Recent in situ samplings and analysis of herbarium material revealed new occurrences of Coussapoa curranii (Urticaceae). In this study, an updated distribution map is given for the species in the Brazil. Nevertheless, due to the low representativeness of individuals in forestry surveys, and its natural occurrence in environments under threat of degradation, it is necessary to categorize this species as Critically Threatened (CR) according to IUCN criteria. Also, as a result of this study and in compliance with Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the species is being grown in the Parque Botânico do Ecomuseu Ilha Grande. This park is located in the area of its most recent record of natural occurrence, Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Key words: Atlantic Forest; biodiversity conservation; Brazilian flora; endangered species; GSPC targets
Recentes amostragens in situ e análises de material de herbário revelaram novas ocorrências de Coussapoa curranii (Urticaceae). Neste estudo, um mapa de distribuição atualizado é apresentado para a espécie no Brasil. No entanto, devido à baixa representatividade dos indivíduos em levantamentos florestais, e sua ocorrência natural em ambientes sob ameaça de degradação, é necessário categorizar esta espécie como Criticamente Ameaçada (CR) de acordo com os critérios da IUCN. Além disso, como resultado deste estudo e em conformidade com a Meta 8 da Estratégia Global para a Conservação de Plantas, a espécie está sendo cultivada no Parque Botânico do Ecomuseu Ilha Grande. Este parque está localizado na área de seu registro mais recente de ocorrência natural, Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Palavras-chave: Mata Atlântica; conservação da biodiversidade; flora brasileira; espécies em perigo de extinção; metas GSPC
Brazil has the largest plant diversity in the world, with a high rate of endemic species (Forzza et al. 2012). In the case of vascular plants, about 50% of Brazilian species are endemic (Forzza et al. 2012; BFG 2018). These are some of the reasons that justify Brazil as one of the signatories on Convention on Biological Diversity since 1992 (United Nations 2001).
The number of recognized plant taxa of the Brazilian flora is constantly updated by floristic and phytosociological studies and online availability of scientific collections throughout the national territory. These efforts contribute to the development of the list of the Brazilian Flora (BFG 2018) and of the researches to solve the remaining gaps. Some of these studies demonstrated, for example, the rediscovery of species classified as presumably extinct (EX) in the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states, which are Brazilian areas whose forests were strongly reduced (e.g., Filgueiras & Shirasuna 2009; Rodrigues & Filgueiras 2013; Rosa et al. 2016).
This work aims to analyse the occurrence of Coussapoa curranii S.F. Blake (Urticaceae), commonly known as cipoeiro or cipuero, in the Rio de Janeiro state, since this species is considered uncertain or extinct in its territory (CNCFlora 2018).
In addition, to evaluate the distribution of the species in Brazil were consulted the collections deposited in the following herbaria: B, CVRD, G, HCP, HRJ, HUENF K, MO, NY, R, RB, S, and VIES (acronyms according to Thiers, continuously updated). Species identification was accomplished with reference publications for the group (Berg et al. 1990; Carauta et al. 1996), and extinction risk assessment followed the criteria and categories of the IUCN (2018).
The distribution map was produced using SimpleMappr (Shorthouse 2018). The geographic coordinates and altitude data (meters above sea level: m.a.s.l.) were referenced by herbarium data, by GPS, Datum WGS84, or determined using the app Map Coordinates. The coordinates are given in DMS notation. The use of GeoCAT (<http://geocat.kew.org/editor>) allowed to calculate the EOO (Extent of Occurrence) and the AOO (Area of Occupancy) which are prerequisites for an IUCN Red List assessment (Bachman et al. 2011). The estimation of AOO was based on the sum of squared grids of known occurrence based on grids of 2 km2 as suggested by IUCN guidelines. The estimation of EOO was based on the minimum convex hull that contains all sites of known occurrence.
The family Urticaceae is represented in Brazil by 13 genera and 102 species, 25 of which are endemic (Romaniuc Neto & Gaglioti 2015). The most comprehensive taxonomic study of the genus Coussapoa Aubl. is Flora Neotropica, in which 46 species of the genus are described and illustrated (Berg et al. 1990). Coussapoa curranii is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and occurs at elevations of up to 500 meters (Carauta et al. 1996). Most records of this species were made in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries in Brazil, in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Berg et al. 1990; Ribeiro & Gaglioti 2018). However, habitat fragmentation has led to a continuous decline of occupation area and natural habitat quality of this species (Carauta et al. 1996; Oldfield et al. 1998).
Coussapoa curranii is a perennial dioecious tree with: tiny stipules (0.3–1.0 cm in length); puberulous petioles; coriaceous, obovate leaves with obtuse to rounded apex, entire margin, glabrous abaxial face (or with sparse trichomes) with a prominent vein, denser indumentum of the adaxial face with an attenuate to subcordate base, marginate margin; and branched inflorescences in bunches, with globose flowers, ca. 2 mm in diameter if staminate, and 4–6 mm in diameter, if pistillate (Fig. 1). A detailed morphological description of C. curranii is provided by Berg et al. (1990). Although the species has an arboreal habit and can reach more than 40 m in height when it is well developed (Berg et al. 1990), it sometimes starts its development as a hemiepiphyte. Arboreal and hemiepiphytic habits also occur in Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini, a closely related species that also occurs in Brazil (Berg et al. 1990).
a-d. Coussapoa curranii – a. general aspect; b. sheath apex detail; c. staminate inflorescences; d. pistillate inflorescences. (a. A.Q. Lobão 275 RB; b. R.D. Ribeiro 561 RB; c. A.Q. Lobão 275 RB; d. L. Leoni 4721 RB).
