosts) (Lunaschi & Drago, 2010Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
). In addition, A. catesbeiana can exhibit cannibalistic behavior, preying mainly on its juveniles and tadpoles (Barrasso et al., 2009Barrasso DA, Cajade R, Nenda SJ, Baloriani G, Herrera R. Introduction of the American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus (Anura: Ranidae) in natural and modified environments: an increasing conservation problem in Argentina. South Am J Herpetol 2009; 4(1): 69-75.
; Leivas et al., 2012Leivas PT, Leivas FWT, Moura MO. Diet and trophic niche of Lithobates catesbeianus (Amphibia: anura). Zoologia 2012; 29(5): 405-412.
; Jancowski & Orchard, 2013Jancowski K, Orchard S. Stomach contents from invasive American bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana (= Lithobates catesbeianus) on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. NeoBiota 2013; 16: 17-37.
; Quiroga et al., 2015Quiroga LB, Moreno MD, Cataldo AA, Aragón-Traverso JH, Pantano MV, Olivares JPS, et al. Diet composition of an invasive population of Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) from Argentina. J Nat Hist 2015; 49(27-28): 1703-1716.
), a factor that can contribute to infection by Centrorhynchus species.

The higher prevalence of cystacanths in adult anurans may be associated with the predatory potential of larger frogs, and due to the fact that older anurans had longer exposure to infective forms and have larger body area for parasite colonization (Muzzall, 1991Muzzall PM. Helminth infracommunities of the frogs Rana catesbeiana and Rana clamitans from Turkey Marsh, Michigan. J Parasitol 1991; 77(3): 366-371. PMid:2040950.
; Quiroga et al., 2015Quiroga LB, Moreno MD, Cataldo AA, Aragón-Traverso JH, Pantano MV, Olivares JPS, et al. Diet composition of an invasive population of Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) from Argentina. J Nat Hist 2015; 49(27-28): 1703-1716.
). Muzzall (1991)Muzzall PM. Helminth infracommunities of the frogs Rana catesbeiana and Rana clamitans from Turkey Marsh, Michigan. J Parasitol 1991; 77(3): 366-371. PMid:2040950.
and Andrews et al. (1992)Andrews KD, Lampley RI, Gillman MA, Corey DT, Ballard SR, Blasczyk MJ, et al. Helminths of Rana catesbeiana in southern Illinois with a checklist of helminths in bullfrogs of North America. Trans Ill State Acad Sci 1992; 85(3-4): 147-172. observed in native areas that larger individuals of A. catesbeiana showed greater parasite diversity.

Predators of adult specimens of the bullfrog are scarce in the regions where it has been introduced because of its large size (Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.). However, in south America, carnivorous mammals such as Lycalopex gymnocercus and Cerdocyon thous (Canidae), and birds such as Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae), Rupornis magnirostris (Accipitridae), Guira guira (Cuculidae) and Athene cunicularia (Strigidae) are species that which include medium to large-sized anurans as part of their diet (Gatti et al., 2006Gatti A, Bianchi R, Rosa CRX, Mendes SL. Diet of two sympatric carnivores, Cerdocyon thous and Procyon cancrivorus, in a restinga area of Espírito Santo State, Brazil. J Trop Ecol 2006; 22(2): 227-230.
; Vieira & Teixeira, 2008Vieira LA, Teixeira RL. Diet of Athene cunicularia (Molina, 1782) from a sandy coastal plain in southeast Brazil. Bol Mus Biol Mello Leitão 2008; 23: 5-14.; Repenning et al., 2009Repenning M, Basso HCP, Rossoni JR, Krügel MM, Fontana CS. Análise comparativa da dieta de quatro espécies de cucos (Aves: Cuculidae), no sul do Brasil. Zoologia 2009; 26(3): 443-453.
; Rocha et al., 2011Rocha RG, Ferreira E, Leite YLR, Fonseca C, Costa LP. Small mammals in the diet of Barn owls, Tyto alba (Aves: Strigiformes) along the mid-Araguaia River in central Brazil. Zoologia 2011; 28(6): 709-716.
; Rodrigues et al., 2011Rodrigues AP, Giaretta AA, Silva DR, Facure KG. Reproductive features of three maternal-caring species of Leptodactylus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) with a report on alloparental care in frogs. J Nat Hist 2011; 45(33-34): 2037-2047.
; Soave et al., 2008Soave GE, Darrieu CA, Aribalzaga ME, Camperi AR, Lucía M, Williams J, et al. Dieta del Pirincho (Guira guira) en el nordeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Cuculiformes: cuculidae). Rev Biol Trop 2008; 56(4): 1883-1892. PMid:19419089.
; Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.; Schalk & Morales, 2012Schalk CM, Morales F. Predation of a Rhinella major (Anura: Bufonidae) by a pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Herpetol Notes 2012; 5: 369-370.; Corrêa et al., 2013Corrêa LLC, Silva DE, Pazinato DMM, Oliveira SV. Registro de comportamento predatório em Leptodactylus latrans (Anura, Leptodactylidae), por Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae), no sul do Brasil. Revi Ciênc Ambient 2013; 7(2): 57-60. and that have been recorded as definitive hosts of Centrorhynchus spp. (Table 3). This suggests that these mammals and birds may prey on adults specimens A. catesbeiana and thus contribute to the continuity of Centrorhynchus species' life cycle.

