Open-access A Construction of Rotated Lattices via Totally Real Subfields of the Cyclotomic Field (ζp)


The theory of lattices have shown to be useful in information theory and rotated lattices with high modulation diversity have been extensively studied as an alternative approach for transmission over a Rayleigh-fading channel, where the performance of this modulation schemes essentially depends on the modulation diversity and on the minimum product distance to achieve substantial coding gains. The maximum diversity of a rotated lattice is guaranteed when we use totally real number fields and the minimum product distance is optimized by considering fields with minimum discriminant. In this paper, we present construction of a full diversity rotated lattice for the Rayleigh fading channel in Euclidean space with full diversity, where this construction is through a totally real subfield 𝕂 of the cyclotomic field Q(ζ p), where p is an odd prime, obtained by endowing their ring of integers.

Key words lattices; cyclotomic fields; algebraic number field; rotated lattice


A teoria de reticulados têm mostrado útil na teoria da informação e reticulados ideais com alta diversidade de modulação têm sido extensamente estudados como uma alternativa de transmissão via o canal de Rayleigh, onde o desempenho destes esquemas de modulação depende essencialmente da diversidade de modulação e da distância produto mínima para obter ganhos substanciais de codificação. A diversidade máxima de um reticulado rotacionado é garantida quando usamos corpos de números totalmente reais e a distância produto mínima é otimizada considerando os corpos com discriminante mínimo. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma construção de reticulado rotacionado, onde esta construção é através de um subcorpo totalmente real 𝕂 do p-ésimo corpo ciclotômico, onde p é um número primo ímpar, obtido via o seu anel de inteiros.

Palavras-chave reticulados; corpos ciclotômicos; corpos de números algébricos; reticulado rotacionado.


Algebraic number theory has recently raised a great interest for their new role in algebraic lattice theory and for application in coding and modulation. The problem of finding algebraic lattices with maximal minimum product distance has been studied in last years and this has motivated special attention of many researchs in considering ideals of certain rings [5], [2] and [1]. Eva Bayer et al. [8] and Andrade et al. [1] have presented families of rotated n-lattices based on algebraic number theory. We know that totally real algebraic number fields result in the maximum diversity, equal to the dimension of the lattice [3]. This motivates the investigation on lattices over totally real number fields.

A lattice Λ is a discrete additive subgroup of n, equivalently, Λn is a lattice iff there are linearly independent vectors v1,v2,,vmn such that

The set {v1,v2,,vn} is a -basis and a matrix M whose rows are these vectors is said to be a generator matrix for Λ and the associated Gram matrix is given by G=MMt=(<vi,vj>)i,j=1n. Lattices have been considered in different areas, especially in coding theory and more recently in cryptography. In this paper, we attempt to construct lattices with full rank, i.e., m=n, which may be suitable for signal transmission over both Gaussian and Rayleigh fading channels [3]. For this purpose the tattice parameters we consider here are diversity and minimum product distance.

In [1], for any integer r4, rotated n-lattices, n=2r2 and n=2r3, were constructed from (ζ2r+ζ2r1), the maximal real subfield of (ζ2r), and over (ζ2r2+ζ2r2), where ζ2r is a primitive 2r-th root of unity. In this work, having the construction procedure of a rotated lattice over the maximal real subfield of a cyclotomic field as the main motivation, we make use of algebraic number theory for constructing rotated lattices via totally real subfields of the cyclotomic field (ζp), where p is an odd prime number.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, notions and results from algebraic number theory that are used in the work are reviewed. In Section 3, rotated lattices are constructed from totally real subfields of the cyclotomic field (ζp), where p is an odd prime number. In Section 4, an algorithm to the construction of rotated lattices is presented and we present examples in terms of center density and minimum product distance.


A number field is a field 𝕃 that is a finite degree extension n of . An element α𝕃 is called an algebraic integer if there is a monic polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients such that f(α)=0. The set

𝒪𝕃={α𝕃:αis an algebraic integer}
is a ring called ring of algebraic integers of 𝕃. The ring 𝒪𝕃 is a -module of rank n and a -basis {α1,,αn} of 𝒪𝕃 is called an integral basis of 𝕃 (or of 𝒪𝕃). Furthermore, 𝕃=(α), where α is a root of a monic irreducible polynomial p(x)[x]. The n distinct roots α1,α2,,αn of p(x) are the conjugates of α. If σi:𝕃 is a -homomorphism, then σi(α)=αi for some i=1,2,,n, and there are exactly n -homomorphism σi:𝕃, for i=1,2,,n. A homomorphism σi is said to be real if σi(𝕃) and imaginary otherwise. A number field 𝕃 is said to be totally real if σi is real for all i=1,2,,n and totally imaginary if σi is imaginary for all i=1,2,,n. The trace of any element α𝕃 is defined as the rational number
and if α𝒪𝕃, then T𝕃:(α). The discriminant of L, denoted by Δ𝕃, is the rational integer given by det(Tr𝕃:(αiαj)).