Dioecious plants may be at disadvantage compared to non-dioecious plants (Vamosi & Vamosi 2005), including reduced mate assurance (Pannell & Barrett 1998), a ‘seedshadow handicap’ (Heilbuth et al. 2001), and a reliance on large pollinator pools (Vamosi & Otto 2002). So, as dioecious plants, C.curranii can be particularly susceptible to anthropogenic disturbances.
Coussapoa curranii is listed as Near Threatened (NT) by the CNCFlora in the Red List of Brazilian Flora and as Vulnerable (VU) by IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (CNCFlora 2018; IUCN 2018). The reviewers considered the occurrence of this species in the Rio de Janeiro state as very dubious, since records of its occurrence were in areas that are now fully inhabited. They also identified the Reserva Biológica de Sooretama as the only site where actually Coussapoa curranii is known to occur (CNCFlora 2018), and where only a single individual was sampled in one hectare surveyed (De Paula 2006). However, recent samples of Coussapoa curranii was recorded in the Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, at 50 m.a.s.l., Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state (Tab. 1; Fig. 2). The species was found as hemiepiphytic on a palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman). A voucher specimen was deposited and multiplied, by vegetative propagation, in the Parque Botânico do Ecomuseu llha Grande, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, also located in the Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande. The herbarium survey also added two other records of Coussapoa curranii in different sites of Rio de Janeiro state, besides records from others Brazil regions and a new occurrence to São Paulo State (Tab. 1; Fig. 2). These are promising results that contribute to the first measures aimed at the conservation of the species, with the location of new specimens belonging to different populations and located in protected areas. As well, it was possible to establish a first protocol for Coussapoa curranii reproduction.
Map of the distribution area of Coussapoa curranii. Ecorregions follow LIFE (2018). ✩ = type location; ❍ = Ilha Grande occurrence; △ = other occurrences.
Coussapoa curranii is a rare species whose reproductive structures are difficult to obtain in forestry surveys (De Paula 2006). These features may cause a low sampling effort and, together, with the reduction and degradation of Atlantic Forest areas may have contributed to consider the species occurrence in the state of Rio de Janeiro as dubious (CNCFlora 2018). Furthermore, these features point to the high risk of extinction of this species since its geographic area of occurrence and habitat quality are declining (Carauta et al. 1996). Thus, Coussapoa curranii must be included in the Critically Endangered category (CR D) according to IUCN.
This is a new record for the threatened species list of Ilha Grande (Callado et al. 2009) and the single record of these species in botanical garden in the world, as observed on BGCI’s List of species of threatened trees without known ex situ collections (Oldfield et al. 1998; Oldfield & Newton 2012). The specimen grown in the Parque Botânico do Ecomuseu Ilha Grande is available for analyses and studies that may contribute to the conservation of the species, in accordance with Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (Convention on Biological Diversity 2012).
The geospatial conservation assessment tool based on 24 herbarium records estimated an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 178,804,241 km2 and a considerable minor area of occupancy (AOO) of 88 km2 for C. curranii. Based on the B criteria of the IUCN, the species was classified as Least Concern according to the EOO (EOO > 20 000 km2) and as Endangered according to the AOO (AOO < 500 km2). In addition, following the B2 criteria, the species should also be considered Endangered because it meets the two following conditions: (a) severely fragmented populations and (biii) continuing decline in area, extent, and/or quality of habitat. However, based on the D criteria it should be in the Critically Endangered (CR) category, because the number estimated of mature individuals is less than 50, as can be assumed by the low representativeness in inventories already carried out (Carauta et al. 1996; Oldfield et al. 1998; De Paula 2006; Callado et al. 2009). Therefore, the taxon’s final determination is always the highest ranked.
The Atlantic Forest has a fragmented distribution, with a history of disturbance and low functional connectivity among fragments (Ribeiro et al. 2009; Muniz et al. 2019). Furthermore, the C. curranii areas of occurrence in the Atlantic Forest, are dominated by anthropogenic landscapes due to conversion of forested areas to agricultural lands, urbanization, and fire. These are extremely threatening factors for rare and dioecious species, such as Coussapoa curranii.
It is important to note that the distributional area coincides with that of the Central Atlantic Forest Corridor and the Serra do Mar Ecological Corridor, important conservation hotspots. Those Diversity Corridors encompass some of the most densely populated areas of Brazil, within which there are several important fragments of Atlantic Forest, and areas with the richest biodiversity of this Biome (Lima 2006; Lino et al. 2007). The Ecorregions (LIFE 2018) where the species occur are shown in Figure 2.
Although C. curranii occurs in one of the most-inventoried regions of southeastern Brazil, only 24 occurrence records were found, demonstrating the rarity of the species. It is highly recommended that genetic analyses would be performed to test genetic diversity and its effective population size.
In view of the conservation risk aspects, protection actions are necessary to reduction of the probability of species extinction. It is recommended genetic rescue to increase genetic diversity and maintain genetic connectivity among its populations, as well as reintroduction, and ex situ conservation.
The occurrence of this threatened species in protected areas and its propagation in a botanical garden, in the its original area, and available for recovery and restoration programs of degraded areas are essential for developing plans of conservation.
We are grateful to Dr. Marcos Bastos (Faculdade de Oceanografia, UERJ), for marine support; to Centro de Estudos Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEADS, UERJ), for field support; and to Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, INEA-RJ, for research authorization (INEA-RJ 006/2015). This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES - Finance Code 001), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico -Brazil (CNPq/PQ 309080/2019-3), and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil (FAPERJ E-26/ 010.002588/2014).
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Edited by
Area Editor: Dra. Cassia Sakuragui
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
11 June 2021 -
Date of issue
05 Nov 2019 -
15 May 2020