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Anatomia da folha das espécies conhecidas de pau-rosa. X - Citomorfologia das epidermes superior e inferior de Aniba permollis (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae)


The Author continues his study on the leaf anatomy of the Aniba Aubl. species known as rosewood, in order to organize a key for their identification, based upon leaf anatomic characters, in case of sterile herborized specimens. In the present paper upper and lower epidermises of the leaf of A. permollis (Nees) Mez are treated and, in resume, they may be characterized as follows: I — Upper epidermic tissue — consists of two types of heteromorphic and heterometric cells, irregularly disposesd in one layer, without interceular spaces. The main type of cells has a 6-12 faced irregular polyhedrical basic form (being the upper and lower faces an irregular convex or curvilinear polygon) and 4-10 quadrilateral faces. The other type of cells, that lay upon the vascular system, has a basic convex polyhedrical to hexahedrical basic form, that may be parallelepipedal with parallelogramic faces (the more common) or cubic with quadratic faces, with cellulosic recta or sub-recta, thin walls, having in paradermic view plane quadrangular or rectangular forms. II — Lower epidermic tissue — With the same types of cells described for the upper epidermis, but the main cell type has thin recta, sub-recta or sometimes curve or sinuous cellulosic walls, the external faces having papillae. Also occur in the lower epidermis: 1 — Papillary epidermic cells — the papillae present three parts: basal, median and round apex. They are like vesicles, not sclerotic and covered by a cutin layer. The positions and mensurations during their development are treated in this paper. 2 — Stomatic apparatus — appear in the lower epidermis and the types are treated in this paper. 3 — Hairs — unicellular, simple, deriving from transformation of simple epidermic cells. Their cytomorphology reveals three distinct parts: basal, median and sharp or obtuse apex. III — Lysigenous spaces in the upper and lower epidermises — present the same characteristics as described for A. burchellii Kosterm. (see Vattimo, 1970).

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