A cyclotomic field is a number field 𝕃 such that 𝕃=(ζn), where ζn is a primitive n-th root of unity. Also, [𝕃:]=φ(n), where φ is the Euler function, 𝒪𝕃=[ζn] is the ring of algebraic integers of [ζn], and the field 𝕂=(ζn+ζn1) is the maximal real subfield of 𝕃, where [𝕃:𝕂]=2 and 𝒪𝕂=[ζn+ζn1] [6], [9].


If ζp is a primitive p-th root of unity, where p is an odd prime number, then is a cyclic extension of degree p1 over that contains the real subfield (ζp+ζp1), which is cyclic of degree l=(p1)/2 over . If G=Gal(𝕃:) is the Galois group (cyclic) of 𝕃 over with generator σr (or σ), then σr(ζp)=ζpr, where r is a generator of p*, and rl1(modp), that is, r is a primitive element modulo p.

Theorem 1. [11] (Dirichlet’s theorem) If a,n are integers such that 1an and gcd(a,n)=1, then the arithmetic progression {a,a+n,a+2n,,a+kn,} contains infinitely many primes.

If n is a positive integer, from Theorem 1, it follows that there exists a prime p such that p1(modn). Since n divides p1, from Galois Correspondence Theorem, it follows that there exists a unique field 𝕂 contained in (ζp) which is cyclic of degree n over . If n is an even number that divides (p1)/2 or if n is an odd number, then 𝕂 is contained in the real subfield (ζp+ζp1). In this case, 𝕂=(θ), where θ=Tr𝕃:𝕂(ζp),

where m=(p1)/n, Gal(𝕂:)={σ0,σ,,σn1} and
is an integral basis of 𝕂, where σs=σrs, for all s+ [6].

If σ𝕂 is the canonical embedding given by

then σ𝕂(𝒪𝕂) is an algebraic lattice in n with maximum diversity. Since the set {θ,σ(θ),,σn1(θ)} is a -basis of 𝒪𝕂, it follows that
is a basis of the lattice σ𝕂(𝒪𝕂), whose generator matrix is given by

Since M=Mt, it follows that the i-th row is given by
for i=0,1,,n1. The Gram matrix G=(gij)i,j=0n1 of σ𝕂(𝒪𝕂) is given by G=MMt, where
Since σn|𝕂=σ𝕂0 and σns|𝕂=σs|𝕂, for all s+, it follows that
for i,j=0,1,,n1. Thus,
Since Tr𝕂:(σi(θ)σj(θ))=Tr𝕂:(θσji(θ)), for i,j=0,1,,n1, it is sufficient to calculate Tr𝕂:(θσt(θ)), for t=0,1,,n1. Finally,
for t=0,1,,n1.

The following theorem, which is the main result of this work, gives us the key to constructing full diversity rotated lattice bssed on real subfields of the cyclotomic field (ζp).

Theorem 2. If θ=Tr(ζp):𝕂(ζp), then

T r 𝕂 : ( θ σ t ( θ ) ) = { p ( p 1 n ) if t = 0 ; ( p 1 n ) if t = 1 , 2 , , n 1 .

