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Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from amazonian toxic plants: Palicourea longiflora (aubl.) rich and Strychnos cogens bentham

Palicourea longiflora (Rubiaceae), a toxic plant from the Amazon belonging to the genus related to 90% of cattle death in the region, and Strychnos cogens (Loganiaceae)belonging to a genus whose plants are used by Indians for manufacturing "curares", were sources of 571 fungi isolates and 74 bacteria isolates. The fungi Colletotrichum sp., Guignardia sp., Aspergillus niger, Glomerella sp., Phomopsis sp. and Xylaria sp. and the endophytic bacterium Burkholderia gladioli were identified from P. longiflora, while the fungi Colletotrichum sp., Guignardia sp., Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma sp. were identified from S. cogens. Bioassays of fungi metabolites excreted by 79 isolates against pathogenic and phytopathogenic microorganisms showed that 19 products inhibited at least one of the microorganisms tested. Through metabolite dialysis it was possible to check the eight best inhibition results, observing that the bioactive molecules were smaller than 12.000 daltons.

Palicourea longiflora; Strychnos cogens; Endophytic fungi; Endophytic bacterium; bioassay

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Av. André Araujo, 2936 Aleixo, 69060-001 Manaus AM Brasil, Tel.: +55 92 3643-3030, Fax: +55 92 643-3223 - Manaus - AM - Brazil