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Sistemas de polonização de duas espécies simpátricas de Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) no Amazonas, Brasil (*) * — Este estudo foi financiado pela bolsa do NSF DEB 77-24263 (U.S.A.).


During September, 1978 observation were made near Cacau Pirêra, in the vicinity of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, on the pollination systems of two sympatric species of Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae). The flowers of Dalechampia are unisexual; three pistillate and usually 9-10 staminate flowers are aggregated into a functionally bisexual inflorescence which is subtended by two large showy bracts. The two sympatric species which occur near Manaus, D. affinis and D. scandens differ from each other in time of day that the inflorescences are open for pollination, size of bracts, the distances from the flowers to the gland which secretes resin (the pollinator attractant), and the amount of resin secreted. D. affinis secretes a larger amount of resin than D. scandens, attracting Euglossa sp. and Hypanthidium nr. melanopterum. Because the distance between the gland and stigma is relatively great, only the larger bee, Euglossa, pollinates D. affinis. D. scandens secretes a smaller amount of resin and attracts only small bees, Hypanthidium nr. melanopterum, which do pollinate this small-flowered species. The attraction of different bees by such similar plant species is probably the result of the tendency for the larger bees i.e. Euglossa) to forage resin only from sources with large amounts of resin, "ignoring" inflorescences with small amounts of resin. Although both D. affinis and D. scandens are visited by Hypanthidium, the pollen flow between the two species is probably fairly low. Hypanthidium pollinates D. scandens early in the day before the inflorescences of D. affinis are open. It is too small a bee to transfer any pollen to the stigmas of D. affinis when inflorescences of that species are open in the late afternoon.

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Av. André Araujo, 2936 Aleixo, 69060-001 Manaus AM Brasil, Tel.: +55 92 3643-3030, Fax: +55 92 643-3223 - Manaus - AM - Brazil