Aquarana catesbeiana can also participate in the Centrorhynchus sp. cycle as a primary transport host, which can be preyed upon by a secondary transport host, and the latter is then consumed by the definitive host. Silva & Ribeiro (2009)Silva ET, Ribeiro OP Fo. Predation on juveniles of the invasive American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus (Anura, Ranidae) by native frog and snake species in South-eastern Brazil. Herpetol Notes 2009; 2: 215-218. reported occurrences of A. catesbeiana being preyed upon by L. latrans, which has been recorded as a host for Centrorhynchus sp. cystacanths (Table 4). Leptodactylus latrans is a food resource for birds such as Rupornis magnirostris (Accipitridae) and Tyto furcata (Strigidae) (Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.; Brentano et al., 2020Brentano R, Corrêa LL, Silva DR, Petry MV. Contribuição para o conhecimento da dieta de corujas (Aves: Strigiformes) no sul do Brasil. Oecol Aust 2020; 24(1): 204-210.
), which are definitive hosts for Centrorhynchus species (Table 3). In this context, anurans play an important role in the transmission chain of species within this group of Acanthocephala.

The checklist presented here has expanded the information of previously published lists (Travassos, 1926Travassos L. Contribuições para o conhecimento da fauna helminthologica brasileira. XX. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1926; 19(1): 31-125.
; Smales, 2007aSmales LR. Acanthocephala in amphibians (Anura) and reptiles (Squamata) from Brazil and Paraguay with description of a new species. J Parasitol 2007a; 93(2): 392-398. PMid:17539424.
, bSmales LR. Acanthocephalans of Amphibians and Reptiles (Anura and Squamata) from Ecuador, with the description of Pandosentis napoensis n. sp (Neoechinorhynchidae) from Hyla fasciata. Zootaxa 2007b; 1445(1): 49-56.
; Ávila & Silva, 2010Ávila RW, Silva RJ. Checklist of helminths from lizards and amphisbaenians (Reptilia, Squamata) of South America. J Venom Anim Toxins Incl Trop Dis 2010; 16(4): 543-572.
; Lunaschi & Drago, 2010Lunaschi LI, Drago FB. A new species of Centrorhynchus (Acanthocephala, Centrorhynchidae) endoparasite of Guira guira (Aves, Cuculidae) from Argentina. Helminthologia 2010; 47(1): 38-47.
; Smales, 2013Smales LR. Acanthocephala including the descriptions of new species of Centrorhynchus (Centrorhynchidae) and the redescription of Lueheia inscripta (Westrumb, 1821) (Plagiorhynchidae) from birds from Paraguay South America. Rev Suisse Zool 2013; 120(2): 175-202.; Campião et al., 2014Campião KM, Morais DH, Dias OT, Aguiar A, Toledo G, Tavares LER, et al. Checklist of helminth parasites of amphibians from South America. Zootaxa 2014; 3843(1): 1-93. PMid:25082165.
; Fugassa, 2015Fugassa MH. Checklist of helminths found in Patagonian wild mammals. Zootaxa 2015; 4012(2): 271-328. PMid:26623857.
; Cuellar et al., 2022Cuellar I, Sáez G, Cantú S, Sánchez L, Mendoza C, Conga DF, et al. A checklist of helminths associated with reptiles (Tetrapoda: Reptilia) from Peru. J Helminthol 2022; 96: e30. PMid:35465856.
), as it has brought together new records for South America, where birds are the definitive hosts most frequently parasitized by Centrorhynchus spp. The reports of cysthacanths of Centrorhynchus sp. predominated in paratenic hosts in this region, which do not reach the adult stage in amphibians and reptiles, and do not have all their body structures fully formed, which makes identification at the species level difficult (Cabrera-Guzmán & Garrido-Olvera, 2014Cabrera-Guzmán E, Garrido-Olvera L. Helminth parasites of the Lesser Scaly Anole, Anolis uniformis (Squamata: Dactyloidae), from Los Tuxtlas, Southern Mexico: evidence of diet and habitat use. South Am J Herpetol 2014; 9(3): 183-189.
). The records show that many species of Centrorhynchus have yet to be described in South America and, in this regard, use of molecular tools and integrative taxonomic studies are important for the understanding of the diversity of species in this group.

