Open-access Caracterização morfológica de Justicia pectoralis Jacq. e J. gendarussa Burm. F. (Acanthaceae)

Morphological characterization of Justicia pectoralis Jacq. and J. gendarussa Burm. F. (Acanthaceae)

Justicia pectoralis and J.gendarussa are species of medicinal interest employed in several countries of Central and South America as analgesics and antiinflamatories. The leaves of J. pectoralis are also utilized by indigenous of the Brazilian Amazon and Venezuela as hallucinogenic snuffs. J. pectoralis and J. gendarussa were morphologically characterized under standardized experimental cultivation and investigated to any evidence of hallucinogenic principle. Two varieties of J. pectoralis, J. pectoralis var. stenophylla Leonard and J. pectoralis var. A. (undetermined), were differentiated by the habit, form and number of leaves; J. gendarussa differs by the habit, form of the leaves and color of the veins. The use of J. pectoralis as hallucinogenic is also discussed.

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