Proof. Since θ𝕂, it follows that

for all t=0,1,,n1., and
because Gal((ζp):𝕂)=σn, whose order is m=(p1)/n. Thus,
Since r is a generator of p*, it follows that rp11(modp), and thus, r(p1)q=(rp1)q1q=1(modp), for all q. So,
Therefore, ζpra+cn=ζpra+(mq+c)n, for all q+. Now, if sc(modm), then s=mq+c, for some q. Thus, ζpra+sn=ζpra+cn. So,
Furthermore, if dcj(modm), i.e., cd+j(modm), then ζpra+cn=ζpra+(d+j)n, and since c ranges in m, it follows that d also ranges in m. Thus,
Since a{0,1,,n1} and j{1,,p1n}, it follows that ra+jns(modp), where s=1,,p1, because r=p*={1,,p1}, and thus ra+jn=s for some s=1,,p1. So, ζpra+jn=ζps, for some s=1,,p1. Now, since n(p1n)=p1, it follows that
Thus, if ωd,t=ζprdn+rt, then
for t=0,1,,n1. The first case is trivial. Now, for ωd,t1, is sufficient observe that ωd,t=ζprdn+rt is a root of the polynomial
and therefore,
Now, to calcule Tr𝕂:(θσt(θ)), we consider the cases t=0 and t0. But,
In fact, if t=0 and d=(p1)/2n, then rp11(modp). Since p1 is even, it follows that there exists l such that p1=2l. So, (rl)2=r2l1(modp), i.e., p(rl)21=(rl+1)(rl1). Thus, rl1(modp) or rl1(modp). But, since the first case is not possible because p1 is the smallet positive integer with this property, it follows that rl1(modp). Thus, rp12+10(modp), and therefore,
Reciprocally, if ωd,t=1, i.e., ζprdn+rt=1, then
Since rl+trt(modp), it follows that
From [10], it follows that
Thus p1 divides l+tdn, i.e., there exists k1 such that t=dnl+k1(p1). Now, n|dn, n|k1(p1) (because n|p1) and n|l (because n(p12n)=l), and thus, n|t. Since t=0,1,,n1, it follows that t=0. Thus, dn=lk1(p1), and therefore,
Since k2 is positive, because if k2<0, then d0. Thus, k2=1 or 2, because if k23, then d>(p1)/n. But, since k2 is odd, it follows that k2=1. Therefore, d=(p1)/2n, which concludes the proof of the equivalency of the Equation (3.1). Observe that the number p12n is integer because n(p1)/2. Now, for t0, from equivalency of the Equation (3.1), it follows that ωd,t1, and therefore, s=1p1(ωd,t)s=1. Thus,
Now, suppose t=0. From equivalency of the Equation (3.1), if d=(p1)/2n, then ωd,t=1, and if d(p1)/2n, then ωd,t1. Therefore,
Since σji ranges in σt, with t=0,1,,n1, it follows that
which concludes the proof. ""²


In this section, we present an algorithm to construct of a rotated lattice and we analyze if these lattices have good performance in terms of center density and minimum product distance. For this, we consider 𝕂 a field such that 𝕂(ζp+ζp1), where p is a prime, [(ζp):𝕂]=m and [𝕂:]=n.

4.1 Algorithm

An algorithm to construct of a rotated lattice is given by:

  1. Choose a dimension n.

  2. Compute a prime p such that p1(modn), where n is an even number that divides (p1)/2 or if n is an odd number.

  3. Compute r such that r is a primitive element modulo p, i.e., r is a generator of p*.

  4. Compute θ=Tr(ζp):𝕂(ζp) and σi(θ), for i=1,,n1, with σ=Gal((ζp):).

  5. Compute the Gram matrix G=(gij)i,j=1n, where

    for i,j=1,,n.

4.2 Center density and minimim distance product

If α𝒪𝕂, where α=a0σ0(θ)+a1σ(θ)++an1σn1(θ), then

If is a -submodule in 𝕂 of rank n, then the set Λ=σ𝕂() is a lattice in n called an algebraic lattice. The center density of Λ is given by
where t=min{Tr𝕂:(α2):α,α0}, [𝒪𝕂:] denotes the index of the submodule and Δ𝕂=pn1 [7]. If x=(x1,,xn)n is an element of Λ, the product distance of x from the origin is defined as
and the minimum product distance of Λ is defined as
If is a principal ideal of 𝒪𝕂, then the minimum product distance of Λ is given by
where det(Λ)=detG [8]. The normalized minimum product distance of Λ, dp,norm(Λ), is the minimum product distance of the rotated lattice 1det(G)2nΛ. Thus, the normalized minimum product distance of Λ is given by
where k=min{x2:0xΛ}. Thus,

4.3 Example

If 𝕃=(ζ5) and 𝕂=(θ), where θ=ζ5+ζ51, then n=2, t=2, Δ𝕂=5,

is the Gram matrix of the algebraic lattice σ(𝒪𝕂), k=2 and det(G)=5. In this case, the center density is given by δ(Λ)=1/(25) and the normalized minimum product distance. Since k=2, it follows that dp,norm(Λ)=121540.47287. In the Table 1, we summarized a comparision of the values of δ(), where =𝒪𝕂, and dp,norm(Λ)n for some known constructions of algebraic lattices in some dimensions.

Table 1
Comparison of the values of δ() [4] and dp,norm(Λ)n [8].


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their intuitive comentary that significantly improved the worth of this work.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Dec 2019


  • Received
    14 Mar 2019
  • Accepted
    6 Aug 2019
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