We report for the first time A. catesbeiana parasitized by Centrorhynchus cystacanths in South America. Bullfrogs can become an important transmission link for Centrorhynchus species, considering that many anuran species have been recorded as paratenic hosts (48 spp., see checklist) and are part of the species' diet (Barrasso et al., 2009Barrasso DA, Cajade R, Nenda SJ, Baloriani G, Herrera R. Introduction of the American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus (Anura: Ranidae) in natural and modified environments: an increasing conservation problem in Argentina. South Am J Herpetol 2009; 4(1): 69-75.
; Boelter et al., 2012Boelter RA, Kaefer IL, Both C, Cechin S. Invasive bullfrogs as predators in a Neotropical assemblage: what frog species do they eat? Anim Biol Leiden Neth 2012; 62(4): 397-408.
; Maneyro & Carreira, 2012Maneyro R, Carreira S. Guía de Anfibios del Uruguay. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Fuga; 2012.; Leivas et al., 2012Leivas PT, Leivas FWT, Moura MO. Diet and trophic niche of Lithobates catesbeianus (Amphibia: anura). Zoologia 2012; 29(5): 405-412.
; Quiroga et al., 2015Quiroga LB, Moreno MD, Cataldo AA, Aragón-Traverso JH, Pantano MV, Olivares JPS, et al. Diet composition of an invasive population of Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) from Argentina. J Nat Hist 2015; 49(27-28): 1703-1716.
; Oda et al., 2019Oda FH, Guerra V, Grou E, Lima LD, Proenca HC, Gambale PG, et al. Native anuran species as prey of invasive American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus in Brazil: a review with new predation records. Amphib Reptile Conserv 2019; 13(2): 217-226.). Considering that bullfrogs they were introduced and also conquered new areas, thereby increasing their geographical distribution in South America (Giovanelli et al., 2008Giovanelli JGR, Haddad CFB, Alexandrino J. Predicting the potential distribution of the alien invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Brazil. Biol Invasions 2008; 10(5): 585-590.
; Laufer et al., 2008Laufer G, Canavero A, Núñez D, Maneyro R. Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) invasion in Uruguay. Biol Invasions 2008; 10(7): 1183-1189.
; Barrasso et al., 2009Barrasso DA, Cajade R, Nenda SJ, Baloriani G, Herrera R. Introduction of the American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus (Anura: Ranidae) in natural and modified environments: an increasing conservation problem in Argentina. South Am J Herpetol 2009; 4(1): 69-75.
; Both et al., 2011Both C, Lingnau R, Santos-JR A, Madalozzo B, Lima LP, Grant T. Widespread occurrence of the american bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Anura: Ranidae), in Brazil. South Am J Herpetol 2011; 6(2): 127-134.
; Nori et al., 2011Nori J, Akmentins MS, Ghirardi R, Frutos N, Leynaud GC. American bullfrog invasion in Argentina: where should we take urgent measures? Biodivers Conserv 2011; 20(5): 1125-1132.
; Iñiguez & Morejón, 2012Iñiguez CA, Morejón FJ. Potential distribution of the American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Ecuador. South Am J Herpetol 2012; 7(2): 85-90.
; Laufer et al., 2021Laufer G, Gobel N, Berazategui M, Zarucki M, Cortizas S, Soutullo A, et al. American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) diet in Uruguay compared with other invasive populations in Southern South America. North-West J Zool 2021; 17(2): 196-203.) the records can be expanded through future studies.


We would like to thank Mr. Álvaro Miguel Moreira Martins for providing equipment and assistance in collecting the material; our colleagues Marco Antonio Afonso Coimbra and Angel Laroza de Souza for their help in collecting the material and José Júnior dos Santos for his help with the laboratory procedures; the Ichthyology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) for authorizing the collection of the anurans; and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 for awarding the scholarship to the first author.

  • How to cite: Oliveira RJ, Mascarenhas CS, Müller G. Centrorhynchus spp. (Acanthocephala) in South America: new anuran record and checklist of vertebrate hosts. Braz J Vet Parasitol 2024; 33(2): e015823.
  • Ethics declaration

    The study was approved by the Comitê de Ética em Experimentação Animal (CEEA) of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) (license number 23110.001859/2015-89) and by the Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade (SISBIO) under license 47397-2.
  • This study was licensed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio 47397-10).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Sept 2023
  • Accepted
    25 Mar 2024
Colégio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária FCAV/UNESP - Departamento de Patologia Veterinária, Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Zona Rural, , 14884-900 Jaboticabal - SP, Brasil, Fone: (16) 3209-7100 RAMAL 7934 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil