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Relação solo/plântula de Pithecellobium racemosum Ducke (Angelim rajado) (1 (1) — Este trabalho é parte da dissertação apresentada pela primeira autora ao Curso de Pós-Graduação de Botânica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia e da Fundação Universidade do Amazonas, para obtenção do grau de Magister Scientiae. )


The presence or absence of seedlings of Pithecollobium racemosum with the amaunts of macro andmicro-nutrients of soils collected in areas with varying degrees of perturbation and at vary ing distance from the adults are here correlated. For macronutrients, it was found that PO4, Ca and Mg have lower concentrations in those areas that have seedlings. With respect to micronutrients, Mn was lower in areas with seedlings than in areas without seedlings, while the reverse was true for CI. The concentration of Al was quite high in all of the areas studied, and independent of presence or absence of seedlings. It was high when compared with other tropical soils.

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