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Estudo anatômico das madeiras dos gêneros Anisophyllea R. Brow ex. sabine e Polygonanthus Ducke. (Rhizophoraceae)

The genera Arnisophyllea and Polygonanthus have been included in different families (Saxifragaceae, Euphorblaceae, Olacaceae and Rhizophoraceae) by several authors. Further, they formed different families: Anusophillaceae and Polygonathaceae. More recently they are included in the Rhizophoraceae family.

In this paper is made the study oh the anatomical feature oh one species oh the genius Anisophyllea and two species of the genus Polygonanthus, belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae, and for each species are there were presented: general characteristics, macro and microscopic descriptions, macro and micro photographics oh transverse, tangencial and radial sections, histograms of the variation oh frequence of fibres and vascular elements, blometric dates of the anatomic elements, and a demonstrative table with the principal features of each species.

The species studied are: Anisophyllea manausensis Pires & Rodrigues, Polygonanthus amazonicus Ducke and P. punctulatus Kuhlmann.

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Av. André Araujo, 2936 Aleixo, 69060-001 Manaus AM Brasil, Tel.: +55 92 3643-3030, Fax: +55 92 643-3223 - Manaus - AM - Brazil