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Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos em maxixe (Cucumis anguría L.)

In 64 half-sib families of west Indian gerkin (Cucianiò angu&ia L.)the genotypic vaniation wasquite large for number and yield/ plant bat low for fruit weight. The heritability (h2h.s) was estimated as 79.38%, 33.17% and 71.00% for fruit number weight and yield peA plant respectively. Genetic advance expected by selection of the 15% of the best families, in nelation to the evaluated population was higer (4 033%, 5 0661 and 42,263%). Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients indicated higher and positive values for fruit number X yield and fruit weight X yield. For improvment of yield irit suggested that simple methods of selection have been used.

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Av. André Araujo, 2936 Aleixo, 69060-001 Manaus AM Brasil, Tel.: +55 92 3643-3030, Fax: +55 92 643-3223 - Manaus - AM - Brazil