In this article we deal with questions of convergence, existence and uniqueness of the numerical solutions for a discretized elliptic problem by using finite difference method. In order to show existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions we will use a suitable variational setup (at discrete level) to guarantee the existence of a numerical solution by means of a finite difference method.
Keywords: elliptic equation; finite difference; solvability of numerical solutions
Neste artigo tratamos as questões de convergência, existência e unicidade da solução numérica de um problema elíptico discretizado pelo método de diferenças finitas. A fim de provarmos a existência e unicidade da solução numérica, usaremos uma configuração variacional adequada (em nível discreto) para garantirmos a existência de uma solução numérica pelo método de diferenças finitas.
Palavras-chave: equações elípticas; diferenças finitas; solvabilidade de soluções numéricas
It is well known that the general model
where q,f∊C(Ω) has been vastly studied in the last years. See, for example,1), (2), (3), (4 and the references therein.
Here, Ω ⊂ ℝN,N ≥1 is a bounded smooth domain and f: Ω→ ℝ is a given function has relevant physical motivation as, for instance, stationary solutions of heat and wave equations, population models and geometric models and so on. Besides of this we have several nonlocal models like
where M is a given function and B is an integral operator, is also of paramount importance in the modeling of several phenomena. In a forthcoming paper we will attack this last problem.
Let us recall some known results on existence and uniqueness of solutions to the problem (1.1). This is important for aims that we have in mind.
The problem (1.1) is so-called the homogeneous Dirichlet problem. Generally speaking, the Dirichlet problem consists in coupling a differential equation with a boundary condition that specifies the values of the unknown function on the boundary of Ω; one says that the Dirichlet condition is homogeneous if the unknown is required to be zero on ∂Ω.
Let us take q ∈ L∞ (Ω) and f ∈ L2(Ω). It is well know that a weak solution of problem (1.1) is a function u∈H 1 0 (Ω) such that
As consequence of this variational formulation, we define the functional J:H 1 0 (Ω) →ℝ given by
This functional is often called the energy functional associated to problem (1.1) in its importance relies from applications, where J is likely to represent an energy of some sort. Moreover, it is well known that the functional J is differentiable on H 1 0(Ω) and its derivative is given by
Therefore, comparing (1.3) and (1.5), one sees that the functions u is a weak solution of problem (1.1) if and only if u is a critical point of the functional J. Furthermore it is shown that J is continuous, coercive and strictly convex which ensures the existence of global minimum point and consequently existence and uniqueness of solution to the problem (1.1).
1.1 Numerical setting and statement of the results
In this work, we are concerned with a discrete version of the problem (1.1) at numerical setting of the finite differences. Here, we take Ω ⊂ ℝ2.
More precisely, we consider the following numerical scheme:
where we are assuming that
The numerical operator (1.8) is the finite difference operator centered for the 2nd order derivative, known as five points formula. Here, the discrete solutions ui,j and vi,j are approximations to u(xi, yj ) and v(xi, yj ) at the mesh points (xi, yj ), respectively.
Moreover, qi, j ∈l ∞(Ωd ) and fi, j ∈l 2 0(Ωd ). The space l 2 0(Ωd ) is defined as
satisfying ui ,0 = u 0,j = 0, for all 0 ≤ I ≤ N + 1 and 0 ≤ j ≤ M + 1. This discrete space is equipped with the inner product and the norm given, respectively, by
Moreover, we defined other inner product as
and norm as
In (1.12), we have used the numerical operators given by
Moreover, the space l ∞ 0(Ωd ) is defined as being the discrete space of the real bounded sequences
obeying ui ,0 = u 0 ,j = 0. for all 0 ≤ i ≤ N + 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ M + 1. This space is equipped with the norm
The discrete domain Ωd is given by a discretization of the rectangle [0, L 1] × [0, L 2]. We consider a discretization of the intervals [0, L 1] and [0, L 2] given by
0 = x0 < x1 < . . . < xi = i∆x < . . . < xN < xN+1 = L1,
0 = y 0 < y 1 < . . . < yj = j∆y < . . . < yM < yM +1 = L 2 ,
where ∆x = L 1/(N + 1), ∆y = L 2/(M + 1) and N, M ∈ ℕ. Hence,
The main results of this paper are as follows:
Theorem 1.1 Let Ω = (0, L 1) × (0, L 1) and u ∈ C 4() be a classical solution of the Dirichlet problem
where Ωd ⊂ is a discrete domain and ui, j a corresponding solution of the discretized problem
Then, there exists a positive constant C independent of u satisfying the following estimate:
Theorem 1.2 Let Ωd ⊂ [0, L1] × [0, L2] be a discrete domain. Assuming qi, j ∈ l∞ (Ωd) and fi, j ∈ l20(Ωd), then there exists only one solution of the discrete problem (1.17) .
