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Wood equilibrium moisture content of angelim vermelho (Dinizia excelsa Ducke ), guariúba (Clarisia racemosa Ruiz & Pav.) and tauarí vermelho (Cariniana micrantha Ducke) at different conditions of temperature and relative humidity

The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of wood must be determined according to the place where wood is to be used. Moisture content can be determined from wood samples exposed to environmental conditions of temperature and relative humidity in the field, a laboratory equipped with environmental chambers, or by mathematical model calculations. The EMCs of angelim vermelho (Dinizia excelsa Ducke), guariúba (Clarisia racemosa) and tauarí vermelho (Cariniana micrantha Ducke) were determined in a environmental chamber at two temperatures and three relative humidity conditions. Differences were found between the EMC estimated by the Simpson’s equation (1971) and the real value determined in environmental chamber. Large discrepancies, averaging 26,6%, were found at 25oC and 40% relative humidity. The minimum discrepancies, averaging 2,1%, were determined on angelim vermelho at 35oC and 80% relative humidity. In general, the Simpson’s equation overestimated the EMC values for the three species.

Wood; Equilibrium moisture content; Environmental chamber; Equation of Simpson; Wood drying

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