We highlight some observations on numerical convergence. When we deal with parabolic problems like
the convergence analysis is performed through the condition CFL (Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy), where the numerical stability is verified accordingly a Von Neumann condition (see 5). It is clear that, in the elliptic case, we are not able to use the same arguments. Because of this, we use certain tools typical of elliptic equations, like Discrete Maximum Principle (see Section 10.3 of Thomas6) in order to guarantee the a priori estimate and, consequently, to reach in the numerical convergence of the Poisson problem
Still concerning with the Poisson problem, the proof of the existence and uniqueness of the discrete solution, given in7), (6), (8, consists in showing that the matrix
associated to the numerical problem, where I is the (N-1) × (N-1) identity matrix and B uma matriz tridiagonal (N-1) × (N-1), is a positive definite symmetric matrix and in order to obtain invertibility we should have.
Here we use a technique which is not usual in this kind of problem. Indeed, following ideas similar to those used in continuous case, we consider a variational approach at discrete setting. In this way we consider an discrete functional in such a way their critical points are weak solutions of our problem.
Our approach is this work is twofold. Firstly, we focus on the existence of an priori estimate in order to guarantee the convergence of the numerical solution. Secondly, we build a discrete functional in order to prove the existence and uniqueness of solution for the discrete problem (1.6).
1.2 Outline of the paper
The plan of this paper is as follows: in Section 2 we establish the convergence of numerical solutions. In particular, we proved a discrete version to the Maximum Principle. In Section 3 we treated a variational formulation in numerical setting and in Section 4 we prove our main results. Finally, in Section 5, we proved with numerical experiments some of these results.
In this section, we prove a Discrete Maximum Principle playing an important role in the proof of the a priori estimate for solutions of the problem (1.6). Moreover, we prove a result on estimative a priori of the discrete solution of our problem.
Theorem 2.1 (Discrete Maximum Principle) Let
Then the maximum (minimum) value ui,j is reached in ∂ Ωd ⊂ .
Proof. To proof our assertive, we consider that the maximum of ui,j is not attained in ∂Ωd. First we note that ℒd ui, j ≤ 0 is equivalent with
for all 0 ≤ i ≤ N, 0 ≤ j ≤ M.
Suppose that ui, j is the local maximum. Then, for all indices i ≠ 0, N + 1, j ≠ 0, M + 1 we have
ui, j ≥ ui +1, j , ui, j ≥ ui −1, j , ui, j ≥ ui, j +1 and ui, j ≥ ui, j −1 .
Taking into account these inequalities, we can rewritten (2.2) as
from where we have, since qi, j ≥ 0 for all 0 ≤ I ≤ N, 0 ≤ j ≤ M,
and then
and, consequently,
ui+ 1, j = ui, j , ∀i ≠ 0, N + 1, j ≠ 0, M + 1.
Reasoning in the same way, we get
This shows that ui, j is a constant function which obviously is a contradiction and therefore the maximum is attained on the boundary. The proof of the minimum principle is performed in the same way. Now, without loss of generality, we consider L 1 = L 2 = 1 and we will work in the unit square Ω=(0,1)?(0,1). We will use the discrete sup norm for functions defined in the discretized domain , that is,
At first we obtain a priori estimate, which may be seen as a discrete regularity result, for solutions of a homogeneous discrete Dirichlet problem.
Theorem 2.2 (A Priori Estimate) Let ui, j be a solution of discrete system (1.6). Then, we have
Proof. Let us consider the discrete function wi, j defined as
with ||qi, j ||∞ < ||wi, j ||−1∞ For this function we statement that
Indeed, we have
Consequently, we obtain
Now, let us assume that ||qi, j ||∞ = 7 < ||wi, j ||−1∞ , from where we obtain
and then we can define
ℒdwi, j = −ξi, j ∈ ℐ, ξi, j ≥ 0,
for 0 ≤ I ≤ N + 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ M+1 and ℐ =[-1,-1/8]. Moreover, we define the discrete functional
to obtain
form where by using the Maximum Principle that the function g-i,j attains its minimum value at the boundary. In view of this we get
and from definition of wi, j em (2.6) we obtain wi, j =1/8 and then
In the same way, it follows that the function g + i,j attains its maximum at the boundary, that is,
Combining the inequalities (2.8) and (2.9) it follows that
and we conclude the proof.
In this section, we are concerned with discrete solutions of the discrete problem (1.6) satisfying a summable identity. In this way we have the following result:
Theorem 3.1Let us consider qi, j ∈ l ∞ (Ωd ) and fi, j ∈ l 2(Ωd ). The discrete solution of the problem (1.6) obeys the following identity:
Proof. Firstly, multiplying both sides of the equation (1.6) by vi, j ∈ l 2 0(Ωd ) and summing up for 1 ≤ i ≤ N and 1 ≤ j ≤ M we obtain
For appropriate algebraic manipulations on boundary terms, we get
and then
Therefore, we obtain a a discrete formulation in finite differences consisting in the following:to find ui, j ∈ l 2 0(Ωd ) such
and then we conclude the proof.
Invoking what was done above we define in a natural way an inner product given by
with associated norm
We are now able to introduce the discrete functional
given explicitly by
and it obeys the following estimate:
Moreover, by using the inequality (see (3.7)), we obtain
The first result of this article shows the existence of a unique discrete solution as a critical point of the functional (3.2), that is, if ui, j ∈l 2 0(Ωd ) is a critical point of this functional, then
where δ(Jd ) denotes the derivative of Jd .
The next result allow us established a relationships between the norms |ui,j |2 l 2 and ||ui,j ||2 h
Theorem 3.2 (Variational Characterization of the First Eigenvalue)Let Ωd be a discrete set of [0, L 1] × [0, L 2] and qi, j ∈ l ∞ 0. Define the functional Qd (ui, j ): l ∞ 0 (Ωd )\{0} → Ωd as
Then, this functional (Rayleigh Quotient) obeys the following properties:
1. minu∈l∞ 0 (Ω d ) \ {0} Qd (ui, j ) = λ 1 ;
2. Qd (ui, j ) = λ 1 if, and only if, ui, j is a weak solution of
3. Every nontrivial solution ofhas defined sign in Ωd. In particular, this solution isdifferent of zero a.e. in ∂ Ωd;
4. The set of solutions of is unidimensional. In this case we say that λ 1 is simple.
Proof. The proof may be adapted on the approach from Evan’s book (see page 366, Theorem 2).
Theorem 3.3 Let ui, j solution of discrete system (1.6) , then there exists a positive constant C such that
Proof. Follows from variational characterization of the first eigenvalue that
Consequently, we arrive at
In this section, we prove the Theorems 1.1 and 1.2.
4.1 Proof of the do Theorem 1.1
First of all we note that h ∈ C 2 ,α (u ∈ C 4() guarantees that ) and then we have that
On the other hand, by using the Taylor’s expansion we obtain
from where we have
and then
Now, taking into account that
ℒu(xi , yj ) = f (xi , yj ) = fi, j,
we have
and then we obtain
Subtracting side by side this equation from the discretized problem (1.6) we obtain
which implies
Therefore, by using the priori estimate given in the Theorem 2.2 we conclude our proof.
4.2 Proof of the Theorem 1.2
We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.2. To prove our assertive we show that there exists a discrete rate of change of Jd (ui,j ). Moreover, we show that Jd (ui,j ) is strictly convex and coercive at discrete setting of the finite difference method used here.
Discrete rate: Let us consider the discrete functional to the discrete problem (1.6):
Using the inner product (1.10) and the norm (3.1) it follows that
We claim that Jd (ui, j ) is defined from a bilinear and limited form in discrete setting. Indeed, considering that
it is immediate that ad (・, ・) is bilinear and then we take Jd (ui, j ) = ad (ui, j , ui, j ).. From this, we obtain an estimative for Jd (ui, j ), i.e.,
Now, we show the following:
and then
Now, taking r(wi, j ) = ||wi, j ||2 h we have Jd (ui, j ) obeys →0 and then
showing that the discrete rate of Jd is finite. This corresponds to the discrete version of the differentiability of J in Fréchet sense (cf.9).
Strictly convex: We note that
(δ(Jd (ui, j )) − δ(Jd (wi, j )))(ui, j − wi, j ) > 0.
(δ(Jd (ui, j )) − δ(Jd (wi, j )))(ui, j − wi, j ) ≥ ||ui, j − wi, j ||2 h 0, if ui, j ≠ wi, j
Coercivity: Taking into account that
and by using inequality (3.7), we get
Jd (ui, j ) ≥ 1/2||ui, j ||2 h− C||ui, j ||h,
and thus Jd (ui, j ) is coercive and we conclude the proof of the Theorem 1.2.
In this section, we present some numerical results using the finite difference (1.6). Our goal is to show, by means of numerical experiments the results set out in the previous sections. This scheme results in a system of coupled algebraic equations that must be solved simultaneously. In matrix notation, the system can be written as
where U represents the vector of unknowns, F the vector of independent terms and A the matrix of the system. It is important to say that the boundary conditions are to be applied before solving the system (5.1).
Our computational experiments were performed using MatLab considering L 1 = L 2 = 1, ∆x = ∆y, where we have adopted two partitions with 50 divisions in each of the directions x and y, the one that gave us a mesh with 2500 points. Below we present numerical simulations.
5.1 Discrete maximum principle simulations
The experiment shown here were obtained considering two separate cases. In the first case(Figures 1 and 2), the simulations were made using qi, j = fi, j = −1. For the second case (Figures 3 and 4), the simulations were made using qi, j = 7 sin(xi + 3yi ) and fi, j = 1. and
Comments: They show us that the explicit finite difference numerical scheme (1.6) is robust enough to reproduce the results of our analysis, as in Figures 1 and 3 we observe that the maximum (minimum) value is reached at the border, such as the Discrete Maximum Principle. On the other hand, Figures 2 and 4 show us that functional energy is coercive and, therefore, inferiorly limited.
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- 8 W. Hackbusch. Elliptic Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical Treatment, Series in Computational Mathematics. Springer, 18 (1992), 311 pp.
- 9 D. Behmardi & E.D. Nayeri. Introduction of Frechet and Gateaux Derivative, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2 (2008), 975-980.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
Jan-Apr 2017
01 Sept 2016 -
09 Dec 2016